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File 134386995469.jpg - (173.57KB , 800x600 , Blake and Rover intro.jpg )
438235 No. 438235 ID: 0521d2

>Intro jingle~♪

[Rover]-Why hello TgChan, I'm here with Blake.


[Rover]-I've been informed that Flynn has yet again postponed the latest chapter of BlakeQuest due to crippling depression.

[Blake]-I think he's just lazy.

[Rover]-How ever, I've been offered the opportunity to host a special episode this chapter...
12 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 438431 ID: 0521d2

never heard of it
No. 438446 ID: bf54a8

make crafts TO decorate the tree!
No. 438455 ID: 5a5118

No Qwern? Poor Cunny.
But wait.. who's that at the front door, drunk and late to the party..?
No. 439513 ID: 0521d2

Back from my anime convention, gonna post in a few days
No. 439570 ID: 197c1c

You forgot that christmas is also the time of most family-intern murder- and violence-crimes... probably as many people are neither honest enough to not gather people they don't like nor have enough stamina to endure the time with them...

But don't worry, we are all nice, happy and harmonic here!
No. 439618 ID: e3f578

Jesus Christ
no one understands the modern meaning of Christmas
It's about watching goddamn Die Hard that's what.
Motherfucker's don't know jack shit 'bout christmas, get with the times.
And watching that shitty cartoon Pac-Man Christmas special, maybe one Christmas Carol inspired story too, either a homage, a parody, official movie of a Christmas Carol, or something like Scrooged.

But it's mainly just about watching Die Hard.
No. 439642 ID: 35037c

And Con Air, that movie has Christmas written all over it.
No. 439717 ID: 6a1ec2


Quern is busy holding up the tree. Thing's on its last legs' last legs. Nothing left but dry needles and peeled bark.
No. 440231 ID: 0521d2
File 134438118143.jpg - (189.49KB , 800x600 , Guss the ghost of christmas past.jpg )

[Rover]-Well half the folks here as Psychopathic murder killers, so we can expect at least one death. But It is true that we're a friendly bunch~

[Rover]-Ah yes... Christmas specials. I'm not a fan of television myself, but the kids will love it I'm sure.

[Rover]-Qwern's here, like 6a1ec2 said, he's fixing up the tree.

[Cunny]-Realy?! Qwern's here!

[Blake]-I think he is.


[Rover]-Wait who's that?

>Rover opens the door to a stout dwarf.

[Rover]-Hello, who are you?

[Guss]-Ai'm Guss, Urist's Unk'l. Please ta meet'yah!

[Rover]-Eum... Well, welcome I guess?

[Guss]-Ai'm also de Ghost oh Christ'ms Past, I'm eer ta give Li'l Cunny da tour.

No. 440232 ID: 6a1ec2

Quick, run back and forth through a hallway of doors!
No. 440237 ID: 0521d2
File 134438260070.jpg - (144.58KB , 800x600 , cunnies Christmas past.jpg )

[Guss]-Cal'm D'wn Li'l lassy. I ain't a mean ghost... Yu're Cunny Right?


[Guss]-Great! I'm gonna show yah Da Best P'rts oh yer Christ'ms Past.


[Guss]-Yup! He'er it is.

[Cunny]-Eum... I didn't see anything?

[Guss]-Dat's Cause yah Don't have a past Christ'ms yah dumb Bitch! Dis is yer first. Now, w'ere's da Ale at I'm par'tched.

>Guss Stumbles off towards the kitchen.

[Cunny]-He's mean... *Sniff* Why was he mean to me *Sniff~sniff* On Christmas...
No. 440249 ID: bf54a8

other then qwern most dwarfs are drunk jerks. so for a dwarf that was actually being nice.
No. 440251 ID: 6a1ec2

Oh that's right Cunny your <insert totally legal age in kobold> years of life so far have been spent without the magic of the holiday season! Either that or he's lying and is just here to get at the alcohol. Either way, happy holydays!
No. 441448 ID: 0521d2
File 134463758229.jpg - (133.86KB , 800x600 , Cunny\'s crying.jpg )

>Cunny clings onto Rover and starts to cry

[Rover]-Oh Cun~cun don't cry. Dwarfs can be harsh sometimes, I'm sure he didn't mean it.

