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38194 No. 38194 ID: f98e0b

66 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 38970 ID: bffa2a


Oh, thank god. It is just because they all share a mutual hatred for us. Hi, Oberon. Are all those for me? You shouldn't have. Really. A beer would have sufficed.
No. 38971 ID: ab91ae

Hmmm. Stay, or run. Stay, or run.

John, how much of a coward are you anyway?
No. 38978 ID: f98e0b
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"Hi, Oberon. Are all those for me? You shouldn't have. Really. A beer would have sufficed."

"No," replies Oberan. “You get a gun and a melee weapon of your choice according to normal rules. The handles are all rubber, so don’t worry about my electric blood. It’s traditional hazing for a newly elected sergeant to duel his First Hand as a bonding experience and to prove his worth in combat. I figured we’d get it out of the way sooner rather than later. It’s an opportunity to vent the bad blood we have for each other right now.

“The weapons are real, the death’ll be real, and we’re both pussies if we don’t try our hardest. There’ll be cover we’ll simulate with this room. You’ll have a chance to place it later. You may want to turn off your pain reception, John. Now choose your weapons and let’s get this over with,” he says, gesturing to the table.

John’s heart is starting to pound. He takes a look at the various weapons on the table. Okay, he remembers this from the required Weapons Training course he took before joining the Navy.

That big saber is Qal make, from when all they had to worry about was fighting other Qal. It’s a lopping weapon, with good reach, but if someone with a knife gets in close enough, John’d be fucked.

There’s a normal combat dagger, standard kit for most marines. It’s a reliable, nasty thing, and is balanced enough to be manipulated quickly or thrown.

The katar there is of Delter make. Nothing truly complex about it. It’s like the combat dagger but with a whole lotta extra punch behind it. The abnormal design means it’s not as versatile, though.

As for the ranged weaponry, the one furthest to the left there is a standard slug thrower. It packs quite a bit of a punch behind it, and can have hollow-tipped bullets to make gaping holes in people or armor-piercing ones for extra penetration. It needs reloading after fifteen shots, though. There’s 2 other clips, probably more than enough for one opponent.

The middle one, John thinks is an antimatter pistol. The thing is amazingly destructive, but the low rate of fire means every shot has to count and he’s not suppressing anyone with it.

The one furthest to the right is a laser pistol, similar to the derelict one lying in John’s uplink. Their rate of fire is fairly high, and they don’t need reloading, but they have zero penetration since they work by burning instead of making a hole. They don’t do too much damage either.
Okay, pinkos. You’ve done this sort of thing before… help.
No. 38979 ID: ab91ae

Normal dagger, antimatter rifle. If you get a hit in with that rifle, they're GONE. And its vulnerability - slow rate of fire - can be compensated by having your dagger at the ready.

Good luck.
No. 38980 ID: 01383e

I say a laser pistol and a sword. we can pin him down, walk right up, and lop something off over the cover, doesn't really matter what.

But, that's just based on a vague guess on how your combat systems go- it could be you use the ranged weapon to the exclusion of others, at which point I would suggest the slugthrower and combat knife, because both have a good chance of killing, and you won't be attacking from over cover with your melee weapon if you don't have continuous covering fire.
No. 38981 ID: bffa2a


Take the slugger with AP rounds, dosen't matter if one shot is not an instant kill when bleeding and shock will do it for you while you wait out of sight. AP rounds mean we can do it even without line of sight.

Take Katar as backup because up close you actually need to one shot or die and if you're at saber distance means you can still shoot easily.

Good luck, you're going to die in 5 seconds.
No. 39002 ID: f98e0b
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…John supposes he’ll take the slug thrower and the combat dagger, since those seem to be the most common themes. The knife feels well-balanced, and the slug-thrower looks shiny and maintained.
Oberan nods approvingly at John’s selection. “Solid.”
He takes for himself the katar and laser pistol.
“Since you had to choose weapons first, I’ll set up my cover first. We’ll divide the room into two. No sticking cover on the other person’s side. You get 3 cover units (six-foot long chest-high walls) for your side you can arrange how you want.”

(It's not a dress-up I know, but at least this way John won't end up with a frilly sunday gown)
No. 39005 ID: a3b36a

A pity you can't use something you're more familiar with, like, say... the antimatter swabber in your linkspace. After all, I'm sure you're familiar with its length, balance, reach, and the business end. Plus, I'm sure it might give the advantage of not being taken seriously.

...or can you use that? He did just say 'of your choice'.

