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File 126765977422.jpg - (198.70KB , 777x777 , 04-01.jpg )
141549 No. 141549 ID: 17e2b5

>"I can't even count them all. It's covered up with people."

"Explains where everyone was, I guess."

We've made our way down to ground level. So far it doesn't look like we've been seen or heard, despite blowing a vault door open.

I'm not certain how to proceed. These people could be hostile. If there were only a few of them, I'd take a chance and meet with one of them.

But it's not like we stumbled upon a big mob of people innocently having lunch together.

"The hell is that thing?"

>"Tesseracting Acasion Vessel. TAV. Or, an acasiate. Ships that fly without actually flying."

How 'bout it, voices?
101 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 142493 ID: 701a19

Even in horrifically dangerous situations it's very rare for our holder to come to serious harm, let alone die. He knew this when he handed us over.
He told us he trusts you, that he wanted us to ask you about leaving is in here, and to look out for you.
He is unlikely to betray you in the foreseeable future, and should you choose to exploit his affection then his species' pair-bonding behavior will ensure that he would willingly put himself at great risk to protect you.
No. 142503 ID: 17fc61
File 126782180242.jpg - (152.48KB , 777x777 , 04-26.jpg )

"Of course I trust you, voices! You guys are so silly."

>little girl

"What little girl? There's just me. There's only ever been me. And you guys, of course."

>the device

"You guys are so weird today!"
No. 142505 ID: 8ecfd4

Oh fuck this is bad. Why can't they ever send in mentally and emotioanlly stable people to tackle a landscape that changes depending on the mind of the observer?

Well forget about that for now Kitty. Tell me, where are you today and what do you have planned for today?
No. 142506 ID: 701a19

Did you forget about Burns? You were just talking about how much you like him!
No. 142507 ID: 601a90

then where are your mom and dad? little girls shouldn't be alone.
No. 142509 ID: 17fc61
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What? Why would you... You aren't supposed to call people that. It's not nice.


What? You guys are starting to scare me. Act normal, okay? I don't like this.

>"Cynthia! Where are you?"

"Oh, no... Momma's home."
No. 142512 ID: 701a19

Oh, I see what's happened!
Cynthia, we're inside your memories right now. You're remembering this event, not living through it.
Sorry, we got confused. D:
No. 142514 ID: 8ecfd4

Sorry Cynthia. We didn't know your real name and we had gotten used to calling you Kitty.

Isn't it good that your mommy is home? Maybe she brought something for you. By the way, is there anything signinficant with this day?
No. 142516 ID: 17fc61
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"Quiet, guys. I'm not supposed to have you."

>"Cynthia? Cynth-
>"There you are! Damn it."

Momma's dressed up. That must mean she's been shopping me again.

>"Get dressed. I finally found you a buyer."

"N-no! I don't want to be sold!"

>"Cynthia, I thought we went over this, already.
>"There's no future for you here.
>"You don't want to work in the fields like I do.
>"Wouldn't you like a rich, normal human for a husband? You'd finally be able to eat, normally."

"I don't care! I just want to stay here!"

>"Baby, I can't provide for you, anymore. Normals love Nyaerian girls, and will pay a lot of money for one.
>"Your brother already died because I couldn't feed us all.
>"Please, baby, make this easier for me."

I hate this. I hate everything. Why does it have to be like this? I don't understand what's happening. I don't understand!
No. 142522 ID: 17fc61
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>[[ due to technical difficulties ]]
No. 142524 ID: 8ecfd4

Take it easy little one. Your mother is doing what she thinks is best for you. She does this because she cares about you and she cannot give you what she thinks you deserve.

Show some faith in her for now and go get dressed. If things turn out bad then I promise you that we will do everything in our power to help you out.
No. 142525 ID: 817cd3

Well... shit... that's depressing... why do the little catgirls always have to have depressing childhood memories...caravans...
No. 142526 ID: 601a90

ether listen to your mother, or run. that's all you can do for now. one day you may be able to do something else, but not yet.
No. 142541 ID: 2242de
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"I won't!"



No. 142544 ID: 817cd3

This isn't happening... this already happened... or perhaps it didn't happen like this... but you are not a young girl any more... nobody calls you Cynthia anymore... SNAP OUT OF IT!
No. 142549 ID: 8ecfd4

Sigh, nothing can ever be simple and easy can it? Why can't they ever go "Sure that's no problem. Here take what you need, anything else I can help you with?" it's always some hard shit that needs to be done.

