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4419 No. 4419 ID: f57857 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Does anyone have more information on Nevreans? The Vilous wiki leads me to understand that they're a short, flightless bird race with teeth in their beaks(wat.), but they're also more technologically advanced than their other contemporary races.
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No. 10586 ID: c8aa07
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and Trancy Mick's friend KP-YOHSI says.
"The sexual role of Nevrean is opposite to that of human.
It means that male Nevreans are girly, colorful, short, and not that strong.
In contrast, females are tough, not colorful, tall, and strong.
Also, their ways of thinking are different."

so female Nevrean rape male Nevrean!
No. 10760 ID: ab0ecc

ther unhealthy obsession with sharp objects. Any
No. 10828 ID: bc7b81

or at least not hot enough to make him pause the fukken game.
No. 10939 ID: a09e62
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I think it's what makes the species so cool, with how the females are masculine and how the males are feminine. On first refsheet on this thread it does mention male and female, but it's just not very noticeable. I'm glad they updated it though to make it more noticeable on new arts.
No. 10940 ID: a09e62
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This is latest version ref of it.

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10532 No. 10532 ID: 9866d2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ugh. The year was 2012, This was my fifth run-in with traditional tabletop gaming. One of my friends turned me on to it. This was also my first multiple-person campaign. Anyhow, we all got to the GM's house, and he told us we were playing a Pathfinder campaign.

It was a bit of a shock, seeing as I brought a 3.5 character sheet. But he showed me the SRD online and I was able to figure out how it all worked. Someone else brought Pathfinder character sheets, a godsend, and we all spent two hours making our (level 3) characters. My friend assured me that these guys were pro's and that I should follow their lead or something close to that.

The party consisted of 5 people

A Human Urban Ranger (me) who (stupidly) took two weapon fighting with two bastard swords (My personal favorite weapon) I also ended up rolling three 18's before the DM got me another set of d6's.

An Elf Summoner who put everything into his Eidolon (and let it do the talking while he rode around on it's back. He was the friend that turned me on to tabletop gaming)

A Tiefling witch (who buffed everyone's actions, not much to say)

A Human Antipaladin, he wielded a greatsword and was one of the few people roleplaying. He ended up getting a stat array when he couldn't roll higher than 12 using the d6's.

And finally, The Alchemist (also Human). He was absolutely crazy and awesome. He and I stuck together throughout the entire campaign.
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No. 10561 ID: f0eee9

Thanks for the story!
No. 10767 ID: ab0ecc

No. 10834 ID: bc7b81

No. 10852 ID: 4c2072

No. 10879 ID: 625166


holy space carp, this is a year old?!

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10727 No. 10727 ID: 1b639e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

#ApocalypseNow! @ irc.rizon.net

Less traditional methods of finding players have failed, so let's see if this way still works as well.

Planning on running a semi-homebrew Deathwatch game centered around a small squad of Tozols, etc. If you're interesed, check out the IRC channel above.
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No. 10856 ID: 73e9a1

To whoever "GreyFever" was: We've already started the game but we might be able to find room for you. Come back to the channel when I'm around.
No. 10857 ID: f8b4f5

GreyFever: There's a spot opened up for you. Come on the IRC and I'll brief you.
No. 10872 ID: a19cd5

somejerk where did you gooooooo
No. 10876 ID: a19cd5

mman where did everyone go? Get back on IRC you nerds this shit ain't dying yet.
No. 10877 ID: 70d6d5

Yo, Some Jerk here. Looking to see if anyone would be interested in filling in for me if I can't make it to a game. I'll *try* to ensure that you get a week's warning at the absolute minimum, though depending on when I find out if I can make it or not you may have less warning than that.

If you're interested, you can hit me up on the IRC chat at #ApocalypseNow! any day at ~3pm GMT onwards. I'll fill you in there.