Is the laser pistol in better shape than the one in your linkspace, or are they all that shoddy? If they're all that shoddy, don't get that. Slugthrower might be good if you feel like shooting a lot. Antimatter pistol might be good for outright destroying scenery or cover. Get rid of places for him to hide and such. ...unless your people have ways of defending building materials against antimatter.
No. 39009 ID: efa41b
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Our missile defense is pretty damn near perfect this way. To get at us, he'll have to abandon cover. We can't really advance too efficiently for a melee attack, but it's unlikely we'll need to, because chances are he'll come to us.
No. 39021 ID: f2aac2
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A solid line for defense, staggered to permit access for engagement in close quarters combat.
No. 39036 ID: ab91ae

I second this.
No. 39041 ID: f98e0b
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OK then; John'll use the staggered wall.
Oberan examines his defenses, then marches into the midpoint of the impromptu arena.

He extends a hand. "Make it a good one, Sergeant."
"I'll try," replies John.

He tries to sound confident but uh
now that everything's prepared and he's about to fight to the death he's starting to sort of
freak out
No. 39043 ID: 6c80cf


Okay let's see. Go to the left or right edge of your territory and tape the gun's trigger to the on position and onto the terrain so it looks like you're holding it out around the corner, shooting at him.

Circle around the other side and stab him.
No. 39048 ID: f98e0b
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Both combatants go to their individual sides. After a couple of seconds, John hears Oberan say:
"Here we go."
john doesnt remember any tape on the table or in his uplink
the black stuff on the map is where he thinks oberan is judging by the voice
what now
No. 39057 ID: 6164e0

Can you separate a piece of yourself after adapting it into a semi-hard adhesive? You could fake being behind a wall by actually leaving the hand that holds the gun behind with it periodically snapping off shots. Should fool the opponent long enough to close the distance by circling around to surprise him.
No. 39062 ID: f98e0b
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john doesn't think he's got any tissue in his body adhesive enough to stick his hand and the slugthrower to the wall

he also likes this hand

if worst comes to worst he can try though, he supposes

he really doesn't want to die right now he really does not
he'd miss cassie's invitation
No. 39071 ID: 6164e0

Perhaps reshape the wrist of the hand to suction to one of the cover blocks. You can do that, right? It's just resealing the surface skin/whatever and vacuuming it against the wall.

You may lose a hand, but those can be regained. It will distract him, and let you close the distance while he is distracted with the false belief you are hiding behind the cover you graft the hand and gun to.
No. 39077 ID: 905a89

Peek out to the right, bring the gun out with your head. If you see movement fire a single shot immediately; don't take time to aim, distract.
No. 39085 ID: bffa2a


Don't lose your sidearm, don't go trading blows. He's got the better close combat weapon and you've got the better gun. Run to the far left shielding making sure he can't run to the right without you getting a shot in. If he gets close to other side of your shield shoot through it and exchange for the next one. Continue in this manner using your guns penetration to your advantage while his can't do anything. If you run out of room he should be weak from blood loss and even you can at least match him.
No. 39097 ID: f98e0b
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Oberan speaks.
"So. Cassie, huh? Good catch, Lan...Sergeant. All the Qal want her. Hell, even I do."

why is he discussing matters of the heart
in a gunfight

John decides to do this at first. He'll run-and gun directly afterward like
suggested immediately afterward to keep Oberan from knowing where exactly his cover is.

John sticks his head out of cover and
No. 39099 ID: f98e0b
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No. 39103 ID: ab91ae


Then quickly move to the middle piece. We can't afford to stay here much longer.
No. 39104 ID: bffa2a


You dead? Stick to the plan. Don't talk to him right now, bad idea. Position knowledge and upsetting you. You can talk to him after if you wish. You just need to bleed him and stop sticking your own bits out to be shot.
No. 39115 ID: f98e0b
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John manages to bring down some of the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Okayokayokay. That was a three-shot burst, so John's got 12 bullets in his clip.
Yeah, that's blood staining the barrier. John definitely hit him. Upon inspection, it seems Oberan missed him completely. John must have taken him by surprise. Serves him right for gabbing.

Oberan ducks behind his rightmost cover unit; John is still working on "moves-shoot-it" mode and squeezes off two shots from cover; both miss. 10 shots.

RogerOkRight. Time to move on.
No. 39117 ID: df8311
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One possible tactic, for your consideration: he currently has a very limited arc of fire. If you can roll across the gap (1st arrow), then slide up to his barricade (2nd arrow), you'll have both cover and an excellent vantage point to catch him entirely without cover.