Ok, Cynthia listen to me. Hold out two fingers on your right hand and jab them straight into the eyes on your mothers neck, then run away. Can you do that for me?
No. 142559 ID: 3416ec



No. 142568 ID: 5a2e05

No. 142571 ID: ebae1b
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>Snap out of it

Not again!

An explosive round rockets into the Piaculum's head, before it explodes in gore. It won't be down for long. Just like the rest.

Voices! Where did you go!? Why didn't you warn me!
No. 142575 ID: 601a90

we are hurtling through your memories, none of this is happening, it's all in the past. our mind-link seems to be messing with it because we have no real memories for this place to use on us.
No. 142576 ID: 8ecfd4

Because we were trapped inside a hallucination, possibly one of your memories. This shit is trippy as fucking hell.

But now you're back. Give us an assesment of the situation and how the search for the control mechanism is going.
No. 142578 ID: 701a19

You started daydreaming!
No. 142580 ID: 3416ec

No. 142582 ID: ebae1b
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The... the ship core?



"Burns! W-we have to get to the... t-the singularity's heart!"

>"Cynthia, stop. You're talking nonsense, again. You had another episode."

"Oh, god, Burns... Where's... where's Saul?"

>"He died, Cynthia. Five years ago. Come on, baby."

That's right. Our son died, five years ago. My husband's been so good to me. I never deserved him. I'm putting such a strain on him.

"Where am I?"

I'm in so much pain. It feels like the air is tearing me apart.

"We're in the expanse, baby. Come on, we have to get to the evac shuttle. We're almost there. We'll be okay, soon."



"No. No! This isn't right!"
No. 142584 ID: 701a19


Cynthia, OUR position in the timestream is fixed.
No. 142586 ID: 701a19

Oh, screw this.

[Replays her memories for her up until the point before she saw her younger self.]
No. 142587 ID: 3416ec


Yes! We're the only constant in here!

No. 142589 ID: 8ecfd4

Cynthia. You still have to fix that core. You're still stuck in the acasiation chamber of a TAV. You need to focus on the task at hand. Focus your mind on what you need to find, cut away everything else, focus solely on what you need to get the TAV running again. The landscape here is influenced by your mind, control it.
No. 142592 ID: ebae1b
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Yeah, I remember now. This place. It's mixing my thoughts, memories, hopes, fears...

>"You never could protect anyone but yourself."

Fuck. Not him.

>"And you still wonder why I took your mortality away."

The core has to be here somewhere. If I can just get to it, everything will reset.

>"You've always known what you've had to do - where you have to be. Why don't you try doing it for once?"
No. 142594 ID: 3416ec


>"You've always known what you've had to do - where you have to be. Why don't you try doing it for once?"

Except you ARE doing what you have to do: find the core and activate it!

No. 142596 ID: 8ecfd4

Hey a mindghost with an actually somewhat useful advise. This place builds up a reality based on your memories, hopes, fears and other stuff from your mind.

Well then focus. You know what it is you need. Make this space distorting thing work for you. Focus on what it is you need and where you need to be and cut away everything else.
No. 142597 ID: 701a19

I'm glad to see you harbor a hope that Burns will prove worthy of sharing your life.

>"You never could protect anyone but yourself."
Isn't that what you're doing right now? Taking on a dangerous task so that your friends will be safe? The man is an idiot and a liar.

Focus on the drive core. We will help you as best we can.
[Attempts to project blank white space over the images, and white noise over their words.]
No. 142598 ID: e3f578

Wow this place is annoying, fucking with you like this. What kind of pussy engine uses psychology to kill people? REAL ENGINES USE RADIATION, SMALL AND PUNY BABY ENGINE!
No. 142601 ID: ebae1b
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I stand.

Reklaw watches me, scrutinizing me. I know this isn't really him, but the effect is the same. How I hate this man.

I'm back in... reality. The white field is distorted beyond recognition. I can feel forces around me tearing at my body. Some of my bones sustained minor fractures in my absence. I ignore the pain.

>Doing what I know needs to be done.
>Isn't that what you're doing?

