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File 127761828162.png - (11.71KB , 775x225 , kzyetchtitle.png )
199693 No. 199693 ID: e513f1

In the course of history, there are people who are special. Chosen by some unknown force, they carve their own path, achieving great things, or bringing the darkest plights upon the land.
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No. 200431 ID: 445c48

Lie down, count sheep, imagine rupturing them.
No. 200522 ID: c2c011

You're never too young to start drinking. Or murder hobos.
No. 200643 ID: 7a28df
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This is the top of the tower. The other two bedrooms here are the other students, Kal and Noka. They are probably asleep. There's also a staircase down to the main house and the master bedroom.
No. 200644 ID: c707bd

sneak a peek at them, if they are asleep then leave, if one or both are awake too then party.
No. 200650 ID: 445c48

>If they are asleep, carefully slip into their bed.
No. 200662 ID: a594b9

Wander downstairs.
No. 200722 ID: 7a28df
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You go check on Noka first.

Huh, her door is ajar. That's odd. Usually she keeps it closed.
No. 200723 ID: a594b9

Take a peek in, see if she's ok.
No. 200744 ID: 7a28df
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You take a peek inside. It looks like she's aslee--
No. 200745 ID: 7a28df
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No. 200756 ID: 6a5a08

Probably a protection spell or charm in case creepers look into her room at night. Like you.
No. 200757 ID: 193aa9

calm down, it's obviously a spell.
No. 200763 ID: 7a28df
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You fall backwards with a loud thump, clutching at your eyes. You hear stirrings from inside the bedroom, and some mumbling.

Yes of course you knew it was a spell. It was obvious.

Look, it's already starting to wear off.
No. 200764 ID: 193aa9

call out that you are sorry but her door was open so you were making sure she was okay.
No. 200773 ID: 7a28df
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You are about to say some words when your vision suddenly clears a lot more, and you see something. A certain spiral something. It's telling you to stop saying words.

Your muscles suddenly seize up and lock in place, sending an electric jolt up your spine.

Inside the bedroom, you can hear the shifting of bedsheets, then silence.
No. 200774 ID: 6a5a08

I think someone's been making demonic pacts for power.
No. 200779 ID: e03cb8

can you overpower the lock up with raw power despite not knowing an exact counterspell? something must be wrong because a simple rune shouldn't have two different spells in it. brute force out of it and scrape up the symbol.
No. 200796 ID: 7a28df
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Noka is almost a solar cycle older than you! She knows a lot more spells. She also knows how to use runes.

That said, this particular setup is a bit-- arghfrghggh-- cruel. I mean, no one else really comes up here. Who is this even for?

They're two different runes. One is on the wall above her bed and the other is on the ceiling above the door.
No. 200797 ID: 701a19

No. 200799 ID: 1ddc7b

well how long do they usually last, are you gonna be stuck on the floor until she wakes up?
No. 200800 ID: 4f6e37

"Uh hi Noka how are you! I was wondering if you were up then your sigil things kind of blinded and paralyzed me so listen maybe help a sister out and wake up to fix this because oh god my nose itches and I swear I will rupture your organs where the sun does not shine come on you bitch help aaaah"
No. 200801 ID: 4f6e37

Or if you can't talk either make yourself comfortable in your paralyzed state and see if you can get some shut-eye on the floor.
No. 200807 ID: c2c011

Probably to blind whoever walks in on her when she's doing some intimite private stuff. Tell her that you didn't mean to interupt and you would like your vision back. And that she should hang a sock or something on the door and close it firmly so people don't peek through it.
No. 200810 ID: 7a28df
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You can see again. Your muscles are just all locked up. It's actually rather painful. You're definitely wide awake now.

Your mouth is locked shut! You don't think she woke up anyway.

This would be a rather embarrassing position to be found in the next day. You'd prefer to avoid it if possible.

It depends on the rune. It could last a few seconds or last until someone helps you out of it. Luckily Noka just started doing runes so she can't hold them for that long. You think you can it's starting to wear off.
No. 200811 ID: 1ddc7b

good, looks like it's fading. after it's gone doodle a mustache on her face while she sleeps as pay back.
No. 200821 ID: a594b9

Just get up, don't look at the runes, close the door and leave.
No. 200844 ID: 7a28df
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This is a pretty good idea because you're not sure the blinding rune went away.

You carefully close the door, and walk down the other hallway to Otto's room. The artist reuses a panel because he is lazy.

Otto's door is closed, as usual. He is probably in there studying or something. You're not sure he ever sleeps.
No. 200845 ID: 1ddc7b

lightly knock and ask if he is up. if so ask if he wants to hang out.
No. 200850 ID: 1ddc7b

oh and avoid that black spot.
No. 201077 ID: 7a28df
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That's just a hole in the door. Otto doesn't trap his shit.

