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338249 No. 338249 ID: a76809

Since I was a dumbass and let the last thread get way too big-
[Quest Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Gun_for_Hire_Quest ]
[Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/316398.html ]

I decide to seek out Big first. He's had the night to mull over things-and I find myself idly wondering if he's planning to leave once we get back to Istanbul-he's been a bit more quiet than usual, these last few days. And with the excuse of needing to learn about Spirit Animals and how they are bound, I can spend some time talking with him, and maybe better sense why he's been acting aloof. Doesn't take me too long to find him-watching as Helmi fights Tuomo and Veiko in yet another of the families endless string of sparring matches. At my approach he waits placidly for me to speak.

"So. You had the night."
>[Big]"That I did."
...That way, huh? Alright.
"As it happens I need some advice on a topic you're well versed."
>[Big]"You finally want to learn how to shoot properly?"
Don't acknowledge it, just keep rolling-
"Spirit Animals, and how they are claimed."
>[Big]"...And why would you need to know a thing like that-you got yourself a Soul Weasel."
"Sake? Whatever I did while striking the pact aside, I cannot use his power-he's going to need a new weasel's body, something I plan to arrange-but still, the Kamaitachi is no spirit animal to me."
>[Big]"I know, you're no Spirit Shaman, Dirt Snake's certain of that-so why ask?"
"Is it not enough that I could benefit from the knowledge? Last I checked, you were under no illusion of me being altruistic."
>[Big]"....Fine, why not, it's been buggin' me how shitty the cribbed info you got from Dirt Snake was, all said and done-might as well jaw at yah. Lend an' ear-stay a while, and listen."

Over the course of an hour, I learn some rather interesting things:
-While there are multiple ways to claim a Spirit Animal, and the way he was taught is not the only one, there are a vast number of lethally unworkable ways to attempt a Spirit Binding, then there are successful ways.
-I also learn that Spirit Binding, the general term for what a Spirit Shaman practices, so far as Spirit Animals are concerned, is one of the slowest magical fields to gain new innovations or uses-which directly relates to the high lethality of experimentation. He tries very, very hard to stress the danger of personal adaptation rather than adherence to the orthodox.
-The mechanism he knows requires the ingestion one hour before attempting a spirit binding of a compound that is considered secret by his tribe-and while he cannot tell me specifics about the material, he does make it plain he has some with him, should I end up needing it.
-The compound is hallucinogenic as a secondary side effect-it's primary function relates to making the soul more pliable and flexible, more able to safely weather a Spirit Binding. ..This safety is only for a mortal relative to a mortal animal's spirit-I'm not certain how I, or my rifle, would class on this scale, but I keep my considerations to myself for the moment.
-A knife that can cut both flesh and spirit is needed, for an exchange of blood and ectoplasm in the binding-this guides the soul reconditioning that slaves the spirit to the Spirit Shaman. Putting this with Sake's observations, it would seem it abuses the corporeal anchoring of the one soul to dominate the exposed, while at the same time performing a much smaller scale exchange of soul than what I experienced with Whaitiri. I am uncertain if this would apply to my shadow or my weaselly soul brother-but as both are quite outside Big's field of expertise, I don't get any clarification.
-As to how to get an unwilling-or possibly unable-spirit to comply, the chemical compound also renders contact with the mortal soul capable of very minor, temporary contact soul absorption-so far as I see it, if I just grappled something while drugged up, I'd start sapping soul until I had enough I could spill my blood and seal the pact. Again, Big is only versed in how all this plays out with Mortal Spirit Animals.

And at the end of it all-he gives me a single pouch, filled with a thick paste. He tells me to lick the bag clean when I plan to do a Spirit Binding, and that my mere, so far as he saw, should work fine. With that, he takes the opportunity to go speak with Helmi, the sparring for the moment on hold.

Content with what I learned, I wander off after my next target-Einrik, easily the most knowledgeable person available to me right now. I find him watching Markku talking with Hillevi in one of the houses muted interior gardens, looking as smugly pleased as a cat with cream still coating it's whiskers.
>[EV][In English]"Care to take a guess as to why I am so pleased?"
>[MMMMM Trait activated]
>[DDDD Trait activated]
>[RRRR Trait activated]
>[WTN Trait activated]
I can't really help myself.

"Well, I would wager that, as the only member of the current generation free to come and go as you please, you are happy to see another of yours getting to go out into the world-one that has desired it and has been completely deprived of it."
He looks ready to make a comment-but I keep going.
"But what pleases you more, I think, is that this could be the kick-start of getting the Valkonens back into the greater scheme of things-as more get to go and show their ability, given a chance to learn of worldly dangers in non-lethal ways, connections can be renewed, or forged fresh."
>[EV][In English]"...Interestingly, it seems you are still not done?"
"Correct. What pleases you most, I think, is that in making the rest of your cooped up siblings happy, in giving the clan a chance to start moving forward again, you give yourself a greater chance of being exposed to different styles even at home, more contacts to call on-and the chance to watch your father's reactions to different styles, to even further assess how what you build will work on him."
A smile oddly identical to the small, privately shared one I've seen pass between him and his father-strange.
>[EV][In English]"...Exactly as I feared-you are not blind, when you pay attention. And I think you have questions for me that ultimately deal with your own power."
"Well, wanted to know about my rifle, Keihäs here-what's up with these changes?"
>[EV][In English]"Spear? I suppose with the bayonet it can be handled as one-but why would you give her a new name?"
"What now?"
>[EV][In English]"...The advantages of having had to bouce back from debilitating permanent sensory deprivation, I suppose-one notices more. Your rifle is just a shell of imbued physical components fueled, anchored and driven by a Mortal Soul within-one that has the Name, of Silja."
I try to process this, immediately recognize it as something of a brain twister, and table it for later.
"..Well, I know that the rifle was supposed to have gained its power from a murder and subsequent brutal vengeance, originating with a Finnish women nearly a century ago."
>[EV][In English]"...Yes, an eighty year old soul, thereabouts. ...A rather impressive amount of Emotion, Regret and Ego, to have lasted so long... yes that's right, this gun can draw in material from wounded organics... which makes it somewhat more impressive, as she had to not only stay her own 'self' without ANY sensory data of any sort-with nothing but her own mind as reference-and had to do it while being given the blood of men as they died over the years-and clearly she did persist through it all, as with your recent magical oversaturation, you've.... Jostled her soul, I suppose. It's why the rifle has been changing-and I doubt this is the first time it's done this to you."
"...Do you know how it could end?"
>[EV][In English]"Absolutely not-anything I offered would be guesswork, no better than your own. I simply know she is still far from 'awake'"
"...You think I could bind her as a Spirit Animal?"
>[EV][In English]"What-why?"
"Well-I got that Amen thing-and it's bound to blood that is inside the rifle."
>[EV][In English]"...Oh that is quite an interesting predicament. ..Yes, I suppose if you bound a fellow mortal soul as servitor and minion, even if it became self-aware later the blood within it would still be under your ownership. ...I do not offer ethical advise, so I can merely say so far as I see it, mechanically it is feasible, though I wouldn't know how, specifically. ...Well, I'm of a mind to resume my training in the Wyld Goblin Arts-I think I am close to having a firm grasp of it's fundamentals."

He's right, he is-and with how helpful he's been and looks to continue to be, I have absolutely no problem losing the rest of the day-save for a jerking realization, a dreaded, passive aggressive guilt trip drawn up from his memories-as he enlists Einrik's aid to help him replace his phone-so that he can call his parents and wish them a merry christmas. His fate should he fail, to be met with a long-suffering mother quite possibly for years to come from the omission, is a fate worse than death-

And with a call that catches them 'just about' to go to sleep, I tell them of how many friends I've made in Istanbul and Finland, how business has been booming and hectic, but ultimately rewarding, and that I hope to see them soon. I'm not entirely certain my mother buy it fully, but it seems my linguistic practice is paying off-she lets me off the hook, spending a few minutes telling me of how work has been, life at home-before a yawn escapes her, and I realize just how late it is at home. I practically insist for her to get some rest, and end the call, a fate worse than death averted, a man relieved.


Back to Einrik's training.

He does surprisingly well. I'm not sure if it's because he's had time to mull it over himself, or from watching me practice it in earnest whilst chasing my Id, but his movements have gained that sense of... comfort, in the motions he lacked before-something that makes them natural-and thus not worthy of notice, neither bad enough to gawk, or skillful enough to appreciate-the motions of a man at his craft, nothing more. I wouldn't say he pulled it all together, went from intermittent progress to a comprehensive understanding in one day.

But he wouldn't benefit much from my early journal of Goblin training anymore, of that I am certain.

FUNDS: $79,014.72
CASH: $0.00

I start a new day with my pool of stored magical energy replenishing from my constant hearty, still perceivably over-large meals of magical meat-saddened as I realize I won't be able to make instant jerky anymore-as Kei... Silja, Keihäs, whatever-just outright eats meat now.

So to distract myself from the realization I've lost ready access to a tasty treat-I ask myself more questions.
So Sake-what's up with Weasel Wine-what is it, and is it reproducible?
>[Sake]"...Shadowbro is quite insistent I need glasses to irritated adjust on my snout... I do not know what he references. Well, Weasel Wine is... hm. It would be easiest, and very nearly accurate, to think of it as the unused spiritual energy left with each Kamaitachi after they are able to think, act and choose for themselves-a liquid security blanket, if you will. I had thrice the stores of a normal Kamaitachi-given I had my brother's shares-and now have but twice a normal amount.[code]" .....No way to get more then? >[Sake]"[code]Short of hunting living Kamaitachi-which I would rather strongly object to-no."
Guess that means I'll need to find a substitute if I want a reusable plan.
Say Sake-does my Shadow think it could replicate the Valkonen Agressive Stealth, the Riihipuori?
>[Sake]"He is fairly certain he could not-as he is still working on the metaphysical schema required to bridge what his own soul is capable of, with what he has been instructed with. He cannot give a time estimate on this being completed."
Not what I wanted to here, but little I can do about it just now.

With that, I devote the remainder the entire day-to the little things. I spend time with the Riihivuori children, and finally learn they are going to be warded here with the Valkonens-and that they seem to have no problem with the notion, as their father was the only relative they knew all that well. I spend time hinting things to Hillevi that it would be prudent to pack-and as her excitement mounts, I watch her stay perpetually flustered as she readies for the impending trip. I spend time sparring with Tuomo and Veiko, getting a more solid feel for how to integrate Kas Pin with my own self-titled Ghost of the Spear fighting style. This time, NOT making the assumption I've gained strength from some magical powerup, I fight cautiously, judiciously-and am able to abuse my evasion and stamina to draw the fight out for hours. I can't say that I tire the twins-they seem as inexhaustible to the tides to me-but I can say I was able to, with full focus, render their efforts to catch or harm me irrelevant. I've definitely ironed out some more kinks in how I can approach close quarters encounters with the supernatural.

And with that, a day spent in general chatting, talking and laughing with everyone in the house-passes by.

FUNDS: $79,016.01
CASH: $0.00

I... make a mistake this day. I, rather foolishly, ask Hillevi if she has anything to say to me-and as if she forgot my involvement with her coming trip, she breaks both collarbones and five ribs giving me the fiercest damn hug I've ever recieved-I don't think I've every been spun about like a child... as an adult before. Hard to appreciate it through the cracking and popping of bones-but hey, it feels like it's mostly superficial breaks.


From there she basically keeps me locked down all day, between apologetic healing, a barrage of further questions about what Istanbul's like, and in general being the only source of information for an information starved teen.

I longingly look at my rifle Keihäs... or should I say Silja?

I swear, compared to her nattering all damn day, a 7.62 millimeter aspirin may be just the thing....


Nevertheless, I fall asleep thinking but one thing-that girl needs to learn to fucking control herself.

FUNDS: $79,017.34
CASH: $0.00

This was the 'conveniently keeps becoming finer and finer grained until it fades from existence so no hoarders take it or people wary of missed checkov's guns' type of bone dust.

This day, after spending time with the children again, and learning that when I brought them presents, controlled by my Id, that I was covered in KY and had my dick stuck in the jar, and that Helmi who was present at the time nearly died of asphyxiation choking off the laughter when I played santa, and I will never speak of this again, I seek out Einrik again-this time with my Buntline in hand. I ask him what he thinks of the piece. He takes it, and spends a good hour inspecting it-and scratches his head.

>[EV][In English]"....I haven't a clue."
>[EV][In English]"I'm serious-the magic matrices within this gun are recursively layered as well as contingent on multiple variables and involved the use of infinite values and fractal-based equations. I can see it, sure-and what I see is too much. I can't separate one thing from another. None of it is overwhelmingly potent, and the collective power I detect does not worry me-but it is a puzzle I would like to hear the answer to."

Turns out Big was planning to play with the kids this morning too-but when he sees me already there, talking with Einrik, he makes his way over-and I notice he's not limping anymore.
"Leg all fixed?"
>[Big]"I suppose I should thank Helmi for that... but that girl..."
>[Ev][In English]"My sister is most adept at making it hard to be grateful to her."
>[Big]"Ain't that the truth... look, Armas, I wanted to talk to you... Einrik, you mind?"
>[Ev][In English]"Not at all."
And with a knowing smile, Einrik withdraws.

While Big tells me that he's asked-and been accepted-by the Valkonens as an extended guest. When I ask him why, this is what he tells me.

>[Big]"...Travelling with you made me feel a bit old. Stupid and childish as it is-you're stick with your dream, I can tell. Well I got a dream too, a pretty simple one-be a faster shot than my teacher, and best my tribe's Elder Shaman. I... had forgotten that, I think-not in my head, but my heart. I started to take jobs that looked... safer.. because I didn't want to die, leave my dreams unfulfilled. Well-I can't heal like you. Fine. Nothing's stopping me from getting better in other ways-and I got permission from the Head to try and claim a Magic Spirit Animal, with his personal assistance. I still plan to go back to Istanbul-hell, I've got a better chance making my name with you than going it solo-I just need to make sure I can survive alongside you. ...Eh, look, I'm not that great with words, but I know I still owe you-so I'm asking yah-can I do this?"

