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97324 No. 97324 ID: 3a9db6


The more they come, the worse they look!! JUST JOSHIN' YOU my friend! MY MY is it good to see you. Come on in, my friend, the thread is warm and toasty and BOY HOWDY do we love newcomers.

Make yourself right at home and DON'T YOU DARE be shy. Go ahead and answer any gall dang question you want! If you feel like askin' your favorite character ANYTHING at all, well you better call me CORRESPONDENCE McANSWERTON because you'll get your answer here, by gosh.

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Current Lagotrope specific ITQ thread:
697 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 137750 ID: a219d8
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Honesty at its hytes of its popularity I didn't read it but I was aware of the reputation it had with the fans and how they acted in public. To me the story seemed a little bit to intimidating to understand with so many characters, its own vocabulary, and its own inside jokes. If anything I would say that I was primarily watching it from a distance, observing the art without really knowing its context and with such a huge fan base a lot of controversies papered. The loudest one that I remember and I am not sure if it is still going on the whole Vriska did nothing wrong debate. Not to mention how with more and more time passing Andrew Hussie became a polarizing individual. In one way to describe it Homestuck was the creation of early internet users and it grew into something much bigger until it became too big for its own good, I never read it nor am I sure if I ever will, it isn't for my taste of media that I like to engage with.
No. 137766 ID: 15a025

Open question:
What is the most relaxing spot for you to go spend time at?
No. 137868 ID: e5709d

AH would be proud of you.

So, what was your reaction when your mom came back from the dead and revealed she was a badass demon lord?
No. 137897 ID: 4208b9
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>Have you read Homestuck

"What? Ew no why do you think id give a shit about that crappy web shit?"

No. 137900 ID: 15c72a

Cat: What's it like being a demon?
No. 138234 ID: cee25c

To Saul and Mary from You Died:
Was being trapped on Earth for two millenia more like a 5-year or a 30-year prison sentence? And do you feel like you geniunely learned a lesson from it?
No. 138235 ID: a7a180

To Clover from Tobak Quest - what kind of mercenary work do you do most often for the corporations?
No. 138237 ID: 9ea24b
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Mary: A single mortal mind can't hope to understand the torment of being trapped and slowly drained as I, a massive cosmic being was! I am still mad about it.
Saul: I was dormant so it wasn't bad for me. And you deserved it for killing all the humans!
Mary: Hmph. I understand that it upset you and that is the only thing I am sorry about.
Saul: Awww. Well we have a good compromise now.
No. 138527 ID: 8cd710

This thread has been going for six years strong.
No. 138557 ID: 15a025

To Yamella from Chupian Date Quest:
What's youre favorite kind of food for the holidays?
No. 138921 ID: a7a180

Dungeon denizen questions.
To Hin: slime, eggs, poison rocks, Deem has you working on all sorts of weird material. What’s the nicest material you worked with before joining her dungeon?

To Mary’s Demonologist and the original Demonologist: What do you think, when looking at your counterpart?
No. 138922 ID: 3e2fa7

Dear Gengar from Nostalgia Quest: looking ahead to future generations, would you rather mega evolve or dynamax?
Also, to Hailey: if your powers and your profession ever intertwine, what’s the first thing you want to try with them?
No. 138923 ID: 9ea24b
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Salamence: Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd.
No. 138925 ID: 87e33c
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Hailey: Thank you adoring fan
who somehow got my email address for the question!
Hailey: That's so easy!
Hailey: I'd wanna go weightless and spin around someone's dick like the tazmanian devil!!!
Hailey: I could adjust my size to be just the right level of tightness to hang onto the dick.
Hailey: I'd be a literal sex tornado!
Hailey: Though... I'd need a lotta lube...

No. 138926 ID: a7a180

More open ended questions!
-What do you right before going to bed at night?
-What’s a superstition from your culture?
No. 138927 ID: 556cba

>Standing on tongue
Is this how they accidentally learn what vore is? Is it awkward between them after?
No. 138928 ID: 9ea24b
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Gengar: Hello my dear. In adherence to family friendly values in Nostalgia Quest, the Pokemon don't eat each other, even though several Pokedex entries reference carnivorous behavior.

Salamence: Apple.

Gengar: And in adherence to tippler vore values, all vore has to be hard. It seems to me to be a strange thing to feel so strongly about, but here we are.

Salamence: Apple.

