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81802 No. 81802 ID: 186341

hey friends check it out talk about enemy quest here
Expand all images
No. 81803 ID: 186341

Do I keep the multiple choice thing going or do I switch it out and make it OPEN-ENDED?
No. 81804 ID: 186341

Not that I hew particularly close to the multiple choice options at present, but people have complained about them on IRC. I welcome ur input on this matter.
No. 81805 ID: 53ba34

the multiple choice thing helps give direction.
No. 81806 ID: 2bfcdf

I like the multiple choice thing.
No. 81807 ID: d6c045

Multiple choice is fine. If we really have a problem with it we'll all just disregard the choices anyway.
No. 81808 ID: 2f4b71

Keep the choices and just stick "Other?" on the end of the list.
No. 81811 ID: 0835d4

PRetty much. The multiple choice gives the quest a sense of narrative progression. It's very accessible as a result. If we ever find the suggestions to be limiting, we can always just make one up instead.

That works.
No. 81812 ID: 57a559

It's doing pretty well, though to be honest it's more of a multiple choice thing that accepts some flavor input.

I did not expect my darwin awards insult to make it through because intervening by becoming the new target wasn't an actual option, but it did and we got to enrage a redneck and that made me happy. I just thought we'd intervene by going, "Oh hey what's going on here stop doing that jerk."
I just wanted the guy to literally go participate in the darwin awards elsewhere, like the arena. And reference the darwin awards because it was very relevant.
No. 81813 ID: 57a559

because, you know, if you're going insult a a species designated as "Warrior" that's built like Goro, you really shouldn't participate in the gene pool.
No. 81853 ID: 68bbc5

This. The current system of multiple choice major options with flexible details seems pretty ideal.
No. 81968 ID: 0ee153

I notive that after GG the Oculot seems to have the largest breasts. Are we inadvertently/purposely doing this in order of breast size or what?
No. 81970 ID: 57a559

I think we're going from most human to least human. The Ocelot even has a beauty mark. Skut will probably be last if the pattern holds up, since she's has a kobold potato head, which might be very attractive for her species but I think most of us are just a little turned off by the fact her head is a potato and the standard measures of finding of an attractive mate are just fucked. No symmetry, nose, hair, nothing human like.

Then again maybe Skut's ARE kobolds and that's just how Brom makes kobolds.

And the Floater is expressionless, very alien, very clinical. Also has no hair or mouth.

So it has most to do with the face I think. We're going most human - least human
No. 81971 ID: 57a559

The skut does have a very cute outfit though. It looks like she's wearing spats.
No. 81984 ID: 186341
File 140123860852.png - (10.26KB , 800x600 , skuts.png )

Yeah skuts aren't the cutest.
She's also very hunched and looking to one side. They don't take pictures well.

attached are some skut heads
No. 82115 ID: 6780f8

Aww. I could see them being cute, at least in some circumstances, or with a little help.

It's funny, though, in this and similar contexts I start to become aware that I still basically paste or read human expressions on their faces and evaluate them accordingly - like, a face is usually cuter smiling than angry, or something, and I start to think, "But wait, aren't I still then just looking through the same kind of human filtered lenses?" until I can't figure out what I should think of anything anymore.

Hmm. I wonder if, given a well-defined set of criteria, you could teach your brain to (for example) evaluate an individual of a species based on THEIR criteria?
No. 82118 ID: 2f4b71

>Hmm. I wonder if, given a well-defined set of criteria, you could teach your brain to (for example) evaluate an individual of a species based on THEIR criteria?

Not in the same way you evaluate human faces, no. Recognition of facial expressions has a good chunk of dedicated low level neural circuitry. It's a evolutionarily selected adaptation to be able to see a highly obscured face (e.g. see scared person face in distance through tall waving grass? Maybe they just saw the leopard next to you. Start pumping out adrenaline!). There's facial recognition circuity dedicated to picking out more generalised faces (eyes & mouth) for spotting camouflaged predators, but there's no selection pressure for being able to identify temperament from this, as cases where ACCOST OR AMBUSCADE are not the optimum solutions are incredibly rare and of little survival benefit (i.e. even a sleeping predator may wake with you in the vicinity, so vamoose).
No. 82134 ID: 57a559

Has anyone noticed this Ocelot has two functional eyebrows?
No. 82143 ID: ca0da5

Well felines are known to have two eyes, so it makes sense. But, yeah, I did notice that the Oculot had two eyebrows early on. >>/quest/576485
It's probably for use in their Sondering. They recognize emotions and fully understand them, it would make sense that they'd also be more capable of showing them off in the way that others would: Warriors, due to having two eyes, even if they lack the brows, Skuts, for the same reason, and Floaters? Well, honestly I don't know how their physiology works, but they're cyborgs, not androids, so I'm sure there's a bit to them there.
No. 82221 ID: f0a5e4

I have always found it fascinating how easy it is for most people to read human emotions and states of mind from obviously inhuman faces and body language. Even though almost all of our fictional nonhuman societies are based on human interaction, humans beings display a remarkable ability to expand their empathy to encompass entirely unfamiliar faces, customs, and mannerisms.
Now some people just can't do that very well, and the extent to which people can is fairly unpredictable, but I know plenty of people who've learned to read the body language of other species, especially wildlife biologists and animal handlers.
On the subject of sexual attraction?
...well, I doubt I could provide a better testament to the diversity of the human capacity to appreciate beauty than the entirety of this site, and a fair share of our brother and sister boards as well.
No. 82289 ID: 0ee153

I wonder if the girls are aware of each other. We were told they agreed to take part in the program with us, so it sounds like they know what's going on. Think it's worth asking one of them if they're dating other guys or should we wait to ask our bosses that?

I mean, it's a bit of a weird question to ask the girls, but they might want to know as well. And asking our bosses would be even weirder.
No. 82296 ID: f0a5e4

Poly is at least aware that we're dating one of each lot, because she said as much when she told us about the Skuts'... interesting table manners. I'd assume the others also know the score. But do they know each other personally? I guess it depends on whether that group photo from the beginning was actually a group photo or just a collage.
Interesting point that they might also be dating multiple men in the program. Don't think we need to worry about dramance, yet. GG and Polyphema both seem like remarkably sane and caring individuals. We can only hope our other two "coworkers" carry the trend.
I wonder if there's a branch of this program where human girls are dating Visitor guys? It'd be interesting to meet up or chat online with some of our fellow Kirks and Janeways.
No. 82331 ID: 0c117d

>I wonder if there's a branch of this program where human girls are dating Visitor guys?

Sounds like it might be an interesting spinoff quest, just to see any differences between how we'd approach dating guys vs. dating girls
No. 82335 ID: 0ee153

From what I remember of Kaktus' quests, it's mostly "jump his bones, suck his dick in public!!!!!!!!!" when the guy in question isn't around. And then when the actual date or whatever happens people get cold feet or whatever, then things go more or less the same as now. The usual relationship stuff when they're not busy dealing with daemons or trying to figure out what their sexuality is.
No. 82490 ID: ca0da5

I don't know if/when Carlson will ask for the documents on this stuff, but I figured I'd write up something for the Warrior date.

More than just in battle, Warriors have a fairly easy to understand outlook on things. Whether it's a date, just hanging out, or a full on brawl, they stick true to their namesake: Agressive and proud. That being said, they are not without their compromises. Do not be surprised to find a Warrior wearing cologne or perfume, especially heavily at that. Warriors are not just some brutish barbarians who can't think to save their lives, they are intelligent and adaptive, and will certainly attempt to fit in with the crowd. Creativity and adaptability, unfortunately, don't fully account for cultural differences, and they'll commonly spray more than necessary to give a sence of dominance, as though it were their musk and carrying the scent everywhere marks that they are the top dog. Show some understanding and with time they'll further comrpromise this action, sticking to other forms of dominance.

Sports and shows that have a more violent or malevolent appearance to them are prime destinations in a date; Warriors demonstrate a like not just for being a part of the combat, but for witnessing it as well. As advice for any interspecies couples, try and support some competitive decision making, even after the major decisions have been made. While Warrior-Warrior couples may be more physical about it, playing a game of psychological combat can be just as stimulating. Small portions of physical competition are certainly welcome, but avoid anything damaging--Human customs have laws against that. Try a limb-lock, such as preventing the partner from moving their leg, and rather than prying limbs loose, aim for some more sneaky like tickling. There are certainly bound to be those who are opposed to this idea, but it is the physical yet light, non-harmful method of conflict, allowing an attempt to see who is worthy of being considered the dominant and who the submissive.

Equality is by far the norm among the Garakton, if not all visitors alike. Don't expect as a guy to pay all the bills, or as a girl to be paid for. Give it some struggle, as their methods are the loser has to pay. That, and the winner gets the say in how and when the date ends; even with compromises, there's plenty of wishful thinking you can make true if you manage to win.

All in all, be a gentleman, but be honest, too. Don't be outright hostile, but show some competitive spirit. This will be a learning experience for both parties, and it's best to keep it all in good fun so as to avoid hurt feelings and burned bridges.

We'll be able to decide on more to put into our statements as we advance through the dates, but I think this is a good "article" to send to Mr. Carlson when it comes to it, or retroactively, if it already has.
No. 82917 ID: d8a627

That implies he enjoys hearing non-subtle jokes, maybe even retelling them, but he's bad at making them. At least, that's what I read from it... Am I the only one? Let's get a vote here.
No. 82919 ID: 0ee153

You probably are. "Okay sense of humor" means "okay sense of humor" in my book. He's average.
No. 83179 ID: 87206f

All right, kids. Sooner or later in this quest about dating aliens things of a sensitive nature are going to happen that happen naturally between dating people. I don't really see this as a sex quest but it's obviously got fanservice running in its blood and zack isn't a nun or anything

My question to u the audience is how do you want the sex scenes handled? I'm good for anything from fade to black to good ol 18+ (tgchan being of course the Internet's premiere den of degenerate furries) but I thought I'd throw the decision out to ye the people and see what you want. This sort of thing can easily be a sticky subject for people (if u know what i mean) and I want to make sure we're all entertained and nobody has any sensibilities I'd offend.

No. 83180 ID: 92fe71

No. 83181 ID: d8a627

Just as long as you put explicit scenes in spoilers, I'm perfectly okay with it. I mean, lighter explicities (what word are you even supposed to use here) can pass without it, but heavy questionable and heavy explicit just... annoys me. I'm not even sure why heavier questionable does when lighter explicit doesn't, but that's just the way it is.
Other than that, I'd probably prefer to see what's going on, yeah.
No. 83184 ID: 483d7f

If the sex is really plot-relevant I suppose we should have a say in it. If it isn't then I'm cool with skipping over the slimy details.
No. 83186 ID: e607cd

Honestly, I just sort of expected the grand tradition of your past quests to continue if that actually came up. The traditions of "...good characterization, close (somewhat idyllic) romances between characters... and curvaceous butterfaces (he clearly has a knack for drawing hips if not faces)" seem to have continued unabated. I am okay with this.
No. 83189 ID: 0ee153

I'm fine with whatever; I'm confident you can avoid making the quest focus too much on sexual stuff. Spoiler 18+ images just in case and all's well as far as I'm concerned.
No. 83198 ID: 2fd516

Keep it tasteful.
No. 83221 ID: 68bbc5

Go full sexy, but spoiler everything for those who aren't interested.
That seems to be the best compromise anyone's figured out so far.
No. 83249 ID: a7868d

Short answer, go for it.

Long answer, sex can really fuck up any quest, and it attracts the wrong kind of attention. That said consider what this quest is about you shouldn't be bashful. You should be as explicit as you can comfortably manage. It's the thematic climax for the chapter, and skipping it would be skipping an important part of the story. That said, please, please don't make it sound or look like a porno.
No. 83250 ID: e1609c

I'm agreein' with this, go as explicit as you want but put it under a spoiler for those who aren't gonna be into that.
That way you get the best of both worlds.
No. 83351 ID: 2fc3e9

I wonder whether this new chapter will feature the theoretical Polyphema killing someone. Who wants to bet it's the sickly emotional attachment we're dragging around?

That sounded somewhat too cynical when I read it. I'm guessing the kid because so far he's the one who you'd probably feel worst about killing and it makes narrative sense to kill an important character if you're killing anyone at all. Could be the narrator, but that's less usual and therefore less likely. I'm jumping to conclusions with this entire premise, admittedly.
No. 83352 ID: d8a627

All I know is that we're in the war time now. The time when the Visitors are still "The Enemy". It's an interesting deviation from dating the "enemy".
No. 83354 ID: 0e5a5e

I somewhat suspect our view is actually one of the 'visitors', and not human. Because probably our breaking into their realm was terrifying from their angle too. But it's speculative.
No. 83355 ID: ef7fd2

nah, not likely. We already got a pretty specific place name, remember? We are definitely on earth.
No. 83367 ID: d8a627

That, and they didn't exactly have a lot of cars.
No. 83428 ID: 186341


Don't worry friend anonymous this is just a brief interlude. Alien dates remain go.
No. 83461 ID: b8ceae

It would make MUCH more sense for the first-person-view here to be the victim, since the framing device could be Poly having a nightmare where she relives the backwash off a kill.
No. 83469 ID: bb78f2

I can't help but feel the character's last name is familiar, but I did a search in the first thread and Nguygen or whatever her name is (I put it in correctly at the time) and it didn't come up. But I swear I know the name's on tgchan somewhere else at least.
No. 83471 ID: 0ee153

Nguyen is the single most common Vietnamese surname, so you probably have seen it around.
No. 89278 ID: 0cc49e

Fuck yes Enemy quest is back!
No. 89383 ID: a19cd5

in this thread: Waifu Wrestling Federation, Arms versus Eyeballs edition
No. 89385 ID: 0ee153

No. 89434 ID: 5db52c

Answering in dis since this ain't close to suggesting.

I'd say that then we've got a problem of definitions. When I think of a hive mind, and what I think >>/quest/627214 meant to bring up, would be closer to:

>Hive minds are group minds with (almost) complete loss (or lack) of individuality, identity, and personhood.

And rather distinct from the collective or emergent intelligence of a societies or groups.

(Doesn't help that these concepts aren't very well named very distinctly. Just checking "hive mind" leads to a disambiguation of several very different concepts).
No. 89435 ID: caac4c

yee exactly
maybe our newest waifu is just traumatized [um, she said cops kicked her] and instinctually doesnt want to bring attention to her in heavily human-populated areas?
No. 89438 ID: 5db52c

They still come to decisions via communication, even if it's a non-verbal channel. That's still fundamentally about individuals interacting and communicating and influencing each other, just more closely and/or differently than we're used to. I'd consider that substantially different from the more top down model of a group or hive intelligence giving orders to its constituent parts.
No. 89439 ID: 7b7ab3

>maybe our newest waifu is just traumatized [um, she said cops kicked her]
>You are now picturing Bika lying on the ground, curled up in a little protective ball, crying her eyes out.

Have fun with that.
No. 89440 ID: 0ee153

If you haven't practiced the ability to shut down your imagination at will, you're not doing it right.
No. 89442 ID: 7b7ab3

Now that I've re-read the quest, I see that the ladies have been: a big, boisterous tomboy, a proper, upper-class lady, and now we have the tiniest moe in two dimensions. I'm betting the floater's the emotionless tsundere type.
No. 89443 ID: 0ee153

No bet. Polyphema already said they're that way. And if we're going to throw anime terminology around, the word you're looking for is kuudere.
No. 89447 ID: bd8b82

so, one mind many bodies waifu, did ANYONE expect this?
No. 89448 ID: 7b7ab3

Not I.
This is gonna be good, I can feel it.
>Poly said skut have orgies.
>Technically true, but only if you're just counting bodies involved as opposed to individuals involved.
No. 89449 ID: 2f4b71

It might be closer the the Tachikomas: not a constant mind-link, but a group of individuals that gradually 're-sync' when in proximity to share the same memories & experiences (and therefore thought processes).
No. 89451 ID: 0ee153

I won't pretend I saw it coming from the moment skuts were introduced, but part of the quest is pretty obviously dealing with alien cultures/ways of thinking. With that, the archetypal bug-hivemind, Bika's behavior changing around more skuts, and the wordless communication thing... it became less of a surprise as time went on.
No. 89453 ID: 321d85

Man, though, Brom must have had this all planned out since the beginning (which...I guess makes sense.); thinking back, SO many things make total sense given this new bit of info. It's like, all these pieces suddenly clicked into place, haha.
No. 89454 ID: 7b7ab3

Remember how it was mentioned in passing that skut-on-skut assassinations were outlawed somewhere. I guess when one skut doesn't like another skut muscling in on their territory, they just drop bodies until the other skut clears off. Kinda like the formics from Ender's Game, only cuter and without a terrible movie adaptation.
No. 89457 ID: bd8b82

thought. we only played bika in 1v1 games. skuts are probably AMAZING at team games. imagine new smash bros. one team is four humans. other team is one skut individual using four bodies. so it would be like four separate people vs one 8 armed person. every character on team skut would react in perfect coordination.
No. 89462 ID: 7b7ab3

You know what we need? Cute little nicknames for our lady-friends.
How about: GG - Cookies 'n' Cream
Poly - Banana Boat
Bika - Shortcake
Floater - ???
No. 89463 ID: 0ee153

No. 89466 ID: 6692b2

i didnt see this coming. i didnt see this coming at all. holy shit man holy shitballs assdick.
No. 89468 ID: 7b7ab3

Here's a strange idea that just popped into my head: The Enemy Quest Halloween Special! What costumes would the ladies dress up in?
No. 89469 ID: 6692b2

No. 89471 ID: 7b7ab3

Bika being the gamer that she is, and given her species' cultural preference for spears, the answer seems obvious.

>"Pata Pata Pata Pon!~"
No. 89475 ID: fc3f9f

Wow, so Skut orgies are literally just masturbation.
I admit that's a first for me.
No. 89477 ID: 7b7ab3

And now, because I'm an asshole.

>You are now imagining what Bika did with herself after our date.

Have fun with that.
No. 89479 ID: d958ad

Masturbation, with the chance of creating another baby to raise into a functional body. So, a Skut cloud, uh, grows from masturbation.
No. 89480 ID: bd8b82

they probably didn't understand how the phrase "go fuck yourself" was an insult.
No. 89481 ID: 7b7ab3

Oop! Yep. There they go. Mmhm. Yeah. My sides are now orbital. Thanks for that.
No. 89487 ID: d95501

So, we just met lady number four, and the first thing she does is basically tell us to strap in, shut up, and leave the flying to her.

I have concerns.
No. 89491 ID: 0ee153

Given that she tried to make a joke, I'm not too concerned. Floaters weren't described as touchy-feely huggy types, and we've only just started.
No. 89492 ID: a99eb3

Still, I offer up my prayers to the the spirit of Sir Isaac Newton, because if her showboating gets us in trouble we may see exactly why he's the deadliest son of a bitch in space.
No. 89493 ID: 330ce5

I want to do a barrel roll so badly, but for a first impression that would kinda suck. Here's hoping we live long enough to try a barrel roll later.
No. 89495 ID: 7b7ab3

Actually, now that I think about it we've really put ourselves in an absolutely horrible position: strapped to a living rocket who disregards authority, bound for who knows where, hundreds if not thousands of feet in the air. There's being adventurous and then there's just being reckless. Depending on what happens, we'll see which we've been.
No. 89496 ID: d958ad

I thought about the endgame a little.

Polyphema would outlive Zack, but not by a huge amount. I'm not sure she would stick with him though. She seems like a lady who likes new things a lot if you know what I mean. ...I also have a vague uneasiness about how much she jokes about exploding Zack's head.

GG uh, I don't know the lifespan of Warriors offhand, but I expect they're similar to humans. I think she's a really good match for Zack, since he's super confident and headstrong and would just need to GET STRONK to live up to expectations of other Warriors. There is some possibility of physical injury from the nonsense they'll get up to together.

Bika would outlive Zack and would in fact never even age. That could be a bit tragic and I wonder if she would ever date another human. Maybe it's best they don't go long term.

Meg, I don't know yet.
No. 89498 ID: d958ad

Oh and to top it off for Bika, Zack will easily outlive the body Bika uses most to interact with him. It will be weird as fuck. Possibly insurmountably so.
No. 89499 ID: 256d52

She's just feeling the need, the need for speed. You know how those flygirls are. Buncha mavericks!
No. 89502 ID: 321d85

Hey, so she says inbound to Manhattan. So, I WAS gonna ask if we've been told where they are, but with assiduous detective work, I've pieced together that we're in New York. In fact, she gave coordinates. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.737856,+-73.914299&hl=en&ll=40.739063,-73.915758&spn=0.021591,0.045447&geoco

The internet is an amazing thing.
No. 89504 ID: 7b7ab3

Poly would outlive Zack by a massive amount. She's well into her 300s with around 400 - 600 more years left to her lifespan. At least, according to her. The head popping thing is something we may have to broach, but delicately and carefully.

I'll admit, GG is a blast to be around, and while the whole hyper-competitive Warrior culture thing might get a little tiresome GG herself has proven to be anything but a typical Warrior. Still, considering the direct involvement a Warrior had in death of Zack's mother, it might get pretty dramatic if we start discussing the past with the girls.

Bika's mind would almost certainly outlive Zack, but as I should have mentioned with Poly above, he would at least be a good memory for her, and he would more than likely have her for the rest of his life.
No. 89506 ID: bd8b82

i am thinking THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kl4hJ4j48s with Meg.
No. 89513 ID: 7b7ab3

Actually, off the topic of rocket-girl for a second, I was kinda wondering how people were pronouncing Bika's name. Are we saying it with a long I, a short I, or a long E?
No. 89514 ID: a0894d

bika like how pikachu says "pika" is what i do, but then again myaccent is attrocious so
No. 89524 ID: b19c1d

No, that sounds fine to me. Besides, it adds to her cuteness. Also, because you mentioned Pikachu and I mentioned a Halloween special: Zack dressed as Ash, Bika dressed as various pokemon, and the two of them going Trick-or-Treating. Yes, Zack's a little old for it, but Bika's young, curious, and thrills at the prospect of free candy.
No. 89527 ID: 1a35e2

that is ADORABLE
No. 89529 ID: 7b7ab3

All her costumes are homemade, thrown together out of scraps of cloth she's pulled out of dumpsters and cleaned up. They're not well made, but they cover her heads and bodies. That combined with naturally high-pitched, squeaky voices and a diminutive stature means she passes fairly well for a group of human kids. One quick drive out to the suburbs later + Zack playing the part of 'parental guardian' + some unsuspecting suburbanites =
"What the hell?! Candy Corn again?!"
"I thought skut would eat just about anything?"
"We draw the line at Candy Corn!"
No. 89537 ID: d958ad

Bika's mind is 25 years old, though.
No. 89538 ID: 0ee153

I think they've gone too deep into headcanons to care.
No. 89539 ID: 7b7ab3

Perhaps, but: Free. Candy.
No. 89542 ID: 098ddb

especially if she's never done it before! like man, i'm 19 but i live in a country where halloween isnt a thing so i've never gone trick or treating - you think i wouldnt hop on that if i could?
fund it x2
No. 89545 ID: 7b7ab3

It just makes sense that Visitors would treat holidays differently than humans.
Like, Warriors treat everything like a competition, so Halloween would probably be a time to see who can wear the best costume or get the most candy or pull off the biggest scare.
Warrior haunted houses usually require you to sign a waiver before entering...
No. 89547 ID: 098ddb

yes i am 100% down with that.
do you think floaters would attach glowy jack o lanterns on themselves when they fly?
No. 89550 ID: 7b7ab3

That and holding "hauntings". Other species have zombie walks, floaters have hauntings.
Picture this: dozens of floaters wearing sheets with eye holes cut in them just... hovering around town going "BoooOOOOooo!".
Same thing, really.
No. 89575 ID: 321d85
File 142598522452.png - (176.70KB , 578x872 , bikachu-crop.png )

No. 89576 ID: 321d85
File 142598593742.jpg - (169.98KB , 916x616 , bika-tennis.jpg )

Also, tennis!
No. 89577 ID: 321d85
File 142598599730.jpg - (124.36KB , 498x701 , bika-front.jpg )

And I don't think we've actually seen Bika directly from the front, yet?
No. 89578 ID: 321d85

And I rescind my previous statement: they are the cutest, always.
No. 89579 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh my god. I have no words. The fact that I inspired artistic creation in someone has left literally speechless. I say all of this without sarcasm. I mean every word.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
No. 89580 ID: 321d85

Oh, sure! Thank YOU for the idea! And I'm glad it makes you happy, that's exactly the thing is silently asked for when I posted it, is I just hoped it would make somebody a little happier. :_)
No. 89581 ID: 7b7ab3

You have no idea!
I get so down on myself, worrying that I'm not creative, that I'm dull or bothersome. But then you go and do this and i just--
So thank you, my friend. Thank You!
No. 89582 ID: 321d85

I'm glad. You're welcome. :)
No. 89583 ID: 7b7ab3

It is seriously no problem, you beautiful creature, you.
No. 89585 ID: bd8b82

okay that's enough, you are getting caught in a thank you loop.
No. 89586 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh, well thank you for breaking us out of it.
No. 89594 ID: 321d85

Indeed, thank you. XP
No. 89615 ID: 7b7ab3

So, does anyone know what's going on with the quest right now?

It's been a few days.
No. 89616 ID: 0ee153

>it's been a few days
That's not really unusual for any quest, honestly. Plus Brom has Static on the Wire, Council of Wizards, and presumably a life of his own.

And the quests tend to go on hiatuses anyway. We texted Zack's friends to plan the beach date on August 17th, 2014. Texting GG to tell her we were ready was February 19th, 2015.
No. 89618 ID: 7b7ab3

>August 17th, 2014
>February 19th, 2015
Oh god, that wait. I remember that.
Hopefully it's just a little break. I'm not kidding when I say I this is my favorite quest of his.
No. 89619 ID: 0ee153

Agreed, although Static is a close second. Shame Revenant is RIP.
No. 89620 ID: 7b7ab3


I have a little system where I'll read Static for that cyberpunk/action high, then shift over to EQ to detox with a warm, romantic, fuzzy feeling.

It's a good system.
No. 89664 ID: 7b7ab3

And it's back!

Responses seem to be a little thin, though...

Come on, people! Let's play some some paintball!

Sorry for the double post.
No. 89682 ID: f61b8d

Maybe the reason why the multifriend nature of our job feels so uncomfortable at this moment
is because Meg, most of all of them, is really new to these feelings and may not totally understand them yet, so she's probably gonna be most vulnerable to heartbreak and the like?
No. 89685 ID: bb78f2

At the same time she probably doesn't understand exclusivity. And since floater's are so objective based, she might actually be the most open for a threesome.

Not that we should be making any assumptions, but I think the Skut and the Floater are the girls we can be the least worried about.

We can even talk it over with the skut, probably, if Zack needs to vent about the stress of it all.
No. 89687 ID: 0ee153

It wasn't. You were right about not putting on her figurative shoes, though. Meg isn't a child, she's fully grown, and she's had nine months to think about it. I think she felt that Zack was trying to... coddle her and didn't understand that she was an adult doing adult things.

Remember when she asked at the start of the date if Zack trusted her? It seems like she feels Zack doesn't trust her on this.
No. 89690 ID: 321d85

Yeah; I dunno, maybe. I don't know what the best way to handle that situation would have been.

I mean, it bears consideration that just because a choice upsets her, doesn't necessarily mean it was the wrong one. Hmm.
No. 89693 ID: 7b7ab3

At this point it doesn't matter.
We screwed up, and now Meg is off somewhere feeling terrible. Our responsibility to her now is to fix the damage we did and show her that she means something to us.
No. 89694 ID: bb78f2

We did not screw up
She is a person, not some objective with the perfect thing to say to make things better. I get we're playing a scripted set of events here, but this feels a bit too far in the direction of gamifying dating.
She's nine months old. Experiencing a lot of new stuff. From Zack's perspective, he probably said no because he was uncomfortable and was both trying to make Meg and himself comfortable with the relationship.
Let her feel embarrassed. Saying we're sorry and that we got to make it up to her later feels wrong and I think would insult her. Let's wait a bit and see what happens, she is the first of her kind. It isn't just us fucking shit up, lots of other factors here and saying no might turn out better than saying yes.

Come on guys, we've been doing pretty well so far. Let's stick to our guns here. I think it will work out for the best.
No. 89695 ID: 7b7ab3

I'm sorry, but I can't watch Meg get so distraught and then fly away like that and not call it a colossal fuck up! It's, like, a reflex action of mine to people getting upset.
No. 89696 ID: 0ee153

Yeah, but sometimes people want sex, and the reasons Zack gave not to weren't exactly great. I mean, now I'm convinced that there's a valid case for not humping her right now, but it wasn't used in the quest.
No. 89701 ID: bb78f2

I am extremely worried Zack didn't give her that list of video games I made for her.
No. 89702 ID: 52d763

I wouldn't give that list. Playing MGS out of release order is crazy. Ur crazy.
No. 89703 ID: bb78f2

Well, if she wants to play Metal Gear Solid 1 she's going to have to get the PS3 version of the HD collection, which makes a LOT of assumptions about what consoles she has access to.

You SURE as hell don't play the second one first.

I mean, how the hell are you supposed to introduce a non-gamer to the MGS games?
There's also the Metal Gear originals one the MGS3 version, so yes, technically if she's going to play the entire series in order she has to fire up MGS3 first anyway.

Only reason I suggested Metal Gear is that it's the closest thing to Warrior fiction (which is something she has some experience with) we have that is legit 100% human. And MGS3 also has the closest narrative style to Warrior movie stories. Legit probably the best reference point for her.

Also it is the easiest to enjoy on its own.

Brom, I know you shouldn't step in here, probably, but I'm actually curious what would be YOUR personal choice for the video game you'd show Poly?
No. 89706 ID: 7b7ab3

Am I the only one who's curious about that thing hanging from Poly's neck? It shows up in the mirror but not on her body. I feel like that wasn't an artistic error.
No. 89707 ID: 296917

Looked like a thin scarf to me.
No. 89708 ID: 2f4b71

>I mean, how the hell are you supposed to introduce a non-gamer to the MGS games?
Twin Snakes.
No. 89709 ID: 7b7ab3

I still say it'd be fun to get the Visitor's reaction to games like Metroid or Mass Effect. How would the real aliens react to the fictional ones? Would Poly sympathize with the Asari? Do Oculots have their own version of the 'lifespan talk'?
No. 89711 ID: 0ee153

Is Polyphema the Kariket or some shit?
No. 89712 ID: 7b7ab3

That's some Shyamalan shit and I instantly refuse it. Besides, she doesn't exactly strike me as the "tyrannical alien monarch" type.
No. 89713 ID: 0ee153

She already said she's royalty and she's not sharing her name. I grant it's not plausible, but "some shit" could easily be nearly as bad as her being the Kariket.
No. 89714 ID: 13c4a5

she might be related but I doubt that she is the Kariket.
No. 89715 ID: 7b7ab3

Seeing as we're talking about introducing Poly to video games I think we should think about what not to show her.

She's probably not a huge fan of blood and gore, so things like Mortal Kombat are out.

A lot FPS games are in the same vein, so probably not. Although the thought of #MLG #Swag Poly is amazing.

X-COM is right out! As is anything involving Xenomorphs and/or Predators!
No. 89716 ID: a19cd5

Mario kart.
No. 89718 ID: bd8b82

i dunno, seeing what we used to think an alien war was like could have her interest.
No. 89722 ID: 7b7ab3

New thread, and WOW does the Kariket looks like a douchebag! I mean, just look at this elitist cyclops fuck.


Appropriate, given the whole "evil alien emperor" thing he's got going.
No. 89741 ID: 7b7ab3

Poly didn't like Mass Effect.


Maybe Portal? No real fighting. Just her, some test chambers, and a very rude voice.
No. 89745 ID: c5d021

Poly liked Uncle Vanya.
I had to suffer through that and analyse it as a part of my literature class. (weeps fucking weeps)
God. I understand so much more about how wonderfully pretentious she is. Very nice touch.
No. 89746 ID: 7b7ab3

Forgive my ignorance, but what's so bad about this Uncle Vanya thing, and how does it highlight Poly's pretentiousness?
No. 89747 ID: 5b37ff

There's nothing wrong with it and it's a classic in the western Canon for a good reason. Tgchan is far from its target audience though because there are no sex scenes or fights.
No. 89748 ID: 0ee153

It's a classic play by a Russian playwright. Anon dislikes it and dislikes other opinions.
No. 89749 ID: 7b7ab3

Ah. I see.

Y'know, sometimes it really strikes just how little we know about our dear lady cyclops. Makes interacting with her challenging but enjoyable.
No. 89751 ID: c5d021

there's nothing Bad about it, man (ppl still read it for reasons), its just very pretentious.
maybe my dislike is bc i had to read it instead of see it, and thats....really not the way to consume plays, but basically
it's chock full of ennui and Sadness
an elderly professor married to a Hot Babe (jelena/yelena/helena, depends on the version i guess) goes to visit the mansion estate thing in the country that funds his city lyfestyle, and Hot Babe's main passtime is to make everyone swoon and obsess over her bc There Is Nothing To Do In The Country, EVER
the dickhole professor kept sonya, the daughter of his first (presumably unhot) wife, and vanya, the titular character, the brother of dead lady, there to basically work the estate so the professor could get moneys. and now he wants to sell it bc he is a Douche
so it functions well as a oculot play because theres a lot of emphasis on emotions - except the emotions were HOPELESSLY SAD and the play literally ends with vanya going "WELP, THE ONLY THING LEFT TO DO IS WORK AS ALWAYS, SONYA, MAYBE THERES PAYOFF IN HEAVEN" so i found them boring
No. 89753 ID: e30e12

omg I didn't think my questdis would become a Russian theater debate place.....

Sorry to hear about your Vanya experience, Anon. Chekhov is like Shakespeare: Godawful to read and wonderful to see performed by good actors in a good production.
It's actually a very funny play to see done live; Chekhov was a shockingly upbeat and optimistic guy in real life. He was always kind of dismayed when people took his characters fully at their word. The Russians were all about that Tragicomedy.

That Polyphema likes it isn't quite meant to broadcast pretentiousness so much as highfalutin-ness. Yes you DO need a certain amount of cultural capitol to really get everything out of a Chekhov play and yes she DOES like flaunting it, in a way, but I think Chekhov is far less pretentious than, say, Arthur fuckin' Miller or David Mamet or whoever. My day trade is in Literary Administration for theater, so I'm kind of a staunch lover of Chekhov. I love how high the stakes are for his weird vodka swilling depressives: everything he writes is so full of these wildly self-destructive last stabs at happiness that straddle the line between hilarious and heart-breaking when you do them right. Anon is right that they are also all insufferable, but that's at least partially the point.
No. 89754 ID: 7b7ab3

It's going to sound weird, but I think there's one show that might catch her interest, crazy though it may sound.

Red Vs Blue.

Really, think about it. It focuses on the perspective of a group of people as opposed to a single protagonist, it invests a lot of time in the emotions of the characters (even if those emotions can usually be summarized as "Fuck this canyon, and fuck you people."), and the story evolves and grows stronger as it progresses.

What do you guys think?
No. 89755 ID: c5d021

i might go see it live [if i can], maybe it will change my mind.
honestly, i agree with what you've said about getting the most out of chekov - i had to read it for school when i was 15/16, and frankly that was a terrible idea, who fucking authorized that
would poly be partial to dostoyevsky or tolstoy?
No. 89756 ID: 7b7ab3

WOW. I could not have timed that post worse. People discussing high theater and I'm peddling machinima.
No. 89757 ID: c5d021

but would poly be into homestuck or quests on tgchan?
No. 89758 ID: 0ee153

almost literally cancer, hopefully not

>quests on tgchan
Bit broad, and meta shit in quests is rarely, if ever funny, but hypothetically... depends on the quest, but lots of emotion and arguing is involved.
No. 89760 ID: 52d763

I sincerely enjoy reading Shakespeare. Obviously his works were written for the stage but they're still interesting to dissect as a reader. It's a different degree of entertainment though.
No. 89767 ID: a19cd5

Not even almost, Galactic Cancer is a driving plot point for a while.
No. 89768 ID: 5dec64

OK People: It's time to place our votes in the WAIFU WAR VOLUME 1


Who is best grill?
Who will win the Zack Bowl?
Obviously, we haven't dated everyone equally, but if you had to pick TODAY, who would it be?

No. 89774 ID: 0ee153
File 142721325313.jpg - (21.39KB , 198x223 , disdain for plebs.jpg )

>Bika in the lead
No. 89775 ID: 88960e

Look, obviously, if anyone wad gonna stuff the voting it would be her.
No. 89776 ID: fbc59e

Poor Meg!
I'm shocked she didn't get any votes but...I can kind of see why that is.
No. 89777 ID: 7b7ab3

Small + adorable = popular. Whatcha gonna do?

It's funny because she has so many bodies!

We don't deserve her. Not yet, anyway.
No. 89778 ID: a19cd5

>4-armed wonder not on the list
No. 89779 ID: 0ee153

That's GG, I voted for her, I know she's on the list.
No. 89782 ID: 7b7ab3

>quest thread filling up with avalanche of kink suggestions

Brom, I'm sorry.
We are a twisted, fractious lot.
No. 89783 ID: 34a3a8

yall need jesus
lmao who am i kidding i too need jesus
No. 89784 ID: 5db52c

You leave Jesus out of our alien waifu orgy. There's already too many people in here!
No. 89786 ID: 7b7ab3

Several Visitors have obviously converted to Earth religions, and that raises so many questions for me.
Are there any Visitor priests?
Are there Warrior mohels?
What is the Skutti idea of a soul?
How do Floaters feel about the concept of reincarnation?
I'm so happy to find a story that sparks these kinds thoughts.
No. 89789 ID: 7b7ab3

There was a really nice comment here a minute ago.

But yes. It just goes so deep.

Is there some racist preacher out there who says things like Jesus died for human sins and not Visitor sins? That Visitors are all bound for Hell for one reason or another?
If some Floaters do believe in reincarnation do they gravitate toward religions like Hinduism or Buddhism? Would the clone of one Floater, imprinted with the memories of another, see itself as the reincarnation of that Floater?
Would there be a revival of worship for the Nordic pantheon among Warriors? I can see them putting particular emphasis on the concept of Valhalla, a place of endless battle and feasting, which would appeal to their cultural mindset.

The list goes on and on.
No. 89791 ID: 330ce5

I think I deleted that by mistake, my bad.
All we were saying is that those ideas are amazing and that sharing them with others was really awesome.
No. 89792 ID: 7b7ab3

Thank you.

If anybody has any other ideas, please post them.
No. 89795 ID: 0ee153


Extremely important.
No. 89796 ID: 7b7ab3

I'm sorry, I tried to contain it, but after >>/quest/630836 It must be done.


Forgive me!
No. 89797 ID: e30e12

No. 89798 ID: 7b7ab3

Goddamnit Brom, you beautiful bastard!

I love you! No homo.

Super homo.
No. 89799 ID: 52d763

White Chocolate Macadamia nut is good. Chocolate not so much.
No. 89805 ID: 7b7ab3

Quickly back to games for Poly, what would she think of Undertale?

I can only see it ending in *inelegant blubbering*.
No. 89837 ID: 2d4005

After seeing her in action this date I wish I could change my vote to Polyphema... She is seduction personified.
No. 89862 ID: 2f96d6

It looks like Brom might take the weekend off.
I don't blame him.
He's been friggin' on point with updates lately, and he deserves a rest.
The only question now is how do we keep ourselves entertained until his return?
No. 89888 ID: 7b7ab3

Whoops! I--I was wrong! Resume! Resume!

Dang double post.
No. 89889 ID: 5db52c

>phone autocorrects "link" to "lock"
>shrug, figure it's not worth deleting and reposting to fix
>Poly verbatim quotes "eyeball brain lock thing"
No. 89890 ID: 7b7ab3

Sorry, bro.

At least you got quoted!
No. 89896 ID: 7b7ab3


We haven't been in her brain for five minutes and already there's a suicide.

Girl's had it rough.
No. 89919 ID: b8ceae

So, what does ZACK know about how things went on the human side during and after the war?
How much damage was there? How many people died? What kind of social changes did it cause? Political?
What places were hardest hit? What places were hurt the least?
How far was humanity pushed? What depths did it sink to to stop the invasion?

How scared are people of visitors? We know there's a lot of hate, but how widespread is that? How socially acceptable are things like the cop kicking Bika? Was the racist talking head on a channel like Fox that lives by vomiting propaganda, or was it on a channel that maintains a neutral discourse?
Are visitors considered second-class citizens? Officially, or in the eyes of the people?

Now that we're actually talking about the war and the past we should probably know about what happened on this side BEYOND Zack's childhood traumas.
No. 89920 ID: 7b7ab3

These are all phenomenal questions.

The war lasted over 30 years, and a lot can happen in that time. I think it's pretty obvious that humanity got pushed hard, but not as hard as we might think. We still have arcades, anime, paintball, and parks, so things can't be that bad. Obviously, a lot of people died and that's terrible, but socially and politically things seem about the same. As for damages, I'd say a lot of our shit got broken and we had to go to some pretty dark lengths at times.

But what else is new for humanity.

I'd say the hate and fear regarding Visitors probably fluctuates quite a bit depending on where you are. Zack lives in New York, so we have to take that into account. New Yorkers are surly enough with their own species! Also, even if it isn't on paper anywhere, the Visitors are clearly on the lower rungs of the social ladder. The war was long and brutal, and it's only been five years since an official truce was called. Things are gonna be pretty tense.
No. 89921 ID: 0ee153

>New York meme
I lived in Rochester for a while. It was entirely pleasant.

>Visitors lower rungs
Except the Oculots, I'd say. Money helps.
No. 89922 ID: 7b7ab3

>I lived in Rochester for a while. It was entirely pleasant.
Sorry. Couldn't resist.

>Except the Oculots, I'd say. Money helps.
True, but it definitely doesn't save them from random jerks. And they can't even properly defend themselves! It has been a recurring fear of mine throughout the quest that one or more of the girls would get in hot water and have to do something drastic. Eye beams, super strength, acid spit, and flight are all very dangerous powers, and I am thankful that (most of) the girls aren't loose with them. If they actually had to defend themselves with lethal force, I can't see them getting a fair trial, if they got one at all.
No. 89927 ID: 0ee153

>if they got one at all
The government is on their side enough for HVAO to be a thing and to have a large enough budget to spend $200,000 on Zack the random guy.

>no defense
They can get a gun or a knife or learn martial arts like everyone else.
No. 89928 ID: 7b7ab3

>The government is on their side enough for HVAO to be a thing and to have a large enough budget to spend $200,000 on Zack the random guy.
You are correct. I keep forgetting that for some reason.

>They can get a gun or a knife or learn martial arts like everyone else.
You know, you're right! Back when Poly was getting harassed by that creep in thread one we didn't know she was what she was. Being over 300 years old and spending most of her life around Warriors must have given her options to make people leave her alone without lethal force.
No. 89934 ID: dbe554


So we know that New York was hit majorly, and that as a whole 1/7th of ALL people were lost almost immediately, I'm starting to understand people's hatred of the Visitors considering they just came out of nowhere and started butchering them outright.
No. 89937 ID: 7b7ab3

That's the bitch of it. The decent Visitors are being lumped in with the warmongers. I'm starting to see why the HVAO is so necessary. After such a tremendous shitstorm of a war, there's a lot of bad blood to put to rest.
No. 89939 ID: dbe554


It doesn't help that the decent visitors only really gained cold feet after it started seeming like a slaughter, which would make one wonder why they actually invaded to begin with. Resources? Land? To fight something new?
No. 89940 ID: 7b7ab3

I figure the Kariket probably pressed a lot of anti-human propaganda, making us seem like some monstrous Other or something. He doubtlessly lied to his followers constantly just to keep his engine of conquest rolling. I have no doubts that the Karikets name will go down in history as one of the foulest villains on both Golboria and Earth.

It's a good thing we have four Visitor ladies to ask these questions to. I imagine the HVAO, assuming they don't already know, would be very interested in the whys and hows of the war's beginning.
No. 89941 ID: 7b7ab3

With the quest getting sad, I need to supply some feel good thoughts.

>Going on a jog with GG
>Making a flower crown for Poly
>Playing Mario Kart with Bika
>Singing a duet with Meg
>Watching Predator with GG
>Having a staring contest with Poly
>Helping Bika in the kitchen
>Hang gliding with Meg
No. 89952 ID: 2fc2dc

No. 89953 ID: 6de15c

I thought they were cute.

I could spam ideas for awhile.

Should I?
No. 89955 ID: 0ee153

No. 89960 ID: 7b7ab3

The number one thing I imagine going wrong while we're away with Poly is: Someone tries to burn Bika's restaurant down.
No. 89978 ID: 7b7ab3

I'm going to assume nobody's posting in the quest because it's April Fool's Day.
No. 89979 ID: 0ee153

Nothing else to say until it updates.
No. 89980 ID: 7b7ab3

Ah. I see.
No. 90009 ID: 7b7ab3

I've had a thought.

We all love Enemy Quest, right? And it would be nice if it got more exposure, right?

So, I was thinking about maybe starting a TV Tropes page or something to help get the word out. Just to help spread awareness about this cool thing Brom's making.

Would that be an okay thing to do or not?
No. 90010 ID: 2413dc

Weaver's quests all have 'em, don't see why not!
No. 90011 ID: 7b7ab3


It'll be the first Tropes page I've ever made, so it'll be a great occasion in more ways than one for me.

I'll need time to figure it out, but once I have it going I'll post a link.

Thank you for the support!
No. 90015 ID: 7b7ab3



A brand new TV Tropes page! Very bare right now, so add what you can when you can!

Hopefully there won't be any problems. It's my first Trope page so it needs a lot of work, but that's what time and editing are for!
No. 90025 ID: 7b7ab3

I started a forum thread to talk about Enemy Quest and how to edit its Tropes page.


If you guys wouldn't mind posting and spreading the word about EQ and Brom's other works it'd be really appreciated.
No. 90059 ID: 7b7ab3

I was wondering if anyone could add a link to the Tropes page to the tgchan page.

I would do it myself, but they're still processing my account request.

Sorry for multi-posting, but I don't have anywhere else to ask.
No. 90060 ID: 5db52c

>I would do it myself, but [the wiki is] still processing my account request.
Did you confirm your email? If you don't, the wiki never actually tells any admins there's an account request to approve, and you just sit there in limbo, forever. Or until one of us remembers (or is reminded) to check manually.

Regardless, you should be good now. Happy editing, and remember that the preview button is your friend.
No. 90061 ID: 7b7ab3

Thank you so much!

Do you think Brom sees any of this?
No. 90089 ID: f68a09

I do & it's appreciated

RE: Updates: It is passover and I am Jewish.

No. 90091 ID: 7b7ab3

Brom-sempai noticed me!

Well, that explains it. Have a good one!

No. 90118 ID: 7b7ab3


He posted! Respond for great justice!
No. 90284 ID: f61b8d

Just played Undertale last night, after reading your suggestion. Good game. Did you know there are quite a few different endings?
No. 90286 ID: 7b7ab3

I did indeed.

I thought Poly would like it because it lets the player take a peaceful route and actually rewards the player for not killing enemies.

That and I thought most of the endings would get Poly right in the heartstrings.
No. 90307 ID: 0c79b4

So many endings, and yet a certain flower still manages to mock you in each one.
No. 90335 ID: e25683

Am I the only one that feels like it would be a good idea to keep the girls separated for now? At least until we know Bika and Meg a little better.
No. 90338 ID: 47c301


We barely know Bika and Meg, we only just recently got serious with Poly and GG, and we still have some reports to fill out.

Patience and timing is the key to victory.
No. 90346 ID: 7b7ab3


GG loved it! And now the plot begins to convert her into a total anime nerd! Muahahahaha!

Also, that picture is awesome.
No. 90367 ID: 57d76a

Now you're making me want to recommend Iji to Poly.
No. 90370 ID: 7b7ab3

I just looked it up, and she might enjoy it.
It mirrors certain aspects of the war, and
it allows for a non-violent approach to
resolving the conflict. Next time we see her,
we should suggest the two. Maybe a couple adventure games, too, like The Wolf Among Us and Monkey Island.
No. 90422 ID: bfbb8e

*Poly plays the first episode of The Wolf Among Us, then quickly texts Zack*

Poly: I just finished that game you suggested.


Zack: To be fair, I did say you might be getting in over your head.


Zack: Poly plz. It's nothing to...

Poly: Zack no

Zack: ...lose your head over.

Poly: >D(
No. 90424 ID: 77bbac

>That angry oculot smiley

And because I have nothing better to do: oculot smiley collection!

O) O( OD DO OP OV O3 O9 O< OI D) D( (D OU D9 OS @D
No. 90452 ID: 7b7ab3


Doesn't do the tongue justice. I don't think there is a way to do the tongue justice.
No. 90454 ID: bb78f2

No. 90455 ID: 7b7ab3

Good. Could double for a monocle.

Which makes me think of oculots wearing monocles. The only kind of eyewear they could really use, honestly.
No. 90528 ID: 7b7ab3

Way earlier in the thread I brought up the idea of Enemy Quest holiday specials. I focused on Halloween, and I had some ideas that I never really did anything with. For instance: Visitors as earth monsters!

Oculot vampires, Warrior zombies, Skut ghosts, Floater frankensteins, and all those other horror staples. It just struck me as interesting to imagine what these creatures would be like.

What do you guys think?
No. 90529 ID: 0dbb15

I'm all for more Halloween stuff, but I'm also wondering about shit like Visitor Easter or Valentine's Day. Seriously, I can just imagine Warriors going crazy during an Easter egg hunt, tearing shit up and making a huge mess. Most of the eggs would probably end up squished.

I can see oculots getting super into Valentine's, what with the whole "spread the love" theme.
No. 90530 ID: 6de15c

Every single oculot Valentine contains an eye pun. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

"You're the apple of my eye!"
"I only have EYE for you!"
"Look me in the eye: I love you, Valentine!"
No. 90533 ID: ba7ec2

You want real Visitor horror? How about Warrior Thanksgiving? Imagine: all the rancor and bile of a Thanksgiving family meal combined with super strength and hyper-competitiveness. Imagine being a human invited to that nightmare. You want a turkey leg, but you also don't want to lose any fingers in the process. Not to mention all the weird Warrior food you'd have to adjust to. Turning it down would be rude, so your stuck having some. Hope your not allergic.
No. 90537 ID: 34333b

For all that Warrior Thanksgiving would be terrifying, Warrior Christmas would be so much worse. Just imagining what Warrior neighbors would get up to trying to one-up eachother. It'd be like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation up to 11, with twice the property damage and noise complaints.

Although, I would pay through the nose to see such a movie.
No. 90541 ID: c6575e

No. 90550 ID: 7b7ab3

I can see skut going goofy over Thanksgiving, what with family and food being such important parts of their culture. They might want to forgo the post-meal orgy, however, assuming they have non-skut guests over.

Floaters probably despise The 4th of July. An entire day of people shooting fireworks into the air, creating a 24 hour flying hazard, making it hard for Floaters to engage in their most basic pleasure. Try to imagine taking a bottle rocket to the gut while you're several stories off the ground. Doesn't sound too pleasant, does it?
No. 90551 ID: 0ee153

>floaters hate freedom
Destroy all floaters
No. 90552 ID: 7b7ab3

They'd be fine with the holiday if it weren't for all the fireworks.

It'd be like getting caught in the middle of technicolor anti-aircraft fire. Unpleasant.
No. 90553 ID: 0ee153

>floaters hate freedom
Destroy all floaters
No. 90557 ID: 7b7ab3

Of course I could be wrong. They might love The 4th of July. They were the ones toting rocket launchers during the war.

I can see it now: whole 4th of July air shows where Floaters zip through the air, bobbing and weaving past each other, filling the sky with a rainbow of lights as they drop multicolored flares and shoot off all manners of fireworks. An entire mid-air faux battle, complete with bright, colorful explosions.
No. 90592 ID: 727950

Where's Brom? We've got skut to date!
No. 90612 ID: e30e12

Hello all:
My tablet pen is borked.
I need a new one but I don't have the budget for it this month.
This is why there are not updates.
No. 90615 ID: 7a0636

Oh, Brom! I'm so sorry!

I wish there was something I could do to help.
No. 90616 ID: e23b4d

Damn. Sorry, dude.
What he/she said. Wish I could help.
No. 90620 ID: defceb

I don't know how well I can emulate your style, but if it'd help then I'm willing to try.
No. 90622 ID: 05a64c

I'm very sorry, Brom. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

I eagerly await your return.
No. 90627 ID: 7b7ab3

Well, shit, that sucks.

Sorry, man.
No. 90638 ID: e30e12

The IRC suggested I ask for some donations so that I can get a new tablet.


If u have disposable income you want to throw at a sketchy internet person throw it in that direction!!! I'll love u forever. Donate let's say 15 bux or more and I'll do a request for u too.

No. 90640 ID: 7b7ab3

I've got $20 on hand, but it'll take me a couple of days to get it to you.

Don't worry about a request, though. You're a cool dude who deserves good things.

No. 90656 ID: 745cf2

Damn it! Of all times to be strapped for cash! I'll see if I can scrape anything together. I'm pulling for you, nonetheless!

Stay awesome!
No. 90674 ID: 7b7ab3

What kinda tablet ya aimin' for?

I ask out of curiosity, and out of the hope that my 20-25 bucks will actually help.
No. 90675 ID: 81a5f7

I'm going for a refurbished bamboo thing from amazon. It's like 60 bucks.
No. 90677 ID: 7b7ab3


Gimme a little time and I'll hook you up with $22.00, no problem.
No. 90679 ID: 7b7ab3

Okay, so it's probably going to be tomorrow before I can send the money, BUT it will be there.

Count on it.
No. 90694 ID: 998805

If you don't mind faffing about with drivers for a day getting the thing to accept pressure sensitivity, and have the desktop space, Monoprice(.com) makes reliable tablets for a third the price. They're just a pain to get working in Windows.
No. 90699 ID: 7b7ab3


The money has been sent! I had to use my sisters card and account because I misplaced my wallet, but the deed has been done nonetheless!

I can't wait to get back in the action.
No. 90705 ID: 7b7ab3

Allow me to clarify that it was all done with my sisters permission, and that the money transferred was out of my own pocket.

Just to clear up any confusion.
No. 90714 ID: 718e37

Great. Remember to thank your sister.
No. 90726 ID: 7b7ab3

If the money doesn't show up soon, let me know.

I don't use PayPal that often, so I'm hoping I didn't make any mistakes.
No. 90770 ID: 7b7ab3

I seriously hope that money went through.

So, should we just keep playing around until Brom gets back or what?
No. 90772 ID: e30e12

hello nerds
you're all amazing and the tablet has been ordered
it should come around the 7th to the 12th of this month, according to The Internet
In the mean time, I might do a stopgap thing. Stay tuned....
No. 90773 ID: 7b7ab3


and i helped :D
No. 90832 ID: 2bb0d4

I can't wait to see what you have planned. You've got me all excited!
No. 90919 ID: 7b7ab3

With the birth of Gaiden, the imminent return of the main quest, and because skut are a hot topic right now, I'm going to try and make some skut smilies.

:·_·: :·u·: :·n·: :·w·:

This is surprisingly difficult. They have very complicated faces, even as smilies. How'd I do?
No. 90921 ID: 2a7417

:;_;: sad skut

:.^.: silly upside-down skut

%o~o% experimental emote? probably didn't work...
No. 90922 ID: 7b7ab3

>:;_;: sad skut
Means a sad human.

>:.^.: silly upside-down skut
"See, Zack? I told you I could do a headstand. Could you help me up, though? My horns are stuck."

>%o~o% experimental emote? probably didn't work...
I'm thinking dizzy skut. Confused skut?
No. 90923 ID: 2a7417

Possibly embarrassed/blushing skut. Maybe if I use subtext instead? o%~%o

I'd experiment with varying amounts of [sub and [sup to move the o around, but I don't know of any way to preview imageboard text formatting. Do you?
No. 90924 ID: 7b7ab3

Afraid not.

But, now that I look at it again, I can definitely see an embarrassed skut, which in my opinion is one of the cutest kinds of skut.

So, well done!
No. 90928 ID: 7b7ab3

I think the reason skut are so popular right now, besides them being completely adorable, is that we know so little about them.

Warriors are easy enough to figure out and we've studied them the longest, oculots are strange, but not beyond comprehension, and while we know very little about Floaters they aren't anywhere near as alien as the skut.

So color us curious, I suppose.
No. 90929 ID: 2a7417

Man, no interest in a Skut that could go toe to toe with a Garakton? That's an incredible feat! You're gonna miss out, guys!
Also, a high birthrate really won't come into play over the scope of a quest, guys. It's not very likely.
No. 90931 ID: ea0ad9

If you wanna preview, get the script thingy for tgchan. It requires greasemonkey, but you can get it here: >>/meep/24283
No. 90932 ID: ea0ad9

>Also, a high birthrate really won't come into play over the scope of a quest, guys. It's not very likely.
Means bigger starting hive size too, probably. But, really, do you expect it to be a short, one-day quest? It's probably over time.
No. 90934 ID: 7b7ab3

The point of Enemy Quest, ironically enough, has never been to make or defeat enemies. Therefore playing as a soldier seems rather superfluous, if you ask me.