I knock on the door and whisper, "Otto? Are you awake? Do you want to hang out?"

There is a pause, a rustle, and then some footsteps.
No. 201078 ID: 7a28df
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The door swings open, and his tired face peers up at me.

"What is it? What do you want?"
No. 201081 ID: 00160c

can't sleep, thought maybe you wanted to hang out, i'll even help you study, hold the book and ask the questions and stuff.
No. 201082 ID: c4c313

Time to partay!
No. 201096 ID: d3dfb8

"Got any alcohol?
Can't sleep and I got an 'itch' down there if you get what I mean.
... Wink-wink nudge-nudge."
No. 201103 ID: c4c313

In mah belleh. The itch of not enough alcohol.
No. 201120 ID: a594b9

That sounds better than asking for hooch.
No. 201361 ID: c2c011

Party time! Go with it.
No. 201396 ID: 316acf

seriously guys? seriously? you may think sounding like a drunk lut is funny but this is the beginning and defines her character.

so take that first suggestion, just ask to hang out.
No. 201403 ID: fc5f60

give hints at maybe studying together. kill two birds with one stone.
No. 210202 ID: 7a28df
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> You feel a subtle shift in the mechanics of the universe.

You enter his room. It's strangely empty. Usually there's books piled everywhere. You wonder if he was studying.

"I couldn't sleep. I was wondering if you wanted to study, maybe I could help, have a little party?"

"You're not funny, Tyrn."

"Alright, fine. Can we at least hang out?"

"I am busy."

"Busy doing what?"

"I have been feeling restless lately. I fear there is some danger on the horizon."

"There's always danger on the horizon, Otto. Have you forgotten where we live?"

"This is worse. The wastelands have always kept their distance. Something will come, and destroy us. It may not even realize what it is doing. But it will attack, and we will perish."

"I think you're exaggerating. We're safe here."

"I fear the spirits that guide you, Tyrn. I do not trust them. I am leaving. I must find out what is going on. Stay if you will. Noka will look after you. She is capable of that, at least."
No. 210204 ID: d3dfb8

Well if we are all going to die it cant hurt to have a little fun~
*wink wink nudge nudge*
No. 210205 ID: a594b9

Maybe we should think about leaving too.
No. 210207 ID: c4c313


Hey, the spirits are people too. Curiously detached people, but people nonetheless! If you can't trust us, then how can you trust Otto?

It looks like Otto can't sleep either, though he seems to have a better grasp on what's up. Ask him how he's going to go about finding out what's going on. He's not going to just go running off into the wasteland is he?
No. 210209 ID: c2c011

Ask him if it's really a good idea to leave the saftey of this place to go out if he thinks there is certain doom out there. Especially at his skill level.
No. 210210 ID: 905fcd

if it will kill us by accident then what if we move out of the way?
No. 210245 ID: 7a28df
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Presumably he trusts himself just fine. You don't know what goes on in his head.

Tyrn: "What are you going to do? Just run off into the wastelands?"

Otto: "Anything I must."

You don't want to put him off. He seems on edge.

Tyrn: "Are you sure it's a good idea to leave all on your own, if it's so dangerous? You're the least experienced of us all."

Otto: "I am fine. I will not be able to rest until I find out if I am right or not."

Tyrn: "But run off into the wastelands? You're not prepared. You can't survive out there."

Otto: "I must."

Tyrn: "If it's going to kill us by accident, what if we move?"

Otto: "I don't know if it's going to be an accident. I'm not sure of anything. But it will spell certain doom for us all."

Tyrn: "I should go with you."

Otto: "Fine."

> Otto has joined the party!

> Current party:
> Name: Tyrn Kzeytch
> Level 5 Enchanter
> Endurance: 27/27
> MP: 58/58
> Spells: Rupture Organ

> Name: Otto Jezkl
> Level 4 Enchanter
> Endurance: 20/20
> MP: 44/44
> Spells: Heighten Sense

Otto: "We should leave quietly. Noka would ask questions and the master would forbid us. We can secure provisions on the way out. Also, you should change into your robe."
No. 210248 ID: a594b9

Right, let's get our stuff together.
No. 210255 ID: c2c011

This still seems like a horrible idea. Maybe it would be better to find Master and reveal what's going on. Two apprentencies who have just mastered one spell are really not ready to brave the wastes and look for something that spells certain doom.
No. 210272 ID: 84ec40

no, the master is too old and set in his ways. he will say 'blah blah impossible blah blah too young blah blah' and nothing will happen and we will all die.
No. 210407 ID: c2c011

And he probably has a point. These kids are not ready to tackle big stuff yet. And Otto himself said that the tower should be safe. If they explain it well to the master the message might get sent on through to people who can investigate the threat.
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