Just thought I'd throw that out there as an option.
No. 39121 ID: df8311

Oops, a little late.

Well, he may have moved, but that tactic might still work if you go now while he's expecting you to sit still and recover from that bit of excitement. Pop around the corner and fill him full of lead.
No. 39122 ID: bffa2a


Okay, you're in moderately allright position. He'll probably tie off that wound with his headband but don't make life easy for him. Make sure he can't exchange for the rightmost cover. Despite slowing his bleeding he will have to come for you now so it's a waiting game. Just pay attention, don't expose yourself and use your guns advantage. If he dares to show his mug shoot through his cover.


He exchanged covers for the middle one. Plan is false. Wait him to bleed out or commit himself.
No. 39123 ID: df8311

Hey, if you think he's focusing on that wound, then we should strike while the iron is hot, not wait and hope he bleeds out.

This fight will be won with bravery and determination, mixed with smarts. Not ticks on the clock and prayers.
No. 39124 ID: efa41b

Okay, this cover setup is biting us in the ass now. You can either get by the one that he's on now, or get behind the far edge of the middle one, see if you can get a shot at him from there. Either way, you're in a bit of trouble.
No. 39125 ID: bffa2a


False. Most deaths on battlefield come from bleeding and shock. Exchanging gunfire to your own risk is stupid, be smart and shoot but don't get shot at. We can be heroic if he commits himself to be one and gets close enough without dying. Then it's up to the air who wins. Besides I would like to go on this date too.
No. 39127 ID: bffa2a


No trouble. Far left cover, aim right and shoot if he exchanges covers there or pops out. If he makes it without dying immeadetly exchange cover to right most. If he comes for close combat shoot through cover and get knife ready.
No. 39128 ID: efa41b

Yes, except that because of the way the left one is angled, it provides no cover whatsoever.
No. 39131 ID: bffa2a


Look again. He's behind his middle cover now. We got perfect cover until he runs for the right one getting shot in process. If he makes it we exchange to the rightmost. Cover again.
No. 39134 ID: f98e0b
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John heads for the left cover, but is interrupted by OH GOD
Oberan dives from behind the middle cover to the right, blazing away with his rapid-fire laser pistol and grazing John's leg.

No damage to mobility due to the Burn nature of the wound, but John is forced into the middle cover element.

John can't feel pain at this point, having assigned zero cells to pain monitoring in an effort to make this battle hurt less, but he thinks the wound isn't that bad. It's cautereized, anyway.

Oh. John's sorry. Is this his fault? He knew he'd fuck this up somehow.

John's in a position where Oberan can't hit him unless he moves. Unfortunately, John can't take any shots either.

Oberan's voice calls over the barriers. "Nice *ugh* shot, Sarge. Good thing I have this kerchief."

why does he keep doing that it is giving him away
is he going easy on john
or maybe toying with him
No. 39137 ID: ab91ae

Throw your knife to your left, wait for the clatter. He'll probably hop out of cover to shoot, and you can take that moment to hop out on your RIGHT and fire back on him.

Don't throw your knife too far, you want him to think its you. Throw it at a low angle so it clatters along the ground for a while.
No. 39138 ID: 6c80cf


You have a gun with high penetration, shoot through the goddamn barrier.
No. 39139 ID: bffa2a


How the hell did that happen... laser has zero penetration, one in a million shot then I guess. Unlucky, you're going to lose now. Don't get in close combat, leg wound prevents any chance of winning. You have zero cover. Slide knife right, if he falls for it and takes a peek to shoot you should see his arm. Shoot through cover and hope you get him or you're a goner.
No. 39153 ID: efa41b

It happened because our cover situation isn't very good. Shooting around the left (his left) side of the cover he's behind gives him a clear shot right at us.

>Oh. John's sorry. Is this his fault? He knew he'd fuck this up somehow.
Don't worry about it. It's too late to do anything about it now, and it's still probably winnable.

Now, to action: Lean around the left of the cover. See if you've got a shot there.If you do, take it. If not shoot blindly, maybe you can pierce through and hit him. If not, no problem. Regardless of how this goes down, take a shot, get back behind cover, repeat. The repetition with delay is important, it makes him think we'll be following the same pattern. We will then be able to use this by circling around to the right and using the knife while he's expecting us to be on the other side.

