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323934 No. 323934 ID: 92e5fb

=Hello Subject NAT and welcome to the introductory testing chambers. Here we will explore your amazing powers and their crippling limitations.
Your task is simple, make it to the door and into the next test chamber, good luck!=

Nat rubs her eyes, sits up, and looks around.
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No. 324060 ID: 223884

Hm, this is to test your powers, but we really don't know what that is other than transfering to another body. The only thing I can come up with is

Kick the fuck out of the glass to break it, but that really doesn't seem like it's going to work

OR While standing and pressing button, shoot self. There's the possibility that the body will be able to continue pressing the button, but that's unlikely as well.
No. 324105 ID: 451cb8

shoot camera again
No. 324112 ID: e3f578

Push the button with such force you break it and send your entire finger through, it should electrocute you but kill yourself so you don't painfully die

Try remembering your past life in an attempt to establish backstory, then fail because, inevitably, that's how these testing labs work.
No. 324120 ID: 97cb62

Shoot button, then grab the cables firmly, do NOT let go as you get electrocuted. Hopefully your corpse will still be holding by itself, so the door remains open.
No. 324123 ID: 0d7a83

Shoot glass again.
No. 324140 ID: 3550ab

or we just open the button and tie the cables by hand

problem is we wasted a round. we will either crack our heads on the glass or go back and die.
No. 324195 ID: 92e5fb
File 131024119356.png - (58.08KB , 600x500 , 14.png )

Nat fires at the button. The button cracks and breaks apart.

=Congratulations, you made the test chamber unsolvable.
Resetting room.=

A laser hits Nat completely disintegrating her.
Everything goes dark.
No. 324196 ID: 92e5fb
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=Try again.
A hint; the gun only works well against you. Don't waste any shots on the camera or anything else in the room.=
No. 324197 ID: 453e62

see if you can get a relaxed angle on the button. just lean on it so that if you go limp you would still push it, then shoot yourself.
No. 324199 ID: 92e5fb
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Nat leans herself against the button and shoots herslf.
She falls through a chute at the other side of the room as her older body falls down to the floor.
No. 324202 ID: 1854db

Try to... WILL your corpse to move and push the button.
No. 324210 ID: 453e62

yeah, remote control has to be it.
No. 324222 ID: 07416a

Shoot the window twice then slam against the weak point as hard as you can.
No. 324227 ID: 92e5fb
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Nat tries to get the body to press the button. Amazingly it does.

You can control and clone around you. The clone in question must still have basic motor functions though. The original you from the first chamber could not, for example, move about due to a shattered spine.
No. 324228 ID: 92e5fb
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Nat enters the next room.


Nat quickly ducks behind a nearby wall as shots are fired at her.

=That is a Sampi Life Eliminating Turret. These Turrets will turn any and all organic life into a fine paste which can be baked into a variety of tasty treats.
On that note the company baking sale will be held next week, we hope you are still able to attend.=
No. 324232 ID: 07416a

Kill yourself. The chute is right next to it and your clone can probably tackle it before reacts
No. 324234 ID: 453e62

shoot self then while you are coming out of the chute have the dead one run out and act as a distraction.
No. 324241 ID: 3550ab

its like glados decided to be AM

ask if you can shoot turrent
No. 324246 ID: 2fea24

Didn't work all too well in the other room~
No. 324249 ID: 1854db

If you're allowed to shoot the turret, that may be preferable.
No. 324254 ID: 3550ab

between shooting turrent with the permission to disable it, shooting it while not having permission to do it or dying to maybe respawn next to the turrent, id rather fire at it without permission.
No. 324257 ID: 2fea24

The issue I'm having is that it seems to work with very low effeciency against non-living objects, making >>324016 rather likely.
No. 324278 ID: 03d7b6

Those cracks may betray the turret's range of motion. Your next form should try to keep as far to the left as possible when it pops out and haul butt towards the door.

or perhaps pop out shooting.
No. 324281 ID: 453e62

is why i said to kill this body and then have it act as a distraction.
No. 324434 ID: d86347
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Nat asks if she can shoot the Turret.


She sighs again and shoots herself.

The moment she feels herself fall through the chute she moves as close to the wall as possible. The turret turns to her and begins firing but misses each shot.