[Cunny]-You... You think so?

[Rover]-It's your first Christmas and you shouldn't cry. How about you go see Qwern and help him with the tree.

[Cunny]-Okay *Sniff*

>Cunny trots off towards the tree.

[Rover]-Lets head off to the workshop to help Fincy with the Christmas crafts and decorate the tree. Then we can all watch some Christmas specials.
No. 441483 ID: 0521d2
File 134464108082.png - (351.68KB , 800x600 , Outro Intro.png )

>Transition tune~♫

[Chapter 2 ~ Christmas Crafts]
No. 441484 ID: 0521d2
File 134464110849.jpg - (181.50KB , 800x600 , Fincy\'s not having a fun christmas.jpg )

[Rover]-Hey there Finn, watcha making?

[Finn]-Painting some figurines.

[Rover]-That's awesome, but what does that have to do with Christmas?

[Finn]-Nothing, It's august.

[Rover]-Why don't you do something Christmas oriented instead?

[Finn]-Because it ain't Christmas.


[Finn]-Fuck off and let me paint my daemonette in peace.


Man that Fincy's a real piece of work. How can we get her into the Christmas spirit?
No. 441501 ID: 299ed3

Get her finished miniatures and dip half of each miniature in red paint and dip the other half in green paint.
No. 441517 ID: 89499d

With forró, of course.
No. 441563 ID: d6c330

Offer presents. Crash commercialism and greed is what gets most of what would be otherwise uninterested people into Christmas.
No. 442580 ID: 123437

yeah that will teach her. if she fights back punch her in the dick
No. 443617 ID: 0521d2
File 134508070091.jpg - (229.81KB , 800x600 , Fincy\'s really angry.jpg )

Sorry for the delay, I've been rather busy. I'll be going back to school soon, so I'll have a lot of free time... That makes more sense than you would think

What's forró?

Presents come tomorrow on Christmas, tonight's just the Eve. But I'll make sure to give her something nice... Like more of these!

>Rover pick's up a little daemon women figuring and dunks her in green paint before dipping it in red, ruining the red paint in the process.


[Rover]-Hehee... Marry Christmas?

[Fincy]-You gay fucking... RRraaaahhh!! I'll kill you!!

Wow! This wasn't smart, Euh... H-how about design some Christmas ornaments while I try to talk my way out of this.
No. 443624 ID: 735f4f

Dip it in brake fluid. Gets it right off.
No. 443630 ID: b85f8c

She's probably more angry about the ruined red paint. That's impossible to fix, although it can still be used if stirred, if that sort of brownish red color is needed.
No. 443641 ID: 4169fe

> I'll kill you!!
Wish for a sudden Christmas Zombie Apocalypse.

> What's forró?
Just call her for a dance, okay?
No. 443646 ID: 6a1ec2

Throw the figurine behind her. That might give you enough time to escape with your tail intact!
No. 443719 ID: 0521d2
File 134509258134.jpg - (144.90KB , 800x600 , Rover\'s getting his tail served.jpg )

>Rover tosses the figurine, but Fincy keeps advancing, almost angrier since you threw her thing.

[Rover]-H-hey it's not so bad... You can stir the red to make a brown right?

[Finn]-I need that red to make my flawless pink you fag...

[Rover]-Well the toy isn't ruined... B-braker fluid will get it right out, and Y-you can repaint it Hehee... More fun painting right?


[Rover]-Hey let's just dance our troubles away~

>Fincy Slams Rover to a wall

[Finn]-You better say your prayers, cause I'm about to fursecute you all the way to next Friday.

Eehhh! I think dancing's still an option here, but I don't know how. Any advice on how to not get killed?!
No. 443737 ID: bf54a8

crotch kick.
No. 443753 ID: 6a1ec2

Nothing can save you now but a kiss to the lips.
No. 443758 ID: 6a1ec2

That, or Blake's right behind you with a water bucket.
No. 443764 ID: 4169fe

No, no! You horrible people!