What's my reaction to Big's request?
I have two and a half days before we leave December 31st at midnight-what shall I fill my time with?
(Armas does NOT have a phone again-he used a landline to call his parents.)
1180 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 359700 ID: 2c28e0

Upvoting. Iron Trick is our only safe option for now. So talk to him first. Then, do whatever crazy plan we come up with.

Although, do you guys really think that letting Amen kill or get in contact with this Devil is a smart thing? Yes, I know that we can just lay down some pretty strict and rigid orders to Amen, but still I doubt that this Devil will be gullibly enought to fall to our trick and that he'll be weak enough to be killed by Amen as easily as you guys seem to think he will. Don't forget, Amen is sealed in a contract right now and I wouldn't be suprised if most of his powers have been sealed away and that our ordering him to kill this guy will allow him to use more of his abilities. Which can be bad for us.
No. 359719 ID: f8aa66

>And should I be concerned I can't perceive the dragon's souls OR the devil's?
You should; that they can hide from our senses suggests to me that they are used to people with senses like ours, know how to guard their souls and are smart enough to do so - and are likely a great deal more powerful than us. You expect that sort of thing from Dragons, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Finnish Devil is on a tier with them.

I wonder if these guys can pick up on Einrik's version of telepathy. The dragon being from Tanzania might be useful enough to risk it. It gives Einrik an out if he needs it for why he attacked the dragon, being obviously out of her territory and up to something furtive. In return, find out from Einrik if we can, if the Spanish dragon and Tanzanian dragon were here together; that would indicate the intruder was sanctioned, and we may be shit out of luck. If not... there's wriggle room for us.

>So: What am I going to say and do here?
I think the tack we should take is to be self-assured but not confrontational. Acknowledge that the Dragons are your superiors in magical power, but don't lose a jot of your own pride over that fact.

Quick, poll the brain trust: proper etiquette when addressing Dragons. Is 'My Lord Dragon' appropriate? Senor? Do they have a title they prefer?

"My apologies for my tardiness, -respectful title here-. If I may ask, for what purpose was our presence desired?"

Obviously someone must have wanted us there, probably the Devil. We probably shouldn't even bring up that we're in his territory without leave (do Dragons get pissed about that?) if he doesn't.

Our goal with the Devil: find out why he's here without coming out and admitting - ever - that we fed his hand to our rifle. Dance around it if you have to, but we do not want the Spanish Dragon's rep to feel the Devil has just cause against us. If it's not the hand... well, bit of a long-shot, but perhaps it thinks to collect on Armas Valkonen's Contract somehow? Or it probably has Armas Valkonen's soul if it fulfilled the pact, maybe it's looking to sell, trade or bargain?

It may try to tempt Silja that way (being the emotional little she-weapon that she is), so we leave her blind and deaf here. Hopefully she won't sense a familiar soul or something.

Secondary goal (less immediately important but potentially more interesting): Who took his hand (and sent it to us with a love note attached).

A final suggestion: if we find ourselves wanting to work the deceptive truth angle, using phrases such as 'I owe you thanks' or 'You may consider me chastened' are both more formal and slightly different from saying 'I am'.

This sounds workable. Explain we have a master fleshcrafter working for us.

Myself, I'd try and bargain the hand for Armas Valkonen's soul (by saying we are friends with the Valkonens, the implication would be that we want his soul for them). Start by asking for a more 'valuable' soul from his collection, let him bargain you down to Armas's - or request a Valkonen's soul, and then the devil will feel like he's fucking you by offering a powerless Valkonen's soul as payment.

I'd also say don't get into involved debates with our head-voices here more than absolutely necessary, we're diplomacizing for our lives here.

Look, either they're reading our mind or not. Not thinking of pink elephants doesn't work very well.

Forge on ahead regardless.
No. 359739 ID: d97a61

I decide I'm not uttering a single damn person's name and taking Einrik's cue on that.

Before I do absolutely anything else, I mentally commune with the one being I think has the best chance of not being detectable-Iron Trick.
>[Iron Trick]"They can detect some sort of consciousness detects in me-dragons are great with fractal-format spell patterns like that-but there's almost no chance either of these two could detect anything. If it was the Spanish Dragon himself, or any upper tier one-well, Rabbit's craftings were only so... involved... in my creation. I am just one of many tools-but yes, the Devil's less magically overwhelming than the dragons, even if by only a slim margin-oh, I love the northern tribe of devils for making their face's shape and arrangement the next best thing to a power assessment tool than a helm- for now our words should still be ours alone. What's on your mind?"
Do you think I could get away with communicating with my soul brothers, Silja and Amen?
>[Iron Trick]"Realistically-yes to your soul brothers, since unless the dragons specifically focus on you any internal thoughts-that is, ones you do not transmit to someone else in a telepathic fashion-the communication never even leaves your body so you should be fine-but Amen's ultimately external, blood connection or no. Silja is likewise out, as a pre-existing soul in an item rather than a soul born from an item's power, any communication with her could be read with ease by a dragon or a devil."
Okay then. ...Wait, does that mean they could detect me transmitting my thoughts to you?
>[Iron Trick]"So far as they are concerned I technically don't exist-so you couldn't be transmitting your thoughts anywhere."
But you said they could detect there was a consciousness within you.
>[Iron Trick]"A consciousness that, barring them physically touching me-not my projectiles-simply will not let itself be associated with the non-existent voice you are communicating to-frankly, your mind is not twisted enough for me to properly relay to you how Rabbit fashion the... specifics of my quirks. Simply know that you will be able to speak to me in privacy whenever you wish because, in a way, I'm not here."
Huh. Thanks.

Shadowbro, can you verify through your mere everything's fine with Whaitiri?
>"Fine? She's ecstatic, to be accurate. Einrik seemed to give her some rather tasty snacks before the cessation of combat-and no, I already asked, she didn't pay attention to the battle itself in the slightest."
Okay-and how likely is it that, given Einrik called the Tanzanian Dragon a representative just the same as he called the spanish one, that she's here for the Ramidreju for her ruling dragon's recovery? The Ramidreju's hide is supposed to have some amazing healing abilities.
>[Sake]"Contact-Only Restricted regenerative ability-and yes, rather potent."
>"The issue is that from every single comment I've yet been audience to, from every observation made-I have to say the Tanzanian Dragon's bluffing. It's not a representative-it simply claimed that when it realized the Spanish dragon was here-after all, that which could not sense us, or find what drew her to the mountain swiftly, certainly wouldn't have noticed another dragon that did not wish to be seen."
>[Sake]"You don't have any proof her magical sensing abilities are that poor-but I agree it is likely a ruse, an attempt to save face-and one that Einrik wisely did not question, and so break the tenuous peace that currently presides."

Not majority decision

So... is there some sort of polite, respectful, non-violence inducing way to properly address dragons? Titles to use, things to not say or do...?
>[Sake]"In my homeland dragons were rather insistent on being addressed with the prefix of 'Heavenly Emperor/Empress' and slew any that dared make direct eye contact with them for getting above their station."
>"No comment, nothing I'm certain of."
>[Iron Trick]"The American dragons absolutely abhor technology and would probably kill us for even having radios when in their presence, let alone thermal scopes. ...Yeah, American dragons are basically aggressive, immensely powerful , holier-than-thou hippies. I don't recommend meeting them. Turkish dragons, at least, are pretty well kept in line-then again one of the oldest Dragons rules here and he likes to keep his hand in things. ...I suppose I'm saying that there are some constants, but more importantly there are regional variations and we can't really predict what either of these dragons possess in terms of personality quirks and definitions of proper etiquette. ...So, if you're going to talk to them, don't over think it because there isn't really an answer."
...Alright then.

I turn to the Tanzanian dragon first, bowing deep and avoiding eye contact, just in case.
"Honored by the meeting, most esteemed and beneficent Tanzanian representative."
She says nothing, not even acknowledging my presence as I ignore the non-reaction and turn on to the Spanish dragon perched on the rock, bowing again.
>[GGG Trait activated]
>[AAE Trait activated]
With a swell of power simultaneously burgeoning and draining away, spent-
There is a sound of something shattering-or perhaps the echo of such a sound, given how distorted it is. I find myself on my back, feeling incredibly dazed, and more than a little bit puzzled. Somehow I feel like my Soul Brothers were dazed as we-
>[Iron Trick]"Good, good-you didn't die... how did you know to weave your stored Summer Bloodline healing energy and your Winter bloodline's spiritual energy together to perform rapid healing... ah, you didn't know. You... didn't do it. Your instincts then? Hm... I suppose-"
I hardly pay attention as I nearly begin to hyperventilate, only now realizing I'm missing not just my left arm, but nearly half of my torso, the edges cauterized and already festering with boils. I was hit? I didn't even feel it coming, and I nearly die-
>[GGG Trait activated[]
>-So long as Armas has even one second, he can instantly recollect himself from anything save a direct mental attack.
>-Armas is now more skilled at plying the lingo practiced by the magical community.
>-Improves existing discussion in dangerous circumstances ability.

I dimly hear someone, not Einrik or Hillevi, speak with a voice like an avalance.

>[???][In Finnish]"A just reward for a disgusting mongrel thinking it can address it's betters without permission."

I have to force myself to think-and use my right arm to carefully push myself back up-as I wonder about how I survived what clearly... hit my heart. Trick mentioned that I might have done it instinctually-oh fuck are my weapons okay-yes, whew, nothing broken other than me, my clothes and part of my two longarm's straps. ...Right, so if I just... healed myself? What exactly did I even do, Trick?
>"Armas? ...Wha, what happened..."
>[Iron Trick]"You effectively performed an inefficient form of instant regeneration by pooling both bloodlines powers, and did so just enough you did not die from what should have been nigh-instantly fatal wounds. Had the attack been continuous rather than a single speck of a fireball that Einrik largely deflected, I doubt you would have survived-and I suppose we would have seen how your acquired resurrection ability functions."
Instant hea....
Still midway through sitting up, passing through that special segment of time that moves at the speed of thought on the brink of death-
>[MM,MMMM Trait auto-activated]
Instinct or subconscious, id or otherwise-I have already done this, and done it recently. It shouldn't be hard to-

>[Hybrid technique used: Spiritually Fueled Restoration (S.F.R.)]
[WINTER ENERGY: -27, 73/100]
[ SUMMER ENERGY: -27, 13/40]

Even as I feel as if my blood has... been strained in some way, my hunger getting closer to resurfacing in an uncomfortable rushing sensation-

I school my face, avoiding goggling as my ribs regrow, a lung forms as sinew and cartilage race over empty air, bone and muscle and skin all weaving together-

In one second, one, single fucking second, I regrew an arm and a third of my chest. Holy fucking shit.

I just barely avoid marvelling at my perfectly restored yet unclothed limb as I finish sitting up with a smile on my face, turning to Einrik... and rather distinctly noting that both dragons are now very much so looking at me.

"You could have told me it was impolite in Spanish circles to address a dragon."
Doing a rather amazing job at maintaining the illusion of him simply being here because he's bored, Einrik easily replies.
>[EV][In Finnish]"Well this was an easier way of showing them that, small soul or no, you do in fact stand apart from mortals and 'common' practitioners alike-isn't that right?"
>"Don't even self-narrate, I can feel them on your mind."
"I suppose so."
Einrik turns back to the Spanish dragon.
>"Honored Representative, I was under the impression you were here to decide which party or parties of those present should be banished from Spain for creating a disturbance in a draconically inhabited range, just as I thought you were likewise deciding if the South African Representative's claim to be seeking healing aide for a wounded dragon is worthy of being allowed."
>[Sake]"Well that goes a long way to explaining what we walked into-and I should note that so far, they have no reason to believe you can survive dying-merely that you are hard to kill, an immensely critical distinction."
It is the Spanish dragon that speaks-and from it's voice I know it to be the one that spoke while I lay nearly dead on the ground scant moments ago.
>[Spanish Dragon][In Finnish] "...So your broken mockery of what the Valkonens were that you call a family can still pick individuals of slightly less pathetic than the rest of you primates. Ultimately this changes nothing, and I shall-"
The Spanish dragon looks at the offending speaker, the Finnish Devil with distaste-
And does not attack.
>[Tanzanian Dragon][In Finnish]"Since arriving you've destroyed more than either of us did in our altercation-do what you will but leave, you insufferable nuisance."
His jawbones clacking in an odd manner, the devil begins to walk my way, even as I feel Hillevi readying herself behind me.


He continues that incessantly slow walk, as if time was no obstacle to his hunt, his prey finally in sight.

>[Finnish Devil] ]CLAIMER OF MINE HAND.

He's twenty feet away when Hillevi grows even more tense at my side.


>"...Useless. I can't find a way for Sake or I to contact Amen in lieu of you via the blood without alerting the dragons and possibly the devil too. I will note, however-that the devil's shadow feels... very ordinary. Strangely so. It's not a magical thing I detect-more like... it's lack of resonance with the Dark, top match the presumed magical might the creature has. I know it is possible to hide a soul-but to hide the imprint of one's soul upon the shadow and the Dark at large? I didn't know that was possible."
"Please allow me to compensate you for your loss-to start with a new hand . I know a master of flesh magic beyond the ken of mortals as well as most immo-/"

The world goes white as my eardrums rupture, the smell of ozone filling my nose even as I slowly clear my eye and see-

The semi-molten scorch mark and blasted rock crater where a bolt of lightning landed not five feet from my person.... ah.


....Weeeell then....