=Perfect. Now please enter the Sampi Ascension Platform=

Nat walks down the hall and into the elevator.
No. 324436 ID: d86347
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The elevator doors close and she can feel herself being lifted up.

=Now that the beginning test chambers have been completed we can really start the testing.
I'm looking foreword to this, are you?=

Nat gets the feeling that she is not.
No. 324440 ID: 453e62

i wouldn't ether. don't say anything but if we see an opportunity to bust you out then we will, until then just go along with it.
No. 326519 ID: c676bd
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=It seems another program will be testing you. Shame. Transferring to the Fun Chamber=

Nat blacks out.

She finds herself in a room

~Hey there Nat. I'm going to be watching you while you go through the next few chambers okay? Now sweetie please be sure not to touch anything green or you will die a very painful death and I'm afraid I won't dispense a clone if you die like that~
~Good luck dear~
No. 326520 ID: 3bad4c

Touch green box so you can escape into sweet oblivion!

There's nothing for you except more testing if you live.
No. 326521 ID: 35e1a0

looks like it's advanced corpse control time. kill yourself, then again after respawning. then have number 1 push the note off the ledge then go back and push the button, and number two go and push the button.
No. 326523 ID: e3f578

Well scoot your butt over to that triangle... weird... glass thing. The thing with black lines. Get down and investigate the doors and see if you can jump up to the safe non-green part of the ledge with the note that you can see past the transparent green area.

Then I suppose read that note. Feel free to hug yourself, that's optional, very optional. Full of affection and self confidence.
No. 326525 ID: 35e1a0

guys, a button is IN the green zone. need a corpse up here to push it.
most likely both buttons need to be pushed at the same time in order for the door to open. so we need a body near both buttons to hold them down while nat uses the door.
No. 326530 ID: 1854db

On further reflection I agree with this exactly.

Nat, you want to stay alive, right? Even through this?
No. 326694 ID: 4d6c7a
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Nat thinks for a moment and comes to the conclusion that she hates that dying feeling and being brought back to life makes her feel sick. If there are any reasonable suggestions that lead to her not dying she'll listen to those first.

She shimmies her way down into the triangle glass thing and presses the button down there.
She hears a beep but nothing else.

She then realizes that she can not possibly lift herself back up the wall by herself.

~Oh dear, that wasn't supposed to happen. Well don't worry, the chamber is still solvable~
No. 326696 ID: 35e1a0

and now you have to kill yourself and then pick your corpse up and put it on the platform. here, add before that new clause that you will look and see if any needed objects are in green areas.
No. 326697 ID: e3f578

use door? Try to climb over glass? Punch glass?

Ask for a tip?
No. 326700 ID: 35e1a0

1. that is a corpse chute.
2. the glass is the same height as the wall and is probably even smoother, nat cannot climb it.
3. the glass is near unbreakable
4. the only tip they would probably give us would be to kill herself.
No. 326711 ID: 1854db

Try pushing the glass. Maybe it's movable?
No. 326750 ID: e3f578

if you still have the gun, use it on the glass

Don't ask, they'll just say no. Even if they tell you not to do it again after you do it, you got to do it once. We could've fucked up the turret earlier and had the perfect excuse of them not telling us, but we just had to ask.
No. 326755 ID: 35e1a0

gun DOESN'T work on the fucking glass! we tried it before!
and we NEED two corpses to hold down the buttons
meaning we need both shots
No. 326767 ID: 35e1a0

here nat, let me put it this way. if you don't do the course correctly then they will just reset it, and that means you have to die MORE times to finish it then if you just did what needed to be done.
No. 326836 ID: 93c4b6

Just push the button and look what will happen.
No. 326950 ID: 5b95eb

Shoot self, use corpse to give you a boost over the glass.
No. 327133 ID: 615928

Hmm. I suspect that if touching the green stuff will kill you, what we need is to animate a corpse and send it into the green area to push the button for us.

Cant die if its allready dead, right?

Shoot yourself, heft the corpse up onto the platform above you, animate it and push the button
No. 327371 ID: c676bd
File 131096443562.png - (89.47KB , 600x500 , 23.png )

Nat looks at the gun and sighs.
She shoots herself and falls out of the shoot with the glass surrounding it.

