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File 148222665724.jpg - (222.24KB , 648x792 , That Happy Feeling Cover.jpg )
767129 No. 767129 ID: 8afd18

Let's Breathe.
7 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 767156 ID: b15da4

Attack helicopter.
No. 767158 ID: 094652

Panda Centauress
No. 767159 ID: 9f3729

Boyish girl
No. 767160 ID: 180f83

No. 767161 ID: 74621b

Boy in pink
No. 767162 ID: 595d54

No. 767165 ID: 188451


In the mood for this.
No. 767166 ID: dbf8a5

No. 767171 ID: 8afd18
File 148226042764.jpg - (247.44KB , 792x648 , THF Panel 2.jpg )

>I'll take the pretty pink dress, thanks.

>I'll vote boy, if the outfit can be pink.

>Boy in pink

You take a breath.

You were a boy, but your clothing was unique.

What was your name?
No. 767174 ID: 3d2d5f

No. 767176 ID: 321070

Billy bob
No. 767178 ID: 595d54

Yes, "what" was indeed our name.
No. 767181 ID: 9ab95f

Our name is "Que". (Spanish for what)
No. 767183 ID: 9876c4

A suspiciously masculine nickname, like Studs, Butch, or T-bone.
No. 767184 ID: 9f3729

seconding T-bone
No. 767201 ID: 74621b

Que Sera Sera
No. 767204 ID: db0da2


Also, if this takes place before the turn of the century on earth then this attire isn't unusual for a young boy.
No. 767205 ID: 14e880

Byron's a cool name
No. 767209 ID: 213ff6

No. 767251 ID: 3583d1

T.K. Byron

(A mix of T-bone and Que, so its T.K.)
No. 767254 ID: 77f1b6

I like T.K.
No. 767261 ID: 8afd18
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You take a breath.

Your name was T.K Byron

But you still need to know...what was the last thing you were doing?
No. 767263 ID: 9f3729

you just got done killing a dude in cold blood in a berzerker rage because he dissed your shoes and the gangsta spirit within took over.

While we're here it might be wise to jack his shoes
No. 767268 ID: 9876c4

I can't not support this.

Bonus points for cowboy boots.
No. 767269 ID: 14e880

sleeping off a cold
No. 767270 ID: 398fe1

Sailing on the open sea.
No. 767271 ID: 14e880

oh, I change to sailing, we're on a boat!
No. 767272 ID: db0da2

Contemplating existential values and your disgust for the society around you.
(Should not Byron be byronic?)
No. 767275 ID: 8afd18
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No. 767276 ID: 8afd18
File 148232520961.jpg - (276.07KB , 648x792 , THF 5.jpg )

....Who is that? Is someone there? ...I can hear you.
No. 767280 ID: 3d2d5f

Are you standing in front of a fence or laying on a raft?
No. 767283 ID: 14e880

Oh hell you're interacting with us.
Uh, hi thar.
We're voices of suggestion, we occasionally latch onto someone and try to help them through advice.
No. 767284 ID: dbf8a5

It's a raft, there's water behind it and it's in line with what was suggested last.

Worry not child, we aren't anyone in particular. We're just voices, we can't hurt you, nor do we want to. If you want to talk to us you can, we have nothing better to do than help you with your troubles, whatever they may be, and we do have some measure of wisdom.
No. 767290 ID: 9876c4

First landfall we're getting a Jheri curl.
No. 767300 ID: 9f3729

Sup nerd, it's god speaking! You're a prophet now.
There's also actually a ton of gods! Woo!
No. 767304 ID: 3e182c

We're god.
No. 767305 ID: 4e64ab

Hello I am Satan
No. 767306 ID: e9b78a

Hi T.K.!

No we aren't gods or demons... I think we're just friendly voices (or at least we're usually friendly anyway), that live to guide people on a journey, so looks like we are with you! Whatcha doing?
No. 767307 ID: 595d54

Yes, but you should really just disregard us. It's generally a fifty-fifty gamble whether we have any useful advice.
No. 767308 ID: 094652

We are your headvoices.

