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156183 No. 156183 ID: 8e18cd

You know... Larry wasn't like this before. Everything was different back then when we were still on the force.

Then that day happened...
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No. 157925 ID: 9a1fa4

Journey in the box.
No. 157937 ID: 3de05a

Duran Donuts.
No. 157965 ID: fa7b85

No. 157967 ID: 559e17

No. 157972 ID: 362927


(Three-way tie has returned)
No. 157994 ID: 15f6d6

got to be donuts
No. 157996 ID: ba41e5

Journey In The Box
No. 158008 ID: c2c011

Duran Donauts.
No. 158025 ID: 8e18cd
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We stock ourselves with Duran Latex Specials. Donuts covered in thick rubbery dark chocolate. They taste delicious.

"Here we are..." Flails says. He seems oddly calm.

Should I call for backup?
No. 158039 ID: 15f6d6

You don't need backup. You're a goddamn badass. Just look at you.
No. 158155 ID: e3d671

The only reason you should ever call for back-up is to get a sweet ass helicopter.
No. 158176 ID: 9a1fa4

Tell him that if this is a trap, he's going to have to wear a strap-on in prison.
No. 158397 ID: 717301

Backup is for the soft-boiled.
No. 158540 ID: 8e18cd
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Screw backup. We can do it ourselves. We took him to the field he pointed. Suddenly I can hear an ice cream truck... "Larry stay here with Flails. I'm gonna check it. That looks fishy as hell."

Flailsbreaker just laughs and Larry smacks him in the face "SHUT UP". "Do you like ice cream, Larry?" I hear from the distance.

Should I try to stop the truck? This is getting pretty intense...
No. 158550 ID: 15f6d6

Yeah. That's way too suspicious
No. 158556 ID: 3de05a

Could it be that Flails hid all the ice cream by distributing it to ice cream trucks around the world?

You must investigate.
No. 158640 ID: 8e18cd
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I stop the car and point my gun at the driver "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE."

"Calm down, man. I was told to deliver this box of ice cream here to Mr. Larry Sergal."

Shit, shit... this looks really bad. What I should do. I hear some shouting from the direction of Flails and Larry. Larry is growing more irritated.


Man... what I should do next.
No. 158641 ID: f0ceda

Get that guy out of the truck where Larry can see them.
No. 158642 ID: 15f6d6

Get the delivery and bring it to Larry.
No. 158645 ID: 3de05a

Okay, take the package. We'll check it out away from Larry in case it's dangerous.
No. 158694 ID: c2c011

See what's in the packages. Be prepared for mind fuckery and having to execute Flails in cold blood in the middle of nowehere and bury his corpse in the sand.
No. 158724 ID: 9a1fa4

This seems like a setup, but it's a pretty crappy one.
No. 162150 ID: 8e18cd
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"It's just an ice-cream guy... Larry!"

I can hear Flails...

"I went to your favourite ice cream parlor, Larry."

I open the package... Shit is mint rocky road. Larry flips over the flavour! Shit shit.

"I've tried to play the ice cream man, Larry. It didn't work out..."

"What the fuck are you going on about???!!!"

"I gave it all away, Larry. But I saved one flavour for you..."


Shit shit shit shit shit...
No. 162155 ID: 8ecfd4

Why don't you show him what's in the package?
No. 162156 ID: 9a1fa4

Laugh. Tell him he got the wrong flavor.
No. 162157 ID: 7524b0

"It's Vanilla!"
No. 162195 ID: f3de2f

>Larry flips over the flavour!
Does that mean he likes it or he hates it?
No. 162355 ID: 8e18cd
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One time I had to pull Larry away from an ice cream man because he nearly strangled him to death for giving him a mint rocky road on a stick.

He hates that flavour with utter passion.

"Don't listen to him, Larry. It's just vanilla."

"Don't lie, McDooble. We all know which flavour Larry loves the most." Flails say.

"SHUT UP, FAGGOT." Larry says pushing Flailsbreaker to the ground.