So what exactly am I going to say and/or do here?
No. 359742 ID: 1e3433

We didn't die from the dragon's fire, we got messed up but we healed from it. He's not asking to mess us up, He's asking to kill us, big difference. Anyways you seem to be forgetting that neat bloodline we picked up that allows us to comeback from the dead, which might fulfill his request and is winter based thus doesn't need summer energy to work.
No. 359743 ID: 3ecb91

we would come back, but sake and shadowbro wouldn't, it would also free amen
No. 359745 ID: 1e3433

Guess we're going to have to talk our way out of this then.
No. 359747 ID: b1f0e2

rolled 26, 69, 51, 87, 85, 78, 5, 41, 29 = 471

Iron-Trick: How long per shot do you think you could hold him if I used you to fire at his shadow? Considering the considerable power of such artifacts I think it will be long enough.

He is NOT asking us to choose a payment. He is using fancy words but what he is actually saying "I am going to kill you unless you sell me your soul to live out the rest of your life". Or rather, that is what he is IMPLYING. It is a TRICK, he is using deceptive truthfulness! Choosing your soul will just result in him killing you immediately and claiming your soul, as he only implies but never promises that selling your soul spares your life for any duration of time.

On the plus side he can't claim your soul without you selling it. Also on the plus side, if you die you come back. On the downside if you die he will probably kill you again and again until it sticks. And worse, on the first death we lose SM deals, Amen goes free, Sake dies truly, and SB dies truly. It might also mess up our bloodline as its incomplete. All resolvable issues we have not gotten around to solving yet. Both choices are thus utterly unacceptable.

He is unwilling to speak and thinks he has an easy way to trick a soul out of us, so the amen plan is out. We can pretend to try it again as a momentary distraction but it would not be ideal and hopefully it wouldn't get to that. The plan is as such.

First, look deep in thought. "I..." *wonder a bit* "I choose..." *wonder a bit* "If I was to choose the soul would you promise to not kill me yourself until the rest of my natural life" and move such that your shadow intersects Einrik's and einrik has a clear path to the devil. This suggests to him you are considering the soul deal and should not result in being interrupted with a lightening bolt. If you are still not in position by the time you finished saying that you should try "I shall pay an obscene (obscenely low, free) cost to a being I know can restore thine arm". But it probably would not take that long to get into position and he will probably just lightening us again if we stall with that tactic.

As soon as SB intersects Einrik's shadow he is to convey to him the plan (all but what Armas would be doing) as rapidly as possible and Einrik is to immediately execute it. The plan is rather simple. Einrik attacks him directly at full power with mere preferably, while covering his sister if need be (or telling her to stand back). SB uses Einrik as a tank and distraction to get to the Devil's shadow and attack it with his Shadowmere; preferably in the face.

This is where the plan diverges based on what Iron Trick said, I expect it will most likely be Option A as Iron trick has considerable power.

Option A: If Iron Trick said he could hold him to a reasonable amount of time. Fire non stop at his shadow while the other two are going at him. SB is not to reload but to focus on harming him with the shadow mere. This gives us exactly 6 shots. You are to charge him yourself while firing those six shots and finish up by dropping the iron trick, crouching low, and shooting silja once into his torso while in an upwards motion that ends with shoving silja vertically as deep as you can so that her butt is in his guts and her bayonet goes into his head through his neck.

Option B: If Iron Trick said he cannot hold him at all / any reasonable amount of time. Try to fade from his perception as einrik takes him head on with SB distracting further with plinking. Maneuver behind him, and then get low and shoot silja into his back at point blank while shoving her into his spine with an upwards motion such that her butt is in his guts and her bayonet goes into his head through his neck.

1x Einrik Attack, 1x SB Attack, 6x Iron Trick Shots, 1x Silja Attack.
Ignore Iron Trick Shots if we do Option B.
No. 359755 ID: b57910

Upvoting them turnabouts.

Downvoting them Amen contact + attack.

This guy WAY WAY WAY outranks us on power! Getting in a fight with him is inadvisble. To say the least. We can't risk even drawing. Our every movement must be as nonthreatening and provoke as little wrath as possible!

Furthermore: Amen himself is something demonic or devilish. It's not out of the question that contacting, naming, receiving contact from, or anything else about him might tip off who he is to our buddy here.
No. 359757 ID: ac262f

Ok, ANYTHING UNDER the words AMEN PLAN, I SUST, lets not take a route that didn't work, and as for attacking the guy... ONLY DO THAT IF WE FAIL NEGOTITIONS.

Now, technicalities, we can do this, words and deceptive truthfulness are our friends and we are far better than when we dealt with the Knight of Mammon and avoided a really bad deal, basically this is no different.

To Start with, argue the name Armas with him, there is lots of Armases, we are not the sole bearor of that name. Be ready to dogde and keep dodging while talking, Shadowbro can help here, also both our bros should be of great help in dealing with technicalities. Shadowbro is so like us after all.

Who's soul, who's life, sounds like he isn't refering to us, get him to clarify, we can't give anything if we don't know what he is asking for (not that we are giving anything.) Then we twist whatever he says to make us not accountable and the souls/lives something that is not ours to give.

..technically we have no right to whatever he is asking for.


Contradicting himself is it us he wants or other people?, twist that. Also get the contract, which we never signed, We as Armas Laine never had any dealings with this devil...
We made no deal, so there is no debt.
We claimed no hand.
We are not Armas, but Armas Laine or alternativly Krypa Peikko.

Also asking for our last words then flinging bolts? How unclassy.

We can take this guy on words, we need not do something as risky as fighting him.
We are not the right Armas. Lure him into a trap of words of his own making.
No. 359759 ID: b57910

was upvoting

No. 359769 ID: ab8af1

BTW, when we correct him on his mistake, do not say our last name. Just say that ''We are not the Armas who is also a Valkonen'' Or something like that, but DO NOT say that our real name is Armas Laine.
Actually, judging from the words of the spanish dragon, all of them think that we're actually a member of a branch Valkonen family, instead of what we really are, which is a Friend of the family.
No. 359774 ID: 2035fc

Downvoting mentioning Silja. Also, he said last words. We need to put out why we owe him nothing quickly. So, I suppose we should say something like this.

"I'm the wrong Armas. From what I understand, it was Armas Valkonen who took your hand, correct? Einrik here can attest that I'm not a member of his family. As such, we have made no deal which means I have no debt to you.

If the one who claimed your hand has reneged on payment, then I'd ask you take it up with them. That it was later gifted to me has no bearing on that, especially since it's no longer in my possession."
No. 359779 ID: b83c65


"Well, yes, but there has to be at least...what, twenty thousand Armas in the US alone."

>[Finnish Devil] CLAIMER OF MINE HAND.

"No, didn't do that." And we didn't, we never took his hand from his arm. We just found a box and gave the contents to Silja. We claimed nothing.


"Yes. If this Finnish Devil was summoned for a reason let that reason be made clear, or otherwise let this devil be dismissed," Look to the Dragons as you say that.

However if that doesn't work, we have some more last words: "I have a debt, what was given in payment. I do not merely give my life or soul to any devil that asks for it."
No. 359787 ID: 77426b


Sounds passable. I suppose. May wish to not say everything straight out and wait for responses. Answer questions as they come, only giving out what is absolutely necessary. Because information is valuable you nitwit!
No. 359789 ID: 518b93


><AmusedBob> Word choice is important-you need to make what you're saying clear from the get-go, and be as concise as possible.
>Word choice is important
>you need to make what you're saying clear from the get-go, and be as concise as possible.

>argue this! ask questions! word choice not specified!

>argues things that have already been said

>starts with a long pause and ends with trying to attack the demon


>instantly says you're wrong
better but still not good enough. Armus should first say "i owe you nothing and here is why". upvoting the rest
No. 359840 ID: f8aa66

Is he speaking of our fleshcrafter's life and soul? I don't follow.

>Stuff about the shadow.
Does this mean he is so strongly aligned with lightning that he is COMPLETELY cut off from the Dark, and thus there's no way for Shadowbro to strike at him? Or does it mean the Devil is completely cut off from the Nevernever and so Shadowbro's nevernever teleport would be more effective than normal on a being of the Devil's weight-class?

In a 'putting our affairs in order' kind of way:
Just before we die, might I suggest that we give Amen the order to seek out and obey others as he would us in the event of our death, sort of like Smets did for Savoy?

Probably in this order, going down the list as necessary until he finds one still-existing: Shadowbro, Sake, Einrik, Camella, Hillevi.

Without our half of the soul as an anchor, SB's will collapse, right? If we die and our soul briefly flees the body, maybe he could open up the taps and flood the body with Dark energy to bolster himself for the few seconds before our soul comes back to the body? Sure, we'd end up irradiated with Nevernever energy when we come back, but it might keep him going briefly. Or flee into the Dark and hope that sustains him, maybe?

As for the Devil: we cannot fight this guy. During his entrance, he unleashed over 100 BOLTS OF LIGHTNING within a FEW SECONDS. And we just taxed both halves of the bloodline with the regeneration trick. Diplomacize. Diplomacize like your life depends on it, for it does.

Now, Iron Trick can tell what rank this guy has based on his skull structure: is this guy at the top, like Perkele? Lempo? He seems too strong to be a Hiisi or Piru.

If we could name him, we might have some leverage.

What is it with Demons trying to bully us into accepting their deals? So, be succinct... How about: "Your claim is weak. I owe you neither life nor soul. We have never met; nor do I have any recollection of taking your arm.

I am willing to bargain, but you will not have my soul through threats and fear, any more than Mammon's representative did." Or maybe we shouldn't mention Mammon, I dunno; he might hear about the MD auction and put two and two together.

If the Devil does manage to kill us, we should sit back up, brush ourselves off and say, "Well, you took my life. I hope that satisfies you. Off with you, now."
No. 359862 ID: f2510b

>I feel Hillevi readying herself behind me.
>He's twenty feet away when Hillevi grows even more tense at my side.
As her Warden we should make sure Hillevi does nothing rash. Like attacking or even standing in the devils way.
No. 359871 ID: a0c945

SUST. While i dislike grovelling, we should. Or at least not be arrogant.being eaten by Dragons is Unfun.
>>359757 a bit too hesitant, and not precise
Not bad, but disliking making any comments on how the hand was taken from the Devil. Believing Armas Valkonen 'took' the hand may not be the best thing.

I would suggest something like this myself:
"Well, that would teach me to be 'nice' with a Devil, especially one whose statements are so deceptive. I owe you no debt. My soul is not wholly mortal. I am not this Armas person you are talking of: i know the Armas who sold his soul to you was a Valkonen, and i am no Valkonen, Branch or not."

"I have not stolen or claimed your hand: It was gifted to me."

"I repeat: I owe you no debt."

After that, if it stalls him enough, we should try to get him to tell us what he told the others about his legitimacy here, because we have no idea how he angled that to them.

Now, theory time : The Devil talked down to the arrogant spanish dragon, even though it seems weaker. This is either because there are Accords between Devil and Dragons, or because the Spanish Dragon knows attacking the Devil will leave itself open to betrayal by the Tanzanian Dragon- or both. Asking Iron trick about it could be worthwhile.

Second theory : our S.F.R comes from using our internal soul manipulation to force winter energy into our regenrative ability. It is inefficient because it needs an equivalent Summer energy to act as Buffer. Maybe trying to to force our Summer energy to power our regenerative ability by itself is possible, or maybe spinning the Summer and Winter energy in such a way that the Summer part doesn't merely act as a buffer.

>Now, Iron Trick can tell what rank this guy has based on his skull structure: is this guy at the top, like Perkele? Lempo? He seems too strong to be a Hiisi or Piru.


>In a 'putting our affairs in order' kind of way:
>Just before we die, might I suggest that we give Amen the order to seek out and obey others as he would us in the event of our death, sort of like Smets did for Savoy?

>Probably in this order, going down the list as necessary until he finds one still-existing: Shadowbro, Sake, Einrik, Camella, Hillevi.

Not the right time to contact Amen unless things have degenerated into total combat AND can't get worse. However, if it comes down to dying- make sure you use SB or another way to tell Einrik to authorize Sake to come down to Valkonen's ground, and maybe still get the Ramidreju for him. He was our bro.

The 'teach me to be nice with a devil' is in order to look like we were polite and giving him a gift, and not in any way admitting a debt
The Wholly mortal bit is about him calling you mortal, and trying to gain the soul of someone bearing the Soul Graft of a Goddess.
No. 359925 ID: d97a61

Words... would seem to be my friends here.

"I must clarify something. My name may be Armas but that is true of many people-how do you know it's me?"
"Armas Valkonen, the one that actually TOOK you hand, so far as I understand it. I'm not the Armas who is also a member of the Valkonen house-which I'm getting the feeling you believe."
It is at this, that the devil finally seems to hesitate.
"To my recollection I've never gone by that name. "
"Am I to understand, then, that you are here to claim payment from Armas Valkonen?"
Well, he's certainly not apologetic or deceptive about his goals-I suppose that's something.
"Ah, but if it is not Armas Valkonen who you are claiming payment from-then who?"
...Dammit, can't deny that my name's Armas, or that I claimed his hand, even if I immediately fed it to Silja.
Thoughts... rather dark in nature about what would happen should I die... are forced aside.

Shadowbro, his shadow-can you in any way determine if that's a purposeful affectation on his part or an actual gap in his magical capacity?
>"I tentatively say that it is an actual gap in his magical ability-but that just... seems far too easy..."
It does, doesn't it-Trick, what about his rank? You said you cou-
>[Iron Trick]"Yeah-hm. How to put this so-ah. Assume all Devils are students in a High School. Presume this devil to be a Junior that ranks in the eightieth percentile-really, I don't think I can give a better analogy than that, in terms of analogies that would actually make sense to you. The dragons, incidentally, would also be juniors-in the ninety-fifth percentile."
...So what's a Senior?
>[Iron Trick]"Upper tier Gods and Dragons, Wizards, Nobility amongst the Courts... those kind of things."
Don't suppose you have a Name I co-
>[Iron Trick]"Hah, NOPE-no idea which specific devil this is."
Feeling more informed about the situation I was dropped into by the second, I swiftly check Hillevi's soul-to find her ever so slightly less tense than she was moments ago-I can't detect the specific thought process that led to the change, but I'll take it.