Brom said Gaiden is to tide us over until his tablet arrives. I assume when that happens the main quest will recommence. It's anyone's guess what'll happen to Gaiden after that.
No. 90947 ID: a02d2a

If a skut can be a harlot, then that means other odd characters are possible.
Like a Warrior accountant.
What would that even look like?
No. 90948 ID: 05a64c

Some big, red, muscle-bound nerd wearing business casual?
No. 90949 ID: d1bf19
File 143099279112.jpg - (337.81KB , 820x1175 , image.jpg )

I'm thinking they'd be Rintaro with extra arms.
No. 90950 ID: 3eec4f

A cigar chomping corporate ass-kicker? Like Duke Nukem with a briefcase.

"I came here to balance accounts and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta bubblegum."
No. 90951 ID: 317eec

I can dig it.
No. 90952 ID: 6fb257

What's he from?
No. 90953 ID: 52d763

Hokuto no Gun.

Aka, Misappropriation Investigator Nakabo Rintaro
No. 90954 ID: 7b7ab3

>Misappropriation Investigator

That sounds like the kind of thing a Warrior would be into.

Talking about Warrior businessmen has me thinking of something else: Visitors going to High School and College. I know skut and floaters wouldn't need to, but Warriors and young oculots? Certainly.

What do you guys think?
No. 90960 ID: dbe554


Most likely, either that or communal teachings by the parent unit.
No. 90962 ID: 7b7ab3

I can just see a Warrior family getting all in an uproar about one of their children being a "huge nerd" and deciding to go to college and everything. But then, after he/she graduates, he/she gets a high paying job and starts sending money back home. They stop giving him/her crap after that.
No. 90963 ID: c717e8

Perhaps Warriors are all right to go into softer careers, so long as they pursue them in a sufficiently warrioresque manner?

Like, I imagine some Warrior who becomes a painter, and dedicates himself to TEARING DOWN traditional notions of beauty, SETTING FIRE to the critic community and UTTERLY DESTROYING the sensibilities of the bourgeois.
No. 90965 ID: 7b7ab3

It would make sense!

From what we've observed, as long as Warriors can do something in an EXTREME fashion, they're cool with it.

Perhaps a Warrior author would be lauded for his DEVASTATINGLY heartfelt romance stories about the RED-HOT, BURNING PASSION between two TOTALLY RIGHTEOUS lovers.
No. 90972 ID: 86c741

How about Warrior critics?

Like, imagine a Warrior Gordon Ramsay.

Just imagine.
No. 90973 ID: e114bc

I don't think he would be very different.
No. 90974 ID: 956ad3

I think that's the joke.

But seriously, Warriors could probably make a killing in the entertainment industry. Imagine a show like Jackass, only hosted by Warriors and a bit more over the top. I'd watch the shit out of that.
No. 90989 ID: 7b7ab3

I imagine there eventually being hundreds of YouTube videos of Warriors doing increasingly awesome/stupid things. It'd be an easy, efficient way for them to show off.

I can see GG starting an account and doing her own parkour videos. We should introduce her to the idea sometime.
No. 90991 ID: 2a7417

Wait a second.
Oculots (1 eye) > Warriors & Floaters (2 eyes) > Skuts (3 eyes)
I think I'm seeing a pattern in this heyerarchy.
(This brings a new level of insult to the term 'four-eyes.')
No. 90992 ID: 7b7ab3

By that logic, wouldn't humans be equal to Warriors and Floaters? And since so many oculots have died off, wouldn't that mean that Warriors, Floaters, and humans would rank higher in the "heyerarchy"?
No. 90993 ID: ea0ad9

Two-eyes continue to be Second-rank. Occulots are First because they have One eye, regardless of how many Occulots are still alive or not.
No. 90996 ID: 7b7ab3

Regarding the loss of so many oculots, would you say that their species has gone from "oculot" to "oculittle"?
No. 91051 ID: 2a7417

More skuttlebutt.
Does being a community unto themselves make skut better at sharing with others by nature, or worse?
Can skut hives ever re-combine after having a difference of opinion?
No. 91052 ID: 7b7ab3

Skut butt is best butt.

>Does being a community unto themselves make skut better at sharing with others by nature, or worse?
I would figure it would make them better, what with having to constantly share things amongst themselves.

>Can skut hives ever re-combine after having a difference of opinion?
I honestly hope not. I'd hate to lose Bika's uniqueness under any circumstance.
No. 91065 ID: bb78f2

What happens when skuts of two different hives bone and produce children?
No. 91070 ID: 2a7417

I suspect the offspring will belong to the collective the female comes from. An equal exchange of DNA would involve males and females from both sides mating. (And not getting mixed up on who's who, whoops.)
No. 91074 ID: 7b7ab3

Some things Bika said, like how she apparently changes her own diapers, indicated that infant skut are not immediately linked to their collectives.

Like, a newborn skut has to develop to a certain point mentally to link with the rest of its swarm. Am I getting that right?
No. 91079 ID: e2a92b

I don't think that Bika means the infant isn't linked yet (also, I would think "not changing a stranger's diapers" would indicate the opposite), it's just that the infant her isn't physically capable of doing so yet because, y'know, it's an infant.

>running around a playground as your toddler self while another you is bored out of their mind(s) at work
No. 91082 ID: 7b7ab3

Well, until we get a chance to speak with her, we don't know anything for certain.

>working your shift at Burger King while also trying to fix your toilet
>going grocery shopping while you watch a movie back home
>managing your restaurant while you go to the movies with your boyfriend
>#skut life
No. 91083 ID: ea0ad9

On Skut:

Skut are very social, and quick to shy away from events that would pull them away from their family. If you arrange a get-together with a Skut, don't be surprised if a few extra tag along, as this is perfectly standard--though how much of this is their desire to be with family, and how much is their family looking out for them, is currently unknown. Skut love to talk, and are very open, but at the same time, are surprisingly secretive, quickly and intelligently changing the subject to avoid talking about anything that might even imply what the secrets are. If you catch a Skut doing this, do not press them, further, as it is a quick way to lose their trust.

Expect the subject to change a lot, even by accident, and just try to carry on with it. In my experience, they are not simply smart, but able to multi-task very efficiently, as well--their ability to understand people of other species, however, is somewhat lacking, resulting in them instinctively covering multiple subjects, not realizing that their friends might have trouble keeping up. Just ask them to slow down a bit, and they'll be perfectly willing to accomodate you.

No. 91100 ID: 7b7ab3


Doesn't reveal anything. Well done.
No. 91115 ID: 7b7ab3

A question that's been bugging me: how does the Other Side handle orphans? After the war there must be quite a few on both sides, and Zack being one himself makes the question all the more pertinent.
No. 91117 ID: ea0ad9

I made sure to avoid spoiling the Skut secret.
Forgot to make one for the Oculots, though, and still need to do one for the Floater.
No. 91118 ID: e2a92b

The concept of family is looser, so they probably move in with one of their parents' -mads. It would be pretty hard to run out of those. Plus, two of the races don't really have that situation, one being robots and the other having myriad bodies.
No. 91119 ID: 7b7ab3

>The concept of family is looser, so they probably move in with one of their parents' -mads. It would be pretty hard to run out of those.
That would make sense. Of course, we won't know for certain until we actually discuss it with the girls.

>Plus, two of the races don't really have that situation, one being robots and the other having myriad bodies.
Floaters are cybernetic clones, but your point is still valid, and skut being what they are makes orphaned skut practically impossible.
No. 91121 ID: 7b7ab3

One more question plagues me.

We've already revealed Zack's tragic past to Poly, but when should we do the same with the other girls? I think it's important they know.
No. 91125 ID: 77bbac

Whenever we get to them, I guess. Personally, I think GG should be told next. We have known her the longest.
No. 91126 ID: d16848

We could just post the story online or something.
It's a bit impersonal, but it would save on time.
No. 91127 ID: a5a352

That could work, but it doesn't quite have the same dramatic impact of a face to face revelation.
No. 91128 ID: 149ae7


I wonder if there's a way we could could tell Bika soon. It'd be out of the way with her, then.
No. 91129 ID: 7daa4f

It is important, and it will happen. Just be patient and it'll all work out.

Besides, I'm in no hurry to make the girls sad, even if they need to know.
No. 91131 ID: ea0ad9

On Oculots:

Oculots can live for centuries, giving them plenty of experience and, in most cases, perception. Sometimes, they will be willing to look into all they can, be it taking their time in studying it, or quickly living by-the-day and learning as many trivial facts as they can in a short amount of time, while others will have gone for so long seeing the same old things, believing that it is impossible for anything to work any other way. In these regards, despite their lifespan, they are very similar to humans.

Many Oculot on their side of the rift will believe themselves to be superior because of their experiences and knowledge. However, there was a lot of fallout with the old system when the Visitors first encountered humans, as should have been noticed when they started siding with us, even helping us get back into their world. Our actions therein shattered their believes even more, as our methods of war were drastically different compared to theirs. Where, once, nobody questioned how things worked, suddenly, everything changed.

However, while they may no longer view themselves as being superior, it is in one's interests to think of them in that way, even if they don't believe it. Consider, for a moment, if your Oculot friend is superior, what would they suggest, how would they see things? Understand things from their viewpoint, learn from their knowledge, as while they may not know much about what you have studied, they are well-read and you can only benefit from their knowledge, as long as you can sift through their riddles... Which leads me to the next point: Some Oculots seem to actively avoid straight answers and statements, instead telling you half-truths, asking you riddles, and leaving you to ponder at the meaning behind their words.

Ye of minor intellect, befriend the Oculot, but do not bask in their wisdom. You'll get a headache if you do. Hell, I managed to understand most of their statements, and still manage to get the occasional one!

No. 91135 ID: 2a7417

>Oculots can live for centuries, giving them plenty of experience and, in most cases, perception.
But not depth perception.
No. 91136 ID: 7b7ab3

Very good!

A thought occurs to me: when it comes time to write the reports in the Quest proper, should we ask the girls for assistance? To help with fact checking and the like?
No. 91143 ID: ad7bba

We should mention that Skut are particularly vulnerable to predation by bigots. On the other side, they largely self-police and have longstanding mutual interaction with the other species, who themselves have their own cultural standards for what is and isn't an appropriate way to deal with Skut. It isn't always, er, pleasant, but it's functional. On Earth, though, Skut are left hanging because of their self-policing tradition. They are used to taking care of themselves, but they -can't- effectively here, because the prospect of getting help from human authorities is unusual to them.

Really, it's the hivemind secret that complicates the issue most, but we can't tell the HVAO that.
No. 91154 ID: ea0ad9

Pretty sure that time has already come. We can consider these reports to be the canon reports, I'm just posting here to save Quest thread space, and so that we can discuss any changes that need making in it.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for a Floater one yet, we did not exactly learn much about them.
No. 91157 ID: 7b7ab3

Once we finish our date with Bika, we should go on a date with Meg. We didn't ask her many Floater related questions last time, and we seriously need to apologize for the misunderstanding and upsetting her.

I hope she's okay.
No. 91269 ID: 117945

Just finished reading the threads and wow this is good. How do you write those dialogues, Brom? I mean dang.
No. 91275 ID: 7b7ab3

Brom always surprises me with the quality of his work. His writing has always been fabulous, and his art has grown into something very distinct and attractive.

I hope he updates soon. This quest is one of his best.
No. 91297 ID: 05d909

He should write Eivr into a script and get a teen drama series going.
No. 91358 ID: 7b7ab3

Does anyone know what's happening right now? Where's Brom? It's been over a week since the last update.
No. 91360 ID: e607cd

>his art has grown into something very distinct and attractive.
>grown into
You shut your whore mouth. It has ALWAYS been distinct and attractive. The things Brom accomplished with the MS Paint line tool shall be memorialized for generations to come.
No. 91361 ID: 88960e

He hasn't updated in a week. That's all.

Brom has cycles of high activity and lulls. It happens. I wouldn't worry about it.
No. 91363 ID: 7b7ab3

Brom's art has always been wonderful. I loved his work in Oren. What I meant was that his latest works have been remarkable even by his standards.

I suppose. Hopefully he'll come back soon.
Blast him for making such a good story! He's got me hooked!
No. 91366 ID: f0a5e4

He seems to take breaks to write new scenes, because after each lull he comes back with a slew of new updates.
Considering the quality of the writing so far, I'm willing to sit on the F5 button or another month or two.
No. 91367 ID: 7b7ab3

>another month or two
Well, hopefully it won't be that long. The story is definitely worth the wait, but that doesn't make the wait any more enjoyable.

My anticipation is killing me.
No. 91383 ID: cbc9e6

In the meantime I invite you to take part in the following poll:

1) Poly is love
2) Poly is life
No. 91387 ID: 78a595

1/√2 i |1⟩ + 1/√2 |2⟩
No. 91388 ID: 7b7ab3

>Poly loves Zack, but will outlive him by centuries
>Unless she dies first, which would break Zack's heart
>No matter what, their love is a tragedy waiting to happen

Poly is wise to live in the moment.
No. 91395 ID: e114bc

I wonder if Oculots even suffer heartbreak as badly as humans. I mean, they fall in love easily, so maybe... easy come, easy go?
No. 91397 ID: 7b7ab3

They probably suffer heartbreak very intensely. Oculots are very in touch with their emotions, remember? Falling in love is so easy for them because they feel it so strongly. It stands to reason that they would experience their other emotions just as extremely. I imagine that losing a loved one must be agonizing for an oculot.
No. 91399 ID: c717e8


I never got the "oh one of them will outlive the other a long time, how sad" thing. Is it harder to outlive someone by decades or centuries instead of just years? Does knowing you'll die soon yourself make it easier to deal with someone close to you dying?
No. 91400 ID: ce9176

Imagine what it would be like if you knew for certain that you were going to outlive everyone you ever cared about. How would that make you feel?
No. 91402 ID: 05a398

Considering all the loss she's suffered already, Poly's probably even more susceptible to heartbreak, even by oculot standards. I'd hate to think what would happen if she suddenly lost Zack.
No. 91404 ID: 52ddcd


Not that different? I mean, there was always a chance that I was going to outlive them. Some of them I was probably always going to outlive. It is sad, of course it is, but knowing I was going to continue living past that would only make me feel better about it, personally. Like, at least my memories of them go on living, with me.
No. 91405 ID: 7b7ab3

If Zack suddenly died she'd most likely be devastated. All the girls would be, more than likely.

It actually makes me really sad to imagine the girls and Zack's friends attending his funeral. Hopefully we can keep Zack alive long enough that it won't be an issue.
No. 91406 ID: 52ddcd

For all we know, with the intense mind-sharing thing, Poly might believe she's got a little bit of Zack left behind in herself, to live on with her. It might even be kinda true. We've not really gotten any depth so far on these guys' views of life and death.
No. 91409 ID: 7b7ab3

I don't think that would stop her from being sad and missing him.

I mean, she lost Bijala and Gadjjok a long time ago, and she still misses them.
No. 91414 ID: cbc9e6

Yes, lifespans are the single saddest thing about pursuing a relationship with an oculot.

I guess one can only adopt their attitude and live in the moment as well.
No. 91424 ID: 7b7ab3

The alternative is dwelling on it, and I would think that would be enough to drive anyone crazy, oculot or otherwise.
No. 91429 ID: f68a09
File 143285688620.png - (22.65KB , 960x560 , Polyphema.png )

It's the Polyphema Playlist!
This is what's on Polyphema's EYEpod



1. New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle
2. Bibio - À Tout À L’heure
3. Riz Ortolani - Oh My Love
4. TV on the Radio - Lover's Day
5. Robyn - Dancing On My Own
6. Destroyer - Kaputt
7. FKA Twigs - Two Weeks
8. St. Vincent - Digital Witness

Art as requested by my boy Hatticus_Finch. Thanks for the tablet cash, Hatticus!!
No. 91433 ID: 7b7ab3

That image is so good it should be illegal! I don't know what I like best! Giantess Poly, sheep rustler Zack, just how cute it all is. I can't choose! You're awesome, Brom!

The playlist is great! Very fitting for our precious, alien cyclops.
No. 91442 ID: e114bc

What are the odds that one of the large skut hiveminds is constantly having sex with itself? Like, it would only take about 10-20 skut bodies to do that.
No. 91452 ID: 6c8858

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "go fuck yourself", doesn't it?

That's probably how it is. Not really with itself, though. Not any more than you would call masturbating having sex with yourself. Especially since Bika compared her bodies to fingers.

Yeah, I think it's more like masturbation. That makes you... grow new... uh, limbs. Man, skuts are weird.
No. 91453 ID: 7b7ab3

>Bika compared her bodies to fingers
There's a joke so obvious here that it's astounding.

>Man, skuts are weird.
Said everyone,ever, on Earth or Golboria.
No. 91456 ID: 2a7417

This is almost exactly what I would have said. Thanks Brom!
No. 91457 ID: e114bc

Yeah I know it's like masturbation. My question is, what if they're masturbating ALL THE TIME. Just... going out in public with one body while a bunch of others are doing the dirty back at home.
No. 91461 ID: 8e0b6a

That would depend on how big a single Skut hive can get.

The bigger a population, the higher the birth rate necessary to maintain it. Past a certain critical mass, that would require near constant sexual activity somewhere in the hive just to keep up.

...of course, a hive that size of stable population would have to cope with a comparable death rate. Honestly, that might have worse psychological implications than the constant sex thing.

Going out on a limb, but I'm gonna guess single-skut populations don't tend to grow large enough for near-constant turnover to be an issue.
No. 91476 ID: 7b7ab3

I think the better question is: if you were a skut hive, would you do something like that?
No. 91508 ID: 41524d

Yes. Absolutely. Constantly.
No. 91513 ID: 0b1cca


No. 91515 ID: e1437d

She's so full of love and hope. How can you not fall in love with her?

Most likely, but I'd probably be really embarrassed about it, too.
No. 91517 ID: 7b7ab3

>She's so full of love and hope. How can you not fall in love with her?
I don't know, man. Her positive attitude despite everything is really hard to resist. Plus she's really mysterious, and that kinda draws you to her.
No. 91535 ID: c2811a

Y'know, what really gets me is the fact that GG, the one we've known the longest, still doesn't know our backstory. We need to tell her the next time we see her.
No. 91544 ID: 7b7ab3

First, I say we settle things with Meg. The poor things waited long enough. Then let's go to GG and see if we can reveal some things.
No. 91548 ID: 82d576

I predict the next time we meet she will have read the manual and will follow it to the letter.
No. 91549 ID: 7b7ab3

Which means we may be the ones helping her to loosen up and be herself next time. The first date was amazing, and I don't want to lose what makes her so fun and enjoyable to be with.
No. 91554 ID: 409b75

>You scan the street and see a CVS you can duck into.
>"Bika," you say. "In here."
Pardon my unenglishness, but what's a CVS? Google hasn't been helpful.
No. 91555 ID: 4189b9

A pharmacy / convenience store.
No. 91556 ID: 409b75

But what's the V doing there then? "ConVenience Store"? :D
No. 91557 ID: defceb

Consumer Value Stores was the name from 1963 to 1996
No. 91558 ID: 7b7ab3

CVS either stands for "Consumer Value Store" or "Convenience, Value and Service."

Either way, it saved our hides.
No. 91559 ID: 409b75

Gotcha. Thanks again.
No. 91560 ID: 7b7ab3

We have a few options to get out of our latest mess.

1) We wait for Carlson to call us back and see if we can get an escort.
2) We call one of Zack's friends and see if they can pick us up.
3) We call up one of the other girls and see if they can give us a lift.
4) We walk the two blocks to the restaurant and hope they don't come back.

What do you think, enemigos?
No. 91562 ID: 254419

There's only two blocks to the restaurant? There's 80+ Bikas... the Crewcutcrew is likely plotting something, the longer we wait the more chance they have to spring 'something' on us.
No. 91566 ID: 7b7ab3

I say we should be patient. Acting rashly will only bring us more trouble. Besides, what can we do anyway? We're not a fighter, and I don't want Bika or anyone else to endanger themselves.
No. 91567 ID: 8e0b6a

Bringing in Bika-muscle just exposes them working together / highlights her nature. Which is not in her interest.

It's also escalation. Which is also not good for her.

Gotta think beyond the one encounter: a big skut 'gang' crushing an intruding human one is bad for her local politics. And politics in general, the climate being what it is.
No. 91568 ID: bc6279


The unexpected return of Xu!

She works at CVS?!
No. 91569 ID: 317eec

>She works at CVS?!
No. 91570 ID: d8d908

I know I sound super thirsty when I say this, but I hope we actually get to have some "fun" with Bika. Those creeps threw us off, but we shouldn't let that stop us, right?
No. 91571 ID: ec4530

Of course not. This is just a slight detour.
Soon enough we'll be back at her place and making some sweet "puppy love."
No. 91572 ID: 7b7ab3

>"puppy love"
Now I've got that damn song going through my head. Fantastic.
No. 91574 ID: 7b7ab3


I don't trust these two. We never heard back from the office and they're just giving me the creeps. We need to be careful about how we handle this.
No. 91591 ID: 7b7ab3

OK, looks like I was wrong. They're cool. At least I hope so.
No. 91593 ID: 388d06

Rella seems a little uptight, but Brose seems chill. Maybe they can be our newest pair of friends. You can never have too many friends, especially if they're well trained government agents contractually obligated to guard your life.
No. 91594 ID: 4c4420

>Soon enough we'll be back at her place and making some sweet "puppy love."
Fingers crossed!

>You can never have too many friends, especially if they're well trained government agents contractually obligated to guard your life.
The very best kind of friends: big, scary ones you can hide behind if things get too dangerous.
No. 91596 ID: 027c13

If our next date is Meg, then things should go a lot more smoothly. It's hard for hate groups to target people when they're a couple thousand miles off the ground. Assuming Meg still wants to fly with us.
No. 91598 ID: 156106

>Assuming Meg still wants to fly with us.
Why would she not? We embarrassed her last time, true, but I don't think her opinion of us will drop that much. Floaters love to fly, and she really seemed to enjoy our company, so I don't see why she'd want to not have us along.
No. 91600 ID: a77c1b

She said that she was going to read that manual she mentioned, which says to me that she may end up with some preconceived notions about how a date should go. We may end up having to help her shake those notions and get back to being her awesome self. Which is fine with me. It's all part of the fun.
No. 91603 ID: 261cf5

Preconceived notions or not, she still deserves an apology.

I don't think their job description mentioned "human shield" or "be friends with a xenophilic nerd." But what do I know?
No. 91604 ID: 46984a

Not wrestling though. Skuts would need something more fit for smaller, skinnier, lighter people. Like philippinian martial art or something.

But yeah, the idea itself looks awesome. We should definitely roll it by Bika some time.
No. 91605 ID: 0c5c48

>Doing martial arts
>In a tiny, little karate gi
That is too precious. We have to suggest this to her.

>philippinian martial art
I'm afraid I'm not familiar.
No. 91607 ID: 409b75

Look up "pekiti tirsia" or "arnis". Basically it's a martial system with unified moves and techniques that work with bare hands, a knife or a stick/bat, and once you learn the gist of it it works with either of those weapons.

Dynamically, it's all about controlling distance, well-timed counter-attacks, quickly disabling the hand with the weapon and/or stipping your opponent of mobility.

When Spain decided to colonize Philippines, the locals, mostly farmers, had no way of defending themselves against a professional army. They had neither time nor resources to mass-produce weapons or armor, so they came up with a fighting style that utilized things every farmer already had: bare hands, a knife, hooks for climbing palm trees and a machete.

Filipinos are naturally sort of skinny and toned - you won't find super stacked 220+ lbs fighters there. So every hack, stab and jab (it's not a very "noble" style per se, foot-to-groin and knee-to-face stuff is pretty common) comes from the hip and torso to maximize the body mass delivering the blow.
No. 91609 ID: 7b7ab3

Playing dress-up with Bika would be a blast. She has so many bodies (and body types) to experiment with. I bet her Prime would look adorable in a little sun dress.

That sounds right up the skut's alley. Combine it with their teeth, tails, and acid and you have a pretty strong defense.
No. 91610 ID: 406ce7

The problem with teaching Bika a human martial art would be her legs. Stances, balance and footwork are very important in all martial arts and there are a few things that would be tricky to translate. There are also a number of types of kick, like the standard roundhouse or the side-snap, that are based on the joint structure of human legs. Her center of balance would also have to be shifted from what humans do, because of her tail.

Skuts probably have their own fighting styles, though whether they're really 'martial arts' with a ll the discipline and self-mastery stuff would be another question. For a skut, that kind of martial arts would be more on the level of learning to use all their bodies together.
No. 91611 ID: 409b75

That's true. Skuts are digitigrade, right?

In the long run, we'd want to present it as a sport. Most sports are about showing physical excellence, and "might makes right" seems to be the core of skutti competition.
When human television officially airs a skut turf war, that is handled in a specialized arena with a specialized set of rules and safety measures, with spectators and referees - I think that's when we can call our cultural integration a success.
No. 91614 ID: 7b7ab3

Skut strike me as being all about multitasking and being dynamic. A swarm has many different kinds of bodies for many different kinds of situations. I can see skut being attracted to sports that focus on teamwork and group tactics, like football or hockey. I kinda wish we'd taken her to a paintball game. It'd be pretty cool having our own squad of skut paint-snipers.
No. 91620 ID: 71d2ae

Skut are probably incredible at a lot of games, so much so that it's probably really frustrating to play with them. Even a really simple game like Hide 'n' Seek is complicated by skut nature. All it takes is one discreetly peeping skut to let the whole hive know where you are.
No. 91622 ID: 946dd8

Trivia games would be the worst! When they get a question, they use some body you can't see to look up the answer. Not that I'm saying skut cheat a lot, but they probably get accused of it pretty often.
No. 91623 ID: 7668ec

I feel that what is more subtle but has even more potential than skuts' ability to do multiple things at a time is their ability to think multiple things at a time. Because of that skuts would make amazing bureaucrats or administrators; being able to pay attention to many things in parallel combined with nearly instant communication would add up to efficiency that could only be matched by very advanced AI. (I would say they would be good at being rulers if it weren't for the tendency to split, which would get very messy with other people involved.)
No. 91626 ID: ad6f49

Wearing little suits, talking on tiny cellphones, carrying itty-bitty suitcases.
I love this idea.
No. 91641 ID: 254419

Something which occurs to me...

Skuts seem accustomed to dealing with their issues their own way amongst themselves, both because it's what they were accustomed to on the other side (and possibly because their nature made it too much of a hassle and/or their lowest class status made it not worth the Oculots' time) and because Human civil and criminal justice can't get over how obviously Alien they are.

Falling into this habit only hurts the Skuts long-term as what seems like sensible resolution of conflicts to them looks like gang warfare between rabid coyote-raptors to humans.
No. 91659 ID: 7ccd19

It'll be easier for humanity to understand when the skut reveal their true nature, but until then you have an excellent point.
No. 91660 ID: 27bc51

Actually, the skut would probably be fantastic at law enforcement. A single hive could patrol entire neighborhoods with minimal effort, and their ability to react to disturbances would be unmatched. It would also be a good way to keep territorial disputes between hives under control. I can't imagine anyone wanting to mess with a swarm wearing a badge.
No. 91672 ID: 254419

Zack has a fetish for discreet public sex.

Would sex in a room fulla Bikas count?
No. 91675 ID: 7b7ab3

Not really. It would still just be him and Bika, no matter how many bodies were present.
No. 91687 ID: d3bbf8

Turns out Bika's a little handful. Woof! Steady, woman!
No. 91688 ID: d369a9

She's an energetic little thing, isn't she? Impish, too! Didn't know she had such a long naughty streak. We should remember that.
No. 91689 ID: fcbfd2

Am I the only one who thinks Rella and Ambrose would look cute together? Like, together together. Is it just me?
No. 91692 ID: 7b7ab3

Romantically? I guess.

I mean, theirs wouldn't be the strangest relationship this quest's produced.
No. 91712 ID: 186341

Hello all I have an announcement:

There will be no updates to this here quest for a few days, as my wife and I will be celebrating our anniversary, and alien hanky-panky isn't on the to-do list. Sorry! Updates to resume later on in the week.

Love you all!!!
No. 91713 ID: 7b7ab3

Roger that.

Holding pattern: engaged.

Knock her dead, loverboy!
No. 91714 ID: ab7529

Ask Bromwife lots of questions about her weird alien culture. All evidence we've seen thus far says that should score you a lot of points.
No. 91770 ID: 27bc51

Have a good time, Brom!
No. 91812 ID: 2f4b71

>I will be celebrating our anniversary, and alien hanky-panky isn't on the to-do list
Man, tradition in Bromistan sucks.
No. 91850 ID: 7b7ab3

It's Back!

Hope you and Bromwife had a good time, Brom.
No. 91886 ID: 7b7ab3

All these pet names are getting me right in the feels. Should we come up with pet names for the girls?
No. 91892 ID: 76c583

I could get behind the idea.

Personally, Zack seems like a "babe" and "sweetheart" kind of guy.
No. 91894 ID: f68a09

Agree on what he'd call someone and I'll slip it into the quest.

As long as it isn't something weird like "schmootzy poo" or "pet".
No. 91895 ID: f68a09

or like

No. 91898 ID: 4b1db0

I think GG would make a pretty good "babe." It's both a common, affectionate pet name, and an accurate description of her appearance.
No. 91900 ID: 7b7ab3

I could see that, although honestly I'm not that fussed about pet names. The girls are still the girls no matter what you call them.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, right?
No. 91902 ID: 7b7ab3

The proper Visitor name for Warriors is Garakton. GG said so herself in the first thread. Humans call them Warriors because their language, Garaktonik, is difficult for humans to reproduce.

Skut, on the other hand, have a much more easily pronounceable name. Therefore, a nickname is not necessary.
No. 91904 ID: 57d76a

I motion we call one of Bika's bodies "butterbiscuit".
No. 91905 ID: 7b7ab3

Bika mentioned having "a really rotund body that eats all the desserts [she] want[s]."

I motion, as an alternative, that this body be called "butterball."
No. 91906 ID: 1f3797

Another sign of successful cultural integration: some company registers a trademark of an energy drink called "Garaktonic".
No. 91908 ID: ea0ad9

Skut, Article 2:

While Skut may be absolutely cautious and watchful, they aren't the sort to shy away from violence. While a lot of people may have gathered that after their kamikaze attacks in the war, it's less a matter of them being willing to give up their lives, more that they crave the honor it brings. I can only theorize this connects to their history with the Warriors, who held those willing to fight with their lives on the line in the highest regards.

Skut are also not fond of outsiders (Anybody who isn't a Skut) butting in on their battles. While big fights should certainly be broken up, one-on-one matches being ended is likely to hurt the family more than it helps them out. As an experiment (Talk this over with the Floaters, they'd probably love to try it), perhaps supply them with nonlethal battle ideas and, if necessary, supplies. I have a hard time imagining they would turn down the idea of a Sumo fight, for example: Something that, while it might leave some bruises, is much less likely to leave one dead. The formalities would also help to prevent people from assuming it's nothing more than a gang fight, calling the police, and breaking it up, so it would be helpful to the human populous as well.

PS: I would like to apologize over not submitting an article on the Floaters yet. I have not had much chance to learn from them so far, but will submit intel as soon as I can.

Yes, no, send to Carlson nao?
No. 91910 ID: 2993af

How about Dulamaid? (still an energy drink)
No. 91916 ID: 7b7ab3

Sounds great. Can't think of a reason for Carlson to complain.

Oh, the puns! They cut me deep! Although, I could see a company pushing a product called "Garaktonic." It would, of course, require a cartoon Warrior mascot.
No. 91921 ID: 7d5048

Y'know, I'm sorta curious about how Skuts fit into the lovers and friends-with-benefits thing that Polyphema described. A number of Bika's Zack-related questions seem to apply equally well to Warriors and Oculots.

I have a sneaking suspicion the hivemind thing is a secret to literally everybody.
But Oculots can read minds so it can't be all that secret...
No. 91922 ID: 0ee153

>secret to literally everybody
Please. Anyone even slightly intelligent can figure out there's something with a hivemind going on just from watching how skut act for like, ten minutes.
No. 91923 ID: 0fc976

They don't get too far before the mind they're reading explodes. Also, the use of the mind-link on others as a weapon seems to have been introduced in the human-visitor war, so I don't think they've used it in conflicts with skuts.
No. 91924 ID: ad7bba

Polyphema and other Oculots totally know what's up with skuts. She makes jokes about it, ditto others we saw in memory diving irc.
No. 91925 ID: 7d5048

I dunno, I think us individual minded folk are rather predisposed to think other bodies all have individual minds. With the knowledge that Skuts are a hive mind all the bits make sense, but it isn't difficult to see them as dog-like and attribute it to some kind of pack behavior.

I'm not too proud to say that I totally didn't see it coming.
No. 91926 ID: 0ee153

I did. And people living with them for centuries or millenia are going to figure it out too.
No. 91927 ID: 7b7ab3

I'll admit I wasn't expecting it. I thought it was just posters being paranoid. But then the secret was revealed.

My first thought: "AWESOME! This is the kind of alien stuff I signed up for!"

Second thought: "She must spend a fortune on toothpaste."
No. 91929 ID: 74f272

Assuming she brushes her teeth.
Actually, considering how acidic skut body fluids are, I wonder if she even has to worry about something like gingivitis. Her saliva's probably pretty antiseptic.
No. 91931 ID: fcbfd2

She might do it just to freshen her breath. She has admitted to eating out of the trash once in a while.
No. 91947 ID: bb78f2

Okay guys, that was not Zack who's perspective we had at the end there, right?
Or did we just see a super confusing scene where we just unlocked the human girl path, somehow, by voting for a date with Poly?
No. 91948 ID: 0ee153

Nah, that was the guy who tried to follow Zack and Bika.
No. 91950 ID: 7b7ab3

This is ominous. Who was speaking to "Hoodie Bitch" just now? If it was Carlson, we're in deep shit.

Also, she only has one eye. I think we all know who our least favorite cyclops is now.
No. 91951 ID: 7b7ab3

Spoiler: it's Hoodie Bitch.

Poly remains favorite cyclops #1.
No. 91952 ID: 7b7ab3

Well, that's a hell of a start.

Imminent death.

Wish we were cognizant enough to tell these Kariket loving automatons to kiss our soon-to-be-dead ass.
No. 91967 ID: 7b7ab3

Important notes:

GG: Ticklish.
Poly: Ticklish.
Bika: Unknown.
Meg: Unknown.

This requires more study. Tickle experiments should be engaged with Bika and Meg at our earliest convenience.
No. 91977 ID: 0fc976

Statistically, the odds are at least one Bika is ticklish.
We should find out which ones are by having a massive ticklefight free for all.
No. 91978 ID: 6665d7

You can't tickle yourself
No. 91980 ID: 7b7ab3

That is an excellent idea!

Sure you can! Just don't do it in public or people will think you're weird.
No. 91981 ID: 7b7ab3

By the by, are you two posting in the quest?
No. 91984 ID: 0ee153

Check IDs or turn ponychan on and check ponies instead if you prefer.

>>91977 did twice, >>91978 either hasn't or has a dynamic IP.
No. 91993 ID: 46984a

>"Shut up. I'm never vulnerable. You know me."
I think this phrase encapsulates one of Polyphema's defining character traits.
No. 91994 ID: 7b7ab3

I think you may be right.
I hope she doesn't shut us out if we try to get closer to her. We would never knowingly do anything to hurt her.
No. 91995 ID: 6c8858

That seems unlikely. I mean, Poly and Zack shared personal stuff out in the wild, we he'd have to touch some really deep old wounds for her to change like that.

And even if there are such wounds, she's three centuries old. Poly's tough.
Also, a schemer and a manipulator, even though she doesn't seem to draw much enjoyment from it.
No. 91996 ID: 7b7ab3

I suppose you're right. I just worry.

She's had a hard life, and I want Zack to be someone she can feel safe and secure with.
No. 91997 ID: fcbfd2

The last time Poly was vulnerable, she got hurt.


We can hardly blame her for being guarded.
No. 91998 ID: cfa084

Tough or not, the thought of making her uncomfortable doesn't sit well with me.
No. 91999 ID: 5340db

You don't get to be so old without picking up some baggage. Our dear, sweet Poly probably has more than her fair share.
No. 92005 ID: 55daa5

I wonder if the whole alumad/dulamad thing might be dangerous with Meg. Floaters don't normally have romance and so weren't part of it, so they don't have that idea built up and accepted so much. Plus I wouldn't put it past them to go "hmm we're going to try romance with a human so lets load her with a human sense of romance". The harem ending route might be problematic with her. We should feel things out in that direction, first.

While we're at it, we could do the same with the others. See what each one thinks of each of the other Visitor races in general, then zone it in, do the same with the rest. Like, we know Poly likes warriors, but she hasn't spoken of knowing any skuts, just general knowledge of them. What would Poly think of Bika?

I'd also like to ask "what happens if an oculot tries mind-interfacing with a skut" but this isn't the right time.
No. 92009 ID: 2a7417

Do you think we could convince the government that we need an Abrams tank as a bribe for Daddy Gzrgkahk?
No. 92010 ID: 7b7ab3

More feasibly, we could get him a poster or a book about tanks or something.

Maybe we could introduce him to the BOLO novels?
No. 92015 ID: 7b7ab3

We fucked up.


Well, nothing left to do now but damage control.
No. 92016 ID: 0ee153

>fucked up
No, man, not everything that makes people sad or unhappy or upset is a fuckup. That's part of life. Shit happens. Not telling her would have been worse, based on how she doesn't want us to know.
No. 92017 ID: 7b7ab3

I just don't want her to think we're trying to hurt her or spy on her or something.

I'm afraid we may have done something to damage the relationship.
No. 92018 ID: 0ee153

Right, but it's too early to get worried. Chill, man. Not everything is cause for immediate alarm.
No. 92019 ID: 7b7ab3

I can understand why she's upset, though.

It must feel very alienating when someone is digging through your most personal memories, even if they aren't doing it intentionally.
No. 92021 ID: e114bc

Telling her was not a fuck up. Good relationships are built on honesty. Maaaaybe the timing could have been better but whatever.
No. 92022 ID: 2916ca

Too true. However, being honest is fine, but being blunt and tactless is most assuredly not. We should exercise more discretion in the future.
No. 92023 ID: cd62e7

All RIght Gentlemen, it's been three months since the last poll. It's time for ROUND TWO OF THE WAIFU WARS


No. 92025 ID: d820c1

>GG in the lead

No. 92029 ID: 4b1db0

>GG tied with Bika

No. 92030 ID: 0ee153

>proxy voting is power
Nice try, skut
No. 92031 ID: bb78f2

>GG tied with Bika
I'm sure GG is into that HAaaayooooo
No. 92032 ID: f68a09

No. 92033 ID: 46984a

Three votes. Three votes. Preposterous!
No. 92034 ID: 0ee153

Polyphema is my second favorite but GG wins. I suspect that's the case for a large portion of people. So: http://strawpoll.me/4656308
No. 92044 ID: 946dd8

Alright. Cards on the table.
Is it time? http://strawpoll.me/4662152
No. 92046 ID: 946dd8

What do you guys think?
No. 92050 ID: 9513be

After the gala, and not all at the same time.
Slow, 1 on 1 introductions seems like the best plan.
No. 92051 ID: 5340db

We should have Poly meet GG once the gala is over.
We've known them the longest, and oculots and Warriors get along pretty well, so they're our safest bet.
No. 92052 ID: d3bbf8

Y'know, there's a possibility that Bika will be catering for the gala, so a meeting of the girlfriends may be unavoidable. Not necessarily a bad thing, but we should be aware of the possibility.
No. 92056 ID: bb2891

Well, it seems that the answer is yes.

No. 92057 ID: 3380e4

Agreed, though I think it best we not bring her along when we meet GG's parents.
No. 92058 ID: 3380e4

Important question: what are we gonna get GG's mama?
No. 92059 ID: 74f272

We could ask GG for some gift ideas.
No. 92062 ID: 40cdb3

It'd be best to ask about both parents, seeing as we're kinda clueless.
No. 92065 ID: fc88a1

>"Still gonna punish me, Frank Castle?"
I can't believe it took me this long to notice, but GG knows who The Punisher is.

Is she a Marvel fan? Have we been missing out on the opportunity to go full on geek with her?
No. 92083 ID: 7b7ab3

I'm not sure, but I figure she has a little geek in her. Besides Zack, I mean.
No. 92089 ID: 967df9

I see what you did there.

You monster.
No. 92090 ID: 27a3ed

No. 92129 ID: 7b7ab3

I've thought of an unpleasant possibility: what if those "Earth for Earth" creeps crash the gala? Should we develop a contingency plan in case things go south? Maybe it would be a good idea for the HVAO to post some guards or something.
No. 92132 ID: 0fc976

I think our wardroid gal pal is all the security the place needs. Seriously, though, I think the event security already in place is sufficient. Besides, she's only one of many acts that night.
No. 92135 ID: 7b7ab3

Technically she's only the clone of a wardroid.

My reasoning is that large social gatherings like the gala are major targets for hate groups and the like. Also, if they're as organized as I fear they might be, then I'd like us to be prepared for the worst.
No. 92153 ID: afd47f

Seeing as they target Visitors and Visitor sympathizers, the chances of them attacking depend on the number of Visitors at the gala. Therefore, until we know how inclusive this thing is, we have no idea what the odds of them attacking are.
No. 92154 ID: ea0ad9

Oculots and Empathy:

Humans seem to have an unusual receptiveness to empathy. Perhaps this is what allowed the Oclots to use it as a weapon during the war, but in lesser quantities, it seems to be able to connect just fine, such as when they use that xenoneural inhibitor. They also seem to be able to leak memories out during sleep, through connections to others in a state of sleep.

It feels a little too short, so if anybody has suggestions on things to change or add...
No. 92155 ID: 0fc976

Shh! We don't officially know about the inhibitor. It's not polite to mind-meld and tell.
No. 92157 ID: 6d989a

My question is: how long until the inhibitor is commercialized? I can imagine plenty of applications for a fancy little doodad like that besides interspecies hanky-panky.
No. 92162 ID: 2d8163

Let's be honest, though.
Interspecies hanky-panky is probably its greatest application.
No. 92169 ID: 7b7ab3

I hear what you're saying.

I can see inhibitors becoming the next big thing for oculots. I mean, it solves one of their oldest issues: the inability to safely link with other species.

If it ever hits commercial markets, I can't imagine an oculot that would want to go without one.
No. 92173 ID: ea0ad9

Hmm. We need to find a way to get them to look into the memory leak, but you're right that we shouldn't be divulging secrets.
No. 92175 ID: 7b7ab3

I think the best thing to do would be to take Poly, go to the HVAO's office, and simply explain the situation.

Once that's done the HVAO should be able to actually begin studying the phenomenon and hopefully provide some answers.
No. 92178 ID: 0fc976

The memory leaks began before the mind-link, if I recall correctly. It was our memory (kind of?) at first, but it went on longer than it ever had before.
No. 92179 ID: 7b7ab3

That's correct.

At first, it was only the one, extended dream of Zack's we were experiencing. Now, after linking with Poly, we seem to be unwillingly tapping into her deepest memories.

I don't know the significance of this change, but I do know it alienates Poly. The sooner we can figure it out, the better, in my opinion.
No. 92187 ID: bb2891

We're taking uninvited trips into some of Poly's most private and personal memories. Of course it alienates her! I do wonder, however, about the long term effects of dream sharing. For all we know, Poly could unintentionally be giving Zack brain cancer or something!
No. 92189 ID: cfa084

I had a weird little idea: Enemy Quest x Static on the Wire crossover. Aliens plus cyberpunk is always good. With this crossover you could have: oculot cyborgs, Warrior Moldies, Floater Bureau agents, and who knows what else.
No. 92208 ID: 7b7ab3

From what I can tell by watching Quest, Brom is focusing on completing SotW. Understandable, seeing as it's one of his longest running and most popular quests, and well deserving of a good finish. I imagine EQ's on the backburner until SotW's complete.
No. 92279 ID: 5340db

Interesting idea.
I'll admit, a Warrior Moldie would be something to see.
No. 92288 ID: f68a09
File 143521324377.png - (9.61KB , 960x560 , GG.png )

I had to
No. 92289 ID: 7b7ab3

Beautiful, yet terrifying.

No. 92292 ID: 0fc976

Red Dead Revolver
No. 92298 ID: abfd9d

Excellent description. And a new word to add to my vocabulary.
No. 92306 ID: 7b7ab3

Off the topic of hypothetical cyborg-zombie-girlfriends, there is something I've noticed: we have never once booped Bika on any of her noses.
Not a single one.
We must rectify this at our earliest convenience.
No. 92311 ID: 37adba

So, we're dating Karket's daughter, and we're being offered a chance to ask someone who might tell us so. Should we take it?
No. 92313 ID: 7b7ab3

I'm betting she's the Kariket's former lover. Nothing like a broken heart to breed resentment.
No. 92317 ID: 53a13f

I'm sure that prying into Polyphema's painful back-story is the plan that cannot possibly go wrong.

She's totally a princess or something.
No. 92318 ID: c170a8

I bet her number is 66.
No. 92319 ID: 1dce91

You're right! How we've gone this long without doing it is beyond me. At least we've already touched fluffy tail.
I see what you did there.
No. 92321 ID: 66ed48

>She's totally a princess
And even if she's not we should still treat her like one.
No. 92324 ID: 0cef2a

So anger makes fireballs, confrontational energy allows telepathy, and wanting to disappear causes portals. What other little tricks do oculots have up their sleeves? I wonder what they can do with other emotions, like fear or sadness or joy.
No. 92327 ID: 66415b

I don't know about oculots, but I think I've figured something out about Warriors. Namely, how they're so resistant to good,
old-fashioned lead.
I imagine that their musculature is so thick and densely packed that it acts like a sort of natural Kevlar. Bullets impact and deform before they can achieve effective penetration. Add what must be an extremely robust skeletal system, plus whatever manner of protective garments they may be wearing, and you arrive at one conclusion: Warriors can take an obscene amount of punishment.
No. 92328 ID: 0ee153

Bullets don't fuck you up just because of penetration. The blunt trauma and hydrostatic shock kill you just fine too.
No. 92329 ID: 7b7ab3

It would seem you're both correct.
Warriors can take an obscene amount of punishment, but they are not invincible. As we've seen, they can be injured and killed just like any other lifeform. It just takes significantly more force than it would for others to put them down.
No. 92341 ID: d3bbf8

Sort of like the Catachan Jungle Fighters from 40K: so ripped they might as well be wearing flak armor.
No. 92344 ID: ea0ad9

You know, if we ever do get the chance, we should introduce Xu to Hizalian. Whether she was just joking about wanting a job or not can be determined based on her reaction to more open Visitors... Especially those whose jobs are their side of yours. If it was a joke, she'd probably still enjoy meeting more friendly aliens, anyways, and Hizalian could use more exposure to proper human culture.
No. 92345 ID: 7b7ab3

That's not a bad idea! Part of our job is to improve human/Visitor relations.

Who knows? Xu and Hizz might really hit it off!
No. 92351 ID: 7b7ab3

>"Zaaack," Polyphema whispers. "She's gorgeous."
Awesome! Meg is Poly approved!
>The standing ovation is immediate.
>The three of you in the front row go fucking nuts.
And Meg's performance was amazing! Things are looking up!
No. 92353 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh, gee.
Meeting again after so long. After parting on bad terms.
This is kinda awkward. How should we approach this?
No. 92370 ID: 37adba

I have a possible apology to use as a starting point for discussion:
"On reflection, I owe you an apology for underestimating you. You said your understanding of romance and sexual relationships was watching a movie, which in human terms doesn't make you ready at all. But you're not human--in many ways you're superhuman--so it is a mistake to judge you according to human expectations. I should've asked you to explain what you thought, what you felt, what you wanted and what you planned instead: I should have treated you like the experienced and intelligent person you are instead of like a clueless virgin who needed to be protected from making an ignorant decision. I'm sorry."
No. 92371 ID: 7b7ab3

That might work.

It's a little long and wordy, but it definitely gets the point across.
No. 92379 ID: 38aa12

How about something a little more compact.

"Meg, I'm sorry. I was disrespectful and dismissive of you last time. I can't undo it, but I do want to make up for it somehow."
No. 92380 ID: db46ec


Eeehh. To me, those both sound kinda... patronizing? I'm not sure that's the right word. Overly formal? "I'm sorry, I was disrespectful and dismissive of you" sounds like something you say to someone you offended in a business meeting, not something you say to a friend or lover.
No. 92381 ID: 1b75f8

How about we just start with "I'm sorry" and work from there.
If it's weighed on her mind like it has on ours, then she'll know what we're talking about.
No. 92382 ID: db46ec


I don't know. I know we don't know her that well, but Meg seems like the kind of person who prefers not to talk things out. Like she'd want to just leave things behind and move on without lingering on them.
No. 92383 ID: 062da3


Actions speak louder than words, so let's do our best to make things right with her.
No. 92384 ID: 01774f

>Larger breasts
>Can eat now
Well, someone's got some upgrades.
No. 92386 ID: c1d890

Well, we know one thing for certain now: Floaters can modify their chassis. To a pretty extreme extent, if they can add and remove things like eating.
No. 92390 ID: ea0ad9

>It'd advance visitor relations by a cosmic mile!
That... Would be useful for somebody in Zach's job. Which makes it a bit suspicious that he'd say that. I think he knew who Zach was.
Still, he's right. Such beautiful music could definitely help to improve relations, but only if publicized right, which includes what Meg wants.
No. 92391 ID: d1c02c

In the end, it's Meg's decision.
We can suggest she accept his offer, but beyond that...
No. 92394 ID: ea0ad9

If we suggest anything, I would rather it be she consider a partnership with a studio. Not any one specifically, especially that one.
No. 92411 ID: 7b7ab3

If Meg does do a recording, then we simply must get a copy. Besides showing our support, it's also a damn good song.
No. 92421 ID: 7fa4f5

I hope Meg's not too cheesed off. We've tried to get in contact with her, so it's not like we've been avoiding her. Hopefully a stiff drink and a romantic evening will help even things out.
No. 92439 ID: 38c567

She's being pretty unreadable right now.
You are right, though. A stiff drink and romance can go a long way to mending hurt feelings.
No. 92451 ID: 27bc51

So it turns out Meg's been having a pretty shitty time.
She needs some TLC in a bad way.
No. 92468 ID: 7b7ab3

I wonder if there's a place we can take Meg so she can fly around. Maybe somewhere out of town or something.
No. 92470 ID: 5a4a22

There's that park where we went camping with Poly. Would that work?
No. 92473 ID: ea0ad9

I'm thinking we should ask HVAO about a place we can get permission for her to fly at. If they find out she's flying without clearance, she could still get into trouble.

Relationships among Visitors:

Visitors are very lax in their relationships, and it is even expected that a person will have multiple partners. They are open to having a relationship with both genders, though this does not mean it advances to the physical stages, as one will often end up in a pseudo-romantic relationship with their partner's partners.

There are three major terms to understand when talking about Visitor romance: Alamads, which are the closest of partners, the ones who are treated as spouses; Dulamads, who are still close partners, just not of the closeness we would consider Married; and Dulabira, which is the circle of all of the partners at once. While a Dulamad can offer comfort, fun, and an all around great time, when somebody starts feeling depressed, it will likely fall to an Alamad to help them out.

Dulabiras can and usually do end up getting messy, so there is no need to worry about ruining things by introducing your partners to one another at a bad time, or if they disagree with one another. Pay attention to how things went wrong, and simply try to improve upon your actions in the future, as any member of your own Dulabira is not going to hold a grudge against you (Yes, this even includes the Warriors), even if they hold one against your other partners. Just avoid bringing them together where you can, and schedule your times around the arguments.

While the Visitors may be lax in what they consider to be a relationship, you should still not consider a person to have become your Dulamad immediately. While it is possible to earn yourself the title in the first date, it is also possible that the person may desire some more time as just friends before they advance the relationship. This depends on both you and your Visitor partner, so don't worry if it takes time. Just be patient and enjoy yourself, and before too long you should have grown an understanding of how things are working out.


Floaters are the odd race out among the Visitors, being Cybernetic lifeforms who center themselves around efficiency. At the time of writing this entry, Megumi 9x542 is the first and only Floater who was built specifically for the study of relations, which means that while they may have had a head start in understanding things from the Visitor's perspective, they are learning the differences between Human and Visitor romance alongside us.

Floaters are big on rules, and you should attempt to follow them when dealing with a Floater, but do point out when the rules are more lenient, or where they're intended more as guidelines, so that you can help them to understand where it's acceptable to ignore the rules, and to what extent.

As their name implies, Floaters are fliers, and feel restrained when they are unable to fly. If your Floater friend or partner is "Grounded," not allowed to fly, try introducing them to higher locations, such as balconies, rooftops, or mountain trails. While it is not quite the same as flying, it helps them to no longer feel restrained, which means they are much less likely to get depressed (Yes, they can get depressed. They might have a strong control over their emotions, but they still have them).

No. 92475 ID: 2a7417

>there is no need to worry about ruining things by introducing your partners to one another at a bad time
Sounds like you're jumping to a lot of conclusions in this article. Perhaps it should wait for further research to be done.
No. 92476 ID: ea0ad9

Well, Poly said that it gets messy but that it's to be expected. We certainly could use some confirmation on the other portions, though.
No. 92484 ID: eac8be

The thing I really want to ask Meg (though we are probably a long while from a time we could ask it without being awkward) is what base species the Floaters were made from. The historical clay tablets Bika mentioned contained only Skut, Warriors, and Oculots, so there doesn't seem to have been some fourth pre-Floater species.
No. 92486 ID: 7b7ab3

I think our primary concern should be keeping Meg from losing her mind. She is in a very bad place right now. She needs help figuring out her emotions, she needs to feel like she is succeeding, and she needs. To. Fucking. Fly. What moronic human thought it would be a good idea to ground a Floater?
No. 92489 ID: 6b0329

One that wanted to be able to tell the difference between a non-hostile and a renewal of the war, for targeting SAM batteries and intercept missions?
No. 92492 ID: 7b7ab3

>What moronic human thought it would be a good idea to ground a Floater without some kind of outlet?
No. 92493 ID: 6b0329

One that either doesn't know and care about that, or thinks it's not their responsibility. Suggest calling up the HVAO and mention the floaters are going stir-crazy from being grounded, help.
No. 92497 ID: 7b7ab3

Aren't Carlson and the others out tonight? If we could get the okay from them then Meg could be flying sooner than we thought.
No. 92505 ID: 7b7ab3

Carlson, you beautiful sonuvabitch! We owe you big time!

Assuming you're not a traitor.

Hopefully Meg didn't fly off while we made the call. She'll be ecstatic when we show her!
No. 92507 ID: 7b7ab3

>Meg goes to the edge of the pit and looks down. An ecstatic-looking floater tears past her face. "Holy SHIT," she says.
>Meg looks back at you, her eyes wide and wild. She's normally impossible to read but her face is lit up with emotion. She looks like she'd be on the verge of tears if she had tearducts.
If there's a competition for "Best Boyfriend", I think we just won. Do you think we'll get a trophy?
No. 92511 ID: ea0ad9

I think we've been winning that title from all four ladies.
Still, if Megumi wants to keep her job with HVAO (And thus be able to see Zack often), we'll want the other humans to know about the whole Dulabira deal. Can we get a smaller message that doesn't make assumptions (guesses are fine, the difference being you actually mention it being a guess) from anybody for it?
Something about them being more open to relations, forming circles around multiple partners called Dulabira, something about them maybe showing up...
No. 92519 ID: 009aa8

There's something I've wanted to ask the girls for a while now: humanity has been to space. We've walked on the moon, built space stations, and all that good stuff. Have the Golborians done the same?
No. 92524 ID: 0ee153

Moving to /questdis/ for obvious reasons. Might be something to do with how Zack was the only one out of five dates to 'come close'. Three didn't want to fly and the other one who did fly puked. Only Zack had a strong positive reaction with the erection, and Meg did say that had been on her mind.
No. 92525 ID: 0ee153

Although I wonder just how heavily the Collective modifies its floaters. Could've tried to... customize her for Zack after his date turned out the best. Doesn't seem likely, since she says she was infatuated well before she got the mods installed, but have fun worrying about it anyway.
No. 92528 ID: 7b7ab3

Really, out of all of her dates, Zack did do the best, even with his last minute slip up.
No. 92540 ID: ea0ad9

Well, Zack was also the first one she met. She was built to fall in love, but perhaps based on the Human understanding (Or a fluke in design may have left it that way), with only one person receiving the focus of the love.
No. 92542 ID: 7b7ab3

Well, it hardly matters now.
The point is: Meg is awesome, she likes us, we like her, and this relationship has potential. So let's do our best to help it grow into something truly awe inspiring.
No. 92558 ID: 846437

Visitors need special places where they can just be themselves, at least until integration is further along.
I mean things like Floater flying zones and Warrior fight clubs. Places where they can blow off some species related steam. It would give them a better outlet than doing something illegal.
No. 92559 ID: fcbfd2

>Warrior fight clubs
Those sound like a blast. Maybe not to participate in, but they'd make one hell of a spectacle.
No. 92560 ID: ff2d28

Can do!
Meg should meet Poly.
Poly's has a lot of experience and she's good with emotions.
Meg could use the help.
No. 92563 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh, God damn it.

Well, we all knew we'd have to face shit like this eventually.

So much for that apartment. Time for a change of residence, I guess.
No. 92568 ID: 7aeb02

>I suspect Meg was built to do exactly this. Fall in love. Should be an interesting philosophical conundrum when/if the question comes up about how much is Zack's charisma and how much of it she was programmed to act.
The Nguyen Parable, huh?