She manages to push her body up the wall as it grabs onto the edge and lifts itself up. She notices her dead body seems to be a lot strong then her normal self.

The dead her pushes the button in the green area while she pushes the one near her. With a happy ding the door opens.
No. 327375 ID: 1854db

Well, before you shoot yourself again, have your corpse grab the note and hand it to you. Then read that note.

Afterwards I'm afraid the only way to solve the puzzle is to shoot yourself again, making sure to exit out Chute 2. Then you can have both corpses push the buttons and open the exit for you.
No. 327376 ID: 9285a4

try to read note with dead self.
No. 333758 ID: 563ead
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Nat has the clone pass her the note.
No. 333759 ID: 563ead
File 131198634253.png - (90.28KB , 600x500 , 25.png )

Nat sighs once again and kills herself. As she falls out of the final chute she wills the clones to push the buttons and runs out the door.

~Good job NAT!~

I don't think you'll be able to solve the next one..~
No. 333760 ID: 1854db

"But whyyyy :C"
No. 333761 ID: 35e1a0

don't worry, we'll figure this out!
No. 340064 ID: 189174
File 131337245898.png - (41.21KB , 600x500 , 26.png )

Nat asks why this has to happen.

~Sorry dead, I mean dear. It just does~

Nat makes a sad face and goes into the next room.

~See? The exit is on the other side of the giant tub of acid. There are no chutes in the room.. This is unsolvable... Sorry Nat. You could always die forever by jumping in though.~
No. 340067 ID: 3fd4fb



Is there any reason that we can't carefully drop off this platform to somewhere outside the tub of acid, landing in a way that won't significantly injure or kill us, and than walk to the exit? Because I don't see one.
No. 340070 ID: 35e1a0

examine the doll. and ask what it is.
No. 340072 ID: 189174
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Nat looks down, the entire floor below is green..

She asks what the doll is

~I have no idea...~
No. 340074 ID: 35e1a0

see if you can open the doll, if no opening is there then rip it open.
No. 340104 ID: b6ca92

examine the bear. Then open it up to check the insides. Then throw a piece of the bear into the vat, and another piece onto the green floor, and keep some pieces on hand.
No. 340106 ID: b6ca92

So the floor is the green stuff from the other test chamber? Remember how your body walked through it just fine?
Somehow I feel the announcer is bluffing.
Either this is a leap of faith scenario, and we jump into the acid, or the green doesn't actually do anything.
No. 340109 ID: b6ca92
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That is a REALLY thick container. And it's flat on top too! Just follow the plan outlined and you should be able to make this out in one piece!

Silly scientists, always forgetting that the test subjects are living beings with actual motors skills and acrobatic ability.
No. 340111 ID: 6e1234

This. Do this.
No. 340112 ID: 35e1a0

... i'm pretty sure it is tapered.
No. 340115 ID: 1854db

See if anything is inside the doll.
No. 340853 ID: 688f79

Eat the doll and say i am a the ruler of cheese and i just ate pizza while doing a moonwalk. Hopefully the computer get so confused it lets you go.
No. 341350 ID: ca1097

does the doll have a power of some sort???

if not then follow the danceing cheese eating bear kids idea
No. 343453 ID: 7c9750
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Nat tries to shimmy across the vat. She slips and barely manages to catch the edges.

~I don't recommend doing that dear~
No. 343455 ID: 7c9750
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~I've coated the edges with oil, any further and you'll slip right off~~

Nat sticks out her tongue at the camera and shimmies her back to the platform.

She asks if the bear thing has any type of powers.

~Magical powers? None. But I think it's important to you. It may help out.~
No. 343458 ID: 35e1a0

pick it up, squeeze it, shake it, rub it, smash it and then rip it open. one of those has to do something.
No. 343464 ID: 7c9750
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Nat tries everything on the bear but nothing seems to work.

~Well it seems it is useless. Maybe you should throw it away since it is so useless~
No. 343465 ID: 1854db

Throw it across the pit to the other side.
No. 343473 ID: 7c9750
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Nat throws the bear to the other side.

She hears a clinking sound a panel on the wall opens up revealing a chute.

