Untamed Light Fluff
No. No tears.
>"I'm sorry you feel that way, Raital. I do love you. I love you so much it hurts. But I can't support these decisions. The reason I responded so strongly last night? The reason I've been trying so hard to make you happy?
I love you, Raital. But I'm terrified that you will decide that it's just easier to kill me and not have to deal with your emotions.
I am cognizant every moment of every day of the fact that you, and every single thing, person, and entity with which we interact could kill me without the slightest thought.
Which is what you haven't been paying me. You love what I give you. You love what I provide. Your younger brother back, hope that you may not have to fear the skullking, Something cute to hold and cherish.
You take, and take, and take.
I can't keep giving.
Yes, you can kill us all. That would be "easy".
Consider how "easy" it would have been for me to just let the dark elves war amongst themselves. How "easy" it would have been for me to let Calvera trap me in that tomb, and kill everyone in their sleep. How "easy" it would have been to let Stormplague kill us all at the Worm-farm. How "easy" it would have been for me to never have risked finding the well of truth. How "easy" it would have been to let you stay enthralled to that sword. How "Easy" it would have been to have just given into Kuhral, and let her take my eyes. How "easy" it would have been to abandon the princess to the Serpentking.
How "EASY" it would have been, in fact, Raital, to have acted like the worm I am, instead of standing up and doing everything I can to change that fact.
We've DONE "easy", Raital.
Now you get to spend some time in this worm's shoes.
Go ahead and kill me if you need to.
It'd be the "easy" thing to do.
I'll be rescuing our friends.
I'll see you in the morning."