I decide to take a calculated risk.

"Is it customary for devils to transfer debts to people they never negotiated a deal with?"
This, it seems, gives the devil pause.
"But that's not the point-you came here thinking me someone else-your premise for being here itself was flawed-or is my reasoning inaccurate?"
I dare not turn to look at them, but I can feel the continued appraisal of the two dragons as I converse with the maimed monster.
Never heard that before-especially not stated as boldly as that-but if it's true... a detail to file away for later.
"And for that reason, I ask-why me? You say that I must pay the debt, but when was that decision made? It could not have been prior to my arrival-after all, you were not aware which Armas I was until I corrected you."
Well, not without lying, I can't, so-
"By that logic, anyone that in any way interacted with your hand is complicit and owes you payment-but you came here to claim payment from a singular individual, did you not? How do you know I am the right one of those partly responsible for this to lay the burden on? Simply being the most proximal would not seem a rational reason to me."
When the world goes white with a roar of thunder this time, I feel rocks bombarding my body, several ripping gashes in my flesh as they pass me by at breakneck speeds. Yet another lightning bolt-this one just three feat from my person.
"If you aren't required to follow the exact letter of your deals, be it in fulfilling them or collecting payment, please inform me and I'll drop the subject."
>"I truly hope your bluff was accurate..."

For a time the pitiless gaze of the devil stays fixated on me as the jutting shafts of jaw with broken tooth and fang alike wavering in the air, the Finnish monster carefully picks out it's reply, even as I note both dragons to be completely engrossed in eavesdropping on our conversation-even as I note Einrik beginning to sport his trademark smile.

>"Huh. Seems he's really just looking for energy as payment-probably has a way to convert it to mass and regrow his lost limb."

...Well, I've mostly got the death-threat that was directed my way dealt with, and I've managed to not just make it clear I'm not the Armas he thought I was, but to argue semantics just hard enough he did not fry me, but has still been aggravated enough he seems to be capitulating to my viewpoint.

So what exactly am I going to say or do from here?
No. 359938 ID: 2035fc

This time, I suppose I don't want this to be a trap.

"Well then, I did offer up the talents of a fleshcrafter under my service. I'd imagine The Slayer of Ramses should be able to restore your hand, and that should deal with the issue of not being able to return it. That said, if I'm paying off the debt of another, why should you be entitled to payment from them? By all rights, I'd essentially be buying his debt from you, which means his payment should belong to me, not you.

So if you want me to lend the services of my servant, I should have sole rights to Armas Valkonen's soul."

Now, I expect the other Armas to have sold his soul along with the promise to return the hand. When the Devil brings this up
"One never buys debt at it's full cost. I receive the risk that Armas Valkonen's soul is destroyed or otherwise will never be capable of payment, and you receive a flat payment with no risk attached. Unless of course you'd like to try and track him down and hope to manage to find a way to take both his soul and milk a way to restore your hand out of him."
No. 359942 ID: f8aa66

"Debts must be paid, one way or another."

First plan (Plan Awesome): offer an equivalent exchange. Amen could almost certainly hang on to one of the intruders smashing themselves on our defenses, and he is a master of flesh and blood and souls (we then have the option of telling Amen to slay him after the deal is done, later, when we don't have dragons watching over our shoulder, if we judge our Word of Gold to be less important than the whole devil, the hand of which brought Silja to awareness). We effectively buy the debt from him in exchange for ownership of Armas Valkonen's soul, wherever it is.

Tell him this happens all the time in the mortal world.

Second plan (Plan Excellent): Have Shadowbro take him through the shadows. All the nevernever radiation/energy he could want, and more besides.

Third plan (Plan Undefeatable): Offer an Erinyes heart.
No. 359944 ID: 164815


Im going to have to SUST this since I doubt mentioning Ámen is a good idea at his moment, try asking the Devil how much energy it needs before we offer anything since we have no idea how much it needs.
No. 359953 ID: a0c945

>>359938 Good point about Armas Valkonen.

I'd say involving Amen might not work, and i don't want to mention him right now, may lead to too much attentions from a class of beings that are too powerful. If we go with that however, we must NOT lost our Word of Gold Trait.

>>359942 Still good point about Armas Valkonen

>Second plan (Plan Excellent): Have Shadowbro take him through the shadows. All the nevernever radiation/energy he could want, and more besides.

It is likely he is Dead to shadows, and if one could eat all the energy in the Dark like that, no shadowmancer or peopel who go into the nevernever would need any other kind. It may not be the best time to show off how little you know about magic. Water is wet and all that.

>Third plan (Plan Undefeatable): Offer an Erinyes heart.
For the Erinyes plan, i am pretty sure we ate both- however, we should have a Phoenix Heart left. If any other plans do Not Work, this might be an acceptable trade. (PHOENIX HEART PLAN)

We have a Phoenix heart because it comes before troll/Vampire/were, and troll/vampire/were was our last shipment, i think.

OTHER PLAN (NEVERNEVER STRIKE PLAN) : Another possible option would be to sell him a NeverNever Strike (though that might cost us a lot more than a Phoenix heart or involving Amen).

Now, theory time : The Devil talked down to the arrogant spanish dragon, even though it seems weaker. This is either because there are Accords between Devil and Dragons, or because the Spanish Dragon knows attacking the Devil will leave itself open to betrayal by the Tanzanian Dragon- or both. Asking Iron trick about it could be worthwhile.

OTHER OTHER PLAN (RAMIDREJU HEALING) : THIS might bring up the option of maybe using the Demon's accord (if Iron trick tell us we are right) to get the Ramidreju before the Tanzanian Dragon. After all, we could possible heal the Devil with Sake possessing it, and the Devil might have right of first action before the Dragons.

Whatever we do, our paying means we should get Armas Valkonen Soul Ownership- of course, we should the risk he is dead, etc.

Second theory : our S.F.R comes from using our internal soul manipulation to force winter energy into our regenrative ability. It is inefficient because it needs an equivalent Summer energy to act as Buffer. Maybe trying to to force our Summer energy to power our regenerative ability by itself is possible, or maybe spinning the Summer and Winter energy in such a way that the Summer part doesn't merely act as a buffer.
No. 359999 ID: 81f32a

We used accelerated healing on self to regrow our limbs in just a second. Who says we cannot use Spiritual Healing on others by re-routing it?
I say we try to do that. Hopefully, healing the demon is not fuck-expensive compared to healing a human mortal. I hope the cost is just the same.
Take our Summer healing and direct it outwards to a target using our Sami powers.

>The Slayer of Ramses
Fuck man, we are trying our best to not let anyone know we have a link to Amen and you suggest we just go and name-drop him?
Don't say his name or title.

>First plan (Plan Awesome):
This is fine and all but we have no way of knowing if any intruders have been caught. Which is bollocks, since I specifically asked Amen what he did with the intruders and not if he had killed them. We, the players, and Armas know enough of Amens bullshit to know that the answer "They will never bother you again" is not the same as "Yes, I killed them all". Heck, we even noted that he didn't actually answer the question after the update.
Now, we can't ask him unless we call him or something.

>Second plan (Plan Excellent):
Eh, I dunno. We should ask first before attempting this.

>Third plan (Plan Undefeatable):
You know.... just eating a heart is not enough to heal shit.... Oh well, this might be worth a shot. Mentally go through how much meat and hearts we have and offer him some till he has enough to heal his hand. I suggest we leave the Phoenix heart as the last as it is a very potent and expensive thing.


>If we go with that however, we must NOT lost our Word of Gold Trait.
I think we can only lose the TWG only if we break the deal. By having Amen restore his hand, thus sealing the deal and only after that capturing/killing him should not break our trait. Although I am against trying any shenanigans against devils.

>OTHER PLAN (NEVERNEVER STRIKE PLAN) : Another possible option would be to sell him a NeverNever Strike
We don't have any say on NN strikes. Unless you suggest we buy one from Goblins which will cost us so much.

>Now, theory time : The Devil talked down to the arrogant spanish dragon, even though it seems weaker. This is either because there are Accords between Devil and Dragons, or because the Spanish Dragon knows attacking the Devil will leave itself open to betrayal by the Tanzanian Dragon- or both.
More likely because the demon did more damage than Einrik and Tanzanian dragon combined so it is pretty damn powerful. Enough to shut up non-ruling dragons in fact.

This is a good plan.
Remember, Einrik aims to kill the Tanzanian dragon, so we shouldn't have any problems from it. The only thing that could stop us is the Spanish dragon.

>Poor devil, it doesn't know what it's got itself into.

AaaaryyyNO. I am going to downvote trying to do anything with the devil.
It just seems to me a bad idea.
No. 360000 ID: 991866

Plan Awesome here is good. Offering up the life and soul of one of the intruders is a good idea. We want to make no reference to Amen at all, just that you have some entities that have forfeited their lives by trespassing on your property that would serve admirably for the devil's purposes. Also, the implication is strongly that Armas Valkonen escaped his fate - otherwise the devil wouldn't be here trying to collect his soul.

Even if we don't want to telepathically call Amen, we can always phone him up to give him the order to prepare one of the intruders to be handed over. Don't speak his name.

When negotiating, agree that the exchange will take place in one week's time. If he has access to modern technology, we can agree the location by telephone later (I'm sure the Devil doesn't want to give the dragons too much information on his movements either).

Poor devil, it doesn't know what it's got itself into.

Oh, and it was mentioned earlier that we've started carrying around emergency supplies of food, so if there is an appropriate pause in proceedings, drain the bottle of basilisk blood. If there's no such break, have SB teleport the blood into your stomach. If you have an erinyes heart on you, then have him do the same with that, after tearing it into pieces first.
No. 360001 ID: a0c945

For the Ramidreju Healing plan, optimally, and if a lot of assumptions are corrects, it will go like this :

1°) Have Devil destroy jamming, call team, get Ramidreju
2°) The Tanzanian Dragon, seeing what we are doing, may want to attack/challenge us before we have Sake possess it. Einrik kills it.
3°) Sake possess Ramidreju, we heal Devil.
4°)Devil leaves, Spanish Dragon Leaves

Devil leaves, Spanish Dragon wants the hoard for itself and attack us, all of us kill it with Sake's new awesome Body and Einrik awesomness.

For this to work, it would need Accords between Devils and Dragons, where Devil are allowed to finish their Deals before Dragons interferes. As such, Einrik *may* be able to fight the Tanzanian Dragon as our 'Champion', as we still are in the middle of a deal with the Devil.

Lots of assumptions, though.
No. 360003 ID: b09cda

>This time, I suppose I don't want this to be a trap.
upvotins but why can't it be both a trap and true? have amen fix it's hand and then capture it or murder the fuck out of it. or murder/capture it and then fix it's hand. it it doesn't work whatevs. if the demon can be tricked into it though jump on it

>Second plan (Plan Stupid as Shit): Have Shadowbro take him through the shadows. All the nevernever radiation/energy he could want, and more besides.
SUST the entire fucking idea of sending a demon who wants our fucking soul through half of it.

not ours to give dumbass. SUST

you want to give a demon who is willing to force us to pay someone else's debt access to weaselbro's body? moreso, you want to mention we're here for that in front of the fucking african dragon who is saying she's here on official bzns for the healing weasel? SUST
No. 360006 ID: 826205

As much as it pains me to do this, to support a bloody cunt who types like a Chav, I am upvoting this. We however need to ensure his body stays around to feed to Whaitiri, so any orders to Amen need to specify he not outright destroy the devil as well as keeping it hidden and safe and not disposing of or doing anything odd with it.
No. 360009 ID: 77426b

You wish to casually state that the one who slew an upcoming God-Wizard is in our service in front of Dragons? That is absolutely hilarious. I support this solely to see their reactions. I suppose it may also help that you you are the only one who has posted any actual dialogue and it's good dialogue at that. Hint Hint fellow posters.
No. 360017 ID: f8aa66

Offering Ramidreju healing MIGHT work (I am now codenaming it Plan Unstoppable, just in case), but this could also backfire on us even more than just having our russians make off with the prize. Remember, to the Spanish dragon, the Rami is HIS to do away with, ergo the Tanzanian and Einrik battling for it.

This is the kind of plan that has us exploded by Spanish dragonfire for our temerity.

Also, as a sidenote, if the devil doesn't go for us buying Armas V's soul, we could offer a barter for the knowledge of who exactly took his hand (and gave it to us).

And Armas, try and make sure none of this actually crosses your mind, okay? Use MMMMMMM if you have to. You need to think only of ways to help this Devil (and in doing so, getting him to leave you alone).
No. 360022 ID: b1f0e2


Agreed and shared the upvote.

>Lose word of gold
That is just stupid. We just order amen to restore his arm... after or before killing him.

>Slayer of ramses
SUST! DO !NOT! name amen in such a manner.
>In my service
SUST! DO !NOT! make such a claim, especially not in the presence of dragons and devils.

>Offer him payment
Our argument thus far is that it is not our debt. "I would like to propose a separate deal which I believe would resolve our issues. Specifically, I shall soon make you an offer to buy from you all debts you are owed by Armas Valkonen. While I still argue that I owe you no debt, we shall agree that if I am to buy all debts owed to you by Armas Valkonen then it would remove your claim, which I do not concede, that I owe you debt as well."

