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80491 No. 80491 ID: 5696d4


> Short-term Quest:
Find Murdelp
> Long-term Quest:
> Ultimate Goal:
Find Father
> Current Party:
> Inventory:
176 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 90422 ID: 45be60

Man, that angry purple glow is sexy. we should totally make out.
No. 90425 ID: 6cfb3f

The Essence of Anger gets me hot and hard and oh man it makes me just wanna rub myself up and down mmmm yeah just like that I need some BUTTER I'd like to pour some BUTTER on the Essence's FACE and call it a BUTTERFACE while we make hot sweaty mansoup together with BUTTERSAUCE oh yeah mmmmnnn...
No. 90638 ID: 5696d4
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"Anger always prevails over reason! That's why I am used to this. Any strong-willed creature succumbs to it, and you know that!"


Ugh, Wisdom Stone... You know I can also hear that, right? I know you're trying to annoy the Essence of Anger, but...

Anyway, I can see that Murdelp's skills have improved a lot, but seeing that he's under Anger's control, I think that was to blame. I can dodge the arrows, but I can't get near him.
No. 90642 ID: f44349

>"Anger always prevails over reason! That's why I am used to this. Any strong-willed creature succumbs to it, and you know that!"
Your so called victories are always hollow and short-lived. Rash anger may sometimes win battles, but it never wins wars.

No. 90654 ID: 76ae02

Man, what the FUCK is with you an butter lately?
No. 90669 ID: 5696d4
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"Anger is what creates war in the first place! Any creature is power-hungry for their wants... But they know that somewhere, someone has them. They're merciless, I tell you..."

I'm going in! There won't be any progress if I just keep dodging!
No. 90676 ID: 632862

Ah, but you're wrong. Anger doesn't start wars; greed, pride, and fear do. Anger is a reactionary emotion. It starts no conflict by itself.

Also, you're dodging the issue. Anger clouds the mind and makes one reckless. That's terrible in a tactician, which is why you will lose in the long term if you cannot let go of anger. A clear mind allows you to focus on the task at hand, and do it properly.
No. 90677 ID: b9af96

Try and snatch his arrows.
No. 90678 ID: 43d730

Well don't think it at us, goit!
Faggy Purple over there can read this conversation!
No. 90683 ID: 76ae02

This one's right, you're on your own here, we can't give you any advice and you should not tell us jack shit.
No. 90689 ID: f21281


No. 90700 ID: e3f578

Listen, anger, buuuuudddddyyyyyy... let's go get a few whores and just party man. You need to mellow. Power ain't shit to pleasure. (Yeah, Sanya, you can hear us. Quite frankly my dear I don't give a damn) Unless you get off to this kinda shit that comes with the power but honestly that's a whole lot of work. Why are you so willing to work bro?

No seriously, this fighting here? It's boring. We're at a goddamn stalemate and I can hear everything you say to Merdelp, Murphy, or whatever the little fucker's name is anyway. It's obvious everyone in the room's gonna die if we keep fighting (including your new body) because the both of us are that damn awesome. We'll be out of subjects and nobody wants that. Then we'd have to wait for new people to come along and us in such close quarters just means we're gonna fight for eternity. Of course if you get off on that like I said before...
No. 90712 ID: 76ae02

Oh yeah, this. Listen to this man (voice thing, you know what I mean).
No. 90720 ID: 5696d4
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"Nonsense! You know you will turn corrupt in time... while I stay here to do what I please!"


No... I want Anger to hear me! If we need to break through, we have to prove something... And I know what to do.

"Ha ha ha! Look at you, getting wounded! Doesn't that make you angry at your precious Murdelp for going against you-"
No. 90723 ID: 76ae02

Oh wait, I guess that's anger, huh?
Or are you planing on kissing him? That would be realy weird, you know, just saying.
No. 90724 ID: 67d8ad

Hug Murdelp.

...read note.
No. 90725 ID: b9af96

No. 90726 ID: b9af96

Mind Crush!
No. 90727 ID: f44349

Sanya, quit getting mad at the ANGRY ELEMENTAL.
He does not need more ANGRY to work with.

The rest of you lot as well!
Calm down.

Dodging the issue as always. You should know better than anyone how transient anger is. No one is angry forever. Your power will wane soon enough. While true wisdom always lives on.

No. 90733 ID: e3f578

Corrupt? Oh? Like we weren't corrupt in the first place? I take it you know our corrupt form, Anger?

I want you to understand, Anger. You are a pathetic little pebble only possibly capable of rage. You are very equal in power to us, but understand that we are an US. A multiple. We fucking outnumber you. We are capable of so many things that comprehending it would shatter you into so very tiny pebbles. Tinier than you are now. So tiny

I could possess this girl right now. I could then possess the three others at the same time. I don't even have to touch them. Here, let me try and wi-fi Murdelp right now.

>"Sup fool. Pebble got your tongue? Spit it out and talk again. It's that EASY"

That drink and whore thing is still up by the way, coward. Where's your courage now? Maybe you just need to get laid.
No. 90735 ID: bbde1f

Listen to this guy, Anger - he knows of what he speaks. We're some of the most depraved motherfuckers ever, corruption doesn't even begin to cover it.

