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File 135392537088.gif - (2.68KB , 320x240 , PMCQuest.gif )
474577 No. 474577 ID: cea452

This is PMC Quest.
92 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 479279 ID: f6cff9

I say wear ear protection because how loud it can get in an indoor gun range.
No. 479322 ID: f2c20c

Outdoor shooting is less of an issue.
No. 479380 ID: 2f4b71

The same way you normally do. Earplugs and ear-defenders attenuate loud impulses, but don't have as much of an effect on softer sounds like speech.
No. 480592 ID: 054c51
File 135636909042.gif - (55.99KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlumFlinchAnim.gif )

>Oh boy... just concentrate on the targets and relax.
>Tell her to relax; you were just making small talk.

>Oh boy... just concentrate on the targets and relax.

"Right-- uh yeah, yes-- uh right, I'm-- geh, relaxed, I'm, okay, really, I'm fine!"
No. 480593 ID: 054c51
File 135636912226.gif - (11.86KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlum6.gif )

>she shouldn't use the earmuffs. This is to test her ability under battlefield conditions, where she won't have them.

>Don't forget to put on your earmuffs, Klum.
>I say wear ear protection because how loud it can get in an indoor gun range.

>Don't forget to put on your earmuffs, Klum.

"Oh, I didn't forget. I was just about to going to put them on."
No. 480594 ID: 054c51
File 135636913972.gif - (10.46KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlumInTheBooth.gif )

"Alright, I'm ready, just, give me the word to open fire, sir!"
No. 480601 ID: 2f4b71

Better seat that stock on your shoulder before you put your eye out.
No. 480602 ID: 54c7e5

Quite. Those things have a bit of a kick to them.
No. 480610 ID: d4ad1a

Ohhhhhh dear.

Lady, have you ever killed another person?
No. 485441 ID: cea452
File 135825226845.gif - (10.56KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlumInTheBooth2.gif )

>Ohhhhhh dear.
>Lady, have you ever killed another person?

"Killed…? No, but, if I joined the military I-- I mean, joining the military, joining, uh… Voluptuous Sunrise…"

"Well I told about that time I we was fired on, I returned fire then but I didn't hit anyone..."

"No, I haven't but I know that being in the private military business kind of necessitates that possibility. I never would have joined the military if I hadn't prepared myself for that possibility that I might have to… kill."
No. 485442 ID: cea452
File 135825228562.gif - (10.32KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlumInTheBooth4.gif )

>Better seat that stock on your shoulder before you put your eye out. Those things have a bit of a kick to them.


"Right, I knew that, I really did. Just a brain fart. I'm really not incompetent, I swear! I got through basic training!"

"Alright, I'm gonna open fire!"
No. 485443 ID: cea452
File 135825232903.gif - (22.75KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlumInTheBooth5.gif )

"Open fire!"
No. 485444 ID: cea452
File 135825235315.gif - (14.02KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlumInTheBooth6.gif )

No. 485451 ID: f38399

Lol, did we just get hit with spent casings? That's retarded. Whoops.
No. 485454 ID: 2f4b71

Facefull o' hot brass, ouch.
No. 485512 ID: 6a5a08

Branflake, where are your ear protectors?
Why aren't your safety goggles on your eyes?
Jeez man.
No. 485546 ID: f2c20c

Move your face, dummy.
No. 485568 ID: 6dc5a6

Perk unlocked: Deaf
No. 488698 ID: cea452
File 135951974148.gif - (14.37KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlumInTheBooth7.gif )


"Ringing…-od are you okay? Sir, Mr. Branflake sir?"

>Lol, did we just get hit with spent casings? That's retarded. Whoops.
>Facefull o' hot brass, ouch.

>Facefull o' hot brass, ouch.

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry-eee…"

"H-how can I… Is there… A-are you alright?"

>Branflake, where are your ear protectors? Why aren't your safety goggles on your eyes? Jeez man.


"H-hey, um here are your ear protectors. They were, uh… I left them in the other booth.."

No. 488699 ID: 6a5a08

Wave for her to calm down and tell her it was your own fault on this one, then check the target to see how she did.
No. 490265 ID: cea452
File 136000820443.gif - (14.80KB , 800x480 , ShootingWithKlum8.gif )

>Wave for her to calm down and tell her it was your own fault on this one


>check the target to see how she did

"… I, uh, didn't use all of the gun. A-all the bullets in the. Gun. Should you, I-I do that again? Uh, shoot at another target? Oh, is that your phone buzzing? I can wait. Until you, answer. Your phone."

"Goggles! Is your name Huxley… Branflake?"
No. 490275 ID: 76b151

Well shes not the worst shot I've seen. At least she can hit the target.
No. 490555 ID: cea452
File 136008720477.gif - (14.10KB , 800x480 , PMCShootingWithKlum9.gif )

Well shes not the worst shot I've seen. At least she can hit the target.