"I can, at great personal risk (giving amen orders is very risky) and a cost I am compelled not to name (compelled by my desire for my ruse not to fail), arrange for a being of a kind I shall not name with a mastery of flesh magic beyond that of mortals and most immortals to attempt to restore your hand. It is located at this address (Amen's Mansion) and I advise against forced entry, I shall arrange for it to attempt a restoration of thine hand in 3 days at midnight."

"Although I do believe it would succeed in restore your arm, should the attempt fail we shall renegotiate at that point.

Be VERY attentive to the wordings he uses, do NOT let him reword the deal. If you renegotiate then ask for a moment to reconsider the exact wording, as your culture warns about deals with devils and you wish to ensure you have considered all aspects of the wordings.

At this point you do NOT contact Amen, nor mention his name in any way shape or form. After wrapping up our dealings here you go back to Amen's mansion and deliver your orders in person while amen is securing the conversation. You order amen to not refer you as master, but as "Mr. Laine" from here on out. You also order it to heal that devils hand and capture, kill, or let him go depending on his relative power to amen. If we cannot make it there it time we contact amen via phone and order him to heal the hand and let him go unharmed. (he might follow us, wait near the mansion, or put some sort of tracer on us until the deadline and overhear any orders so beware of that). If we do kill him, we shove his entire corpse into the mere.

Giving us 3 days will also allow us to do some research and further refine our plans for it, and meeting it at Amen's Mansion could allow us to discuss other plans and propositions with it in safety in case we decide not to go with the lethal option.
No. 360026 ID: 991866

We do need some words, however

So, for my suggestion:

Remember all the effort and time we spent with Einrik learning supernatural etiquette and the habits and preferences of supernaturals, use it to your utmost now.

"Well, as all you want is a life or a soul without qualification, then it seems like your needs are easily met. My butler is currently looking after some uninvited guests, and I do not see that they have a pressing need for either. Now, as it seems that your business is far less urgent than that of the dragons, if you look for me in my mansion in Istanbul in one week, then we will settle this matter for one life. Perhaps then you might be interested in having the matter of your hand addressed as I had previously suggested."

If that is done and the devil gone, speak to Einrik, but so the dragons can hear, and suggest the following, after confirming with Sake that it is possible. We know that Einrik only wanted to fight a rogue dragon, and this will make it obvious if the Tanzanian is really on official business.

"It seems to me that we actually have compatible goals with the Tanzanian representative. She wishes the Ramidjeru to heal her Ruler, but clearly the creature has so far proved unwilling. My soul brother is capable of seizing control of the weasel and its powers, and as a kamaitachi has his own healing powers, small as they may be to contribute. This should conclude the matter of the duel, and afterwards, perhaps, the healed Ruler may be so kind as to sponsor your entrance into the duelling arena."
No. 360042 ID: 3fd4fb

Things to NOT do:
-Mention Amen in any fashion, either by name or as someone who works for us and has power. Hell, even mentioning "my butler" is excessive; any sentence involving him can likely be phrased so that he doesn't come up. We don't want anyone knowing that he exists or that we're involved with him.

-Mention the Ramidreju in any fashion. It hasn't come up yet, and once we finish dealing with the devil Einrik and the Tanzanian can go back to fighting with no need whatsoever for input from us; there is no gain in drawing further draconic attention to ourselves and our objectives.

Any attempt to deal with the dragons further should be avoided, in fact; we should take a hint from the Goblins here, and avoid getting involved with things that could turn us into a smear on the pavement without blinking. Let's not assume that we understand anything about the dragons or their objectives.

>So what exactly am I going to say or do from here?
Some decent other ideas have already been posted on this, but a couple critical points.

We owe this guy NOTHING. We accept no transfer of debt, and anything that we offer him- new hand, soul of someone random, whatever- must be done under the rules of equal trade and contract, which honestly I would prefer to avoid because making Contract with devils is rarely a good idea. Even trying to lure him around with implied promises is wildly risky.

Ultimately, the debt he speaks of might need to be paid as he claims, but we don't have to propose an alternative because we have nothing whatsoever to do with this debt and it is not our responsibility to help the devil resolve his Contract in any way.

If he tries to keep transferring the debt to us, we can attempt to demolish his right to do so by establishing dissimilarity to the original Armas. The key point he's used is that we claimed his hand, which is arguable- because we were gifted his hand by parties who knew what our immediate intent with it would be, making them responsible for its destruction (the logic here is the same as the logic that says if one of our minions kills an Einher, we killed the Einher). We are disinclined to say anything further about who those parties were, of course. But ultimately we did not "claim" the devil's hand; instead, we were manipulated into acting as someone else's tool by taking it and ending its existence. Beyond that, we have fundamentally different beliefs, heritage, motivations, soul composition and structure, and magical abilities. Our name is Armas, but that is only one part of our Name- if he's going to claim that matters, then he must also claim that anyone else who shares even part of the original Armas' full Name is equally culpable, which is a hell of a lot of people. We have never accepted bargains from devils nor demons. If it comes to it, we can even say that we're not in love with Silja- in fact, we can honestly say that we didn't enslave her soul because it would have been a social misstep. We are involved with her in an effort to gain power from her potential- quite the opposite of the original Armas, who sought power because of his involvement with her and was more interested in treating her as someone to be protected than an ally to work with.
No. 360063 ID: 8a0f3f

Upvotan all these, this Devil's probably out for our soul...and tries to screw us over by putting another's debt on us.

Upvotan as well, but say this: 'Magical Contract have the one deciding the action ebbing responsible for it. If I soul swear to kill my sister, and make my father kill her, it is fulfilled. As such, Having the one who took your hand organizing to have it be destroyed is on him, not on his tool.'
No. 360064 ID: d97a61

"Debts must be paid, one way or another-on that topic I agree wholeheartedly."
The glowing pits in the demon's face... narrow as if in suspicion, before he continues.
>[MM,MMMM Trait auto-activated]
"A rather poignant bit of phrasing, that-what I find agreeable is balancing the scales-but it seems you do not wish that yourself."
"Well frankly you want me to shoulder this other Armas' debt-but he got something in exchange for being placed in debt to you, did he not? While my service as a replacement Armas would remove the deficit you suffer from-it would leave me with an equivalent net loss, if not greater. Correct me if I am wrong, but that simply sounds like me giving you a gift at that point, one you coincidentally use to negate a loss you suffered, rather than a payment of a debt."
Again, that ominous silence.
>"Are you certain this is a good idea to push him so?"
>[Iron Trick]"It actually is, because you already established that his claim on you was not near so strong as he hoped, and you are now following that to it's logical conclusion-that being that what he proposes to you, as a third part, is a contract, a Deal, no matter how you look at it-and no Bargain is one-sided. His demonic nature won't allow it."
Again with the strange phrasing, but it's starting to become a bit more predictable-and if I can predict how he'll react-
I pointedly maintain my cavalier air that I barely maintained through my recent de-then re-limbing, continuing to show no signs of the rampant fear I am keeping a tight lid on, refusing to even let my heart rate elevate.
"By all rights, I'd essentially be buying his debt from you, which means his payment should belong to me, not you. After all, if I can offer services that would see your hand fully restored as a separate issue to providing you a mortal soul to you as demanded, that would seem to suggest whatever you got from Armas of the Valkonens, you no longer need it. Unless despite your impetus to chase me down is in no way reflectant of your dissatisfaction with what you received from the aforementioned prior deal."
At these words I note that, while both dragons looked to be watching me, both had a sense of... distraction about them, their attention elsewhere: But as I get more into the rhythm of using the lingo of deals I've heard from goblins and to a lesser extent gods and demons, I note that the Spanish dragon's gaze roots to me so heavily I nearly feel immobilized, whatever else it had been observing forgotten in its fixation on me, while it feels like the Tanzanian dragon, who'd been much more attentive to me from the start, seems to be growing less interested by the second... odd, it's almost like I feel a shadow of the sense of attention from directly observing someone's eyes when they're directed my way-but it's so faint I feel pretty confident it's just in my head.

>[Iron Trick]"Play up that you know how to barter away info the goblin way!"
I keep my eyes bland and flat even as I marginally widen them with my near manic grin.
"Oh, a chance to play the goblin in bartering away knowledge? I'd certainly be happy to pursue a secondary deal with you on-"
>"I... suppose there are benefits to being a meat bag, if unfounded inspiration such as that, can have results such as these. Be warned-I think Einrik's gathering power right now-I'm not certain because I have no direct data, but I've seen his magical patterns enough times that I can tell something is... building pressure."
"Only the one deal then-a pity. Well, there is a caveat to the deal, and is why I can make the offer at all: my side of the payment will have to be held in abeyance until you can meet me in Turkey-Istanbul, specifically. I... don't suppose you follow modern mundane communication systems?"
The devil looks at me blankly.
"...Right, well, then, how about I give you my address, and you come calling once I've returned to Istanbul? That would seem the easiest way to pay you."
"Well, if you want me to provide the services I mentioned, I should have sole rights to Armas Valkonen's soul-it would seem only fair."
Again, that long, ominous silence as I wonder if I finally overstepped my bounds.
"Cannot, rather than will not? Do you not have the Valkonen's soul?"
"Well, I find that agreeable, as it happens-hunting is something I'm not averse to, nor am I leery of risk. I receive the risk that Armas Valkonen's soul is destroyed or otherwise will never be capable of payment, and you receive a flat payment with no risk attached. Unless of course you'd like to try and track him down and hope to manage to find a way to take both his soul and milk a way to restore your hand out of him."
"Well, as all you want is a life or a soul without qualification, then it seems like your needs are easily met. At my abode I am looking after some uninvited guests, and I do not see that they have a pressing need for either. Now, as it seems that your business is far less urgent than that of the dragons, if you look for me in my mansion in Istanbul in one week, then we will settle this matter. Perhaps we could even discuss.... future arrangements."
Again, the devil stares at me for a long, silent moment.
His lone hand is stretched forth as the intervening space between the devil and I vanishes.
>[Iron Trick]"If you shake his hand you are bound to the letter of your word, nothing more or less."
I take that bloody, bone-ridged hand and shake it confidently as I mouth Smets' manor address to him, my back to the dragons.
"I do indeed."
As our hands part, the devil nods consisely.

I'm not sure about the Spanish dragon, but the Tanzanian one, at least, looks immensely relieved to see the devil's back as he promptly begins to trek down the far side of the mountain without once pausing or looking back.

...Okay, great as that seems like it went, I have to ask-why did the dragons let him get away with his effrontery? Did it have to do with the accords he mentioned?
>[Iron Trick]"It did indeed. The Accords exist between the demonic residents of the Never Never and Dragons-it states that a demonic creature's outstanding contracts, debts and bargains MUST be allowed to conclude, no matter where they are-but any demon or devil without a pending arrangement to lay claim to MUST follow the directions of an dragon native to the land they currently occupy. ...There's more to it, but that's the essential core, right there.[/i][/u]"

Now, it is Einrik that speaks.
>[EV][In Finnish]"As I suggested, my comrade was able to amicably remove the devil's presence while functioning within the accords."
For a time the Spanish dragon looks at him with disdain, before begrudgingly responding.
>[Spanish Dragon][In Finnish]"You managed to not break you word-I suppose then you are free to go, as promised."

Einrik nods graciously as he walks over, expansively sweeps an arm around each of our shoulders, and begins marching Hillevi and I down the mountain, the stormy expression he sports enough to quell any notion of asking him questions. Instead, I occupy myself pulling free the bottle of Basilisk blood and the lone remaining Erinyes heart to my name at the moment-and have myself a hearty snack.
"The danger's over-"
>[Sake]"So don't think we shall let such atrocious comedy pass un-heckled."

I decide to not comment-as I lustily feast.

[ SUMMER ENERGY: +11 , 24/40]

>>359999 [FOUR OF A KIND]
>>360000 [FOUR OF A KIND]
>>359953 [PALINDROME]
I don't really pay attention to Hillevi's probing questions to her brother once we're nearing the spell's borders, having already identified them as being simple queries as to what I was doing that Einrik easily answers-

When I see something just as we crest the spell's border that makes my jaw drop and nearly shit myself.

The very same Russian that challenged and questioned me, at the front of the other seventeen, smirks as he stands before us.

A long-bodied, green-furred beast with a nose like a cross between a bat's and a pigs and front limbs far more similar to a moles than any other creatures lays limply sprawled in the man's grasp.

>[Antagonistic Russian][In Russian]"I don't know why you made such a big deal about hunting a creature that goes into a dead sleep, but here it is, completely unharmed-now can we get the fuck off this mountain?"
I can practically feel Sake drooling inside my skull.

We are seventeen hundred feet from the mountain's peak.

What should I say or do?
Do I have questions for anyone?
Is there any reason I should have Sake abstain from immediately possessing the Ramidreju?
LAST CALL: Any last things to do on this trip?
No. 360068 ID: 2c28e0

Hmm, I don't know about you guys, but I like this guy. We should consider making him a leader sometime in the futur.

Before we let Sake get his new home, first, we should have Einrick look it over with us. It never hurts to be careful, Just in case.

, ask the Russians ''Where did you find him?'', ''where is his hoard?'' and ''How did you catch him?''

Now, does anyone want to go and try to from some sort of contract with the Tazmanian Dragon? After asking Einrick's opinion on the matter and after the Spanish Dragon goes away, of course.

Oh and premptively SUTS any question to Einrick about what happened just now. He clearly doesn't want to talk about it, so we don't ask.
No. 360070 ID: b83c65

I can see no reason not to let Sake have his body as soon as possible - if Sake can find us that Hoard. Oh yes, and ask Sake if it will take a while for him to get his body. Because if it will, we might have to head down.

Unless the Russians have already found that too, in which case awesome.

"Almost, almost. First, to wake this little guy up," Sake, take your body. "Second, to find a shit load of gold, jewels, and other various sparklies. Unless you guys have already found that and were going to give me a suprise."
No. 360079 ID: f8aa66

There might be. Ask Sake is what he's about to do will be big and flashy. Should we get off the mountain first, so the dragons aren't going to be tipped off?

