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111967 No. 111967 ID: 36d6da

268 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 116382 ID: 498c52
File 126413808028.jpg - (134.17KB , 1000x600 , run jiri run.jpg )

No. 116396 ID: c0f3bf

Triplilmus: DON'T DIE. Also now would be a nice opportunity for diplomacy. Diplomacy without bullets.
No. 116422 ID: 498c52
File 126414005540.jpg - (174.41KB , 960x600 , notquitedead.jpg )

That was... a bad idea... I think my eye is gone... I'm bleeding from the gut..
No. 116426 ID: 498c52
File 126414012219.jpg - (118.66KB , 800x858 , inventory-triplilmus copy.jpg )

[cutscene over, and an inventory check]
No. 116430 ID: 6faa8c

No. 116431 ID: 62489a
File 126414028662.png - (89.17KB , 467x257 , fly you fool.png )

No. 116436 ID: 476456

Soldier up, you have a child to take care of.
No. 116437 ID: c0f3bf

It doesn't look gone, but it definitely looks injured, you're going to have to fix that up as soon as you possibly can. Recommending cloth tear, make a bandage.
No. 116441 ID: f44349

Oh god what did you people do?! D:

Okay. Sit yourself up, soldier. We need to assess the damage.
And you aren't dying today, so don't even think about it! You have a child to take care of!
You will not give up until the mission is complete, do you hear me?!
No. 116446 ID: ec4966

Assess whether the wound is mortal.

Stop and think of the nearest monster town. If you're going to die, you have to tell Jiri where to go. You have to tell her what to do if she is now alone.
No. 116448 ID: 498c52
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no, but I can see... something out of my remaining eye...
I wish I woulda paid more attention during first aid..
Youu little monsssterrrr...
No. 116450 ID: c1b520

bitch gonna eatcha.
No. 116451 ID: f21281

No, YOU are the monsters.

Now go get me a sammich.
No. 116452 ID: ec4966

Say "I w-won't let you kill her."

Take aim.
No. 116456 ID: f44349

Okay. Aim for the eyes. We are not letting it hurt Jiri.
No. 116457 ID: 62489a
File 12641412922.png - (14.89KB , 854x638 , crying children.png )

No. 116458 ID: 62489a

Take out the grenade and pull the pin.

Say that if it comes any closer you'll drop it and kill you both.
No. 116460 ID: c0f3bf

Say that you already lost everything for her sake, you are fully prepared to do it again.
No. 116461 ID: ec4966

Pull out your lighter. Say you'll burn the whole place down, eggs too, unless it helps you.
No. 116462 ID: 632862

This situation feels familiar. Like, the reverse of what happened in the house you found Jiri in.
No. 116471 ID: 498c52
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"This is a primed grenade. If I drop it, it explodes, and kills us both."

You wouldn't kill a motherrr and her childrren I can hear the thing's words coming from somewhere behind its head.
There is a brief ringing in my ears, and the monster recoils.
You have! You hhhhorrrible little tthhing! Hhhow do I know you whhhil not do it anywhhay?
No. 116473 ID: f52552

Because she might need me.
Now get out of the way, or I might drop this from too much jawing with you.
No. 116476 ID: 62489a

"I'm better now. I didn't know there was more than my people and monsters. Now I know there's everyone and everything in-between. I've got to take care of that child you tried to eat, what you do, so long as you let me go, is none of my business. Surely as a mother, you understand a father-of-sorts' need to protect their own."
No. 116477 ID: 632862

"I have enough things to regret. I just want to protect Jiri. I can't do that if I die here. Can you help me?"
No. 116478 ID: 2d8f04

>There is a brief ringing in my ears
it's also psychic!?! welp it was nice knowing you trip.
No. 116488 ID: ec4966

"I don't want to kill any more. But I won't let Jiri die."
No. 116489 ID: 67c611
File 126414373336.gif - (2.32MB , 750x497 , TriggerDiscipline.gif )

Yo, bold guy.