"… How did I do, sir?"

>Well shes not the worst shot I've seen. At least she can hit the target.

"Uh, ha, thanks, sir. Is, uh, that it? I mean, are we done here? I mean, I can squeeze off a few more if you want me to, I'm not--"

"Eh-Heck-Scuse me? You, Goggles!"

"Hey Goggles, Mama's talking to you!"
No. 490558 ID: 17cb5e

Might as well see what the woman wants. She does know our name so it's probably someone we met before.

Just tell Klum she's fine and go see what's going on. As for the missed call I say don't worry about it for now. We are in a gun range after all.
No. 491252 ID: cea452
File 136029508199.gif - (13.37KB , 800x480 , ConfrontingThugs.gif )

>Just tell Klum she's fine

"Alright, cool. Sorry if I made you miss a call…"

>I say don't worry about it for now. We are in a gun range after all.

"Alright. I'll go take my stuff back to the, uh, return desk. After that, meet me at outside at the entrance?"

"Eh! Heck! Scuse me! My patience! You are running it short!"

>Might as well see what the woman wants.

"I will tell you what in hell I am in want of. I will ask you very slowly: Is, your name, Huxley Branflake?"

>She does know our name

"Excuse me, legitimately? What was your name before that you were compelled to change it to Branflake? Iosah, who is this one?"

"He is a damned joker."

"What a damned joker."

"Does he possess it?"

"Goggles, where in hell is the gelignite? You stuck it in your car out there?"
No. 491261 ID: 76b151

... I have idea what the hell gelignite is. You been stealing from crime lords or something?
No. 491367 ID: 6a5a08

Shrug confusedly and ask the guy down the hall if you're tripping right now, cause you don't remember taking anything recreational recently.
No. 491384 ID: 849766

"Who the fuck are you? And what the hell is gelignite?"
No. 491397 ID: 17cb5e

Why would Huxley have explosives with him? It seems someone played this woman and is screwing with her. Let's find out why/how she knows our name. Maybe the phone call was related after all.
No. 491477 ID: 2f4b71

Gelignite is a sort of fairly crude mouldable explosive. Cheap, safer than dynamite, used for commercial blasting. Easily surpassed by other superior explosives for military purposes.

I can't think why Branflake would have any, unless he works at a quarry and moonlights as a mercenary commander.
No. 491734 ID: cea452
File 136047134820.gif - (14.06KB , 800x480 , ConfrontingThugs2.gif )

>Shrug confusedly and ask the guy down the hall if you're tripping right now, cause you don't remember taking anything recreational recently.


"Legitimately? This is how far the joker act goes? I sure you I am real, not a hallucination. Yes I am missing half my face, I am flattered you notice."

>… I have no idea what the hell gelignite is.
>"Who the fuck are you? And what the hell is gelignite?"

>"Who the fuck are you? And what the hell is gelignite?"

"I am sick of you talking to Mama in that way--"



"Goggles, I am commencing to think there is something the wrong with you. Legitimately, what is gelignite? Jelly, bang bang? Feh."

>Let's find out why/how she knows our name.

"In what other way would you think? A trusted middleman who--"

"Mama, what if he… I'm sorry, I…"

"… No dear, you are correct. Goggles, you have expended my patience. You are not fooling me now. I have induced your bad plan. You possess cold feet and are trying to cheat us. Hence you act like a damned joker, to seem ignorant. How on the mark am I? Well, now that I have deduced your logic…"

"Can the damned joker stay serious enough to follow my logic? One, I possess the image and name of Huxley Branflake. Two, Huxley Branflake has gelignite for us. Three, you look like the image and confirm your name. Four, you are Huxley Branflake, who has gelignite for us. What is the conclusion?"

"He's going to give us the gelignite."

"That is correct, I am very proud. Goggles, are you follow my logic?"
No. 491736 ID: 6a5a08

We came here for firing range practice with a new recruit for the PMC we're putting together. She and ourselves have probably either been set up to kill each other, or we never got the memo. Maybe that missed call had something to do with it.
No. 491739 ID: 6a5a08

She meaning the lady, not Klum. I should have specified.
No. 491741 ID: 76b151

Do I look like I have gelignite on me? This is a goddamn firing range, not a shop. You want something I have no idea is go find someone else. Your trusted source is mistaken.

Prepare to defend yourself when things inevitable go south.
No. 491744 ID: 6a5a08

In a combat scenario, remember there are guns and ammo right next to you.
No. 491759 ID: 9ddf68

just ingore them and walk on by but keep your hand near your weapon incase they try to do something stupid, well stupider. And if I had to guess I think gelignite might be some kind of drug.
No. 491767 ID: 17cb5e

I doubt it's a drug considering it's a real life explosive but I hope they ain't dumb enough to shoot Huxley in here. There is no way that wouldn't bite them in the ass. They might as well help you piece this thing together because odds are that some prick is setting you up and they just got screwed over in a deal.
No. 499235 ID: 39b7b6
File 136289109139.gif - (14.42KB , 800x480 , ConfrontingThugs3.gif )

>just ingore them and walk on by but keep your hand near your weapon incase they try to do something stupid, well stupider.