I feel like Larry will blow any second now.
No. 162356 ID: 0fc814

Tell him it's a head. His mom's head.
No. 162357 ID: 9a1fa4

Tell the guy if he wants to live LOAD IT BACK AND DRIVE AS FAST AS HE CAN
No. 162361 ID: 7524b0

"Put the gun down, Larry! He wants you to shoot him!"
No. 162364 ID: 9a1fa4

"And because of that the real way to piss him off is to NOT shoot him!"
No. 162366 ID: a26274

Eat all of it before he sees it.
No. 162432 ID: 8ecfd4

Let him know what it is. Shoot Flails in the desert and bury him in a shallow grave.
No. 162679 ID: 8e18cd
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"HEY, ICE CREAM GUY. GET THE FUCK OUT AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" I shout to the Ice Cream guy.

"Put the gun down, Larry."


"He wants you to shoot him, Larry. Don't let him win."


"Just give me the gun back Larry... Let the police handle this."

"What's the matter, Larry. Hate mint rocky road?" Flailsbreaker suddenly says.

Oh God. He's done it. Larry's finger is shaking... I have seconds maybe to do anything.
No. 162683 ID: 7524b0

Shoot him yourself, in the leg.
No. 162686 ID: 9a1fa4

Flails breaker must lose his balls. You warned him.
No. 162688 ID: f0ceda

Shoot him in the leg.
No. 162694 ID: 8ecfd4

Shoot him in the nutsack. Then you and Larry will say a prayer for your own souls and shoot him in the back of the head together. Bury his corpse in a shallow desert grave and pretend it never happened.
No. 162742 ID: 5f1d34

"C'mon Larry. You need to be cold and hard, like super fudge chunky in the freezer. Not hot, runny and emotional, like chocolate dip cherry that's been left in the sun. You KNOW death's too good for him, he needs to rot in jail."
No. 162743 ID: 8c0848

What are we worried about? Shooting Flails Breaker with a gun is going to do absolutely nothing.
No. 239878 ID: da696f

"Larry if you shoot him, he will win."
No. 292221 ID: 8e18cd
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I shoot him in the leg. That makes Larry snap out of it

"What the fuck, McDooble."

"Didn't you understand? He wanted you to do it. Wizards can regenerate, slowly but still. I just wonder wh..."

The distant sound of chopper wings reveals Flailsbreaker's plan.
No. 292222 ID: 8e18cd
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It was a channel 7 news. All of that was on tape.

To discredit us, most likely. Given our earlier bending of few laws there and there, I could tell we were in deep shit.
No. 292224 ID: 8e18cd
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Commissioner Freya was furious. Police brutality on tape. Flails could throw it against us in court and we wouldn't be able to cover our asses at all.

I was forced to hand over the badge. Larry protested, but Freya didn't want to listen at all. She told him to... eh I won't even repeat what she said. She threw us both out of her office afterwards. I cleaned my desk as Larry watched on the brink of crying.
No. 292225 ID: 8e18cd
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The trail was a joke. Flails got sentence for most crime, but his lawyer went on how he's really a victim of society and committed all of his crimes due to his sexoholism and alcoholism. Instead of his ass rotting in prison, he was sent for 'therapy' in some undisclosed Asylum.
No. 292228 ID: 8e18cd
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Larry broke down after the trail. He was taken into a psychiatric clinic for treatment.

The meds instead of helping him, fucked him up, turning him in what he is nowadays. There's a slim hope of him recovering. But I doubt it... I gave up on optimism.
No. 292229 ID: 8e18cd
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As for me? I still thirsted for justice. I couldn't rejoin the force, so instead I started my own private detective business.

I've become more bitter after all those years, but I still hold to my values and I always will.
No. 292261 ID: c71597

Yay, he's never getting out of there. It's harder to get out of closed mental care than to get out of prison.
No. 292458 ID: b6ca92

And Neither will Larry.
Of course the 'undisclosed' bit about Flails' asylum makes me think it just another of his places, and thus non-legit.
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