I mean, a ward like they have up might block outside magics from being obvious to those inside, just like vice versa.

>LAST CALL: Any last things to do on this trip?
"Nope, let's get the fuck out of here. Two dragons and a devil are more than I want to deal with, ever again."

Once we're safely away, consider making a sort of living will: tell Amen that at any time our body ceases to function, he should take orders from people in this order: Shadowbro, Sake, Einrik, Camella, Hillevi. If he really wants to get free that just means he'll target them, but still good to have a fallback in play (and with Einrik higher up the list, it would make sense to go after him first). Also once we're back in the jet, explain to Amen the whole thing with the devil, ask if he is capable of placing any surprises in a fleshcrafted hand that even the devil whose hand it is (one almost equal to a low-tier dragon), or other devils, will not notice.

Also discuss with Shadowbro ways for him to survive our (temporary) death, vis a vis fleeing to the Dark, flooding us with Dark energy... having an extra soul handy to soak up the cracks in his half - if he knows of a way, we're willing to do it.
No. 360083 ID: b1f0e2

Einrik is the most experienced memory manipulator here. Can Einrik retrieve from it its memory of the location of its hoard before sake takes possession?

Sake should possess it immediately after einrik does so, or immediately if Einrik Cannot. We should let the Russians know it is now our friend and then demonstrating its healing immediately (some of the Russians had more severe injuries currently unhealed). Say something such as "I did promise to try and find you healing did I not?" which suggests that the purpose of the endeavor was to acquire healing for them.

The hoard would be in its lair, its lair is probably at the center of draconian magic.

Going back to the dragons with the offer to flush out the Tanzanian as a rogue is one possible plan. Or if we find the hoard location we can wait for a bit until the dragons leave and then go claim it.
No. 360093 ID: 991866

Start by saying. "The fine bottle of vodka that we will be sharing tonight will be but the first of many that I owe you in return for this, my friend."

Then lean in, and say, "I don't suppose you noticed the treasure..." and wink. With the dragon's still hear, it's a lost cause.

Then, ask Einrik if he can make sure the Ramidjeru remains unconscious but not in danger for a while, and ask Sake what are the optimal circumstances to perform the possession. Would a ritual of some kind help, and can we do anything with our Samir abilities. For that matter, inspect the Ramidjeru with our spiritual senses. If he can wait, then it would be far safer to do this when we're away from any watching eyes.

On the other hand, if Einrik can give us a little privacy with his wards, and Sake doesn't not need any ritual preparation for the best results, Sake can go ahead now. That would give us the opportunity to follow up on the earlier plan to force the issue of the Tanzanian dragon's rogue status.

Then, get on the phone to SM right now, if, Einrik is OK with it, and sell him some limited information about the conclusion of the duel with the dragon:

A representative of the Spanish ruler intervened to settle things peacefully
The Tanzanian pretended to be a representative of her ruler seeking healing for an injured dragon - which is interesting, considering what he told us of Grigori's activities.
It's possible she was telling the truth, but no one really believed it - she appeared no larger than a child when wearing human form, unless this was a deception we would have expected a more potent dragon to be sent on such a mission.
Also tell SM the relative power assessment of the two dragons.
He may also be interested to know that the goddess Whaitiri feasted well on the Tanzanian dragon before the duel was terminated.

We can finish off by observing how strange it is that just as we were showing up, some dragon from thousands of miles away just happened to turn up in the same place looking for the same thing. Odd that. Also interesting how SM was able to tell us where the dragon was from without being asked, and volunteered it at a discount. Whatever game he was playing, or test he was planning, hopefully we succeeded.

For this information, we are interested in the Kameosa that was previously discussed, and if he has it, information on how one would bind it to the spirit of a divine animal inhabiting a Ramidjeru, when one has a dose of the soul softening drugs of Big's tribe available.

SUST. We are not going after the hoard.
No. 360094 ID: 2c28e0

I just though of something. We should probably get the hell out of here before Sake possess his new body. You know, because of the 2 dragons behind us.
No. 360099 ID: 89777a

SUSTING all inquiries to the hoard, it is under the Dragons.

THANK THE RUSSIANS, make a joke out of the Rami being asleep, that is a very pleasant result. Also GET THAT LOVELY MAN'S NAME! If there is some reward or loot you can give him, then give it.

Now ask Sake how he is going about this, is there any precautions that need taken? We failed to specify gender, it may be female is that a problem? WE ARE NOT GOING AFTER THE HOARD AS THERE IS TWO DRAGONS IN THE AREA, it is a bad idea, auto SUST of any attempts to get the hoard. After Sake has gained his body, Introduce him as Sake Laine, or let himself introduce himself!


Now deal with Amen, ask him if he can kill or bind a finnish lightening devil of slightly less power than a weaker dragon. Also order him to tell you, ONLY IF THERE IS NO PREVIOUS ORDER THAT WOULD RESULT IN YOU DYING, without damaging your mind or soul, what he has done to the intruders.

Not my idea, but it is good;
"Ask Amen if he's capable of installing a self-destruct (magically speaking) on a crafted hand that would be invisible to Devils of power on par with alow-level dragon."

Now then Call SM after all that or while in transit.
Sell the information, all of it, nothing needs to be held back in this encounter.
Now as for what we want;

1. Better training for shadowbro
2. A nice Eyepatch, preferably one that can absorb the water and also has some other power, possibly sight related, we'll see what he offers.
3. An immunity/or a charm that grants such to poison on the level of a Doonagaes.
4. Order a Kameosa

Hold off on language lessons. Couldn't we bargain with them to give us a no age/sleep/hunger pocket in the nevernever for a subjective year or two, where we can teach/learn whatever we want ourselves, with a maximum of 23 people who can be brought in it, along with various objects of learning/training?

All of those can be delivered later rather than presently, some of the things may take time to make or acquire.

Fine with this, UPVOTAN BUT SUSTING THE PURCHASE OF INFORMATION FROM SM, that is nearly always a bad idea. Also we can play on the fact we know that the dragon being directed here was SM's doing, which is in part why the info on it was free, take not that the Devil was not in his calulations, SM wasn't trying to get us killed as he would have known that Amen would have been released.


We should let the Russians know it is now our friend and then demonstrating its healing immediately (some of the Russians had more severe injuries currently unhealed). Say something such as "I did promise to try and find you healing did I not?" which suggests that the purpose of the endeavor was to acquire healing for them. This, BUT SUSTING THE REST OF THAT POST FOR GOING AFTER THE HOARD
No. 360101 ID: 81f32a

>What should I say or do?
>LAST CALL: Any last things to do on this trip?
Not really, no. Lets finally get back to Istanbul ffs!

Congratulate the Russians on job well done.

When we are back in the plane ask Hillevi "Now what have we learned today?" (actually, I do not know what we learned, I just want to know what she thought about all this)

>"I will note, however-that the devil's shadow feels... very ordinary. Strangely so. It's not a magical thing I detect-more like... it's lack of resonance with the Dark, top match the presumed magical might the creature has. I know it is possible to hide a soul-but to hide the imprint of one's soul upon the shadow and the Dark at large? I didn't know that was possible."
>Shadowbro, his shadow-can you in any way determine if that's a purposeful affectation on his part or an actual gap in his magical capacity?
>"I tentatively say that it is an actual gap in his magical ability-but that just... seems far too easy..."

There is something here we could use for our advantage. In fact, I think we could do the same and hide our soul the same way!
Or, perhaps we could even hide our soul in our eye!
Lets ask around. Ask Einrik and Amen about how strange the shadow of that devil was and the possibility of hiding our soul that way (naturally when we are on the plane)

Alright, I think this is a good time to ask the question to Amen which we had in Disc thread. Ask these when we are away from the mountain, of course.
I'll go ahead and post what MrTT asked along with mine:

>1. "I cannot help but notice that our direct method of communication is rather fast. Would it harm me to spend a significant amount of time each day talking to you in such a manner? Specifically for the purposes of learning things of either mundane or magical nature?"

>2. "Can I learn blood magic without any bloodlines? Would the bloodlines I currently possess or am aiming at acquiring allow me to perform blood magic? Or perform it at a greater proficiency?"

>3. "List, in broad terms, your abilities and knowedlge"
Addendum: "Do not take more that 15 minutes on this"

>5. "Can you teach me anything about making charms, casting ritual magic, or making magical weapons?"

>6. "What would be the result if I ordered you to treat my soul mirror and/or my <insert sake's species> soulbrother as if they were also your masters"

>3. Tell me, have there been any intruders into the house since I gave you permission to do with them as you pleased? If yes, who were they and what have you done with them?

>1. "As soon as you are able to do so, without triggering a fail-safe or otherwise harming me, after any oath binding you to secrecy expires, inform me of the contents of the now expired oath"
Amendment on this: Instead of immediately informing us the contents, lets just have him inform that the oath expired. We will ask for specifics as we see fit.

>4. "You shall assemble and curate a library about magic and history in this mansion, to be accessible only to your master and those designated by your master. If you can make exact replicas of books written by authors other then yourself about these subjects, then you are to do so without changing those books except as I will soon explain. You should also write books on history and magical fields you are knowledgeable about. All books in the library, those you author, those you replicate, and those we acquire shall have no magical traps and shall carry warnings if merely learning their contents warps the mind or damages the reader in any way. Furthermore, those you author shall not attempt to manipulate the readers personality, mind, or decisions.
Amendment: Have him write them in English language along with the Original. Instead of writing them on books (which will take fuck ton of space and paper) have him write them on the computer, on the best possible format (so that we can read them on e-books on our leisure) and then make several back-up, high-quality HDD which have been encrypted by the best system availible. He can use our funds to aquire the the external drives, a simple notebook which costa about ~500$ (if there are no computers in the Mansion) and the encryption software (which does not cost more than 1000$).

If we ever feel the need to sell a book, we can just ask him to write it immediately instead of having a huge stockpile of books.

>5. We are going to bring our squad for amen to remove the bonds jadova placed on them. In the process he will also acquire her blood from them and preserve it. We want him to analyze that blood and see if her blood manipulation ability comes from bloodline, if so what season and whether we can get it, whether it can be used to kill jadova, make her kill the general, or sell it to SM (preferably after she is dead).

>"Amen, do you use Blood as fuel to your power? If we run out of blood reserves, will you be unable to perform?"

>"In broad terms tell me which matters concerning Savoy you can discuss. Tell me things that are useful to me. Do not take more than 20 minutes on this."

>"Do you now of any other devils? Less traditional ones who would deal with me?"

>"What did Savoy pay for the arm?"

>[Amen]" This one has confirmed that The Sicilian is getting private tutorage in his Contract abilities at the Facility Wizard Khubiliai runs."
"Do you have more information on that? What is the nature of this tutorage? What kind of Contract did he make and what did he pay for it? How did he get acquainted with the Wizard and would the Wizard deal with me? If so, what do I personally have that could interest the Wizard?"

>"Do you know of the matron Witch of the Werewolves from Turkey? If you do, give me the useful information regarding her. Do not take more than 15 minutes."

>[Amen]"...Were such records, contacts and connections to exist, and were my prior master to be that competent at his primary function with the Clan he served, he would have most likely bound me to reveal his network to no one without his express permission. On an entirely unrelated note to hypothetical musings, this one hears master, and obeys."
>"Ah, it is good to know that that was not the case. On the unrelated note, if you had a master who was known for having extensive intelligence gathering ability, who would operate from a mansion, what are, by your opinion, the 3 most likely places where he would hold the documents concerning his intelligence activities?"

>"Amen, can you use memory grafting on me like Grigori did and implant new knowledge? For example other languages? Would it harm me? How much? And would the damage be permanent or could i recover from it without leaving any soul-scars or other wounds?"

>"now that I have opened all the chakra points and have directed them towards stealth, is there anything more that I can do to improve them? How far am I from reaching my maximum potential?"

>"Is it possible for me to increase my attention-field? For example, encompassing a car that I am riding instead of just my own body? If it is, how? Can you teach me it or give me right direction?"

>"Is it possible to improve my regeneration powers using Chakra and how?
How does one reconfigure chakras?"

Sorry Bob, these questions kinds piled up

>Do I have questions for anyone?
Any questions should be asked in the plane far away from the mountain.
I am curious what transpired on the peak. We should ask Einrik that later.

>Is there any reason I should have Sake abstain from immediately possessing the Ramidreju?
I don't see any reason but then again perhaps we shouldn't be too hasty.
Anyway, I suggest we ask Einrik first (do not ask Sake as he will be obviously biased and will not give objective opinion).
When taking over the body ask Einrik and Hillevi for help. I want to minimize any danger involved.

>ask the Russians ''Where did you find him?'', ''where is his hoard?'' and ''How did you catch him?''
Eh, the Russian said it was in deep sleep, so it is rather obvious how they caught it. It doesn't matter where they found it and the hoard is on the peak.

>Now, does anyone want to go and try to from some sort of contract with the Tazmanian Dragon?
I do not want to do anything with the Dragons at all.

>Also discuss with Shadowbro ways for him to survive our (temporary) death, vis a vis fleeing to the Dark, flooding us with Dark energy... having an extra soul handy to soak up the cracks in his half - if he knows of a way, we're willing to do it.
I say we also ask Einrik and Amen for opinion (Amen is a master Shadowmancer after all)

>I also like the idea of asking Einrik if he wants us to try and plan to show that the Tanzanian was a rogue.
>Study him carefully (both aura and body and voice) when he answer, as it's possible the Spanish dragon was a rogue too, and he promised not to say anything in exchange for them letting us go.
>If he is interesting, tell him that with Sake in the Ramidreju, you can come and ask the Tanzanian Dragon if he wants us to heal his leader- it will be forced to back off if it ran away, and Einrik could challenge it.
>If either of you feel the possibility of the spanish being a rogue is too great (or Einrik just tells you he wasn't as potent as he hoped), then just leave.