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10414 No. 10414 ID: 399fd4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi everyone,

Just posting to make people aware of our minecraft based Dwarf Fortress Roleplay server. Four races, mechanically adjusted with plugins and with a heavy emphasis on true dwarf fortress experience. Come on by and check the server out!
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No. 10764 ID: ab0ecc

no more
No. 10833 ID: bc7b81

mort is gone
No. 10839 ID: 8c1166

Thanks for that.
Your diligence is commendable.
No. 10843 ID: 4c2072

no really. gone gone.
No. 10875 ID: fddc52


I ain't gone. Server is winding up last story arc. My attention is getting the new server set-up done. Custom maps don't build themselves. You'll probably hear from us once the changeover is done. Taking time however as we're also working on integrating elements of the conversion mod we're doing into the server- namely the dialogue system which allows people to speak in the DF languages, and have race specific chats.

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4138 No. 4138 ID: e31d52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Crosspostan from 4chan :V

I come to you because I am in an interesting situation, with an opportunity. You see, in my 4e game, normally, I play a Seeker. When the player who is often away, is, I play her Archer warlord as well.

Well, the DM finally got tired of her shit, and kicked her from the group. So I thought, rather than continue playing her character, I'd make my own Warlord/other leader, and have some fun of my own!

The group currently is a Centered Breath Monk, a Fighter that generates temporary hit points like crazy, a Seeker, and an archer warlord. My current plan is pic related, especially since we're about to go and fight us some Drow. We're lvl 4.

tl;dr, what leader role character should I make to replace a absentee player?

inb4 4e, etc
No. 4139 ID: 620bfb

Obviously stick with pic related. Bravura Warlord is basically Kamina.
No. 4237 ID: 3f298f

I'm actually playing a Kamina-style inspiring warlord. He may not go full retard in combat as much, but he heals and buffs the fuck out of his friends with manly speeches.

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10737 No. 10737 ID: 75cbb6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because I'm wanting free PDFs of Fantasy Flight Games "The End of The World" series (I'm cheap), but the rules didn't say whether or not it's okay to make those kind of requests.
No. 10740 ID: c9f250

You can request it all you want, I guess. You'd probably find better luck on gofundme.
No. 10759 ID: ab0ecc

No. 10822 ID: bc7b81

request and you shall get
No. 10853 ID: 4c2072

I got bitcoin. want some?

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10392 No. 10392 ID: 5b4b49 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Okay. I want to start a little something on here, where players create classes, character archetypes, or just post builds that aren't necessarily powerful but that they just plain like.

If I may start: I would like to create a psionic-type character class for Pathfinder/D&D 3.5 that would take ability damage to use its powers, and heal such "burn" at an accelerated rate (possibly extending to hp/ability damage at later levels, and/or allowing the swapping out of hp healing for ability damage healing). What I really come here for is the name; from there I can PROBABLY make the class on my own (though I'll want some others to eyeball it and possibly playtest it). I'm going to start working on the class right now, as a matter of fact.

Pic related, it's kind of the inspiration for this idea.
No. 10396 ID: 30df25

I like the original 'patch' for D&D 4E to include Monks (this was before the psionics handbook came out for 4E). It was a dual-strike Ranger that used 'unarmed' as the weapon of choice. Swap out the class feature "Hunter's Quarry" for something that will improve AC a bit and improve movement speed at each tier.

I lost the actual document; it was in my 4E Player's handbook as an errata page I glued in, but I sold that book off at a gamer garage sale.
No. 10450 ID: 5b4b49

Actually if you rewrote the class, I think that flavor-wise a Monk would make a very kickass version of that most elusive of 4e combos: Martial Controller. At least if you go by 3e's ideas and maybe make a lot of "move Speed squares and make this attack" powers.

I dunno, maybe I'm being silly, but I think that'd be neat myself. And yeah, Martial is explicitly "non-magic", so maybe some Monk powers would, as written, be not allowed. But, you can take HOW many hits from a 1[W] attack a day, at level 10? BEFORE even second-winding.

