White Gold Drifter
Dragons is now in the graveyard. It's gone, along with my desire to continue it in any fashion. I had great plans for this quest, and I felt good about them once upon a time, but that's gone now, and in its place is regret and sorrow.
Dragons was my third quest here in TGChan, after the abortive Clockwork Bird and Soviet Hero. And there is a chance that it be my last. It was also the one closest to completion. Since its inception, Dragons was plagued by a great number of people who loathed the one off-screen rape I had included, and seemed to absolutely hate me and everything I ever did as a result. I'm not blaming them, however. I should have taken this as a sign to stop. But while it was running, I enjoyed it at times, and a few friends also seemed to like it, so everything was fine for a while. For a long time I was even updating daily. And Boaga is probably my most popular character overall, if fanart is anything to go by. However, after really realizing how many awful mistakes I've made with it and how it affects people's views of me, it hit me how badly I've fucked up, and subsequently have lost the urge to quest at all. I rarely even visit TGchan anymore, and I've stopped reading quests entirely. So I'm ending it. Slinkoboy once told me to never use this word, but: I REGRET ever starting this quest. I REGRET continuing it. And I REGRET how, because of some of the materal, it has become the basis on which people judge me.
So I apologize for anyone that I've offended over the course of the quest's life. It was a terrible thing and I shouldn't have done it. I can't say that alone excuses the harrassment I have recieved from some because of it, but that's in the past now. You guys won. I don't want to quest anymore, and I hope you feel accomplished in that.
As of right now, I am not sure how this will affect Soviet Hero (even though no one seems to be interested in that quest anymore), or any of the future quests I have had kicking around in my head. As I have said, I am not too keen on questing again, but who knows how that will change?
As the quest dragged on, I updated less and less, and I KNOW I lost readers. But if any of you out there are still interested, I can tell you what I had planned for the ending, which was close. Or, maybe, I could save it in the (likely vain) hope that I feel good enough about everything to either start it up again or write a conclusion.
And lastly, I apologize if my writing isn't coherent. I love questing and this is a very difficult decision for me, and it's hard to keep my thoughts straight. Thank you for reading Dragons, and I deeply apologize to those few of you who enjoyed it.