You are adrift. Our assistance is preferable to eroding sanity.
No. 767394 ID: a8bc5c

Go back to sleep, this is all a bad dream.

There's no legion of disembodied voices communicating with you or anything.

No. 767537 ID: b15da4

Your sister stole your pants and sold you down the river. Embrace the riverbed, escape this madness.
No. 767596 ID: 8afd18
File 148244170337.jpg - (337.83KB , 648x792 , THF Panel 6.jpg )

>Sup nerd, it's god speaking! You're a prophet now. There's also actually a ton of gods! Woo!

>Hello. We're god.


>Hello I am Satan


>First landfall we're getting a Jheri curl.


>Hi T.K.! No we aren't gods or demons... I think we're just friendly voices (or at least we're usually friendly anyway), that live to guide people on a journey, so looks like we are with you! Whatcha doing?

>We're voices of suggestion, we occasionally latch onto someone and try to help them through advice.

>Worry not child, we aren't anyone in particular. We're just voices, we can't hurt you, nor do we want to. If you want to talk to us you can, we have nothing better to do than help you with your troubles, whatever they may be, and we do have some measure of wisdom.

>We are your headvoices.

...Oh. Uh...okay. So...you're not here to kill me? Or uh, change my hair? ....That's nice.

I have no idea why you're here, or how you can hear me, or how I can hear YOU for that matter...but I guess this is happening.

And right now? I'm uh, floating down the river. On a raft. Hoping I hit the ocean soon. Anything to get away from Rupert and Rudy.

>Your sister stole your pants and sold you down the river.

You uh...you don't have a sister. You just have a cool brother. He's the one that gave you this nice necklace actually. It's a pretty blue crystal sphere...no idea where he got it, though.
No. 767597 ID: 595d54

The necklace is probably our connection to you. Try taking it off and see if you stop hearing us. Good to keep in mind if you ever decide you need us to go for a bit.

Anyway, tell us about Rupert and Rudy. How skilled are you at ocean survival?
No. 767612 ID: 3583d1

umm... you realize that you are on a tiny raft... headed towards the ocean... There's an old saying T.K.
"Water, water, everywhere. But not a drop to drink."
I hope you have the necessary supplies for an ocean travel, and I doubt a tiny raft will cut it.
No. 767629 ID: 9876c4

Ok, no hair treatments, but you're seriously lakezombie-bait with that much mane, mayne.

extended sea vacations are generally best done with supplies.
No. 767633 ID: db0da2

Watch your fucking language, young man.

How much food and water have you brought for your journey? Is this vessel sea-worthy? Do you know how far away the ocean is, or how wide it is? Do you know how to swim? Do you know how to navigate on the open ocean? Do you know anything about sailing at all? Why did you decide to do this in the first place?
No. 767698 ID: b039e3

>Rupert and Rudy
Who now?
>cool brother
Do tell, we're okay at listening as well as talking. Try to be honest/clear though because while we've got mostly perfect memory, sometimes our advice gets messed up because we jumped to a wrong conclusion.
No. 767705 ID: 3e182c

Pay no mind to this one. Curse your heart out bruh. That shit feels nice sometimes.

Also >necklace.
Why is the object that makes someone literally the center of their universe always a necklace?

You probably don't know.

Just hold onto that shit. It's some strong Juju.

Anyway, you're floating down a river. I would recommend paddling to shore with your hands.
Do you recognize this forest?
No. 767783 ID: 3abd97

Maybe it's a magic necklace.

Look, we're effectively advisors. Why don't you fill us in on your situation? Why are you on this raft, why are you fleeing R&R, why do you want to reach the ocean? Hopefully not to cross is- a raft really isn't a very safe means of ocean travel, especially since you don't have a sail or any means to steer, looks like. You'd be at the mercy of the currents.
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