Singing Cascade
Not to overstate it, but this episode sucked a dick and anyone who liked it also sucks a dick.
Actually that's overstating it. But it was bland and unconnected to fucking anything, no character development anywhere, Discord isn't a villain anymore he's just a less interesting Gilda, and Pinkie just vapidly follows balloons she sees.
Come on, Ponk, I know your cutie mark is balloons but really.
Song was fun I guess, but discord isn't dangerous anymore and none of the horses even treat him that way. They react like he's just some dude that likes to fart in public places. He's annoying but not really a problem.
All the other episodes with him and they're scared of his potential to ruin Equestria, and here they're all just like "UGH THIS GUY" and it's boring as fuck.
Also Cadance walks funny, stop lifting your feet so high, weirdo.