Also yeah, I share the sentiment about Zack's superhuman ability to make girls fall for him. It does strain my suspension of disbelief as well, but the ride is good enough that I will allow it to strain a bit further.
No. 92569 ID: 2a7417

Have we seen a paycheck from the HVAO yet? Or have they handled our purchases directly?
No. 92576 ID: 7b7ab3

Y'know, this latest turn of events is really just an inconvenience. It's a disturbing inconvenience, but still just an inconvenience. We'll find a new place to shack up. Maybe with a friend or with one of the girls. All in all, this is nothing we can't handle.

For now, I suggest we grab a few essentials (toothbrush, clothes, etc.), take Meg, go to a nice hotel, update the HVAO, and enjoy the rest of our night. We can deal with this all in the morning.
No. 92580 ID: 10e39f

Sounds like a plan.
Poly and Bika are going to be worried sick about Zack, and GG will probably be furious someone tried to hurt her boyfriend. Let's tell them when they've had some rest.
No. 92581 ID: ab4978

>We can deal with this all in the morning.
How late is it? Too late to deal with this crap.
No. 92586 ID: 800a06

Poor Meg.
Let's see if we can breathe some life back into the night!
No. 92587 ID: 5a4a22

I just realized something. Ironically, out of all the girls, GG is the only one to have never been in actual combat. I mean, she moved to earth with her family when she was 16. Unless the Kariket indulges in child soldiers or Warriors mature more quickly than humans, then it's very unlikely that GG has ever been an actual combatant.
No. 92590 ID: 01774f

It wouldn't surprise me if the kari-creep uses child soldiers. He does everything else heinous, so why not?
But yes. She does seem the least likely to have been a soldier. Besides, she never struck me as the killing type.
No. 92592 ID: 0fc976

Guys, it is official. We have a higher calling now than dating alien women.
After hearing of so many of his crimes, it is clear what our calling is: Zack must ASSASSINATE THE KARIKET.
Show of hands? Yea? Nay? Actually don't bother. I can't see any of your hands through the screen. I just know in my heart that you're all with me on this.
No. 92594 ID: 7b7ab3

As satisfying as it would be to be the one to strip him of his power, lay him before his countless victims, and deliver unto him his righteous punishment, I fear it is not dear Zackary who will serve as the engine of the bastard Karikets undoing. Though I have no doubt that it would please him greatly.
No. 92595 ID: bb78f2

Honestly, I think this is leading up to Zack being a martyr and forcing the Karikat to mind backwash him and then the Karikat either change's for the better or kills himself.

Imagine him living Zack's life up until his death at the hand's of the Karikat. No WAY is that motherfucker walking out of that unscathed.

If a conflict with the Karikat is coming, it's ALL leading up to that moment. Zack isn't a killer, he's a peaceful motherfucker. He's got martyr written ALL over him.
No. 92597 ID: 6b0329

"Hay guyze, assassinating is wrong, so, let's, uhm, assassinate guy who assassinates other people. It'll be right when we do it!"
No, not with you on this.
No. 92600 ID: 0ee153

Am I meant to take this idiocy seriously or are you just venting?
No. 92601 ID: 7b7ab3

Meg is right. Visitors need more from humanity than a place to hide from the Kariket. They need to be able to express themselves without humans going insane. Perhaps we can convince the HVAO to construct Visitor rec centers or something.
No. 92608 ID: 6b0329

Likely, but why did the humans win the war? a) Because the visitors' social organization was so awesome that a mistake made by one political leader resulted in them losing power and a change of policy, or; b) Because the visitors' social and political order was brittle, failed to have sufficiently replaceable and flexible leadership, and visitor society experienced a massive loss of confidence in leadership and collapse in morale when they discovered that humans believed in sentient rights and wouldn't just slaughter their civilians like assholes?
Polyphema and GG are doing better here because they have done a better job of abandoning parts of their 'visitor culture' that don't serve them well in human society. In contrast, Bika's people are hiding the true nature of what they are... just so that they can continue to engage in traditional bloody brawling without the cops getting wise to what's really going on? We don't even know really how difficult the floater issues are, but it's pretty obvious they haven't really tried very effectively to understand and adapt to human society yet.
No. 92610 ID: 7b7ab3

>Visitors are inferior to humans and should abandon their cultures to appease humanity.
That is honestly what all that sounded like to me.
No. 92611 ID: 409b75

Thank you Mario, but our assassin is in another quest!

Seriously though, I think that's beyond our scope. Getting the entirety of people to accept Visitors is achievement enough on its own.
Besides, Zack kills with charms, not his fists.

Or... maybe we could seduce the Kariket...
No. 92612 ID: 0ee153

Narrow-minded, aren't you.
No. 92613 ID: 7b7ab3

Well, what exactly was I supposed to draw from all that? Because it sounded like a lot of putting down of the Visitors.
No. 92614 ID: 0ee153

Try reading the entire thing. Kariket a shit, Kariket has influenced the culture so heavily that large parts of it are also a shit. Those are the parts the anon you quoted meant when he mentioned abandoning stuff.
No. 92616 ID: ebcefd

Culture and politics are not the same thing as eachother; the war and its end were functions of politics, and culture played many roles helping and hindering both. If you want to link parts of visitor culture to the unstable genocidal dictatorship you will need to be more specific then a sweeping generalization of visitor culture leading to these problems.

>Bika's people are hiding the true nature of what they are... just so that they can continue to engage in traditional bloody brawling without the cops getting wise to what's really going on?
Trying to distance themselves from parts of visitor culture that would not serve them well in human society is exactly the reason why Skuts hide their nature. If the cops knew about the hive minds then brawling would be easier (as it would then be considered assault instead of murder), but Skuts avoid letting them know because it would also be much easier for humans to justify killing their segments (as it would be considered assault instead of murder).
No. 92618 ID: 7b7ab3

>Kariket a shit
An incontrovertible fact.

You make a number of very good points.
Suffice to say: things are complicated.
No. 92620 ID: 0ee153


No. 92621 ID: 01774f

I don't get where s/he's coming from.
They're not that drunk.
They're both consenting.
And neither of them are rapists!
No. 92625 ID: e114bc

I think he was just talking about how if you're drunk you can't consent. But I think you can make the case she was already consenting before getting drunk, due to various circumstances.

Plus there's the whole thing about how she's been saving herself just for Zack. That's definitely planned.
No. 92626 ID: 946dd8

It wouldn't even make sense in a meta sense. If Brom had Zack rape one of the girls he'd lose his readers. So there you go.
No. 92628 ID: 0ee153

Didn't we go over this entire thing already with Polyphema's first date?
No. 92633 ID: d5fa7a

Fairly certain, and look how that turned out.
No. 92634 ID: 2dcdc8

So now that the gala is over, there are a couple things we need to take care of. First, we need a new place to live. The old one's not safe anymore. Second, we need to get ready to meet GG's parents. Third, if we're going to start introducing the girls to each other we need to choose who, when and where. Am I missing anything?
No. 92636 ID: 6b0329

>Trying to distance themselves from parts of visitor culture that would not serve them well in human society is exactly the reason why Skuts hide their nature. If the cops knew about the hive minds then brawling would be easier (as it would then be considered assault instead of murder), but Skuts avoid letting them know because it would also be much easier for humans to justify killing their segments (as it would be considered assault instead of murder).
That might be a sensible interpretation of my point... if you think the cops would suddenly abandon normal definitions of what assault and murder are to go kill Skuts. No, I'm getting at the fact that if Bika at the beach is involved in a gang fight then Bika at the restaurant is also guilty and should be arrested, because they are the same person. Cops don't know this, they can't make heads or tails of how skut gang fights are organized or why they happen because they don't know the scale of the participants.
Now, if you want to make the point that skuts need the bloody melee for social and population-control reasons... there may be something to that. But why's the combat necessary, and why can't they at least ritualize this stuff into closed cage matches that don't scare and present risk to non-participants?
No. 92639 ID: 7b7ab3

Well, how about instead of just complaining you actually suggest a means of improving the scenario?
No. 92640 ID: 6b0329

> at least ritualize this stuff into closed cage matches that don't scare and present risk to non-participants?
TL;DR, eh?
No. 92641 ID: 7b7ab3

Ah, so you want Visitors in cages.

Do you own a hoodie by any chance?
No. 92642 ID: ea0ad9

...I still stand by my idea of Sumo Skuts.
No. 92643 ID: 2a7417

This territorial gang behavior just won't fly in human culture. It's going to be a hard habit to kick, but skuts will need to end the turf wars. So, like someone else mentioned, other outlets will need to be made available for Visitors. Perhaps a skut sports league could be formed?
No. 92644 ID: 7b7ab3

It all comes down to the fact that both humans and Visitors are going to have to adapt to each other.

Humans will have to learn and understand Visitor ways, Visitors will have to learn and understand human ways, and the two will have to find a middle ground for there to be any chance of lasting peace.
No. 92645 ID: eac8be

>if you think the cops would suddenly abandon normal definitions of what assault and murder are to go kill Skuts.
There any many scenarios in which an attacker is hateful or angry enough to beat someone up to "show them their place" while not being willing to go so far as to outright kill them. That is why assault exists as a crime separate from attempted murder. Bika has said that some people (including a significant number of police) already do assault Skuts fairly often, so that plus the knowledge that a dead Skut segment is effectively assault rather than murder means a lot more Skut corpses.

>the fact that if Bika at the beach is involved in a gang fight then Bika at the restaurant is also guilty and should be arrested, because they are the same person.
The problem with that is that logistically it would be extremely hard to enforce things like arrests on Skuts, since even finding all of a Skut would take either a huge search effort after the crime or some dystopian system of preemptively making all Skut to wear trackers or id badges at all times. And when you can't enforce laws on Skut without using extreme measures, trying to get them to settle their conflicts nonviolently has much the same difficulties as trying get two distant countries to nonviolently end a war without using extreme measures like sending an invasion yourself. (While there are measures that might help such situations, they are much more complicated and less direct than policing single-bodied people.)
No. 92649 ID: b9680d

We should talk to Bika about these issues.
No. 92650 ID: 0b25c6

Honestly, we would get more accomplished if we did.
No. 92651 ID: 6b0329

I understand your point about worrying that increased understanding of what Skuts are would lead to an increase in violence against them. I also don't think you're right.
I'm not sure I agree that it would change the law so killing individual Skut bodies is a lesser crime, but let's run with your hypothetical: I'm not seeing the increase in murder resulting from that. It's still assault with a deadly weapon and a whole bunch of other charges. It also leaves a damn corpse. In contrast, I am also seeing cops and hate groups being charged on reports and eyewitness accounts from the Skut whose body they killed, which can't happen in the story as-is because the Skuts are too busy with the biggest conspiracy to commit identity fraud of all time. It would be surprising if that conspiracy weren't also a big chunk of the reason why cops gangbeat Skuts as well.

As far as arresting all of a Skut goes, failure to comply with helping track down all of themself is genuinely resisting arrest. Once the cops have custody of part of a Skut the rest is a wanted criminal or showing up to turn themself in. The only reason that seems messy and dystopian to you is because you're presuming Skuts should be granted a freedom normal people don't have: The ability to use a variety of aliases as their legal name.
Think about it, when the DMV knows that Skuts are poly-body individuals, they basically should have one body take an annual old age driving test to make sure they're competent to drive in at least one body. Then they'd issue numbered license cards with the same name for every body that passes the vision tests: It would be the Skut's own responsibility--on pain of losing all of their license--to make sure none of their incompetent bodies drive. With birth certificate, library card, driving and other such existing ID systems correctly identifying who each Skut-body is part of... I'm not seeing the need for anything weird besides the possibility that they might try to have a couple extra bodies off the record.
No. 92656 ID: d2c5e8

I'll repeat what >>92649 said: we should discuss these issues with Bika. Because I will agree with you on one point: the skut's secret will eventually cause more harm than good, for both Visitors and humanity. The problem is finding a way for the skut to reveal themselves without suffering severe ramifications.
No. 92657 ID: 4964f3

I hope you realize that things would not run as smoothly as you think.
No. 92658 ID: eac8be

I generally feel more pessimistic about humanity's reaction considering how people can behave even when in cases where claims like "they aren't full people like we are; killing them wouldn't be murder" are blatant lies rather than misleading half-truths.

Regardless of how humans would actually react to finding out about the hive minds, what the Skuts expect to happen is pretty close to the worst case scenario (which seems to be a fairly justified fear both with how humans have treated them so far and with how the Kariket had them do suicide bombings because of their nature). It would take a lot to convince them that humans as a whole would not think of skuts as more disposable, and really I am not very convinced of it either.

>I am also seeing cops and hate groups being charged on reports and eyewitness accounts from the Skut whose body they killed
If people can't trust the police, it doesn't help much to make it easier for them to report things to the police.

>It would be surprising if that conspiracy weren't also a big chunk of the reason why cops gangbeat Skuts as well.
Because police brutality totally happens for rational reasons :/

>With birth certificate, library card, driving and other such existing ID systems correctly identifying who each Skut-body is part of...
People have a right to not need to carry identifying cards or documents with them at all times. Single-bodied people effectively need to do many things that require having id or leaving records (education, business and taxes, driving), but Skuts handle those things either internally or with a subset of segments. Segments designated for internal or illicit work would not generate the same sort of natural paper trail that single-bodied people have, and it then becomes difficult to trace such a segment back to the skut.
No. 92659 ID: 0ee153

Enemy Quest: Talking every single thing to death and beyond since May 13th, 2014.
No. 92660 ID: 0fc976

Am I meant to take this ayy lmao seriously or are you just venting?
No. 92661 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh, you know you love it.
No. 92662 ID: ebcefd

>Enemy Quest tgchan: Talking every single thing to death and beyond
No. 92663 ID: 7b7ab3

More accurate.
No. 92678 ID: 7b7ab3

New topic: I've been wondering what GG's parents will be like. GG hasn't spoken of them often, but she's never said anything negative about them. We know her father likes tanks and absolutely nothing about her mother. I'm looking forward to learning more about them.
No. 92679 ID: 742b4a

It occurs to me that getting to know GG's parents could net us some help at rooting out the people targeting Zack.

Also, Bika would be AMAZING at gathering information. People mostly ignore skuts in the streets, and thus she can have eyes everywhere without being noticed. Her nature as a hivemind is a secret, and so she can even take HVAO off guard. She could root out the mole! Well, that assumes she can gain access to HVAO in any way.
No. 92681 ID: 846437

Before we do that we must get swole.
Which means plenty of time in the gym with GG.
Which means plenty of watching our big, sweaty, sexy girlfriend bend, flex, stretch, and squat.
Which means plenty of Zack getting hot and bothered for multiple reasons.
No. 92684 ID: 7b7ab3

Not a bad plan, but I don't savor the idea of placing the girls in danger. I do agree, however, that this security problem needs to be resolved.
No. 92691 ID: 742b4a

Well it's not like Bika sees danger the same way we do. Her bodies are expendable. Also, full of acid.
No. 92700 ID: 7b7ab3

That's kinda like saying your fingers are expendable. Yes, her's grow back, but I don't imagine that makes it any less unpleasant.
No. 92708 ID: 800a06

>watching our big, sweaty, sexy girlfriend bend, flex, stretch, and squat
Zack is going to get his little nerd body wrecked, but it'll be worth it just for that.
No. 92710 ID: 31d120

>Workout with GG
>Get really sweaty
>Hit the showers together
>Help wash that big, red body of her's
No. 92716 ID: ad7bba

I'm amused by the number of people who apparently got their knowledge of first time intercourse from hentai.
No. 92718 ID: 742b4a

Are you saying hymens only exist in hentai?
No. 92719 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 92723 ID: 8d7f0e

Well no, but hentai really overstates them. A lot of the time they're already either partially or entirely gone by the time you reach maturity. The primary source of tightness or pain the first time is tension and inexperience.
No. 92726 ID: 7b7ab3

I think it's safe to say that all three are an issue.
Zack just broke her hymen.
She's super tense.
She's completely inexperienced.
Result: a Floater in a good deal of discomfort.
No. 92728 ID: 2f4b71

The question you should be asking is: Where did the FLOATERS get their knowledge of sexual anatomy?
No. 92730 ID: 7b7ab3

Considering what all they've done to Meg?

No. 92733 ID: 6b0329

I'm not sure if the right response to this one is *rimshot* or *rimjob* but I'm not doing the second one.
Here you go on the first one though: http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=rimshot
No. 92734 ID: 7b7ab3

Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week!

Be sure to tip your waitress!
No. 92738 ID: 62bf94

Forgive me for going full morbid for a minute, but has anyone else wondered what color Visitor bloods are? I imagine Warriors and oculots have the red stuff, but what about skut and Floaters?
No. 92739 ID: 7ccd19

Here's what I think:
Warriors: Red.
Oculots: Red?
Floaters: Blue.
Skut: Yellow(ish).
No. 92740 ID: bb78f2

I think we might be able to figure that out through the science of why our blood is red.
However, I am not a biologist, so I'd like someone else to do the thinking for us.
No. 92741 ID: fe39f8

Two things.
1.) I want to talk to the girls about space and whether golborians have ever been to it.
2.) I think it would be hilarious if Zack and the girls wound up on Family Feud. Just saying.
No. 92742 ID: 0fc976

Bika would just carry the team with her access to a computer.
As for space, perhaps they have been there. Before us, even. And perhaps having found nothing out there, they abandoned their space program and developed the portals instead.
No. 92743 ID: 742b4a

From the sound of things, Oculots figured out the portals by accident. I'd wager most of those that created a portal decided to either just go through it, or not tell anyone.
No. 92744 ID: cfa084

1.) With the Kariket in charge, I highly doubt the golborians have been to space.
2.) I would love to see Steve Harvey's reaction to the gang. And the girls could be the first Visitor contestants! How's that for integration?
No. 92746 ID: 6b0329

The reason human blood is red is because of the hemoglobin in red blood cells which is used to facilitate transport of oxygen (and other gases) in the blood. The active ingredient causing the colour there is a single iron atom in a porphyrin ring with four other chains of amino acids connected to it. That stuff dying and going bad is also most of the reason why shit is brown (the colour of rust, actually).

Brom's a talented guy, but I would be shocked and amazed if he invented different metabolisms and blood chemistries for each of the visitor alien species: Don't look behind the curtain.
No. 92747 ID: 7b7ab3

>why shit is brown
Really TMI.
No. 92749 ID: 6b0329

Shut up nerd, you know you like it. Now lube up and bend over so I can give you some more trivia hard and fast.
No. 92750 ID: 7b7ab3

Honestly, it's amazing the Visitors haven't gone extinct with the Kariket in charge.

Steve Harvey's reactions to human strangeness is already hilarious. His reactions to Visitor oddity could only be amazing.
No. 92755 ID: a20c64

>"I fucking loved that, Zack. I love you."
Another satisfied customer.
No. 92756 ID: 559264

Nice job, partner.

No. 92757 ID: 4964f3

An excellent job all around.

TF2? At this hour?
No. 92766 ID: 742b4a

Visitors, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the man-slut Zack Nguyen. His 5-year mission: to explore strange new bodies, to seek out new love and new relationships, to bodly bone whom no man has boned before.
No. 92767 ID: d56254

I love you.
No. 92768 ID: 559264

One of the best posts in this entire thread.
Does anyone want to try and top this?
No. 92769 ID: 38c567

Kirk - Zack
Spock - Meg
Bones - GG ("Damn it, Zack! I'm a Warrior, not a doctor!")
Uhura - Poly
Scotty - Bika
No. 92772 ID: 7fa4f5

Does that make the Kariket Khan?
No. 92776 ID: ad7bba

I wonder if Meg would ever switch out her lube for something spicy as a prank.
No. 92777 ID: a77c1b

There's one thing about the Kariket that I think we can all agree on. One crime of his that none of us are divided upon. Truly the most unforgivable thing he has ever done.

That fucking goatee.
No. 92779 ID: 1ce348

The first time I saw it, I actually did a doubletake. My mind's initial reaction was to reject its existence. To this day I have a hard time believing that even someone like the Kariket can be so devoid of taste.
No. 92808 ID: 6b0329

I don't know too much about Oculotti overachievers, but human nouveau-riche dickheads tend to be all kinds of tacky and tasteless. It's because they're too busy dealing, swindling, brown-nosing, arm-twisting and otherwise 'doing business' to develop good taste: Their single-minded focus on greed makes them like Donald Trump with his amazingly awful comb-over. Seriously, that kind of lack of self-awareness is a warning sign they're an asshole (with humans) usually.
No. 92809 ID: ea0ad9

Wrooong. I thought it was alright.
No. 92810 ID: 7b7ab3

Apparently the oculot's long lifespan only makes it worse, because that thing is fucking indecent.

I am physically incapable of agreeing with you.
No. 92822 ID: 7b7ab3

Okay, now that the gala is over and things are starting to heat up, when should we start introducing the girls to each other? Fairly soon, I'd reckon.
No. 92832 ID: 5859eb

we totally need to have a group date, a picnic maybe
No. 92833 ID: 7b7ab3

That's not a bad idea! Once we've finished with GG's parents, that should be what we do next. Barring unforseen circumstances, let's have ourselves a picnic!
No. 92840 ID: 1e63f3

Sometime during the week we could start making plans for a meet up. We should discuss it with the girls, too. See if they have any ideas/problems.
No. 92845 ID: 7b7ab3

An opportunity for GG and Poly to meet soon just came up. Are we gonna jump on this?
No. 92846 ID: 0263d5

I don't see why not. We've been talking about it for awhile now, and with things getting so intense at home and abroad I'd say some more togetherness could only do good.
No. 92847 ID: b4dd67

I'm afraid that the girls won't like each other. But nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess.
No. 92849 ID: e8135d

Poly said that Warriors and oculots get on alright, so there shouldn't be too much to worry about.

I hope.
No. 92851 ID: 406895

Please don't jinx it.
No. 92853 ID: 441205

What the heck are those things on Meg's head for?
No. 92860 ID: 4964f3

Jawara's turning into a political nightmare. I hope Meg's joke about becoming enemies doesn't turn prophetic.
No. 92862 ID: 0ee153

That'd probably require a bit too dramatic a genre shift.
No. 92864 ID: d51fe1

It looks like the girls are gonna start crossing paths. Are we ready for this?
No. 92865 ID: 1830f5

As we'll ever be, I suppose.
No. 92867 ID: af41d6

It just occurred to me that the only place we've visited with a large Visitor presence is Bika's. That's kinda weak for a cultural ambassador, right?
No. 92875 ID: 559264

I think we've been doing fairly well.
If we do this diner thing, we're going in mostly blind. We'll have to rely on the girlfriends to help us out.
No. 92935 ID: 72883a

Alright, the real question here: why do Oculots have one eye but two eyebrows?
No. 92936 ID: f68a09

No. 92938 ID: 7b7ab3

Good enough for me!
No. 92949 ID: 7aeb02

Brom, was there a real or a fictional prototype for Poly before you started the quest?
Because I find her more and more entrancing with each thread and I can't understand how you're doing it.
No. 92953 ID: e3bd41

Is the Enemy Quest Gaiden totally dead?
No. 92954 ID: e607cd

no but yeah.. isn't the point of eyebrows to help keep water out of your eye? the wall has a breach! now she will be forced to rely solely on her enormous and probably very effective eyelashes to protect her from rain
No. 92969 ID: a55758

To say that our first group date is going splendidly would be a catastrophic understatement. I am absolutely thrilled about how well it's gone. Hopefully future introductions will proceed just as smoothly.
No. 92972 ID: a41fbf

If we can pull off what we're pulling off right now a second time, I'll eat my hat with my shoes for dessert.
No. 92975 ID: e3bd41

Occulots and Garakton get along like cookies and milk, but I wonder about Skuts in the mix.

Bika seems intrigued by GG, but the Occulot dominated cast-system was quite unkind to skuts.. We know we're eventually gonna introduce GG and Poly to the Bikaswarm, but maybe we should just bring GG along next time we visit Bika's restaurant and then sound-out the idea of introducing Poly to them..

..unless there's already been indications it'd go swimmingly that I just missed/forgot-about.
No. 92977 ID: 4b1db0

I'm okay with this idea. The girls should meet slowly and steadily, so as to avoid complications. That being said, I am really looking forward to seeing Bika again. She's had a pretty minor presence in the current thread.
No. 92993 ID: 3d34d2

We should play more games with the girls.
A big TF2 match. GG'd make a mean Heavy.
Minecraft! Poly'd be all over it.
Board games like Pandemic and Trivial Pursuit.
We could start a bowling team!
No. 92997 ID: 2916ca

Super Smash Bros. would be a hoot!
Portal 2 co-op would be fun, too.
I wonder if the girls would enjoy a big Poker game.
When we get a new place, we should buy three things: a dartboard, a pool table, and a new deck of cards.
No. 92998 ID: e3bd41

There's still the unresolved issue of who the leak is, might be best Not to involve HVAO too deeply in our selection of a new hacienda.
No. 93004 ID: a41fbf

>A big TF2 match.
Who would play The Medic? Zack or Poly?
Poly and Meg could build the shelter, Bika could gather resources, GG could fight off mobs, and Zack could be the leader.
>Trivial Pursuit.
Zack would win every single game.
>We could start a bowling team!
That'd be awesome! GG'd probably love it.
>Super Smash Bros.
Zack as Marth, Poly as Zelda, GG as DK, Bika as Olimar, Meg as R.O.B..
>Portal 2 co-op
GG'd keep trolling everyone. It'd be hilarious.
Who would have the worst Poker face?
>a dartboard, a pool table, and a new deck of cards.
And plenty of snacks and booze. Sounds like a good time to me.
No. 93013 ID: 2591d7

that opens up a possibility actually. talk to bossman about this first, but tell erryone a different address and post bikas to see which one gets raided
No. 93031 ID: 0fc976

>post bikas to see who gets raided.
Oh, you mean send Bikas to stake out each joint. I thought you wanted the thugs to vandalize Bika's restaurant, you misconstrued monster!
No. 93032 ID: bb78f2

I'm concerned that Zack has told all the girls about how he knows about the skut thing. I know we can trust 'em, but I just don't know.

I actually don't know how the other defector's have not already spilled the beans if it's primarily the Golborian government that wants it secret. Everyone on this side besides the Floater's defected right? And there's no way the floaters could perform an execution for spilling those beans on this side without causing a HUGE ruckus.
No. 93033 ID: e3bd41

I am loving this plan.


Don't forget to include the bossman on the list of people who get false addresses, even if we don't tell him he's getting a false address.

Just gotta be thorough.
No. 93041 ID: 0fc976

*Whoooo*. That is some heavy stuff. And their whole race shares it. They even see themselves as monsters, like humans do, just because of an unfortunate coincidence in Greek mythology. This is bad. Worse than bad. It is raaarlysnarly. The HVAO needs to implement a massive therapy program for the Oculots. This needs to go in our (long overdue) report ASAP. Still, maybe if someone is able to find forgiveness, that can spread between the Oculots just like the grief and sadness did.
No. 93045 ID: 0ee153

I'm pretty sure the monster thing is because they murdered a fuckload of what they didn't realize were civilians and saw their dying thoughts, not a coincidence of mythology.
No. 93046 ID: 7b7ab3

Hizzy needs a hug!

We should take him out for a beer or two, sometime. Help him relax and forget his worries for a while. I still think we should introduce him to Xu. God knows, the poor guy could use some more friends.
No. 93049 ID: dbe554


Doesn't help their case that their name for humanity was "Prey Animal" either, which has some interesting thoughts as to how much they cared for what they were invading.
No. 93059 ID: 4b65cc

The war was so bad it put an entire species on suicide watch.
That's a pretty strong argument against starting another one.
No. 93063 ID: 93aa30

I whole-heartedly support Operation Bait Room. Sans the Bikas, though.
Can we afford to rent two false apartments? That way we could keep the real place to ourselves and probe two groups of HVAO employees at once.
No. 93066 ID: 2dcdc8

I am torn between not wanting to put Bika in danger and not wanting to put agents like Rella and Ambrose in danger.
No. 93073 ID: bc6a96

I like Hiz. He's cool. Let's make him our new friend. I want to invite him to our next BBQ.
No. 93077 ID: f68a09

Oh that option is addressed to Hiz sorry for not making it clearer
No. 93081 ID: 0f4536

Wild theory time: The Kariket's rise to global domination was fairly recent in Ocultot time (within the last 80ish years), so that opens the possibility... What if Poly is the Kariket's mother?
No. 93083 ID: 141bf4

>I want to invite him to our next BBQ.
A Barbecue sounds good. When we get moved into our new place, let's invite all our friends and ladies over and have big housewarming party. Let's make sure to buy plenty of food, though. GG alone could pack away an entire buffet.
No. 93094 ID: 37557c

If we're supplying the meat, then the girls should bring their own dishes. I'm betting Bika makes a mean potato salad.
No. 93114 ID: 7131bd

According to Hizz, Polyphema's been drinking more and more lately. I'm thinking maybe we should do something about that.
No. 93115 ID: 2a7417

Rather than stage an intervention, I think we should do things with her to get alcohol off her mind. Such as meeting more of the gals! Floater fuel will probably get her off the sauce for a bit.
No. 93118 ID: ea0ad9

We definitely know that Poly's fine with Dura-what'sit, butwe don't know that about the rest of them. Yeah, GG was fine with Poly, but Warriors are known for finding Oculots sexy.
No. 93119 ID: 0ee153

Bika is too so far. His male half thought GG was hot and asked about her.
No. 93120 ID: bb78f2

Meg is the only potential issue, but she's fairly clinical and objective based but still is exploring the whole love and emotions thing. It really depends on the cultural model the Collection might have programmed into her. Did they program bisexuality into her? Was she built solely to be attracted to Zack?

There's some creepy undertones with the whole "Being built to date" thing.

I wonder who the first Floater was, and who built them, or if the Floater originally belonged to a fully biological species that eventually reached cyborg Renaissance and simply didn't share the cyborg tech with the other races, and before long reproduction wasn't biological and they just built new Floater's from scratch with a mental base for everything.

Really, the origins of the Floater's are one of the most potentially interesting things that we could learn about Golboria.
No. 93130 ID: 93aa30

Well, yeah. The thing about bad habits is that you can't just drop them without causing more stress (for which the bad habit is a "cure"). A thing that generates endorphines has to be replaced with anoter thing that generates endorphines.
No. 93225 ID: 30c15c

It seems like we learn something new about our ladies every time we're with them. Who knew Bika was some kinda Visitor peacekeeper?
No. 93228 ID: c34db3

Hopefully GG doesn't have any earth shattering secrets we haven't discovered yet.
No. 93234 ID: 0fc976

>>93228 Earth-shattering, maybe not. Pelvis-shattering, on the other hand...
No. 93236 ID: 6eb9b8

We can only hope.
Now that I think about it, the number of snu-snu jokes has been strangely low considering how long we've known GG.
No. 93237 ID: f67386

I had the horrible idea of trying to fit a Warrior in a smart car.
No. 93240 ID: 6eb9b8

Coincidentally, after that we get a nice, little field trip to the scrap yard. What are the odds?
No. 93280 ID: 17cdae

I wonder, should we give Bika a password? I worry that, if the skuts-are-a-hive-mind thing gets out, hostility towards Bika and Zack from the other skuts will go way up. There's not much to stop another hive with bad intentions from going up to Zack with a few of their bodies and going "hey Zack, I'm Bika, will you follow me down this alley" or similar.
No. 93287 ID: 5f9714

That'd get messy in a hurry.
No. 93303 ID: ea0ad9

>before long reproduction wasn't biological
And all of the sudden they make a Floater who has the reproductive organs.
Floater Babbies incoming.

Actually, think on it. Oculots wishing to Disappear from the world, to dive into what Does Not Exist... It unlocks a portal to another world. Humans are called "Hybrids" due to having features of all of the different races, and live in that world.
Here's the list of the hybrid features I've come up with: Skut have the ears, Warriors have the eyes, and Oculots have the limbs. Note that Floaters aren't on the list. This is because Floaters are Saropa, evolved to a state of cybernetic reliance. Remember, they weren't in the old murals and stuff!

My theory: Early Saropa, before they became reliant on cybernetics, managed to escape through the portals that the Oculots ran through. While there was some life started up from the comets that had landed, this is where the Megabeasts originated from. Initially, these Saropa, thanks to not having evolved as much as the Floaters have, had the stance of a Skut: They were the Neanderthals. By some quirk, the Saropa were able to breed with the Oculots (Probably due to being part Oculot), and down the line, it eventually evolved to the state of Homo Sapiens. If this is the case, then Humans and Floaters have the same Saropa origins, and would be more likely to be able to crossbreed (Once the floaters got the organs) than Humans x Original Visitors.
No. 93305 ID: 0ee153

So, am I alone in not caring about the Kariket? Ooh, boohoo, an expansionist leader. Not like that's not a thing we already had, and no one gives a fuck about Germany today. He didn't even do it out of racial motives like Hitler did, his motives were perfectly acceptable as far as governmental policy goes. And his facial hair may be stupid but that's his problem.
No. 93306 ID: 0ee153

Not caring about him on a personal level, that is. He's certainly a threat on a global level, and something to watch out for, but that's just geopolitics.
No. 93307 ID: 387db4

He wanted to exterminate humanity and he manipulated the entirety of golboria into being his own personal war machine. That's a bit worse than just "an expansionist leader."
No. 93309 ID: e114bc

Honestly I'm not sure why he hasn't been assassinated. It'd only take a small group of Warriors.
No. 93310 ID: dbe554

Yes, I'm sure that when you call a sentient species "Prey" you are doing a 'bit' more then for expansionist reasons
No. 93311 ID: 0ee153

That's not really any different from history, to be honest. American Indians, Australian aboriginals, and Canadian natives all got genocided/otherwise shafted and no one really cares.

Please prove that the Kariket specifically chose and propagated that name.
No. 93316 ID: afd47f

It's safe to say that the Kariket is absolutely detestable.
He's just not our problem. We're more worried about hate groups and the like.
No. 93325 ID: e114bc

Those examples did not involve a bloody war with the explicit purpose of genocide. Rather, those were all examples of them being conquered then subjected to neglect so bad that it winds up approaching genocide.
No. 93333 ID: 9615a7

The Kariket is guilty of so much more than attempted genocide. What he did to the golborians is just as heinous. He lead them into a brutal, unnecessary war for purely selfish reasons. All the guilt and shame the Visitors are experiencing can be traced back to his leadership. I can't tell who deserves to punish him more: earth or golboria.
No. 93338 ID: bb78f2

I still want to know if the Karikat's ever received the backwash of killing a human.
I know he probably hasn't, but I just want confirmation that his brain isn't fucking him up right now with the memories of some dude.
No. 93340 ID: dbe554

I kinda wonder, would a proper sociopath who ends up killing get no real feelings of guilt or emotion from it?
No. 93343 ID: 7b7ab3

>I just want confirmation that his brain isn't fucking him up right now with the memories of some dude
I think his brain is fucked up enough on its own.
Your average psycho doesn't go on cross-dimensional murder sprees.
No. 93344 ID: bb78f2

If he's truly a sociopath who struggles with emotion, he's actually a very weak Oculot. He'd need emotion to do anything with any of his powers. Which raises the question of how he even made it to power. Perhaps he just rode the curtails of the skuts and they put him in power. Yeah, I'll believe in a skut conspiracy.

When I meant fucked, I didn't mean fucked up, I meant getting fucked up. Like mind punched how Hiz's brother got, or Hiz since he was a portal opener.
No. 93346 ID: 6327fe

I doubt the bastard has the capacity for remorse. Otherwise he wouldn't have done all the shit he's done.
No. 93350 ID: c41c90

We called Bika a sheriff.
Am I the only one who wants to see her in chaps?
No. 93351 ID: 76f2b0

If Oculot stuff is caused as a manifestation of some sort of intense emotion, I wonder if there's an emotion that's causing Poly to make those visions happen when she sleeps. I would say "desire to connect with someone", but that's what causes the usual telepathy/mindsplode thing. Perhaps... not just a desire to open up to or to know someone else, but maybe a desire to be someone else? Perhaps Poly's hiding of her past comes from a desire to cut herself off from who she used to be, to get rid of who she was, to become someone else. So when she sleeps next to someone, her mind subconsciously tries to climb out of her and into them, and it causes a transfer of memories and identity.

Also... if the desire to disappear is what creates portals to earth, how did that work going the other way? Did the oculots who made the portals from earth back to golboria use a different emotion?
No. 93356 ID: dff8dd

If the dream thing is Poly's doing then she's not getting much out of it.

Besides stress.
No. 93358 ID: 2a7417

She is getting someone who understands her more deeply, whether she wants them to or not. This may be her subconscious's way of letting her pent-up issues out, because it feels that's what's best for her regardless of the consequences her conscious mind fears.
I'm still betting on Zack being a bio-engineered intelligence gathering project implanted with false memories to do the HVAO's bidding, though.
No. 93362 ID: 55c682

Hyperbole aside, we should poke around HVAO to find out why they chose Zack of all people, when the opportunity presents itself. They couldn't have been picking young men at random.
No. 93366 ID: 76f2b0


Well, as Carlson said: "You're going to be a very symbolic man".

What better symbol for human/visitor relations than a boy who lost his home and parents to a visitor attack, getting into loving relationships with visitors?
No. 93371 ID: 879618

Makes ya feel kinda proud, doesn't it?
No. 93395 ID: 2f2f45

i cant believe we didn't ask more about pirgatea, im immensely curious and this worldbuilding is bomb
stares wistfully into the sunset, hopefully we'll get another chance!
No. 93397 ID: 08b6c4

We can still ask Bika. The best source for information on skut would be a skut, right?
No. 93406 ID: 726184

I guess we can add Pilop to our growing list of assholes. I'd love to sic the HVAO on his fuzzy butts. Put him through a legal meat grinder, so to speak.
No. 93407 ID: 0fc976

Perhaps this should be dealt with through Visitor channels for now, because if you drag the government into this they're going to start looking into every skut hive that's doing the same stuff, including Bika herself. We need to find a less disruptive way to reconcile visitor and human justice systems than whistle-blowing.
No. 93408 ID: bb78f2

Pilop's a territorial thug, but I'm not keen to the idea starting a skut gangwar over chauvanism. Bika's a tough hivemind, it's nothing they can't shake off.
I mean, it's Zack against probably over 100 skuts here. Bika might be insulted, in fact, or become very angry. It's not our fight to take. We should emotionally support Bika while she makes whatever plans she wants to in regards to her hive. If Pilop ever wants to talk, man to skut, he fucking can, and then we can let him know that we take some serious fucking offense at hurting our girlfriend's family over something as simple as wanting to enjoy the damn beach. But only then.

We can say he doesn't own anything on this side if he doesn't have a deed, and that beach is a public area, so he can't do motherfucking shit. Then we tell him the only thing holding US back is the chance we might piss off Bika, who we care about very much. And if that LITTLE SHIT thinks he can be a distraction to our date again, we will BRING THE NOISE.

Only if he starts talking to us though and continues to be a problem, though. He's fucking with us as much as Bika at that point.
No. 93409 ID: 726184

As much as I would love to run roughshod over that glorified beach hog, the more level headed thing to do is to support Bika and offer our assistance in any way we can. Certainly she and we together can handle a cheap punk like Pilop.
No. 93410 ID: 0ee153

I really don't think either Bika or Pilop care about it that much. Bika already said she considers skut life less valuable when she first met Zack, and the soldier wasn't apparently even killed. Given skut culture so far, it seems like the equivalent of rough shoving, and human overreaction like this might be part of why Bika doesn't want to talk about it to Zack.
No. 93413 ID: 1bce3e


I agree that a lot of this is probably normal for skuts, Bika's probably hospitalized other skut-bodies herself in the past. We have to be careful our human instincts don't make us too mad over the wrong things. The physical violence in and of itself is probably not something we should be made about. Besides, if he's smaller, Pilop probably had good reason to feel threatened. It's not like skut clouds can read each other's minds, so a pack of some other hive's skuts just "having fun" in your territory could easily often be a prelude to some sort of ambush or territory theft.

What might be more reasonable to be mad about, though, is him taking advantage. Bika moved the fight away to save rep with humanity, which was beneficial to her and Pilop. Him taking advantage of that to get the upper hand was a dick move.
No. 93415 ID: 3d6054

I say it's time to drop the hammer on the little ass maggot. Bring Bika's case to the HVAO, drag the fucker in for his bullshit, and let him get what he deserves! Show him that if he's going to act like an asshole, then he's going to be treated like an asshole.
No. 93416 ID: 1bce3e


I don't think bringing it to the HVAO is a good idea. Remember the leak? There's probably someone still in the HVAO who wants to sabotage the whole effort. Spilling the goods about a messy skut gang war scenario would be a good way to do that. It could easily tangle Bika in red tape as much as Pilop, anyway.

... You know, it'd be a really cruel tactic to use, but if Zack went to talk to Pilop with the excuse of being concerned about his girlfriend's "family", he could watch for an opportunity and then pretend to realize the hive-mind thing from him. Then he'd have blackmail material. Though it'd be an empty threat, obviously, since it would have to get Bika in trouble too. Zack's got the confidence and charm for bluffing, though. Still probably a bad idea overall.
No. 93423 ID: dbe554

The problem is you are having visitor justice on what amounts to another culture's soil, which basically amounts to the fact that it shouldn't be done that way to begin with.
No. 93426 ID: 15c085

Oh, dear. It seems we've thrown off the flow a bit. Let's get the mood going again and show Bika how much we care.
No. 93428 ID: 2a7417

Just because their culture is different from ours doesn't mean they are wrong. Their system developed in a whole other dimension, where their biology and resulting psychology was so different from ours we could barely even comprehend what it's like.
No. 93429 ID: 2a7417

>>93428 continued.
So the question isn't who's right and who's wrong, because that answer changes depending on one's perspective (which is influenced and molded by one's culture), but how the gap between cultures can be bridged.
No. 93430 ID: 7b7ab3

Which is where people like Zack come in: helping humans and Visitors understand each other, and looking for ways the two can integrate.
No. 93432 ID: 55c682

It bears reminding that we haven't been very active - to put it lightly - with our reports to Carlson, i.e. actual transition of field knowledge about Visitor integration.
No. 93434 ID: cb9da5

Then what say the next time we're not wooing sexy alien ladies we sit ourselves down and type out a report or two? That'll make Carlson happy.
No. 93444 ID: ad936f

As I understand it The kariket won the war due to having a numerical advantage (unconfimed), a willingness to attack civilians, greater societal unity, and the ability to create rifts. Unless he has some other ridiculous advantage hidden up his ass a second war would probably be a lot less one sided. I can't think of anything the visitors have that could stand up to a nuke, and the human side would certainly be willing to use them in a war against extra-dimensional "monsters". Bare handed warriors, suicide bombing skuts, and brain exploding oculots could all be fairly easily dealt with using machine guns, artillery, bombs, tanks, or even just high caliber assault rifle fire. Floaters would be trickier, but having been given a few decades I'm certain humanity has come up with something. Both sides will have learned from the other, making all war tech even deadlier than last time. Round two will likely be far bloodier than round one, if it falls on us to stop it (it will) then we best not fuck up, genocide isn't fun.
No. 93448 ID: c4546c

Well, let's just hope it doesn't come to that.
No. 93449 ID: ea0ad9

Kariket lost the war, though. People like Remadren realized that the human civilians were basically defenseless people they were being forced to kill for no good advantage whatsoever, and used their power to open portals up willingly to help visitors defect. The human life, to them, was an entirely better world, and some of these defectors even went as far as to join the human's army and help them strike back. Once the humans started going through portals and striking Golboria, the rules they stuck by, their sense of ethics, it was revealed to the entire world, which lost Kariket the majority of his support. The thickest of thick-headed soldiers found no honor or fun in fighting somebody so "Weak minded", and those who liked the idea of following those ethics defected ASAP.
No. 93451 ID: c4546c

So, really, his entire genocide plot backfired on him in spectacular fashion. By attempting to destroy humanity, he made them into a martyr. Now everybody hates him, and rightfully so. How appropriate that his actions should be the catalyst for his downfall.
No. 93452 ID: bb78f2

I don't think it was a genocide plot. More of a conquer and rule plot.
He had no reason to outright hate the humans, it was just more land to conquer, unless the guys has weirder motives than most conquerers. He was just going to take all these lands, institute a new rule over it, and profit from the fruits of Earth, which may include learning the how the particular strengths of human's may benefit his population.

It's logicical he knew nothing of humans, nor felt anything for them like he did for the Oculot's in his army, despite being an Oculot himself.

Which is still my biggest question about him, how he could ask his people to destroy their minds like they did. How much DID he understand, and how does it affect him? The worst thing is that we'll never know.

I don't think War of the Worlds 2 will happen because he wants it to. It can't happen on his terms, he's lost too many Oculots and their fertility rates are too shit. The guy is probably barely holding his lands together anymore, he has too much to focus on at home now to risk a war. Human's, on the other hand, could probably do fine now in comparison. With a majority of the Oculots out of the way, their leader structure is broken, and they can't do as much damage as before. Now, if we're willing to allow it, we even have some Golborian defector's on our side. If a war happens, it's because the human's want it.

The Earth's governments are more likely spending time on a shadow war, they've probably put spies everywhere they possibly can in Golboria, and have connections to Anti-Karikat factions and their supporting them. And the Karikat can't just declare war over that, because in addition to his population and control issues, there's a multitude of Earth governments independent of one another, he can really only declare war on ONE at a time, or maybe an alliance of a few governments at most. That's all he can handle.

That's the hugest problem for the Karikat in a war, he is ONE government, one nation, even if the Golborian nation is planet sized, he can't organize all that bullshit without making too many weaknesses.
No. 93454 ID: 0f4536

>I don't think it was a genocide plot. More of a conquer and rule plot.
The difference between conquest and genocide is demanding (and actually non-murderously accepting) surrender. The Kariket's forces did not seem to be doing much or any of that during the war.
No. 93455 ID: 0ee153

Was that the Kariket or the Warriors, though? "Prey animal" was a Warrior term iirc, and Hizalin's brother apparently did try to get a Warrior to stop killing shit or be honorless. He got laughed off by said Warrior.

Someone asked why the Kariket hasn't been assassinated yet. He might be a puppet king designed to take the blame for everything and keep the real powers that be hidden. I admit it's needlessly tinfoil-hat seeming, but it's somewhat interesting to try and think of what might be manipulating him.
No. 93456 ID: 0ee153

Essentially, I think it's suspicious that he's as weak of a ruler as Dirtbag already described and he manages to stay in the throne. Either he's got some scary-ass personal superpowers nobody is mentioning or there's some reason a Warrior going MUH HONOR or someone else hasn't killed him yet.
No. 93458 ID: 190574

>a Warrior going MUH HONOR

Huh. Do you think, if Poly turns out to be the Kariket's grandaughter or niece or something, she'd get Warriors showing up with vendettas?
No. 93459 ID: 0ee153

Given their stated ages, more likely she's his mother or aunt or something. Also, unlikely, she keeps that stuff secret.
No. 93460 ID: a36057

The Kariket is several centuries older than Poly.
There is no way she is his mother or aunt.
No. 93461 ID: 0f4536

Has anyone said the Kariket was old? Hiz was saying the Keriket rose to power during his 80ish year lifetime.
No. 93462 ID: a36057

>"What is the Kariket, anyway? Is he a Visitor?"
>"He's an oculot," Bika says. "One of the oldest."
No. 93463 ID: ebcefd

I had missed that. Though it might still be from the official source referenced by Hiz when he said
>"There's a biography someone wrote about him, at his bequest. I won't bother going over it. Small farmhouse birth, blah blah. It's all lies. Guys like that where they grew up, doesn't really matter. He's a force, now."
No. 93464 ID: bb78f2

Are there moments of human history where a genocide was admittedly desired by the conquering side that primarily wanted to conquer? The genocides I know of were made because of religious or past grievances between cultures, like the Holocaust and the genocide of the Tutsi by the Hutus. I'll admit my knowledge is pretty limited on the subject.

Does the establishment of American colonies and the following western expansion count as a genocide against Native Americans? Or how the conquering of the Aztecs by Hernán Cortés? Those are the most closely related parallels I can come up with.
No. 93465 ID: a36057

All this talk of interdimensional politics has left me with a burning question: how will golboria deal with human colonists? Particularly once the Kariket is out of power.
No. 93470 ID: 0ee153

The same as natives usually do in human history. Dying of disease and factionalism until they're too scattered to resist annexation, then being reduced to heavily-marginalized minority groups on reservations.
No. 93471 ID: 0ee153

A less glib, more in-depth answer: Golboria is defenseless if humans manage to establish a foothold, and everyone knows it. Their only advantage was that they could appear and disappear at their convenience, and that was overwhelming. Without it, they can't do anything with nukes and reduced population.

Floaters are the only ones with useful military technology, but they're dependent on factories to reproduce, eat, and sleep. Take these, and it's game over.

Oculotti don't have the population to mount a significant resistance.

Skut don't have anything equivalent to human military tech and mistrust each other. Acid blood doesn't help when artillery and bombers kill you a mile away. Factionalism is likely to do them in.

Warriors don't have anything that puts them on par with a human military. They're not tough enough to survive high explosives and not fast enough to close the gap before being blown to pieces.

If humanity ever decides it wants Golboria and manages to establish transport, Golboria is doomed.
No. 93472 ID: a36057

Well, one does hope for a more peaceful outcome.
I suppose I romanticize it a bit. Traveling to a strange, new world, experiencing the native cultures, exploring an alien landscape. It all sounds very exciting!
No. 93473 ID: 7b7ab3

Hard to say.

Could there be a golborian equivalent to the HVAO in the future? What would the golborian equivalent to Zack be like? What species would he/she be?
No. 93475 ID: 0fc976

Probably a Floater, designed specially for the task. So really, Meg is already the Golborian equivalent of Zack. No wonder they get along so well!
No. 93478 ID: 55c682

It's a real shame that the powerlifter on today's Google doodle isn't red. All crazy-colored and no red? *sigh*
No. 93528 ID: 55c682

When Visitors will participate in Olympic games with humans, there'll probably be two separate synchronized swimming competitions for skuts and non-skuts, since the little bastards would dominate the scene otherwise.
No. 93531 ID: ad936f

I think the way Poly and Bika talked about him implies that he isn't just a puppet.

It was a truce, and for the majority of the war we were getting the shit kicked out of us. He would have won had he not been incredibly incompetent PR-wise.
No. 93532 ID: 40f2f3

As athletic as Warriors are, they may need an entire set of competitions all their own. Wouldn't want to make the other species look bad.
No. 93540 ID: 0ee153

The point of having a puppet is that people aren't supposed to know it's a puppet.
No. 93542 ID: ad936f

poly seems to be important enough that she would know.
No. 93550 ID: c952dd

I wonder if there are any video games with Visitor protagonists. A Warrior would be great in a beat-'em-up, and I'd play the shit out of a skut RTS. I'm not sure where to place Floaters, but I can see an oculot in a point and click adventure game.
No. 93557 ID: 2a7417

Given how floaty the controls are already, I imagine they'd be suited to old-school FPSes.
No. 93558 ID: 0f4536

The average floater's life sounds like a fps. Wake up from stasis, shoot stuff, go back into stasis, repeat.
No. 93560 ID: 3de47d

Warriors: Adventure/Brawler. Sandboxy, Zeldaesque affair. Travel around, raid dungeons, collect treasure and items, beat up monsters, etc..

Skut: RTS/Civ. Game. Lots of resource management. Grow your hive, expand your territory, defeat rival hives, and dominate the map.

Floaters: FPS/RPG. Very fast paced, big maps, good multiplayer. Fly, fight, and upgrade your Floater into the perfect war machine.

Oculots: Point 'n' Click/Puzzle. It's begging to be made by Telltale. Murder mystery, drama, and comedy. Oculot powers are a key game mechanic.
No. 93561 ID: 2a7417

Forget about the plot, imagine the musical numbers.
No. 93562 ID: 7b7ab3

And because you bring up music: Disney songs befitting the Visitor girls!

GG: Hakuna Matata.
Polyphema: Part of Your World.
Bika: Be Our Guest.
Meg: A Whole New World.
No. 93563 ID: bb78f2

Huh, I don't think human's would be permitted to view any Skut media from Golboria if they're trying to keep the hive thing a secret.

Now Skut media produced post-contact? Yeah, that's about the extent of it.
No. 93564 ID: 7b7ab3

Once the secret's out and people have had time to adjust, I can see skut stage plays being all the rage. Imagine Hamlet with an all skut cast.

That being said, imagine Romeo and Juliet... as performed by Warriors!
No. 93567 ID: f67386

I think Shakespeare anything done warriors is debatably good/bad idea.
No. 93568 ID: e25442

All the intensity of Shakespeare amplified 100 fold. The acting - all the acting - becomes Ham-to-Ham combat, the action scenes are extended, and they always manage to squeeze in the duel song. The final scenes of Hamlet are gonna be crazy.
No. 93578 ID: 52f987

Who here thinks it's high time we got serious with Bika and asked her to be an official girlfriend? We've known her for a while now, and it seems like the proper time.
No. 93582 ID: 7b7ab3


We practically already are, but having a serious conversation with her about it is a good idea.

Besides, we're already Poly and GG's boyfriend, and we told Meg we love her. We don't want Bika to feel left out.
No. 93585 ID: 7aeb02

This mental image just made my day.
No. 93587 ID: de2fd7

We should take the girls to the zoo sometime. It'd be a great bonding experience, and it'd be fun to see their reactions to the animals. I bet Poly would love the giraffes and the elephants. We'd have to stop GG from trying to wrestle everything, though.
No. 93589 ID: 088179

>take girls to zoo
>pass lion
>gg: imma wrestle it
>zack: gg no
>pass alligator
>gg: wanna wrestle it
>zack: gg omg
>pass bear
>gg: gonna wrestle it
>zack: gg pls
No. 93598 ID: ea0ad9

>Poly: Geeg, babe, you should apply for a job here! I imagine they'd love to see you wrestle them down and out of their way when they need to fix up the habitat.
>Bika: Yeah but like the tigers and lions have their groups there. That would be tough to handle!
>GG: I wanna work here now.
>Zack: Okay but then you'd have to hold yourself back and not, like, injure them.
>GG: Shit now I'm not so sure.
>Meg: They'd have to hire on some full time vets. I wonder if the Collective would be interested in experimenting with it?
>Zack: HVAO would have a field day, I'll say that much.
>Poly: Geeg you have to apply now.
No. 93600 ID: 7b7ab3

Beautiful. Love it.

We're a merry little band of oddballs, aren't we?
No. 93602 ID: 0ee153

I'm so very, very glad we had the sense to make Charm Zack's top stat because if he relied on tgchan he'd crash and burn horribly.
No. 93603 ID: be5940

>Meg: Seeing all those birds caged up is messing with me.
>Poly: Then let's go see something else. How about the elephants?
>Bika: We've already seen them! I wanna see the reptile house.
>Zack: Really?
>Bika: Yeah. I wanna see the snakes.
>GG: Can we go to the petting zoo?
>Meg: What?! Seriously?
>Poly: Really, dear?
>GG: What? A Warrior can't like cute things?
>Zack: Wow. Hidden depths, Geeg.
No. 93610 ID: 7b930d

>gg holding bunnies
>her arms full of bunnies
>feeding the bunnies
>happy warrior with soft things
Yes, please.
No. 93614 ID: e114bc

We didn't though, Confidence is his top stat. Charm is his second best, then sense of humor, then body.

How about no.
No. 93615 ID: ebcefd

>We didn't though, Confidence is his top stat. Charm is his second best, then sense of humor, then body.
I kind of get the feeling that Zach has Exalted style stats, where the range from worst to best is from normal person average to truly outstanding. Zach is a Sexy Exalted.
No. 93619 ID: 612b8d

>Zach is a Sexy Exalted.
I can only imagine what his Charms list looks like.
Can you not.
Also, you're wrong.
>Zack can't hold Meg's weight
>"But for real though I'm light as fuck," Meg says. "Pick me up!"
>You brace her and stand up on top of the bed.
No. 93620 ID: f68a09

0ee153/Pantalaimon your troll posts are unfunny and uncreative and have been complained about before. Stop posting in this questdis until you get funny or decide to stop trolling or I will give you a time-out. That includes any kind of unfunny, trolly response you come up with to this post.
No. 93621 ID: 612b8d

We know for a fact that GG loves small, cute things.
Why else would she date Zack? Zing!
No. 93625 ID: 65d6bf

[Laugh track]
No. 93631 ID: c13521

We actually love Bika now, right? Like with the other girls? Like legitimate, long-term plans love? Shopping for drapes love?
No. 93634 ID: c4546c

Can't think of a reason not to.
No. 93636 ID: 2a7417
File 143820057333.jpg - (38.75KB , 365x500 , meet_zack.jpg )

>"I'm sorry I don't get you."
>"You kind of do, Zack."
>"How so?"
>"I don't know. There's something about you. I think maybe we think similar."
>"Like how?"
>"Like I think you've got a lot going on in there too," she says.

Shit, we've been found out. Abort mission, abort mission!
No. 93638 ID: 40c532

Maybe it's like that new movie, Inside Out.
Oh! Oh! If it is, can I be Anger? I wanna say the curse word.
No. 93643 ID: e8135d

As much as I know we need a place of our own, it is nice sharing housing with the girls. Maybe we could get a place for us all to share.
No. 93652 ID: 7aeb02

A secret tropical island volcano lair to call our own. Aw...

Zachary: Finally, we come to my number-two man. His name...
*camera pans to Hizalian*
... Number Two.
No. 93653 ID: 764d06

No. 93654 ID: 2641ee

We should really show the girls more earth movies.
No. 93655 ID: e917f3

Oh, god.
>Bika births a litter
>Zack picks up a male
>"I shall call him... Mini-Me."
No. 93657 ID: ff6117

Something that just came to mind.. Bika seems to be out of her way with introducing 'unique' examples of her 'self' (Busty warrior Bika, plush dessert Bika).. Is she trying to hint at something?
No. 93658 ID: 7b7ab3

I can't guess as to what.