Anyone else interested in making a class, for any game that uses such things?
No. 10775 ID: ab0ecc

DD Forge
No. 10821 ID: bc7b81

classic is better
No. 10851 ID: 4c2072

Martial Controller.

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10602 No. 10602 ID: b2c9e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but...I've always wanted to get into Table tops and such, But I live in the middle of fucking nowhere, and Don't really know anything about them...If anyone if hosting a game or something on Roll20 and doesn't mind helping out someone who has no idea what they are doing, Give me an email or something.

[picture unrelated]
No. 10603 ID: b2c9e1

Fuck, Email deleted itself, Here,
No. 10604 ID: 436cdc

I'd look into something simple to start with. I think it was D&D 3.5 that was the super entry-level one, but I can't be sure. Regardless of what you choose, be prepared for some spreadsheets and math before the fun starts. A lot of charactergen stuff requires it.
No. 10769 ID: ab0ecc

But I live in the middle of fucking nowhere
No. 10835 ID: bc7b81

I live in LA
No. 10848 ID: 4c2072

I live in FL

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10468 No. 10468 ID: 5fcba9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's coming. July 15th
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No. 10590 ID: 7c669d

Grids were introduced because all the tapemeasuring was a major timesink and a *pain in the ass*. Letting a neutral referee make spot judgements for speed of play was fine-in the old pvp games when there *were* neutral referees. In D&D letting the DM "eyeball it" never ends well for the players.
No. 10670 ID: 3c3238

There should still be (optional) rules for facing.
No. 10771 ID: ab0ecc

Some buff spells like 'Haste' or 'Protection from Blah' spells are no longer fire-and-forget
No. 10837 ID: bc7b81

it came.
No. 10845 ID: 4c2072

I came again.

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837 No. 837 ID: 1104cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Stone Soup time.. with a difference.

Rather that discuss how we all horribly died for the millionth time, I figured we could make use of the arena function.

There won't be tiles, but we can see who can kick who's ass. I can to multiple opponents on each side, including multiples of different monsters(some run in bands so I can specify ___ band), and I can battle uniques as well. I can also specify a spawn from a certain part of the dungeon like vault 7. That will spawn monsters appropriate for that area. I can't chose the specific monster that will spawn from that area.. but I can say how many. I also have to name for each side. This also means I can specify a unique to fight on one side.. then say do vault 7 for the opposing team.

Go wild.

When giving monster names, please give the full name. Especially on uniques. I can't just put Blork. I have to put Blork the Orc. The full name of what they are called in game.

I'll be doing an example run first. Three gnolls versus Sigmund. Make your bets now before scrolling down.
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No. 10686 ID: 4a20fa
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>First encounter with hydras
>Two at once
>Skill is with blades
Ded. So ded. Many times over ded.
No. 10700 ID: 4a20fa
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...just when I thought I might actually survive this encounter. It is so, so horribly possible to get overwhelmed in this open terrain.
No. 10701 ID: 4a20fa
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Pro skills
No. 10772 ID: ab0ecc

a spawn from a certain part of the dungeon like vault 7
No. 10829 ID: bc7b81

It's not really so hard I suppose, though my method is fairly clunky. (ie. Copying the folder entire to back up the last save made)

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10458 No. 10458 ID: 605937 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This seemed relevant to /tg/, and this site's interests.
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No. 10534 ID: 2fd516
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No. 10535 ID: 30df25
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No. 10563 ID: 52bacf
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Can't believe no one's done this yet.
No. 10768 ID: ab0ecc
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No. 10826 ID: bc7b81

sakura chan!

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10343 No. 10343 ID: 2bafff hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Let's do this
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No. 10348 ID: e0c719

Yeah, guys, you're crowding out all the legitimate conversation in here. I can barely keep up with my threads.
No. 10351 ID: 2bafff

will do, didn't know it was annoying people
No. 10484 ID: e607cd

sarcasm detected. beep boop.
No. 10761 ID: ab0ecc

No. 10825 ID: bc7b81


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10538 No. 10538 ID: 9dd1ee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Going to run a fun little game, I'll need 3-6 players

I will choose the most applicable characters, bonus points for character sketches!

to create your Astranian determine your 4 stats

Action: for fighting and body things
Guts: for how much bad stuff you can take,
Smarts: for smart guys stuff like computers and fixing things
Looks: for talking and being pretty

each stat starts at 1, and you've got 8 points to spread around

Also you'll need to pick 3 things your Astranian is really good at
And 3 things they are really bad at.