Yes. Yes, it is. This goes beyond why I'm here. I'm not doing this for selfish reasons.

I'm putting my life on the line to help Burns. It's not because he's done anything for me, or even because I care about him. I'm doing this because it's my choice. It's what I want to do.

Mother was wrong.

A raised platform appears before me, with two books upon its surface.

The one on my right is entitled "SAFETY." It has no author.

The one on my left is entitled "LOVE." The author's name has been scratched away.

I have to open one of these books, I know. This is what I've been looking for.

The idea of Reklaw continues to watch, awaiting my answer.
No. 142604 ID: 701a19

Love. A loveless life is no life at all.
It is a risk, that is true, but the possible rewards are beyond measure and the alternative is a cold, empty life.

Go for love.
No. 142605 ID: 3416ec


I assume one of these will get the engine running...


I say go with Love.
No. 142606 ID: 54af1f

This won't stop until you fix this thing. Just ignore him.
No. 142607 ID: 54af1f


Well, how's this work usually?

I'd suggest Love, but on the other hand we're trying to make a reactor safe. That seems like maybe safety would be the best option here.
No. 142608 ID: 8ecfd4

Nothing can ever be simple can it?

I'm going to go with love. Which means that saftey is the right one because I'm always wrong. Except when I'm not. But my insticts say love is the right one. Based on your own mind constructs and what Reklaw had to say to you I don't think saftey will be the safe choice. Part of love is doing something for someone else, just like what you're doing here.
No. 142617 ID: a85626

No. 142621 ID: 601a90

oh god no, that never leads to something good.
No. 142623 ID: 8b7db1

No, it always leads to something AWESOME. Now, if it's awesomely GOOD or awesomely BAD depends. But it's always awesome. However...

As much as I love taking the thrid option, I'm nto sure if it's possible here. So remember this:

A life of LOVE leaves to a grave without REGRETS.

A life of SAFETY leads to a cage made of REGRETS.
No. 142624 ID: 9e9b47


No. 142626 ID: 632862

The book of SAFETY has no author. A life without meaning.

The book of LOVE has an author, scratched out. A life with a meaning, but a meaning you don't want to accept.

That's what you're running from isn't it? You don't want to care about other people, because they'll just die. Or leave you.

Open that book of Love, and stop running.
No. 142632 ID: a7bf20
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>The book of LOVE

Who wrote it?

My mother sent me into safety, out of love.

For all of my life, I've run to safety. Reklaw cursed me to live a life of eternal safety from death, as punishment for my inability to... Well. I deserved it. I know.

I no longer have to, but I keep running, because I'm still afraid of pain. I've worked through these problems countless times. I'm a century and a half old, but I keep returning to my old ways.

I've always known what I wanted, but I've always been taught to take the path to stability - to assurances.

Not today. Perhaps, never again.

I choose LOVE.
No. 142637 ID: 632862

So... open it.
No. 142638 ID: 8ecfd4

Sounds like this would be one of those momentous occasions that fires up the drive. Lets hope it is.
No. 142641 ID: a7bf20
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I open the book, to find textless pages.

They have no words, because I have yet to write them.

This small portal is the intersection of points I have been looking for. As my fingers slip through the white, it overtakes everything.

I blank.
No. 142643 ID: 632862

Hey! Wake up.
No. 142644 ID: 601a90

welcome back, how long you think we were really in there?
10 bucks says we turned this thing on in record time.
No. 142646 ID: 8ecfd4

Damn you do have a nice ass.

Good work by the way. You got out of there and you're still alive. Or should be in a day or two in the worst case scenario. If that's not the case then I suggest you get up and find a better spot to collapse on.
No. 142647 ID: a7bf20
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I hurt all over. My bones really did fracture in places. I should be all right in a couple of hours, though.

I hear the rumbling of the ship. The suspension drive is active.

No one is here, though. Burns and Tannon are nowhere to be found.

I hear another kind of rumbling, sporadic and fluctuating. It almost sounds like... gun fire?
No. 142651 ID: 701a19

Investigate. Burns may need your help.
No. 142652 ID: 3416ec


Aw crap. Please tell me you have a sidearm on your person or something.

Otherwise, approach sounds of violence carefully.
No. 142653 ID: 8ecfd4

No rest for the wicked, atleast not now. Come on get up, you have been through worse. You have to get to Burns and Tannon and tell them that the ship is ready to go.

