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128667 No. 128667 ID: f2b2b3

101 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 129196 ID: 17e2b5
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No. 129197 ID: 8ecfd4

DAmn that fucker is HUGE! But you shall win nameless peon. His weak spot is obviously his face area. Punch it! And then jump into his mouth, we shall destroy him by eating him from within!
No. 129218 ID: 17e2b5
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This was not a good plan.
No. 129219 ID: 17e2b5
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I land and manage to BENCHPRESS his FIST, to keep myself from being crushed. My HUGE increases as I oh gross I can see every blemish on his body.
No. 129220 ID: 2cbe3e


Tell the guy that he really needs to do and see a dermatologist.
No. 129226 ID: 17e2b5
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I run up his arm and through his hair like a meadow of gay oily bullshit.

"Your skin is like someone wiped a Big Mac onto a rhino's ass!"

No. 129229 ID: 17e2b5
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He is too large to swat me off as I leap to his big, fat head, grapple his mustache with one hand and punch him in his BIG STUPID FACE repeatedly with the other.

No. 129232 ID: a38999

But... if he can't swap you off, how did he make this awesome moustache?
I demand this to be explained immediately!
No. 129233 ID: 632862

His weak points are his eyes! Punch him in the eyeball!
No. 129234 ID: 17e2b5
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>His weak points are his eyes!
That gives me an idea, actually!

"How do you groom your mustache!?" I ask, as I swing into his nostril.


No. 129235 ID: 17e2b5
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I arrive at the brain, slightly disappointed.


What should I do with this thing?
No. 129236 ID: 34470e

Lick it.
No. 129237 ID: 632862

Eat it and gain his knowledge.
No. 129238 ID: 3416ec

Crush it like a grape.
No. 129239 ID: 17e2b5
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>Lick it.
S-should I?

>Eat it.
I hear it's like eating eggs.
No. 129240 ID: 17e2b5
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The HUGEST roars I take a bite.


Goes down easy.
No. 129241 ID: bf1e7e


Allow it to eat you.

Control it from within.

BECOME the hugest.
No. 129242 ID: 17e2b5
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Before I can do anything else, I feel something take hold!

Is it the PILLZ? Or maybe the CANNIBALISM? Or some combination?

I think I'm gonna hurl!
No. 129244 ID: bf1e7e


You ate part of the hugest's brain.

It is now inside you, controlling you.

You must send a part of yourself inside to battle the hugest's brain.
No. 129246 ID: 17e2b5
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I tumble out of the HUGEST skull, vomiting on my way out! Somehow, the trip seems shorter than the way in.

>You must send a part of yourself inside to battle the hugest's brain.
That would seem more likely if the artist wasn't so lazy!
No. 129249 ID: bf1e7e


Well then reach into your stomach and pull the brain out!

I bet it's trying to eat your pillz and get huge!
No. 129261 ID: 17e2b5
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It's too late! I feel myself changing! TRANSFORMING!

No. 129262 ID: 17e2b5
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I... I've become... I'VE BECOME...
No. 129263 ID: 17e2b5
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No. 129264 ID: 17e2b5
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The HUGEST stumbles retardedly toward me, a blithering dumbass of his former self.

Perhaps it is my luxurious mullet flowing in the wind into my piercing blue eyes, but he seems smaller, somehow.
No. 129275 ID: 632862

He is not smaller. YOU ARE BECOME HUGE.
No. 129281 ID: 4531bc

Poke him.

If he doesn't explode, poke him harder.
No. 129287 ID: 17e2b5
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>He is not smaller. YOU ARE BECOME HUGE.
No. I have become PERFECTLY HUGE.

My HUGE LEVEL: M-M-MEGA HUGE FRAME scrapes the borders of heaven and earth.

My hair drifts in the nearly airless expanse of space, as the FORMER HUGEST yips at my heels.

He is not longer a threat. I have achieved the end of my HUGE QUEST. I am HUGE INCARNATE.

What do I do with the toy at my feet?
No. 129290 ID: 885a15

Kick him to the moon. Make a kawai face while doing so.
No. 129325 ID: 5a2e05

Focus your HUGE into gravity and crush him without touching him.
No. 129326 ID: 30b6e7

He is beneath touching him with your mighty hands. Smash him with your super pecs. Or your massive member.
No. 129336 ID: ab04d4

Consume him. Then eat the whole planet. When you're done with that, eat the other planets. Then the solar systems. Eventually you'll get to a planet where there's a cat named John and he'll be almost as huge as you. And then I'm sure you'll be the best of friends or you'll try to outhuge each other.
No. 129343 ID: 17e2b5
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>Kick him to the moon. Make a kawai face while doing so.
>Focus your HUGE into gravity and crush him

I shall do all of these things.

First, a kick to the moon.
No. 129348 ID: 17e2b5
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Using my IMMENSE GRAVITY, I contort space and time, and send the FORMER HUGEST through the MOON, and into the scorching SUN at the speed of LIGHT.

Truly, my BIG is PERFECTION. This was the PERFECT HUGE IN SPACE AND TIME to which the HUGEST referred. I wonder for a moment if he, too, usurped his own master, as I did mine. But this is inconsequential, now. For I am HUGE.
No. 129350 ID: ab04d4

Oh dear we passed the Bishonen Line didn't we.
No. 129354 ID: 34470e

The only reason you won was because he had a tiny brain. You must study to gain knowledge and make your brain bigger! HUGE MUSCLES AND HUGE BRAINS!
No. 129393 ID: 17e2b5
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I devour the EARTH. I devour the SOLAR SYSTEM.

Soon, only STARS can satiate my hunger. Through my consumption I gain the knowledge of billions of civilizations, both lost and annihilated by my HUGE. I surpass even physical law.

Soon, only GALAXIES will satiate my hunger. And after that, BEYOND. For I have earned my name:


No. 129400 ID: bf1e7e

Hugest quest ever A+++
No. 129409 ID: 84cb15

No. 129420 ID: ab04d4

This is on the same scale of epicness as Dong Quest. Maybe huger in epicness. HUUUGGEEEE.

(Memes do fusion dance => HUGE BACON!)
No. 129425 ID: 15f6d6

A++ I loved this quest.
No. 129427 ID: 4531bc

That was nice. :)
No. 129428 ID: f52552

Huge bacon dongs?
No. 129674 ID: 17e2b5
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>Score tallied. Thank you for playing. To start a new game, please reset your console.
No. 129678 ID: 84cb15

damnit we need to SAVE ALL THE SOCKS
No. 129744 ID: 8ecfd4

We missed out on the incest? I knew we should have seduced the muscled lady.
No. 129795 ID: 00b11b

Muscled lady, and HUGEST as well.
No. 129798 ID: 8ecfd4

Eh, I'm not really into muscled father and son gay moments. I could live with skipping that one.
No. 129824 ID: f59c82

Awesome quest it was.

Also, pushing spoilers up.
No. 130046 ID: 84fe5f

Did we just become the Spiral Nemesis?
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