Singing Basket
"More news after this brief message form our sponsors."
"Mega meat! So good you won't notice it's synthetic. Financing options now available."
"I'm just saying, Ox news has practically become a parody of itself. I hear they're trying to bring back the Red Scare now."
That should be everything. Call my girlfriend? But they have IMPORTANT WORK! Though I guess I could shoot them a quick text.
'hey honey caught in a riot, not in danger, plz don't worry or send superviolentSWAT teams plz ily'
Eh, can't afford grammar in this economy.
"Hey guys, it was nice seeing you again but I'm going to bounce before things get worse around here. Or that Molotov earlier burns the building down."
"Shit, Mark actually threw the Molotov again?"
"Uh... yeah? It was part of the whole 'anarchy in the UK' bit five updates ago. Anyway, seeya."