> I think dancing's still an option here, but I don't know how.
Eh, you know how to dance? Take the lead, then. Embrace her.
No. 443923 ID: 6e44d2

Jump on her and kiss her right on the lips. Start stroking her hair, and don't let go for anything.
No. 443982 ID: 6a1ec2


This won't revoke your gay status, by the way. Just trust me on that.
No. 444018 ID: 0521d2
File 134516892433.jpg - (159.23KB , 800x600 , nutshot.jpg )

>Panicked and frightened Rover Pulls in and knees Finn in the crotch.


[Rover]-Ah crap! I didn't think.

>Rover leans into her and kisses her lips.

Bleh~ Better than being killed on Christmas I suppose.
No. 444019 ID: 0521d2
File 134516922755.jpg - (160.75KB , 800x600 , Dancing.jpg )

>Shocked by the blow and the kiss, Fincy remains silent and motionless. Still panicked Rover grabs Fincy by the hand and swings her around, trying his best to dance with her.

I just kicked a girl in the balls then kissed her on Christmas Eve and now I'm dancing, there's something very wrong about all this!

>After the dance Rover sets Fincy down.

[Rover]-Eum... I'm sorry... About everything. I'm gonna go get some ice for you... M-mary Christmas?

How about you guys makes some ornaments while I go get some ice? Then we'll decorate the tree with Cunny and Qwern.
No. 444021 ID: bf54a8

don't worry, as long as she had something to eat she'll heal fast.
No. 444022 ID: 0521d2
File 134517007687.jpg - (106.04KB , 800x600 , templates.jpg )

>In the workshop you find the makings for just about any decoration you can think up, as well as some templates to guide you. Feel free to have fun and doodle while I think of what happens next.
No. 444350 ID: bf54a8
File 134525433967.png - (72.67KB , 800x600 , ornaments.png )

have only mspaint but some simple ornaments. have a creeper in a stone building. a candycane with familiar colors. and a adamantine pickaxe.
No. 445756 ID: 0521d2
File 134551619709.jpg - (162.39KB , 800x619 , look at the happy family.jpg )

>Rover returns with an ice pack and some snacks for Fincy.

[Rover]-I'm sorry about ruining your figurine.

[Finn]-It's fine, I'll just repaint it... Thanks for dancing with me~

>Fincy still looks a little in pain, but she's smiling and seems happy none the less.

[Fincy]-I'll work on some Decorations for the tree, you go help other people out~

[Rover]-Sounds good.

Well she cheered up, was it the kick?

>Rover grabs a few balls and leads into the living room. Cunny, Goldie and Qwern are there, they seem to be having a happy Christmas.

Hmn... Should I help them hang up the ornaments or go look in on something else?
No. 445810 ID: 7459d5

Did Qwern invite those other demons he's friends with? I wonder how they react to not-really christmas parties.
No. 445813 ID: bf54a8

think they can be.. what hapened to the tree? how can you hang ornaments without branches
No. 445829 ID: b7169d

Thinking they might be a bit high on christmas "Cheer" might've been sharing the bottle around.
No. 445860 ID: 1c0dc0

trade hats with tree, hang the ornaments on people
No. 448606 ID: 0521d2
File 134612547705.jpg - (206.34KB , 800x600 , This would of been funny two years ago.jpg )

Yes, Qwern brought his demon friends with him, such a nice bunch~

>Just then Captain Indrick Boreale Deep Striked very near to Rover.

[Rover]-Oh my! Captain Boreale, are you here to celebrate the magic Christmas with us?
No. 448607 ID: 0521d2
File 134612548978.jpg - (233.16KB , 800x600 , NO!.jpg )


>The Captain hurls Rover to the ground under his mighty boot.
No. 448609 ID: 0521d2
File 134612550408.gif - (177.94KB , 800x600 , exterminate.gif )

>More Spehss Mahrens DeepStrike through out the party, using a technique known as Steel Rehn.

[Spehss Mahrens]-Kill the Xenos!! Purge the daemons!!

>And that my friends, is how Captain Boreale stole Christmas. The End~
No. 448615 ID: 574470

true story ;;
No. 448623 ID: 7459d5

One of the stranger ways to cut a quest short, i think.
No. 448625 ID: d6c330

Strange? It's a classic cop out! Only the cops dragging away / killing everyone happen to be space marines.
No. 448640 ID: 6a1ec2

Hehe, yeah, classic. *sniff*
No. 448644 ID: 4d9400

Best end.
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