Diagram immanent.
No. 39156 ID: efa41b
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Numbers correspond to timing, but they're approximate.
No. 39157 ID: bffa2a


No, still not seeing that. Laser had zero penetration, lucky shot made it through. Cover was solid, not anymore though.
No. 39164 ID: efa41b

Okay, sergeant, we require clarification. Did the shot pierce through the middle cover-piece, or through the gap between the middle and left cover pieces? The angle looks wrong for either.

Also, it occurs to me:
>why does he keep doing that it is giving him away
can his race pinpoint sound with the same precision as yours?
No. 39234 ID: f98e0b
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(Clarification: When the shots were fired Oberan was moving to behind right cover and John was in the open between middle and left. The angle is as shown in the picture, with
Oberan firing over his cover unit, which as you'll recall is only chest-height, landing a hit on John as he was in the open and forcing him back. It was pretty lucky shot but Oberan is a good marksman and his pistol fires quickly, so it's by no means impossible.)

John supposes throwing something could work. He temporarily has misgivings over losing his combat knife, but maybe the gain will cancel out the loss.

John can ideed shoot through the goddamn barrier. But he'd be firing blind, which wastes a lot of ammo, and if Oberan is as good as John thinks, he's been counting how many shots John has fired and listening for a reload. If John wastes too many shots and needs to reload his weapon, he doesn't relish the thought of Oberan leaping out of cover with a katar and rearranging his minimalist face.
No. 39251 ID: f98e0b
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John uses his armor-piercing advantage to good effect, blasting five rounds through Oberan's cover. He's rewarded by the sound of the bullets striking the hard steel of the chamber walls, and a grunt from his opponent.

"Grah. You Qal are lucky creatures, with your ability to remove your own pain receptors. Wish I could," says Oberan, his voice a little more strained than it was.

John's pretty sure he's gotten another hit in, but these bullets he's using are making clean little holes, here. If he wants Oberan to bleed out he'll need to do a little more damage.

He prepares to start the next phase of the plan and flank with the knife...
No. 39257 ID: 01383e

goddamnit, he can't shut off his pain receptors? that's bullshit! try to put him down quick and clean, no point letting him bleed out or some shit
No. 39261 ID: efa41b

Turning off pain receptors is for pussies anyway.
No. 39262 ID: f98e0b
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You're right. That IS bullshit. John's pumped several rounds into the poor guy. He resolves to end this quick.

He starts to sneak around to catch Oberan off-guard with the knife.

"Still," Oberan's saying from behind the right wall, "we Delter have some advantages over you."
No. 39263 ID: f98e0b
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"...such as a remarkable ability to throw our voices."
John isn't exactly sure what oberan is talking abo
No. 39264 ID: efa41b

Well, shit. Ah well. If you can grab his weapon arm in your off-hand, do so. A katar isn't very good for slashing, so if he over-extends even a little bit you should be able to get him.
No. 39265 ID: 6164e0

You can do this. Push past the fear. Fear is the mind killer. You will embrace the fear, let it flow through you and past you, and in its wake there will be nothing but you, your mind clear, your decisions swift and without hesitation.

All you have to do is keep him from stabbing your central diamond in your head, and you can keep functioning. If he goes to stab anywhere else, let him, grab the arm and open his throat.

And if he does go to stab you in the face, remember he has a much smaller target area that he is shooting for. Work to keep cutting him anywhere, every wound will pain him and slow him. Whittle him down, keeping that punch dagger away from your face.
No. 39266 ID: 3745a7


Uhhh... Damn?! Punch his face in! And after this we will make you learn everything about every race in this universe.
No. 39267 ID: efa41b

>All you have to do is keep him from stabbing your central diamond in your head, and you can keep functioning.
Oh yeah...

Okay, if he goes for the diamond, duck under the blow and grab his arm, pulling forward for a good solid slash. If he goes for anywhere else, avoid the blow if convenient, but don't worry about it too much. Higher priority is grabbing his arm. Then you can step forward and cut him.
No. 39287 ID: f98e0b
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John Focuses.
He finds it hard to think clearly, but the Orb's voice cuts through his mind as surely as Oberan's knife through his arm.

So, grab Oberan like SO and bring the knife up like THIS.

Oberan's cut caused him to miss his target of the throat, but John gets a cut in on the eye and (more importantly) is still
No. 39288 ID: efa41b

Okay, if you keep a firm grip on his arm, you should easily be able to twist for a low blow through his belly, and then come up again for a decapitating blow.
No. 39294 ID: ab91ae

>With a knife
Knives are best for stabbing, not slashing. They suck at slashing. Hold his arm and thrust into him repeatedly until he stops moving.
No. 39299 ID: 6164e0

Do not let go of that arm. As long as you hold it, he cannot employ the punch dagger.

