Star Rose
Apeiroverse, in fact. Multiverse is merely the term form any space encompassing multiple Universes or Dimensions, and carries with it the implication of a set, unchanging number of Dimensions. Likewise, the other commonly used term, Omniverse, is simply too broad, and does not account for the fact that many dimensions CANNOT access each other for a nearly infinite variety of reasons, from Island Dimensions to Deity Interference to Incompatible dimensional barriers (just as there is more then one type of atom, there is more then one TYPE and REASON one dimension is seperate from another.)
As for the question of magic...due to the nature of transdimensionalism, many different systems of carrying out work exist, and are manipulated by sentients. To one, another's science would BE magic, coming from a reality with different rules of logic. Beyond this there are also two other catagories of carrying out work, those that have no rules or governing logic, and those that are simply directly bringing an abstracted version of reality into being without there being any cause or effect involved. EITHER of these could also be called magic.
This is important because the anti-fate implements comprising a San, due to their nature of being drawn from disparate sources, have no unified methods for working. Some obey consistent rules, others are affected by the different laws of the dimension they occupy, and some altogether JUST WORK.
One thing they all have in common is a unique quantity of Destiny potential energy: that of both 0 and ∞. Due to this, a large number of these implements together can be easily detected, and causes additional problems, sometimes creating a sort of axis mundi, drawing in the destinies of things nearby, which makes stealth difficult, to say the least. The case they are carried in helps reduce these effects but even when used, the most that can be kept in one location is 10.
The maximum number of any of a single category of tool that can be used together without there being negative consequences is called a San of those implements.
Now then, its likely that you are quite jumpy to actually begin working, but first an unwrapping and review of equipment for future reference and that can be looked back on for later use.
For example...