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File 12757982271.png - (20.41KB , 640x480 , 01.png )
188568 No. 188568 ID: f35d0a

Ahh... F-f-faster, Jonah...
109 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 189190 ID: 1a99f0

this is high school, so lets add some musical. Let the music flow.
No. 189191 ID: 701a19

Say "Don't hurt me, Desu~"
It's a codeword that, if recognized, will defuse this situation.
No. 189193 ID: d560d6
File donthurtme.swf - (547.21KB , 650x480 )

Don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more?
No. 189194 ID: f35d0a
File 127586175235.png - (39.42KB , 640x480 , 21.png )

No way am I talking to that guy! He's intimidating! Though I heard he never really gets into a fight for some reason. Maybe everyone's just afraid of him?
No. 189198 ID: f35d0a
File 127586185284.png - (70.80KB , 640x480 , 22.png )

Oh yeah! The game!

I bolt off to the gym. I'm just in time!
No. 189199 ID: 2a421d

Probably doesn't have any friends either.
No. 189200 ID: f35d0a
File 127586191552.png - (91.41KB , 640x480 , 23.png )

Jonah's that short guy in our team. He's the fastest among them, though. Just look at him zip through that tall guy!

He's so dreamy~
No. 189202 ID: c71597

Play it cool. Don't just yell out and cheer manically for him. Just stay in the crowd and watch him and cheer with the crowd when it's appropriate.
No. 189203 ID: b58b7e

Hmm... try to imagine him as a girl.
No. 189204 ID: 6a5a08

His ear is broken.
No. 189205 ID: 1963d1

Oh yeah. Didn't notice that before. Make sure to bring it up to him, especially during a sensitive moment.
No. 189206 ID: b58b7e

Do the exact opposite of this.
No. 189208 ID: 1806cd

fag alert

honestly, though, why don't you just talk to him. If all the girls think he's dreamy, then take the initiative before someone else does...

but for godsake, if he's so intimidating, he must be so goddamn lonely. At the very least try to be his friend. I mean honestly, you gotta pity the fool.
No. 189210 ID: 1ac39d

yeah, if you don't talk to him someone else will and then he will be lost forever!
No. 189212 ID: 1a99f0

that's Mr. T's job. Just try talking to him sometime. Don't judge a book by it's cover.
No. 189213 ID: 1806cd

actually, since I didn't note it before:
Why do you like em short and fast? I thought most girls wanted the opposite.

back to not poking fun
The ear thing is a good catch. Gives an excuse to touch said ear. Ears ARE sensitive... right? show you care, get some contact in.
No. 189215 ID: f35d0a
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... Ehh... Uhh...

Nnn... Gah...

Announcer: "And #4, Jonah Terrio, jumps in for a dunk! He makes it!"

"Yes, Jonah! Put it in HARDER!"
No. 189217 ID: 110e2c

Excellent. Now go down there and give him a big hug for a job well done.
No. 189219 ID: 1ac39d

:unicode stare:
you really need to talk to him otherwise you will go insane from being pent up.
No. 189220 ID: 1806cd

And that... came wrong...
You need to be a little more relaxed and not have everyone in the room realize that you're leaking for him.
do you think you could stick to less suggestive cheering? Like... 'you can do it' and 'that guy's no match for you' and stuff like that. Honestly, someone's gonna think you shlick to him...

no wait...
No. 189221 ID: c71597

That was an appropriate moment to cheer. Wait to personally congratulate him after the game though. You don't wanna come on to hard and appear all desperate and creepy.
No. 189222 ID: 1a99f0

okay...probably could have handled that better, don't worry about it, just try to avoid possible innuendo in the future. Whenever you get a chance, try to go talk with him.
No. 189223 ID: a525b9

I know you want to show your support, but you may want to think a bit more about what you say before you say it. Your cheer could have been interpreted as innuendo.

I'm going to agree with the others here - Play it cool, if you get a chance, talk to him in a friendly, calm capacity. Maybe ask him if he'd like to have lunch sometime.
No. 189226 ID: f35d0a
File 127586420195.png - (40.49KB , 640x480 , 25.png )

Huh... Haah...

"Keep at it, Jonah! Faster!"
No. 189228 ID: f35d0a
File 127586422497.png - (5.02KB , 640x480 , 26.png )

Announcer: "... Clean-up at west wing, second level..."
No. 189229 ID: 701a19

He saw you~
No. 189230 ID: 1ac39d

oh man he totally so you. that's why you talk to people.
No. 189231 ID: 874abe

You've got problems, girl.
No. 189232 ID: 1806cd

um... welp. Looks like I was right after all...
anyway, you're gonna be arrested for public exposure and obscenity. Plead not guilty and proceed to say you had hidden a camera or something down there.
remember to stuff one in before the trial.
No. 189238 ID: 6a5a08

Oh, you dumbass! Skedaddle! Make sure to hide your face... I'm sure nobody saw it, since they were likely looking at something else.

I get angry sometimes when people do really stupid things and they aren't caused by me.
No. 189240 ID: c4c313

Well this was porn.
No. 189241 ID: c71597

Smooth, real smooth. I don't think you're gonna be able to salvage that one.
No. 189242 ID: d560d6

And pretty tame porn at that.
No. 189243 ID: 1806cd

wait... so what's our goal here?
To fix whatever's wrong with her head?
Or to hook her up?
Or what?
No. 189244 ID: 1ac39d

if unsure then pick

D: all of the above.
No. 189245 ID: 1a99f0

you are going to need to stop masturbating in public. control yourself a bit, here. I mean, seriously.
No. 189269 ID: 8ce2bf

The underlying problem here is your clothes are too tight. You need some loose clothes that make it less obvious what you're doing in them.
No. 189276 ID: 1806cd

and to start playing through your pockets...
and not yell sexual things...
And not to go so fast...
or scream...
No. 189277 ID: 6a5a08

And maybe not do it in public.
I propose we destroy all her brain cells and take full control.

Oh, wait, that'd make this problem worse...
No. 189278 ID: 1ac39d

no we would get her body LAID not just masturbate.
No. 189283 ID: d560d6

I propose we leave her brain intact but assume direct control of her body, so that she can be a helpless witness to our insane machinations.
No. 189290 ID: 1a99f0

the face gives it away, too. unless we want her to just start wearing an Eskimo suit and a face mask, it'd probably be better if she just stopped.
No. 189292 ID: 874abe


That's a strange fetish.
No. 189301 ID: f58d30

Dammit girl! Talk about destroying your reputation =(... or what was left of it...

What could be worse than exposing yourself in front of everyone?
No. 189304 ID: 1806cd

that's actually not that bad an idea. Take over, fix up her mess, then give her back her body after we fix up the mess she's caused herself.

Now then, how do we do that?
No. 189306 ID: 6a5a08

Once my awesome magic Black Mage powers have a vessel to channel them, we turn back time to before she did this, befriend the big emo guy, and then give her back control. None of this will ever happen, because we'll take him to the game with us, and she (hopefully) won't do it again with somebody right next to her.

Wait, I'm not a Time Mage, right... well, she's screwed.
No. 189308 ID: 1806cd

no, you're a talking pie chart...
No. 189313 ID: 1a99f0

/quest/ forcing her to remove all of her clothes and forcefully having sex with anything that has a penis...and many things that don't.
No. 189319 ID: b58b7e

Not seeing the bad there...
No. 189321 ID: 0003ac

Classic story.
Girl likes boy.
Boy's never met girl.
Then an event occurs that brings them together in a way that couldn't have been deliberate.

Can Diana overcome her itchy trigger finger?
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