You are Qal. Your form is yours to command. As you grip him, begin regenerating the flesh burned by the laser, and start converting more tissue to muscle (start with the now unsued pain receptors, and anything that you don't need to live at this very moment. It has become a close quarters fight, and you should adapt accordingly. Go ahead and get rid of organs that are needed for long term survival and convert them too: They can be reformed into their original state later.

This adaptive biology of yours is your greatest weapon. It lets you heal, and become capable of responding to any situation. Use it. Make yourself stronger, more capable of winning a grappling contest.
No. 39344 ID: efa41b

Knifes don't work that way on humans. But look how thin his neck is, a good blow with the edge of the knife could easily take the head off. And even if it doesn't, it's going to severely incapacitate him.

Also, repeated stabbing is actually not a very fast incapacitate, if you don't hit heart or lung, and I for one have no idea whereabouts in this species' body those would be.
No. 39400 ID: f98e0b
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John starts converting more to muscle. There go pretty much all of the reproduction and excretory systems, but the boost definitely did something. Already his burn and the wound on his arm are fading.
He tries for another stab, this time to the throat. Let's see if he can get through that skinny neck.

Oberan was waiting for him this time and he's grabbed john's arm and he's using the momentum from the meaty swing to twist them in a most peculiar way and he's leaping forward and he's dropped his knife but john is

No. 39408 ID: 6164e0



Use your new strength to wrench your arms apart, and plant your feet solidly behind you. You have greater mass and strength, and quick action can prevent his maneuver.

Once his attempt to bring you to the ground is stopped, try to convert bacteria in you hands into a flesh eating kind. Start consuming him. It doesn't need to be fast, you just need to cause him pain to dull his movements.
No. 39461 ID: efa41b

Let's see. If you thing you're capable of it, let him push you back, but roll out of it so you're on top. Then punch him in the face until he dies.
No. 39550 ID: f98e0b
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No. 39553 ID: f98e0b
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John isn't going to die again. Not right now.

He will not move, because he is not weak. He is Qal.

He needs no knife, because he's not a hero, no matter how many you've worked with in the past, or how much he wishes he was one.
No. 39572 ID: f98e0b
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He's a janitor.

No. 39574 ID: ab91ae

...Did you just headbutt him with a magic flashlight?
No. 39577 ID: 120ca8

I think it's a broom.
No. 39578 ID: f98e0b
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John's antimatter swabber rocketed out of his uplink directly into Oberan's face.


He isn't entirely sure how that just happened. It was pretty cool though, all things considered.

The lights turn back on, the door reopens, and the cover elements vanish.

The NOTE is still on the wall. John's swabber is lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

OBERAN is here, but his face is conspicuously absent.
No. 39579 ID: ab91ae

...Read note, hug Oberan's corpse.
No. 39582 ID: 120ca8

Get your... um... body healing, or whatever.

You have to be in top shape for your date tonight!
No. 39590 ID: f98e0b
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RIGHT. Right. The date.
John's gonna tell Cassie all about this. That was some FLCL shit he just pulled (you pinkos had some pretty good ideas, and that show was one of them). He's pretty sure the intense stress caused his mental uplink to spit out the swabber from his inventory with a high amount of force. He's heard of it happening before, but never to him.

>hug corpse
Oberan's covered in Delter blood, which is mildly electrocuted. He wouldn't get fried, but he'd be damaged, and he's turned his system back to normal, which means he feels pain.

His arm and leg both sting, but they're already healing quite well.

>read note
>"John: If you're reading this, amazing job. Oberan managed to defeat Colm fairly easily when they dueled, and Colm was a good soldier, not a janitor. Your responsibilities as gunnery sergeant come next, but you've had enough excitement for one day, I think. Now get out of here. There's a certain purple lady who requested the pleasure of your company.

>In the more likely even that Oberan is reading this: Good job once again, I hope you made it quick, and clean up after yourself."
No. 39592 ID: 120ca8

He defeated Colm?! But Colm's an Assassin (or a Rogue if you're retarded and/or don't want to use Rennac).

You should go the extra mile and clean up. Then get out of there.
No. 39599 ID: 6c80cf


Uhh. Do remember you got rid of most of the ... bits that will be helpful in this date. Restore self with PROTEIN!