No. 116490 ID: 498c52
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"I'm getting away from all that. It's not like that any more. I'm taking care of that child you were going to eat-' You are stupid.
"You can shut up. I'm getting tired of holding this thing."

Ffffine thhhen monssterrr. Whhat do you whhant?
No. 116493 ID: 62489a

"I want to leave."
No. 116497 ID: ec4966

"I'm about to bleed to death. If you help me, I'll throw this away and we can just... talk. Nobody's dead yet."
No. 116500 ID: c0f3bf

I just want us to be safe. Why do you have to complicate these things. You have family, I have... newly adopted family, can't we just stop the fighting?
No. 116508 ID: 498c52
File 126414466550.jpg - (226.40KB , 1000x600 , house.jpg )

"i just want to leave, so I can keep Jiri safe."

Get out of hhherrre monsssterr

It moves out of the way and lets me out. I am still bleeding though.
No. 116510 ID: f52552

That's 'Stalker'.
Repin that grenade, collapse over by Jiri.
Did you managed to save the ball?
No. 116513 ID: f44349

How bad are your wounds?
Where's Jiri?
No. 116514 ID: 62489a

Call out for Jiri.

Tear off some of your robe to use as bandages.
No. 116515 ID: ec4966

"If you didn't want to eat her, why did you want her?"

"I'm... going to die without help..."
No. 116516 ID: 632862

The ball? Yes, he saved it. It is currently lodged in his body, in several pieces.
No. 116517 ID: 632862

Speaking of which you should remove those pieces from you.
No. 116653 ID: b5b9e0

i fear that the pieces of the ball penetrated his organs ...

Trip you need help. Take Jiri and go to the car.
it's possible that she wants to talk about her parents ... try to avoid that.
You should hurry if you die now Jiri will be alone and everything was in vain.
No. 116655 ID: 1ab390

>i fear that the pieces of the ball penetrated his organs ...
>I'm bleeding from the gut.
Yeah, nothing short of a medical deus ex machina can save him now.
No. 116657 ID: b5b9e0

hey "bleeding from the gut" doesn't have to mean his intestine is damaged ... but it's looks like it.
No. 116659 ID: 7a997b

Well, pour some moonshine over the wounds and wrap yourself in makeshift bandages.
Then find Jiri, drag yourself back into the car, explain Jiri how to drive (heh) and tell her to keep driving away from bold territory no matter what. Then you can drink some of the moonshine and slip into a comfy delirium on the backseat.
If you're lucky the monsters which might find her will eat you before you regain consciousness.
I guess I could tell you they will treat you with respect cause you helped the little one, but that would be crazy.

Make sure to have crazy fever-dreams about cute and fluffy monsters hunting you.
No. 116669 ID: 0a7c6b


I saw that coming from a mile away. Did MS Paint Pokemon comics not teach you anything!?
No. 116674 ID: 498c52
File 126418327071.jpg - (176.46KB , 757x600 , who is driving sergal is driving.jpg )

The Nose Kid is hurt real bad. He told me how to drive, but it's kind of scary. If I move the seat all the way up I can reach the pedals. I hope he will be ok.
No. 116675 ID: 8ecfd4

He should be fine. He's a brave little thing and much tougher than he looks.

Now you need to keep an eye out for smoke or buildings. He needs help if he's going to get better and he needs a grown up to help him. Just remember that you shouldn't stop and ask for help from people that look like him. They want to hurt both him and you.
No. 116676 ID: efc307


dont go fast. we need a map to decide where we are going.

also keep talking to the nosey-one-eye-soldier-pokemon-master-wannabe. he must not fall asleep.
No. 116677 ID: 498c52
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No. 116678 ID: a56ce7

No. 116679 ID: efc307

i blame whoever said to drop on the pokeball. we should have ran or captured it.

damm the mosnter was somewhat friendly. what if it was indeed a pokearc?
No. 116680 ID: f52552

Then I hope to fuck someone learned Wish or Soft-Boiled.
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