Then Tannons husks can fight a read guard action, it's not like they're actually alive anymore. While they're doing that you can get the fuck out of here.
No. 142654 ID: 632862

Can you get up to go help? Burns said he had no idea how to use your weapons.

Though that may not have stopped him.
No. 142658 ID: 411406
File 126783992813.jpg - (146.18KB , 777x777 , 04-37.jpg )

I vaguely recall how to make my way out. The fire fight isn't inside the ship.

I exit to the immediate thunder of gunfire. Acruen husks already lie dead, just outside the entrance.

Neither side is with the ship. The Acruen must have fallen back. Gunfire is being exchanged around the ship, itself.


No, I left them all with Burns, knowing they would likely be lost in the singularity!
No. 142661 ID: 3416ec


Damn. Crossfire all over the place.

Can you spot a weapon on the ground nearby? Perhaps on the dead body in front of you?
No. 142664 ID: 817cd3

Dude's dead because he was caught if the crossfire, if he has a weapon... he can keep it.
No. 142666 ID: e75a2f

Coalition probably followed your trail like the Doc said.
No. 142669 ID: 30b6e7

Do you know anything about the ship that might be helpful? Defensive weaponry perhaps, maybe just some engine work to help distract or blow off the attacking forces.
No. 142671 ID: 3416ec


I see.

How fast can you run, Cynthia? 'cause it looks like you'll need to run very, very fast.
No. 142673 ID: 30b6e7

For that matter, it might be a good idea to see exactly who is attacking first.
No. 142678 ID: 8ecfd4

Well fuck that's not good.

Ok first of all move forward so you can shout to Burns and Tannon that the ship is powered up and they need to get in there. After that I would suggest that you make your way over to the control center and make a quick preflight prep and check as well as see if it has any weapons you can activate.
No. 142680 ID: b5df79
File 126784198183.jpg - (217.37KB , 777x777 , 04-38.jpg )

>ship's defensive weapons

TACs are almost always built with only one or two devastating weapons. Most militaries add a lot of their own to the hull later.

>dead man's weapon

I rush to it, knowing I'm fast enough.

But I forget my injuries, and slow considerably.

It's enough for someone to line up a shot. The bullet ricochets off my skull. It hurts like hell, but I was prepared for something like that. If it had caught me off guard, I'd be "dead" for a while.


Burns. I hear his voice!
No. 142682 ID: 632862

Burns is to your left!
No. 142685 ID: 54af1f


Grab the dead mans guns and return fire, also rush to cover.
No. 142687 ID: 601a90

tell him to get down and to remember that you can't die.
No. 142695 ID: a85626

Haha Burns took them all on singlehandedly and is winning. GUNS BLAZING INTO THE NIGHT
No. 142703 ID: 61bdf1
File 126784543648.jpg - (166.71KB , 777x777 , 04-39.jpg )

I grab the weapon and dash as quickly as I can manage behind cover. Two more bullets whistle past my head, but I'm left unscathed.

Tannon and Burns are waiting for me.

>"Kitty! You all right?"

"No." I hate to admit it. "I've got some fractures. My head still stings from that bullet just now. It's not that bad, but I can't really do a whole lot other than fire a gun. What happened?"

>"Coalition really did show up. The Acruen tore through them at first. It was nuts. They can aim perfectly, with both hands, and take out ten targets in less th -

"Okay, okay!" Typical boy. Easily distracted. "What happened?"

>"More just kept showing up. It looks like there's a whole legion of infantry up on the surface. I think they're invading Qer. The Acruen eventually got overwhelmed by sheer numbers. There's only about four of them left, including Tannon.
>"Another wave is on the way. If it's anything like the last batch, it'll be about thirty hostiles."

"There's no way we can repel them right now."
No. 142710 ID: 3416ec


The only tactical advantage right now is the ship. We have to know if it has any defenses now that its powered up.

Either that, or provide cover fire while everyone else gets to the ship.
No. 142711 ID: a85626

Escape on the ship! It isn't restricted to 3 dimensions like you are; it can go around the walls and ceiling!