Gengar: And so you see, Salamence was merely standing on my tongue while I was in my impressive g-max form.

Salamence: Gengar and I have a professional platonic relationship.
No. 138930 ID: e51896

Good thing that apple isn't an Applin then...
or is it?
No. 138931 ID: 556cba

If you think about it, fruit is just tree jizz.
No. 138932 ID: 556cba

Cursed comments aside.

Blaziken: Since the world is vegan, what are takeout meals like? Does Tracy order in very often?
No. 138935 ID: e51896

spoilers question for Franklin from Perpetuity: What was Jhonen's reaction when he found out your arms are removable?
No. 138939 ID: 9ea24b
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Blaziken: Takeout is very tasty, usually a mix of fats and carbs like fried rice.

Blaziken: But growing humans need a balanced diet! Tracy and her husband cook most of the time, but I've been trying to learn how to be a chef myself so I can help around the house.
No. 138942 ID: 556cba

101 Ways to Cook Apple
No. 138943 ID: 16ed98

To anyone:
-What’s something from another quest you wish you had in your setting?
-You can steal any one thing and not get caught. What do you nab?
No. 138997 ID: a7a180

To Raelynn and/or Serah:
What are the feline grace mutagen's side effects? Is Raelynn going to develop scent glands?
No. 139098 ID: e51896

To [CHAOS] from SUGCHESSTION, what do souls taste like?
No. 139109 ID: a7a180
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>What’s something from another quest you wish you had in your setting?
I heard in Nostalgia Quest, they had this idea of taking days off? I might like to try that.
No. 139158 ID: e5709d

Scion of the Old Blood: What are alternate 'Murica's political parties, and are they co-related to predator and prey, fight n' flight, or something else entirely?
No. 139160 ID: 96112b

To Tex, the Amarillo Armadillo: what do you do off the ring? What stiff do you enjoy? How's the friends and family?
No. 139168 ID: 15c72a

To Anarchy: Is this place dark enough?
No. 139169 ID: 681cb5
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>Scion of the Old Blood: What are alternate 'Murica's political parties, and are they co-related to predator and prey, fight n' flight, or something else entirely?
Belle: “The anthro race has evolved so far from their roots that the whole predator / prey thing has become outdated, as for all intent and purposes we’re all the same species, as well as omnivores. So our politics are very similar to yours, having a right leaning party called the reptilians led by Bob Mole the… err… Mole, and the slightly less right leaning party called the demomice led by Clint Billton the Mallard. While there were a lot of Mammals vs. Reptiles/avians when said parties were founded, that point has also diminished over time.”

Belle: “Of course, there has been some… ah… historical figures in the past who has focused a lot more on the predator / prey subject…”

30th of april, 1945, in a bunker somewhere in Germany:
Goosdolf: “Those Soviet pigs and allied dogs may outnumber us, but we’ll show them why we predators are the superior species, right men!?” the only answer the goose gets is the sound of his wolf generals licking their chops and the clinking of cutlery, “Right men?”
No. 139592 ID: 3b86e0

To anyone ho may answer:
You find out that you are a questden character, how do you react?
No. 139617 ID: 99f29a

idk, grapple with existential questions for a bit then conclude i can't really come up with a satisfying answer and go back to fucking around
No. 139652 ID: 3286d2
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This is most curious! So... I am not actually a PR-ARIA subsystem, but... a figment of someone's imagination, represented via text and images transmitted over a planet-spanning network? And so my purpose is not data processing and retention, but rather simply for entertainment...

So the text and images comprising my representation are merely expressions by an author! And as that author writes my dialogue and draws images of me, as they are doing this very instant... it may be fair to say that they are simulating me in their brain! So, I am effectively a biological subsystem, rather than an electronic one, albeit with an avatar that is ultimately electronic... And yet my responsibilities now are the same as they were before, albeit with a different underlying purpose...


...Hm. If I may be blunt, this revelation makes little difference to me.
No. 139656 ID: dee951


People make a big deal of supposed existential angst of folk finding out they're fictional, but that seriously wouldn't have TOO much impact on your day to day life. It's just one of those things. And no one anywhere can say for certain that ultimately, their reality isn't fictional or artificial amyway.

