Green Dusk Fluff
End? Perhaps for some, but I don't think it is the end for your little band. T'lear, for example, came to you as an embassy and may wish to go home afterwards, but the others were not here to make war. Terva follows you because he looks to your leadership. Sticks follows you because she likes you. Iesgip and Nakraska have followed you since you hired them, and honestly, I think they appreciate the work and security you provide them. Grek and Petal as well. Ritari follows you because, well, can you think of a mother abandoning their child?
For now, gather everyone together and explain what is happening. You clearly won't be going after Muschio, at least not now, and they all deserve to know why. However, they have banded around your leadership and values, not around killing some guy in a cave. Certainly offer to transport anyone home who wishes to go, but the rest of you still have work you can do.
Who hired the Fangs? What are the Knight Blades doing now? The land still has its own problems, and as long as you wish to continue, there will be issues that request a calm mind and steady sword.
It may not be the quest of today, but there is little reason to think that you will not be needed tomorrow.