"You move goggles and I'll blow you apart."

"Fuckin' shoot you apart into little FUCKIN' CHUNKS--"

"Iackob, do not speak so obscene. That is embarrassing to you and me."


"Goggles, for you it would be good to not move. There is a boy with a gun in your face."

>Do I look like I have gelignite on me? This is a goddamn firing range, not a shop. You want something I have no idea is go find someone else.

"Of course I do not believe you have as much gelignite as was promised just on your body. You have it in your car, of course."

>They might as well help you piece this thing together because odds are that some prick is setting you up and they just got screwed over in a deal.

"I shall sure you last time. This is the very last time, remember that. Very last time that I will tolerate any more of your joker act. The only way we will be screwed over here is if you do not take us to your car, and give us the gelignite promised. No pricks are setting me up; I have a very trusted source."
No. 499236 ID: 39b7b6
File 136289111766.gif - (17.79KB , 800x480 , mamacloseup.gif )

>She and ourselves have probably either been set up to kill each other

>odds are that some prick is setting you up

>Your trusted source is mistaken.

"I do. not. get it."

"Have you not been heard my words until now? I do not care about to hear about your ignorance about the gelignite, I just want the gelignite! You are acting oblivious, like you still don't know what I am talking about long after the point when any reasonable man would have stopped! I HAVE A GUN TO YOUR FACE! Do you not FEEL FEAR?"
No. 499237 ID: 39b7b6
File 136289113544.gif - (14.39KB , 800x480 , ConfrontingThugs4.gif )

"Tell me one thing. Say one thing why I should trust you or your words over those of my most trusted source. I would love to hear just even one reason why I could ever trust you, Huxley Branflake."
No. 499253 ID: 78c6ea

Please I'll do whatever you want! I don't know anything about gelignite I can get it for you please don't shoot me oh god oh god

Seriously Huxley Branflake has been possessed by mischevious spirits who don't know anything. Maybe if you shoot him we'll leave. Maybe. He's not here though. He's probably off in another body jumping the border right now.
No. 499265 ID: 387f16

We just need to stall her. Helpful Civilian Bystander got one of the fire range guns and is about to save us. Be ready to disarm Left Man when he's distracted by the shots and defend yourself.

Assuming it is true, say, "I walked here."
If not, say, "I am being controlled by the visitors of an online imageboard through a cybernetic implant. Disregard what I just said, it was a hallucination."
No. 499267 ID: 76b151

Rub your forehead as if you have a migraine. Look lady, If you shoot me in a gun range you're gonna face lots of very frightened people. With guns. Loaded guns. Their reaction? Most likely they are gonna shoot you!

THis entire thing is stupid. For one thing I walked. For another I have no idea what galignite is. And one last thing.

I don't care if I die.

So no. I don't care if I have a gun in my face. No matter how you threaten me you aren't going to get what you want. Because I DON'T HAVE IT!
No. 499809 ID: 39b7b6
File 136315347968.gif - (14.17KB , 800x480 , ConfrontingThugs5.gif )

>We just need to stall her.

>Rub your forehead as if you have a migraine.

>Look lady, If you shoot me in a gun range you're gonna face lots of very frightened people. With guns. Loaded guns. Their reaction? Most likely they are gonna shoot you!

>THis entire thing is stupid. For one thing I walked. For another I have no idea what galignite is. And one last thing.

>I don't care if I die.

>So no. I don't care if I have a gun in my face. No matter how you threaten me you aren't going to get what you want. Because I DON'T HAVE IT!

"… There were no of those words which made me trust you, Goggles. That and you do not have the promised goods? So you die. And contrariwise to your words, no one else is here in the range except but you and we. I know; we checked. Iackob, just--"

"Wait!… wait Goggles was talk at a guy behind us not long ago."
No. 499810 ID: 39b7b6
File 136315349270.gif - (13.20KB , 800x480 , killingthugs.gif )




>Be ready to disarm Left Man when he's distracted
No. 499811 ID: 39b7b6
File 136315350682.gif - (18.97KB , 800x480 , killingthugs2.gif )

"Da fuck! Ah, da Chorus! Ay, you alright, man?"
No. 499825 ID: 7003a8

Point the gun at the woman's head and order her to put her hands up.
Tell the guy you're ok.
No. 499826 ID: f2c20c

She is reaching into her jacket. Don't hesitate to fire if she pulls a gun.
No. 499844 ID: 387f16

No. 499846 ID: 387f16

Though as an afterthought, since we don't know how much ammo we have, step on her hand before you finish her. If we get that empty click we don't want her finishing her draw,
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