Coconut Daisy
The currencies in Gung Gol will be:
0: Dwarven gold, which is 24 carat gold, usually weighed in (30g) pieces, which is ~four Imperial denars (22 carat gold).
1: Dwarven gold bar (weighs 1kg)
2: Possanid dinar, which is usually a (4,25g) 22 carat gold coin and values roundabouts half of an Imperial denar.
3: Drachm, which is an ancient (3,25g) 90% pure silver coin.
A dinar (~$142) is 20 drachms and 7 dinars is worth one ounce of gold. (~$1000)
In BaD Quest 'drachm' may root in the word 'dragon' and is usually the price of one tunafish in the Sea Empire.