As much as I hate to admit it, Tannon's forces have not attacked you yet, but the Coalition forces put a bullet in (against) your skull, so it's pretty obvious whose side we've ended up on. The ship's working now--it's your only way out. You might not have much time left though. I doubt if the Coalition forces get to it, they'll just ignore you and let you leave.
No. 142714 ID: 632862

Sounds like we'd better GTFO.
No. 142722 ID: dc0bc1
File 126784730967.jpg - (141.11KB , 777x777 , 04-40.jpg )

"We have to make a break for the ship!"

I can scarcely hear myself over the sudden roar of the world around us falling apart. The ground level of the city above is disintegrating, cutting open a path to the sky above. Light shines in from a new day. Was I gone that long?

>"You fool animal!" Tannon bellows. "You started the suspension drive but didn't disengage the takeoff sequence!"

"We can still make it on board!"
No. 142724 ID: 67c611

What kind of dumbass ship has an auto takeoff???????
No. 142725 ID: 601a90

where the hell is the button labeled 'don't take off' how the hell were you supposed to know! anyway, everyone who can, get on that ship.
No. 142726 ID: 3416ec


You have GOT to be kidding me.

Who the hell leaves the auto-take off ON when powering up the ship?!?

No. 142729 ID: cfad4e

Don't stop for a witty one liner or blame. Just run for it. Be ready for more headshots.
No. 142731 ID: dc0bc1
File 126784786230.jpg - (145.17KB , 777x777 , 04-41.jpg )

"Who the hell triggers the takeoff sequence before the engines are started!"

>"Someone who's trying to leave in a hurry!
>"You should have stayed with the ship!
>"Now the Coalition soldiers have gotten inside!"

No. 142733 ID: dc0bc1
File 126784819013.jpg - (166.79KB , 777x777 , 04-42.jpg )

"We could still -

>"No! We couldn't storm the entrance in time to make it inside before the ship lifts off! It's gone!
>"And we can't stay here. The suspension field is extending, already. If we stay here, it'll envelope us and tear us apart, Amortal or not!"

This can't be happening.

Burns seems to agree, although he doesn't understand what's going on. He must be thinking of just making it out of here safely, for his family.

I can't chase after the ship to try to make up for my mistakes. I want to. But I came here for Burns, not the ship.

I'm sorry. Thank you for your help, but... we have to let the ship go.
No. 142734 ID: e3f578

No. 142736 ID: 632862

Let's run, then. Tannon is not going to be pleased...
No. 142739 ID: dc0bc1
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I want to, so badly. I'm so pissed off right now.

>Tannon is not going to be pleased...

FUCK Tannon. If he doesn't give us those locations, I'll rip his arms off! I am not pleased!

The ship rises on its own, into the sky. If I had been a few minutes faster, Tannon's plan would have worked. If I had stayed with the ship, I could have protected the others while they made it inside. If I... ugh.

No. This is Tannon's fault. Not mine. Not ours!
No. 142740 ID: cfad4e

Stop talking and run inside! It's like ten seconds away! Not that many enemies are inside. You can take them down.

If you're good and convinced you can't get in, that narrows down your options to 'run' and 'explode.'
No. 142741 ID: 3416ec


Not to point fingers, but Tannon screwed up by:
-Not alerting us to the auto-take off sequence upon ship power up
-Not locking the damn doors
No. 142742 ID: cfad4e

Oh for fuck's sake.
No. 142745 ID: 601a90

i agree. he let you without information. if you had known the ship would take off as soon as you turned it on you would have known to hit the 'don't take off' button. but because he is an ass you didn't know.

wonder what a few soldiers on an inter-dimensional ship will do. play cards and pary that they can drive the thing?
No. 142746 ID: 3416ec


Author willing, they'll pilot the ship right into the center of a supernova.
No. 142757 ID: dc0bc1
File 126785135926.jpg - (153.85KB , 777x777 , 04-44.jpg )

This is Tannon's fault.

"Why didn't you tell me about what you did?"

>"In all honesty, our plan was to abandon you, in the off chance you should decide to take the ship for yourselves. Having the takeoff procedure already underway without your knowledge was a part of that plan."

"Typical Acruen."

>"I anticipated you would want the ship for yourselves. Was I wrong?"

Not entirely. Still, I'm considering killing this man... this thing.

>"You wanted the location of one of the Vaults?"

"Yes. You're going to give it to us."