Maybe she wants Zack to see her sexier side.
No. 93659 ID: defceb

She's trying to figure out which one is Zack's favorite.
No. 93660 ID: c34db3

Silly Bika! We love all your iterations!
No. 93664 ID: ff6117

I was getting an inkling of that.. but then our 'human' instinct is to worry we'll offend Bika if we focus affection on any one Bika other than Bika Prime.

But we may be inadvertently frustrating and/or confusing Bika with this behavior.
No. 93665 ID: fcde71

Then perhaps it would be wise to impress upon her that we appreciate her in all her forms. We fell in love with her as a whole, did we not?
No. 93667 ID: 44dad1

>1337 posts and 106 images omitted.
>1337 posts
Enemy Quest Thread 4 has achieved 1337 status. How shoud we celebrate?
No. 93690 ID: d4e631

Does it sound like I'm being impatient if I say I'm looking forward to the quest continuing?
No. 93696 ID: 7b7ab3

I don't know about you, but I say the wait was fucking worth it. Hot damn, that was good!
No. 93697 ID: e917f3

>the wait was fucking worth it
>Hot damn, that was good!
VERY yes.
No. 93698 ID: fd6454

That went very nicely.
No. 93701 ID: 0a1fbd

Wait.. Dessert Bika said she wouldn't be around long.. Does she have pressing business else...

She's near the end of her particular body's lifespan isn't she?
No. 93702 ID: 1830f5

>"Dessert Bika, huh?" She comes in, brushing the door shut with her hip as she enters. "You liked what you saw?"
>"Are you gauging my tastes?" you ask.
>She laughs. "MILF, right? That's the term?"
>"I just think the sweater's cute."
>"I'm sorry to disappoint," Dessert Bika says, crawling up between your legs. "It's not staying on for too long."
It is the sweater's time that was short. Dessert Bika was just gonna get naked.
Which she did.
And it was awesome.
No. 93720 ID: 81ad00


No. 93819 ID: f68a09

Just throwing it out there that the update? requests are actually more likely to make me not want to update, since doing so soon after seeing one makes it feel like capitulation and it's not something I want to encourage.

Enemy Quest is my favorite quest of mine too.
It also happens to be the hardest to write and draw.
I don't want it to feel like work.
No. 93822 ID: c0fe75

I don't blame you for feeling that way. Quests are a hobby, so they shouldn't feel like work. Or at least not much like work.

Enemy Quest is excellent and captivating. I'm really enjoying it, but as far as I'm concerned I'd prefer that you take your time and go at whatever pace is most comfortable for you. It's well worth the wait.

And really, posting to ask about updates is kind of pointless anyway, if you ask me.
No. 93823 ID: 7b7ab3

I agree wholeheartedly.

No. 93825 ID: bb78f2

Okay, so if I get this right, this is on the other side and these are a missing human squad.
I wonder if the human that hung himself actually knows it kinda sparked a war.
Actually, from the conversation before the discovery... I don't think this was a suicide. I think it was...
No. 93828 ID: 40769e

Well the shit just hit the fan big time as there is no way to prove they didn't use their mental ability's to cause that.
No. 93829 ID: f68a09

Suicides and TKs both count for -1 kill, anon

Also this quest has actually been about killing the aliens the whole time

You guys are just really bad at it

Next thread coming soon!!! Taking a brief break to work on B&S and SotW. Should be back within the week.
No. 93830 ID: e114bc

Who'd we kill in Thread 2? Was it Meg's heart?
No. 93831 ID: bb78f2

We burned the shit out of our Hajk in the thread opening as Gaddjok. Those were of the 3rd degree, almost reaching 4th degree, very few could survive.

If Non-Zack epilogue Suicides count, so do dream kills... wait, no that might have been a Team kill if something Zack said got that human dead. Shit.
No. 93832 ID: 7aeb02

But what were the secrets?

Capitulation? I'm a little baffled that you'd view this quest as a sort of a managerial struggle between the author and the audience, because it is absolutely not.

Anyway, I know from experience that constant nagging doesn't motivate if there is a block of any kind, so you won't hear any of that from me. It's cool.
No. 93833 ID: f68a09

I don't but that's what nagging makes it feel like.
No. 93834 ID: 7b7ab3

>Also this quest has actually been about killing the aliens the whole time
>You guys are just really bad at it
Well, ain't that just a shame.

Seriously though, this is getting amazing!
No. 93838 ID: 67d07f

>Enemy's your favorite to do
I love reading all your quests and suggesting for them, but that is good to hear.
No. 94058 ID: cf845d

We never did check-out that thing on the news about us, did we?
No. 94067 ID: cbc9e6

No, and I still think we should google "zack nguyen hvao". Read the vox populi.
No. 94068 ID: 7e752d

You know, I don't like to take advantage, but Bika could really help if we delegate some things to her. She could get a sweep across several news sources in a short time and then give us the overall gist of how things stand.
No. 94071 ID: e917f3

I don't think she'd mind. We haven't really been all that demanding of her. We've asked, what, two things of her so far?
No. 94096 ID: 95d84e

New thread! And Zack is trending!

I am equal parts happy and concerned!
No. 94159 ID: c5dfef

Crazy theory time.

The 'commandos' that infiltrated and were captured aren't 'commandos' at all, but members of whatever group that one-eyed gal with the hate-on for Zack belonged to and deliberately staged this to stir-up conflict again.
No. 94160 ID: 1e0d98

That's a scary thought. I've been worried that these creeps might be more organised than they seem. If they have the resources to pull off something like that, then we're in bigger trouble than we thought.
No. 94161 ID: 409b75

So I'm gonna pitch for my double apartment idea.

Here's the gist of it:
1. Find a place, buy/rent it with your credentials. THis will be the fake address, because we're not supposed to live there.
2. Find a second place, give one of your friends money to rent it . The documents won't mention Zack's name anywhere.
3. Inform the HVAO about the fake address via the standard official means you're supposed to (a form, an e-mail, whatever).
4. Meet with Carlson tête-à-tête and tell him the real address.

The benefits that stem from this are:
a) if anyone assaults the fake place, we'll know the anti-whatever Zack-hating group is connected directly to someone inside the office.
b) if there's any suspicious activity around the real place, we'll know Carlson is at least indirectly affiliated with this organization too.
No. 94163 ID: 409b75

A way to disguise the plan would be getting two apartments with similar details, e.g. "floor 4, room 6" and "floor 6, room 4".
No. 94166 ID: 82c018

>anti-whatever Zack-hating group is connected directly to [...]
Or they found out though some other way, like successfully following us or planting a bug in our stuff.
No. 94396 ID: 6b2220

>All the girls about to meet
The hype is real.
>GG off doing who knows what
I am mildly concerned.
No. 94471 ID: 5ce4ec

Assuming introductions go off without a hitch, what should our first group activity be?
No. 94472 ID: 2a7417

No. 94473 ID: 5ce4ec

An excellent idea! It's the perfect setting for discussions of both casual and business natures.
No. 94612 ID: 350a50

So I was eating a piece of pumpkin pie and I got to thinking, and I saw a post (http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/648437.html#657078) leaning in the same direction I was thiking.

>Polyphema hates the Kariket
>Polyphema is old as shit, but Kariket is apparently even older
>Hajk calls her 'Milady' when executing Gadjjok, won't fire on him until she's removed
>'Kariket you are dead to me', she said like he would actually care for some reason
>Kariket's biography begins with a small farmhouse birth
>Poly's father described as a hardass farmer
>Worked his way into the nobility through his own sweat, blood, and tears, just to marry da girl
>Obviously a disciplined and focused oculot
>A few good traits listed, but we already know Poly is good at sugar-coating how she really feels
>Her mother was the only one who could calm her father down about anything, which is apparently a Herculean feat
>Kariket executes people left and right for defying him, including his own father and nephew
>For some reason Poly was placed on Portal duty instead of straight up executed despite her very loud opposition and forceful personality, which could be a risk if left alive
>Had enough sway to kickstart the reversal of the war
>Poly refers to herself not as 'nobility', but as 'royalty', which implies connection to the royal family

I think she might be Kariket's daughter.
No. 94620 ID: bb78f2

Could be granddaughter as well. A like father, like son thing doesn't dismiss any of those facts. A paternal figure of some sort. We've seen her Dad's face, I think, somewhere, and he's not a goateed asshole. I mean, he could grow a goatee and change his appearance, but... I don't think that terrible thing is something anyone would grow, that's something you're born with. Not really, but I have to assume that motherfucker had it since he got it as peachfuzz as a teenager.

I mean, he could have rid into the nobility when his son bought his, then he decided he was going to do something more so he wouldn't be upshown by his own son. I mean, the fact that Poly's father bought a nobility for the sake of love implies a lot more humanity than what we would assume the Karikat would have.

Yes, my entire theory is based around that terrible goatee.
No. 94621 ID: bb78f2

I have found the image. FULL RYAN DAVIS BEARD ACTION. You don't shave off a mighty beard like that.

He's got to be a grandfather. Unless the mental image was a lie.
No. 94626 ID: 350a50

Kariket's face is thinner and he lacks the mole on his face, as well. Hm. I thought the father was a good shot in the dark, since her family resemblance to her mother (the only person who could calm her father down) might actually give him pause.

I still think they have to be closely related or connected. Gadjjok figured he was important enough that Kariket might actually be watching his execution personally, and one of Gadjjok's dialogue options mentioned he didn't know who Poly was (he did indeed know her well enough to be her alamad, which means he must have been referring to her station/origin). Executing the alamad of someone close to Kariket strikes me as worthy of personal attention.
No. 94627 ID: 0ee153

Was it not obvious she was related to the Kariket as soon as she mentioned being royalty or am I missing something?
No. 94662 ID: b4dd67

Who wants to bet that before the meeting is over everyone will be sweet on Bika?
No. 94711 ID: b6a073

*Loud, gleeful noises*
No. 94730 ID: db3be0

Super cute.
No. 94733 ID: e25442

Where should we take the girls on vacation?
No. 94734 ID: 0fc976

I would consider Catoctin Mountain Park, the location of the President's retreat, Camp David.
Or, maybe they could take a plane to California and see the redwoods.
New York alone has one of the most diverse ranges of environments in the country, they don't actually have to go far.
No. 94735 ID: 7b7ab3

A Caribbean cruise?
Fly off to Hawaii?
A trip to Las Vegas?
Camping trip?
No. 94752 ID: 350a50

No. 94753 ID: 7debe0

>"Oh my God," GG says. "We're all so thirsty."

Gotta say, I'm really looking forward to living in sin together with the harem.
ESPECIALLY anticipating some sweet, sweet Bika/Non-Bika Interactions.
No. 94770 ID: bb78f2

Hey, weird, specific in-universe celebrity question for Brom, but in this universe is George Takei pro-Vistior relations or anti-Visitor relations.
This is strangely important in case Zack ever makes a speech. I think he would be pro, all things considered, but you never know for sure until you ask.
No. 94771 ID: d78cc1

George Takei is dead
No. 94772 ID: bb78f2

This is the worst timeline
No. 94774 ID: 0fc976

Did Trump become president
No. 94775 ID: bb78f2

If so, how is HVOA even a thing.
Unless Trump was always a secret dem, which I guess is possible. Loudest, most republican asshole until he wins the election, then goes WAY off the left end.
No. 94809 ID: 7b7ab3

Meeting the parents.
The big, scary, garakton parents.
Anybody got any ideas?
No. 94822 ID: a19cd5

suplex them into a table
No. 94823 ID: 7b7ab3

While I am sure they would appreciate it, I don't think Zack quite has the horsepower for such a feat.

We should definitely speak to all the girls at length about how to handle the situation. GG's aid in particular will be invaluable as she is both a garakton and a family member.
No. 94835 ID: 0ee153

Okay, I may have overreacted, but does anyone else find it incredibly hypocritical how the girls are suddenly ganging up on humanity as a whole? Let's ignore insulting their boyfriend's species right in front of him for now.

I can understand GG being upset at her boss, and she's never done anything significantly wrong that I know of, and neither has Meg. But Meg also doesn't seem to have much of a reason to be unhappy about humans. Sure, there's a minority who have been spiteful towards her, but more people like the HVAO and Zack who have been great, and if humans really hated her she wouldn't get such a turnout for her music.

Polyphema is literally a war criminal. I get that she repented and everything, switched sides and all, but she is, again literally, complicit in the deaths of a billion humans. She's the one who said Oculots were so much more aware of how everyone else had a life of their own and all that, and then she shit-talks humanity because some people are unpleasant after helping kill a billion humans.

Bika wasn't active in the war either, if memory serves, and she's also had a lot of humans harassing her, so I can understand some bitterness, but isn't she also supposed to be an impartial arbitrator? If that sort of person is participating in racist jokes that doesn't sound good.
No. 94836 ID: ba78a5

Has it occurred to you that they're maybe just doing it to poke fun at Zack?
Jesus, they're making fun of our idioms, not spitting on the ground we walk on.
No. 94842 ID: 350a50

You've never seen friends make jokes at one another's expense before?
No. 94849 ID: 50904b

yeah lmao its obvious they werent remotely serious
and considering this current situation is bc of humans, like...
No. 95090 ID: 72684a

I hope we didn't fuck up too bad with Bika.
We should probably come up with something that the whole group can do, her included.
No. 95094 ID: e114bc

Polyamory is inherently unstable and I kindof hate that it wound up this way, tbh.
No. 95095 ID: 7b7ab3

We'll be going on that vacation soon, so that should give us some time to make it up to her and hopefully bring the group closer together.

You are entitled to your own opinion.
No. 95099 ID: a107fd

So? Antimatter containment is inherently unstable, that doesn't mean there aren't adequate metastable solutions for those willing to put in the work. This is Zack's full-time job, it involves the bleeding edge of research psychology alongside interdimensional diplomacy, and the government wouldn't be paying him nearly so much if they expected it to be easy.
No. 95103 ID: c1eb95


Zack is really more like a kind of anthropologist engaged in field research, rather than a psychologist. As such, his main method of learning is participant observation, which, as one might guess, is when you both participate and observe. If polyamory is a traditional social institution for Visitors then his research would be incomplete if he didn't try it.

Technically if he were an anthropologist he should be making notes for himself all the time, writing them up every evening so that he gets things down before his memory fades, and otherwise using best practices, but that can be waived for quest purposes and because he isn't trained in the field. Rather, he was probably chosen so that if he did fall for any of the ladies their relationship could be used as a symbolic rallying point for good relations, given his past.
No. 96014 ID: 726184

And wow, the Kariket's beard is so awful it actually got it's own Cards Against Humanity card.
That's hilarious.
No. 96016 ID: bb78f2

Don't you make your own cards against humanity though?
Poly wrote that down herself.
No. 96019 ID: c10e99

Everybody's so upset about leaving Bika at the restaurant.

Guys. Chill. We're only human. We're allowed a mistake once in awhile. Bika was uncomfortable with the idea so she opted out. We told her she could come over if she wanted and she has our number if she wants/needs to call us. We're going to have plenty of opportunities to make it up to her.

It'll be okay.

No. 96024 ID: 0fc976

No time like the present for making it up to her.

Do you think the biggest blackest card has perhaps changed color?
No. 96026 ID: 98b82d

>Do you think the biggest blackest card has perhaps changed color?
What would they change it to? Taupe?
No. 96034 ID: 2a7417

Garakton red, of course.
No. 96138 ID: 31f7bc

Seeing as we'll be meeting GG's parents sooner rather than later, what should we do to prepare? Personally I think a little research is in order. Asking GG what her parents are like and learning as much as we can about garakton culture (i.e. proper etiquette, taboos, language, etc.).
No. 96721 ID: b846af

I don't know if anyone has actually just outright said so, but I feel it can't be overstated:

This quest is very good and I am really enjoying myself.
No. 97524 ID: d53e25

Damn, that was worth the wait!
I love these crazy kids.
Poor GG;n;
No. 97525 ID: 7b7ab3

Tell me about it!
*muscular weeping*
No. 97526 ID: aa2305

>Poly is drawing on her face
>Meg and GG have swapped pants
>Zack hates his arms
>Meg is an ass thief
Business as usual in the dulabira.
No. 97532 ID: c41c90

Is it just me or does the art for this update look particularly good?
No. 97840 ID: 76a75f

Looks like 4chan has discovered us.
No. 97841 ID: 88e46e

No. 97843 ID: 36e2ef

Apparently they like it, so...

No. 97844 ID: 99a64d

What did they do?
No. 97846 ID: 36e2ef

Posted fan-art (most of it from here), geeked out, talked, and I assume read some of the quest.

Nothing heinous from the looks of it.
No. 97847 ID: f6442a

So, which board?
No. 97848 ID: 36e2ef

Xeno thread.
No. 97851 ID: f56624

http://boards.4chan.org/aco/thread/375146/xeno-thread-no#p383736 found it, for those curious. NSFW.
No. 97852 ID: 36e2ef

Thank you.

Looks like they like it pretty well.
No. 97868 ID: 3681d1


No. 97869 ID: 209a42

Couple good reviews from /aco/.

"I am


going to recommend this to anyone who enjoys science fiction. It's intriguing, romantic, comedic, and sexy in all the right ways." - Anon.

"I actually just finished thread two, and I would like to confirm that this quest is indeed very, very Xeno.
Like, it introduced me to a concept for an alien species that I never would have thought of myself.
Seconding recommendation." - Anon.
No. 97875 ID: 99a64d

>Meg is beating GG
Honestly what the fuck tgchan, I expected better from you. At least you recognize that Bika is best girl, but how could you let worst girl beat musclewaifu, it's disgusting.
No. 97876 ID: 1e0d98

Can't we be more egalitarian and say they're all fabulous?
No. 97881 ID: 88e46e

No, that's boring.
No. 97885 ID: 7b7ab3

>picking just one
>no wild orgies
No dulabira I want to be a part of.
No. 97892 ID: 350a50

>pick Bika
>wild orgies

I'm sorry, did you miss the part where Bika is best girl?
No. 97894 ID: 1f52e4

>Poly's resting her head against GG's hipbone, a look of blissful concentration on her face.
>She catches your eye from between GG's quivering thighs and pauses her ministrations for a moment.
>Doo-lah-beer-ah, she mouths.
A-fucking-men, honey.

That took a turn.
No. 97896 ID: 7b7ab3

>Doo-lah-beer-ah, she mouths.
I laugh heartily.
My heart melts.
I cack my pants.
No. 97899 ID: d674db

That escalated quickly.
No. 97901 ID: 88e46e

I too have a reaction to these
No. 97904 ID: d88a4d

No. 97905 ID: 88e46e

oh nooo the Kariket had something like super sad to him and so he became a genocidal cunt with bad facial hair :(

how sympathetic how lovable how emotionally invested I find him now except not

Anyone else planning on riding the Kariket hate train to the end of the world?
No. 97906 ID: 99a64d

You know who else had a sad backstory? HITLER. Can we please try driving him to suicide?
No. 97907 ID: 2a2f8a

No. 97908 ID: 7b7ab3

Kariket is a broken, empty shell of a man. Barely even a shadow of the oculot he once was. A wretched, hollowed out thing.
He really is a monster.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind being the voice in his head that drives him deeper into insanity, making him see things and the like.
No. 97909 ID: a90bc9

>the voice in his head that drives him deeper into insanity
"Kariket. Kaaaaaarikeeeeeeet. This is the voice of your lost love. RUN NAKED THROUGH THE TOWN SQUARE."
No. 97910 ID: 3f9dc0

Just because you can understand a dude's motivations in more complexity than "is an asshole" doesn't mean you can't still hate him. Sympathetic villains are awesome.
Not wanting to understand a dudes motivations because you are afraid you might not hate him any more is a worrying personality indicator.
No. 97911 ID: 143506

If anything this revelation justifies the hate.
There is nothing good in the Kariket.
It all died with Euli; sucked down into oblivion.
All that's left is darkness, hatred, and pain.
No. 97912 ID: bb78f2

Sometimes a dude just wants to know why another dude does what he does to get dude 1 to hate dude 2.

We know know part of why dude 2 does what he does. Just some characterization for dude 2, nothing more. Maybe we can get Zack to talk him down or use this info against him, who knows.
No. 97916 ID: 350a50

We're being given options that could shape him as having a glimmer of something more inside of him, like sparing the intruder. It's the players that are choosing to take the cruel options on their own initiative.
No. 97917 ID: fc8fc2

yeah seriously
No. 97918 ID: 88e46e

So is assuming other people's motivations. I don't mind learning about him, I just don't think anything can make him likable.
No. 97919 ID: a9ff28

Misery loves company.
But he took the path of leaving his lover behind, for pride.
I'd like to see him...As Enemy wrote, The Kariket.
A Ocolot with strength enough, to withstand what seems to be the greatest pain they can take, and kept on going.
Terrifying. MOnsterous. But not fully broken...
Not yet, at the least.
No. 97921 ID: 99a64d

It's actually better for us if he's a crazy irredeemable psychopath, it makes it more likely that he'll do more stupid and warmongery things which could eventually lead to his getting deposed. Plus, if we ever end up in a situation where we have to choose whether or not to spare him it'll make the choice a lot easier. Also we need to know what "the power" is for future tactical purposes.
No. 97922 ID: 143506

We've always known that the Kariket is a monster.
Now we know why.
No. 97923 ID: 2a7417

Because we were the Kariket all along?
No. 97924 ID: 68d539

That actually gives me a thought.
What if we're witnessing Zack's life through the eye(s) of someone else; through the very same dream-memories that he's now experiencing? Somewhere in the future after all this has happened.
No. 97933 ID: 7131bd

So THAT'S how he's been doing it!

The little bastard's cheating!
No. 97934 ID: 99a64d

I wonder if that power works on things other than oculot, other visitors? Humans? Maybe we can get some info out of him.
No. 97967 ID: 2244ca

That is some grade "A" evil, right there.
But where is big baby?
No. 97968 ID: 5ec06c

>where is big baby?
Probably off getting something to eat. I don't think they ever had a proper dinner.
No. 97972 ID: 88e46e

I found big baby posting here >>97967
No. 98001 ID: 7b7ab3

Found this over on /aco/.

>readan thread one
>we MIB gigolo now
>datin ayylien cuties
>GG a cute
>awesome first date
>Poly a sad cute
>talk ayylien stuff
>we a huge nerd
>gettin hot
>mama mia das a spicy meayball
>It a good. Would read again.
No. 98002 ID: 76a75f

Thanks for turning the xeno thread into your little fanclub by the way.
No. 98005 ID: d95d14

Does this count as spoilers or...?
No. 98038 ID: eaf326

C'mon, at least link it
No. 98039 ID: aaa3ab

>posting a link that's going to be dead in a week's time
No. 98040 ID: 7b7ab3

I'll post the rest I've found.

>we nerd mama now
>c u l8r Poly
>dating GG wit frands
>WARRIOR BRO wants to battle!
>Everything Went Better Than Expected
>c u l8r GG
>Hi Bika!
>all the emojis
>aw shy puppy
>discussing politics and racial/species ethics???
>skutti dinner
>lots of puppies
>.:w:. .:w:. .:w:. .:w:. .:w:. .:w:.
>c u l8r Bika
>Hi Meg!
>Floater stuff
>c u l8r Meg
>Poly's plannin summin
>That was an emotional rollercoaster.
No. 98041 ID: 7b7ab3

>watchin the news
>road trip with Poly
>Carlson no stalking
>chattin wit Poly
>sad story
>Truth or Dare
>pew pew pew
>Clif bars suck
>naked Poly :3
>fuck mountains
>psychic shenanigans
>we soldja boy now
>"Garakton fetish"
>we nerd again
>"Dulabiras and You!" - by Poly
>love and fish
>c u l8r Poly
>movin shit with GG
>officially bf/gf
>Randy "Macho Man" Savage be praised
>Sorry, neighbors.
>c u l8r GG
>movie with Bika
>busses and break ins
>raisinets and racism
>okay movie
>the NBC?! No!!!
>uh oh intrigue
>diplomance that bitch
>.:w:.skut on the beach.:w:.
>Bika can't swim
>fuck off Pilop
>back to her place
>uh oh assholes
>thank you, CVS
>hi Xu
>hi Ambrose and Rella
>skut diner
>.:w:.PUPPY LOVE.:w:.
>night night Bika
>that can't be good
>Excellent thread.
>Will post for thread four later.
No. 98042 ID: 7b7ab3

>we Warrior husbando now
>fuck you Hajk
>fuck you Kariket
>goin' out like a badass
>Zack again
>o hi Poly
>breakfast and disapproval
>it cool
>c u l8r Poly
>gym buddies with GG
>gettin sweaty
>c u l8r GG
>shoppin with Poly
>fedora lol
>hi Bika
>bye Bika
>hi Hizalian
>boredom with friends
>forgiveness? forgiveness
>Meg's had a bad time
>Zack to the rescue
>GOOD TIoh shit
>hotel time
>strawberries :9
>c u l8r Meg
>GG meet Poly
>rip Lady Liberty
>Netflix and chill
>God loves Zack
>we tiny GG
>fuck off Skgaro
>Zack again
>hang in with Bika's and Hizalian
>call him Hiz
>sad story tiem
>Sheriff Bika
>Pirgatea's a badass
>c u l8r Hiz
>Pilop's an asshole
>videogames and dessert
>.:w:. puppy love .:w:.
>night night Bika
>hi Eglejgja
>hi Salzin
>hi Johna--
>That was great! All for now, though.

That's all they posted.
No. 98130 ID: 7b6ca8


>Oculots: You need a litre bottle of eye drops to keep your eye moisturized, and even then it's a close call.

>Garakton: Having four armpits means a considerable chunk of your income goes toward antiperspirant deodorant.

>Floater: People who enjoy fireworks don't seem to understand that taking a bottle rocket to the gut mid-flight is a serious concern for you.

>Skut: You have an exponentially increasing number of bodies, but a finite number of bathrooms available to you.

I was bored. Please forgive me.
No. 98158 ID: 312c31

let us talk about eyebrows
eyebrows are an evolutionary advantage. there main purpose it to keep fluids from getting into out eyes by directing the flow of the fluids down and around our eye sockets. eyebrows are a very big deal for rain, and particularly very bloody fights. as a species we have evolved monobrows which serve the same function as regular eyebrows, their effectiveness can be argued either way compared to normal eyebrows.

now lets discuss Poly...
why does a single eyed creature have 2 spaced apart eyebrows. it defeats the biological purpose of eyebrows because it will funnel water right into the center of her eye if it rains or is they get a cut about eye level.

does poly shave her monobrow so she can do sexually suggestive eyebrow things at humans because she found it interesting? did her race have 2 eyes at some point and then evolved to two and the two eyebrows are an evolutionary hold out that has not been phased out of their gene pool? thoughts and opinions?
No. 98159 ID: 88e46e

Clearly eyebrows are a tertiary sexual characteristic and they evolved separate brows for aesthetic.
No. 98160 ID: 0fc52c


It's a pretty good chance that humans also retained eyebrows for their use in making facial expressions. It would be similar to why we have visible sclera: most animals don't normally have visible whites to their eyes because you don't want your rivals, prey and/or predators knowing where your focus is, but humans do so that we can give each other context cues to improve our communication, e.g. when I say "what's that?" and you can see my face you know that I'm asking about the thing that my eyes are pointing towards. Our faces are also otherwise more expressive in general than most animal species.

Oculots are a very emotive and social species and so since two eyebrows gives clearer, more distinct facial expressions than a monobrow, that could be why they have them.
No. 98164 ID: 3f9dc0

>Garakton: Having four armpits means a considerable chunk of your income goes toward antiperspirant deodorant.
To paraphrase a quote, "I am so sick of this joke! Lady Speed Stick costs three dollars! I go through it twice as fast, so my budget is SIX dollars! Shut UP about it already!"
No. 98165 ID: 7b7ab3

Source of said quote?
No. 98176 ID: 3f9dc0

No. 98177 ID: 7b7ab3

Thank you.
No. 98192 ID: f56624

re: the eyebrows, didn't Hiz say at some point they just shaved the middle bit so they could emote better to humans
like, I remember something akin to that being brought up somewhere
No. 98193 ID: 7b7ab3

I remember him saying he wears sunglasses to hide the fact that he's a Visitor, but nothing like what you're saying.
I even searched through the threads for "eyebrow" and "shave."
No. 98374 ID: 7c7340

not really demanding you get back to work on this, take all the time you need between posts

but any idea when you'll be back brom.

checking every weekend is a bit disappointing.
No. 98380 ID: 88e46e

Brom's already back and updating the marriage sorcery quest lmao
No. 99361 ID: 7b7ab3

Is it just me or could Zack and his girlfriends do with some scheduling practice?

It'd probably make their lives a bit easier.
No. 99390 ID: 775ecb

I'm afraid things are getting a bit rough with Bika. What can we do to salvage the situation?
No. 99391 ID: 35151f

apologize and talk through our problems like any reasonable man would?
It was bound to happen with someone eventually here, just keep a cool head and stay a good bf and you'll prolly be fine
No. 99393 ID: 775ecb

Sound advice.

I figure she's planning on doing something about her Pilop problem. I say we support her, whatever it is.
No. 99406 ID: 52ad92

>apologize and talk through our problems like any reasonable man would
"Bika, I need to apologize. If I hadn't spoken out of ignorance and given you bum advice, you wouldn't be in this situation now. I want to do whatever I can to prove to you that I not only love you, but respect you as well."
No. 99408 ID: add40f

Zack did make a mistake but, to be fair, Bika telling Zack to ignore things is a problem she has. Like, she could have told him more about how problematic visiting the beach was in the first place. Whenever potential problems have come up, she tends to go "no Zack it's fine don't worry about it".

I think it's related to how her mind works, maybe? Like, the way skuts work, they have certain bodies for this purpose, those bodies for another, this one to eat desserts, et cetera. So, I'm wondering if she's sectioned off one or a few bodies for "have fun romance with Zack" and expects she can not cross that over with anything the rest of her does?
No. 99410 ID: c36f17

They both need ro learn to trust and respect each other. Zack to trust that Bika knows what she's doing and respect her decisions, Bika to trust Zack enough to open up to him and respect his feelings for her.
No. 99424 ID: add40f


The trouble is, each problem compounds the other. Zack tries to "interfere" because he doesn't know enough, Bika doesn't want to let him know stuff so he won't interfere and make mistakes, and because he doesn't know enough when he does interfere he does make mistakes, so he wants to know more. It's like a cycle of errors and mistrust based on perceived incompetence.
No. 99429 ID: 7b7ab3

Clearly the cycle must be broken.
It would seem that the only way for that to happen is for one to have faith in the other.
Zack needs to step back and Bika needs to step forward.
I would suggest that Zack make the first move and not interfere with whatever plan Bika's cooked up. That instead he takes that time to apologize for his previous mistakes and learn more about the skut that he loves.
No. 99556 ID: f6442a

They come in packs of four, though the packaging says five.
No. 99567 ID: 90834d

If I were Zack, I'd start keeping a list titled "shit I need to research." Like all these shows the girls keep referencing and anything else that he's out of the loop on.
No. 99568 ID: 595d54

Luckily we are Zack and you can suggest that. It legitimately sounds like a good idea next time we get some downtime.
No. 99569 ID: 90834d

A fine idea!
Some suggestions for the list.
1.) That freaky dream thing.
2.) Visitor entertainment.
3.) Visitor language.
No. 99577 ID: b3ae55

No matter the context, seeing Bika upset really upsets me. Am I the only one?
No. 99579 ID: d975f7

Nope. ;w;
No. 99704 ID: b1960b

hey gang. no updates for a bit longer. me and bromwife are MOVING to ASTORIA.
As soon as I unpack my tablet I'll get back to dooting
No. 99708 ID: 1bfe73

Gone to Oregon, eh?
Good luck, dude.
No. 99709 ID: de4dc9

ASTORIA? That's a lil' too hip for me. Now Astoria, that's a real neighborhood.
No. 99714 ID: 350a50

Don't get dysentery.
No. 99720 ID: 3854c8

Just checked the Wikipedia article on Astoria. Looks like a nice place. Very picturesque.
No. 99734 ID: b1960b

Not Oregon my dude, Queens
No. 99735 ID: 5ec06c

Astoria Park houses New York's biggest pool.
A whopping 330 foot long pool!
You must swim in it at least once.
No. 99736 ID: b1960b

A public pool? In Queens?

I'll just skip the Pink Eye middle man and rub my own poop directly into my eye
No. 99737 ID: 406895

Probably saferand more hygienic.
No. 99738 ID: de4dc9


All the Millennial escapees from Williamsburg have turned the public pools into Bikram Yoga spaces and designated "Brunch Zones." You'll be fine.
No. 99740 ID: 7b7ab3

On the topic of icky stuff, I have to wonder about the spread of disease between Golboria and Earth.
Could a Warrior get the flu? Are there any Visitor viruses that humanity should be worried about? Can skut get sick? Do Floaters get malware? How does a case of pinkeye effect an oculot?
No. 99741 ID: 06b6c5


Assuming the two worlds have no hidden common history, like one was seeded with life from the other or something, then Visitors and Humans should have entirely different genetic structures, and it would be impossible for the viruses of one to affect the other.

Bacteria possibly, though not too likely. Fungal infections, maybe.
No. 99742 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh, Lord.
Imagine a Warrior with Athlete's Foot.
No. 99752 ID: 9cf17b
File 146324019246.png - (117.90KB , 350x390 , Totally A Skut.png )

Behold, one of the species portraits from Stellaris!

A pretty close match to Skuts, which I thought was pretty cool when I spotted them and wanted to share.

And yes I have created a species based on Skuts and intend to play them.
No. 99755 ID: e3719e

-Six eyes
-No horns
-Eyes not black
-Weird mouth
No. 99779 ID: 9cf17b

Eh, close enough to work for me. Gotta make do with what you got.
No. 99826 ID: c7bc47

Its that a... realistic Boxdog??? (+extra eyes)
No. 99827 ID: 8aa7ad

The resemblance is uncanny.
No. 99833 ID: 016f6e

>Boxdog as a skut
>an entire hive of sad puppies
>using up all the tissues
>she still lives in the laundry room
>it's very crowded
No. 99837 ID: 5292c5

I actually want to see this.
No. 99841 ID: f6442a

New goal: Get to know Bika's Bikas.
No. 99843 ID: 7b2aa5

>dancer bika
>plumber bika
>dr bika
>muscle bika
>reader bika
>and much more!
No. 99851 ID: 35151f

Gotta bangbefriend em all: BIKAMON!
Join Zack Nyugen and Bikachu, as they navigate the perilous lands of romance Friendship!

Coming soon to the 4kids lineup!
No. 99854 ID: a2fd2f

>cut out all the sex and swearing
>fuck with the canon
>turn the characters into parodies of themselves
>everyone keeps making absolutely horrible puns
No. 99858 ID: cd67a4

Bikachu, the rarest form of Bika.
Appears rarely once a year on Halloween.
Likes: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Dislikes: Candy Corn

Goodness. How far we've come.
No. 100004 ID: 3dd9b7

Finish catching up with the entire story yesterday, and I have a couple of observations. First and foremost, a revelation: Earlier as a bit of possible throwaway lore fluff, it was mentioned the UK legalized skut-on-skut assassinations. Knowing what we know now about skut physiology and psychology, this got me thinking: Did another human before Zach found out about the nature of skut Hiveminds? If so, how high up in the British government were they? Was the law passed in the UK their way of subtly integrating skut politics and behavior into human society?

Food for thought.
No. 100005 ID: 8dacbf

I always figured it was people noticing that skut tend to kill each other alot, so they told them to cut that shit out.
No. 100006 ID: 595d54

Given that skut are insectoid aliens who form specific groups I'll be really fucking amazed if Zack is the first out of six billion-plus humans who thought 'hey maybe this is a hivemind'. Especially since "bug = hivemind" is a common trope and I'm sure the major governments have plenty of analysts they pay to be properly paranoid.
No. 100007 ID: 8dacbf

You have noticed the big, expressive ears, fur, and wagging tails, right?
No. 100008 ID: 7b7ab3

Everyone involved in the secret of the skut is doing their dead level best to keep it a secret.
The public's general disdain for Visitors keeps them from learning much about the skut.
The skut don't interact with humanity much anyway.
All contributing factors to our little conspiracy, I'm certain.
No. 100012 ID: 558268

More like "only allowed to kill one of your if you are paid under legal contract to do so."
No. 100058 ID: 558268

Do anyone think that the Kariket's signature douche beard would be considered as taboo to imitate? As in, having the same style, while not illegal, would be the fast track to getting dirty looks at best and lynched at worst otherwise unless you're playing as him in a production? It think it would similar to how Hitler made those tiny little mustaches completely taboo unless its from Charlie Chaplin or Oliver Hardy.

Random Thought.
No. 100059 ID: 7b7ab3

>Do anyone think that the Kariket's signature douche beard would be considered as taboo to imitate?
Probably. Anyone sporting a beard like that probably deserves to get socked.

I'm glad you brought him up, which is bizarre.
Will Kariket go down in history as the golborians' equivalent to Adolf? Will they struggle for years trying to shake off the shadow he cast on their world and its people?
No. 100101 ID: 247200

Annnnnd two MORE attractive aliens.

Y'know, I wasn't a xenophile before I started reading this quest.
No. 100108 ID: 26e908

It also reveals a little bit more about Visitors.
We had no idea that oculots could have yellow eyes before now.
No. 100117 ID: 558268

Thought that Poly was the only one with a yellow one?
No. 100118 ID: 9e99b2

Poly has a blue eye.
No. 100120 ID: 558268

Oh right.......

One of the dialogue choices intrigues me. Makes me wonder how involved in the Golborian media is he in. Does he tightly control the output so that all shows depict him in some level of positive light, at best lip service at worse blatant propaganda? Or does he really not care what anybody says about him just as long as the attacks are through the mouthpiece of fiction and not actual?

Considering the political minefield he chucked himself into with the disastrous war against Earth, I'm leaning towards the latter explanation.
No. 100125 ID: 9e99b2

He probably makes the media say good things about him to stop people from freaking out about what a monstrous tool he is.
No. 100130 ID: f6442a

The Kariket is the face of the government, and was probably held in higher esteem when this show was produced.
No. 100131 ID: 558268

I wonder if the show is still producing episodes during the present day of the story, how would they depict opinions on the Kariket.

On an unrelated note, every single time I try to say Kariket outloud there's a good chnace of of saying "Karkat" instead. XD
No. 100183 ID: 2a7417

"Wait! Don't stab Belicore with that knife! Let's talk about our feeeeeeeliiiiiings!"

I shiggy diggy, guys.
No. 100184 ID: 2d6eb7

Stalling! Gotta keep psycho-skut from gutting Belicore long enough for backup to arrive!
No. 100201 ID: 558268

You know, I bet skuts would be ridiculously easy to hire out as extras in film and TV production. And I bet skuts could potentially be able to do their own make up! All a single consciousness need to do is pick a easily disposable individual and mutilate them in a way that the scene needs!

Though does Golboria have laws against skut consciousnesses mutilating individual bodies for something so trivial.....?
No. 100210 ID: 63beeb

We definitely need to show GG and Bika some good westerns. Imagine GG's reaction to "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."
No. 100222 ID: 558268

Hell, the entire Dollars Trilogy should be a requirement! Include the Dirty Harry films as well, and maybe a good samurai movie or two.
No. 100223 ID: d22822

One movie we should definitely show Poly is "The Green Mile."
It may make her cry, though.
No. 100225 ID: 595d54

Grave of the Fireflies?
No. 100226 ID: d22822

Maybe a little too heavy handed.
"Spirited Away," though?
What do you think?
No. 100232 ID: 558268

Yeah, that's a good choice. Maybe My Neighbor Totoro and Princess Mononoke. Heck, most things from Miyazaki himself.
No. 100235 ID: 82fa25

On the topic of anime, we should show GG something like GaoGaiGar or Gunbuster.
Let's see if alien chicks dig giant robots!
No. 100257 ID: 558268

Maybe he can show the girls One Punch Man. GG can enjoy all the action while Poly can enjoy the emotional aspect of a show that looks deeply into how an overpowered Marty Stu lives his life outside of one-shoting villains left and right and how society views him.
No. 100263 ID: e96733

Can we raise the stakes? What if Zack's sister gets hospitalized after battery (legal def.) I feel that Zach needs to express some form of the enormous pressure being placed on him as a cultural ambassador. ( & "traitor")
What I would term his "saintly behavior" needs to be pushed, drama is exciting, and tragedy will unite the girls
P.S. I wanna see Zach explode >:)
No. 100264 ID: 655fa6

Meg would probably appreciate the music and character designs.
Bika would probably get a kick or two out of the show's sense of humor.
We should also consider showing them some more infamous films. How do you think they'd react to Plan 9 From Outer Space?
No. 100270 ID: 558268

That could be a bit iffy. Either they'll find it utterly hilarious or they'll find it highly offensive. Probably for the same reason we might not want to show them any alien invasion movies that show the alien being outright evil bastards.

Actually, I already have a few ideas on how to bring in some unnecessary drama into the plotline:

1) Meg somehow getting pregnant with Zack's kid due to the Floater Council going overboard in making her body as biologically accurate as possible

2) Zack or any of the girls somehow developing some sort of STD due to all the unprotected sex they've been having

3) Poly adding coke to her day drinking problem, and I DO NOT mean soda

4) One of GG's still living relatives whom Zack meets along with her parents being the one responsible for fatally injuring his mom to the point where she needed to be mercy killed by Hizalian's brother

5) Bika Prime getting shot at by a member of a rival skut hive and Zack being forced to get her to a hospital despite obstacles in his way along with risk of permanent injury from her acid blood
No. 100271 ID: 7b7ab3

>1) Meg somehow getting pregnant with Zack's kid due to the Floater Council going overboard in making her body as biologically accurate as possible
Probably not very likely. I doubt The Collective could figure out how to bypass the species barrier in the relatively short time they've been active on earth.
>2) Zack or any of the girls somehow developing some sort of STD due to all the unprotected sex they've been having
A fairly reasonable concern. We have no idea how all these dissimilar anatomies and biologies interacting with each other might go wrong.
>3) Poly adding coke to her day drinking problem, and I DO NOT mean soda
I'm don't think Poly would go that far, but I can see where the concern comes from. Substance abuse is a slippery slope.
>4) One of GG's still living relatives whom Zack meets along with her parents being the one responsible for fatally injuring his mom to the point where she needed to be mercy killed by Hizalian's brother
I've thought of this and it concerns me. I'm not sure if the timelines match up well enough for it to be likely, but I shudder to think of the ramifications for both Zack and GG.
>5) Bika Prime getting shot at by a member of a rival skut hive and Zack being forced to get her to a hospital despite obstacles in his way along with risk of permanent injury from her acid blood
I think Bika would sooner let go of a body than risk harming Zack. She can make more bodies and choose a new Prime, but Zack can't regrow melted flesh.
No. 100272 ID: 595d54

I'm not worried about bacteria or viruses. Diseases crossing species is rare within the same ecosystem, and requires geological lengths of time to evolve to prey on multiple species. A pathogen is not going to be able to jump to an entirely different biochemistry in thirty years. The chances of Zack giving or getting a STD are zero for all practical purposes, barring magic or engineered bioweapons.

Parasites like crabs or something are slightly more likely, though.
No. 100273 ID: 7b7ab3

Please don't make me imagine a case of Crabs bad enough to give a garak a bad time.
No. 100277 ID: b1960b

dont worry about that
No. 100279 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 100280 ID: e96733
File 146567281024.jpg - (21.14KB , 480x442 , HBC.jpg )

No. 100281 ID: 558268

Doctor: Apparently this species of golbian parasite is rather benign on warrior and oculots, but they become extremely aggressive on humans. Since you are the first ever human case of this, Mr. Ngynen, we will have to conduct more studies to see if these parasites are purely venereal, but for now I recommend washing your crotch area thoroughly twice a day with the anti-bactieral soap I am prescribing you, and to use protection with any of your ladyfriends. The parasites seem to be only doing minor irritation now, but neglecting to bath will result severe infections and possible need for amputation to prevent the infections from spreading.


Doctor: *laughs* Just kidding about the amputation! Though seriously, it'll be painful enough that you're gonna ask for it if you don't clean yer junk regularly.
No. 100283 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 100287 ID: f6442a

You are Zack. So you just have to suggest along those lines, and see if the rest of the Zacks think the same way.
No. 100335 ID: e96733

Which actually brings up a question I've had for a little while (since I'm new to this) Are we programming Zach's actions as a collective of separate beings, or are we actually representative of Zach's stream of consciousness and thought processes? Or are we just all "Zach" for all intents and purposes? Because if I'm not mistaken, Bika at one point mentioned she sensed a similarity between her and Zach, which I intuited as either breaking the fourth wall or indicating that our input is in fact a component of the story (IF she meant us, I might be wrong on that one). Which of course could lead to some interesting plot, since Zack has experienced childhood trauma which could be responsible for DID (multiple personalities) or that as a council of extradimensional beings we are the root of Zach's psychic flashbacks.....but I digress. Thoughts?
No. 100336 ID: 7b7ab3

It's hard to say.
It could be said that we represent Zack's stream of consciousness and all the idle thoughts in his head.
It could also be said that we represent Zack as a whole, and our suggestions are representations of the choices he makes.
It's all up to interpretation.
No. 100502 ID: d5b373

I hope soloing GG's parents isn't a mistake. Poly seemed mildly concerned and Bika seemed QUITE concerned.
No. 100506 ID: 398fe1

I think it's kindof obvious that it's a mistake by now? People are going to charge forwards with reckless abandon anyway.
No. 100508 ID: 558268

I'm wondering if GG's parents have pets? I see Warriors immediately taking a shining towards dogs.
No. 100509 ID: 12d6e6

There's no telling what to expect. For all we know this could go quite swimmingly. Could something bad happen? Yes, but backing out just because of a possibility is no way to achieve anything.

GG said she wanted a dog, but her apartment doesn't allow pets.
No. 100510 ID: 12d6e6

Am I the only one afraid of the possibility that one of GG's family members may have been responsible for the death of Zack's mother? And that Zack may encounter this hypothetical person during his visit?
No. 100511 ID: 398fe1

>no telling what to expect
>someone is literally telling us what to expect
No. 100513 ID: b17b81

I don't know how I feel about the mother wanting her and GG to go by human names. I feel like a name is part of a person's identity, and GG is a good compromise instead of just outright changing the name to Bridget. I think attempting to give up a strong part of what you are/were in order to fit in/integrate is the wrong way of going about it. Can't really explain in words why I feel this way.
No. 100514 ID: 91cfcf

There's nothing wrong with nicknames, although I doubt it's as simple as a nickname and I think it's telling that GG specifically refuses to be called anything other than GG on multiple occasions. We should probably try to find out what their original names mean and if the human adaptations have similar etymologies.

Also, she could be ashamed of her past as a Warrior. Want to bet she's the one who beat on Zack's mom, for maximum drama?
No. 100515 ID: fec339

Pretty sure the offending garakton was male.
Also, her face hasn't been shotgunned off.
No. 100521 ID: e4f856

ha haaaaa oh boy this is gonna be terrible, why didnt we bring poly
im getting flashbacks to my extended family meetings, just with less goulash (chili counts i guess)
No. 100522 ID: bf8b66

I honestly don't see how Poly could have helped this situation.
Fzek is a stubborn old man with a dim view of humanity and he probably wouldn't think much of an oculot who loves a human.
No. 100523 ID: e4f856

yeah but poly is, at least, used to grumpy old warriors, and has better social chops than us, not that thats hard to surpass. shes used to the scene. and having poly there would show how down we are with the dulabira, at least.
No. 100525 ID: bf8b66

Well, it's too late now!
But have some faith. We've handled tough situations before with people who were a lot less friendly than GG's dad.
No. 100527 ID: 87ee39

We went to this meeting expecting a punch in the face.
Instead it was our heart that got punched.
No. 100528 ID: a1278c

He's trying so hard to start shit! He's not even being subtle anymore! This must be his way of gauging Zack! He's trying to find out whether Zack is all talk or not!
No. 100529 ID: 91cfcf

Well, yeah, duh.
No. 100534 ID: 8f04f9

the fuck does rughil mean, idgi.
No. 100535 ID: b1960b


>"What does 'saropa' mean? The thing you call humans?"
>"It's garaktonnic," GG says. "For, uhhh. I guess a good translation is 'hybrid'. Y'know, cause you have 2 arms and 2 eyes and legs and big ears so you're sort of a hybrid of the different races."
>"I don't have big ears," you say.
>"Yeah you do." GG touches one. "Big ol' Zack ears."
>"It's better than what they called them in the early days," Polyphema says. "Rughil."
>"Oh, yeah." GG frowns. "Some people still do."
>"What's rughil?"
>"Prey animal," GG says.
No. 100537 ID: 7b7ab3

>"Oh, yeah." GG frowns. "Some people still do."
No. 100546 ID: 9dfb8d

Everything went better than expected.
No. 100553 ID: 7a5065

Zack will survive Warrior sex!
But he sure as HELL won't feel like he did.
No. 100554 ID: 398fe1

I'm surprised nobody's realized that Nightmare will result in broken bones at the least. Possibly death, because Brom is the kind of guy that WOULD end a quest with death by snu snu.
No. 100555 ID: 398fe1

Well I was right about the broken bones(bone) but apparently it's not as big a deal as I (and probably most of us) thought it'd be.

I was more expecting Brom to do a news story about how Zack fucking died and the fallout was nasty and then let us choose something other than death.
No. 100556 ID: b1960b

smh if you guys really thought I was about to end a quest that's been going for over 2 years with death by snu snu
No. 100557 ID: 7b7ab3

Our little soldier went to war, and now he's got a battle scar!
Absolutely worth it!
No. 100558 ID: 398fe1

Why not tho
No. 100559 ID: 6967c4

quiet u
No. 100563 ID: 558268

After reading the latest installments, I'm suddenly realizing that treatment Zack received might have been first developed just because of his exact predicament, ie Oculots wanting to have full on Warrior sex with their Warrior lovers without having being crippled for life. O_o
No. 100564 ID: 7b7ab3

The next time Zack and GG decide to give Warrior sex a try they may want to take things a little more slowly.
They got overly excited and lost control, which is perfectly natural in a relationship like theirs.
This is a learning experience for them, and now they can have an even better time on the next attempt.
No. 100565 ID: 358228

I think the originators of the technology are the Floaters.

Remember Polyphema's flying car? Remember how they still had wheels within her lifetime? I wonder what Floaters were like back then. Steampunk robots? Hot air balloons?
No. 100566 ID: 7b7ab3

That reminds me! We really need to ask Meg about her species' origin. Unless that turns out to be another golborian secret.
No. 100568 ID: 558268

No. 100569 ID: 7b7ab3

[X-Files theme]
No. 100575 ID: 9ec936

>"I am the worst girlfriend ever."
NO! D:
GG do not say such things about our precious girlfriend!
You are great and we love you!
No. 100593 ID: b1960b
File 146645767041.png - (10.87KB , 960x560 , 501.png )

i totally drew an extra panel i forgot to put in so i will put it here
No. 100595 ID: c290d1

You are too good to us, monsieur.
No. 100596 ID: 7b7ab3

I love you.
No. 100603 ID: 7f9a7f

I have a question and I'm sorry if it's morbid.
How do the Visitors handle death? What are some traditional funeral rites?
No. 100604 ID: 398fe1

It occurs to me that skuts almost never die of natural causes. The only possibility I could see is a plague wiping out a hive before they could quarantine the sickness.
No. 100605 ID: 7b7ab3

I've seen this question asked before, and I wonder the same thing.
I wonder if skut sometimes cannibalize their own corpses. Or would that count as autocannibalism?
No. 100607 ID: 7b7ab3

Hiz is dead. Fuck me, I don't want to believe it. I figure it was that one-eyed bitch and her crew. It'd make sense.
No. 100608 ID: 5a893f

Let's not too many perSumptions. I believe it's counterproductive to the thesis of this quest.
No. 100609 ID: 6967c4

I'm getting emotional whiplash from this quest. One minute I'm laughing at Bika and Meg's shenanigans, and the next I find out that our oculot buddy's been murdered. This hurts.
No. 100613 ID: ca0c9d

I like Hiz /:(
No. 100614 ID: b1960b
File 146648995134.jpg - (90.69KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault[1].jpg )

No. 100615 ID: 7b7ab3


I mean it is, but still...
No. 100619 ID: 2a7417


No. 100620 ID: 7b7ab3

Too soon!
No. 100621 ID: ca0c9d

Meh it was like 2am😴. Grimar haopans. Spelling too.
No. 100622 ID: 595d54

About "some of the Bikas being gay or bisexual", that is literally not possible. The drones are not individuals. There are no Bikas at all, only Bika and a bunch of drones. We asked how individual the drones were, and they got compared to toes.
No. 100623 ID: 7b594e

As much as I know that Poly has a drinking problem I cannot bring myself to blame her. A good friend of her's was murdered and she's trying to dull the pain. She can't duck reality forever, unfortunately.
No. 100624 ID: 2a7417

>Zack never killed anyone
More lies!
No. 100625 ID: 7b594e

That was because of his mom in the memory.
No. 100626 ID: 398fe1

It occurs to me that skut menstruation would be very dangerous.
No. 100627 ID: 7b594e

Assuming they menstruate.
No. 100632 ID: a107fd

>But there's no word for it here. It was like a good kind of threatening.

Cultivating the impression that you'd make a better friend than enemy?
No. 100634 ID: 358228

Reminding others of the pecking order?
No. 100635 ID: cdb698

Just being that. damn. sexy.
No. 100643 ID: fd55dc

Guys, we can't keep capitulating to Poly's bad habits. Bika was doing basically the same thing to us, not opening up and hiding, and we only really started progressing with her when we called her out on it and had a conversation about it. And I hate to say it but this is the only time we've ever seen Poly vulnerable and she really can't cope with it. We need to talk to her.
No. 100648 ID: 5a893f

I half wanted Zack to say
I'm not human, I'm N-gu-yen
Even if it's not pronounced that way, because I'm terrible.
No. 100650 ID: 675ea0

Does anyone here know how to deal with severe depression, repressed anger, and/or substance abuse? Because the current situation could definitely use your help.
No. 100652 ID: 2ae62a

Y'know, I feel really terrible for Poly. Not just for everything she's been through, but also for when she sobers up and remembers her little bathroom encounter with Zack. Doubt she'll savor the memory.
No. 100654 ID: 5a893f

Those techniques might not even work for someone hundreds of years old. You'd need a healthy psychologist of the same race who's been through much of the same things.
No. 100655 ID: aabc74

Where are we gonna find one at THIS hour?!
No. 100656 ID: 818eac

considering everything, maybe its time zach takes the girls over to ye old gunstore, set up a fallout shelter in bika's basement level in case of another war, and get his CC license.
No. 100658 ID: 3009b4

Real life experience chiming in: She needs to know she's cared about and why she's loved.

I know this from dealing with my own depression and grief, and from helping my wife deal with hers when she was alive.

Knowing why you're irreplaceable, important and loved from someone makes a huge difference.
No. 100659 ID: 7b7ab3

Thank you, Smik.
I'm sorry for your loss.
No. 100660 ID: 558268

Damn. Very sorry for your loss.
No. 100661 ID: 818eac

obtain shotgun
No. 100667 ID: 3ce73f

Part of me just wants to go back in that bathroom, climb in that tub, and silently hold Polyphema. I doubt she'd very receptive now, but I can't help but want to comfort someone going through a bad time.
Another part of me wants to call for help. A dulabira is supposed to be supportive of its members, and the others might have a better idea of what to do.
Yet another part of me just wants to get drunk and tell her to go stuff her fatalism. I threw that part in my mental drunk tank.
I just feel really bad for everybody in this situation.
No. 100668 ID: 3009b4


Thanks, it's appreciated. I just wanted to throw my two cents in as someone who has a lot of experience with the grieving process. It's a rough road and when you're grieving, if you want to talk about it you will, and if you don't someone who will just be with you without trying to 'fix' you can help.

