Coconut Rose
Not on the asteroid, for starters. Our railguns are huge and all, and bigass guns like that get to be too big a target. Specially when all they have to shoot at are small, outdated vehicles unless you wanna fight the supernova or something.
You want bigass guns, you'll need to either find Belenos IV, or space faring capital ships.
>Does the range at which your empathy will be detected always match up with the range you can detect another neumono's empathy, or is there variance? Are there scenarios where one neumono, moving slowly enough, can sense another neumono's presence before they get noticed themselves?
We've got variance. Normal range is 30 meters with a standard deviation of about 1. Which means a below average neumono has a 2 meter window where he can sense an above average neumono, but the latter can't sense him. There's also a tiny, two foot range where some neumono can be sensed just slightly.
>Effects of losing a limb
It disorients us. I'll elaborate.
If we just lose an arm, then there's plenty of brain redundancy left to pick up the pieces and rewire the thoughts. While that's going on, though, the average neumono who's not used to losing arm is gonna be disoriented and half responsive while rewiring, and probably has some lingering grogginess for awhile.
Lose upwards of 20% to 30% though, or even just have it damaged, and that could be upward of a week of being a functional moron. Enough redundancy to not become a vegetable and die, but a lot of that gained intelligence goes down the shitter until it regenerates. Much more than that, and then that's when living is in question.
Back to limbs. Most of our brain is in our torso and head. Losing a limb or two is just gonna cause that half hour of disorientation and that's it. That's probably from the blood loss, shock and all that adrenaline shooting stuff as much as any brain loss. Definitely not enough brain loss to get dumber once they get a chance to rewire their thought pattern.
>When [Rikek] got half crushed by the moton, I think.
Yeah, that's a good example of brain damage. Limbs might not've been lost, but when brain gets kicked with a boot, the limbs' brain may as well not be there.
Anyway, there's more brain matter in bigger neumono, but it doesn't seem to help redundancy all that much. Probably just more brain to match more body to coordinate. Brain sizes vary too even in similar sizes, but so far all science has to say on the matter is 'could mean anything.' Losing an arm is still disorienting.
>So, how good is neumono regeneration at reattachment? Like, I assume that with modern medical techniques it's obvious that you can try stitch a limb back on, with a glue gun to seal arteries and so forth, but what about when things are less regined?
First, yeah, with modern medicine, you can tack on all sorts of body parts and have it get assimilated if it's in the right spot, absorbed if it's not.
For premodern medicine, pretty goddamn good I'd say. Long as the connections are more or less in place when you slap it on. That means the arm or whatever's gotta be about the same size and in the same point. Can't slap the chopped arm that only reaches to the bottom of a bicep to the shoulder and expect the live neumono body to say, cool, that's a bicep, I'll just connect that for now and then fill in the gap. Just won't work.
Assuming it's done without some kind of intelligence and matching parts, then that shortcut can and does come in handy. And like you said. Stitching it with some raw rope like some kind of B movie works just fine, long as you don't mutilate the arms too badly in the process.
>So you've told us you like dumb action movies and shows. Is that only dumb guns-and-explosions movies, or does it extent to, say, dumb martial arts movies? Also, have you ever watched any variant of fist of the north star, dragon ball z, or similar?
Fuck yes it extends to martial arts movies. Martial arts are about as sacred as shooting guns, so it can be just a joke as anything. I don't watch really old shit, but stuff like this hasn't gone completely out of style, specially not since neumono got their mitts on a cam.
I don't numb my brain on it like Kappi does, but I've got my guilty pleasures too.