Dark Dawn Soda
Le Blanc is fun loving, blunt, action oriented and perverse, she's mostly fearless and is not one to back down from a challenge. She does not associate to either male or female, leaning towards female when need be. she does not distinguish male or female and has no sexual preference between the two, she does not shy away from play outside of her species, although mates her size are a plus, if push comes to shove, her titans are always fully loaded...
Her immense strength permits her to lift over 300 pounds above her head and her dwarven resilience permits her to resist crashing blunt weapons or the stomping feet of monsters... she's not one to be crushed in bed... piecing and slashing attacks cut her however... her modified internal organs grant her near endless stamina, held breath for over and hour, night vision, thermal vision, limited invisibility, temporary hemorrhage cease flow, near invulnerability to poisons, adrenaline dosses on command, can go several days without sleep depression...
flutterkin can sex change at will, although she is one to change her gender frequently, she prefers the cock for it's advantages. flutterkin can inflate like a balloon to then rapidly deflate to travel great distances, or float around as a balloon guiding their flight with their feathery tails. flutterkin's bones are rubbery and can dislocate universally like a rat, permitting them to slip into tight spots and land harmlessly from rapid deflations, being decendents of fairies, flutterkin have a strong resistance to the elements: being fire, ice, acid and electricity, they do feel these elements, although less than a human would, but they suffer notably less damage form them...
Le Blanc is mildly obsessed with tattoos and piercings. Flutterkin naturally recover extremely well, leaving no scars. making her hobbies more of an on going thing... piercing holes fill in over weeks and tattoos fade over months. she constantly re-inks and re-pierces, which lead to her obsession, she does how ever keep them mild most of the time...
Her augmented liver makes alcohol intoxication difficult as it filters out poison extremely well. And rather than not being drunk her solution is to drink more. often if possible by imbibing large quantities of alcohol via enema often wile bathing in said booze.
Le Blanc sports a bizarre bio slime instead of traditional underwear. this slime is in fact a living creature, though it is non sentient and incapable of thought, it does writhe and cling reflexively. the slime, known as "biowear", sticks to skin and it's self only, it is scooped and peeled of or dried with sand and scratched away when removed. it is edible and tastes like exotic unknown fruit, however it offers little in the way of sustenance... Le Blanc swears by biowear, wearing nothing less under her suit, claiming it offers better mobility, less chaffing, extremely hygienic, remarkable comfort, unparalleled formfitting (being a fluid), and mild arousal... biowear is manufactured via alchemy and feeds off of bodily fluids such as sweat... Le Blanc is naturally a brunet, thought she constantly dyes her hair, typically white. Her hair never grew on the left side of her head...
So for artists wanting to use this character... not saying who... just if anyone wants to... she's super strong, can't be crushed, prone to fucking who ever and always at least curious about the latest fetish, never gets tired, is either male or female as you see fit, capable of inflation fetish if that's you thing, fey resistance permits fun with fire, ice, acids and shocks, unnaturally flexible, her tattoos, although mandatory, can be what ever the artist see's fit, her piercings, although mandatory, can be what ever the artist see's fit, likes to be drunk, however this requires quite the dosage...
Le Blanc might seem a bit op... and she is to be honest. but she is a war hero after all... she's not exactly marry sue, being arrogant and self centered, aside from play she's hard to motivate and harder to get compliance, she'll often fight against something in the name of laziness, to the point of mediating the laziness to begin with... "I will work all night! ALL NIGHT! I will fight tooth and nail for the right to do absolutely nothing but jack off all day!! Fuck you! I'm gonna go tune my ride..."