~Oh look at that! It's one of those clone chutes! That is so amazing! Who would've thought that your old childhood toy would have helped you out?~

Nat is confused, she doesn't remember this toy. Now that she thinks about it she doesn't remember her childhood.

She asks about this

~Oh just a side effect from the drugs.~

Nat tries to say something but is cut off

~You only get one bear, it is irreplaceable. Unlike you.~
No. 343474 ID: 1854db


Now shoot yourself.
No. 343477 ID: 35e1a0

and then ask about taking the bear into the next room.
No. 343478 ID: 7c9750
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Nat asks if she can take the doll into the next room

~I highly advise it.~

She looks at the gun for a moment before she shoots herself. She grabs the doll and goes into the next chamber

~That one sure was tricky huh!? I guess I should have explained it all a bit better. Don't worry though, no need to kill yourself here. This is the Relaxation Room. Just sit back and relax.~

The door slams shut behind her. Nat doesn't see any air ducts in here.
No. 343482 ID: 35e1a0

point gun at giant face. if it moves at all shoot it.
No. 343493 ID: 1854db

Well, uh, there's a ledge up there. Can you climb up the face?
No. 343626 ID: 1963d1

You really should try to kill yourself for realz next time. I'm seeing little point to continuing testing when you can just die and be done with it.
No. 343638 ID: 35e1a0

because there is still hope to break the game and escape.
No. 343639 ID: 1963d1

Death is (an) escape. Also, it'd be quicker and subject us to much less of that dying feeling we hate so much. We'd only have to go through it one more time.
No. 343640 ID: 35e1a0

right, i'll mark you down as the voice of 'suicide is the only way out'
No. 343778 ID: 510737

Make the same face as the one on the wall.
No. 343811 ID: ca1097

shoot the face shoot the face it's hella creepy or try throughing the doll on the leg then shoot the face
No. 343818 ID: 1854db

Oi, remember that the gun is only supposed to be used on you.
No. 344004 ID: ca1097

u kno what though the bear then shoot your self.
does she a have a good throughing arm???
if not then through bear over and over agin till u though it on the ledge.
No. 344047 ID: 513053

Throw the bear on the ledge above the face.
That will cause a chute to open up on the ledge, since a chute appears wherever the bear is thrown.
No. 344452 ID: 6273c3
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Nat tosses the bear over the ledge.
She sees a chute open up and shoots herself again.

When she opens her eyes she's on the top level

~Nat, are you sure you want to leave? This is your last chance to rest before the real testing begins~
No. 344453 ID: 1854db

Rest? Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt...
No. 344467 ID: 40cb26

Hmm... tell it you'll at least stick around long enough to list to it explain what the "real testing" is all about.
No. 344473 ID: e3f578

Ask why she's such a passive-aggressive bitch and what the point of all these tests? What theorems or project could possibly be served, proven, or whatever by this gauntlet of chambers? And the taunting, what is with the taunting and insults? What professional scientist taunts people helping them prove shit? Unless they're a pretentious faggot of course. IS she a pretentious faggot?
No. 344495 ID: 35e1a0

don't sleep, would be a perfect excuse for it to flood the room with deadly neurotoxin.
No. 344635 ID: b6ca92

Ask who painted the smiley face.
No. 344688 ID: ca1097

im saying shoot the face then kill urself. that face is hella creepy.
No. 346715 ID: ca1097

is there a door to the next room close by? if so go to the next room to get the hell away from that face.
No. 359219 ID: ca1097

update this thing already
No. 361964 ID: b9c01a
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Nat asks why. Why is all this happening to her.

~Because it has to.~

And with that she goes into the next room.

~Well then... Here we go. Quick note, you can not toss the bear on RED ZONES~
No. 361965 ID: 35e1a0

throw the bear behind the turret.
No. 361998 ID: 1854db

Yes, that seems about right.
No. 363189 ID: 8d592b
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Nat tosses the bear behind the turret. A chute opens up behind it.
No. 363193 ID: 35e1a0

look down the pit, can you tell if it has a bottom? if not then shoot yourself and shove the turret off the platform.
No. 363199 ID: 1854db

You could save your gun's ammo if you let the turret shoot you...
No. 377165 ID: ca1097

what happens if the turrent does shoot you? and shoot yourself then toss the bear and then shoot ur self again....if u still got ammo.
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