Just because your dumb ass is angry all the time, that's not our problem.
No. 90758 ID: 5696d4
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... Guys... Thank you for being with me, even after through this hardships... I just want you to know before I do this... that I really appreciated your wisdom and all...
No. 90760 ID: 5d5878

What wisdom?
No. 90761 ID: 5696d4
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"I know you were frustrated when you had to save me back in the castle... But that was your courage, not anger! You wrote in that note that you were mad and was blaming yourself for all that, but had it not for your bravery, I wouldn't be alive right now!"
"I want you to realize... that you're not fighting all by yourself... and that you're not fighting because of anger... It's courage! COURAGE!"
"Just... just kill me, and you'll know!"
No. 90774 ID: 192956

Well Sanya, and other voices it has been a honor working with you.
*pulls out violen*
may as well go down with the ship.
No. 90778 ID: 5696d4
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"Look at the fool! She's trying to get herself killed! Well then, minion... Do your job."
"... MINION! I'm ORDERING you to kill her!"
"... No."
No. 90782 ID: 5696d4
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"L-l-lady Sanya... She came back for me... I-i-i thought she'd desert me and move on..."

I want to be brave...

No. 90783 ID: f21281

Yesssss....we can feel your anger...it gives you focus!

So yeah, like. Use that focus to blow up the Golem or something, I dunno.
No. 90784 ID: 192956

Courage is strength
Anger is weakness
Show anger your courage
No. 90788 ID: f44349

Remember why you fight, Murdelp. Not for revenge. Not for pleasure. Not for gain. You fight for the ones you love. That is your strength Murdelp. COURAGE

No. 90790 ID: 5696d4
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"... What is this? What is this 'courage' you're talking..."

The Essence of Anger's corruption's breaking... I think! We should end this once and for all, and maybe even cleanse it from its corruption!
No. 90792 ID: 9289ae

Be courageous - be bold!
No. 90794 ID: e3f578

...See pebble? This boldling has balls. Spit you right out. IT'S THAT EASY.

It ain't about the wisdom, baby. Merdelp, grab us from Sanya. Let us deal with anger with good old stone fisticuffs. Might help him be courage again. Lord knows the fucker needs it, the poor grain of earth. Of course it might be time to put ol' yeller down if you get my drift. this anger might be a sickness... and it needs to get cured.

HELP US HELP YOU MURDELP. GRAB US. Though to be honest you are doing fine with the fighting back.
No. 90795 ID: 76ae02


We should see about getting one of those huge-ass golem things, it would be cool to be able to do anything by ourself, for once.
No. 90798 ID: 192956

Anyone can get angry.
No. 90799 ID: 1831fc
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I have a message for you, Anger.

Courage. I've accomplished ten thousand times what you have. Alone. How can you possibly hope to defeat that which will never give in? Let go of the Anger. Embrace your true destiny.

No. 90802 ID: f44349

Courage, my brother, is the truth behind your facade. You are not an essence of anger. Anger is a moment of blind strength that lashes out and then dies But courage...? Courage is an enduring flame that burns in the blackest darkness. Courage is an unending strength that moves entire mountains Courage is standing strong against the direst of odds. Courage is fighting not for yourself, but for something greater than you, alone, could ever be. This is what you truly are, brother. REMEMBER

No. 90803 ID: 276781

Corrupted or not, you can't deny who you were - and still are. You need to be restored, Essence of Courage.

Fight your corruption with the Courage inherent in you. It has no place within you, no right to be there. Your true nature must shine forth, a light to banish evil and save lives.
No. 90810 ID: 5696d4
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"... How could I have succumbed to anger? Why... I remember now..."
No. 90812 ID: 5696d4
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"Sanya! Thank goodness you're still alive!"
"I'm so sorry about the arrows-"
"D-d-don't worry about it..."

Maybe I should ask or say something to Murdelp before I lose consciousness, but what? My mind's slipping...
No. 90816 ID: 276781

"Tell Gezzono he'd better not do anything perverted to my body while he's healing me."
No. 90818 ID: e3f578

"You got balls, Merdelp. I'll give ya that."
No. 90820 ID: 5696d4
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Ugh... I don't even have the strength to argue...

"Tell Gezzono he'd better not do anything perverted to my body while he's healing me."
"Uhhm, okay... Sanya?"
"Whaaaaaaaaaat happeeeeeeeeeeened?!"
"She's unconscious!"
"Well it's noooooooooo surprise... Youuuuuuuuu were jammin' thoooooooooooose arrows at heeeeeeeeeeer when you were stiiiiiiiiiill mind-controlled..."
"Just help her!"
"I knoooooooooooooow."
No. 90821 ID: 5696d4
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"And you'd better not touch her inappropriately while you're at it!"
No. 90827 ID: 9289ae

Gezzono: touch Sanya inappropriately.
No. 90829 ID: 34470e

Gezzono is an indirect player character. But he does so anyway.
No. 90834 ID: e3f578
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No. 90852 ID: 5d5878

Murdelp: touch Sanya inappropriately.
No. 90982 ID: f348ea

Murdelp: Touch Gezzono inappropriately.
No. 90984 ID: 43d730

Sanya- while unconcious, touch Gezzono and Murdelp inappropriately.
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