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File 12660234678.png - (69.38KB , 700x700 , 1.png )
130180 No. 130180 ID: 950529

>"Ello, sir. Quite th'weather, eh? Looks like it's pouring. Where to?"

Yes, where to? What is the name of the town I'm going to?
635 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 132373 ID: 62489a

"You were going to help me fire off my gun, remember?"

Grin and lift up the rifle for emphasis.
No. 132377 ID: e69635

No. 132378 ID: 817cd3

"This" is very likely, better make a smooth save.
No. 132382 ID: 62489a

Oh, yeah, I think that's it. Like a fish.

Well that's awkward, just say "Nevermind. Let's try out this old hunk of junk." and take a look at your rifle.
No. 132383 ID: 62489a

"Like when you were helping me with my rod earlier."
No. 132387 ID: e0499d

this +
"I mean... I was just letting you know I'm comfortable if you do..."
No. 132388 ID: d97d76

"Nevermind, let's just go shoot something."
No. 132391 ID: 6c5b71

She'll be fishing one day, then just go 'oh my god' as she finally gets it, and start blushing furiously.
No. 132395 ID: e69635

No. 132406 ID: 445c48

No. 132411 ID: 950529
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"Err.. Nevermind."
She gets up and swings the net over her shoulder.
>"No no.. Explain your big city humor, city boy. I want to know you better."
No. 132413 ID: 1e1932


"Let me put it this way."

Kiss her.
No. 132414 ID: 62489a

"Well I was wondering if you'd help me fire my gun like how you were helping me handle my rod earlier..."
No. 132415 ID: e69635

I guess we're fucked for getting out of this without banging her.

"What I mean is, I'd like for you to mount me"

Then unclip her overalls.
No. 132420 ID: 632862

"Well, you said 'mount' so I thought you were alluding to sex. I was doing that just now as well."
No. 132427 ID: e0499d

don't make it too crude man..
just flat out explain it.
Also explain that its called innuendo (if she don't know what that means).
that people in the city often just find it funny... casual...
No. 132431 ID: 79fd87


Maybe just hook one finger through the strap of her overalls. Don't want to be too presumptuous.

I mean, what if she was talking like mounting a fish? Oh dear, trouble with translation.
No. 132432 ID: f52552

Direct approach.
No. 132436 ID: f2b2b3

"I just mean that it would be an honor to be one of your trophies."
No. 132437 ID: 817cd3

Sounds like a subtle way to put it.
No. 132447 ID: 950529
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I sigh.
"Iiiittttt wasn't really big city humor.. I just.. misunderstood what you said, aaand I made a few double entendres.. Uhmm.."
>"What did you think I said?"
"I thought that you meant mount as innnnnnn ...sex."
>"...So when ya said it'd be one of the better memories.."
>"..Huh.. W-well.. huh.."
"So yeah, it's pretty embarrassing."
>"Did you really mean it?"
"Yeeeeaahhh, I did. I'd love you to mount me sexually. Also, I'd kiss you right now but I'm a bit too short."
>"..But.. But we just met."
"Yeeeppp.. I'm just falling head over heels I guess."
>"Well, I.. I mean, uh, I like ya too, but I don't think we should be takin' it to the next level yet."
"Yeah, I know.. I'm just real attracted to you, what can I do. And I can't expect you to be with me if I can't even promise to stay forever.."
>"So that's why you said it'd be the best memory, huh."

We stand there is silence for a while.

"..Can we still be frie--"
>"I'll think 'bout it. A'ight?"
"..W-well.. Thank you. I don't want to force you though. Uhm, I'd love to just be friends too."
>"Yeah.. Yeah. Yeah, a'ight. I'll.. I'll let you know. I better head back into the store. See you around, Garth."
"Uhm, yeah, see you."

And she's off.
No. 132449 ID: 1e1932


Well, looks like we're back to square 1 with figuring out how to shoot. Guess we're winging it.
No. 132450 ID: 3416ec

So much for the rifle training.
No. 132451 ID: 817cd3

Dude... seems you arn't as smooth as you think.
No. 132452 ID: 8ce2bf

So are we still on for dinner?
No. 132454 ID: 62489a
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Well you sure blew that one, champ.
No. 132455 ID: 8ce2bf

No. 132458 ID: e0499d

it'd been much better if you just said it was an innuendo... oh well...
No. 132459 ID: 445c48

You ain't smooth. Look around for a bird to shoot.
No. 132461 ID: f2b2b3

You bombed it, dude.
No. 132462 ID: dad6fd

This may be a good time to point out that human males, unlike feline males, do not possess barbed penises, so we got that going for us.

Unless... unless she's in to pain...
No. 132463 ID: f44349

...Well at least she didn't slap you.
No. 132465 ID: 79fd87

Good one, hero. Super smooth.

Looks like it's going to be a long way to repairing that relationship.
No. 132466 ID: 632862

Well that sucked! Maybe we can still salvage it later.

Let's go shoot a fucking bird. Just... any goddamn bird. In a tree. Fuck.
No. 132468 ID: 62489a
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Yeah, you had plenty of good innuendo to work on and you be the most awkard little...

Should have gone with our suggestions, man.
No. 132469 ID: e0499d

... make a note to get some stationary and some paper later.

You have an apology letter to write... and you have to keep it friendly. Say that in the city, people make innuendo as jokes... and that it isn't really questioned, which made what happened akward.

And that you wish you could redo what happened, but since you can't, you can only say you're sorry...
No. 132473 ID: 8b7db1

Headdesk. Or rather, headtree.

No. 132474 ID: dad6fd

You guys are looking at this all wrong. We just planted a seed in the young lass's mind - a seed which will eventually spout and bear fruit. She's a simple country girl and probably a virgin, eventually, curiosity will get the better of her.

That's why we should still show up for dinner tonight. A player never lets the game get him down.
No. 132475 ID: b07e61

Fuck shooting. Let's club one to death.

Also, you now need an apology gift. Give it at the time you used to be going to dinner.
No. 132476 ID: 1ee3de

I think that's blown for the day at least.

Recovery plan:

In a day or two, apologise for making a poor first impression and ask if you can make it up to her over a meal. Catch another fish and bring it along for dinner. Mention that even though you've only just met you've already learned a lot from her, and thank her. Just chill out with her, share some comfortable time. No pressure.
No. 132477 ID: 79fd87


This is a really good idea, but what are we going to get her? We still only have just under seventeen dollars.
No. 132478 ID: 950529
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Oh ye of little faith~

You said it yourself: Don't be eloquent with this one. Be straightforward with this one.

Bitches love a bit of embarrassed honesty.

This cat--
No. 132480 ID: 950529
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--is in the bag.
No. 132481 ID: 8ce2bf

No. 132482 ID: 445c48

Yeah, but you didn't let her teach you how to shoot, so you're going to be low on dosh.
No. 132484 ID: e0499d

if you say so...
There's the problem of learning to shoot your gun though...
No. 132486 ID: c1b520
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No. 132487 ID: 79fd87

No. 132490 ID: 79fd87

Aww, hell you beat me to it. :|
No. 132492 ID: c1b520

I didn't even have the image on hand. >:3c
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