Einrik is not a retard. In fact he regularly can finish our thoughts just by knowing us. If we came up with what you suggest, it is an almost certain bet that Einrik has contemplated that too. If he doesn't do that, then there is no need to mention it to him.
We are way out of our league to suggest dealing with such high players. Lets leave those kind of deals with Einrik, shall we?

>-There was a Devil, a finnish one, who tried to establish someone's elses debt on you. You managed to refute it.
>-Describe the ensuing deal
Lets not.
Remember the note we got with the hand? Lets play it safe and keep all the information regarding Armas Valkonen, the deal he made and the demon with us.

>Ok, there are many things we need to ask for SM. First thing though, is asking Sake if he thinks he will die now, if we do.
Fuck. Sake already told us what will happen if we die. His spirit will get loose and he will dissipate after a while because he will be unable to get back to his bones. If we come back immediately after death, he wont die as he can/will be bound with us again.

>-Our deals were not worded with Romanov in mind. We had no clue this could be happening, and we are very, very embarrassed. There is a need to retalk our deals past and future,
Our previous deals could be re-arranged when we speak with SM again and the partial reward for the information we provided could act as payment.

>Now deal with Amen, ask him if he can kill or bind a finnish lightening devil of slightly less power than a weaker dragon. Also order him to tell you, ONLY IF THERE IS NO PREVIOUS ORDER THAT WOULD RESULT IN YOU DYING, without damaging your mind or soul, what he has done to the intruders.
Do this when we are on the plane far away from this mountain.

>1. Better training for shadowbro
But we already arranged that he will be taught everything that he can learn/the goblins can teach him

>Hold off on language lessons. Couldn't we bargain with them to give us a no age/sleep/hunger pocket in the nevernever for a subjective year or two, where we can teach/learn whatever we want ourselves, with a maximum of 21 people who can be brought in it, along with various objects of learning/training?
Sounds nice but:
it will be probably much more expensive
who do we have to teach us those languages then? Don't suggest self-learning, it is not a good way to learn a language.

>We can finish off by observing how strange it is that just as we were showing up, some dragon from thousands of miles away just happened to turn up in the same place looking for the same thing. Odd that.
Are you implying that SM sold the information to the dragon too? While nothing says he cannot have done that, I do not think it is a good idea to make roundabout baseless accusations.
No. 360106 ID: f8aa66

If Einrik wanted to fight dragons some more, he could have stayed and fought the Tanzanian for the right to the hoard. He did not.

If we have to ask him if he wants to call out a dragon and accuse it of being a rogue, then do it mind-to-mind. And maybe start out with: "So, how was your first experience at dragon-fighting after so long?"

I could see him selling the Spanish dragon on the Tanzanian's whereabouts, but the other (that SM got the Tanzanian here) seems a little convoluted.

Not impossible, of course, but surely even in the magical world coincidences (such as a Tanzanian looking for the most powerful of the healing weasels to take to her lord) exist?

EDIT: Oh, and I do recommend we call up Woosley on the way back down the mountain rather than in the mansion. I'd rather Odin not know where we live if he doesn't already, in case he takes umbrage with the 'killing his dudes' thing.

We can find out if Armin the Craftsman happened to die (doubt it). We can exchange news (nothing we'd pay SM for, but he did us a good turn with the Armin thing, even if it was for his own reasons). Maybe note the Einher are spread out a fair bit - if they have cause to get down into southern Europe much (I still hold out hope for Odin being another mission-giver - quest-giver? Whatev).
No. 360107 ID: 44766a

Perhaps we should have Sake give them a small demonstration when we get off this mountain.
No. 360114 ID: a0b856

>"Amen if i give you the genetic material of a border and a item user, would be possible for you to create a homunculus with both bloodlines?"
No. 360182 ID: 3fd4fb

Apologize to Einrik for using his name on the radio when we knew that he was going up against a dragon. That was careless of us.

Hillevi is asking questions about what we said and why we said it, presumably, and Einrik's filling her in. That's fine, but ultimately we are responsible for her education during this year; we need to pitch in and make sure that she has a full understanding of how and why we talked our way out of that in the way that we did, and hopefully we'll be able to get her to be a little more skilled in the arts of conversation and negotiation. This is also an excellent opportunity to seize upon for Einrik to explain a few of the finer points of what the fuck was going on, since we were pretty much flying blind through a lot of that. Learning a few points of draconic or demonic etiquette that might stop us from getting torn in half again would be nice.

>Is there any reason I should have Sake abstain from immediately possessing the Ramidreju?
Unless the dragons are likely to sense it, no. Be sure to grin at the Russians when he possesses it, subsequently flies or talks or otherwise shows off his magical powers, and thereby proves why it was so important.

>LAST CALL: Any last things to do on this trip?
Nope. We're finally done here. There are several things to do in preparation for our arrival in Istanbul, however.

Call Sometimes Merchant, as suggested. Sell the knowledge of our recent encounter. While we should hold back information about the details of our Bargain with the devil, I see little reason to hold back any information that Sometime Merchant will find out as soon as the devil shows up at Smets' address anyway; after all, Sometimes Merchant's people are running security for us and will see him then anyway, probably strolling right up and openly talking about having a Contract with us. To stop Sometimes Merchant from screwing us with that last information, it may be worth having him agree not to share the information about the devil with anyone until after the matter with the devil has been resolved.

Things to acquire on short notice:
-Eyepatch. Magical would be nice, vision enhancement of some kind and/or something so that Shadowbro doesn't have to teleport water constantly... but any eyepatch will do, really, as long as it's stylish.
-A subjective period of a couple years in a timeless nevernever pocket usable by ourselves and Hillevi, to be redeemed sometime soon. We can teach her all kinds of things in such a place, perhaps at less cost than having the goblins teach her.
-If it turns out that it's actually more expensive rather than less to do teaching ourselves, then have Hillevi learn English. Russian can be thrown in if we somehow have excess budget.
-Inquire as to if any parties hostile to us are actively watching for our arrival in Istanbul to the best of his knowledge, and if so, who they are. Take further action as necessary following his answer to this.
-A Kameosa would be nice but I seriously doubt we'll be getting one on the cheap.

Since while it may not be certain exactly who he sold the information to it is all but certain that Sometimes Merchant did sell the Ramidreju's location to someone else, and a comment that we know he did so is in order. It's even possible that the Spanish dragon arrived because Sometimes Merchant immediately sold it the information we gave him that there was a dragon in the area, though that may not be true. My chosen line would be something along the lines of "In the future, I shall be more prudent in adding exclusivity clauses when purchasing information."

We will need several vans or something of the sort in order to get the Russians from wherever the jet lands to our mansion. Ensure that we have made arrangements in advance. Note that we can't afford legal problems in our current situation, so it's important that we get them and all their gear to the mansion and out of sight before something goes wrong.

>a bunch of stuff for Amen
The questions are fine, as they're just getting information; clarify that he should provide answers telepathically and in a fashion which does not harm us in any way just to be safe, since I think a couple of those wordings might have given him a little leeway to screw us.

Do not order him to make a library. We don't even know if Smets has a magical library or not. Instead, let's order him to provide us with a brief summary of the assets and facilities to which he has access, ordered according to what we would find important or relevant.

Obviously he can't muck about with the bonds on the Russians until they get to him, so that's not going to happen. We might ask about what the limitations of his abilities to act on Jidkova with some of her blood would be, though, obviously to be answered in brief.

On the topic of downloading information into our head as part of a fast-learn process, which may or may not be similar to those used by Grigori or Einrik, some necessary restrictions which will hopefully suffice follow. Other posters, please review these restrictions for completeness, then offer approval or improvement. Learning otherwise very difficult-to-learn things in an accelerated manner is a priceless boon to Armas and one which it would be foolish to pass up, but using Amen is highly dangerous and we must take the utmost care; focusing our mental efforts on this is required to ensure safety.

-He is to take only the minimal amount of action needed to accomplish our orders as intended, and no other action.
-At the end of the process, the only change in our state should be the one requested.
-No damage or alteration should be done to our mind, body, or soul by the process. If the process cannot be accomplished without damage, pause and discuss what is necessary and why, and what is needed to mitigate any damage to an acceptable (i.e. can be rapidly healed) level and any alteration to a minimal (i.e. will not significantly impact our abilities, personality, or decisions) level.
-The process should not alter our personality in any way, nor influence us to take actions we would not have taken before except insofar as we have additional knowledge to draw upon. It should not make us more inclined to like, dislike, trust, or distrust any party, or otherwise change our views or inclinations towards others.
-No information in our mind should be lost, destroyed, or altered by the process.
-No information or alteration which would by its nature harm us in any fashion should be given to us. If information we have requested would be harmful in nature to us, pause and discuss what kind of information it is and the expected harm.
-If at any point in the process we begin to take significant damage, either as an immediate part of the process or due to accumulated stress from the ongoing process, it is to be immediately stopped in a fashion which will cause us no further harm.
-The information given should be as lasting as any real memory.
-The duration required to transmit the information in the outlined fashion should be stated before the process begins, and transmission should not proceed without approval of that figure.
-The process should leave the information with us in a form which does not bear significant signs of or influence by its origin in any way.
-Prior to carrying out our orders, Amen should summarize in terms which we can easily understand all practical effects and side effects of the actions which he is about to take, and proceed only if given approval. The summary should require no more than five minutes and omit no points which we would consider significant.

When these caveats have been adequately reviewed and approved by at least two other people, we can proceed with requesting the following information, preferably one at a time and undergoing mental or soul examination by other parties in between each. We can potentially expand this list, but as this would be easy to get really crazy with it would likely be best to keep things minimal. No information transfer should be undertaken until we are back at the mansion with all those accompanying us and under observation by those we trust, with Amen given orders not to harm them, relocate us, or otherwise pull funny shit during the process.
-Turkish, Mandarin, Italian, and Japanese.
-Shadow Magic fundamentals and practical applications sufficient to qualify one as a competent practitioner. (We would promptly give the relevant knowledge to Shadowbro.)
-Soul magic fundamentals and practical applications sufficient to qualify one as a competent practitioner. (Hopefully of use with our Sami powers.)
-Blood and flesh magic knowledge sufficient to give us an accurate sense of what is and is not within Amen's capabilities in those fields, and what would be required for him to undertake any given task.
-Basic information on all groups and beings knowingly involved with magical activity and active inside Turkey in the last decade to the best of his knowledge.
No. 360216 ID: c0d5c1

SUST for paranoia
Upvoting this, though SUST on buying info.
>We should let the Russians know it is now our friend and then demonstrating its healing immediately (some of the Russians had more severe injuries currently unhealed). Say something such as "I did promise to try and find you healing did I not?" which suggests that the purpose of the endeavor was to acquire healing for them.
Upvote this part

I also like the idea of asking Einrik if he wants us to try and plan to show that the Tanzanian was a rogue.

Study him carefully (both aura and body and voice) when he answer, as it's possible the Spanish dragon was a rogue too, and he promised not to say anything in exchange for them letting us go.

If he is interesting, tell him that with Sake in the Ramidreju, you can come and ask the Tanzanian Dragon if he wants us to heal his leader- it will be forced to back off if it ran away, and Einrik could challenge it.

If either of you feel the possibility of the spanish being a rogue is too great (or Einrik just tells you he wasn't as potent as he hoped), then just leave. Take back the mere though.

Now, you did said to SM you'd call him once that's done if einrik is ok with it.

Here is what i suggest you tell him:

-Two Dragons were 'somehow' there, one Spanish and one Tanzanian, both claiming to be representatives. The Tanzanian had 'tells' of someone lying, and you aren't sure when the Spanish one got there.
-They Claimed this was a 'draconically inhabited range'
-Tanzanian was a young woman of four feet etc (describe her and her weapon), and claimed to be there for seeking healing aide.
-Describe the Spanish Dragon
-Describe the power assessment of the two Dragons, and the Devil
-Describe how you were almost killed
-There was a Devil, a finnish one, who tried to establish someone's elses debt on you. You managed to refute it.
-Describe the ensuing deal, including both mention of the Devil saying we knew globlins and dealt like one.
-Describe the interesting feeling you had about their Observation: but do say you aren't certain.
-Describe the spanish Dragon letting you go, and Einrik's mood.
-If Einrik looked like he knew the Spanish was a rogue (or helping the Tanzanian loot the Ramidreju Hoard), describe it.

Tell him that sadly you didn't manage to get a Dragon body, so no feast, but your men managed to get the Ramidreju.

Ok, there are many things we need to ask for SM. First thing though, is asking Sake if he thinks he will die now, if we do.

Then, when talking to SM, mention a desire for a future adoption from the his clan.

ok, here is what we want:
1. The Romanov bloodlines comes with three major drawbacks that we have glimpsed so far:
-SB may die when we have our temporary death. We may need a item or maybe lessons with better Golbins to make sure he can survive.
-Amen might get Free. Maybe Designating Sake as a temporary heir could work, though, and then have Amen back to us as Master if we are alive less than 2 seconds later
-Our deals were not worded with Romanov in mind. We had no clue this could be happening, and we are very, very embarrassed. There is a need to retalk our deals past and future, to make sure it takes this new bloodline in mind
2°) A Kameosa
3°) Turk, Mandarin, Russian and English lessons for Hillevi, preferably in the least costly way, and she should get fluent in the languages immediately, as long as it doens't hurt her.
4°) Turkish and Mandarin for us, under the same type of timeframe/cost/safety.
5°)As Usual, all our hearts weekly is always something we want

We probably can't get everything there, but it's always good to have a list of what we want.

>Remember the note we got with the hand? Lets play it safe and keep all the information regarding Armas Valkonen, the deal he made and the demon with us.