...I guess you could eat the body.
No. 39605 ID: efa41b

>Clean up
>eat the body

Kill two birds with one stone?
No. 39612 ID: 6164e0


But sure, we should totally clean up. I mean, we do have cleaning apparatuses and experience at cleaning. Besides, it would be both courteous and funny.

But only if you can do it fast, because yeah, the date takes priority.
No. 39665 ID: 007a2e


Sadly, I don't think Colm realised twin daggers, even with a critical hit, stand little chance against a blaster.

P.S. Jaffar was here, Colm is a whiney, archer loving loser.


Probably should try and at least give the dead some dignity, somehow. Otherwise, get outta there and claim your prize.
No. 39671 ID: 120ca8

I dunno, we just used a broom to kill a guy with a laser gun, so...

Also, for the longest time I thought Neimi was Colm's sister, so that whole Support thing really weirded me out...
No. 39976 ID: f98e0b
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>clean the blood
...heh, why not. John's swabber is right there and everything.

He whistles a little while he works. He's giddy from having survived.

>eat Oberan
Even if John were that kind of guy, Oberan is both synthetic and electric. It'd be like sucking a sparkplug.
No. 39977 ID: 6164e0

Reform those organs you converted during the fight while you finish cleaning.

It would suck to have the date go well and realize you have nothing to enjoy it with.
No. 40033 ID: f98e0b
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>Four hours later
>Military Apartments Gratis by Ebony Beach, Algrieb
No. 40039 ID: f98e0b
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John's sitting on Cassie's deck, listening to the ocean.
No. 40044 ID: 6164e0

You did reform those sexual organs, right?

If not, do it now.
No. 40047 ID: 92ab53

Because we've been saying to do so for quite a while, so if you haven't, you'll be hearing screams of 'railroading' so loud you'll have to turn off your pain receptors.
No. 40064 ID: f98e0b
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Don't freak, orb. John's got his systems under control. If he missed this opportunity he'd friggin' kill himself...
and, um, he'd turn his respawner off first.

The date was great. They went to some fantasy flick about a yellow thing with knives for arms, and spent the whole time cracking jokes and statting the characters for Cyclopes and Castles and pissing everyone else in the theater off and having fun.

Then they came home, played that FPS that stars that guy with big shoulders, and then Cassie suggested they look at the sunset then locked him out as a prank.

John is determined to outlast her and not bang on the door.
No. 40072 ID: 6164e0

....This is a test.

You need to find some way back inside without her help or damaging anything. Do that, and sweet, tender lovin' awaits.


Anyway, take stock of you surroundings and what you have available to you.
No. 40077 ID: 92ab53

Ooh, if you really want to get her back, leave a note on how she's made it painfully obvious that she's just been stringing you along and doesn't care about you, then leave. She'll feel so bad it'll be hilarious, and the makeup sex will be awesome.
No. 40082 ID: 6164e0

...I somehow get the feeling you aren't being entirely serious. NOW WHERE COULD I GET AN IDEA LIKE THAT.
No. 40085 ID: 43d730

Assume form of yellow thing.
Make sadface at the door.
No. 40090 ID: 92ab53

I think you failed your sense motives test. I'm being 100% serious. Don't let her win, ESCALATE THINGS. Turn the situation around, take the war to her villages! Slaughter her women! Rape her livestock!
No. 40104 ID: f98e0b
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You're right, O glassy, pinko-voiced friends! John has not yet begun to fight! He'll get even somehow. He'll fight 'er on the rooftops, he'll fight 'er on the streets, he'll fight her, um somewhere else...
No. 40106 ID: 6164e0

Dismiss plans, get ready for tender loving.
No. 40108 ID: f98e0b
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"I made waffles."
No. 40115 ID: 1afd58

No. 40120 ID: bffa2a


For a pile of bacteria she sure... uh.. makes good waffles.
No. 40121 ID: c80cec

"And I brought the syrup."
No. 40142 ID: f98e0b
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Several thoughts flit through John's head as Cassie pulls him inside and closes the door. Thoughts of ecstasy, love, and where she could have found a translucent apron.
he realizes as she takes it off and they join together

It doesn't matter now.
No. 40147 ID: f98e0b
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No. 40150 ID: f98e0b
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No. 40151 ID: f98e0b
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No. 40156 ID: f98e0b
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No. 40162 ID: 6164e0

John is a real bro, to give us some of his waffles.
No. 40193 ID: b21e04

Thanks I could help bro!
No. 40272 ID: 01383e

stupid sexy alien...
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