Evening Wind
Well, that'll make persuading her a little more effort. Back off for now and you can consider a longer-term strategy.
Say good for her, and make a crack about how she must need to go out of town for someone to "correspond" with, given the imbalances around here. Maybe it'd persuade her to mention something about why. This town and it's gosh-darn mysteries. If you want to start up with the undercutting already, you could say you're glad she has someone to help her relieve tension. Most likely she doesn't actually get that help from said correspondent, which will give her some doubts and maybe open her up to looking at you for it. Bit of a dick move, though, bro. At least try find out who it would be that you're stealing her away from - if for nothing else, then just in case it turns out to be some seven foot tall biker who'll want to introduce you to the lower end of your own spine.
I was going to suggest offering her a backrub to alleviate tension, but she'll be too on guard for implications in that, now.