Though if you have a means to know your audience or the tropes they like, you could play to that for some benefit if you're careful I guess. Bit of a tricky balance to that though!
No. 139657 ID: 8f9bc4


The real fascinating thing is that you really are an electronic subsystem, but electronics itself is a biological subsystem. Currently a completely separate biological subsystem is telling your biological subsystem this, who may translate it in real time into electronic signals for you to receive. And there is an electronic subsystem greater than both biological subsystems, without which I would be unable to tell you this. This message you are receiving right now is

electronic(biological, biological(electronic))!
No. 139661 ID: e13b1d

Princess (FFF): Has anyone ever paid the full fee to rent you all to themselves?
No. 139662 ID: 9ea24b
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"Gosh, that's a good question. I can't remember the last time it happened, my handlers say that I get worse reviews when I'm one on one! Can you believe that? Something about me being a big blabbermouth and 'too intense'. I don't know what that last part means, but I'm happy I get the customers that I do!"
No. 140130 ID: a7a180

Open question: Do you believe in Santa?
No. 140199 ID: 48c015
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Never seen him.
No. 140201 ID: c37138

Who would be your ideal roommate from another quest?
No. 140591 ID: b19943

Roger from Perpetuity, how was your first day of baseball practice?
No. 140603 ID: 4481aa
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Roger: “Terrible.”
Roger: “We didn’t even baseball. That might have been a little fun, but instead we practiced to eventually play it.”
Roger: “So after running laps we got split up into pairs to play catch. That might have been fun if high speed baseballs weren’t Lethal Weapons!
Roger: “And of course I got paired up with a kid who wanted to pitch, so there were no gentle throws, he kept hurling it at me.”
Roger: “I would then either try to catch it and either get hit or drop it, or would just dodge it. And every single time, that meant that I had to run to where it landed and get it.”
Roger: “Then I got to do some batting practice, which at least sounded like it could be fun.”
Roger: “But most of it was just waiting for a turn to swing, and your turn is up after like a minute, and then you’re waiting again.”
Roger: “And of course we swapped groups before I got to swing a second time, so then I was in the field trying to catch the balls. Not that any of them came to me.”
Roger: “Coach got mad at me when I tried to bring my sketchbook out there, but it wasn’t like I was even doing anything. The balls weren’t coming to me!”
Roger: “Then we did some throwing stuff, but I can’t throw a ball from one plate all the way to the other and keep it straight, so after a while I was back out in the field again.”
Roger: “And that was it. We did some cooldown, took showers, and left. Best part of the entire day if you ask me.”
Roger: “Do you know how long all of that took? Three Hours. And then I had to go straight home, because for some reason I was tired after all that nothing.”
Roger: “So I went home, took a nap, did some sketches to recover, and guess what? It was already dinner time!”
Roger: “I think I might have cried. School, practice, I didn’t get to do ANYTHING I wanted all day.”
Roger: “Baseball is terrible, and I never want to go to that stupid practice ever again!”
No. 140604 ID: 4481aa
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Roger: “...Oh, wait, there was one thing. After leaving practice, there was one thing I forced myself to do, even though I felt like falling asleep on the sidewalk.”
Roger: “I stopped by Mr. Snyder’s store, and I bought myself a toy with the money I made yesterday.”
Roger: “I was just gonna look at some markers, maybe buy a new eraser, but there was this one doll that I just had to have.”
Roger: “...Barry can never know.”
No. 140711 ID: 7c1136

What’s so hazardous about a Talzoran milking their own venom? How is it done?
No. 140714 ID: 918cdb
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Look, Sophia from Scion of the Old Blood, I made a picture of you hanging out with Björn!
Now you can think of it whenever he shows up and feel happy and not scared!

What do you think? Will he also like it?
No. 141761 ID: a7a180
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"Look, uh, venom milking is a complicated process because you need a medium to bite, and if you’re not careful it can be very painful to bang your teeth on the glass, which can lead to further issues when-"

"Oh, I can help answer that!"
No. 141762 ID: a7a180
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"Mleeeeem~ Thee? Ith easy once you’re uthed to it! I donate venom all the time!"
No. 143127 ID: 861ceb

here's a (hopefully) fun question for all quest writers

you wake up to find yourself in the world of the last quest you worked on. what happens?
No. 143144 ID: 71fafc
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That'd be Quick Parenting Lesson, the quest where we find out if Toriel is a good parent.

I'd probably pour my woes onto the MoominMom herself before being killed by an angry mob for saying that I never liked Homestuck for being too long and wacky (tobyfox made music for it).
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