But if we're talking tactics here, this is nothing Zack can fix. Just be there for her, make her feel loved (and not sexually unless she initiates it) and just be there in case she needs someone to talk to... but don't push the issue.
No. 100686 ID: 07e249

So one golborian religion revolves around the idea of worshipping your ideal self, right?
Would that make this religion "Idealism?"
No. 100693 ID: 6ea739

Would that make its adherents Idealists?
No. 100697 ID: 358228

Ideally, yes.
No. 100702 ID: 74ea6e

So what should we do about Polyphema? I mean it's obvious that the girl has serious problems! Hiz said so himself!
The problem is that she's a complete enigma, and either won't or can't reveal much about herself.
Our ability to see into her memories is both a blessing and a curse. It allows us to understand her much better, but it also threatens her security and deeply breaches her privacy. It's not something we can use either arbitrarily or without her permission.
There must be something more we can do for her, but what?
No. 100703 ID: 558268

I have either an incredibly brilliant or an incredibly stupid idea: Take Poly with us when Meg takes Zack to the shooting range to learn to use guns. That would help blow off some steam if they let her use her eye beams to shoot targets.
No. 100704 ID: 358228

In a public place, at the height of racial tensions, this falls into the latter category.
No. 100705 ID: 74ea6e

It doesn't have to be a public shooting range.
Just an empty field would do. All they'd need to bring is some kind of target.
No. 100707 ID: 7b7ab3

I like this plan!
Poly needs the release, she and Meg could use a bonding experience, and it lets us see that cool fireball thing.
No. 100709 ID: f562b1

>We asked how individual the drones were, and they got compared to toes.
Until they get separated from their hive, which both Bika and her rival have shown. Bika mentioned it about the rival: When they're separated from the hive, their survival instincts kick in, meaning they think for themselves. The habits the Hive used for that body will likely influence their individual thoughts, I doubt they'll each have the same exact personality when their bodies are already different.
No. 100833 ID: 84ea53

Who killed Hiz? I have some theories!
>Those earth for earth jerks
>An assassin from golboria
>Some random mugger
>A serial killer
>Someone with a grudge against Hiz
No. 100857 ID: 2a7417

>The Bureau
No. 100858 ID: 595d54

>Zack's friends
>the floaters
No. 100859 ID: ebb71f

>A serial killer
What about a Visitor serial killer?
Imagine Michael Myers as a Warrior or Hannibal Lecter as an oculot.
No. 100868 ID: 350a50

Oh snap
No. 100955 ID: 857c49

So, we're Bijala now. The painter who drowned herself. WILL drown herself. These memory things are temporally confusing.
Poly's lost so much. I hope we'll be able to help her with her trauma.
No. 100956 ID: 5280e9

Suffice it to say, based on her remarks about a farmer father, Hiz's mention of the Kariket's claimed background as a "small farmer" being a bending of the truth, and her own statements about being former royalty, I'm pretty sure with this recent dream about the painter that Zack is now confident of the possibility that Poly is the Kariket's sister.
No. 100958 ID: 7b7ab3

Even so, confronting her would be ill advised.
She has asked Zack not to pry into her past, and I believe we should honor that wish.
No. 100962 ID: 5280e9

I agree. This is something best broached sensitively, though she deserves to know that we're still seeing things in dreams and that it takes a bit to wake up from them.

We have enough to speculate on purely from direct statements, but we shouldn't be forcing the issue, certainly not now at the very least. It's for her to open up to us with, or to ask us to push her if she feels to uncomfortable to just talk about it unprompted.
No. 100963 ID: 7b7ab3

Then we are in agreement.

Totally different subject, but who do you think murdered Hizalian? We have very little information so far, but there are a few likely suspects, i.e. Earth for Earth.
No. 100967 ID: 5280e9

It's really too early to say. It could be xenophobes, either of an organized group or lone actors; it could be some Visitor seeking to reignite the war; anyone who would benefit from inflaming mistrust and hostility. It could have just been a garden variety mugging gone wrong, though it's best to assume otherwise until there is conclusive proof either way.
No. 100968 ID: 7b7ab3

I have to wonder how we'll handle a funeral.
Do you think someone may try to interrupt it?
Also, I find it incredibly sad that Hiz won't get to be buried with his brother. I imagine he would have wanted that.
No. 100985 ID: 358228

I really don't understand why everyone was clamoring to wake up from the dream. It was a happy memory, for her and the person it came from. This isn't what our promise was about at all.
No. 100988 ID: f09ad4


Poly probably wouldn't have minded us seeing that dream, really, at least in terms of any concern for herself.

BUT it would have been a pretty skeevy thing to watch over a dead woman's shoulder and be privy to every thought and sensation she had during a very intimate encounter. Like, if you have a lover who's pretty open with you, that doesn't mean it'd be alright for you to go back in time and peer through the window while they had sex with one of their previous lovers? That's kinda creepin'.

Plus, it was a good idea to test to see if we COULD wake ourselves up. Though that ended up not being confirmed one way or another, because the phone did it.
No. 100989 ID: 5280e9

She's very protective of her name, and said she'll tell us when she's ready. She was about to say her name in the dream, so waking up then was the right thing to do.

Also the earlier talk meant there was a risk that details about her brother may come up. While we have a strong suspicion he's the Kariket from conversations with her and Hiz, this would be an appallingly invasive way to confirm things.
No. 100991 ID: 25e2cb

The dream did reveal that she had a brother.
That's probably something she wanted to stay a secret.
No. 100994 ID: 5280e9

When we explain that to her, we should probably note that it was only confirming it and that we'd suspected she had siblings from external conversations.

I am wondering if she's been deliberately dropping hints to get us ready for if she feels comfortable telling us more about herself; I think it's telling that Hiz never presented himself as being "former royalty" or conducted himself in such a manner, so having met other Oculots that stuff seems like it was an oblique reference to the details of her past.
No. 100995 ID: b1960b

Hey its brom

Just curious: what do you hope to see in this quest going forward? We're more than halfway done now
No. 100996 ID: 7b7ab3

Learning more about Visitors and golboria in general.
Learning more about Polyphema.
Helping Bika with her Pilop problem.
Resolving Hizalian's murder.
A hunting trip with the girls and Zack's friends.
The Kariket getting his shit slapped.
Progress in human/Visitor relations.
Zack and the girls all living together.
Learning more about Meg and her life as Rebea.
More Warrior adventures with GG.
More Doom references.
No. 100998 ID: 3abc4f

More about Floaters in general, especially where they came from and how they got integrated into Golborian society.

More about the past of the one-eyed human racist.
More interaction between Zack's friends and his girlfriends.
More subtle references to how other countries in the world are dealing with Visitors.
Another person who knows about Skut hiveminds.
More on the woman who got attack with Hiz.
The Kariket getting his shit slapped.
Meg possibly starting her music career.
No. 100999 ID: bb78f2

Hearing more about the theories going on in the scientific community of meeting Visitors from somewhere else than Golboria
Knowing more about Human Revolution shit in regards to tech advances since the war
Potential Hyooman waifu/husbando to add to the harem to cover ALL bases
Meeting more Visitor dudes (especially male Floater w/ the first dick before he goes away if its not too late)
Floater Revolution
The life and death of George Takei in this universe
Zack's sister
No. 101000 ID: 5280e9

These seem pretty comprehensive.

Other than that, I'm a total slut for worldbuilding and alien perspectives, so more insights into how Visitors are fitting in to Earth society would be interesting.

The idea of Warriors like GGs dad watching wrestling on TV is wonderful.
No. 101001 ID: 5280e9

>Knowing more about Human Revolution shit in regards to tech advances since the war
Actually, that's a thought.
Only thing we've really seen so far was the fancy bone nano treatment; it'd be a small step to have a version that outright strengthens bones, so I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the non-civilian released version can reinforce a soldier's skeleton to compete with Warriors, for instance. Even if you're optimistic about peace it'd be helpful if a large chunk of the population wasn't living in a world of cardboard just to cut back on tragic accidents.
No. 101013 ID: 818eac

More weird shit
more lovin shit
No. 101016 ID: 8a0520

replace every character with bika

idk, i think so far you've struck the perfect balance of drama and feel-good. i know the tone will probably get a little darker as tensions escalate, but i'm sure the Good Times will remain
i guess i'd like to get more entrenched in HVAO politics? perhaps zack following up on that offer for a very well thought-out PR move.
No. 101020 ID: f562b1

>replace every character with bika
Even Zack. We'll have a strongarm Bika, a jetpack Bika, a lost-five-eyes Bika, and a black silhouette Bika.
No. 101021 ID: c441c1

Inb4 Bika killed Hiz.
No. 101022 ID: 4dece0


But Bika was Hiz.
No. 101023 ID: a075ba

Bika was everyone. This whole quest has just been her putting on a play with various bodies to amuse herself.
No. 101027 ID: 595d54

But actually it was Pilop.
No. 101032 ID: c441c1

Bika is purging the weak.
No. 101074 ID: 7b3f9f

Seeing as the quest author likes Doom, and because this thread could use some more music, please allow me to direct your attention to the following links.
No. 101095 ID: e4f856

Correct me if this was addressed, but what happened to the Meg is AWOL from the collective thing, how did we decide to address this, this is a dangerous situation?
No. 101101 ID: f08a8a

As she's technically her own CO and can stay on assignment as long as she likes she's not officially AWOL.
Unofficially however...yeah.
No. 101102 ID: 595d54

We didn't because there's really nothing we can do about it.
>this is a dangerous situation
Yeah, that sure sucks, oh well.
No. 101107 ID: 960f86

all things considers, Zach should be at least a little more cautious than he has been up till now. like... draining everyone funds into power armor and a fallout shelter level cautious. arm ALL THE BIKAS, buy gg armor and a battle axe, get meg a rotary m-90 grenade launcher (cause fuck you that's why) and invest in bodyguards for the restaurant. rob an armory or some shit.
or you know... at least discuss the subjects with the girls. or look into exactly HOW and WHY he was chosen for this - it was let slip that he was carefully selected.
No. 101119 ID: 818eac

does Bika's have a basement level? the fallout shelter is actually a good idea considering as to how the Kariket may react.
No. 101135 ID: 3fae9b


To be honest, by this point I'm pretty sure Poly has been eyeing Zack for a while and helped with the program so she could get into his pants and scope him out for romance.

Like... we know the oculots on this side of the portal are all close-knit, and oculots are sensitive to each others' feelings by nature. We know Hiz was looking to get stuff off his chest about his brother for a long time, and we know that brother had developed some fixation on Zack already, through memories he got from Zack's mother when he killed her. So, Hiz, and anyone who was looking out for Hiz' wellbeing, would have had a reason to track down Zack and see what was up with him. So, they look, and they find an attractive, moderately athletic young man, who studied an art subject and who, despite early personal tragedy caused by Visitors, is friendly towards them, to the point of siding with them in conflicts.

Poly claimed that oculots fall in love easily/quickly, but I rather suspect that part of the reason she fell in love with Zack so fast was that it wasn't actually that "fast" at all. I'd bet she already knew a lot about him.
No. 101136 ID: 818eac

No. 101339 ID: 5a893f

Hey Brom,

Is Seth Rogan's The Interview in this universe about James Franco and Seth assassinating the Karikat instead or is it still good ol Kim?

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

No. 101347 ID: b1960b

Nope. Golboria's too scary for that.
It would have to be more of a Great Dictator thing than a Interview thing, if anyone had the sand to make it
No. 101348 ID: 6494e4

>Nope. Golboria's too scary for that.
And Kariket continues to ruin everybody's fun.
>It would have to be more of a Great Dictator thing than a Interview thing
What would the golborian equivalent of Charles Chaplin be?
>if anyone had the sand to make it
Ooh! I love world building! Is sand the currency of golboria?
No. 101351 ID: b1960b

No. 101352 ID: 7b7ab3

You guys bring up Charles Chaplin and I start thinking about older media which gets me thinking about The Three Stooges and now all I want to do is introduce The Three Stooges to the Visitors and see what happens.
No. 101455 ID: 960f86

herp a derp
No. 101464 ID: ab28d7

Who here thinks we should think of a way to broach the topic of Zack and Polyphema's dream situation? Not to give away specifics from the dreams themselves, but to simply inform the others of the situation.
No. 101465 ID: 2a7417

Not me. This isn't a good time to get dissected by the government or killed for knowing Golborian state secrets.
No. 101469 ID: ab28d7

>dissected by the government
I would hope the HVAO would be a little more gentle with their approach.
>killed for knowing Golborian state secrets
This is actually a pretty good point. At best Zack would still be labeled a security risk.
No. 101483 ID: 558268

You think the Kariket uses mind control to hold onto power? Might be a reason. *shrugs*
No. 101486 ID: e9f06d


The government is fully aware of freaky oculot mind powers and doesn't seem to have dissected anyone, or at least aren't dissecting them any more. It's clearly Poly who's the active agent in this process, whatever it is. As for being a security risk, we already are, so, in for a penny in for a pound, why not?
No. 101487 ID: 398fe1

They're aware of shit like throwing fireballs and mind-melding. They're not aware of outright mind control. How could they be?
No. 101488 ID: e9f06d


Zack isn't the one who has mind control, the Kariket does. The post I just linked implied they would dissect him for the dream link thing.

And they're not going to know if they guy who does know doesn't tell them!
No. 101491 ID: 398fe1

It's implied that all humans can dream link with Oculots, and Zack is the only one who's actually slept next to one. Or at least, one with the right state of mind to trigger the dream.
No. 101495 ID: ef9669


Yes, exactly. That's why I was objecting to the implication that discovering that would lead to him being dissected.

Telling the HVAO about it could also, maybe, convince someone to keep the program running? The whole crazy mind control kariket thing is something people would want to know. If they shut the program down then Zack will no longer be under any compunction to tell them anything. Also if they shut the program down Zack will no longer be able to tell anyone who'll get the info to the right places discreetly.
No. 101496 ID: 6c56eb

Why does Zack look black? isn't it established that he's asian? I mean, his last name is Nguyen.
No. 101497 ID: e4f856

Thats Ambrose.
No. 101540 ID: f562b1

I'm hoping it was a joke.
Humans are actually known to have a low level empathy at times. Perhaps sleeping near an Oculot enhances that, since the Oculot's own empathy grows weak, while the humans' is more of either an aura, or (as is Zack's case) a connection to somebody important to them. Oculots have to focus their empathy, so I don't see how it could be her doing, especially since it's not something that happens between two Oculots.
Zack has always looked black, because he wears pitch-black make-up all over his skin to look like a permanent silhouette.
No. 101542 ID: 5a893f

That hasn't been implied yet. Too many unknowns and Hiz claims his Zack counterpart wasn't going through dreams like Zack has.

At this point, we have to consider Zack an anomaly until it goes public in the case he isn't an anomaly, in which case it means any human in an interspecies relationship has access to golborian secrets, which will either result in immediate war or golborian black ops where the objective is to assassinate any human in an interspecies relationship with an Oculot and start a purge of all Oculots on Earth, just to be sure.

Which, hey, maybe that's started already with Hiz and his girlfriend. I'm really hoping it was a hate crime now instead of the start of horrific black ops.
No. 101543 ID: 398fe1

Hiz's girl never slept next to him.
No. 101699 ID: baafea

Psychic powers, I need to read how Zach explodes someone/or darth vader destroys his surroundings with his mind when some visitor decides to push the "weak" human. Lets see a Golborian black ops squad piss their pants when they take on Zack "X-Man" Nguyen.
No. 101705 ID: ecd8ad

Just how much therapy do you all think Polyphema needs?
No. 101706 ID: 2e2d71

There may not be enough therapy. She's older than modern psychotherapy, isn't she? Therapy hasn't had time to catch up to where she's gotten yet!
No. 101708 ID: ecd8ad

She could ask for much worse than a loving, supportive dulabira filled with sympathetic people.
I imagine golboria has therapists and psychologists. It's a shame we don't have access to one.
Then again there's no guarantee that Poly would even open up to one if she had the opportunity.
No. 101968 ID: b91f2b

Something that's been on my mind. Do you think Zack's sister might be a member of this anti-visitor group? We know that Zack and her are no longer on speaking terms at all, but he does have some good memories of her when they were younger. Maybe the wedge that drove them apart is the fact that Zack forgave the visitors for the death of their mother, while his sister never did. After all his sister, never got a chance to say goodbye or make a promise like Zack did, it would make sense that she would carry a heavy grudge. Though I don't know if she would go so far as to endanger Zack. Sorry just felt like putting this out there. I suppose I would like to know more about Zack's sister, she is all the family he has left. Going forward I would also like to work on helping Bika with Pilop, I think of all the aliens the skut will probably have the most trouble adapting to human society.
No. 101975 ID: 7b7ab3

Ambrose is freaking out and Meg is acting all mysterious and creepy.
No. 101977 ID: 91cfcf

Might have something to do with how she's technically an exile or something.
No. 101978 ID: 7b7ab3

Why would that upset Ambrose so much?
For what purpose would she be so secretive about it?
Was she not expecting Zack to get extremely curious and concerned over that little display?!
No. 101979 ID: 91cfcf

Politics, and she might think Zack already knew.
No. 101981 ID: 7b7ab3

Guess we'll just have to wait until either Meg talks or Ambrose tells.
No. 101986 ID: 91cfcf

Well, it sure was politics.
No. 101988 ID: 7b7ab3

"Gentlemen, there's a spy in our midst."
"Bloody spy!"
"Dat freakin' Floater's a spy!"
"Megumi is a double agent!"
No. 101989 ID: a445b2

I'm kind of worried that Meg just revealed herself to the HVAO when we know there's been a leak at the HVAO. But, that was to an anti-visitor faction, as far as we know, and they presumably wouldn't be too overly keen on taking out a spy working for humanity. But, those kinds of people can be super idiots. Not much to do about it now she's already spilled the beans, though.
No. 101990 ID: 7b7ab3

The leak got plugged, if memory serves.
No. 101991 ID: 7b7ab3

The leak got plugged, if memory serves.
No. 101994 ID: 960f86

what has it been, less then a week since all this began?
No. 102000 ID: 511c21

It's taken exactly as long as you think it should have
No. 102014 ID: 726a91

The HVAO may be thinking the obvious: that is Meg can maintain a back door to the Floater mainframe, the Floaters may be maintaining a backdoor to Meg.
No. 102015 ID: 5c83cb

Not sure that's how that works.

Also, I have faith in Meg.
No. 102020 ID: ee1ff4

but isnt the only one with a backdoor to meg.....zach?
anyway, wow, meg just skyrocketed in waifu-level
No. 102023 ID: e22b1d

Second. She may just be in the lead now.
Tied with everyone else.
No. 102024 ID: 775595

Equality for all waifus!
No. 102027 ID: 350a50

Now she's not just putting on those badass rebel airs.

She's legit a badass rebel.
No. 102079 ID: b1960b
File 146968514638.png - (572.29KB , 1300x729 , LADIES.png )

Want to know the kind of music your girlfriends like? Look no further than these playlists!!! I'll update them periodically so follow if u have spotify.

Pop, dance, love

Dark ambient, electronic, transhumanistic

Rock and Rap

Weird shit and metal
No. 102081 ID: 7b7ab3

Brom, you are too good.
To us and just in general.
Play on, you magnificent beast of a man.
Play on.
No. 102083 ID: 358228

Some waifus are more equal than others.
No. 102093 ID: a5b30c

I love it. I love all of it.
No. 102112 ID: ee1ff4

i love u, no hetero
No. 102155 ID: c520b7

I'd say this quest is getting good, but honestly it's been great from the get-go.
No. 102259 ID: 7b7ab3

I think it's fairly obvious now that the Visitors are more technologically advanced in some ways and less so in others.
For instance they have floating cars and laser weapons, but no cellphones. We don't know if they've managed to split the atom or if they have a viable space program, but finding out is part of the job.
No. 102260 ID: 2a7417

The propulsion technology of the Floaters (and their lack of breathing) suggests a Visitor space program is perfectly viable, so long as you plan on sending Floaters primarily. Why, you could even build a giant rocket with a Floater consciousness to explore space.
No. 102261 ID: 869004

>their lack of breathing
They're cyborgs, not robots. I'm fairly certain they still need to breathe.
No. 102264 ID: 358228

From what I've read, they certainly can breathe, but so far there's no evidence that it serves a purpose other than mimicking organic life.
My money's on Floaters being completely synthetic beings that only simulate organic functions because they can. (Or when it's useful, like the neurochemical system Meg mentioned.)
No. 102274 ID: 869004

>completely synthetic
Based on what we've seen, I'm going to have to disagree with your assessment.
No. 102276 ID: 595d54

I don't remember seeing any organic parts on Meg.
No. 102313 ID: 6be18b

You know, under better, happier circumstances, this would be extremely attractive.
No. 102314 ID: e22b1d

Yeah on the one hand it's mad cool but on the other it's kind of scary to be reminded that Polyphema has a sea of raging emotion under the surface and she's powerful enough to basically kill everyone at any time if she wanted.
Makes you wonder how Humans won the war.
No. 102315 ID: db0da2

>Makes you wonder how Humans won the war.
They didn't really. From the visitors' perspective it was kinda like Vietnam, the only reason they pulled out was because of civil unrest on their side.

Also, oculot are glass cannons, if we wanted to go for 100% kills this thread we'd have to take down poly first, but I don't think there's any evidence to suggest she could survive a few shots to the back of the head. Warriors on the other hand apparently have bulletproof skulls, how the heck does that work? Do they scare the bullets away with sheer fury? What the heck are their skulls made out of, they don't seem that thick, their bones must be stupidly strong. We should really ask someone about visitor internal biology, we know nothing!
No. 102316 ID: 6be18b

That's just it. Humanity didn't technically win. The truce was signed and the Visitors stopped mostly out of guilt and shame.
No. 102321 ID: cfd11e

There's something you're all forgetting.
The final nail in the war's coffin.
When humanity finally made it through the portals and set foot on golboria they demonstrated something that the Visitors had been lacking and felt that they didn't deserve: mercy.
There was no slaughter. No vengeful butchery. Humanity displayed more mercy and compassion in those final days than the golborians had managed in the entire war.
And that broke them.
Humanity was not saved by fire and steel, but by mercy and compassion.
No. 102322 ID: 350a50

Their bones would have to be incredibly strong just to withstand their muscle strength.
No. 102325 ID: 595d54

Agreed. Bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, everything, really. It's actually really impressive, although depending on how scientific we're being, it might be an indication of bioengineering/genetic engineering, since four arms on the shoulders are awkward to arrange with joints, bones, and attachments, plus the other side doesn't have ridiculously intense gravity and they didn't stunt their growth adapting to whatever selected for ridiculous strength.

Think it'd be worth looking into in-universe?
No. 102354 ID: 7b7ab3

I was bored. Forgive me.

>Working as a grocer on post-war earth leaves you with some interesting stories.
>Such as the time you had to tell a group of Warrior teens that they were too young to buy booze.
>They got indignant and loomed over you quite a bit, but you surprised yourself by standing your ground and not pissing yourself.
>Eventually they wrote you off as "not worth the trouble" and left in a huff.
>One of them punched a hole in the wall, though.
>You wonder if the store's insurance will cover it.
No. 102362 ID: 1ac545

You wouldn't happen to be the same anon from that /aco/ tread, would you?
No. 102365 ID: 7b7ab3

Made another.

>Then there are the oculots.
>You've lost track of how many bottles of Visine you've sold to these people.
>Caring for a big, shiny eyeball must be a lot of work.
>You once saw one trying to eat a lemon.
>That went about as well as you'd expect.
>One errant squirt reduced the poor fucker to a quivering ball of pain and regret.
>He did buy a ton of eye drops afterward, though.
>Silver lining.
No. 102402 ID: 25c66e

Zach is already a silhouette, so it's really a shame we haven't got any brooding done so far. With a broken pelvis and corresponding cane, it is only more vital that we grasp the day and live up to our potential. To brood.
No. 102403 ID: 7b7ab3

I really don't like everybody being separated.
It makes them easier targets.
No. 102596 ID: 25707a

To my understanding there were always those who were opposed to the invasion. Things just kept getting worse and worse until the majority of golborians were ready to rebel against the empire.
No. 102597 ID: 8963ff

Random thoughts: How would the show Steven Universe play out in this universe? And how would installments of Left 4 Dead play out, with the various Golborian races made as individual playable characters?
No. 102598 ID: 25707a

>Left 4 Dead with the various Golborian races made as individual playable characters

Louis: Human.
Zoey: Floater.
Francis: Garakton.
Bill: Oculot.
Coach: Human.
Ellis: Garakton.
Nick: Oculot.
Rochelle: Floater.
No. 102599 ID: 2a7417

So, are Skut the Infected?
No. 102600 ID: 25707a

There was going to be a playable skut character, but they got cut due to time and programming constraints.
It's really hard to accurately capture the skut experience in a FPS.
No. 102607 ID: 8963ff

I was thinking more like original characters, kind of like a reboot with Left 4 Dead 3 being a new continuity to accommodate the invasion. Each race will have different playstyles with their pros and cons, sorta like RPG classes.

Both humans AND skut are infected. The Green Flu affects garakton and oculots differently than humans and skut, being more of a degenerative disease that slowly kills them, sort of like an accelerated AIDS virus; skuts have it worse than humans, as the first symptom of infection involves a skut being cut from its hive mind even when in close proximity of the others, followed by increased hunger for flesh and increased aggression and decreased mental capacity; and floaters are completely immune, but for some reason the Infected take priority in killing them above all else.

In order to remedy this, the human character will be labeled as a "skut tamer", able to control and rally uninfected feral skuts due to either being an orphan raised by them and/or studying them in depth as a researcher.
No. 102615 ID: 1d4e27

>"skut tamer"
That's racist. Speciesist. Seriously, that's not how skut do.

Moving on, I wonder what Bika thinks of Pikmin.
No. 102616 ID: 25707a

I've actually been trying really hard to imagine a first person shooter with a skut character.
What would that even look like?

>what Bika thinks of Pikmin
>Bika: "Oh, boy! A fun, new game to play!"
>She watches as the pikmin die in massive droves for the sake of their leader
>She watches as they are quickly replaced by the next generation of cannon fodder
>Bika: "I was not emotionally prepared for this!"
No. 102621 ID: 1d4e27

I'd probably style it as a splitscreen game about a squad (somewhere between 4-9 bodies) where you can control any perspective at the press of a button (your current perspective enlarges so your teeny-tiny human brain can focus on it better) and give the squad commands from any body/issue standing orders for a body to follow once you leave it. That happens to be around the size of skut packs sent through the portals, too.
No. 102622 ID: 9328cf

That sounds good!
I can see it as a puzzle/platformer. Like Portal, but with a focus on managing multiple bodies and figuring which bodies are best for a given situation.
No. 102625 ID: d50688

I.....honestly did not think of it that way.
No. 102628 ID: 7b7ab3

Switch and button puzzles galore!
No. 102630 ID: 595d54

Isn't that fairly close to her normal life, minus some of the violence? And even that was the norm back when she was in the war.
No. 102631 ID: 7d7f18

I believe the intent was to demonstrate that Bika had a certain understanding of the plight of the pikmin.

TLDR: She feels their pain.
No. 102636 ID: 8963ff

She'll probably be driven to tears if she heard Ai No Uta and understood the lyrics.
No. 102637 ID: 6abd99

>Ai no Uta (English Translation)

Pulled out again, we'll follow you alone.
Today once again we'll carry, fight, multiply and be consumed.
Left alone again, we'll meet again and be thrown around again.
But we'll follow you forever.

I guess it's time to play.
Maybe we'll go out quietly.
Ah..., ah... falling in love...
Under that sky...

On this planet, where so many life forms live,
Today once again we'll carry, fight, multiply and then be consumed.
Uprooted, we'll gather, and be thrown.
But we won't ask you to love us.

I guess it's time to play.
Maybe we'll try harder.
Ah..., ah... falling in love...
Under that sky...

We'll work together, fight, and be consumed,
But we'll follow you forever.
We'll fight, be silent, and follow you,
But we won't ask you to love us.

>It does sound very skuttish.
No. 102639 ID: 7b7ab3

That made me sad.
No. 102670 ID: 8963ff

Now I'm imagining a scene where Zach and any friends and loved ones he's with being attacked by a large group of anti-alien racists when a whole group of Bikas pull a Big Damn Heroes moment and come to the rescue, but Ai No Uta plays in the background as its very clear that almost none of the Red Shirt Bikas are going to survive and are there to serve as a distraction while Zach and company run to safety and/or the police arrive.
No. 102674 ID: 057c5f


Now I'm imagining a scene where Zack or one of the other girls is attacked and badly hurt by another group of racists, GG promptly gets super pissed, goes berserk, and then this starts playing.
No. 102684 ID: 8963ff

Doubly poignant and badass if the intended victim of said racists was Bika Prime (the one Zack is dating).
No. 102687 ID: 9f3729
File 147115200630.jpg - (26.16KB , 163x335 , Batsuit_(Batman_Beyond).jpg )

zackman beyond
No. 102690 ID: 3c974b

Technically Zack is dating all of Bika, not just her prime. It's complicated.

Jesus H. Christ.
No. 102692 ID: e22b1d

If there was ever any doubt who best waifu was, it is now obvious.
No. 102695 ID: 398fe1

I'd say they're pretty tied up now.

Meg the innocent secret agent
Bika the immortal many-bodied mind
GG the amazing unstoppable musclegirl
Poly the psionic milf with a heart of gold
No. 102696 ID: 209e37

Def this!
Best dulabira!
No. 102699 ID: 193305

>playing favorites at this stage
No. 102703 ID: db0da2

If /a/ has taught me anything it's that only one girl can be best. It doesn't matter if Zach loves all of them equally or not, because we are not Zach (at least, not in this thread) we can debate this "best girl" issue to our hearts content and it won't affect his impartiality on the matter whatsoever. We have no personal emotional bond with these characters as they do not exist in our reality, so we are free to evaluate their flaws and greatnesses without those pesky emotions called "love" and "acceptance" getting in the way.

All this is to say that Bika is best girl.
No. 102704 ID: 595d54

>If /a/ has taught me anything

>All this is to say that Bika is best girl.
Also no, for multiple reasons including "best" and "girl".
No. 102709 ID: f562b1

>a Bika (who's cute, but on further examination a boy, but who's still cute) says.
I love how this was pretty much all that was said on the matter, and the Enemy was the one who said it. Did everybody just finally accept that it's nice to have a character who isn't bisexual for a change, or did you guys miss this line? (I, for one, am of the former group)
No. 102712 ID: 350a50

Now all we need to do is make Poly want to have Kariket's baby and she can wipe away all his bad memories.
No. 102734 ID: 398fe1

It won't work probably.
No. 102735 ID: 3abd97

So then, what do you do with the mind-wiped innocent effectively new person who happens to occupy the body of the most hated and/or revered being on at least one planet.
No. 102742 ID: 1d4e27

Shave that stupid beard.
No. 102747 ID: a7dd88

At some point in the RP it should be mentioned how the Kariket is doing to thick soul patches what Hitler did to those tiny little moustaches.
No. 102762 ID: 350a50

It was a joke suggestion.
No. 102766 ID: a107fd

Might be interesting to come up with a comprehensive list of exactly why that wouldn't work. Starts with the incest thing and ends with him being space-hitler, but there's a lot of other unknowns in between.
No. 102776 ID: 398fe1

Mainly I was thinking his mind is too strong.
No. 102798 ID: 47f8f1

I hope all the people who kept suggesting we bring up that fucking dream are real proud of themselves.
THIS is the kind of shit you get when you don't leave well enough alone. Now what are we supposed to do?
No. 102799 ID: 595d54

Holy shit lad, tone down the salt. Relationships aren't all cotton candy and sex, and pretending problems doesn't exist won't make them disappear. Bad things may happen, but do you really think things can't improve or progress from here?
No. 102801 ID: 1d4e27

Maybe we'd be better off if we hadn't gone down this path. I wouldn't have voted to go down this path. But now, fucking up and moving ahead is preferable to going back on our words.
No. 102802 ID: 7b7ab3

I share your sentiment if not your vitriol. It can't be hopeless. "Darkest before dawn" and all that.

Perhaps you could offer some idea as to how this situation could be improved. How we might progress from here.
No. 102803 ID: 398fe1

We're talking about a sensitive subject; Zack wasn't even sure he could talk about the GG dream or the party dream. During this conversation we've nailed down what Poly's boundaries are, but she thinks the nightmare steps over those boundaries. We merely have to reassure her that that isn't the case, and that the nightmares aren't so bad that Zack can't handle it.

Brom is making that really difficult and dramatic though, by manipulating what Zack says and what options we have.
No. 102804 ID: 595d54

You mean like the posts in the quest thread? I agree with what Dirtbag's posted, and I don't feel that Poly refusing to discuss certain topics that affect people other than herself is healthy. Right now, there's nothing much to be done, because all there is to do is make sure she knows what the situation is and give her time to process things.
No. 102805 ID: 7b7ab3

She just kicked Zack out of her apartment.
This situation couldn't get more FUBAR if it tried.
No. 102806 ID: 595d54

She could have actually said they were breaking up, said that she hated Zack, committed suicide, committed murder, committed murder-suicide, started injecting a gallon of heroin in front of Zack, or any of hundreds of other much worse things. I know things seem bad, but I recommend against panicking or being overly dramatic.
No. 102807 ID: 9f3729

Dropping trou and whip your dick around like a helicopter while screaming anti-visitor propaganda would probably make it worse.
Remember, at the very least we're not THAT bad!
No. 102808 ID: 7b7ab3

I'm just so happy this situation brings out the humor in you lot.
You have no idea how this is going to pan out.
For all you know you could have just completely ruined Zack's relationship with one of the most incredible women in two worlds.
No. 102809 ID: 595d54

It's probably worth pointing out that Polyphema, as nice a person as she is, has had an incredibly difficult, tragic life and has about as much baggage as the average international airport. A serious relationship was always going to have problems because of her past and her current flaws, because she's suffered damage and no one's perfect. I personally wasn't joking when I said that went about as well as I could have expected, and I feel that confronting these issues is an important step in the relationship.

It's also important to acknowledge that this is fiction and none of the characters are real. They can be very compelling and it's perfectly fine to be emotionally invested in them, I know I am a bit, but it's a semi-collaborative story. It's meant for reader enjoyment, and it shouldn't be taken too deeply to heart. Sorry if this sounded condescending, but I really enjoy this quest and after the salty guy and so on, I didn't want it to start causing people too much grief.
No. 102810 ID: 595d54

Look man, for all we know anything we do could lead to Zack and multiple other getting killed by gangs of racists, worrying about worst-case scenarios when we don't know the chances and can't affect anything yet isn't productive.
No. 102811 ID: 9f3729

Dial it back, if she's breaking up with us over this that's pretty shit but like, I doubt that would happen.
If she did she'd either regret it or we'd be better off without someone who's first reaction to this kind of turbulence in a relationship is to immediately break it off.

I like poly and this was certainly a screwup through timing, but this is important knowledge for like a ton of reasons not the least of that being the larger "hey maybe lets not reignite the hopeless war again" picture

This kariket stuff's important.
No. 102815 ID: 398fe1

Hey, at least we told her after it became apparent there can be at least one degree of separation involved between Poly and whoever Zack dreams as.
No. 102816 ID: a522e5

I just think Zack didn't do that the best way. It seemed like there could have been a way to phrase or present things, what things to mention first, that wouldn't have ultimately made things go well, sure, but which would have softened things a little, or at least made sure that Poly had the right info before she sent us off.

Like, looking across that stretch of updates, "you weren't in the dream and I don't know how it was related to you" should have been one of the first things out of Zack's mouth once Poly started reacting poorly, and people did suggest along that line, but instead Brom seemed to deliberately go for a worse way of delivering dialogue. And now Zack's had to leave with what I feel is still space for Poly to be making misapprehensions that could have been cleared up.

I don't mind legitimately screwing up, and I know Charm (which presumably represents social skill) is only Zack's secondary "stat", but that sort of thing feel like the quest equivalent of artificial difficulty.
No. 102817 ID: 5a893f

I have no regrets.
The shit that needed to happen happened. She's an amazing woman, but we have two other amazing women and an amazing hivemind to think and worry about too. Even if the worst has happened and the relationship is over, it'd be over for the right reasons.

We're playing relationships dawgs, this ain't no regular ass dating sim, we ain't gonna get the fuck all the girls and keep em ending and get happily ever after. Poly Isn't a psychic body pillow and neither are we for her. We talk to each other. We feel together. You want to be some fuckboi? Is that all you want? You don't want something real? I want Zack to be there for Poly and her for him. If she doesn't want that, the fuck did she help start this program for? She can have any damn man she wants, she don't need to have HVAO get one and pay one. Hiz said she hasn't been in a real relationship in years, I thought she wanted to heal, to change, to finally deal with everything she's been through in a healthy manner. She can take her time, we can wait and we'll be there, but if she ends it over this, then it wasn't ever going to happen and we're both better off not lying to each other and wasting each other's time all for some great sex.

I might be getting too into this.
No. 102818 ID: f796cb

I sincerely hope that there's something to be done.
To lose so much so quickly after everything that's happened would be nothing short of tragic.
No. 102820 ID: 2a7417

Hopefully this was a learning experience for all parties involved.
No. 102823 ID: d950fd

It wasn't a mistake or even a disaster. She needs to know what's going on. If we'd kept going without telling her we only would have seen more troubling dreams and made the problem worse. I think we're all assuming that because Poly is very old her logic is unassailable but it's not. She can't keep hiding. And it seems pretty clear at this point that she has some kind of connection to the Kariket particularly that she's terrified of us finding out.
I don't really buy her whole "I don't want to experience those dreams again" thing. I think she's just hiding something big.
No. 102824 ID: a522e5

There seems to be a strong escapist streak to Poly. She's been through a lot of bad shit and she wants to just forget it all, forever. The trouble is that it's not over, things are happening, things could still go badly for everyone she likes, she could be helping make sure they don't, and she isn't. I still think that was badly handled (like... kinda stupidly so, Zack's ability to talk to people seems to be degrading), but really, she should be the person we could take advice from on what's we found out and what we should do about it. It was a good idea to try and talk to her. There's some serious cold war shit going on.
No. 102826 ID: 595d54

No, it wasn't, because there weren't any mistakes to learn from despite your implication. This needed to happen and anyone who thinks that things could have stayed the same forever when nobody was entirely happy with their situation and there was so much conflict between the races is deluding themselves.
No. 102829 ID: 726a91

I think Poly is just as surprised as Zack that something to do with the Kariket is lurking somewhere in her head.
No. 102832 ID: 398fe1

It's not that surprising really. The Kariket has a massive amount of influence, and has been outright worshipped by a large number of people, if not practically everyone before the disastrous war. It'd be fairly UNLIKELY for Poly to have loved someone that did not love the Kariket, and we already know she has SOME connection to him, even if it's just because she was royalty.
No. 102837 ID: 398fe1

I mean it'd be unlikely for none of the people that poly had loved to have loved the kariket. Oculots fall in love easy and she was not shy about her affections.
No. 102838 ID: 6c25ef

We should talk to the big head honcho man about our story. Our story with Hizalian. It's... not perfect, but it is powerful.

I think we should offer to go public with it.
No. 102842 ID: fe65ad
File 147149034311.png - (38.99KB , 960x1600 , bigfatmess.png )

No. 102845 ID: b1960b
File 147149103296.png - (29.99KB , 960x1600 , 1471490343122.png )


What does Polyphema see on her phone???
No. 102851 ID: 90f3c0
File 147149285796.png - (35.29KB , 960x1600 , sausage.png )

No. 102852 ID: 6a30d5

Brom plz
Too soon.
No. 102853 ID: a339be
File 147149450145.png - (36.35KB , 960x1600 , visitors did 9 11.png )

No. 102856 ID: defceb
File 147149748946.png - (36.32KB , 960x1600 , obligatory.png )

No. 102857 ID: defceb
File 147149750588.png - (36.57KB , 960x1600 , obligatory2.png )

Also obligatory
No. 102874 ID: 9876c4
File 147156986602.png - (149.58KB , 1032x1720 , 147149750588boided.png )

More of a niche appeal.

it was this or Gorgol
No. 102875 ID: a339be
File 147157323057.png - (93.60KB , 960x1600 , satans game.png )

No. 102876 ID: 350a50

I like this idea.
No. 102883 ID: 3009b4
File 147158584158.jpg - (235.73KB , 953x1640 , PolySeeOnPhone.jpg )

I am appalled nobody has done this one yet.
No. 102884 ID: 595d54

I thought that was recursion at first. Nice.
No. 102888 ID: 1d6d82
File 147159053305.png - (121.48KB , 960x1600 , polygram.png )

Bika can do, like, three of these at a time.
No. 102915 ID: b7ba46

Now that's just mean. I bet Ocelots get actual hatemail in magic 3d format.
No. 102974 ID: 8963ff

You know, now that we've reintroduced Bika here, I would to say that whenever I read her lines, I always hear it in the voice of Derpy Hooves from Friendship is Magic.
No. 102975 ID: 7b7ab3

I am compelled to ask why.
No. 102979 ID: 8963ff

Bika's freakin' adorable, and Derpy's voice before being given an official one is adorable as well. Plus I imagined Bika sounding kinda nerdy and naive at first, thus the Derpy voice fit.
No. 102983 ID: 960f86

I frown upon you, and am hereby disgruntled.
No. 102987 ID: 595d54

I'm genuinely curious how you got anywhere close to that impression.
No. 103024 ID: 2a7417

Well, she had no idea what a date was to start with...
No. 103028 ID: f80832

That wasn't naivety. It was just ignorance of human culture.
No. 103055 ID: 1d4e27

That's exactly what naiveté is.
No. 103057 ID: 595d54

Eh, it can either be lack of experience or innocence. Bika's never been innocent in that sense of the word, and it's not reasonable to say that just because someone hasn't experienced a particular thing they're naive, because if you defined it like that everyone is naive.
No. 103059 ID: 73c2ee
File 147198013999.png - (23.65KB , 960x560 , PolyFace.png )

Can't unsee
No. 103060 ID: 595d54

The lower line actually is a mouth, to be fair, you can just see her beauty mark at the far corner.
No. 103201 ID: 8963ff

Since all this political intrigue and such is making the quest rather heavy, here's some possible comedic plot suggestions:

* Bika asks Zach and any available friends to help out with a big catering order to another Hivemind owned business. When they deliver the food, Zach then finds out the business is actually a front for a brothel.....an entirely skut operated brothel.

* GG is hired by a random human nightclub owner to be bouncer for his establishment, and she agrees. However, it turns out the club in question is actually a popular hangout for a notorious street gang, and the owner only hired GG in order to either keep said gang bangers in line and/or scare away a rival gang.

* Poly is trying out a new hobby as an alternative to her excessive day drinking. Namely, learning how to cook via heating things with her mind powers.

* Meg comes to Zach in sheer distress, explaining that she killed several innocents by accidents and needs his help to hide the bodies........of the all the ants in a random ant farm a random child owned she accidentally shot at.
No. 103421 ID: b3f404

Maybe she just slept with the kariket and that's how she got those memories that zack got. Or she just realized zack has information that could get him killed, and is pushing him away because that is the worst mojo, especially for someone who's seen so many people she's loved die.
No. 103690 ID: 7b7ab3

>casus belli
What is the Kariket thinking?!
He is in no position to be making a play like that!
His political power is at an all-time low and his standing with the golborian military can't be much better!
This could be some sort of ploy. A means of achieving some hidden goal.
But what?
No. 103691 ID: 44bc30

>What is the Kariket thinking?!

For all we know he could be thinking the ghost of his dead wife appeared to him in a shower of butterfly wings and told him he has to get through the humans so that he can deal with the dreaded leprechaun menace, because he's insane. He thinks of himself as a divine figure and has mind powers based on his all-consuming contempt for other people, there's no telling what he thinks he is and isn't capable of.
No. 103692 ID: a3f8ae

Can I just say that I'm really uncomfortable with some of the posters being so ready to divulge Poly's most private thoughts. I can't see it ending well.
No. 103693 ID: 44bc30


They're not "Poly's most private thoughts". They're the private thoughts of someone else that Poly had or has some vague connection to, possibly, or possibly not.

By talking about the kariket dream to people, we would be "divulging":

1) The fact that sleeping with Poly can give Zack accurate first-person dreams of what some person experienced during some moment in their life. This is a "freaky mind power", which Poly is known to occasionally have. Poly has never actually indicated that she didn't want Zack to mention to anyone that this weird power exists, and she has explicitly said that he can talk about said dreams to other members of their dulabira. We also already told someone about them once, Hizalian. Hiz did not indicate that Zack had in any way committed some sort of trespass by doing so.

2) That the kariket suffers terrible emotional problems due to mindmelding with someone while they died, and has a mind control power. The kariket would not want us to reveal that, but fuck the kariket. Poly, if she had actually talked to us, would probably have been all in favor of letting people know all the kariket's problems, because she hates him.

What's you're uncomfortable with is something that's isn't actually the case.
No. 103694 ID: a3f8ae

I still think it's not going to end well.
She obviously doesn't like Zack knowing.
No. 103695 ID: 7b4034

It's still stuff she wants to remain private. Do you have something against that?
No. 103699 ID: 44bc30


What she doesn't like is being reminded of her past status, whatever it was, or the idea anyone would think of her in association with that whatever-it-was. And that's a very specific dislike - when it comes to almost everything else, Poly is not really a very private person at all. In fact, she seems like what she wants to hide most are the things that are generally public (her name, family, former positions held) while the things most people would generally keep private are things she talks about freely. Again, she never said to not talk about the dream thing to people, and when Zack suggested he might want to talk about to the other dulabira members she agreed right away, even though they were arguing at the time.

So she doesn't like Zack "knowing" she has some connection to the kariket. Zack does not, in fact, "know" anything of the sort, and neither would anyone he talked to about it. He suspects she has some connection to him, money being on a family connection, but let's not kid ourselves, everyone who knows her who has half a brain probably suspects it.


Kind of, yeah! Poly acts like she just wants to shut the past away and forget about it. Ignore the kariket, ignore golboria, ignore all the big problems looming over us, they just get in the way of having fun with her cute lovers and friends. But do you know what else would get in the way of that? Another fucking war, or some mind controlled sleeper agents, or the kariket deciding any human who thinks they can screw an oculot has to die because they're such inferior beings because he's crazy.

Now, through Poly, Zack knows something that, if he told the right people, and they believed him, would make it a lot less likely for things to go wrong. Zack could save everyone, especially the people he loves, including Poly herself, a lot of pain and trouble. And Poly isn't helping because even the mere whisper of the notion that she has some sort of connection to the kariket makes her throw Zack out because she just doesn't want to hear it. Not willing to hear any explanation, not trusting Zack's affection for her, just "nope". And no objecting because how dare you lecture me I'm super experienced and know better than you and I know what your feelings about my past would be way better than you, nothing you could say will change my mind because obviously you're just a little pink monkey child compared to me and if you're saying anything unpleasant that's the opposite of what I keep you around for.

There are problems, and even more potential future problems, and Poly could be doing something to try solve them, but she isn't. No, it's just get drunk, literally or metaphorically, and wait for the problems to solve themselves. I get that she has traumas, but I do have a problem with that.
No. 103700 ID: 7b7ab3

I don't think the answer is "tell everybody, then hope that something good happens."
That seems like a VERY BAD idea.
No. 103701 ID: 71d443

But it worked so well when we told Poly about it, guys, let's just rebel against Poly's wishes to keep it secret because she couldn't possibly have any good reason for keeping it that way.
No. 103703 ID: 7b7ab3

Well said!
Then we can waltz over to GG's parents and tell them about their daughter's proclivity for bondage!
What could possibly go wrong?
No. 103704 ID: 44bc30

>"tell everybody, then hope that something good happens."

The proposal isn't to "tell everybody", right now the proposal is to tell Bika, who of all Zack's lovers/friends is probably the smartest generally when she's got her heads to gether, the most level-headed, the most used to thinking about large-scale long-term decisions with important consequences, willing to act on said decisions and the least likely to be successfully spied upon.

At the very least, Zack needs to bounce the ideas of what he's going to do about his secret knowledge (and about his tiff with Poly) off someone, and Bika is the best option.
No. 103706 ID: 7b7ab3

He's already told Meg, and that's pushing it in my opinion.
This is extremely delicate, highly confidential, and incredibly dangerous information that's being dealt with.
Talking about it with anyone for any reason is gambling and the consequences could be disastrous!
So I say that the less said, the better.
No. 103708 ID: 350a50

Meg knows. She's dealing with it. If she thinks we need to bring Bika in on the sensitive info, she'll do so herself and/or let us know.
No. 103710 ID: 44bc30


He barely told meg anything, just that he had a source from somewhere that meant he knew the things but couldn't prove them. He wasn't able to give any backing that she could use to persuade anyone and wasn't even able to give any of the specifics he knows about how the mind control power works. In any case, Meg is trained soldier and intelligence operative who is already running a successful gig as a double agent, I think she knows how to keep a secret.

Have you not considered the terrible possibilities of what the kariket can do with a secret mind control power? He could be single-handedly responsible for all the bad incidents that have been happening, the disappearance, the agents captured, the suicide, Hiz, all of it. If you were a tyrant who had lost a war due to your people feeling sorry for the people they were attacking, and you had powers that let you plant commands in people's heads that they had to obey and couldn't reveal to anyone, what sort of things would you do?

Not talking about it with anyone is gambling and the consequences could be disastrous!
No. 103711 ID: d21b57

That, itself, is gambling. There isn't much of a safe choice to make here. With the situation destabilizing and the knowledge that the Kariket is unhinged and greatly undervalues the lives of others, bad things are going to go down. By sharing this knowledge, we could have safeguards,political or not, in place with the Visitor population and sympathizers that Bika does have influence with, if not through other Skut bodies as well. There are so many things to cover and just Meg/HVAO knowing doesn't do it all. We can't really just sit idly by for much longer.
No. 103712 ID: 7b7ab3

Then I would suggest that we wait until we hear from Meg, then see what we can do from there.
Rushing into this is the worst possible choice, so it would be prudent to proceed with caution and discretion.
No. 103713 ID: 595d54

No, the worst possible choice would be waiting so long for a perfect solution we won't ever have that the Kariket starts his war and eradicates everyone on Earth. Caution's valuable, but even if I think a full-out war is unlikely with as little popular support as the Kariket has, we can't afford to be reactive in this situation.
No. 103714 ID: 44bc30

>it would be prudent to proceed with caution and discretion.

Two qualities which Bika has more than Zack does, I would think.
No. 103715 ID: 7b7ab3

So just blunder into the situation half-cocked and ill-informed?
I have reservations.

Then don't you think that she would tell Zack to be more discreet and not rush blindly into danger?
No. 103716 ID: 595d54

>Caution is valuable
>So just blunder into the situation half-cocked and ill-informed?
Nice strawman there, my friend. And the problem is that we're already in deep shit whether or not we want to be. If everything were already fine, we could afford to take as much time as we wanted, but between the Kariket and the recent anti-Visitor sentiment, which I suspect the Kariket may have encouraged, we don't have endless time.

You may notice that I'm still not saying that we should go do something right now, especially since I'm not advocating any particular course of action. But we can't wait forever, and we need to be ready to act.
No. 103717 ID: 44bc30

>Then don't you think that she would tell Zack to be more discreet and not rush blindly into danger?

I don't know, we haven't asked her.

And not necessarily. She has more caution and discretion than Zack but she also seems willing to act when necessary. She is not too brash or too cowardly.
No. 103899 ID: 6612fa

just so you know those 3d images literally require 2 eyes to work, a one eyed person would just see a very vibrant colored 2d picture
then actual 3d films is a blurry picture film.
No. 103900 ID: db0da2
File 147484610396.gif - (3.06MB , 448x291 , that's the joke.gif )

No. 103902 ID: 595d54

No. 103977 ID: 6612fa

then make it funny?
No. 103984 ID: 3e182c

But... It was funny.
No. 103989 ID: 1e20b7

We probably should tell someone at the HVAO about Hzilain's 'Triple Exile' and that the Kariket is up to something.
No. 103990 ID: 71d443

The Kariket's scheme is extremely transparent to anyone who knew Hiz, and as a member of the interspecies exchange the HVAO would know him well enough to tell something's not right.
No. 103996 ID: b22de2


They might not have the evidence to demonstrate it, though. They could produce a dozen Visitors from earth who'd attest to it, and they could be dismissed as having a grudge against the golborian government and willing to say anything. They'd need someone from the other side to attest, or some sort of proof.

Like... we don't know how much paperwork the golborians deal in. Do they serve some sort of writ to people when they're exiled? Could Hiz have kept such a thing? The HVAO probably doesn't have permission to go rooting through a dead person's things. Maybe we should try find out who Hiz would have left his property to, and look through it to see if there's evidence of his exile(s).
No. 104145 ID: 9eb7a3

I had the most amusing image pop into my head of Garakton queueing-up at the Marine recruitment office.
No. 104148 ID: 28ce99

>Garakton queueing-up at the Marine recruitment office
How ironic.
No. 104149 ID: 595d54

How so?
No. 104251 ID: 8963ff

The US Marines was one of the many armies the Visitor invasion force fought against, and thus a new generation of Garakton are enlisting into a military force that their forefathers opposed.
No. 104252 ID: 595d54

Yeah, but that's not ironic, it's just weird.
No. 104253 ID: b5d5ae

I'm fairly certain it's ironic.

No. 104273 ID: 6612fa

inb4 hiz left all of his crap to us and we get a new apartment from his death...
though that makes literally no sense unless he had a terminal disease and only a few weeks left to live... you know considering how he will outlive out great grandchildren.

by the way what is the lifetime of a skut body, not the hivemind.
No. 104275 ID: 41fa58

>lifetime of a skut body
Not long, if memory serves.
No. 104280 ID: 71d443

Dog years, basically.
No. 104281 ID: 039ab6

Anon, that's speciesist.
No. 104717 ID: ce2e26

Not exactly. Dog years is a measurement of time representing how dogs are thought to age seven times faster than humans.

Now, automatically calling and comparing all skuts as literal canines because of this fact? That is speciesist.
No. 104754 ID: 087660


They are puppies.

It is an important distinction.
No. 105136 ID: 97e6cb

Multi-Puppy waifu is best waifu.
No. 105264 ID: 8963ff

......should we be worried about Brom not updating this quest for so long....?
No. 105265 ID: 9ef32f

He disappears once in awhile.
It's perfectly normal. He has RL things to do, and we should respect that.
Besides, this is nowhere near the longest he's ever been away. This quest took a 6 month hiatus once, and he still came back to it.
I'm not worried and you shouldn't be worried.
No. 105274 ID: 087660

>6 month hiatus
Hopefully it won't get that extreme. But you are correct. Patience and respect are marks of a good audience.
No. 105497 ID: 041512

No. 105500 ID: f7afe0

Hey gang,
I've been putting my creative efforts into more mainstream IRL projects lately, but i figure we could all use some good escapism right now.
No. 105501 ID: 6c32f4

Escapism is unhealthy. We need to be opening a dialogue about the election.
No. 105502 ID: afdf31

that's nothing.
he once left the site for 2 years.
2 years of hiatus.
he didn't even pick up the same quest when he came back, he started a new one.
No. 105503 ID: c7a7d7

Bless you, Brom.

No we do not. What's done is done. We are going to enjoy ourselves and there is nothing you can do about it.
No. 105504 ID: 595d54

Why the fuck are you supposed to discuss the election on a site for quests? Go to /meep/ or some other site actually intended for this sort of thing. On here, let's just try and enjoy yourselves how we can.
No. 105505 ID: c7a7d7

Hear, hear!
No. 105506 ID: 905099

Brom, you are an inspiration. Thank you for being there for us. It's good to know that there are good people like you in the world.
No. 105507 ID: 3abd97


Tonight on part 15 of our 40 part series:

The Kariket. A retrospective on a historic election, his rise to power, and ongoing reign.
No. 105508 ID: 550a81

Oh. My. God. Idea.
>The Late Show
>Steven Colbert
>On The Kariket
Would you watch it?
No. 105513 ID: 5dc54d

Skuts = live young?
No. 105514 ID: 3abc4f

Pity there isn't an insectoid and/or bug visitor that can spin silk. I imagine Zach getting encased in soft, pillowy silk and getting cuddled like a body pillow.
No. 105516 ID: 7b7ab3

He could always have a bunch of Bika's pile on him.
Basically the same result.
No. 105518 ID: fb1c7d

Zach's sleeping at Bika's one night, gets a little chilly and tries to cocoon himself with some nearby blankets. Gets really comfy. Wakes up next morning and finds out he cocooned himself with Bikas not blankets.
No. 105520 ID: 87db18

Sounds comfy AF.
No. 105540 ID: 3abc4f

Bika wrapped Zack burrito. XD
No. 105581 ID: 8b4898

Legion Bika is best Bika.
No. 105585 ID: 7801c8

How long until we reduce her to a giggly mess with our purple prose?
No. 105588 ID: b5d5ae

>implying she won't be totally into it
No. 105666 ID: 86b8eb

If Zack is so capable of putting his foot in his mouth talking in person, I'm thinking, maybe a good way to try sort things out with Poly is to send her a letter. Like, a for real snail mail on paper letter. Then he could take time composing it, lay out all his thoughts and reasons, make his feelings clear and shoot down her concerns and misapprehensions, and be reasonably sure Poly would actually read the whole thing instead of trying to shut what he's saying out before he finishes. We could ask Bika to deliver it. Poly may or may not be eating right, the last day or two, anyway, so she might just do with a gift of some nice meals she can stow in her fridge.
No. 105679 ID: e25c1f

Not a bad idea.
No. 105686 ID: 9f3729

can't fool me, satan!
nah but this is a good idea, lets do
No. 105749 ID: 86b8eb

I'm also worried that Poly is in danger. If someone is out to cause trouble between the two worlds, and Hiz being vaguely related to the kariket is such an excuse for trouble, then how much more someone who is probably his sister or something? Given that she's disowned any connection to him, whatever it is, I wouldn't put it past the big K to have her offed and then go "ooh no my [close relation] this time" for a super excuse to do shit.
No. 105750 ID: 9e1b94

That actually sounds like something Karikunt would pull.
And that worries me.
No. 105759 ID: 3bcea0

I laughed.
No. 105926 ID: 7b7ab3

Oculots can have freckles.
Oculots can be blonde.
No. 105927 ID: 41ce8e

[sarcasm]I wonder what her favorite color is.[/sarcasm]
No. 105929 ID: 87db18

Well, the fact that they can have freckles doesn't prove much on its own, but it is nice to know. It does, however, make me wonder what color they turn when they tan. Maybe that's why she's so purple!
No. 105946 ID: bb78f2

Sheep Oculot is P Good
No. 105947 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 105949 ID: e22b1d

She doesn't need to be one of the main girls or anything but if she wants a little star power i think we should oblige her.
No. 105950 ID: 63beeb

Becoming platonic friends? Sure.
Becoming romantically involved? No.
No. 105952 ID: e22b1d

Sex=/=romantically involved
No. 105953 ID: 63beeb

Why do you want Zack to have sex with her?
No. 105954 ID: e22b1d

Is this a trick question
No. 105955 ID: 63beeb

No. No, it is not.
I legitimately want to know why you want Zack to have sex with Krin.
No. 105956 ID: 350a50

Zack might be a ladies' man in a polygamous relationship, but that doesn't make cheating okay.
No. 105957 ID: 91cfcf

God, no. It's not that simple in an actual working relationship, and the thing about polygamy is that you generally have closed circles or the mutual consent of involved parties before you involve a stranger. It's almost never just "fuck literally whoever you like lol, sex means nothing to me" and it really shouldn't be assumed to be that until everyone involved explicitly states that they're cool with that being the state of affairs.
No. 105958 ID: 63beeb

Getting involved with someone behind your significant others' backs is the antithesis of okay.
No. 105959 ID: 63beeb

No. 105960 ID: d163e3

Mature adults are able to have sex without any sort of attachment. Closed circles shouldn't be necessary, nor should inhibitions to one's sexual conquests.
No. 105961 ID: a60bc4

Are you just making excuses in an attempt to see Zack pork a cute girl?
No. 105962 ID: e22b1d


Jesus you guys need a refresher on how Visitor relationships ACTUALLY work:


>If we were Alamads you'd have your dulamads and I'd have my dulamads and we'd maybe share a few here and there

This is exactly what the system is for. The main group are our alamads. We've met a potential dulamad.
No. 105963 ID: e22b1d


And who's making excuses? This quest is for good worldbuilding and alien porn. Getting in sheepculot's pants is the way to both.
No. 105964 ID: 91cfcf

Yeah, but I really doubt it's like a stray kitten where you just bring one home out of the blue. If we want to make her a dulamad we should at least inform someone about it.
No. 105965 ID: e22b1d

Well we can at least lay the groundwork for it instead of keeping strictly to our own tiny little circle like everyone is suggesting we do.
No. 105967 ID: 350a50

Isn't there supposed to be only one alamad to a person?