Each Astranian starts with a set of clothes(gravboots not included), 10 vapins(money) 2 tech items, and 2 extra batteries to fuel them

and finally you gotta write a short Bio about your Astrannian.
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No. 10685 ID: 01745f

Lnik: "Alright, if you are really sure it will help I can administer some stimulants to help you run longer for a time. How long will you need?"
[Medical check on recieving response about how much damage that amount of stimulants would do.]
No. 10691 ID: db2d60

"Mask, give me your position, I em heading your vay." Zolf speaks into his comm as he begins heading out of the ship.
No. 10728 ID: a19cd5

Mast pants a bit, eyeing the doc nervously.
"That's a very big needle."
No. 10774 ID: ab0ecc

His cookbook is a device that contains thousands upon thousands of recipes.
No. 10824 ID: bc7b81

akk grew up in a family of politicians in the Kumatan (Jackal) capitol with a pampered, high-class life that she never much cared for, loathing the gridlock of politics and bureaucracy and having to play nicely with everyone she met. She is inherently a good person

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1097 No. 1097 ID: 48f652 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Nobilis appreciation thread.
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No. 4207 ID: 2ecb93
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Every time I see the OP I think of this.
No. 10273 ID: a01b62

No. 10274 ID: a01b62

Motherfucker I forgot to sage. Oh well, nobody looks at this board anyway.
No. 10776 ID: ab0ecc

No. 10819 ID: bc7b81

It's a fucking monster to GM! But such a sophisticated game. Hail to Nobilis!

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3511 No. 3511 ID: cf68aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

rolled 87 = 87

Rolling for stuff here.
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No. 10110 ID: a68e3e

rolled 53 = 53

No. 10117 ID: 933f92

rolled 22, 3, 24 = 49

No. 10132 ID: a68e3e

rolled 1 = 1

No. 10410 ID: 8f7720

rolled 18 = 18

No. 10449 ID: 9ddf68

rolled 20 = 20

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8412 No. 8412 ID: 067a04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Let's do this.
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No. 10425 ID: a90328
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Evidence is good for proving contradictions, Phoenix!
No. 10428 ID: a90328
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What a lazy bum, no grid OR scale key!
No. 10434 ID: 116d88
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No. 10444 ID: 116d88
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High road vs. low road.
No. 10447 ID: 116d88
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You got a library card!

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10153 No. 10153 ID: 26ec54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I posted about this on other /tg/, but some folks here might be interested, plus this board moves nowhere as fast, always a bonus.
Anyways, I'm making a Redwall RPG using a customized d20 system (classess, economyless, almost no magic).
I'm finished with the PC races and am almost done with the "class" system.
I'm tweaking skills, specifically reworking Craft and Perform, and introducing Alchemy, Brewing, Cooking, Mining, and Sailing.
I'm rounding off the feat selection, trying to simplify it somewhat.
I've yet to start NPC rules, such as stats for vermin and other beasts. I've reworked distance and time, added additional rules for healing, and I'm almost done with weapons, armor and equipment.
I'm also making a random vermin name generator.

I've been rereading the entire series and taking extensive notes about the setting, the capabilities of the races, scale, distance and time, mannerisms, spiritual beliefs, and pretty much anything else that catches my eye.

Here's most of the first 2 chapters:

If anyone has questions or suggestions I'd love to hear them.
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No. 10404 ID: ad215a
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I am working on a world map. Wildly conjectural of course; but fun fact, if you map out most of what has been depicted in maps and such, it turns out sort of looking like the middle of England. If you squint.
No. 10405 ID: ad215a
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And I'm trying to be as comprehensive as possible.
Hell, I determined the lunar cycle is about the same length as ours. This setting will be internally consistent whether it wants to or not.

