Iris Belle
>she nod dead fact us both alive tho we did loose one
"She's not dead. Fact is, both (Itcher and Jessica) are alive, though we did lose one (Malsen).
plus I got this ontop tho with pirwate wueen bwho saved us both,
>Plus, I have this on top (of my earlier argument), though: With the pirate woman (Whiskers) who saved us both,
"sheep" sorry,but if it helps "rabbitt"
(You as a)"Sheep" (sorry) (he thinks that calling a belenosian a sheep is equivalent to calling a black human "nigger", even though it would be more alike to calling a human a monkey.), and, if it helps, a "rabbit"
dispie your hunt, you have what I can calla loverer, seems apparent you are together, dispite differemt specoes
Despite your hunt (for Whiskers) you have what I can call a lover (he thinks that sleeping in the same bed is equivalent to sexual activity). It seems apparent that you are together, despite your different species.
In short, he thinks I was talking about Jessica, not red, and says that despite Itcher's hunt for Whiskers, the interspecies thing, and the complete lack of any sexual activity, they are somehow a couple.