In terms of practicality, trying to bang literally every girl we meet and call her a dulamad is a horrible idea. We don't have the time to manage that many relationships and still have them be meaningful.
No. 105968 ID: a60bc4

There can be multiples of alamads and dulamads.
Poly, GG, Bika, and Meg are Zack's alamads.
I agree that trying to add more relationships (at least intimate ones) is a bad idea.
No. 105970 ID: 44359f


Regardless of views as to polygamy or open circles or whatever, I think immediately getting flirty with another oculot woman the VERY SAME DAY we have a big fight with Poly that leaves the future of that relationship in peril is a very non-good idea and not worth the risk.

At the very least let's wait until things are smooth with Poly again before we open up any more relationship slots. This girl will still be around later.

Also, as suggested in quest, we don't want to give the interplanetary gigolo reporters more steam.
No. 105971 ID: a60bc4

Thank you for speaking practically and sensibly.
No. 105972 ID: f68a09

Polyphema's nickname specifically is in reference to the upscale bougie county just north of the city. It's where Poughkeepsie is.

I have some really annoying wealthy relatives there.
No. 105973 ID: a60bc4

>annoying wealthy relatives
The worst kind of relatives.
No. 105974 ID: 44359f


Right, pardon me, then. I'm not even american, so, no idea.
No. 105976 ID: 71d443

However, down here she says that all dulamads/alamads are generally part of the same circle.
>"Generally most everyone in a network of dulamads knows each other. A big ol incestuous peer group called a Dulabira. Uh, not the real kind of incest. Turn of phrase."
So not everyone's sleeping with each other, but everyone knows one another.
No. 105979 ID: 288f5e

I just thought it was because she likes to go dutch.
No. 105984 ID: 408024

I like Krin.
I like Poly's new title.
It works on two levels.
She's both very regal and refined, and she enjoys flaunting her wealth when she can.
Very appropriate for the oculot peacock.
No. 105986 ID: 14a177

The Dutch also were the ones who invaded from a distant place and wiped out the first people who lived in New York City. Sounds kind of like what modern Visitors almost did.
No. 105987 ID: 408024

I wonder if the Visitors are aware of the implications.
No. 105988 ID: 3d6af7

As a group maybe not but Poly almost certainly would
No. 105989 ID: 408024

>Polyphema on the subject
No. 105990 ID: 9f3729

...shit, frieza's voice actually works for poly in a weird way.
No. 105991 ID: 408024

Only far more feminine and way less sociopathic.
No. 106054 ID: f562b1

Wrote up a bit of stuff for submission to HVAO:

Earthborn refugees: Had the chance to meet up with some Visitors who were either born on Earth, or were brought here young enough to not remember Golboria.
While they are glad to not need the same level of security as before, they speak about it as though it was perfectly fine. Apparently, the threat of Kariket's raids was severe enough that they felt they needed it too.
Acclimation into human society was easier for Earth-born Oculots and Warriors, but being as family oriented as they are, Skuts would slowly acclimate with the rest of their family. This shows that under the Psionic powers of Oculots and muscles of the Warriors, they still operate on the same mental civility as humans--Even down to taking a little bit of personality from or rebelling against their own parents. The biggest difference I've notices is one that comes from their ancestry versus ours: They lived on a world where, while each species typically stuck to their own class, were still treated as mostly equals, and so they did away with specieism much sooner than we did.

Not sure if it's ready for official submission, because we've really only spoken with Krin, but there we go.
No. 106055 ID: b15da4

>Which sense? Just a proper lady, or a lady-knight?
Like the hysterical kind, that comes to sleuths with problems.
No. 106058 ID: 166842

Very nice. Some spelling mistakes, but nothing deal breaking.
No. 106075 ID: bb78f2

Is anyone finding it weird Zack can make out her notes that she's making in private?
Like, he has some spidey sense where he can tell which clicks would mean what or something.

Mental benefits for sleeping with Visitors?
No. 106076 ID: 3b996c

He's just looking at her phone? Not everything comes back to freaky oculot brain magic.
No. 106079 ID: bb78f2

Could YOU make out everything Zack's seeing her type on her phone without freaky alien magic? I mean, how good can the view can be when you're sitting your next to someone with those spikey shoulders.

Just looking over the shoulder to see into her phone, without even us prodding him to invade her privacy. I believe looking over someone's shoulder to see what their typing on is generally rude.

If his brain just became a super calculator and he knew what she was typing accidentally, the social faux pas seems much more understandable from his end. That's just it, it feels like an invasion of privacy for him to be able to give us the detail he's giving at this point is all. Not unforgivable, it's human to be curious and look over the shoulder from time to time, but I don't know. It's just weird and off putting to me right now, so I'm wondering if I'm reading too much into it.
No. 106080 ID: f6ba27

Have you seriously never looked at what someone was typing when they were sitting next to you
No. 106081 ID: 668a9d

>I'm reading too much into it
I would say so, yes.
No. 106102 ID: bb78f2

I've tried.
Failed though.
Thumbs are hard to see through, also takes too much effort not to look like you're prying.
No. 106105 ID: f6ba27

When you push a button with your thumb it makes a letter show up on the part where there is no thumb
No. 106141 ID: 6612fa

so i'm thinking meg might be on a sex spree...
we show her what sex is and then she is just gone.
banging her way through people without a care, we really should have explained the danger of random sex with strangers that goes a little deeper than just stds

krin on the other hand i saw her as a poodle rather than a sheep
No. 106142 ID: fceae5

>meg might be on a sex spree
Dude, if that's all it is, then she is welcome to it.
That is honestly one of the ABSOLUTE LEAST BAD THINGS I can imagine at this point.
No. 106143 ID: 6a972a

>one of the ABSOLUTE LEAST BAD THINGS I can imagine at this point
Dare I ask what the worst are?
No. 106144 ID: fceae5

>the dulabira falls apart
>one of the girls ends up dead
>Zack ends up dead
>one of the girls is secretly a Kariket spy
That sort of thing.
No. 106147 ID: 6612fa

are you joking i was being hopeful.
that being said random sex with strangers can be dangerous
No. 106190 ID: cfd11e
File 148070256762.png - (39.09KB , 950x950 , 1480654810_troutsworth_skuttown.png )

No. 106191 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 106193 ID: c520b7

Trout does some damn good work.
No. 106212 ID: 2d31ae

I want thirty of them!
No. 106213 ID: 2ea648

I'll see that and raise you 20!
No. 106225 ID: 61c7b9

It makes me so happy to have commissioned that.
No. 106231 ID: 675ea0

God bless you, anonymous commissioner.
No. 106236 ID: fe774c

You do the good work comrade!
No. 106404 ID: 527def

On the plus side of this latest update we are now totally in the clear to go big bad wolf on that little sheep oculot
No. 106405 ID: 49fe0f


I don't see where you're getting that from.
No. 106406 ID: 350a50

No. 106407 ID: fceae5

Where do posters like you come from? Can we send you back?
No. 106408 ID: 1b29c1

Why not!!!!
No. 106410 ID: 595d54

We already were, though, to be quite honest with you family.
No. 106411 ID: 350a50

In a meta sense: Because the more characters there are to include in a work, either the less characterization and screentime each one gets, or the more work gets forced onto the author.
No. 106412 ID: 595d54

We have like 5 important characters right now, having 6 won't break anything. Plus this may be our chance to see if Krin is into booty eating.
No. 106414 ID: 1b29c1

RML can handle a lot of characters and I'm sure Brom can too.
No. 106415 ID: 952ab0

aww, I really wanted to play good cop/bad cop with GG and our semi-official HVAO credentials on some unsuspecting landlord.

"My partner and I work for the Human Visitor Affairs Office, but we're here unofficially today. We heard that you have a resident Oculot without water, and there are allegations that you are dragging your feet getting it repaired. We wouldn't want to have to open an investigation and look for signs of a pattern of behavior."
No. 106417 ID: fceae5

You really need to calm down. Nobody likes what you're doing. It's not funny, it's not clever, and it's not appreciated. Please stop.
No. 106418 ID: 595d54

>calm down
>Nobody likes what you're doing. It's not funny, it's not clever, and it's not appreciated.
So you're saying you personally decided you didn't like it and that it should apply to everyone.
>Please stop.
Nah. I don't even know what exactly you're asking me to stop, tbh.
No. 106419 ID: 1b29c1

It's actually really funny and you are neither an arbiter of taste or some kind of tgchan cop.
No. 106420 ID: 49fe0f


Because most of the objections RE: tabloids thinking Zack is a manwhore, or it not looking good to do on the very same day we had a big fight with Poly, et cetera et cetera all the concerns that have already been raised?
No. 106421 ID: a523fb

Don't tell other posters to stop posting in my quest, poster.
No. 106422 ID: 350a50

There have been so many more reasons listed why this is a bad idea, this is just another log on the fire. I don't see how this can't be solved by just drawing/requesting/commissioning pornographic fanart of Krin without disrupting the plot and flow of the quest. Frankly I, and it seems others as well, find it annoying and frustrating.

I'm not telling anyone to stop posting here, just stating how I feel.
No. 106423 ID: 595d54

That's fair, and I respect your opinion, but I'm not just interested in seeing Krin naked. I want to watch what happens to the story when people notice Zack is being a gigantic manslut. People worry about being caught by tabloids, but at this point I figure nothing's going to stop him being slandered so we might as well make it something fun and earn it. Besides, shit going down is my idea of fun, I'm more interested in fucking around metaphorically and literally, then dealing with problems than I am in having an idyllic life.

I totally understand if you or other people disagree, but I don't particularly care that you do, if you understand what I mean.
No. 106424 ID: 350a50

I don't want an idyllic life, I want to help Meg incite a revolution and bring down Kariket. Undermining Zack's credibility directly opposes that goal.
No. 106427 ID: 0555b9

>I want to watch the world burn.
And some of us actually want things to work out for the best. Don't stir up shit for the sake of stirring up shit.
No. 106429 ID: a523fb

Do not tell other people to stop posting or try to control how they post. If you don't like it vote against it!!!

This is the last time I'm going to say it without a temp ban attached!!!
No. 106430 ID: c45f05

On a more positive note, I just want to say that the Advocate arc has been extremely enjoyable so far. I love Krin, and I look forward to helping Jay with his problem. It's also good to revisit GG's sexual issues. I'm glad everyone's being so supportive of her.
No. 106431 ID: 7b7ab3

I want to see Zack and GG have a wild night on the town.
Crawling through bars, picking up dudes and chicks, scratching those particular itches, all that good stuff.
They could both use the release.
No. 106438 ID: 8963ff

Oh yeah, just fill an entire backpack fulla condoms and keep goin' 'til its too painful to walk.
No. 106439 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 106493 ID: dd8ef8
File 148175357164.jpg - (59.14KB , 720x404 , pokemon-sun-and-moon-part-32-machamp-put-me-down.jpg )

Somebody in the quest brought up the possibility of GG carrying Zack and I just
No. 106496 ID: 91ee5f

No. 106498 ID: 7b7ab3

Words cannot describe the noise I just made.
No. 106500 ID: 350a50

I like to think Brom made this reference on purpose.
No. 106525 ID: 2ae62a

Holy shit.
No. 106585 ID: 6612fa

so anyone think it would be horribly ironic and funny if jay's mom was the one that killed zacks mom.
be hilarious
No. 106597 ID: d4420c

I think you may need to reread the quest, friend.
No. 106606 ID: 350a50

The Warrior was male I believe. And Jay is the Floater.
No. 106638 ID: 4854ef

I am rather glad someone called out Zack's mother story for once, many have died but he uses it like a bludgeon to shut people up.
No. 106639 ID: 586d55

There were other ways that could have gone.
There were other things that could have been done or said.
I don't see the situation ending well.
No. 106640 ID: 2120ee

To be fair, he doesn't. There's a strong caucus of suggesters that tries to use it as a bludgeon all over the place, but they usually don't get their way.
No. 106641 ID: 38e575

>To be fair, he doesn't.
Quite true. It's not mentioned frequently.
>There's a strong caucus of suggesters that tries to use it as a bludgeon all over the place
I don't know why.
>they usually don't get their way
But when they do it usually lands us in hot water. Just like with Higkritek.
No. 106642 ID: bb78f2

I don't know man, I didn't think it was being used like a bludgeon, this was More "BOOHOO THE WAR" and we were like "I TOO HAVE SUFFERED LOSS" so we were trying to to do what he did with us.

He drew the family card first, then we tried negate that with OUR family card, then he negated it with his second family card and not wanting to listen to our rebuttal to his family card to nullify our family card, so he's got two family card's in play.

Honestly, what I was trying to do was what he did. Oh, hey, you dumb fuck, everyone's got fucking loss, I got a dead mom, you got dead family and a dying mother, it's not fucking numbers and you're way of thinking is bullshit.
No. 106643 ID: 38e575

Well, obviously it didn't work.
Do you have any ideas how to handle this situation without GG having to step in?
No. 106645 ID: bb78f2

No. 106648 ID: 38e575

I'm starting to think this batch of suggesters just want to see GG fight someone without considering the repercussions or the possibility that it could end badly.
It's infuriating.
No. 106649 ID: 4cfe41

Ok, cool, but do you have any better ideas? Talking hasn't worked. If not, whining about other suggestions without at least suggesting something you think is better is a bit pointless, isn't it?
No. 106650 ID: 38e575

I've made suggestions. Several posters have tried to suggest other options.
Also, Zack never really got a chance to speak. Higkritek interrupted him, and then GG inserted herself.
And whining? Really?
No. 106651 ID: 9f3729

Keep it civil guys, GG is an active parkour ninja master. She can dance circles around this guy and honestly I hope to see at least one wall-run face-kick
No. 106652 ID: 38e575

The issue is that there is a conflict of interests.
One collection of posters wants to try and resolve matters peacefully, and another wants to resolve them with force.
It's creating some friction.
No. 106653 ID: 9145ba

I think the issue is one side clings to the hope we can solve this nonviolently, while the rest have accepted that diplomacy has failed and we're going with the backup plan Bika saw fit to include.
No. 106654 ID: 38e575

>another wants to resolve them with force
You would belong in this group.
No. 106655 ID: 350a50

This was my thought process when I suggested it here. I was trying to create common ground and empathy. But Hig's too angry and also a hypocrite, as others have pointed out. He's insulting Zack's loss while acting like his own makes him special somehow.
No. 106656 ID: 9145ba

And there's nothing wrong with that. It wasn't my first choice, but our first choice failed. Pulling GG back now would weaken our stance, so let's back up our partner. We might still be able to say a few words, but they should be a challenge or an ultimatum.
No. 106675 ID: 7c41f2

When this situation with Hig and his mother is resolved, we should ask GG about this drahgahas stuff. It would be wise to learn more about Warrior honor and code of conduct.
No. 106676 ID: fceae5

No. 106678 ID: 7b7ab3

From what we can gather, it's clearly some form of honor code and rules of conduct that dictate garaktonik behavior.
It promotes strength (physical, mental, and emotional), encourages discipline, adherence to duty and tradition, disdain for weakness and cowardice, and is clearly a nuanced teaching.
It doesn't appear religious in nature, so we can safely assume it isn't a matter of worship.
If we want to know more, we should speak to GG. It's an intriguing subject.
No. 106682 ID: 49978d

Zack seems to be having a problem with Visitors leaping to conclusions on him, lately. He makes inquiries to Poly about something he saw in a dream, and she leaps to assume he saw something dire about her personal past. He barely opens his mouth about his mom to this guy, and he immediately barrels off on the idea it's going to be a play to earn sympathy and "making him special", when more likely (we can hardly tell what suggestions Zack was going for, he got interrupted so quick) he was going for the opposite, commonality and showing sympathy.

It's kind of annoying, since it takes things out of Zack's (and our) control and can make the encounters feel like they're being railroaded into conflict, but I guess it's pretty realistic to how personal interaction can go down.
No. 106685 ID: e16371

Poly's always been an emotional time bomb, and Hig is just some dumb kid. Zack gets to speak pretty effectively most of the time, but there are instances where it would make sense that he wouldn't get the opportunity.
No. 106686 ID: f6ba27

Your error with Higkritek was leading with the mom, which the top voted suggestion made very clear to do. It was possible to talk him down, but you definitely didn't take into account his Warrior-ness. At all.
No. 106687 ID: f6ba27

An error you guys are making in this quest is assuming Zack has time to get paragraphs and paragraphs out. That's not how people actually talk. Think about how to express more with less, and don't count on being able to formulate an entire thesis statement unless you find the space to command attention from the jump.

Like >>106682 said, that's usually how real life interaction works.
No. 106688 ID: 9f3729

I want to mention, for the record, I'm glad you've taken this policy. Rambling paragraphs in the middle of conversations always shatter immersion a bit for me.
No. 106690 ID: 7b7ab3

Damn you, hindsight!

Thank you for the advice.
No. 106693 ID: 5f5214

Another reason to learn more about drahgahas.
Seriously, we've been dating her for so long it's a wonder it hasn't come up sooner.
No. 106695 ID: 999c02

I just want to say that if GG ends up dead because of all our stupid decisions, then I'm going to have some kind of a breakdown.
No. 106698 ID: 7b7ab3

Sometimes it's easy to forget that these are aliens we're dealing with. We treat them like we'd treat any ordinary human and forget that they actually aren't human.
This has all been a humbling reminder that we still have much to learn.

Just stay calm. We're not letting some hothead with a grudge hurt our big, red baby.
No. 106700 ID: 49978d


I think a potential part of the problem is, then, that we're not sure exactly how we're supposed to express ourselves when given a free reign, as opposed to just choosing from a list.

What I mean by that is, when updates go out, they're usually more than just a few lines. Generally each update contains a large chunk of conversation. If you just give a few lines, then your contribution to that conversation is very small, and it can often feel like the course of events immediately veers away on its own momentum without any of our input, after that.

Like, I'm guilty of giving thesis statements sometimes when I suggest, yeah. But, when I make suggestions like that, I'm not really intending that Zack literally transcribe my ideas word-for-word out of his mouth in one long rambling speech. I intend it to be more "here Zack, this is the sort of reasoning you could use to form your arguments, you can try lead your attempts at persuasion in this direction". In effect, I'm trying to anticipate what might happen and then present Zack with a set of ideas and a line of thought to inform the choices he makes in what's going to be a dialogue, not giving him a statement to read. Like, you can't just give Step 1 of your plan of action if whether it works or not depends on Steps 2 through 4, and you know it's a possibility that after you give Step 1 by itself you might get whisked away somewhere else where the rest of your plan goes to waste. So the temptation is to try lay out the whole plan from the start.

Which is then muddled by people giving the suggestions in-character, with quotation marks, but I think most people who do that still don't intend for Zack to use their words directly.

I also think it's unclear when we're voting, when we're not given a numbered list. A lot of quests that take unguided prompts use other methods than which is most popular, like "what argument will the protagonist think is best" or "the best solution someone comes up with" or even "what the author thinks will make a better story". Like, I've known for a while that when we're given a list we're supposed to vote, but if you'd asked me in the last few updates whether I was supposed to vote I'd have said I didn't think so. If I did, there'd be a lot more posts that are just picking another post and going "I agree with this".

And from my own experience, it's hard to pick votes for a free-form suggestion, because you end up with a bunch of people suggesting things that are kind of the same but subtly different, and whether or not they're supposed to count as one "candidate" can be unclear.
No. 106704 ID: 7b7ab3

How do we keep forgetting that GG is a bona fide, ass kicking, super sexy beast of a Warrior?
I guess it's because we don't get to see her really let loose all that often.
No. 106707 ID: fceae5

Pretty much what you said. We're used to calm, laid back, happy GG. Tough, violent, fighting GG is a rare spectacle.
No. 106723 ID: 29bf09

It's the future.
A teenaged garakton boy has just come home from school.
His parents are waiting for him in the living room.
They tell him to sit down.
They have something they need to discuss with him.
Now more than a little concerned, the boy does as he is told and takes a seat.
The father says they found something in the boy's room.
The boy begins to sweat.
The mother says the boy is not in trouble (a universal parental tactic), but they have some questions they'd like answered.
The boy begins to contemplate cowardice.
The father goes to the closest and pulls out a bag.
A bag very familiar to the boy.
His throat goes dry.
The father sets the bag down between him and the mother.
The mother reaches into the bag.
She pulls out a book.
She shows it to the boy.
She tells him to explain.
The biy, eyes wide with horror and shame, stares at the books title.
"Dungeons & Dragons: Player's Handbook."
No. 106730 ID: 7b7ab3
File 148229744986.jpg - (44.62KB , 848x499 , 1gcdm6.jpg )

No. 106731 ID: 6612fa

you assume we wanted to talk him down
we brought g.g for the sole purpose of kicking ass.
the dead mom thing would either show him how much of a stubborn dick he was being or incite him to violence which would be a win/win scenario
No. 106732 ID: 7b7ab3

Speak for yourself.
No. 106733 ID: 38a105

No. 106738 ID: fceae5

Roll to Bluff.

>RML draws something
>it gets memed
All is as it should be.
No. 106751 ID: 49978d

Where has this idea of a promise to Poly not to reveal the kariket dream even come from. Here's a list of promises we've actually made to her, or been asked for by her:

1) "If I promise not to melt you, and you promise not to poke into the parts of me I'm not ready to show you, I'd like to share this with you." - in preparation for the soft mind meld
2) "I need you to promise me: if you see something you don't think I'd want you to see then you need to try to wake up from it somehow. OK?" - in regards the dreams.
3) "Just promise me that you won't move around and hurt yourself." - for sexy activities

The third is irrelevant to this and the first two are about not wanting Zack to find out things about her. Zack did not break his promise not to poke (the dreams happen without his volition) and I would argue that the kariket dream does not count as something she wouldn't want Zack to see: she hates the kariket and would want to dish dirt on him to people who would use it.

And here's the latest conversation about the dreams:

>"It's not anything I want to know about," Polyphema hisses. "The me from before the war is dead. She is buried. You dreamt it. I lived it. And damn you if you try to make me live it again."
>"But I can't talk to anybody about it," you say. "No therapists, no anybody. Can I at least tell other people about these dreams?"
>"Which people?"
>"The dulabira."
>"Fine. Fine. But not the HVAO. I'm not whoever I was in whatever you saw. I am Polyphema now. That's all I want to be."

In which we see that 1) she specifically lets us talk to the other members of the dulabira about this stuff, and 2) She is very clearly only concerned about people finding out things about her, which the kariket dream did not involve. There is no evidence the dreams have to be linked to her at all, as we had one about GG's childhood, and another about Hiz' brother.
No. 106752 ID: 49978d

I mean god damn seriously guys how can we justify not doing everything possible to stop the kariket running around with literally insane warmongering mind control schemes?

Do you somehow think whatever he's up to is going to be conducive to more romance? Do you think that's not going to cause problems?
No. 106753 ID: 4cef42

Ask yourself this: if she's known all this Kariket destroying information for so long, why hasn't she told anybody?
No. 106754 ID: 9145ba

Keeping Poly's info secret is not a bad idea per se, just don't think that a promise is keeping it that way and not just our poor judgement.
No. 106758 ID: 49978d


Because she doesn't know, that's half my point. Poly doesn't know the stuff in her dreams, we got a dream about GG through her that she didn't know about, and our dreams of people she knew have been through their perspective and not hers. The dreams clearly aren't just her memory, they're a source of information she herself doesn't have access to. If she did know, if she'd given Zack a chance to explain himself properly, I expect she wouldn't have had a problem at all.
No. 106759 ID: 350a50

Didn't we give this information to Meg, without citing a source?
No. 106761 ID: 49978d


We gave her one bit of information, that the kariket has a mind control power. We didn't give her any of the information about how it works, or any of the other things we learned from that dream, e.g. that the kariket is loconut in coconut.
No. 106762 ID: 6ea739

>kariket is loconut in coconut
I'm pretty damn sure people have already figured that one out! Between the beard and the attempted genocide, I think he's made it clear that he is NOT right in the head.
No. 106764 ID: 2120ee

Pretty sure she wouldn't want Zack to have Kariket secrets. Kinda dangerous.
No. 106765 ID: 49978d


Yeah, but do they know exactly why, in what way and how much? We saw how he hides it.


Zack was already in the danger zone, and much more so now he's Meg's bond boy. In the long term, letting the right people know about what the kariket can do makes everyone safer.
No. 106767 ID: fceae5

You're probably right. However, revealing information collected unwillingly from an unknowing individual who has made it abundantly clear that they possess secrets that they do not wish to see revealed is, in my personal opinion, morally reprehensible.
No. 106768 ID: b15da4

Isn't Bika Meg's boyfriend too? Why isn't she telling her?
No. 106769 ID: fe9fb8

Smashing =/= boyfriend, and since Zack is the "face" and the only one doing this full time he deserves to know.
No. 106770 ID: fceae5

>Isn't Bika Meg's boyfriend?
I ship it! Right up there with Mack, GZ, and Zoly.
But what to call it? Beg? Meka?
No. 106778 ID: 49978d


Yeah, well, I think not doing all you can to prevent a possible second devastating war, and if not that then probably more deaths like Hizalian's, is even more morally reprehensible.

And didn't we literally just agree to become a spy?
No. 106779 ID: 4824b2

Being a spy is not the same as being an abusive control freak.
If we keep making rash decisions based on nothing but fear, then we're looking to lose everything. Fear is just as terrible as hate and arguably worse.
No. 106780 ID: 9f3729
File 148244432801.png - (511B , 64x64 , pls.png )

Meg is good at talky things, she's a spy. Let her try her thing, we need to show a little bit of trust here!
No. 106781 ID: 49978d

Alright, first of all,
Where is this "control freak" shit coming from? Zack hasn't tried to control anything. He's tried to give people advice, he's tried to help out, and it's just being thrown into his face repeatedly. Show me instances of "control freak" behavior that aren't what a perfectly reasonable person would try do.

And just to make sure we're going all out, the rest of my essential points, reiterated:
1) Most of what Zack has been trying to do is the right thing to do, he's just been a fucking bonehead about actually carrying it out (generally because of dumb shit that suggesters have been tacking on that messes things up with the person he's talking to).
2) Zack has a legitimate grievance in that he has been being treated as a child or a dumb boy toy rather than a functional adult, e.g. Meg hearing he had a fight with Poly and jetting off literally that instant to fix it for him without letting him even tell her what it was about or make suggestions. For all she knew he was about to tell her how it was totally his fault and going to Poly was pointless. It wasn't, but it could have been, and Meg's response was both stupid and insulting to Zack.
3) All this "I'm sorry" shit people keep suggesting at him is pathetic.

fite me


I'm not taking this one, because I didn't suggest telling Poly that Meg was on her way. That was on all the rest of y'alls.
No. 106782 ID: 9145ba

I agree on the "i'm sorry" shit not cutting it. We need to start making it up to people with our actions, not our words.
No. 106786 ID: 2120ee

Okay here's a thought experiment. Has Zack apologizing at a person right off the bat ever accomplished anything, ever? I see it being a kneejerk reaction that gets dogpiled on like heck, and it seems like it's drowning out actually productive suggestions. Zack is coming off wishy-washy.

Another issue is holy hell choosing 2 or 3 actions at once is kicking our ass. Let's say we just sent the Meg text. She'd have texted back at us to not worry, we probably wouldn't have sent Poly the text. Meg was being a bit of a jerk and clarification was a good idea, but PANIC DO EVERYTHING just turned it into a shitshow.

I really don't want to turn my suggestions into 80% shooting down other suggestions as ass because it sours the heck out of suggestor discourse, but it feels like that's what it's going to take to even maybe curb recent trend of paradoxically rash and noncommittal behaviour.
No. 106790 ID: 2120ee

Also, also, just as a more general observation, Zach trying to take all his girlfriends everywhere or just generally inject as many characters into a scene as possible is weird and narratively counterproductive.

That's not a right now thing, but it is a this thread thing.
No. 106793 ID: 550a81

Fellow posters. I beseech you. Can we please have one friend we don't try to fuck. Krin is perfect for the roll of Platonic Visitor Friend. We lost Hiz. Let us fill the void he left behind. Please.
No. 106794 ID: e22b1d

Agreed in every way but we can still fuck her and just be friends
No. 106795 ID: 595d54

No thanks, and in my opinion I doubt she wants to stay platonic either. Try and befriend Jay or Hig or his mother if you like.
No. 106797 ID: 550a81

You know what? Whatever. I can't stop you. But can you approach it without turning it into cheating? Talk to the girls about it. We know they see other people. They've told us so. The least we can do is be honest with them.
No. 106798 ID: 595d54

No one's advocated cheating and people even wanted to tell GG about Krin.
No. 106800 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh my God. I just realized something.
GG and Poly are a thing.
Meg and Bika are a thing.
GG is looking for a Warrior stud.
Meg is doing who knows what (dirty spies).
Bika is just plain confusing.
There is - no joke - a very good possibility that Zack is actually getting the L E A S T amount of action in the dulabira.
No. 106801 ID: bb78f2

Man, we don't even know if Krin wants the D.

>Hiz, platonic Visitor Friend
Hahahahaha, yeah, right, like we were going to have Hiz remain platonic. We were heading straight into the inevitable spitroast with our fellow human female proffesional alien schmoozer as soon as available had nothing terrible happened

I bet Brom HAS that scene somewhat outlined, somewhere deep in his notes from earlier days. In a file called "Schnitzel Recipes".
No. 106802 ID: 408024

No. 106803 ID: 595d54

Wasn't Hiz gay?
No. 106804 ID: bb78f2

Who said that the female HAD to be the one getting penetrated on both ends?
Jokes aside, I don't remember that, and I recall Hiz saying he's slept with his human date and feminine pronouns being used in the news report. So, I mean, I guess if he's gay he just slept with his female human coworker like how a gay king would with a arranged bride or I read the pronouns wrong. I figure if he was gay, he would have been paired with a male gay or bisexual human.
No. 106807 ID: 9145ba

Zack gets a lot of action offscreen as well. For example, he woke up this chapter after a night well spent with GG and Bika.

Either way, quality over quantity. (And Bika has both qualities in spades!)
No. 106816 ID: 408024

That's a frightening thought.

I figured he was bi.

>quality over quantity
How about quality AND quantity?
No. 106895 ID: f9c797

No. 106907 ID: 7b7ab3

Merry Christmas!
No. 106946 ID: bb78f2

This Sheepulot is too cute
No. 106947 ID: bb78f2

oh and
>Sheep rustler Zack
Lookie what I found when looking through the dis thread!
Naw, since it's based off a binary choice and we may never have met her but it's fun to think so.
No. 106948 ID: bd294b

When did all this -1 vote stuff start? You're not counting those, right?
No. 106949 ID: 16bad7

I sure ain't
No. 106950 ID: f562b1

I could see things working with counting them and without counting them. A negative vote can operate as a thread of thought that "Hey no that's bad don't do that" (people do get those thoughts), or just as "that won't work with this choice."
No. 106951 ID: 7b7ab3

Sounds over-complicated and unnecessary.
No. 106953 ID: 0555b9

-1 vote for -1 voters, telling people what they can't vote for.
No. 106955 ID: 9ef32f
File 148286717772.jpg - (134.70KB , 904x903 , 148285766269.jpg )

Reposting this here because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 106975 ID: 7c6040

This raises a question: is Krin a shipper?
No. 106979 ID: 7b7ab3
File 148290282381.png - (113.11KB , 839x867 , cyclops_stare_by_glacierclear-d8ns94q.png )

I found this on Deviantart ages ago, but never posted it.
No. 106992 ID: 05758b

If you didn't know, that was actually drawn by a prominent quest author who disappeared from the site. Onion of Panty Raid fame.
No. 106994 ID: 97cee0


Well, a vote system that doesn't have a way to vote against something has a flaw, in that people will feel compelled to vote for something they don't really like in order to defeat another option that they like less. And then you end up with most of the voters being unsatisfied with how the votes turn out.

That's not so much the case here because the votes don't usually "defeat" each other, they can be taken together. But there have been a few "this or that" votes and I think you can see something of that effect.

There's also a problem that the suggesters start seeing each other as opponents more than they do collaborators, and so you see people going into the thread and talking to each other with a sense of hostility and frustration, which makes the quest less enjoyable for them and has a subtle influence on how they vote/suggest.

A vote system for a quest raises the stakes because it makes it more possible for the protagonist to make mistakes, but then whenever the protagonist does make a mistake, all the people who didn't vote for the mistake option feel that they were probably right and that they've been unjustly swindled out of the "best" path of the story by other people being idiots.
No. 106995 ID: 7b7ab3

I did not know that.
Thank you.
No. 106997 ID: 3b108e

6]] Text or call Polyphema.
yeah pretty much
No. 107000 ID: 097ede

A delayed response to the "fight" with Higkritek.

No. 107007 ID: 91ee5f

Pls nerf
No. 107010 ID: 097ede

The real question is which girl is the most hax.
No. 107011 ID: 5b93d3

It seems pretty evident that's Meg.
No. 107012 ID: 097ede

I don't know.
Bika uses so many bots, tho.
No. 107033 ID: 97cee0

Sometimes, I wonder if the suggestion quality of this quest has been affected by being cross-linked on a 4chan porn board so often.
No. 107034 ID: 8d8ba4

I blame the other copycat sex quests that have been springing up throughout the year. They are attracting idiots from /a/ and /furry/ and making TGchan look trashier than it already does.
No. 107036 ID: b15da4

I don't think so. I've never seen them discussing it in the /aco/ thread.
No. 107037 ID: ed23eb

OP, do you ignore obvious troll/sociopath/abusive/asshole/creep responses?
No. 107038 ID: 595d54

>do you ignore responses I personally dislike

Also, if you really want the author's opinion on badman suggestions, try the IRC.
No. 107040 ID: 5f5214

I'm just glad Brom's fucking good.
Also fucking patient.
We're lucky he's willing to put up with our crap.
So thank you, Brom. Also I'm sorry for any headaches we cause you.
No. 107041 ID: 16bad7

There's no need to ignore them, since they never get enough votes to pass. If they did it would be another question, but I think for the sake of truth to format I'd go with them.

They don't bother me, and I actually think they're pretty funny. I'm really glad y'all are invested in the quest, but sometimes I think some of you take it too seriously.
No. 107042 ID: 97cee0


Well, you do occasionally hit on some harder themes of like, trauma and identity and feelings and such, so it's hardly a surprise that people develop an expectation that serious consequences may result from the decisions being made. If you wanted people to be more careless about their suggestions I'd suggest writing worse so that we don't care as much about the characters or story.

... Don't do that, please.

As for the voting scenario, it's complicated. What say for example there's a scenario like, 45% are voting for the first option for good reasons, 35% are voting for the second option for good reasons, and 20% are voting for the second option for creeper badman reasons. Things like that.

I dunno, I feel like when I weigh the times I've been unhappy or unsatisfied or annoyed when reading Enemy Quest, something like 90% of it's been related pretty directly to the way the vote system works. Overall it's a great quest and obviously I'm still reading it and wanting to read it, but, still.
No. 107043 ID: 9f3729

So your complaint seems to be that you're unhappy your choices aren't the majority. That's frustrating, perhaps, but something you might need to just learn to accept and deal with.
I certainly wasn't a backer of the "tell poly meg was coming" plan but that update happened before I could vote, and as unfortunate a decision as that might have been (seriously, how awkward and bad at social can you be) I'm not about to throw a hissy fit because the author didn't nix it.

The whole questing format would be a bit meaningless without the mistakes and mis-steps that come of the bad suggestions, it'd essentially just be webcomics with extra steps.
No. 107046 ID: 97cee0


Well, I'd be an idiot to not admit that when my suggestions don't go through it doesn't feel great, but I don't think that's entirely it. The majority vote system in and of itself, I think, has more flaws than are outweighed.

Like, I mentioned a few of the potential drawbacks in this post here, already: >>106994

I can add on other examples, though. Say, how open the system is to being skewed from its intended goal. For instance, it makes things much more dependent on who votes when: if someone happens to only check in when an update has been up for a long while already, and they have a good idea no-one else did, they might not get the chance to present their case in time for other players to read it and support them with a vote before the update goes through. This on top of the fact that, often, when people cast their vote, I think many of them don't visit the thread again until they see an update, or they might feel it too awkward to make another post going "oh no I change my mind then"; there's a momentum to decisions you already made once, people are less likely to revise a vote they've already cast. So there's not really much space to actually make a case to other suggesters for your vote, which is your only real avenue if you really want to make an effort for your vote to win, and overall the quest feels a lot less like it will reward anyone for noticing or figuring out something that none of the other suggesters have.

Like, in other quests, when my suggestion doesn't go through, I'm ok with that, because whatever reason it didn't go through was generally my fault. Like my reasoning was stupid or I phrased it in a way the protagonist character wouldn't be receptive to or something. With this voting system, you could be clever or insightful, and (it feels like) there's a strong chance that won't matter. That there's no point to you trying to puzzle things out or think very much about anything, because whether or not you'll be rewarded for it comes down to what feels like a roll of the dice. Basically, the systems other quests use seem more satisfying to me, even when my suggestions aren't being used at all.

There are other potential problems. I think Zack's characterization has suffered from wavering voters, for instance. And I'm not sure the system is even being used properly? A direct majority vote system to control a quest protagonist seems like it works best for an "empty vessel" protagonist, but Zack has a personality established by choices made in the opening of the first thread. It also drives up the chance of making mistakes and helps create a sense of high risk and consequence, but I've been getting a feeling that's not what the author really intends to do with Enemy, given the comment about people "taking it too seriously". So why stick with the vote system if you're taking its disadvantages and not using its advantages?

I mean, I don't think it's just me, or just Enemy Quest. I think previous quests that used a direct vote system saw a higher rate of audience frustration and dissatisfaction as well.
No. 107047 ID: 16bad7

What vote system would you suggest I use?
No. 107048 ID: 7b7ab3

Personally, I've never had a problem with the voting system.
No. 107049 ID: 9f3729

I disagree with you pretty much whole-sale. The only thing I'd change is to allow down-voting bad suggestions.
No. 107050 ID: 595d54

if that starts being allowed then I retroactively downvote your suggestion re: votes
No. 107051 ID: 398fe1

I would like a better-defined personality for Zack but in the end that would be reflected in the available choices or which write-ins get considered.
No. 107052 ID: 97cee0

Well, it depends on what effect you're going for. I can't read your mind to tell what your intent is, but from what I can guess, you're going for a kind of broad spectrum of what the suggesters are supposed to do. Zack has a personality, and you as author theoretically have the power to display that personality by presenting us with a list of options to choose from (thereby selecting out options Zack would never choose or wouldn't come up with himself), but I don't know if you're actually using that guidance power, since there's usually a free suggestion option, and the range of suggestions offered generally covers a wide range, so the lists don't seem to have been displaying that personality bias so much. Which means that you're leaving that more up to us, which leaves us with a sort of split focus, where we not only have to decide what way Zack's should accomplish his goals, but also what those goals are in the first place. Like, how and why.

Which is actually a little unusual, I think. Most quest protagonists, we get a very strong idea what their goals are and then it's just our job to tell them how to do it. Like, their goals don't normally remain static, but generally their character arc is a result of the story and other characters and the consequences of what we have them do, more than the suggesters being asked more directly to decide what those goals will be themselves. When we are asked directly to decide goals, usually it's in its own "moment" sort of set aside from other decisions. With Zack, though, the feeling I get is that a lot of the time we're not only being asked what Zack should do, but also what we want to see. Which creates a sort of a muddle, where you have (for example) one set of suggesters who want Zack to Solve Problems and help people, and another set who want to see cute romance, and another set who want porn, and the voting for what to do now becomes disjointed due to people having different ideas of what those votes are supposed to lead to.

Zack's kind of different from your other protagonists, you see. I think. With Strela, for example, or Sev, they have much stronger personalities of their own, and what we were voting on was usually "how should I do this", not "what do I want". I mean sometimes we did make choices like that but, again, those choices were sort of separated from the others, usually in some sort of reflective or climactic moment. Zack's not like that, he seems to take direction on what he wants or is aiming for more often, and blended in more with his other choices.

Have you considered maybe doing the Dragon Romance thing, where sometimes you divide the vote out into two lists of options? Like, one for "what are we trying to do" and the other for "how should we try do that". Or like, having an aside every now and then, where you have a vote like "for this scene, Zack's motivation is to ____". Or something like that?

There are other options for how to take suggestions, besides voting. A lot of authors don't really sit down and set in stone what their suggestion rules are, but a lot of them use what we might call protagonist persuasion suggesting, where the protagonist selects among the suggestions given to them based on what makes the most sense to them personally. However, that's generally for protagonists who have more of their own personality and desires than Zack does. That one's suited for more strongly protagonost-character-focused quests.

For more problem solving quests, if you want to emphasize finding things out and solving mysteries and so on, I think usually it goes best to use a "best of" selection system for suggestions, where if someone manages to find the right or best option then you follow it. However, that tends to produce very competent protagonists, since the only way mistakes are made is if no-one manages to be smart enough, so it lowers the probability. And of course it presumes that there is a "right" answer in the first place, so again it works best in cases where a goal or motivation has already been set.

If on the other hand you just want the audience to choose where they want the story to go, then you go for a "branching novel" arrangement, where the choices basically boil down to a sort of, "here we are at the theme park what ride do you want to go on next" arrangement. Like you're sort of there just as an entertainer and the audience is calling out what tricks they want you to do. In that case, though, mystery and problem solving is shelved, and you do seem to want to have those elements there, rather than just asking people what kind of story they want to see you draw/write? There are mysteries and clues and such in Enemy Quest, that create a sense that we're supposed to be trying to piece them together and find out or solve things.

If you're very confident in your writing abilities, you could also just pick whichever options you, as an author, think will make for the best story. In that case you basically just use the suggestions to give you ideas. That can be frustrating for the suggesters during the stretches where they can't see the payoff to what they're seeing yet, and they might give up and stop suggesting because they don't see what effect they're having, so it's really risky.

Thing is, I think often what's being asked of us as suggesters, in Enemy Quest, changes? Like we're not always being asked to vote on the same kind of choice. Sometimes we're being asked "what do", sometimes "why do", sometimes "who do", and the thing is that it's not always clear which of those is the case, and that maybe sometimes we're being asked all of them, mixed up into one list of choices? So, perhaps that could be more clear.

So, I think my best answer to your question just there, what voting system to use, is "one which makes a clearer distinction between the types of choices we are making".

But the more complete answer I'd like to give is that maybe you should consider a non-vote-based system? If you want to keep Zack as a less personally driven protagonist.
No. 107053 ID: 595d54

holy shit no one cares about your opinions enough to read your essays

give me your main idea in one sentence of maximum 10 words
No. 107055 ID: 97cee0


Zack motives unclear, separate votes "what want" and "what do".
No. 107056 ID: 595d54

Okay, fair point but I still kind of disagree. The quest's goals are clear, it's only the suggestions that disagree on what to do. It feels like we've split up into camps.
No. 107057 ID: 97cee0

>The quest's goals are clear

Ok. What are they? Let's see if anyone was under a different impression.
No. 107059 ID: 2242ea

My goal is to keep our great gfs happy, be supportive of them, and possibly become a political icon for earth/visitor relations
No. 107062 ID: 9145ba

Further the cause of peaceful Human/Visitor relations with our dick, and sometimes our brain parts.
No. 107063 ID: 595d54

Did you read the beginning of the first thread
No. 107065 ID: 350a50

I know. I just want to enjoy a good, balanced story without it being bogged down by people being unable to keep it in their pants for five panels. Nothing against that part of these quests, but perpetually sidelining actual progress for it sort of pisses me off.

I want to help Meg take down Kariket.
No. 107067 ID: 03999c


I am inclined to agree with you, I just recently found the quest and read through all of it in about one sitting. There are quite a few here that think too much with their dicks imo.

While ultimately this started as a "sex quest", I feel that the events such as the "disappearance" of the 240 military personnel at Camp Jawara (I am led to believe that The Kariket launched an assault on the base.), Hiz's death (Targeted by a human supremacist group, I think) and the introduction of HVAO being a history making covert operation turned the story into something else that requires more consideration from both the suggester and therefore Zack imo.

I am hoping the secrets Meg has leaked so far would be a neat ace in the hole if the Kariket decides he wants to kill a billion more of us again- the fucking wank stain. I hope humanity with their visitor sympathizers will not be found wanting this time.

(I totally want a human in a visitor/human tech exoskeleton punching out a Big Red or strangling the Kariket, just saying.)
No. 107069 ID: 0a5e2c

I am in agreement with all of this, especially the part where we strangle the Kariket.
No. 107119 ID: 9f0bca

Can we get a dog?

I'd be down for getting a dog.
No. 107122 ID: 7b7ab3

>nb4 skut jokes
No. 107144 ID: 9f0bca


No. 107145 ID: dd0192

No. 107151 ID: 0c367f

New Life-Goal: Have one of the Bikas become our permanent house-dog with a nice fancy bitchsuit.

Literally nothing could go wrong.
No. 107155 ID: 398fe1

Well apparently one of the Bikas has that fetish, so it wouldn't be difficult to persuade her.
No. 107210 ID: 952ab0

wait what? citation needed.
No. 107216 ID: 9145ba

Where is were-Bika? Right here, my dude.
No. 107237 ID: 247200

I'm thinking we should get ringtones for the girls. You know, as a means of differentiating between their calls.
No. 107240 ID: b5d5ae

But what should the ringtones be?
No. 107250 ID: 9f0bca


Begun, the Waifu Ringtone Wars have.
No. 107252 ID: e22b1d

That reminds me, it's probably time for a NEW WAIFU WAR

With a NEW CHALLENGER entering the arena!!

No. 107259 ID: 0ff6aa

It disturbs me just how many posters would rather fuck around in Krin's apartment than go help Meg and Poly.
No. 107260 ID: 595d54

I honestly believe they're better off without Zack for a while longer.
No. 107261 ID: 4cef42

Are you or are you not the exact same anon who has been suggesting that we "replace" Polyphema?
No. 107262 ID: 595d54

Specifically, tell Polyphema that and enjoy the ensuing drama, yes. Do you have a point here?
No. 107265 ID: ac903f

Can you think of a practical reason not to replace Poly with Krin? Poly has been nothing but a tightly wound ball of negative energy lately, while Krin is a breath of fresh air. She's cute, creative, and bubbly.
No. 107266 ID: 4cef42

We're emotionally invested in her, she and Zack have been together since the beginning, they've outright said they love each other, she's our most reliable source of information, she's been nothing but a boon since the start, the other girls would never forgive Zack for trying to "replace" her (especially GG), it would be utterly out of character for Zack, Krin would drop him like a hot rivet if she knew that's the kind of person he was, Zack's not a demented sociopath driven by his base desires, and do I really need to go on at this point?
No. 107267 ID: 350a50

And also, she knows how and is capable of opening portals to Golboria, and with her we might be able to figure out where to open a portal to have it open up into Kariket's bedroom so that Meg can fly in and pop him one in the head before he has time to react.
No. 107271 ID: 03999c


To pull something from the Salvation War. Just open a portal and fire any substantial munition through it. I wonder if we tried this during the war; Open portals to valid military targets and toss a fuel air bomb or other guided missile system through it.
No. 107272 ID: 2120ee

Not like Zack has some kind of Oculot limit. There's no practical reason to "replace" anyone.
No. 107280 ID: 398fe1

Emotions aren't practical, Evil Spock.
No. 107339 ID: 97cee0

I deleted my older suggestions so as to not clog up the quest thread, by the way, if anyone's wondering where some stuff other people were linking to went. If someone wants the old version of the "Zack's feelings" monologue I posted, I put it in a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/gXw9iEvT
No. 107374 ID: c8e36a

Yay! Poly's happy again!

And back to being n a u g h t y.
No. 107376 ID: eb1d1f

That's our Poly!
No. 107379 ID: 91ee5f

Who else but Polyphema?

Now I can't stop thinking of that "Who Else But Quagmire?" song from Family Guy, but with Quagmire replaced with Polyphema.
No. 107401 ID: 8963ff

Wow, Bika's LITERALLY 50% of the votes as of Jan. 4 2017.
No. 107613 ID: be084f
File 148407693569.jpg - (99.96KB , 892x678 , real badman.jpg )

No. 107614 ID: 668a9d

No. 107806 ID: 03999c

Wow, it's kinda sad that I am seeing this sentiment that no one wants to go big or go home in quest decisions because they are too wary that other suggesters are going to fuck it up.
No. 107807 ID: 350a50

Because we've built a track record of doing so.
No. 107808 ID: 147a0c

There is literally no reason to go big or go home on our first ever media appearance. It will create enough of a story on its own that it'll have an appreciable audience probably including a bunch of undecided people. Making it hard on ourselves for absolutely no reason is stupid.
No. 107809 ID: 147a0c

Honestly where was this self confidence when it was actually a good idea? Smh
No. 107810 ID: 833586

Where is all this talk about "go big or go home" coming from?
The majority vote seems to be for "Someone open but unconvinced."
That does not necessarily imply trying with someone extremely influential or dangerous.
Besides, it does no good to try and convince someone who already agrees with us.
No. 107811 ID: 9f3729

Ok, consider the following: We presumably have time before any interview starts. In the interim, we can take the time to mentally compose something actually decent before we get in there, probably even here in questdis, which I'd say we should do anyways.
As such, I'd go with number 2 with extra emphasis.
Softballing it isn't going to help us in the long run, and for us to suddenly get cold feet on this is kinda weird.

I genuinely think we do have the chops to actually talk to a serious interviewer without fucking it all up, we've been ok apart from one or two mis-steps here and there.

(Also, I don't think 4 is a good idea for the same reason some people think 2 isn't: We'd lose our footing and either get mad and aggressive with the guy, or we'd try to burn him on live tv, which is a bad idea since it would likely shut the minds of anyone who disagrees with us even further for being so disrespectful.)
No. 107813 ID: 147a0c

The thing is i think the value of this is going to be more of a "hello world, this is who i am" thing. We want that to be the best possible thing.
No. 107814 ID: 929ca6

It's kind of unclear to what degree each choice excludes the others. People are trying to vote more on what they want to avoid than what they want, but it's not set up to make that easy to judge.
No. 107820 ID: 9145ba

I disagree. Zack's foremost quality is his confidence, and I think he can leverage this to avoid being baited into sparking any conflict. Hopefully, with time on our side, we can formulate responses that do the same.
No. 107821 ID: 9f3729

Ok, but speaking from a public-eye standpoint I think we can afford to go for an interview with someone respected rather than someone like Alex Jones, that's sort of the urging I'm trying to make here.

Like, even if /we/ nail all the points some people will only DIG IN in the face of it, and we'd get nowhere, and it'd be not great for us since in addition to having to manage ourselves we'd have to manage /them/.
Going with someone who'd softball us stuff would be even worse, since it'd create the idea we'd be too wimp-nerd to handle proper discourse.

Going for someone established, respected, and thoughtful is what I'm pushing for because if we can hold our own against that, it'll benefit us the most in terms of sheer PR boost.

...Failing all of that though, it might help to do some research on who specifically would be interviewing us in any option, actually.
No. 107822 ID: 9145ba

>someone like Alex Jones

Why are you ignoring the "open" half of "open but unconvinced"? 4 isn't a trap to feed Zack to the Fox news sharks. It's 2 with no pre-planned route the interviewer plans on taking us down, just an open platform and a case to build.
No. 107823 ID: 9f3729

Hm, true. That's on me for reading comprehension, then.
No. 107826 ID: f6ba27

Just to make something clear since people seem tied up in knots on it:

4 will be the hardest interview. The interviewer will not explicitly plan on taking Zack down, but will be more than willing to argue with him at length. "Open" means CAN be persuaded, not is looking to be persuaded.
No. 107827 ID: 9145ba

No. 107921 ID: 03999c

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Poly say the first time Zack met her that Humans DID win the war? At least in her eye? (Heh, eye.)
No. 107922 ID: 91ee5f

It was literally a pity win. The Visitors felt bad from how hard they were kicking the humans asses.
No. 107923 ID: 03999c


I am aware of that, still mad about it too.
No. 107925 ID: 5c83cb

>still mad
Why tho?
No. 107933 ID: 03999c


Well, I am someone who is really into "Humanity, Fuck Yeah" stories, a huge Warhammer 40k, Marvel, Traveler, Halo, XCOM, DOOM, Starship Troopers and Stargate fan. Also being that guy that refuses to play a non-human in any role playing game or video game.(My friends have been joking about that for the past 5 years now but I have been getting better about it.)

Anyways it is at the very least, disheartening to see that in this quest that I really enjoy, Humanity just gets shit on repeatedly for 20+ years in a war that killed more humans than every war in human history combined and has nothing to show for it from what I can tell.

But that's just me and I am pretty sure I am the only one here that cares about this sort of thing.
No. 107934 ID: f6ba27

If it makes you feel any better it wasn't the one-sided stomp everyone seems to be thinking it is. Humanity wasn't exactly winning but it's not like they couldn't open up portals themselves with all the defectors they were getting.
No. 107935 ID: f6ba27

I'd still call this a "humanity fuck yeah" story; it's just that Humanity fuck yeah'd by being much more altruistic and self-deterministic to refugees from a society that was totally despotic. A story like Zack's would be impossible on Golboria.
There's more to celebrate about the human race than our marksmanship.
No. 107936 ID: 03999c


Hmm, that does help. I guess I am too used to the Starship Troopers mind set of kicking ass and taking names.
No. 107939 ID: bb78f2

>There's more to celebrate about the human race than our marksmanship.
Like our dicks!
No. 107943 ID: 40af78

Why do the Floaters keep getting mistaken for robots? They're cyborgs.
No. 107944 ID: 91cfcf

They're more like androids in being synthetic, heavily-mechanized people, and Google considers "robot" synonymous with "android" so I suppose there's enough overlap for most people. And from how they're described, the collective sure sounds like they act very mechanically.
No. 107946 ID: 475c49


Did any Golborian cities get nuked? Did Golboria ever use nuclear weapons for their part in the latter stages of the war, for that matter? Realistically I'd expect at least one city on each side to have been nuked to end the war, but I realise that's a bit grim. Now both sides have the ability to open portals at will, if admittedly to a lesser degree on the human side, I'd also expect MAD to prevail if we're playing this straight, making another war a lot scarier but also a lot less likely.

If this were the real world, I'd also imagine there'd be a Manhattan Project style effort going on right now funded by multiple governments to try crack opening portals without Oculots.


I honestly prefer this a great deal to HFY, especially in a story like this one. Our warmth and kindness being our true strength is refreshing, and kind of touching.


No. 107947 ID: 03999c


I think the problem with nuclear weaponry is that Visitors often laid siege to human population centers making use of those weapons a no go unless it was obvious that the city has fallen into enemy hands and there is no real way of getting it back. As for Golboria, I doubt we used any WMDs, Poly mentions that we didn't go HAM on them (aka slaughtering civilians) nearly as much as they did to us, part of winning their sympathy for being a bunch of assholes. I could say that lots of tactical ordinance were used though. Fuel air bombs anyone?

For portals I would imagine that there are certain detection systems in place for portal activation at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if humans have guided munitions or artillery linked to these detection systems and have quick reaction forces everywhere or at least close to every major city/military asset.
No. 107948 ID: 475c49


Realistically speaking I'd expect we'd begin counter-value strikes as soon as we were able to, until an armistice was signed or we ran out of defectors who could be used to open portals. That would make for a significantly less fun game though. Such a high level of restraint strains credulity slightly given the level of civilian casualties humanity was implied to have suffered. Total war is grim business. I'm not at all unhappy that the Quest has a more uplifting backstory, even if it feels slightly less realistic. If fiction can't be uplifting what can be?

Anyway, the minimum response I'd expect is the nuking of a single small Golborian city and/or military installation, a la Hiroshima or Nagasaki, to send the signal that we could strike more before we went down if an armistice wasn't signed. That would be a restrained response, relatively speaking.

