Evening Climber
>Can you defeat the river and make it get out of your way? We are in lands inhabited by monsters and demons, this may not be an ordinary river and therefore there may be extraordinary solutions to this problem.
I splash the river about a bit. Sadly, it is simple water. Nary a sentient river to be seen.
>Dig around the river to lighten the force of the water flow per square inch, reinforce your path with a bridge.
Alas! We've no shovels! I propose to my companions, that we could simply dig with our hands, but for some reason, they are unenthusiastic about the idea!!
>grab a tree and lay it across the river as a bridge.
A clever plan! But we have already traveled too far from the forest, and there are no trees nearby! The river continues to churn. I inform my companions of this clever idea, and they agree that it would have been suitable. The druid sweats a bit.
"Uh, Mister Sebastian." One of my new companions beckons my attention.
"Before we headed your way, our group crossed this river by way of bridge. Through a town."
"WONDERFUL! IN WHICH DIRECTION DOES THIS TOWN LIE" I give him a firm pat on the back, he coughs a bit.
"Um.. West, sir. But you see, sir, this town isn't the friendliest sort, y'know? We were fine passin' through earlier.. but a guy like you? A band a crusaders might not find it as easy."
Hmmm.. It seems with further deliberation we have gained more options. This town sounds like it would be difficult to pass through peacefully as a man of God.. But perhaps that is just what they need.. The decision lingers still