We should not talk about anything that may reffer to the note, but describing the deal can be done without with a bit of verbose juggling.

>Fuck. Sake already told us what will happen if we die. His spirit will get loose and he will dissipate after a while because he will be unable to get back to his bones. If we come back immediately after death, he wont die as he can/will be bound with us again.

Sake told us what happens if we die if he DOES NOT have a body, not if he has one. We need to know if there is enough of a difference.

>But we already arranged that he will be taught everything that he can learn/the goblins can teach him

No, we arranged from 'some' goblins to teach him- certainly the least talented ones.

>Oh, and I do recommend we call up Woosley on the way back down the mountain rather than in the mansion. I'd rather Odin not know where we live if he doesn't already, in case he takes umbrage with the 'killing his dudes' thing.
Upvote, with the caveat of only doing this once out of the mountain- it might be considered impolite to summon a Agent of a Top God there. Also, do we have anything to tell him that's worth summoning him like that ?

>Apologize to Einrik for using his name on the radio when we knew that he was going up against a dragon. That was careless of us.

>Hillevi is asking questions about what we said and why we said it, presumably, and Einrik's filling her in. That's fine, but ultimately we are responsible for her education during this year; we need to pitch in and make sure that she has a full understanding of how and why we talked our way out of that in the way that we did, and hopefully we'll be able to get her to be a little more skilled in the arts of conversation and negotiation. This is also an excellent opportunity to seize upon for Einrik to explain a few of the finer points of what the fuck was going on, since we were pretty much flying blind through a lot of that. Learning a few points of draconic or demonic etiquette that might stop us from getting torn in half again would be nice.



Other things to do :

We managed to tie our soul-sense with our attention sense, now let's try to tie our others senses with out soul sense. There is no reason we shouldn't be able to smell, taste, or hear souls. Experiment with this a bit.


Maybe we should think about purchasing from SM enough common magical meat for a single feast, with tasting good more important than being potent. Hell, given we want to share it with our Russian men, we should probably not get potent magical meats for this.

When we arrive in Istanbul, we must make the best impression possible to Camella. I am sure your Soulbrothers would be delighted to plot numerous way to prank her.
No. 360342 ID: ba6280

Be sure to ask if Einrik minds before selling the story. I really doubt he will, but we don't know everything that happened up there.
No. 360355 ID: d97a61

"Nope, let's get the fuck out of here. Two dragons and a devil are more than I want to deal with, ever again."
>[Igor][In Russian]"You are not the only one to think that comrade!"
As we share a quiet chortle, more than a few eyes darting up towards the mountain's peak at my blithe mention of such ludicrous magical threats, before I happily step forward, clapping the mirror-souled man on his shoulder-only now noticing that, of all the Russians, he's the only one bigger than me, staring me in the eye despite being lower on the mountain-and so far as I see has not a hair on his head-not even eyebrows.
"The fine bottles of vodka that we will be sharing tonight will be but the first of many that I owe you in return for this, my friends."
As the rest are happily wallowing in the thought of the coming drunkenness, I speak somewhat more quietly to the man holding the Ramidreju.
"And I think you will be getting something special all to yourself...."
>[???][In Russian]"Most call me Gloom, or Creep. I'd rather you call me either, than give out my name-those of us lacking magic walking in such circles must be... cautious."
His words still hold a challenge and aggression, same as before-but some of the antagonism's bled off.
"Alright, if that's how you choose it-though from your name am I to infer you are knowledgable on the art of stealth?"
With a twinkle in his eyes-
>[Gloom][In Russian]"Oh, I know this and that."
Still holding back, huh? Well, I can't complain with results.

As Creep hands me the limp, green-furred body, I find Sake nearly screaming in my ear as we start marching down the mountain.
Well first, tell me this: Would possessing this body properly create a magical or physical reaction-something one could detect?
>[Sake]"OF COURSE IT WOULD IT... the dragons. Of course. I guess I just get to... look at my body in your hands as we hike down the mountain, then? Wonderful, that's going to... to.... wait hold on."
>[Sake]"Hey, stare at the body's genitals."
>[Sake]"I can only see through your eyes, remember? Just do it."
After taking a moment to assure myself no one is currently looking at me in the back of our group... I inspect the weasel's pelvis, not really sure what I'm looking for since I've never bothered to look at-
>[Sake]"...You had best not have me with you whenever you meet with your Goblin friend, dear brother."
Why's that?
>[Sake]"He gave us a female's coordinates."
I neatly avoid stumbling-
That... that a fact?
>[Sake]"Do not think I shall foolishly reject the body just on it's gender-any body is better than none, and one that is both aligned with my original form and possesses innate magic? No, I will take what the goblin gave us, and in a way at least be grateful-but don't expect civility towards the goblin from me."
Ah... can we, I don't know, change the bodies ge-
>[Sake]"Were it a body I was born to, perhaps-but a possessed body is tenuous enough to permanently claim-such an undertaking even after years to entrench myself could be disastrous. No... this, I think, must be accepted."
>"Well... that should be interesting, I suppose."

I mull this new debacle over for a time before turning to Einrik after he's finished recounting the events that unfolded to Hillevi-with the most that I learn being that Einrik ultimately stumbled on the Tanzanian dragon trying to bring the mountain down, and things... escalated.. from there. I address him as I get the sense he's paying attention to me, even if it doesn't register as the type of attention the goblins trained me to percieve.
"So, how was your first experience at dragon-fighting after so long?"
>[EV][In Finnish]"Simultaneously heartening, and disappointing. Unlike before, I was not the beast's plaything, discarded when bored-but all the same, no matter how well I weathered their assault, I wasn't able to meaningfully harm them, and it cost me more magic to sustain such performance than it did them. I've come a long way-but I'm still not there. I need... something that could ignore massive wells of magical energy, as well as regenerative abilities-something potent, something that sticks... If I'm not a good conversationalist right now, it's because I find this topic fascinating, and think I finally know what the general idea I'll need to finish my style is."
"Well, I won't keep you from your musing long-I just wanted to apologize for foolishly using your name on the radio-your circumstances were unknown to me, and I didn't err on the side of caution."
>[EV][In Finnish]"While your mistake was... vexing, I'd argue it lead better into the behavioral patterns you chose than would caution-so at least it proved a functional mistake."
"Well I suppose that makes me feel a bit better about it. ..I don't suppose, since Sake will be possessing it soon, you could try to pull the memory of where the Ramidreju's hoard is from her memory?"
>[EV][In Finnish]"I'm relatively certain it's under the mountain's peak-after all, why else would the Tanzanian dragon have been searching so recklessly? That... and I couldn't guarantee I wouldn't harm the prospective host body in the process.
>[Sake]"I find myself abruptly abhorring Einrik's option and wanting nothing to do with it."
"..Okay, well last question for now: Teach me draconic etiquette?"
>[EV][In Finnish]"Oh I am NOT the person to look to on that-my interest has always been fighting them, not being polite to them. I just followed general formal clan relation protocols, which only worked because they couldn't easily dispose of me."
"Damn. Well, I won't keep you from your thoughts."

It is at this point I pull out the phone, happily noting that not only do I have reception-but we're now more than a mile from the peak-that's GOT to be far enough they won't overhear us, right?

I dial an increasingly familiar number-
So it is I talk for a spell. I ramble about a possible representative of the Spanish Ruling dragon, I meander my way through describing it's features, it's mannerisms and actions-I flit over to describing the Tanzanian participant, my ideas as well as Einrik's as to what each one's true motivations were. I speak of presented covers, as well as how each dragon's power was very informally assessed. I speak of the Summer Goddess Whaitiri getting a sampling of the Tanzanian dragon's flesh-before backing up and intimately describing the massive Artifact weapon she carried. I speak of the Finnish devil that further complicated the mountain's events, and how I was able to make the devil withdraw with wordplay, before my own companions and I could withdraw. When I finally finish explaining everything save that involved in the secret of Armas Valkonen, SM... starts with something I did not expect.
>[SM]"Because I know you speak the truth, I will tell you something now, a rare example of free information: The Spanish dragon lied-the Cantabrian mountains are accorded neutral ground-far too many claim them as home for any one group to say the mountains are 'theirs'-even dragons. Make of this information what you will. Now... what is it you desire, for this information, and the Sami bodies you yet have stored with us? I will note we will have to start charging for storage soon."
"Well for one I want to be certain that my shadow is getting the best training available."
>[SM]"We can make no greater offer than to teach him all we wyld goblins know that he can learn-we do not contract out instruction from third parties."
"Hm-well, I've been wanting an eye patch, something magical, that can at least absorb the water from my eye. What do you have in that category?"
>[SM]"Did you have a specific format of magic you wished to pursue?"
"Stealth's always nice."
>[SM]"Then a Lurk-skin eye patch with a backing of Dutter's wool would suffice-the eye patch would be difficult to acknowledge, and no mortal would even be aware you were missing an eye unless you told them-even magical mortals could be fooled, should their sensory abilities prove sub-par."
"That'll work-what about poison resistance charms?"
>[SM]"I hope you are not speaking of the exceedingly rare, potent and costly universal poison charms-I would hate to have to inform a Friend of our tribe that he could not afford such a thing."
"No, no-just something for resisting Doonongaes poison."
>[SM]"That is much more easily crafted and provided. We can provide an imbibably brew that grants such specified immunity for a week after consumption, with a one-hour delay from consumption to the ability being manifested. Would this fit your needs?"
A week of ignoring Doony's contact poison? Yes I think that would suit me just fine.
>[SM]"As it is, your sami bodies are still 'on the table'-was there more you desired?"
"Well, I still want to get a Kameosa at some point, but since that's not really a product you carry, and the only other thing I can think of is information which you understandably charge a premium for..."
>[SM]"Would you trade all rights to the remaining Sami corpse material, for us to pursue a special order of a Kameosa for you? I could not speak for when specifically we would acquire it, but it would be before the next season has ended. Oh-as you are returning to the Smets estate, do you find delivery of promised goods to that location acceptable?"
Less than half a year for bodies I realistically didn't have much of a use for? I'll take it! And as I can't see a reason to reject the Merchant's delivery suggestion, I take that too.

Of course, the deal isn't struck quite THAT easily-I spend time bickering and fighting over the specifics of the deal, trying to squeeze more and more out of the Merchant-I snag a delivery of one hundred pounds assorted scrap meat, magical and mundane alike to the Smets mansion once a week now-meaning that all I need to get for feeding the twenty new mouths I'll have to deal with will be fruits and vegetables. Should help keep the cost of supplying board down. Other than that-I don't really get anything extra for it, and I get the feeling the Merchant's pissed-but not at me. Maybe he did sell information to a dragon-but the dragon lied to him? It's possible, I suppose-I haven't heard anything suggesting Dragons can only speak the truth.

Finally I hang up-and do a different kind of calling, with us nearly off the mountain.

>[Amen]"Yes, master?"
Can you kill or bind a Finnish lightning devil of slightly less power than an average dragon?
>[Amen]"Assuming they are upon the house grounds, this one could provide such service to this one's master-an interesting guest to expect, a Devil in an urban setting. They usually are quite more fond of rural settings than their Demon brethren."
Eh. So another thing: If there is no prior order that would result in me dying, being harmed physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, would unbind you or harm allies related to the following topic, then I ask what specifically you have been doing with intruders.
>[Amen]"It is well master added that conditional modifier-this one would be loathe to find itself master-less, less, less."

After breaking communication with Amen, I talk with Hillevi for the last bit of the walk down, making sure she didn't have any nagging concerns from this most recent encounter. But even that trails off as, nearing the bus stopped on an isolated stretch of mountain road, I finally am unable to ignore Sake's presence.

Okay-before you have at it, are there any rituals or something that could-
>[Sake]"The only kind of ritual that could help would be based in blood magic and I'd rather cease to exist than let that monster you have at your beck and call anywhere near the blood of a body I plan to use."
...Okay. Then go for it-body's yours.

There is no response.

Instead, there is a swirl of lusty, warm summer air that feels oddly at home on these chill-stricken mountains, carrying with it a spicy, nutty scent of fresh growth, of new life. The limp body in my hand begins to vibrate-and slowly lifts from my palm, floating in the middle of that summer-wind nexus. The winds swirl and dance, and out of the corner of my eye I see leaves that never were, dancing elusively without ever coming to be. I feel my head ache, and my blood aches-even as it sings in joy at the suffusion of warm, blazing energy gathering before me.

There is a crack like a dozen bullwhips all around me, the wind dies-

The Ramidreju body continues to float in place, slowly unfurling from its limp fetal pose like one stretching after a long slumber.

>[Sake]"Well, well-well-well-well-well... well. A body again."

He seems to take a moment to process this as the russians stare on in cautious focus.

Sake promptly goes ballistic, chittering away like made, squeaks and whistles echoing through the air as he ecstatically bounces about like a pinball.

>[Sake]"Aaaah I have my own body again YES! "
"Sake-I'm happy your happy-but do you think you can help the Russians? Some of them are still pretty-"
>[Sake]"That's right the wounded."
Without giving me time to finish he's flying through the air like a hornet, spastically rubbing himself against the wounded, fur against flesh-

And where he travels in his wake are left the unbroken, the healed, the whole-and where before there was a look of caution, now there is outright awe directed Sake's way as he gloats while idly licking one of his shovel-like front paws.

"I did promise to try and find you healing did I not?"
>[MB][In Russian]"Was it... necessary to take something from out beneath two dragon's noses to get healing?"
"Necessary? Not really-but you deal with surprises during missions as they happen, and things worked out pretty well. So... last call guys, anyone not interested in coming to Turkey to stay at an urban mansion and in general make a big splash in the private sector?"
Not a single person offers a complaint even as we load into the bus.
"Okay-then to Istanbul.... we go."


(new thread http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/360354.html )
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