From what Poly said before though, you're right, it seems likely Enemy Quest humanity did not even do that much. Perhaps the tacit threat was on the table but the political situation on Golboria with the defectors/anti-war faction made it ill-advised, and cooler heads prevailed. The Kariket's advisers would then know that if they did ignore or suppress the Golborian peace movement, they'd face further defections, and the increasing likelihood of a desperate humanity moving to the full scale use of nuclear weapons.

That scenario doesn't feel totally unbelievable on the face of it, actually. (Though I still might have expected us to use one as a demonstration, even if on one of our own captured cities.) Though it does imply an exceptional level of restraint and clear-headedness on the part of the human leadership. The desire for quick and easy vengeance would have been almost overwhelming.
No. 107950 ID: 03999c


You pretty much nailed everything I was thinking about on the head, I love talking about this stuff too. On another note I would like to know just how durable a Warrior in full combat armor is. I know they can deflect bullets from standard small arms, but could they deflect rounds from anti-materiel rifles? What about fragmentation grenades or other hand-held explosives? Armor regardless of what kind should have gaps or a weakness somewhere, I am sure a rocket from an RPG-7 or equivalent could kill with a direct hit but the logistics of having to bring so many anti-tank weapons to use against what is essentially infantry and have the skill to hit them with these weapons is improbable imo.

I also wonder about Occulots, if their powers have anything to do with energy and the projection thereof, wouldn't it be possible for someone to create a deflective helmet or device a human can wear that would stop them from making their heads go pop instead of having to restrain Occulots with those inhibitors? Also does line of sight and distance from target affect their powers and head popping capability?

For Floaters, can EMPs reliably kill or incapacitate them?

I also have a thought or two about Skuts but I don't want to seem like I am trying to poke holes in the backstory of Enemy Quest, I like it too much.

(This is totally not me taking notes on how to fight Visitors in combat situations for a certain thing I'm thinking about writing. I am not a horrible person I promise, Visitors are for loving, not killing... Or something like that.)
No. 107951 ID: 4063a3

No. 107952 ID: c7d4d7

i wasnt aware i wanted a paragraph of polyphema waxing poetic about zack nguyens dick but apparentlly i did
No. 107953 ID: 40af78

>how durable a Warrior in full combat armor is
Well, we know what a point-blank shot from a shotgun will do to one's face.
And that Mk 40s can keep Warrior kids in line.

>I also wonder about Occulots, if their powers have anything to do with energy and the projection thereof
Well, Poly looked pretty tuckered out after letting off some steam.
But that could have just been from the heat.

>wouldn't it be possible for someone to create a deflective helmet or device a human can wear that would stop them from making their heads go pop
Sort of like Magneto's helmet?

>does line of sight and distance from target affect their powers and head popping capability
Unsure. We haven't really seen the full extent of oculot powers.

>For Floaters, can EMPs reliably kill or incapacitate them
Again unsure.

>(This is totally not me taking notes on how to fight Visitors in combat situations for a certain thing I'm thinking about writing. I am not a horrible person I promise, Visitors are for loving, not killing... Or something like that.)
I wouldn't mind reading something about Visitors and their human allies facing off against the Kariket and his forces.
No. 107960 ID: 03999c


Hmm, so what about thermobaric weapons? Vacuum force tears internal organs to shreds and that's without a direct hit and blast waves from bigger thermobaric munitions can destroy reinforced structures, let alone brass armor. Next solution would be chemical weapons like white phosphorus, but I am not sure that is in a hand-held form aside from small artillery pieces like mortars.

>Sort of like Magneto's helmet?

Yeah, exactly like his helmet.

>I wouldn't mind reading something about Visitors and their human allies facing off against the Kariket and his forces.

That is be something I would do. I also want to write down stories about the various veterans and war heroes from both sides of the Visitor War. Hell if I can shape up my drawing skills I could make a quest out of it, but that is beyond the foreseeable future at the moment. Regardless of what I do I would like to have Lord Bromeliad's blessing before committing to anything.
No. 107981 ID: 5b93d3

We're assuming that with Oculus defectors that Humanity could open portals to Golboria with impunity. There are two reasons this could not be the case:
1) If Oculuts, or some other mechanism the Kariket has available, can shield an area from having portals opened in it. Depending on the accuracy to which portals can be opened, this would be something of a necessity to prevent assassination in any coup attempt anyway.
2) That the defectors would even be willing to open a portal to a target for a nuclear strike knowing what that entailed. It's one thing to open the way for what you feel is a liberation force, and quite another to be the person sending a WMD right into your home.

There may also be mechanical issues with how portals are opened and maintained that may prevent more esoteric uses like launching kinetic munitions through them.
No. 107985 ID: 475c49


The simple fact of being effectively impossible to suppress with small arms (and quite probably SAWs and LMGs, not sure) already makes Warriors a fucking nightmare for conventional Western infantry. (First rate non-Western militaries like China and Russia often tend to have more mortars and other heavy man-portable arms in infantry formations pound-for-pound, as they don't assume they'll always have air superiority, but I probably still wouldn't trade that for the aviation TBH.) Heavier weapons can kill Warriors, heavier weapons tend to do the lion's share of the killing today in fact, but the sheer advantage they'd have in mobility and defining the terms of the engagement due to being unsupressable would be startling, especially at first. On top of that, their sheer strength means each Warrior can potentially carry a crew-served weapon (in human terms) of their own and use it like an assault rifle, giving them an enormous base of fire, although if they insist on attacking with melee weapons and small arms instead due to their honour culture, that advantage would be mercifully underutilised. I'd honestly say that the most practical way to deal with them would be aviation or artillery, except they're so bloody difficult to effectively fix in place. I imagine that a cheap man-portable (just) recoilless rifle in the 100mm range which can probably incapacitate even without a direct or close hit would be the "best" solution to base your small unit firepower around, but a lot of units would be making do with something like a Carl Gustav instead. Javelins would be good until they ran out. Plus heavy machine guns and anti-material rifles obviously, but it would still be bloody, bloody work, especially given nearly all the fighting is in cities. Rifle grenades would likely make a major comeback since they're quite cheap and you could set up production lines quickly, and grenade launchers in whatever quantity could be obtained.

Keep in mind though that Earths militaries will have had no time to prepare, and the global economy is imploding. Coming up with a new infantry doctrine and getting more recoilles rifles and the like out to your infantry units would be the mother of all logistical nightmares. And it is largely going to be urban infantry fighting, for the most part, given the nature of the conflict. The psychological warfare aspect of fighting huge extremely resilient demons who literally tear you apart shouldn't be underestimated, either. Professional soldiers would probably be alright, but a lot of city defence would probably be relying on militias for the early stages.


I don't mean to be dismissive here, but I don't think either of these points hold water.
1) Let's assume this is true, although shielding an entire city from portals seems conjectural at best given the demonstrated range of other Oculot powers*. A small modern cruise missile with a nuclear warhead weighs under a ton, could be transported in sections if needed, will have a range of a 50-100 km, and have a yield vastly in excess of Hiroshima. Given the likely non-existent state of Golborian air defence, they would simply have no way to effectively shield their cities.
2) Why do you think they'd be told beforehand? Even assuming that every defector immediately kills themselves after finding out the truth somehow, you could still likely ship through several nukes per defector before they find out. Even assuming only a handful of defectors, and there were implied to be quite a few, that equates to dozens of Golborian cities which can be obliterated.

*(As far as I'm aware, Oculot portals don't allow for cross-spatial travel within a dimension? They're just inter-dimensional. I could be misremembering here.)
No. 107987 ID: 03999c


One thing I want to clarify, (which is something I should have done beforehand) portals are not opened in fixed locations right? Is that established? Reading these posts made me realize something and I went back to Thread 3 to find this:

>The White House has confirmed reports released earlier today that Outpost Jawara, located near the Moroccan Portal, has missed its security check-in, raising questions about the fate of the 240 Earth Servicemen and women stationed there.

Is this implying that portals can only be opened in fixed locations? I could have sworn there was a discussion about this some time ago.
No. 107992 ID: 7b7ab3

I believe it's a simple matter.
Once a portal is opened it is fixed and cannot be changed. But a portal can be closed and a new one can be created leading somewhere else. That's what I gathered, anyway.
No. 107994 ID: f6ba27
File 148523032713.png - (489.03KB , 960x609 , skutpile.png )

All of you are basically doing my worldbuilding for me and im just sitting here drawing skutpiles

Warning: NSFW and insanely canon
No. 107995 ID: 7b7ab3

You're welcome.

Zack is rubbing off on his alamads.

He wishes.
No. 107998 ID: f6ba27
File 148523180661.png - (491.03KB , 960x609 , skutpile.png )

wait i accidentally hid a layer

still really nsfw
No. 107999 ID: 03999c


No. 108000 ID: f6ba27

Originally this pic was going to be for a sight gag later where Zack calls Meg and she doesn't pick up. But then I decided it was 2lewd for the quest thread.
No. 108001 ID: 7b7ab3

U havin' a giggle, m8?
No. 108002 ID: 03999c


This is good stuff Skippeh. Also considering how long the war was, would there also be a possibility that the war necessitated a lot of experimental tech being made as well? Just using WW2 as an example, there were a lot of groundbreaking technological breakthroughs in about 7 years of total war, I wonder what could be done in 20+ years of it and what was at the time, a very real possibility of extinction. Right now we already have at the very least, proof of concepts or prototypes of smart bullets/smart sniper rifles, railguns, lasers, adaptive camo, plasma shielding, powered exo-skeletons, self piloted drones and God knows what else is in the skunkworks.

You'd think we would see things like that in the latter half of the war or perhaps post war? I know that Earth isn't twiddling it's thumbs waiting for Human Genocide Episode 2: The Empire Strikes Back; HVAO being such an example. If Meg's info happens to include reproducible floater tech, I would feel that would certainly be the case.
No. 108003 ID: a107fd

>A small modern cruise missile with a nuclear warhead weighs under a ton, could be transported in sections if needed, will have a range of a 50-100 km, and have a yield vastly in excess of Hiroshima. Given the likely non-existent state of Golborian air defence,

My guess is the Golborian response to a cruise missile attack would be for a floater to match speed, grab, and manually redirect it, ideally through a portal back to Earth, ala Tony Stark at the climax of the movie The Avengers. Given that movie's existence in-setting, Earth forces might be hesitant to risk shooting themselves in the foot on such a scale.
No. 108004 ID: 03999c


Is it bad that I can't tell if you are joking or not?
No. 108005 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 108011 ID: a107fd

Not even slightly joking. It's a perfectly logical thing to try, given that the Golborian military already includes strike witches fighter jets with prehensile hands. Floaters clearly have an excellent thrust-to-weight ratio, allowing them to maneuver effectively while carrying more than their own weight; just look at the stunts Meg was pulling with Zack strapped to her back on their first date. Cruise missiles, meanwhile, might have all sorts of fancy ECM and radar stealth, but to my understanding they can't have much in the way of visual or IR concealment, beyond flying low to hide in ground clutter, and there's just no room to add a point-defense turret. Redesigning a cruise missile to resist grappling with anything better than self-destruction would be a colossal engineering challenge.
No. 108012 ID: a107fd

Not even slightly joking. It's a perfectly logical thing to try, given that the Golborian military already includes strike witches fighter jets with prehensile hands. Floaters clearly have an excellent thrust-to-weight ratio, allowing them to maneuver effectively while carrying more than their own weight; just look at the stunts Meg was pulling with Zack strapped to her back on their first date. Cruise missiles, meanwhile, might have all sorts of fancy ECM and radar stealth, but to my understanding they can't have much in the way of visual or IR concealment, beyond flying low to hide in ground clutter, and there's just no room to add a point-defense turret. Redesigning a cruise missile to resist grappling with anything better than self-destruction would be a colossal engineering challenge.
No. 108014 ID: a107fd

Not even slightly joking. It's a perfectly logical thing to try, given that the Golborian military already includes strike witches fighter jets with prehensile hands. Floaters clearly have an excellent thrust-to-weight ratio, allowing them to maneuver effectively while carrying more than their own weight; just look at the stunts Meg was pulling with Zack strapped to her back on their first date. Cruise missiles, meanwhile, might have all sorts of fancy ECM and radar stealth, but to my understanding they can't have much in the way of visual or IR concealment, beyond flying low to hide in ground clutter, and there's just no room to add a point-defense turret. Redesigning a cruise missile to resist grappling with anything better than self-destruction would be a colossal engineering challenge.
No. 108016 ID: 475c49


To return to this for a sec: yeah that was pretty great. xD

As I said in the game thread (and I think I'm still learning what should go in the main quest thread and what should go here) I'm surprised Zach hasn't gotten any comments about being circumcised, assuming that's not A Thing on Golboria.

Hmm... Maybe they think all human cocks look like that? Potentially hilarious if so.


Keeping your focus on the important things. o7


Given it's the Floater's schtick, and Floaters are cool, I'm going to assume for the sake of argument that the best Floater aces could possibly match speed and vector with a cruise missile and intercept it. (Redirecting what is essentially a one-tonne aircraft when you're a plastic robot who weighs less than a human is straight-up impossible unless they can produce vastly more thrust than we've seen, but they could carry a demo charge or something.) This still leaves a couple of problems from the Golborian perspective however.
1. To intercept a missile you need to know it's coming, where it is, and where it's going. This means they need an extensive modern radar network, or whatever Golborian crystalpunk equivalent thereof. This is rather problematic for the Golborians because they likely don't have one, because they've never had a reason to. Remember that the Kariket unified Golboria when they were at a roughly early 20th century/late 19th century level of technology at most. Since then there's been no massed state-on-state warfare. Hence missile defence was likely not on the agenda for the Golborian military- stuff like counter-insurgency would be a far bigger priority. (Defence against rebel floaters might have been a priority but the Floater Collective seems too unified, and Floaters would be such nightmarishly impossible targets for early radar systems that I doubt any proposal would get off the ground. You'd need something like fifty years of development in the field to get to systems like AEGIS or SAMPSON which might conceivably be able to track a Floater; with no pressing reason to pay the literally billions of dollars worth of R&D to get to that level.) They also likely did not consider themselves vulnerable to portals being opened back at the outset of the war. Hence there is just no good reason why they'd have the kind of dense, advanced radar network needed to reliably spot cruise missiles ahead of time. You could try setting up some kind of visual observer corps, I suppose, but it would almost certainly be farcical and completely ineffective. By the time any kind of effective detection network can be set up, Golboria's two dozen largest cities would be smoking charnel houses. They might get lucky one or two times, and the bravery of a Floater ace might save the day, but they won't get lucky every time. I suspect software errors due to the foreign environment would probably stop more missiles than Golborian interception, honestly.
2. Cruise missiles can be stealthy. Even countries with fairly dense air defence networks like Iraq and Serbia were regularly penetrated by cruise strikes in the 80s and 90s. Modern cruise missiles can be stealthier than that.
3. Supersonic and even hypersonic cruise variants exist. (Almost exclusively for anti-shipping work, but they exist.) For the same weight limit, they'd have a shorter range, but we're still talking about far too wide an area to effectively patrol or shield from portals, assuming the latter is even possible.
4. I actually lowballed the range unintentionally earlier due to having looked at "small cruise missiles" and focused on a Chinese anti-shipping model that weighs about six hundred kilos with its warhead. A Tomahawk has a range considerably in excess of a thousand kilometres and weighs only 1.3 tonnes, significantly less weight than I'd assumed. This means the slower, stealthier ones can be launched much further away from cities, and the supersonic ones can be launched a bit further away too. Or small man-portable ones can be smaller, for that matter.
5. There is also a more extreme strategy open to the humans even if the Golborians can somehow shield their cities completely from portals (which I'm kinda dubious of), and can completely reliably shoot down cruise missiles (they I think they almost certainly can't). The humans could simply open portals in the countryside, and then detonate the largest warheads they could fit through. This wouldn't strike Golborian cities or military facilities directly- but if enough megatonnage could be detonated, and we are talking about somehting which could probably fit in couple dozen big crates here, the accumulated fallout and soot released into the atmosphere would still be an extinction-level event for Golboria, assuming their biosphere needs sunlight. Some would survive in bunkers, and live to rebuild afterwards, but most Golborian life would be wiped out. It's likely that in that eventuality, nearly-overrun human governments might also nuke themselves to prevent an Earth with an intact biosphere from being used as an emergency refugee colony or breadbasket. This by far the grimmest scenario of all.
No. 108017 ID: fceae5

>exterminatus golboria, then exterminatus earth out of SPITE
Who let the inquisition in here?
No. 108018 ID: a107fd

Mostly I was thinking visual observation works fine if you throw enough skut-hours at the problem.

>Redirecting what is essentially a one-tonne aircraft when you're a plastic robot who weighs less than a human is straight-up impossible
I agree a floater couldn't lift a ton by themselves, but redirecting an otherwise functional aircraft doesn't require as much force as lifting it outright. They'd just be fighting the missile's control surfaces, not the weight or the main thrust. Depending on population density, more than one floater might converge on a given missile and combine their efforts.

Regardless, Earth forces would have been thinking about the worst-case outcome, and with no floater defectors they wouldn't know exact performance specs. Some three-star general probably woke up screaming after a nightmare wherein the Kariket repeatedly slapped him across the face with his own hands, giggling "stop nuking yourself!"
No. 108023 ID: 9145ba

I just realized, if Meg and Poly were both pantsless, what state of disrobe is Zack in? In fact, the only time we've seen visible clothing is when he dressed for the concert.

Is Zack Nguyen a habitual nudist?
No. 108024 ID: 5b93d3

>2) Why do you think they'd be told beforehand? Even assuming that every defector immediately kills themselves after finding out the truth somehow, you could still likely ship through several nukes per defector before they find out. Even assuming only a handful of defectors, and there were implied to be quite a few, that equates to dozens of Golborian cities which can be obliterated.
They would not need to be told to know. Oculuts are far from stupid and as soon as they learn what a nuke is (and humanity has plenty of publicly available information on their function, their employment, methods of deployment, etc), the idea that they could be used as a deployment method to Golboria is an obvious one. And given that their defection was due to humanitarian (if you'll forgive the use of the term) reasons stemming from the tactics and strategy the Kariket was employing, trying to trick or force Oculot defectors to open portals against their will for that purpose would be counterproductive at best. The most you could hope for would be to get a single strike in by subterfuge and lose all your portal capability immediately afterward, which is not a good trade at all.

>I agree a floater couldn't lift a ton by themselves, but redirecting an otherwise functional aircraft doesn't require as much force as lifting it outright. They'd just be fighting the missile's control surfaces, not the weight or the main thrust.
This isn't just a cool idea, it's a tactic that was used in practice by the RAF to take down V1 cruise missiles: aircraft would loiter above expect flightpaths, dive to intercept and match speed, then fly with one wing below the wing of a V1 to modify its lift and cause the V1 to destabilise. This was prior to aircraft being developed that were fast enough to intercept while still carrying heavy enough cannon to take out a V1 (regular machine guns could not cause enough damage reliably).
No. 108026 ID: 03999c


1: Occulots, let alone defectors of an enemy force wouldn't be privy to something as classified as nuclear weapon transportation anyways, it would be quite easy to disguise such things in transportation, as fucked up as that sounds.

2: That is true V1s were intercepted by RAF craft, but the RAF was able to do this through radar detection and the fact that the V1s were extremely easy to detect through sight and sound. That simply isn't the case anymore, cruise missiles nowadays can speed at about mach 3 which is faster than any fighter jet in mankind's arsenal save for maybe the SR-71 and it also has much less of a visual and audible profile on top of that. This is assuming we are not bringing in something like the "Sickle-B" which can actively perform evasive maneuvers and deploy counter measures. The possibility of a Floater being able to intercept a missile is pretty slim as Skippeh has mentioned above.
No. 108027 ID: 475c49


There's a distinction between being able to nudge it slightly off-course (where it may still detonate or it may not, but ideally not above your city) and having the precision to thread the proverbial eye of the needle represented by a portal. The latter was what I was responding to, but you're right, they might be able to do the former. (A charge would probably be safer though, and also have a better chance of stopping the warhead from initiating.) I'm kind of perplexed why the portal would even still be open at that point for them to send it back through, or how the floater would find it. We're talking about a tiny target (which the floater doesn't know the location of) which is likely hours of flight time away.

Visual detection of cruise missile is close to impossible. Numbers aren't really the relative quantity here. Serbia didn't even attempt to, despite being excellent at air defence with limited resources, and despite having ample reason to attempt it were it feasible. Moreover the point that the Golborian military would realise that they need to set up a visual observer corps would necessarily be after the first strikes on Golborian cities, and organising such an entity until it became effective -leaving aside the inherent infeasability- would take probably take weeks at an absolutely wildly optimistic bare minimum.

You just can't defend yourself in a nuclear war with strike witches. I'm so sorry.


You joke, but the USSR planned to nuke Brazil and all the non-aligned countries simply to prevent them from being dominant post-war due to not having been struck. The US may have as well, although it's never been admitted to. Even New Zealand of all places probably wouldn't have gone without getting a few.

Nuclear war is just a horrible, horrible business.


How? When some human soldiers take some large crates through, as they've done dozens of times before already, how is the Oculot supposed to know what's in them this time?

Why do you think the humans would lose portal capability afterwards? Do you think the information that reaches these defectors can't be controlled for days or weeks? Do you think it wouldn't be possible to bring through several nukes per defector, within a relatively short time frame? By the time they realised what they'd facilitated it would be far too late.

Like, I'm not trying to be a tool here, but in this scenario the government is nuking Golborian cities for revenge/as a deterrent. They aren't going to shed many tears about lying, you know?
No. 108028 ID: 475c49

>You just can't defend yourself in a nuclear war with strike witches. I'm so sorry.

Since this sounds a bit overly snarky, and I like Meg, I should probably amend it to say that you can defend yourself in a nuclear war with strike witches (ignoring ballistic missiles), but you can't do it without an effective detection and tracking network in place when the war starts.


Also worth noting that the UK in WW2 had what was probably the best radar network at the time in the world, not to mention the Royal Observer Corps. Even then we still missed a quite a few. Doodlebugs were not that stealthy, as the name implies.

Given the lack of radar, cruise missiles wouldn't need to fly low, either. They'd be very close to invisible.
No. 108044 ID: 61c7b9

Okay I watched /tg/ eat itself alive with Strike Witches discussion, I don't want to see it here. W-what does this have to do with Enemy Quest?!
No. 108047 ID: 03999c


We were talking the possible scenario of Earth using nuclear weapons against Golboria during the Visitor War, among other things. I didn't know what "Strike Witches" was and actually had to google it only to find that it's some anime? I am guessing Strike Witches is in reference to the Floaters because they both have jets for legs.
No. 108051 ID: 61c7b9

Ah, that's reasonable.
No. 108052 ID: 475c49

On a completely different note from the last conversation, we should totally have a picnic with everyone sometime.

Are there any parks in NY which we know are Visitor-friendly?


Someone used it as shorthand for Floaters and I ended up using it as well. I'd hasten to add that I've never watched it myself.
No. 108054 ID: 03999c


It's a great idea but if there was to be a picnic I would suggest that it would be done before the gala and radio show, even then I'm still kinda iffy on the matter. I am probably thinking too much about this but these scenarios bring Zack further into a spotlight that makes him a bigger target for those who are already onto him and draws more attention to those who are looking to sate whatever passes for justice or vengeance in their minds. Anti-visitor sentiment is still high and it's not a long shot that there are more groups of people out there that want to do Zack and HVAO harm and have the resources to do so, this isn't even assuming the Kariket doesn't have agents Earth side as well which will make things even worse. We don't know what any of these groups have been up to or if anyone with ill-intent has been successfully shadowing Zack and I understand that HVAO security is doing it's best to keep Zack and the other candidates safe but their track record so far (*cough* Hiz *cough*) doesn't give me too much confidence. (I don't want anyone else to die damn it!)
No. 108072 ID: 475c49


Fair point.

I think if it's somewhere like a park, one of the advantages is that if we choose the place well, we can control it to some extent. Make it defensible. We'd have Meg, GG, Poly, HVAO security if we ask for it, and whatever Bika may have secretly patrolling as well. I don't think most of the people after us would want to engage in a full-on battle in a New York park, not yet anyway, nor would they necessarily be able to put together sufficient muscle on short notice. Honestly what I'd worry more about would be someone -Krin say- getting grabbed on their way there, rather than an actual incident at the picnic itself.

Making sure everyone has an escort there and back again would be important, I think. I agree with you that before the gala/interview release might also be better. If we get a few photos snapped of us and it starts trending on social media a day before the gala though, that's only going to help raise our profile.
No. 108107 ID: 03999c

I can't shrug off the feeling that we have been giving Enemy ammunition to use in the quest...
No. 108108 ID: f6ba27

They don't call me Friend
No. 108110 ID: 03999c


For the record I plead the 5th!
No. 108112 ID: 350a50

There's an age old idiom in the /tg/ community called: don't give the DM ideas.
No. 108114 ID: 9145ba

Guys, what if the Kariket had a sudden change of heart, and also a heart attack?
No. 108116 ID: 493b5f

Might be a good idea to try think of what the most dangerous potential questions/topics would be in the interview, and consider what the best ways of handling those would be.

Like, what if Zack runs into: "There's a rumor skuts have a hive mind. Being in a close relationship with a skut, can you confirm or deny anything like that?"
No. 108117 ID: 03999c

That question is a bit on the nose don't you think? Say answering questions like that fall under the NDA you signed with HVAO, it's better then giving the "cannot confirm nor deny" phrase as that implies it being true.
No. 108119 ID: 493b5f


I think it would still be read the same way as the "cannot confirm", really. Anyway, it was just an example. What'll the answer be to the whole polyamory question, for another?
No. 108120 ID: db0da2

>I think it would still be read the same way as the "cannot confirm", really
Do we care? All we need to do is obey the NDA, we ourselves have no real interest in concealing important info on visitor biology from the public.
No. 108122 ID: 475c49

IIRC the Skut hivemind staying secret was important enough to the Golborian side that revealing it was on pain of execution. (Which is a bit odd since the Visitors on Earth are technically exiles anyway, but W/E.) I'm not sure it's something we should even be hinting at if we can help it.
No. 108123 ID: 7b7ab3

We absolutely must NOT reveal the secret about the skut.
No. 108132 ID: d36af7

Well, that's rather ominous.
No. 108157 ID: 03999c


We should have sent that info the HVAO anyways, to people whose job is to collect and disseminate info properly because they totally don't have a considerable amount of Golborian secrets already courtesy of Meg. Because lets face it, this secret doesn't stop at Zack. There are people far more observant and inquisitive than him that will put the pieces together eventually and what they decide to do with that info could lead to far greater problems later.
No. 108159 ID: d073ee


Even if it's logically the right choice to reveal it (which may not be the case), Bika specifically asked us not to reveal it and we shouldn't break trust with her. That'd be a huge dick move.
No. 108161 ID: 475c49


The government quite possibly already knows or suspects, or at least the small and terrifyingly pragmatic parts which need to. They have a lot of smart people working for them, and there were probably some hideous experiments done during the War.

But breaking trust with Bika, or leaving any traceable way that we or someone close to us can be identified as having given up the secret? It's just not worth it.

We could tell Carlson, if we really think it's important to divulge it. But only with Bika's okay, and only if there's a good reason to think it might help and he won't know already.
No. 108162 ID: 7a5065

So we're all agreed that we won't reveal any secrets entrusted to us, right?
Not GG's bondage deal, not Poly's memories, and not the skut hiveminds.
Because those are pretty big and important secrets. The kind of big and important secrets that, if revealed, could ruin Zack's relationships and potentially get him killed stone dead.
No. 108166 ID: 9145ba

This brings up a good point. We should ask Meg if she's already dropped the hint to the HVAO about skut hiveminds. She's kind of your boss too now, so she can make a decision on this.

Failing that, I would keep this infomation absolutely need-to-know, like if the Golborians started sending over skut suicide squads again.
No. 108169 ID: 03999c


A dick move? Most certainly but I am sure no one was thinking of the bigger picture when the decision was made to not divulge extremely important info to the proper authorities and didn't think are we are doing the adversaries job for them in keeping that secret. All in the name of a relationship of course...

(Forgive me if I sound a bit salty, I knew /quest/ was full of "cupids" but was not thinking it was to this extent.)

Bring the subject back up with Bika, convince her to let us do it. Skuts and Visitors in general are technically second class citizens, the law (especially for Skuts) is NOT in their favor currently. Assuming the Governments of Earth don't know about this, what happens when a news organization gets a hold of that secret and therefore the public at large when legislation has had no time to form specialized laws and rights to protect Skuts from the depredations of others? I would think that the proper dissemination of that info would ultimately benefit everyone and would put pressure on legislation to speed the lawmaking process. But I also fear that if someone finds out the secret and then it is known that Zack knew this for quite sometime and chose not to report it, people would have further justification in thinking he is a traitor.
No. 108171 ID: 350a50

So let's take those arguments to Bika and present our case.
No. 108172 ID: 76b09c


Bika's concern, or at least one of them, is that once people realize a single skut body is only part of a greater individual, they'll be treated worse than before. They're already being treated badly, and this is when the law and wider human society believes that each skut life is that of a single sentient being. The fear is that once the truth is known, people will be more willing to badly hurt skut bodies or allow them to be hurt.

Can you really make an argument that that won't be the case? Even in regards how they'll be treated legally? The courts might start treating skut deaths as equivalent to just physical injury. Skuts aren't being treated well right now, but people do seem to be refraining from actually killing them. If the secret gets out, the people who are kicking skuts today might be running over skuts with their cars tomorrow.
No. 108174 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 108182 ID: 03999c


Really? I believe that fear in particular is unfounded. All of those idiots don't know that they are messing with a collective organism comprised of multiple bodies. They kick one, they think it's just one Skut, no problem. What is that one Skut going to do about it? But knowing you are kicking one when in reality you are kicking a collective of a 100+ is a far greater deterrent and if anyone respected the fact that Skuts are (or at least should be) US citizens they would still have the rights of a US citizen.

You are implying that Skut lives are always going to be at a lesser value from a legal stand point (and it is, currently), when it doesn't have to be that way. The current laws suck ass and it has to change along with everyone's mentality on Skuts but that is only going to happen when there is enough awareness and facts on the issue. Skuts being the creatures they are do present a lot of problems in a human legal system but it can be done, there has be a better alternative than this. #Skutlivesmatter
No. 108184 ID: 4854ef

The problem for me is that they seem to treat it the same as you explain here considering that Bika was quite willing to torture an 'individual' Skut.
No. 108185 ID: 7b7ab3

It's starting to sound like you just want to be contrary.
No. 108188 ID: 03999c

I apologize, I got a little carried away there. The revealing of the Skut secret IS a threefold proposition. One, we deny the Kariket one more secret to use as a possible advantage (or if anything, denying him the secret just out of spite) and secondly, I believe the sooner people understand what the Skuts are, the sooner a resolution for all of this can be found. Thirdly, Zack won't be accused of anything if somehow someone finds out he had this info and chose not to report it.
No. 108189 ID: 9145ba

An alternative: When we tell the HVAO the truth, the story that goes public is that skuts have species-specific telepathy, causing skuts that live together to develop an innate mental link. What one skut does, another feels. Now, instead of being viewed as only part of a whole, they are viewed as having their 'buddies' on speed dial - hopefully discouraging violence instead of inviting it.
No. 108190 ID: 03999c

This is part of what I am trying to get across but without slightly spinning the truth, if that is what it takes though then I'd be down for that.
No. 108193 ID: 7b7ab3

Do you guys remember what happened when we told Poly about the full extent of the dreams?
Now imagine that, but INFINITELY WORSE.
That is what I am foreseeing if the secret is spilled.
No. 108194 ID: 9f3729

This though, that is a really poor idea. Why would you give people tactical information to use against your hive mind girlfriend?
No. 108209 ID: 398fe1

One thing worries me about the NPR thing. What if the person we spoke to wasn't actually Kathleen? I'd hope the HVAO would be able to verify that, but if it was an impostor then we just let slip that Zack will be at the MOMA, and he could be attacked. Or Poly, or Meg.

It's also possible that even if it is Kathleen, she'll tell other people that Zack's gonna show up there, and it'll cause a huge fuss and maybe trigger an incident just because it became public knowledge.
No. 108210 ID: 7b7ab3

Those are


unwarranted concerns.
No. 108214 ID: 9145ba

>Why would you give people tactical information to use against your hive mind girlfriend?
Uh, because it's our job. Remember why the HVAO hired us. And it's not to use against her, it's to use for the improvement of human-Visitor relations. (so, against any skut soldiers Golboria employs.)
No. 108215 ID: 7b7ab3

Zack is a diplomat/cultural analyst/spy/gigolo.
He's not military intelligence.
It's not his job to give earth ammo to use against Visitors.
You and some others here seem pretty stuck in some kind of soldier mindset.
No. 108217 ID: 9145ba

Understanding skuts are a hivemind is very important to understanding skut culture. Still our job.
No. 108219 ID: f7e6cc

I am beginning to believe that you simply want to tell because you want to create drama.
No. 108220 ID: 9145ba

I don't want to tell at all without Bika's permission. What I want to do is mitigate harm if we have to tell, and to see if Meg has already done so, making it pointless to continue hiding it from the HVAO.
No. 108221 ID: 7b7ab3

>Bika's permission
She hasn't given it and I doubt she will.
>Meg has already done so
She would have told Zack if she had.
No. 108222 ID: 087660

We haven't seen GG once since the new thread started and that is really bothering me.
No. 108226 ID: 9145ba
File 148573953079.gif - (84.24KB , 450x281 , did u just assume my hivemind.gif )

No. 108230 ID: 03999c

You are mistaking "soldier mindset" with what we believe would make the world a better place for everyone in the long run. Yeah sure it will provide some valuable insight for our boys and girls in camo if shit goes sideways again but this alone isn't the main motivation (at least mine anyways) as to why we want to tell HVAO about the Skuts (with Bika's blessing if possible) but I feel you are trying to say that the military applications is the sole motivation for doing this, when it is not. Zack is a part of a covert ops organization that is for all intents and purposes a military intelligence organization if what Meg is doing is true so that statement doesn't hold any water. The servers Meg has access to is going to have far more damning and exploitable info than letting HVAO know that Skuts are a hive mind, which makes me wonder why you aren't against that if "giving ammo" to Earth is the problem here. You are comparing a single bullet to the 20 full mags.

I hope I am not reading this right but you and the other guy seem to be quite dismissive with "You are doing this just to be contrary" or "You just want this to cause drama" when we are discussing and debating what we should do and why should we do it, just like anyone else would in this thread. I don't see what the problem is here.
No. 108233 ID: 475c49

Knowledge of skut hivemind could become relevant at some point, if military intelligence and the upper echelons of the HVAO don't already know. I suspect they may do, if they've surveilled skuts or experiments were done on Visitors during the war. We could ask Bika for her permission if it looks like it might actually be crucial, but otherwise why would we? It's not even close to the top of Zach's list right now.

Our dreams when we sleep next to Poly, on the other hand, might prove crucial in preventing another war. But we'll need Poly's full cooperation and a plan before we move forward with that. The first step will have to be explaining to her why we think it's important, and that a lot of what we've seen seemingly doesn't appear to be directly about her. Maybe we could even offer to learn lucid dreaming techniques, so we can abort any dreams which are directly about her. I don't think it will be easy, but I think it could be very important.


I wish we hadn't revealed that, but it's kind of a done deal now. We could let the HVAO know when we call them about the interview, though. The pictures kind of lead me to think it really was Ms. Caritas though.
No. 108234 ID: 9f3729
File 148576282448.png - (1.64KB , 320x240 , image macro for emphasis.png )

Dear everyone in this thread
No. 108235 ID: 03999c

Aye so be it, I made my case and I'll put it on the back burner until it's relevant.
No. 108244 ID: 8d4593

We should sleep next to the sheep sometime. See if dreams happen then.
No. 108245 ID: fceae5

That's not a bad idea.
No. 108246 ID: 475c49


I am down with this plan. Multiple trials might be needed to obtain conclusive results of course.

On a side note, Google Chrome has for some reason decided to use a tiny picture of Krin's face as the icon for the quest thread. Does anyone else get this? I feel there's a message there somewhere...
No. 108247 ID: b15da4

No. 108248 ID: 9f3729

That's the favicon, tgchan allows for custom ones thanks to the diligent modhood of slinkyboy
Im the guy what drew it, too!
No. 108250 ID: 475c49


No. 108252 ID: 03999c

Like you said Zack still needs to convince Poly and she seemed pretty adamant about not doing it, thankfully for Zack charisma isn't his dump stat. What should he say? I think I remember someone saying that we should make it clear that the dreams seem to be focusing on seemingly random events and not just her in particular...

Unless it is...

Remember when Zack was able to see a part GG's childhood? She was present when that happened so it I am thinking if the presence of others is a variable that can be reliably reproduced that changes what Zack sees, which if that is the case then what we have seen so far definitely has something to do with Poly. We know that she isn't a saint and she knows enough that can get a lot of people killed, similar to what Hiz had stated. (May he rest in peace.)
No. 108260 ID: 475c49


I think her secrets probably will turn out to be intermingled with secrets of the Kariket and the war, yeah. There's no easy way to unpick those which I can see.
No. 108265 ID: dfa669

hey so like.....the new dulamad/golborian snake plissken looks Nice. GG has good taste.
No. 108268 ID: 3a73ab

No. 108273 ID: 475c49


He looks like a pirate and/or soldier of fortune.

A sexy piratical soldier of fortune.
No. 108276 ID: fceae5

I'll bet he's a total sweetheart.
Bad boys don't seem like GG's type.
No. 108326 ID: e22b1d


Just when I start to forget why Bika is best girl she gets the tits and soviet sniper rifles out.
No. 108327 ID: d942de

I swear to God, if she so much as utters "cyka..."
No. 108358 ID: 03999c

I knew she was going to show up eventually, one of those "Earth for Earth" types.
No. 108361 ID: 097ede

Forgive me my pondering, but notice how they say "Earth for Earth" and not "Earth for humans."
I wonder...
No. 108363 ID: 350a50

As long as she's not with the Foundation, I think we're okay.
No. 108368 ID: 03999c

Yeah, it may have some implications but I think "Earth for Earth" does mean Earth for humans only. It was stated that they didn't really didn't think too much into it.

Regardless, these guys are bad news and having a battle hardened Skut with a FUCKING. SNIPER. RIFLE. Is a pretty nice insurance policy, what I am worried about is that they admitted to scouting various locations Zack has been to in the text conversation, which means that they must have been tracking Zack and/or his friends movements for some time now. They wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have some plan in the works. Considering their views on solving things "eloquently" (End of Thread 3) it may get messy real quick if Zack isn't careful, these may be the same people that killed Hiz and sent one of HVAOs candidates to death's door.
No. 108369 ID: 03999c

Well shit, I was wrong about that part but I was right about the Kariket have agents of sorts on the other side. But I agree with the statement that going through with Betty's plan could be exactly what the Kariket wants.

Bravo Enemy, I love these turn of events.
No. 108378 ID: dfa669

>>108273 /Absolutely/

Also, wow, Brom, fantastic job at this, this is incredible.
Side note: As someone who is poly (/badumtss) you have portrayed polyamorous relationships very accurately! So, kudos to that.
No. 108381 ID: 5b93d3

If Mystery Girl has really shirked the Kariket's mind control (if her story even has any credence), what was she doing with the rank-and-file Earth Supremacy nutters? Even if the HVAO's program isn't going to do anything to forstall a war - and that is hardly it's point anyway - attacking it is only going to weaken humanities main advantage over the Kariket: the ability to encourage and embrace defectors. Attempting to kill the Kariket would undo a good chunk of that, and even succeeding would leave a collapsing government with an excellent scapegoat for enforced cohesion: a common enemy.

My guess would be she's after Polyphema. No idea whether she's really an agent of the Kariket (the best way to control someone subtly is to let them think they've broken your control), and an agent of some Earth-based organisation, or even an independent actor. But the only thing she's asked for has literally been 'get me close to Poly'.

With Hizalian dead, and Poly also apparently someone highly placed in Golborian society, it would make sense form the Kariket to be trying to eliminate any potential popular figureheads that could be used in any coup attempt against him. If he can remove anyone who could probably be a target of a peaceful transition of power, than any coup plotters would be looking at starting from scratch rather than taking over an existing power structure.
No. 108408 ID: 518dbd

Anyone who isn't functionally retarded realizes that monogamy is one of the dumbest things mankind ever decided to inflict on itself.
No. 108409 ID: 518dbd

Anyone who isn't functionally retarded realizes that monogamy is one of the dumbest things mankind ever decided to inflict on itself.
No. 108411 ID: 65ec8d


Ok, I have to argue with you, because I studied philosophy and anthropology in college and it's reflexive at this point.

First: when you're an ancient clan, tribe or society and you want to build an alliance, tying the two groups together by blood is an obvious way of sealing the deal, because both groups will (theoretically) be invested in the child that shares their heritages. However, placental reproduction has the problem that while women can always be sure which children are theirs, men can't (at least not at that technology level), so a great many societies end up creating a rule that any given woman has to have only one designated babydaddy at a time, to prevent confusion, hurt feelings, and the stab wounds inflicted as a result of hurt feelings. From a purely practical point of view, it's sensible, under all the ritualistic traditions and taboos that inevitably get built up around it. That's why it became common (though not universal - there's a tradition of polyandry in some parts of tibet, IIRC, and other situations such as the "village wives" of I think certain african tribes). Societies where politics and alliances and hierarchies were important were especially prone to this. And since you have roughly equal amounts of women to men in some societies, and either a sense of fairness or people demanding fairness, often this gets further codified into monogamy.

Now, that's only under the understanding of marriage/romantic relationships as a practical arrangement to share resources and raising of children. We modern western humans aren't into that so much any more, but I'm mentioning it for completeness' sake.

Second: If you're talking about romantic love, this is more uneven ground. Certainly polyamory is perfectly legitimate, fulfilling, etc. for some people, but I would argue that under the modern concept of romantic relationships, where you're expected to devote a certain quality and quantity of attention and maintenance and thought and time to the relationship, the majority of people aren't really capable of polyamory long-term. It's just a matter of the emotional energy you're capable of. To be successfully polyamorous, I think you need... ok, keep in mind I don't intend to insult polyamorous people either, but I'm also going to say this is going to sound more complimentary than I mean it to: you need to have a big heart. And I mean that in two senses, first that you need to be capable of the emotional output that a healthy polyamorous relationship demands, and second that you need to have a space for it. Like, there has to be something about you that makes you kinda NEED more than one romantic relationship. If a person doesn't have that need then I think most likely they wouldn't usually bother searching for an extra partner, because having extra partners is a serious investment, as I said before, and you have to have something that drives you to bother with it. In addition to just having more emotional stamina than a lesser person.

So, while I think polyandry/gamy is fine, I don't think it could ever be a social institution or an expectation the way monogamy is, the sense in a society that your life isn't fully complete without it. Of course, that's talking about romance, not just friends with benefits or other various shades of affectionate sexual relationship, but still it's all more complicated than monogamy, and I think the majority of people (not a huge majority) would be either incapable or unwilling to meet the demands of that complexity.

Oh, and third: In less advanced societies, where people have poor ideas/practice of hygiene, one way of limiting transmission of disease is to stop people sharing body fluids as much as possible, then a kind of unnatural natural selection happens and that's why in places where people can't or don't bathe you get priests telling people they shouldn't have sex except with one person for the purpose of reproduction. It sort of works a bit but there are a lot better methods, like washing yourself, if you're lucky enough to not live in a desert. Too bad the priests also tell you washing yourself more than once a month is pagan vanity. Sigh.

Anyway, no, I disagree, monogamy is not one of the dumbest things mankind ever decided to inflict on itself. It's regrettable under the concept of an ideal world but makes sense in context.
No. 108412 ID: 9f3729

Good to see tgchan's anthropology degree is getting some use arguing with tgchan
No. 108415 ID: 06555b

I've been thinking about what "Betty" said about Poly manipulating Zack and how he'll probably develop psyonic abilities.
Firstly, I don't think it's as bad as she thinks. Remember that she's drawing on her experience with the Kariket, and you know that wasn't a healthy relationship. He used his bullshit mind control power to force her to love him, and she only managed to break free when she developed powers of her own. By comparison, Zack and Poly are absolutely ideal. They entered a romantic/sexual relationship willingly and by all accounts their feelings developed naturally. Judging by events in the quest and from "Betty's" claims, it would seem that Poly's simply been fanning the flames. Zack's no less guilty of that, with or without psychic powers.
Secondly, it's not like it's not a fair trade. Poly, and likely any oculot entering such a relationship with a human, transmitted the memories of her past acquaintances in dream form. That's a very good way for someone like Zack to learn just about everything about her. That kind of complete openness would leave an oculot extremely vulnerable, at least to the person having the dreams, AKA the oculot's lover. What better way to learn about someone than through the testimony of their past loves?
No. 108418 ID: 518dbd

This is why monogamous people tend to be nerds or uglies trying to hedge their bets.
No. 108420 ID: 7b7ab3

You make some good points. I wonder how long it takes for powers to start appearing. Will they make it possible for Zack to mind-meld with oculots safely without the use of an inhibitor?
No. 108421 ID: 350a50

As someone who has also taken anthropology and sociology, I agree, monogamy has many practical reasons for existing.

Wouldn't 'nerds and uglies' be more likely to pursue multiple partners, simply to increase the chance of scoring with at least one? Monogamy doesn't seem like the logical choice for desperate people at all.
No. 108422 ID: 91cfcf

The issue is less scoring and more reproducing. You either need to sow your oats REALLY widely to try and ensure that the lucky spermatozoon is yours, or go monogamous.
No. 108424 ID: 518dbd

Pursuit isn't scoring. Good polys score as many fucks as they can. People who suck at the game hook one person and go monogamous if they are lucky.
No. 108425 ID: f6ba27

Wow i didn't know there were so many pickup experts on furry website tgchan
No. 108426 ID: 7b7ab3

I have to wonder what EQ's in-universe 4Chan is like. How bad has /pol/ become? Is there a Visitor board? Would it be called /vis/?
No. 108427 ID: 4854ef

If there even is one given the amounts of people murdered off by visitors.
No. 108428 ID: 7b7ab3

Never underestimate the power of memes and shitposting.
What kind of threads would there be? Threads about oculots and there powers? What would a Warrior thread look like? Could a Floater beat Captcha? Imagine all the (You)s skuts would get.
No. 108429 ID: 350a50

If we got enough proxies, could we shitpost about Kariket's powers on 4chan?
No. 108430 ID: 7b7ab3

They'd probably just tell us to go to /x/ or something.
No. 108431 ID: 91cfcf

Sure. Heck, why would we need proxies?
No. 108433 ID: 9145ba

Or /aco/, since EQ is linked in the xeno thread's OP.

By the way, who here found out about Enemy Quest from there?
No. 108435 ID: 91ee5f

Clearly, you have underestimated us.

Since I have no idea what that is, I'm obviously not one.
No. 108436 ID: 9145ba

>I'm obviously not one.
Then replying to the question serves no purpose. -_-
No. 108437 ID: bb78f2

My solution for dealing with the Karikat
Only replace Bikini Bottom with Earth... or our harem.

You know, if Poly could open a portal to Earth on Golboria, or the government could open a portal to Golboria on Earth, could we open a Portal to Earth-3 or Golboria-3 or whatever?

I think we should just take our harem, and make a new quest out of it that is basically just Sliders.
No. 108438 ID: 350a50

That's... technically not a dumb idea.
No. 108439 ID: 9f3729

Holy shit
No. 108440 ID: 9f3729

Holy shit
No. 108443 ID: f6795e

First off: Does Betty remind anyone of Jessica Jones?
Second of Jesus Christ guys. Polyamory works if you have the emotional stamina to handle more than one romantic relationship, its neither better nor worse than monogamy. Theres nothing bad with not wanting to date more than one person.
No. 108447 ID: 518dbd

A lack of physical and emotional stamina, and by extension a lack of physical and emotional maturity, is what sets monos apart from polys. Monos die sexually unfulfilled and fundamentally inexperienced in the very purpose of human existence: to collect diverse sexual experiences. Polyamory embraces this, exhibiting greater awareness of and fitness for the human condition. I don't pity monos even though they are less developed in all aspects.
No. 108448 ID: 7b7ab3

>polyamory elitists
This is hilarious. How did we avoid attracting people like this for so long? I feel like I'm witnessing a spectacle of some kind.
No. 108449 ID: 350a50

I'm literally losing my shit at this guy. It's like listening to televangelists.
No. 108450 ID: 5fc80c

No. 108451 ID: 67456a


God in Heaven, Brom continues to have the best fanbase for this quest.
No. 108453 ID: bb78f2

Dude, guys, come on don't get distracted from the real issue
Crisis on infinite earths
Karikat vs. Karikat
No. 108454 ID: f6795e

.......I can't believe you ever got laid. I just. I just can't. Oh my god. Oh my god?

Anyway, Betty's story seems legit but like...Poly would not make a good Revolution Figure, she's trying so hard to leave that life. God, I wish I could know all the juicy lore/writing without carpetbombing our relationship with Poly.
No. 108460 ID: 398fe1

Please stop characterizing the entire fanbase as sharing the beliefs of a single troll.
No. 108461 ID: 67456a

Buddy, I love this quest, and consider myself a fan, but this fanbase eats itself every five minutes. This is just something new from Rome, so to speak.
No. 108476 ID: 2120ee

Poly opened the first portal to Earth.

It's what Betty was referring to when she said "Tell her there are people who know what she did, and haven't forgiven her."
No. 108479 ID: 7b7ab3

Interesting theory.
I personally think that she did some extremely questionable things during her freedom fighter days.
No. 108482 ID: f6ba27
File 148636486859.png - (70.48KB , 960x700 , polyti1.png )

Bromhmu with any requests
Bromof my chars
RMLzack stocking shelves
RMLplease let me finish
Bromall he did was smoke weed behind the store
RMLthe stockings are worn by poly and serve as shelves for ropes
Bromthats canon
Brombut im not sure what the action verb is

here u go RML
No. 108483 ID: f6ba27

To make it fair to the non-IRC dudes i'll take a lewdle request from the disthread too
No. 108484 ID: 2120ee

Zack making out with his true waifu, the weed he used to smoke behind the store.
No. 108485 ID: f6ba27

Not lewd
No. 108488 ID: 65ec8d


DudeBikas, pre-Meg, getting frustrated after hanging around Zack's other girls (maybe that one night when they all went off together and Bika declined to join) and trying to vent with some girlBikas. Basically Bika masturbation. Maybe with like a thought bubble with sketch bits and pieces of the other girls as seen/distorted by Bika's perspective. Perhaps the specific girlBika could be ex-soldier Bika, getting started on her new job?
No. 108490 ID: 9145ba

What if Skuts were the tallest and Garaktons the smallest?
No. 108494 ID: f6795e

GG and her new garakton bf?
No. 108496 ID: a363ac

No. 108498 ID: 4063a3
File 148640493955.png - (118.22KB , 600x600 , chuckpile.png )

the retaliation
No. 108500 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 108507 ID: bb78f2

The best lewd's are lore lewd's
Zack's first time
or GG's
or Poly's
or Krin's
or the Karikat's...
No. 108512 ID: 65ec8d

Actually, is there a good recent reference for how skut legs/feet work? The feet aren't usually shown and it's easy to imagine your old standard toe walk but on closer inspection it's thigh, knee, mid-leg, other knee, shin, heel, foot, toe?
No. 108513 ID: f6795e

The feet seem digitigrade to me!
No. 108518 ID: f6ba27
File 148643510774.png - (176.75KB , 1032x729 , bikarelief.png )

what up
No. 108519 ID: 7b7ab3

>flappy bird
Ow, my sides!
No. 108520 ID: f6ba27

Also have a super secret link to the NON CANON and NON CONSENSUAL version of this image

No. 108521 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 108524 ID: 9f3729

it's not canon, don't worry, your fictional cyclops alien girlfriend is still as happy as an emotionally-devastated possible war criminal can be
(Which is still like, not very, but still)
No. 108525 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 108529 ID: 9f3729

What principle tho
No. 108531 ID: f6ba27

This one would be cool but it has too many dang arms for me to commit
No. 108532 ID: 398fe1

You drew practically that many arms in the last image!
No. 108533 ID: 9f3729

a compromise between the lack of static updates and noncon could be...

keesh noncon
No. 108538 ID: f6795e

Maybe they can wear mittens.
No. 108541 ID: aec381

So I was thinking about this quest today and Bika, aside from being the second greekest name I have ever heard, is notedly feminine. Do skuts have multiple names so as to adjust for gender?
No. 108543 ID: f6795e

I think that Skutti names on Golboria are unisex because hiveminds, but that they use the pronouns of the Prime body/hivequeen/king/whatever. Like Pirgatea is referred to as a she?
No. 108553 ID: e22b1d

What about seeing some of that sweet vanilla lesbian sex GG and Poly are having without us?
No. 108556 ID: f6ba27
File 148653207049.jpg - (50.56KB , 640x1136 , snapsr_com-1ba68a0f727483b619e9d92ae11e35c2.jpg )

No. 108557 ID: f6ba27
File 148653223027.png - (66.66KB , 525x729 , snap.png )

original non-snapcropped version
No. 108559 ID: 7b7ab3

Oh, bby.
No. 108572 ID: 10a70b

What about Krin living the weird human / oculot porn scene she was writing?
No. 108576 ID: b15da4

While she's writing it.

While Zack's reading it.

While clowns juggle unicycles in the background.
No. 108588 ID: f6ba27
File 148662607702.png - (181.56KB , 1032x729 , krinwrite.png )

A look into the Writer's Professional Process
No. 108589 ID: f6ba27

ok slots closed that's the last of the lewdles unless you earn it in quest or commission it

just so i dont stuff my questdis with porn
No. 108591 ID: e70e36

You are a fine, upstanding gentleman, sir.
Thank you.
No. 108601 ID: b073ca
File 148669207857.png - (241.54KB , 683x800 , 2-8-2017 aftercarepoly.png )

Always remember: aftercare is important.
No. 108604 ID: 7b7ab3

And Zack is nothing if not caring.
No. 108611 ID: 7f7556

>implying poly wouldn't be doing the tying
No. 108612 ID: 9f3729

>implying poly isn't a switch
No. 108647 ID: a363c8

When we first met Sniper!Bika, the most prominent question I had was, "Does it count as cheating to lust after another girl if she and the girl you're currently with are both expendible bodies of a single collective consciousness?"

However, considering Bika's main fetish seems to be roleplay, one scenario she and Zack could do would invoke this, with him "cheating" on Prime!Bika with Sniper!Bika and possibly getting caught.
No. 108651 ID: 65ec8d


I don't think that really works, considering Zack has lusted at other Bikas before and it was never even slightly a thing.
No. 108668 ID: 91ee5f

And then there's another surprise Dragon!Bika attack!
No. 108685 ID: 8cb228

So several people have noticed that the quest has attracted 'idiots and trolls'.

Is there anything that can be done about this? That will prevent the character from acting incredibly out of character?
No. 108686 ID: f6ba27

You're overreacting. Joke comments don't bother me and won't hurt the quest. My well-intentioned suggesters jumping down the throats of people who make them and possibly driving them off will.

I've said this many times now, and it's not something I'm thrilled to repeat here: don't tell other people how to play this quest.
No. 108689 ID: b7f276

So I just reread Enemy and I can't believe I missed that Meg talks to an air traffic controller on our first contact with her. That's crazy. And that got me thinking on all of the business that that entails. Take into consideration the paintball scene and the flight ban and the way it all works together is just wild. But it could work? Maybe? I'm gonna go ahead and nerd out on aeronautics stuff for a (long) bit here.

The presence of ATC suggests that the Floaters are being monitored, likely by radar unless there are visual controllers all over NYC. And that's ridiculous. Floaters are pretty small, though, so that would mean something like there being bird radar units (or some Enemy tech equivalent) installed all over the city just to track Floaters. That's still a bit out there.

But there's another answer. The paintball scene has multiple Floaters doing aerial acrobatics in close proximity. That's insane. What if they collided? Imagine you're going top speed on a bike and you smash into someone. That'd be terrible. Now have that in mid-air and going, I dunno, two or three times as fast? That sounds life threatening.

Normally, aerial acrobatics are executed in either a specialized, contained environment (airshow) or in a do or die situation (dogfighting, which I know jack and shit about). Like you know how in Top Gun where they buzz the tower at high speed? Even that shit is pointed out in the 7110.65 (the regulatory document for ATC) and it says 'don't let them do that shit'. Because it's dangerous. So, how could the Floaters so confidently do such maneuvers in a spontaneous environment?

There's actually a reasonable answer. We have two special pieces of technology in a lot of our planes: Mode C Transmitters and the TCAS. Mode C Transmitters basically tell radar units where the plane is while simultaneously conveying other useful info (like if they're experiencing an emergency). The TCAS is a system on board an aircraft that reads these Mode C Transmissions and recognize when they're too close, offering guidance on how to resolve a potential conflict scenario. Slap both of these onto a sentient being and suddenly Floaters have limited spatial awareness of each other and are able to take action to avoid collision. Admittedly, it's still a bit of a stretch, but who's to say Floater collision avoidance technology isn't superior to ours?

This also directly leads to how humanity could enforce a flight ban. If Floaters can 'see' each others' transmissions, what's to stop a radar unit from observing these signals in the same way they'd observe a Mode C transmission? It's like having a tracking device installed on each and every Floater. And that's fucked up. Of course, a clever girl like Megumi has probably figured out how to turn hers off. That kind of thing would only be useful if they were in the air, after all.