>"Indeed, I am. With my only immediate means of escaping this world gone, I will have to return to my secondary escape plan. As it so happens, it is contained within one of the devices you call a Vault."

"You don't honestly expect us to believe you?"

I look to Burns for agreement, but he's strangely solemn. I can't imagine what he's thinking. This only makes me angrier.

"After what you did? You'll just betray us again!"

>"I am not evil, animal. I am amoral. I am deductive. And right now, I lack the resources and protection necessary to make the journey. Surely you must realize this. I require you, at least until I reach our destination. You do not have my promise, but my statement of fact that I cannot and will not betray you until that time."

"How reassuring."

>"This is the nature of animal life. It is a game of appearances, disguises and interpretations of reality.
>"Right now, I appear to be at odds with the most powerful military force on this planet.
>"They now have in their possession the most powerful military weapon on this world. They do not understand its operation yet, but they soon will. And they will be looking for us, as they will believe we know too much about their new toy, and possibly more.
>"You need the knowledge I will not give you unless you meet my demands. I need you, as well."

>"We need that information," Burns finally speaks up, his head still hung low.

He says nothing else. Neither does the Doctor.

Son of a bitch.

This... this is not over. Not by a long shot.
No. 142767 ID: 601a90

give us back to burns, we can get him more talkative, even if it's just by making him angry.
No. 142771 ID: f59519
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[[ The interaction players have with the characters has dramatic and long-reaching affects in Nahala: The Dead Age. These can be inconsequential, damning or extremely beneficial. The story evolves to coincide with how the main characters interact with the world around them, and players affect this directly. Without player interaction, events would be completely different. Due to your choice selection, you have:

*trapped the Piaculum of the Confederate Artifactum
*resurrected Burns as a playable character
*drawn attention to the world of Kalian from outside interests

*made Kitty a playable character
*hurried Burns' acceptance of his fate
*caused Burns to notice Kitty's rocking tits and sweet ass
*helped push Burns back into a return to alcoholism

*caused Burns to briefly question his sexuality
*allowed the Malan family to continue operating
*allowed the Coalition to become aware of you
*discovered the hidden cache below Broken Towers

*lost the Qer TAV to the Coalition military
*temporarily slowed Burns' mental recovery
*permanently solidified Kitty's loyalty to Burns
*gained Doctor Tannon as a resource and reluctant ally

In addition, you have directly prevented the following:

*Burns' death
*entry of the Sunrisen Empire into war with the Coalition
*the escape of Doctor Tannon from Kalian
*Kitty's temporary entrapment within the singularity
*the destruction of the Qer TAV
*a hardcore sex scene between Kitty and a futa version of herself

The main plot does not deviate dramatically and events do not have dramatically negative outcomes unless players persistently make terrible decisions.

Player-Character Interaction Karma Rating: 80% ]]
No. 142772 ID: 3416ec

>>*a hardcore sex scene between Kitty and a futa version of herself

Wait, what
No. 142779 ID: 601a90

agreed, you better shell this out for us.
No. 142780 ID: 817cd3

>*caused Burns to notice Kitty's rocking tits and sweet ass

Dude must be near blind to have needed our help there.
No. 142783 ID: e3f578

Well geeze, that futa thing probably would have to take place within the hallucinatory singularity.
No. 142786 ID: 601a90

so... we tell her to go fuck herself while she was in there and she does? MAN, Plague, you better just be messing with us and only said that to troll us. cause if their was an actual chance of that happening...
No. 142899 ID: 8ecfd4

We can fix his alcoholism later. And it's not like he can die from a busted liver now is it.

I'm a bit pissed that we lost the TAV though. My plan was for her to go as far forward as she could in cover and then yell out for Burns and Tannon and have Tannons remaining husks cover Burns and Tannon while they got inside. But this should be more fun.

Can we still get the Empire in on the war? Because I can think of a couple of ways we should be able to make that happen.

By the way I liked this summary. It's nice to see what consequences actions have had and what they could have had.
No. 142904 ID: 54af1f

Well, sounds like we want to get the empire into the war, and get the TAV back. Don't want them to have it... but vault first.
No. 142914 ID: 5a2e05

Ffffffffffff- Damn, we failed so hard.
No. 142923 ID: cfad4e

>*helped push Burns back into a return to alcoholism
Yeah, but now his liver grows back.
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