Is there anything in particular you'd want to see?
No. 10420 ID: d298a1

Some someone on /tg/ is making a Redwall game using the REIGN system.

What the fuck is Reign?
No. 10421 ID: e6c99d

REIGN is a spin-off of the One Roll Engine, by Greg Stolze


It does low-powered fantasy well, and it is extremely mutable (the designer of the game goes into detail in the companion book, The REIGN Enchiridion, about why he made the design choices he did and how to modify it without breaking the game).

I'll admit I'm a fanboy for REIGN, and felt it might be cool to adapt Redwall to it, but as one of the guys trying to develop the Redwall One Roll hack, I really appreciate the scaffolding you all laid out.

No. 10443 ID: 30df25

Have a look at the one-roll chargen. It's pretty good.

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10438 No. 10438 ID: d17222 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Rolling for hidden rolls on Bloodline Protector here.
No. 10439 ID: d17222

rolled 1 = 1

1 - rock
2 - paper
3 - scissors
No. 10442 ID: cb0eaa

dice 3d4-1

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10430 No. 10430 ID: 5b4b49 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Just realized something, reviewing the Hobbit Cartoon.

>Crush, smack! Whip crack!
>Smash, grab! Pinch, nab!
>You go, my lad!
>Ho, ho! my lad!
>Goblins quaff, and Goblins beat
>Goblins laugh, and Goblins bleat
>Batter, jabber, whip, and taver hoooooo!

Versus a certain module series.

>Goblins chew and goblins bite
>Goblins cut and goblins fight
>Stab the dog and cut the horse
>Goblins eat and take by force!

Pic related, it's a picture of me.
No. 10431 ID: e607cd

So what you are saying is, certain intellectual properties intimately linked with (but legally distinct from) dungeons and/or dragons may have borrowed inspiration from the literary work of the man responsible for 90% of the modern fantasy genre's groundwork, especially as it relates to dragons and dungeons? Astounding.

I mean this particular connection never became obvious to me either, but I am not surprised that such things happen.
No. 10432 ID: a87e3a

Personally I don't think the two are related at all.

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1683 No. 1683 ID: d6a592 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Pic unrelated. I'm not sure if anyone is interested, but I gotta post this somewhere and tg/ needs some love so here's something I whipped up for GURPS 3e out of boredom and frustration:



Each defense starts at -5 points, plus the normal attributes and bonuses in conventional GURPS 3E (the defenses are Dodge, Parry, and Block).

For each attack, the ATTACKING player chooses a body part to aim at and the DEFENDING player chooses a defense to use.

The attacker subtracts the defender's defense score from their weapon skill, and then tries to roll at or below it (they roll 3d6).

If successful the attacker chooses one die to represent damage dealt (multiply by the number of damage dice you would normally roll, then add/subtract any other modifiers).

If the attacker chose to aim at ANY body part, he/she chooses another die (aside from the damage die) to represent the body part hit:
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No. 1684 ID: d6a592

I thought this would work better than the standard critical rolls for one-roll attacks,


Critical = rolling triples (all three dice rolled show the same number on their faces)

Critical Failure = Fumble

Critical Success = Triumph/Trump (haven't chosen which sounds better)

If you roll triples AND you roll at or below your skill, it becomes a TRIUMPH/TRUMP, and acts the same as a conventional GURPS 3E critical.

If you roll triples AND you roll above your skill, it becomes a FUMBLE, and acts like a conventional GURPS fumble.

A roll of 3 is always a Triumph/Trump, and a roll of 18 is always a Fumble.

Rolling 4 is not a critical, and rolling 17 is not a fumble.

Pros: players with high skill have more critical successes, works well with the one-roll combat mechanic

Cons: players with low skill have more fumbles, GMs have to deal with slightly more fumbles and criticals

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