I'm not saying that it's perfect. Realistically, structures have a nice habit of interfering with radar transmissions, making radar blindspots. So long as a Floater stayed anonymous, they'd probably be able to fly without any real repercussions. What's someone going to do, chase them? Hah! No, it's radar identification that would really get them down and as stated above, detecting (much less tracking) a small target at low level in a city environment sounds questionable. I'm not a radar guy, so I couldn't say for sure, but it sounds crazy. And if they can turn their identifier off, well, it's hardly a problem at all then, is it?

Then of course there's the issue of ATC. I don't know how many Floaters there are, but getting air traffic controllers to monitor them sounds like a nightmare. Controllers would hate it. A bunch of radar signals flying around at low level that just do whatever the hell they want? How do you control that? I mean, they're breaking basic .65 rules just by flying close to buildings. They wouldn't let a C-172 do that. They wouldn't let a helicopter do that. But they have to let these aliens do it? Man, what a situation. And what would a controller actually do? Do they issue traffic calls on other floaters? Likely not. All ATC would really do is monitor them and give warnings if they're approaching airspace boundaries. Any self respecting controller would haaaaate that. But maybe there'd be special Floater controllers that receive less training since they're just monitors? I can imagine the ATC community being complete and utter dicks to those poor guys.

Anyway, I'm trying to explain fiction with technology I'm not intimately familiar with. It was fun to think about at the very least. Hopefully we can get Meg out into the country and get her into some nice G Airspace, let her play. Take that vacation that got brought up a couple threads back maybe and give these poor characters some peace. Or maybe that's an epilogue kind of thing?
No. 108704 ID: 9a72f1


We're being recorded by someone who will probably upload the video (or liveleak it in the moment) once he realizes he's about to have it confiscated. We're going to the gala with a different girl. Chance to explain dulamad on NPR?
No. 108716 ID: f6ba27
File 148704859600.png - (124.28KB , 960x700 , valentine.png )

Happy Valentine's Day, tgchan
No. 108721 ID: 842fc7

Happy Valentines Day, Brom! <3
No. 108747 ID: 9145ba

Wow, you really want more Kirsma, huh Kome.
No. 108838 ID: 7b7ab3
File 148728003826.jpg - (7.93KB , 480x320 , tumblr_okxpynXunc1vdbx3no1_500.jpg )

Oculots amirite?
No. 108839 ID: 952ab0

I have questions
No. 108841 ID: 7b7ab3

You're welcome.
No. 108844 ID: febb5d

I like everything about our current suggestions except for the touhou part. Touhou sucks.
No. 108845 ID: 5b93d3

Them's fightin' words. And also small brightly coloured fighting pellets arrayed in intricate patterns.
No. 108853 ID: 652cc3

>implying Bika isn't the type to like Touhou
No. 108875 ID: e01a99

Your Street Fighter future seems bleak to me, Brom. Bleak and without hope.
No. 108876 ID: f6ba27

Master Chief was a balancing nightmare
No. 108877 ID: 7b7ab3

>Master Chief
>not Doom Guy
Who are you and what have you done with Brom?
No. 108878 ID: f6ba27

there has to be some hope
No. 108885 ID: 5b93d3

>Bika has many doors ed-boy
Damnit Brom, now I can't unhear all Bika's lines in Rolf's voice!
No. 108887 ID: f6ba27

Then this next part is going to get really weird for you
No. 108890 ID: bb78f2

Ooooh, let's give him more fuel to work with!
No. 108931 ID: 5b93d3

It was.
No. 108956 ID: f6ba27

All right gang. This EQ thread is almost over. Once it finishes I want to either:

Start the next one right away
Finally put my gosh darn money where my mouth is and go to updating Static on the Wire again.

Knowing I'm posting this in the EQ disthread and not the SotW disthread but asking anyway; Which do yall think?
No. 108957 ID: 2120ee

That is a good pair of intentions there, Brom.
No. 108958 ID: 65ec8d

I think Enemy Quest could probably do with some cooling-off time. It seems like a decently comfortable spot for it.
No. 108959 ID: e22b1d

>decently comfortable spot
>Zack is still balls-deep inside a cuddling skut
Agreed. Go finish SOTW.
No. 108960 ID: 350a50

You gotta do what your heartmeat tells you is right.
No. 108961 ID: 3abd97

Obviously the correct answer is to switch back to Council of Wizards.
No. 108962 ID: 9145ba

Clearly it's time to take Vault Quest out of the vault.
No. 108965 ID: 7b7ab3

Don't burn yourself out, Brom.
If you feel like taking a break from EQ, take a break.
Work on SotW for a while, then come back to EQ refreshed.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder after all.
No. 108966 ID: f6ba27

Oh I don't feel burnt out on any of them at all. That's why I'm asking what people think I should update. Either way is good 4 me.
No. 108969 ID: 7b7ab3

Well then.
Just do whatever you feel like. I love both SotW and EQ, so I'm good with whatever.
Actually, barring any last minute cliffhangers you might throw in, we're in a pretty good place to pause EQ.
Meanwhile, over in SotW, the last time I saw Sev, he was staring down a hot grenade. So we might actually want to resolve that.
No. 108970 ID: bb78f2

Start something new
I feel good on SOTW right now and Enemy Quest
I'd say if you got a good idea for a new one-shot give it a go.
I've been going to the same quests on this board for a few months now, and would legitimately like to meet some new people and genre's if you got any baking in your head pan

Otherwise I'll take more enemy quest. I feel more romancey than cyberpunk tactical violence today

Unless you really want to to finish SOTW before starting anything new, then switch my vote to that just so we can get that new thing as soon as possible.
No. 108982 ID: f6ba27

I do actually have new quest and one-shot ideas, mostly taking place in the Enemy Questiverse on the Other Side, but I have so many unfinished ones I'd feel bad for starting them.
No. 108983 ID: 7b7ab3

Just hold onto them for now and start them when/if you feel like it.
No. 109052 ID: 6612fa

EQ would be nice
No. 109060 ID: f6ba27
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hey theres this cool website

No. 109061 ID: f6ba27
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No. 109062 ID: f6ba27
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No. 109063 ID: f6ba27
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No. 109064 ID: f6ba27
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its all ogre
No. 109065 ID: d377dc

Absolute madman.
No. 109066 ID: 350a50

From the thumbnail, his after picture almost looks like an aboriginal with a feather in his hair.
No. 109067 ID: d79f26

No. 109073 ID: bec5e8

i t i s a g o o d p a i n
No. 109121 ID: 37eb61

Personally I'd have a mild preference towards continuing Enemy since I think we're at a really interesting point in the story right now, and it's the one I'm more familiar with.

But honestly, either is cool. I've been meaning to check out SotW at some point in any case.
No. 109122 ID: a523fb

Sorry gang. I'd already started updating SotW again.
If you haven't read it I recommend it! It's probably my favorite quest of mine.
Also if the lack of porn in it is an object there's like a million pics in my drawthread.
No. 109125 ID: 37eb61


No. 109129 ID: 7b7ab3

>Enemy Quest is my favorite quest of mine
>It's probably my favorite quest of mine
No. 109130 ID: a523fb

What can one say? Absence makes the heart grow fonder, 7b7ab3
No. 109132 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 109144 ID: bb78f2

Oren must be your favoritist quest then
No. 109145 ID: f6ba27

Oren ended and is dead to me
No. 109147 ID: 7b7ab3

I loved Oren. It was one of the first quests I read.
No. 109380 ID: fa73ea

but brom, orenson is still ongoing
No. 109489 ID: 65ec8d

Man, do people really want to timeskip right past any buildup and right into a GG + Krin scene off the bat? No introductions, no interactions, no persuasion? It wouldn't be even a third as good without that.
No. 109491 ID: 91ee5f

Are you doubting Brom's storytelling abilities? He can probably pull it off and it'll still be just as good as doing it your way, if not better than your way!
No. 109493 ID: 65ec8d


Even Hemingway needed six words, man.

Besides, that buildup stuff in itself is fun, besides just what it leads to. I don't want to miss out on it.
No. 109494 ID: 91ee5f

Yeah, good point.
No. 109498 ID: 7a9a9f

Who's to say that Krin watching Zack fuck GG can't be her introduction to her?
No. 109523 ID: aebfae

I have an idea for a potential roleplay fantasy:

Zach and Poly play the role of a stereotypical 50's sitcom married couple, Zach as the house husband and Poly as the working wife, with a couple of Bikas, at least one male and one female, as the role of the family dogs. After a long day's work, Poly comes home for some R&R, and Zach suggests playtime with the "dogs", with the both of them banging the Bikas, followed by each other as the still in heat "dogs" start breeding. Essentially a orgy plus faux-bestiality fantasy.

Maybe a later roleplay after that could include GG and/or Meg visiting the house as either a handywoman (GG) or IT specialist (Meg), Zach seducing and sexing them up, possibly letting the Bikas have a go as well simultaneously. Poly them comes home and becomes furious with Zach......for starting the party without her. Bondage ensues, with Zach and Poly as the doms and GG and/or Meg as subs.
No. 109524 ID: 9f3729

Don't forget ex-gf krin looking forlornly on from the window as per her long-canon cuckhold fetish
No. 109525 ID: b15da4

I kind of want an oculot to pop my head after reading that
No. 109527 ID: bb78f2

You know I realize what a waste it's been not calling Big Boss Warrior BB.

BB and GG hahahaha
No. 109532 ID: 70983e

From GG's report it sounds like he's more of a Liquid Snake.
No. 109534 ID: e22b1d

Guys I know I'm usually the one advocating sex for its own sake but I really think fucking Krin is a good idea. Last time she really came out of her shell after Zack did it, and her whole demeanor makes her seem like she's very inexperienced and uncomfortable with her body. Probably because like she said she's considered unattractive in Oculot culture. She's probably never thought of herself as sexy before. We should change that!
No. 109591 ID: 4063a3
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No. 109592 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 109593 ID: f6ba27

Hey gang!!!
Someone told me there were skuts on f list and I just looked and there's a lot of skut porn I didn't even know about out there!! wow!!!! Some of it is really good even!!

If anyone does commission skut porn of their characters I'd love to see it. It always tickles me pink to see other people's take on my weird space kobold critters. Even IF their dicks are out.
And of course if anyone wants to commission some skut direct from the source, let me know.

My FA is here!
I don't have any prices up atm but I don't anticipate them being very steep at all since I draw shit for free anyway
No. 109596 ID: 7b7ab3

You're a popular guy, Brom.
That's what you get for being so good.
No. 109598 ID: 4063a3

>even if their dicks are out

I think you mean especially
No. 109605 ID: 9f3729
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Behold, my finished concept for a sniper bika disguise
completely unrecognizable
No. 109624 ID: 1226ae

Really cool! I love it!
No. 109625 ID: 7b7ab3

This made me think, and though it may be morbid, I want to see some Visitor bones.
Not from injury or death, mind you. Just like an x-ray or something.
No. 109634 ID: 91ee5f

She looks like a Sonic the Hedgehog cosplayer.

Now everyone's gonna be asking her if she's "Gotta go fast?".
No. 109758 ID: 0f90ae

I'm not a believer of the "best girl" thing, but I will say that Meg is certainly the best Floater.
No. 109780 ID: 9bf80c

Looking back now, I think the concern back in >>109489 was valid. While enjoyable, I think the GG + Krin scene would have been moreso with buildup.

Aside that, Zack/the readers might not have been so quick to leave in that case. Human nature, right? You place more value and put more care into something that you had to earn, compared to something that was handed to you freely. Since we just got to teleport into that situation without needing to set it up or navigate to it, a good chunk of the audience probably assumed (subconsciously) that the event was, literally, of no consequence.

It's an interesting study.
No. 109784 ID: ff6c67
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No. 109861 ID: 506ff1

Guess who made another unofficial BEST WAIFU poll? That's right, it's me!


No Bikas allowed because of IRC shenanigans. If you prefer, you can consider this the competition for runner-ups.
No. 109936 ID: 7b7ab3

>Inhibitor Bill
What? Are they going to try and force oculots to where psychic inhibitors all the time?
No. 109961 ID: 0578af

Just had a thought that if Zack does bang Annika he will probably want a condom. Hope he still remembers what those are.
No. 109962 ID: 7b7ab3

I do not want Zack to bang Annika.
No. 109964 ID: 350a50

Zack should not bang everyone he meets with a vagina. He needs normal friends too.
No. 109968 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 109969 ID: bb78f2

Yeah but I do want Zack to bone humans too.
The fun shenanigans we could all have together. Also fun pregnancy scares.
Zack already has hyooman friends, what he doesn't have is a human partner. And much Alien friends.
No. 109970 ID: 350a50

The observation about Annika possibly being lesgay is not without merit, but if she winds up with Poly, she and Zack might end up double teaming her. In any combination of proper nouns.
No. 109979 ID: 0555b9

As seen in >>/questarch/703299, purple is the color of mind control. Poly is mind controlling someone right now, most likely Annika.

And the emotion of mind control, is contempt.
No. 109980 ID: a523fb

Just to nip this in the bud: none of the Oculot powers are chromatically linked.
No. 109981 ID: fceae5

Speaking of chroma, I'm still plenty curious about how Poly went from a blue to a purple.
No. 109996 ID: a523fb

A problem I have with all these unofficial polls is 1) no multiple choice and 2)FAR too few Bikas

This is the official wifey poll, which fixes both those issues
No. 109997 ID: 350a50

You know, this story of yours' is sometimes so compelling I forget it's actually a porn/waifu quest at its core.
No. 110022 ID: 5b93d3

>Speaking of chroma, I'm still plenty curious about how Poly went from a blue to a purple.
Contact lens? Poly is (ostensibly) incognito, and to most humans who have spent little if any time around Oculots, a change in eye colour would be a pretty effective disguise.
No. 110160 ID: 96af5c

guys Annika is an art school girl with horn rimmed glasses of course she's a lesgay
Anyway I think Zack needs actual, y'know, friends, be cool
No. 110174 ID: 4063a3
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this fuckin guy though
No. 110175 ID: fceae5

Brom, if you wanted to make Wheeler someone people wanted to punch, then you succeeded.
No. 110178 ID: 70983e
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>Let Poly respond. *Lecture*
No. 110193 ID: fceae5
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This N E E D S to be here!
No. 110228 ID: 91ee5f

I really want to strike back at Wheeler's racism by saying something about if he ever got any shit from other humans for him being born black and then comparing that to what's happening to the Visitors and saying that's the same thing. But then I realized that wasn't a good idea, so I suggested something different in the quest.
No. 110230 ID: bb78f2

Offput a conservative by flirting with him.
If he's not in private, he can't punch you, or worse, accept!
No. 110252 ID: 52b8df

I really don't think racism comparisons are a good idea, and I'm not just saying that because tgchan has the tact of a sledgehammer... The guy is black (presumably, he could be latino or whatever, the point is obviously not white) he probably heard it before and got a defense ready for it, and it opens up the "you're saying black people are /a different species/?" route and probably things I'm not even thinking of.
No. 110255 ID: b15da4

it's almost as if punching people in public is a bad idea in general.
No. 110282 ID: d53dc6

Looks like Bika's been tampering with TGChan's code.
No. 110318 ID: 9832b2

Occulots will always have receipts
Remember this
No. 110385 ID: 7b7ab3
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I can't speak Japanese.
No. 110387 ID: 0555b9

It's "Bika Bika" transliterated.
No. 110389 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 110496 ID: aebfae

If there ever comes a time in universe where an invention comes around that allows humans to crossbreed with Visitors in order to have hybrid children......which girl would be the best mother for Zach's kids?

My vote is Bika.
No. 110497 ID: 7b7ab3

She's top mom material.
No. 110498 ID: c31aac

Inclined to agree with that asessment. GG or Bika are top candidates, due to life experience and general well-balanced personalities.

Robot wife and poly are right out though, Meg's a bit new to this whole "free will" thing and Poly is, to put it bluntly, a bit of a broken person and also has that drug habit going on
No. 110500 ID: 72ed6b

For now, yes. We have our whole lives in front of us, though.


That also raises the most questions, though: would a child of a Skut and a human have their own mind, be part of their Skut parent's hive, be able to communicate with one or both parents but remain independent, develop into their own hive somehow, or some other interesting possibility?

For instance, it'd be incredible to end up with a set of twins or triplets that are their own independent hive, separate from Bika but one mind with each other.
No. 110501 ID: 350a50

Would a human-skut hybrid be the start of a new cloud/hive mind or an individual?

A Zack-skut hybrid specifically would probably be a multitude of clashing ideas and personalities stuck in one body. Just like daddy.

... Gonna have to vote GG for Best Mom Material.
No. 110503 ID: 72ed6b

> A Zack-skut hybrid specifically would probably be a multitude of clashing ideas and personalities stuck in one body. Just like daddy.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
No. 110504 ID: 70983e

Until siblings were born that synchronized with its mind, there wouldn't be a difference between the individual and the hive. ...Unless it joined Bika's hivemind?
No. 110505 ID: 7b7ab3

GG is banging another Warrior now, so the probability of little baby Warriors has skyrocketed. How would we handle Warriorlets?
>You are now imagining pregnant GG
No. 110506 ID: bb78f2

Floater's could probably create a compatible womb and genetic material through modification, though the resulting child would likely be fully human.

And honestly, let's face it guys, the kid wouldn't have just ONE Mom, they'd have four. One would just have to carry it is all.

Nonetheless, Zack adopting an orphan makes thematic sense because of his background, and he probably has the motivation to want to give a good loving home and parents.

Gestation is SOOO last year. Adoption is IN.

Though, lets be honest, if Big Boss eventually finds a way to make GG cum and become a good side guy for her, we're probably going to help raise Warrior Snake's.
No. 110509 ID: 1226ae

Depends entirely on if the group want to raise children collectively.

Consider the fact that Bika is the perfect babysitter and stay-at-home parent.
No. 110512 ID: 51649e

Actual hybrids seem unlikely, as Visitors are from another world and pretty clearly come from different evolutionary processes. If they did evolve! Some precursor race that made them as servants and then vanished would explain a lot, such as the strange variance and attitude to their technology. In any case, it's that "you'd be more likely to get a hybrid by having sex with a cherry tree than with an alien" thing.

What I do wonder, though, is how much humans have to worry about STIs when sleeping around with Visitors. Human viruses wouldn't be able to do anything to a Visitor and vice versa (if Visitors have viruses), but they could still survive on/in their body for a while. Bacterial and fungal infections would have an even better chance - Visitors' bodies still have water and warmth (except floaters, obvs.) and so they could survive for a while, though they'd probably eventually die to bad Ph balance or something.

Point being, overall Visitors would be less risky for a human to sleep around with than another random human, but if your Visitor partner is getting intimate with other humans as well you might at least want them to make sure they're washing up proper.

Ironically, given what their reputation seems to be among the ignorant, skuts are probably safest, given the acidity of their body fluids.
No. 110515 ID: f9c86f

just got caught up with the quest
wish there was some way to put updates into an rss feed format
No. 110521 ID: c31aac

There IS a watched threads list thing (the WT in the top right corner) but I don't know if there's a way to tie that to RSS in any way. Maybe something to bring up in the Blick plugin thread?
No. 110555 ID: f9c86f

>tfw binged too hard on EQ and literally caught myself thinking this morning "wonder what poly is up to tonight i should text her",
that was an existential experience if ever there was one
No. 110564 ID: c8e36a

I envy you.
No. 110565 ID: f9c86f

also, post character themes;
Poly gets something piano based, a mixture of upbeat and bittersweet

GG gets manly and hopeful with some contemplation and a little sad
No. 110585 ID: 159378

For Bika, I'd nominate the Canon in D. Sounds simple at first, gains incredible depth as you layer more variants of itself over the top, great for improvisation and personality, sounds best when played with a full orchestra, and it's a theme and motif you can find underlying many other things without realizing it.
No. 110586 ID: 72ed6b

For Meg, I think it'd be too cliche to pick "danger zone" or similar. How about "First Flight"?
No. 110587 ID: e97f18

This fits so well.
No. 110590 ID: 72ed6b

Are we well-off enough that a tailored suit is well within our means? (Not a ludicrously expensive one, just a decent one?)

If so, as a gift, at some point I'd like to see if we can get Bika Prime's measurements and get a classic Italian-style suit tailored for her, full Godfather style. She mentioned having a lot of trouble getting clothes in her style, and she ought to have something really stylish that draws serious respect. (Plus, it'll be a great in-joke between us.)
No. 110592 ID: 91ee5f

That'll only work if she's seen the Godfather.
No. 110598 ID: 72ed6b

We've joked about it with her before, and I think she's gotten the reference. And if she hasn't seen it, then we can fix that; it'd be a fun way to spend time together.
No. 110609 ID: f9c86f

i actually just remembered this song existed and has this nice blend of mafia feel with a sort of dissonance which makes sense for a hive intelligence
No. 110615 ID: 72ed6b

No. 110642 ID: 72ed6b

We should do something like that for Sniper Bika too, given all the attention she got, if she's going to start streaming. Would work nicely as a personal style. Bika's already going to pick up all the hardware and stuff to do streaming, and she'd want to pick that out herself, so we shouldn't surprise her with any of that as a gift. But a really nice outfit, both for normal use and as something to wear sometimes on stream, that'd be a thoughtful gift.
No. 110643 ID: e97f18

This sounds like fun.

The world is just­-around-the-corner future, right? Well, with today's technology we can scan a person or object and turn them into an accurate 3D model in a computer. Surely that technology is slightly more available. Ask Bika (both Bika Prime and Sniper Bika) to get themselves scanned (in something skin­-tight to get accurate measurements), with the suggestion that she might use the Sniper Bika model in a game (hey, if they all liked her figure so much...). Ask her to send us a copy, so we can surprise her with something. That way it isn't as obvious as asking her for measurements. Then we can use that to get them both fitted, and provide other surprises.
No. 110644 ID: 76aea4

Awesome! We have to try this. Maybe we could text Bika about it so she could do that, and at some point ask Poly and Meg about their favorite tailor for the kinds of amazing outfits they're currently wearing.
No. 110645 ID: ac5372

> The world is just­-around-the-corner future, right? Well, with today's technology we can scan a person or object and turn them into an accurate 3D model in a computer. Surely that technology is slightly more available. Ask Bika (both Bika Prime and Sniper Bika) to get themselves scanned (in something skin­-tight to get accurate measurements), with the suggestion that she might use the Sniper Bika model in a game (hey, if they all liked her figure so much...). Ask her to send us a copy, so we can surprise her with something. That way it isn't as obvious as asking her for measurements. Then we can use that to get them both fitted, and provide other surprises.

So many fun things we could do with that. Yes please.

And I like the idea of giving Bika a gift to celebrate this new venture of hers.
No. 110646 ID: 72ed6b

Oh, nice, that's even better! I was thinking we'd have to fall back on asking Bika for measurements, and then she'd know what we're doing, even though the actual outfits would be a surprise. But this works much better, because it suggests something entirely different, so she might not even know what we're going to surprise her with.
No. 110649 ID: 76aea4

(Quoting the right post this time.)

This, too. I can't wait to see the looks on both of their faces if we can pull this off. Hopefully we can get one for Bika Prime too without suspicion.
No. 110665 ID: 53d0c3

> We should do something like that for Sniper Bika too, given all the attention she got, if she's going to start streaming. Would work nicely as a personal style. Bika's already going to pick up all the hardware and stuff to do streaming, and she'd want to pick that out herself, so we shouldn't surprise her with any of that as a gift. But a really nice outfit, both for normal use and as something to wear sometimes on stream, that'd be a thoughtful gift.

Followed here from the links in the main quest thread. This is one of the most active discussion threads I've seen for a quest.

And this sounds really thoughtful. Bika needs more nice things done for her.
No. 110666 ID: 53d0c3

> And this sounds really thoughtful. Bika needs more nice things done for her.

and to her
No. 110669 ID: 70983e

Did we become allergic to sex with Poly or something?
No. 110671 ID: e29956

No, but a broom closet at this particular event really isn't a great idea.
No. 110672 ID: 4b353c

We did the same thing with Meg.
No. 110673 ID: 4b353c

No. 110676 ID: fbe7b8

For most twitch streamers, it'd be useful to have people helping with moderation and such, but Bika has that covered. She'll have to be careful to have an explanation for why she always knows what's going on in chat, thigh; don't want someone wondering why she never seems to glance away.
No. 110677 ID: fbe7b8

No. 110684 ID: c359a2

If we're sharing some music let me post what I've been listening to to get into their headspace lately.

POLY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lz2EHH0bbw
Everything is falling, dear
Everything is wrong
It's just history repeating itself
And babe, you turn me on

MEG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbluEc_sgeY
Now you've set the scene
High on intimacy
Drawing me above

GG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AesEA-U4GAU
To be soft is too easy, huh
Don't get soft on me
I don't want a sweetheart, sweetheart
I want a machine

BIKA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FISFJc6C4kY
no words in this one :. w .:
No. 110685 ID: 72ed6b

> BIKA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FISFJc6C4kY

Very nice.
No. 110686 ID: f9c86f

easy, have a second bika always reading and responding to chat, call her the sister bika or something
No. 110687 ID: 72ed6b

Oh, sure, but that means the Bika on camera needs to either never respond directly or conspicuously look over at chat before responding to anything.
No. 110708 ID: 9a7777

Call me Cassandra, 'cuz this is your last warning that we are going down a road you do not want to travel because Poly won't be coming with.

Unless you actually do want to get rid of her, in which case, keep going!
No. 110709 ID: 72ed6b

We're not choosing the easy, conflict-free route with Poly, true.
No. 110710 ID: e22b1d

You guys are forgetting that this is Meg's huge night that she was incredibly excited for.
If we walk out of the closet with a pissed or sad Poly, she is never going to forgive us.
No. 110716 ID: 72ed6b

If she gets pissed, we're doing it wrong. Zach is charming enough (as a defining character trait) to not miss the mark on "caring" and hit "sanctimonious" by mistake.
No. 110717 ID: 73bb98

Not with the line as it currently is. Someone needs to rewrite it and casualize it.
No. 110732 ID: 72ed6b

Someone did:
That's much more reasonable than the original version.
No. 110733 ID: e22b1d

The one described by the guy who wrote it as "an emotional gutpunch"?
yeah no. Not casual. Even worse.
No. 110734 ID: 72ed6b

Tone carries a lot of weight. I can imagine delivering that line in a way that would come across as really serious. I can also imagine delivering that line in a much lighter, loving way.

The point is not to push back on the way she said it; that'd be silly and overreacting. The point is to play off her own line by describing our own feelings, namely that we'd could never think of her that way. We can do that without being deadly serious or critical.
No. 110741 ID: c8b031


I don't know about anyone else, but "I'd never" can come off as arrogant. It depends on the person and the situation, of course, but I could definitely see some part of Poly being skeptical.

I mean, there was a time when Zack thought of Visitors as monsters, as a kid, so it's possible. And remember, Poly has been going to REALLY great pains to keep her past a secret, and is specifically concerned for what Zack would think of her. Poly has seen and knows much worse of herself than Zack has, and she knows it. If Zack says "I'd never think of you as a monster", her response would just be "you don't know that".

Poly loves Zack but she doesn't hold his opinions on every subject in high esteem, you know?
No. 110742 ID: 9e2c62

How and why did everybody go so ape over that update?
No. 110744 ID: a523fb

I honestly have no idea.
No. 110750 ID: 72ed6b

No clue. Somehow an offhand comment to take the opportunity to respond to her line in a caring way turned into "OMG EPIC INTERVENTION TIME".
No. 110751 ID: c8b031


I don't think it was the thing itself that blew up so much as people arguing over it.
No. 110867 ID: 440bf0

I don't understand why some posters feel the need to use the quest thread for their arguments and discussion.
That's what this thread is for, right?
No. 110868 ID: c8b031


The concern is that a lot of readers don't look at the questdis thread, so if you make your arguments for and against things here, not enough people will see them to affect how they vote. If you think another suggestion that's getting a lot of votes is a bad idea, your best hope to persuade people not to vote for it is to present an argument about it in the quest thread instead of here.
No. 110869 ID: 440bf0

It still leaves the quest thread cluttered and difficult to read through.
No. 110893 ID: 2afc9c

You could always write something here and post a link in the quest thread.
No. 110897 ID: 5d8017

It'd keep the quest thread more tidy, at least.
No. 111205 ID: 8cb228

I just want to say that this is awesome, and I would totally watch that show!
No. 111210 ID: 2afc9c

I really want to see this.
No. 111229 ID: c2abc4

Shell have to wear a ping-pong suit for mocap! I'm sure some indie game developer would be all over that!
No. 111259 ID: b2c581

is the quest on break or something
it's been a good while since an update
No. 111260 ID: 7b7ab3

Be patient.
You can't rush art.
No. 111262 ID: f6ba27

I have a lot going on right now and the next update is a doozy. Apologies. If you've been with us since the beginning you know there's some REALLY big pauses in the past. This is not one of those.
No. 111263 ID: 7b7ab3

Love ya, Brom.
You're too good to us.
No. 111276 ID: b2c581

ah, alrighty then
i suspected it'd take a bit because of the speech bit
No. 111431 ID: c45f05

I greatly admire your writing skills, Brom.
No. 111547 ID: 8dcef8

I feel like we've been neglecting GG.
After the gala, we should go on a proper date with her.
Make sure she knows we still love her.
No. 111548 ID: 2a7417

No. 111549 ID: 8dcef8

Seriously though, we haven't done anything with her for a while now.
She deserves some screen time.
Also, I'm just kinda missing her.
No. 111553 ID: 7a5065

Same. We need to go on that hunting trip some day.
No. 111749 ID: 7b7ab3

Somebody's been updating the wiki and it's looking so good right now.
It's nice to see all the fan art the quest has received.
No. 112009 ID: f9c86f

2 weeks since last update
i'm running out of food
i don't think help is on the way
it burns when i pee now
No. 112012 ID: 7b7ab3

You can't rush art!
No. 112021 ID: e50815

is her eye purple?
No. 112025 ID: be0718

Bika is best girl for sure, but do we really have to interrupt Meg and Old One-Eye's scene to confirm that she still exists?
No. 112026 ID: 91ee5f

No, we don't need to, but for some reason, everyone just won't stop pushing for it!
No. 112030 ID: 013a0a

Darn waifus.
No. 112326 ID: 91ee5f

From the way Annika is acting, it makes me think that she's afraid that Zack is gonna become so famous, that he completely forgets about his human friends. Which is kinda already happening, seeing as we're spending all of our time with the girls. In the future, we should plan to invite everyone to hangout at the park or do something together or just spend the day with only Zack's human friends, while the girls do something else.
No. 112327 ID: 25707a

Alternative idea: invite Annika, Alan, and Gary over to SLS for a day of partying, catching up, and introductions.
No. 112328 ID: 91ee5f

True, that also works. But we really should make some time for our human friends, without the girls. For old time's sake.
No. 112412 ID: f6ba27

Just as a suggestion to the suggesters:

The more options you pick, the more diluted the quest is going to get, both in terms of in-quest results and out-of-quest writing. I'll have to write a lot more for each update to accomodate everything, and quantity has a deleterious effect on quality, and Zack's responses usually get weaker, on average, when you try to have your cake and eat it too. The temptation to vote for a lot of things at once is strong; but you might see more interesting results if you refrain.
No. 112413 ID: 600f38

So, keep it to 3 or fewer options to get better responses? Ok.
No. 112630 ID: 367077


Yeah, hopefully we'll start just picking one option or a short write in rather than constantly trying to have our cake and-


No. 112669 ID: 72ed6b

> Bika is best girl for sure, but do we really have to interrupt Meg and Old One-Eye's scene to confirm that she still exists?

Nothing to do with that. It's because of the setup in >>110643 and >>110644 (and subsequent posts as well); we want to get the ball rolling on that, so that we can surprise her appropriately as a gift later.
No. 112670 ID: 91ee5f

Well, that can wait until we're not James Bond in middle of a party and trying to do spy stuff!
No. 113027 ID: f9c86f

man, this hiatuses are rough
No. 113030 ID: 7b7ab3

Can't rush art.
No. 113092 ID: f30be2

Sorry gang just got finished moving to Brooklyn. Updates incoming.

I wonder what my new IP's pony name is going to be
No. 113093 ID: f30be2

No. 113095 ID: aebfae

One interesting bit of world building that I would be most interested in seeing: A story about a human child being raised by a skut hive.
No. 113096 ID: 7b7ab3

Have you been working on your accent?
[Delighted Squeal]
>human child being raised by a skut hive
I have had the same thought! The kid wouldn't want for attention, that's for sure.
No. 113097 ID: 91ee5f

>Have you been working on your accent?
Now I can't stop thinking of Yugioh Abridged!

Nyeh! Brooklyn Rage!
No. 113098 ID: 7b7ab3

>Brooklyn Rage!
Thought: Visitor memes.
On earth and golboria.
No. 113099 ID: e121d3


I doubt that's happened yet, but I feel certain some warrior or oculot was probably raised by skuts at some point.
No. 113100 ID: 7b7ab3

It's likely that skut dedicate some of their bodies to babysitting at the very least.
No. 113101 ID: 7624d5

Could be a case involving what happened to Bika, as in a smaller group of skuts got cut off from the main hive back on Golboria and was stranded on Earth and became independant. Might have taken in a human orphan or two during the fledgling hive's expansion.
No. 113103 ID: 7b7ab3

>interdimensional flirtologist
I absolutely insist we start identifying this as our profession.
>Zack Nguyen: Interdimensional Flirtologist and Man of Mystery
No. 113104 ID: 7fad5d

no, tbh
No. 113106 ID: 7b7ab3

It was a joke.
No. 113107 ID: 7fad5d

jokes are funny
No. 113111 ID: be0718

Bika was not created via severance through a portal. Leaving through the portal came after her separation from Kirsma. In the cases of portal severance Bika described, the Earthside skuts all went near-feral and were used as highly acidic cannon fodder by Golborian troops.
No. 113175 ID: aebfae

Huh, forgot about that tidbit. Still, I think it is plausible. A smaller hive splitting off from a bigger one, settles on Earth, and adopts of human child during its expansion and settling in.
No. 113178 ID: e121d3


A responsible skut hive would turn the child over to members of its own species. Human authorities would be unlikely to allow it, either.
No. 113181 ID: 7b7ab3

>A responsible skut hive would turn the child over to members of its own species
I don't see how a human family would be superior to being raised by skut. A skut would always have the time and ability to give the child the attention it needed.

>Human authorities would be unlikely to allow it, either.
Even if all the proper channels were followed? Even with the backing of the HVAO?
No. 113190 ID: e121d3

>A skut would always have the time and ability to give the child the attention it needed.

But they wouldn't have the knowledge. They only know how to raise their own babies, who are part of their hive mind. And those babies grow up very fast. A human baby would go through a much longer process of needing to learn to speak, learn what to eat, rules of behaviour, disciplining, et cetera. Their instincts about how treat the child wouldn't be quite right, and they'd have to learn how to interact with a child who's mind they can't read and who may or may not be able to adequately express themselves linguistically.

What I'm getting at is, a skut hive would certainly be able to keep the child alive, but I'm not sure they'd be willing or capable of providing all the other shit a human child needs. At the very least, it'd be something new and uncertain for them, so why not hand the kid over to some human who's had kids before?

Also, at the point that we're in at the time of Enemy Quest, most humans have very little respect for skuts. They think of skuts as something like sentient rats, living packed together in a way humans associate with slums/poverty and rooting through/eating garbage. A human raised by a skut hive would be looked down upon, which the skut would be aware of. Which also means...

>Even if all the proper channels were followed? Even with the backing of the HVAO?

In a democracy, yes, because there'd be a public outcry against it.
No. 113208 ID: 91ee5f

So, basically, humans are a bunch of racist assholes to adorable Skuts, right?

Where do I sign up to support Visitor rights and to stop racisim against Visitors?
No. 113209 ID: 4854ef

They are adorable to us. In this reality they used to be monsters that charged forward to kill while their deaths and acid blood made them psuedo suicide bombers.
No. 113210 ID: 91ee5f

Yeah, the key words being "used to be". I guess it's pretty hard to forget about something like that.
No. 113212 ID: 7fad5d

If you don't mind misrepresenting the situation, sure, that's accurate.
No. 113518 ID: e121d3

Something just occurred to me. Now that we know humans can get mind powers from oculots, it remains that we don't know exactly what mind powers humans get. Our lady cyclops demonstrated setting something on fire, in a pretty wimpy way compared to what oculots can do, but is it necessarily weak because it's just a weak copy of oculot powers, or because humans aren't good at applying that power in that specific way? We already know that humans and oculots mentally interfacing produces previously unknown effects, so there's something different about humans, mentally, compared to all the Visitor races.

It's easy to assume that humans getting oculot powers is merely a mirroring effect, but without better knowledge of the underlying mechanisms there's no real reason to be sure of that. If human minds are structured differently, then you could pour in the same "power" but find that it bounces around and emerges through some other outlet more naturally than it would another outlet in an oculot mind.

What I'm getting it is that Zack might actually have some sort of unconscious boner aura.

Which would be rad, but raises consent questions, and should be investigated.
No. 113521 ID: 7fad5d

I feel like you've been super overthinking this and it doesn't actually warrant investigation.
No. 113524 ID: e121d3


Well, we're already in "Zack probably has cool mind powers" territory to begin with, and I assume we're planning to investigate that at some point already. Why not keep a few more possibilities in mind?
No. 113691 ID: 459819

I'm looking to get in contact with Brom regarding a possible spin-off idea. Not just idle speculation, I'm serious about making this happen.
No. 113695 ID: be0718

Try the #tgchan irc channel on Rizon.
No. 114161 ID: f30be2

It's canon that if the kariket ever tried to mind link with kome, not only would his own head explode but his dick would also
No. 114162 ID: a363ac

so when we meet him only Kome posts allowed got it.
No. 114163 ID: 6e518f

I'm creased, mate.
No. 114267 ID: be0718

This is not what "man to man, heart to heart" sounds like, guys. Remember: The more options you pick, the more diluted the results are going to get.
No. 114281 ID: 7b7ab3

Perhaps, but it's hard to pick who's best when the few we've met are all absolutely amazing.
No. 114334 ID: 2e620f

How's this for a phone-nabbing plan:

Zack takes off his jacket to dance with Meg, and leaves it beside Wheeler's, or where Wheeler is likely to leave his. He goes and dances, then he and Meg decide to go out to the balcony together, so Zack goes to get his jacket again. He "accidentally" takes Wheeler's, with phone hopefully, and then he and Meg can go off somewhere more secluded outside so Meg can do her business with it. Then they can come back in and at some point Zack "realizes" his mistake and Wheeler gets his phone/jacket back.

Seem likely?
No. 114336 ID: be0718

A little too unsubtle. We should be able to nab the phone without taking the jacket.
No. 114343 ID: 2e620f


As far as I'm aware, Zack doesn't have any experience at pickpocketing or sleight of hand. Taking the phone in the middle of a bunch of tables filled with politicians, journalists, artists, and other people all practiced at paying attention to things for what's not obvious, especially at a time when everyone's kind of paranoid, and when Zack's a celebrity, strikes me as something he shouldn't attempt. A simple "slip-up" over jackets that would let him do what needs doing with the phone elsewhere seems more adviseable to me.
No. 114344 ID: 7b7ab3

Maybe if we're luck Poly will just nab the phone for us.
No. 114346 ID: 5b93d3

It does leave Zack vulnerable to tit-for-tat phone snooping, and leaving his jacket without his phone would be way too obvious.
No. 114352 ID: 7b7ab3

Making it mandatory for oculots to wear inhibitors at all times is completely inhumane. It leaves the oculots without their powers, which play a significant role in their daily lives, and it puts them in a perpetually drugged state.
No. 114353 ID: ba56e6

It's not a completely illogical choice, from the perspective of those who still view Visitors as dangerous or as the enemy. To the uneducated masses (or uneducated senators taking part in the vote) who don't understand how Oculots function, the inhibitors would be viewed as similar to requiring people to keep firearms holstered. As opposed to waving a loaded gun around.

I'm not saying I agree, I'm saying I understand the perspective of those who desire it. Devil's advocate.
No. 114354 ID: 7b7ab3

I can understand it, too. But like you said: "uneduacated." The bill is an ignorant, fear driven response to something that its creators blatantly don't understand. It's bad.
No. 114391 ID: 7fad5d

For irony's sake, it's spelled 'uneducated'.
No. 114394 ID: 7b7ab3

Damn it. Spell check should have caught that.
No. 114442 ID: dee904

heeeeeeeeey Brooklyn I have a friend who moved to Flatbush...
for stuff
No. 114450 ID: 7b7ab3

How about "Residents?" With a capital "R."
It indicates that they aren't just visiting and that they actually live on Earth, it's a play on "Resident Alien," and it rolls off the tongue better than "Extradimensional Americans."
No. 114453 ID: 24f307

I like it, but I'm pretty certain that the common folk are going to hang onto Visitor. In the quest, at least. It's hard to break a habit.
No. 114456 ID: 2e620f

New Earthlings? New Terrans? Nouveau Terrans? Adopted? Switches? Ex-dimes? Ports? Golies? Farsiders? Swaps? Exiles?

"Exiles" sounds pretty cool and is accurate to the kariket's treatment of them, and it has "ex" for extradimenional in it. It's kind of... edgy, though. And something that hopefully won't be the case forever.
No. 114463 ID: 3d94c3

Residents for sure.
No. 114464 ID: 91ee5f

Nah, it makes them sound Evil.
No. 114468 ID: b5fb67


Only if they are a biohazard.
No. 114469 ID: be0718

Acid blood, drinks jet fuel, heads go pop, death by snu snu. Yep, they are.
No. 114471 ID: 2e620f


Residents doesn't sound that good to me. It sounds too clinical, like something you'd see in a report about rent payments. I also think the "we live here now" connotation goes too far, to a point people will find intrusive. People who don't like Visitors won't pick it up, and it needs to be something they'd at least be neutral to.

It isn't descriptive, anyway. I mean, it is, but it's not exclusively descriptive. They're residing here, but so are humans, it's not acknowledging any difference or their origins or anything like that. I get the idea is to make them sound like they belong here, but it doesn't have that "I know who you mean when you say it" quality.

Like, the word "visitors" is used for other things too, but when people say "the Visitors" with the slight portentousness that indicates the capital letter, everyone knows who they mean. Saying "the Residents" that way sounds like you're talking about the denizens of a haunted house, or people in an insane asylum or a half dozen other things, few of which have good implications. I mean, does anyone ever use the word "resident" in a positive way, really? By comparison, "visitors" sounds kinda friendly.
No. 114492 ID: 2cae31

We all know that Poly is sweet talking this guy and playing him like a shitty fiddle, right?
No. 114503 ID: b8810a

>poly is boring
Never have I heard such a terrible, unfounded, and categorically incorrect opinion.
No. 114505 ID: 7fad5d

Ok, not him but for argument's sake here's a hot opinion: 'I'm sad' is not an interesting personality trait and generic interest in sex/culture are add-ons, not a personality in themselves.
No. 114508 ID: 2ae62a

It's a free country and you're allowed to be wrong.
No. 114510 ID: 7b7ab3

I don't see what this recent Poly hate is all about. Have you guys read the previous threads? Poly has a lot more going on than you'd think. We just don't spend as much time with as we probably should, which is something we need to work on. ALL the girls need more screen time, especially Poly and GG.
No. 114754 ID: 225eea

Nah fam, all bika, all the time.
No. 114756 ID: f06b00

Objectively incorrect. Even distribution of time spent with all love interests superior. Favoritism discouraged.
No. 115701 ID: d887c0

Nothing can tear a plan apart more efficiently and thoroughly than random misfortune.
No. 115702 ID: 91ee5f

Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Especially when it happens IRL! It feels like the entire world just punched you in the face and said, "Fuck you." to whatever plans you had!
No. 115703 ID: d887c0

Oh yes.
You're all set to go, you're ready, willing, and fully enabled, and then some really minor thing just comes along and manages to pinball around your plans at just the right velocity to shred them to bits.
No. 115736 ID: a633c6

We shoulda gone with the other plan where we called poly.
No. 115738 ID: 17c2ee

Don't be such a defeatist before things are even done.
No. 115741 ID: be0718

Things have already gone sideways, now it's only a matter of damage control.
No. 115922 ID: 99ddfc

shits rough
No. 115927 ID: 8c51fa

I think they have pills for that.
No. 116630 ID: d887c0

Man, I love this quest.
No. 116657 ID: f5fa4d

Can somebody explain how new skut hive mind are born
No. 116661 ID: 41c9bc

When a skut 'hive'/'cloud'/whatever gets large enough, it splits off with a new Prime and becomes a new 'individual'. For example, there was a brief side adventure that died shortly after its inception, starring a hive that Bika split off of.
No. 116662 ID: c31aac

Picture it slightly like cell division, it splits in two then grows again
No. 116664 ID: be0718

When a skut is of two minds about something, it literally becomes two minds. Skut hives can get truly massive, but they also become much more uniform and impersonal.
No. 116700 ID: c88e6d

Heh, I figured it was something like that.
No. 116829 ID: aebfae

I'm guessing that if Bika was one of those mega-hives, Zack would be more like a gigolo hired to have sex with some of the individuals in heat for the sake of population control instead of an actual relationship. More like monotonous factory work than something truly meaningful, but even more soul crushing.
No. 116831 ID: 4aa2b6


I'm not so sure. Large hives seem like they get unemotional because the emotions produced by any one or small set of local bodies gets dispersed among the rest of the hive until it's spread too thin to have a tangible effect. But it is possible for huge legions of people to "fall in love" with, say, a famous celebrity, or a particular political leader. Skuts on the Other Side seem like they kept to themselves, didn't really send huge amounts of themselves to the movies, and in any case they didn't seem to have the same giant sparkly media mill over there that exists on earth. So, if a skut hive let large amounts of its bodies consume film and tv and magazines and so on, and someone like Zack was a big enough celebrity that they could all get a figurative piece of him that way, maybe a huge hive could still be in love with him. If you had a large enough amount of your bodies "generating" loving feelings, then you'd have enough love sloshing around that splitting it among all your bodies wouldn't be able to dilute it enough any more.
No. 116899 ID: d9cd96

Nice car, though those are gull-wings, not suicide doors.
No. 116900 ID: f30be2

Whatever DAD
No. 116901 ID: 5073b3

I love the color coordination in this quest.
>Oculots are blues and purples
>Garakton are red and gold/orange
>Skut are browns and green
>Floaters are black and blue
No. 117735 ID: d887c0

>Enemy: makes a reference to Dungeons and Dragons
No. 118191 ID: cf5ff9

This story is getting deep. I like emotion with my romance.
No. 118193 ID: 1c69a5

I love this quest.
No. 118455 ID: ac52b5

I'm not usually a big fan of quests, but I just wanted to say that I just binged all of this and I absolutely love it. Come for the sexy aliens, stay for the compelling character drama.
No. 118458 ID: d887c0

>Come for the sexy aliens, stay for the compelling character drama.
This could be the tagline for the whole quest.
No. 118460 ID: 3abd97

Okay. https://tgchan.org/wiki/Enemy_Quest
No. 119160 ID: 459819

Floaters are generally black with a bright primary colour. Meg's "mother" was black and red, and I believe we've seen black and green floaters as well.
No. 119171 ID: b4d323

No. 119219 ID: d887c0
File 151469081839.png - (163.26KB , 500x950 , 151464039001.png )

Behold Radial's glorious creation.
Offer them your praise.
No. 119432 ID: c88e6d

I'm already trying to bury them in money!
No. 119433 ID: d887c0

No. 119471 ID: 25707a

Did anybody know that we have a TV Tropes page?
No. 119474 ID: dab122

Check out the tgchan TV Tropes page too if you like vintage 2012 memes.
No. 119521 ID: 094652

... So is she trying to make a tailitoris?
No. 119527 ID: 96f207

Kome, you are simultaneously the best and worst thing about modern Tgchan.
No. 120266 ID: b6ce93
File 151761041867.png - (535.39KB , 1312x733 , Smashko-496147.png )

Hey, Brom!
I don't know where you are or what you're doing, but I found this image that really reminds me of Polyphema.
I figured I'd post it here.
CAUTION: Very Lewd.
No. 120465 ID: f9c86f

is brom on a long hiatus?
No. 120470 ID: d887c0

It happens from time to time. The best thing to do is just wait.
No. 120493 ID: f9c86f

has anyone found a way to link an iss feed to the thread so any brom posts pop up in the feed as an update
No. 120531 ID: 5b93d3

From the art style I think Crawl to Me is Brom's. Possibly Poly, Bea, Zack, and Meg playing D&D.
No. 120532 ID: d887c0

>Crawl to Me
Where's that?
No. 120556 ID: 5b93d3

No. 120590 ID: d887c0
File 151847481820.jpg - (159.41KB , 640x720 , 151841919461.jpg )

Here's a thing.
No. 120591 ID: 3abd97

You know it's possible to just cross link to stuff like so >>120569 , instead of making a repost that strips off the filename, artist, and context.
No. 121031 ID: 4f78c3

Every time a new update hits, a part of me comes alive.
No. 121249 ID: 5227e3

No. 121251 ID: d887c0

Ain't it a beautiful thing?
No. 121318 ID: d887c0

When our boy Brom delivers HE. FUCKING. DELIVERS.
And he delivers fucking, too! ;^)
No. 121368 ID: d887c0

We haven't had the interview yet.
Also, when did we come off as flaky?
No. 121373 ID: 8c3774

The afterparty better be some D&D shenanigans.
No. 121419 ID: d887c0

What would that even look like?
No. 121427 ID: d887c0

The Dulabira's Character Classes:

I have a hard time placing him, but I imagine he'd end up a paladin or a cleric. Mostly because of all the "sexual healing" jokes to be made.

I know fighter or barbarian is probably what most people would expect, but I can see her going monk, especially after watching FotNS.

Wizard or one of the psychic classes like psion or something. She'd go full support and try to diplomance her way out of most situations.

She'd most likely roll ranger if only so she could eventually get her character flying and start literally raining arrows down on people.

Bika is a cool gal and offers to be the DM every time they play. She's pretty good at it. She always has a couple noses buried in a manual or two.

She's way too self-conscious to actually play in the game, but she keeps things written down and brings snacks, so it's totally cool.

Yes, I'm counting her now. She doesn't play either, but she says the sessions are hilarious and inspiring, and she brings the human count up to two.
No. 121433 ID: 7fad5d

it would look like the quest called Crawl to Me
No. 121470 ID: d887c0

How should we introduce Krin to the dulabira?
She's met GG already, so I imagine word has probably gotten around by now.
Should we do it one at a time or just ask everyone to SLS and make a date out of it?
No. 121479 ID: 33cbe7

The answer is always orgy.
No. 121487 ID: 6ae5c0


Introduce her to Poly first. She's the one she most wants to meet while also possibly being the most nerve-wracking for her. Poly also seems inclined to like her just from what she's heard. Then with Poly behind her, meeting everyone else will be easier.
No. 121525 ID: 5f2b81

Good call.
No. 121585 ID: d887c0

O, my god.
How did we not think of this sooner?
No. 121742 ID: 2e22fa

So, I take it that polearm fencing is a common practice on golboria.
No. 121746 ID: d887c0

It would seem so.
Poly studied skut spear fencing at one point, and then we have the new guy his thing.
I guess swords are less popular on golboria.
No. 122095 ID: 459819

Enemy Quest: The War will most likely be going with a very polearm-y theme on the Golborian shock weapons, and the closest thing to a "sword" is actually a carbine of the "spear" weapons.
No. 122098 ID: d887c0

No. 122359 ID: 06478d


It is easy to see why, polearms and spears don't require as much material to construct (less metal), iirc Golberia has lots of scary fauna, so the need for longer reaching weapons became a necessity. Also it doesn't require nearly as much training to be effective with such weapons.
No. 122577 ID: 593a9c

that patiently waiting for update feel
No. 122649 ID: 4b1927

I know that feel. Just keep the faith. Brom has a life to live, and we need to respect that.
No. 124098 ID: ea4812

I cant belive brom fuckin died
No. 124112 ID: d887c0

Don't spread rumors like that, man. It's not funny.
No. 124113 ID: b1b4f3

Brom is worse than dead. He has a child to take care of now.
No. 124114 ID: d887c0

What vital piece of information did I miss? When did this happen? Where did you learn this? Is it just another rumor?
No. 124118 ID: 2474dd

Brom announced it the IRC Channel. This is not unusual as he was a mod there too.
No. 124119 ID: d887c0

I never go to IRC. Where can I find it?
No. 124120 ID: 4f1cbc

No. 124124 ID: d887c0

Thanks, but I could not find where it was said.
No. 124125 ID: d887c0

Double Post!

I now believe that there should be fan art of Zack and the girls fawning over Brom Baby.
No. 124146 ID: 7c80fd

Real shit?
Well damn, congrates Brom!
No. 124149 ID: d887c0

Oh, yeah!
Congrats to Bromeli-dad!
No. 124345 ID: ae8ec4
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My balls are empty.
My heart is full.
I love this quest.
No. 124354 ID: d887c0

As do we all, friend. Take heart in knowing that it may yet one day return.
No. 124846 ID: 92681e

congrats on the kid brom.
No. 125271 ID: 695c64

Congratulations on the babbeh Brom! I think you're gonna be a great dad.

Good luck, lots of love, and try to get enough sleep! (You won't)
No. 125327 ID: 5ab80e

Guys. When it comes to D&D classes, Zach is a classical bard.
No. 125330 ID: d887c0

Well, obvs. He's the talkative, skilled kind while Meg is the normal, musical kind. GG is a monk/barbarian, Poly is a psion, and Bika is playing a combination of Risk and Monopoly.
No. 125333 ID: 33cbe7

What if Meg is a warlock, and the Floater Collective is her patron? You don't need a bard license to play an instrument.
No. 125334 ID: d887c0

I won't believe she's a warlock until she shoots lasers out of her hands. That's just the way it is.
No. 127140 ID: 73ca64

checking in from 2019
brom probably won't be able to do anything until 6 months after babby, meaning February or something.
No. 127141 ID: d887c0

Family comes first.
Still, it would be nice to see him return.
No. 127632 ID: cbdfa8

I wish i didnt binge this.
No. 127633 ID: 080aaf

You're definitely going to wish you didn't binge Static on the Wire then.
No. 127642 ID: fa48e1

Is it like the current format? Like multiple choices?
No. 127644 ID: cbdfa8

No. 127660 ID: cbdfa8

Oh and i totally regret that too
No. 129243 ID: a489ef

if only there was a way to RSS feed this
No. 129821 ID: 34fb21

Hey am I allowed to use the alien species you created in my quest if not I’m fine I haven’t put any in yet just asking so I know
No. 129824 ID: 75cf31

brom has a kid now and is on indefinite hiatus, so you’re not gonna get an answer for a long time. this discussion has happened already in the pinned thread but it’s been buried, so just fyi: common etiquette is that if you want to use an artist’s intellectual property but can’t get in touch with them, you should assume it’s a no.
No. 131792 ID: 4c6143

is every one still alive?
No. 131848 ID: b862fb

still keeping an eye out but probs shouldn't necro these discussion threads, I think there's an IRC channel
No. 131849 ID: b1b4f3

And a discord!
No. 138045 ID: f5c405
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Dukerino is Brom, the quest creator, and has given people blanket permission to use his setting and characters. Just mentioning to get the word out there -)

I wish him and his normie life the best of luck lol.
No. 142487 ID: db4be1
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Hello everyone. Hoo boy! It's been a second, hasn't it. I hope you are all doing well.

I'd like to give you all an update about me. My daughter has turned old enough that now my much-beleaguered wife and I can foist her upon other, more qualified caretakers for much of the day (did you guys know creating a person is actually a fuckton of work?). The three of us are healthy, well, and happy, still living in NYC.

To head things off, with apologies: I'm not picking Enemy Quest back up. Not for a while, anyway; I wasn't kidding in the above image when I said it's been a long time since I've had the setting at front of mind, and even now it took me a second to remember the kariket's name (Kakarot?).
I have fond memories, though, and have loved seeing its characters and world continued elsewhere. The love you gave this quest I reciprocate. If you'll forgive it I'd like to point you to another project of mine I've been working on of late.

Now that I have free time at all again, I've started working on romance writing once more. I am currently publishing a free novel, in serialized form, on Scribblehub. It is called POWER TRIO, and it's a comic fantasy, 18+ M/F/F romance between a human bassist, an orcish drummer, and a goblin guitarist. My ambition is to update it daily until it's finished, which will be at roughly 80-90,000 words.

If you'd like to check it out, you can at this link:

I promise I'll get a non-AI art cover at some point, but you gotta pop the algorithm. I feel dirty about it too.

I am on the questden discord if you'd like to talk to me about Evan, Kell, Thekla, and their sexy misadventures, reminisce about this quest, or if you just want to shoot the shit.
No. 142488 ID: db4be1

Sure dog
No. 142490 ID: 861ceb

huh, well shit welcome back. Glad things are going well for you and your family and good luck with your book. If it's anywhere near the quality of your quest I'm sure you'll find an audience soon enough.
No. 142496 ID: 16d082
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>healthy, well, and happy
>while living in NYC
No. 142498 ID: f94306

Built different
No. 142534 ID: 9ea24b
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noble brom fan bighat requested kell for his monthly patron sketch
No. 142550 ID: 0df40c

WOW this is aces
No. 142661 ID: 1d368b

A little update for you, questden, the novel is now finished at a little over 400 pages and its sequel is currently serializing.

Hope everyone is staying mad cool out here!
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