Mauve Sweety Night
Oh, right, While she is busy, I'll explain what happened in a nutshell when you left for Laura, Dreamwalker.
Ana's final fight was against Clara. She tried to offer to heal her, but Clara was having none of it, constantly shooting and injuring Ana. Eventually, bad news, AJ started getting upset from being possessed by Ana's rage, or rather, the rage within, possessed Ana, called himself Desolation, threatened everyone, and beheaded Clara. At least, it was a fake Clara that was created by Ambassador.
the other team was complaining about interference, or stuff like that, and it was decided it would be settled in one more match. We challenged Rosaline, they challenged us. Eventually, we won, just barely. Rosaline acted like a sore loser and try to injure Ana after we healed her, but Godfrey and Boxhead stopped her.
We've decided in the end to take the Ambassador in as our "bodygaurd"...for now, and he took Godfrey to Lorence to prepare a court trial sometime in the future.
Flint was a sore loser, and stupidly try to kill Ana with a minigun. Boxhead saved her a few times, but we were cornered until Casper showed up. We agreed to him to have him scare off Flint, but one thing we did not expect him to do is kill Flint. We got him to stop, and the group decided to leave us alone.
Afterwards, before leaving, and after keeping Ana and AJ from turning into Desolation again with WC's help, 3 triplets of Rosaline's bursted out of the body of Flint, and insisted in joining us. We decided to take them along as they said they can lead us to the main base, and protect them.
We met up with the FBI Laura, and we told her about the general that did everything he could to keep the army from fighting against the cult, she gave us the news that she activated 93's bomb. After we left, we were being stalked by someone, but before we could deal with it, Rabbot came up, and gave us a chance to save 93 if we could answer his riddle, or remove Ana's tongue if she failed. We unfortunately did fail, but Rabbot said the answer didn't matter since it was more of a test to see if Ana can respond in dire situations. I discovered I gained some of Falafaf's fortune telling powers, we discovered that 93's bomb is voice activated, and after exhausting all our possible canidates to help remove the bomb, we remembered that there was a certain riot control police officer in another dimension that may currently save her, and luckily enough, he knows about dissembling bombs. We are speaking to him through a weird receiver he got from a person who kidnapped him that was able to communicate with us, and this is where we are now. We are defusing a bomb with his help in some kind of dimensional hopping telephone.
You know, I must ask dreamwalker, you've been away from Laura for a while. Is she alright? how is your training with her?