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File 170734751190.jpg - (1.13MB , 1534x1228 , Monster queen76.jpg )
1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4

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Discussion Thread

409 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1095001 ID: ccf208
File 172242632655.jpg - (5.14MB , 3510x2592 , Monster queen156.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I should have let Gram cut your throat.

B) I demand explanation of your actions.

C) Never return to the castle, you are banished.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1095030 ID: f6a008
Audio Emphasis1.mp3 - (21.86KB )

No. 1095031 ID: c5529d

So is wormworks female then?

Wait, thats not what I should be asking!!!

Exactly what did he do and why????
No. 1095062 ID: 27fceb

B and your exploration better be good! You been pushing your luck!
No. 1095071 ID: 44c167

Just can't give a straight answer can you?
Well then we'll just have to do the worst thing you can imagine to you in return. Unless you'd care to stop messing around?
No. 1095100 ID: 4c2e24
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Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) Yes I still want to work with you.

B) I am not sure.

C) No I don't.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second question:

A) I will go to that meeting.

B) Lie and tell that you will go to that meeting.

C) Tell him that you won't

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1095166 ID: 44c167

You talk a lot about what we'll be forced to do as if you aren't the one forcing it. But you're the one in a cell here. If the path of the overlord just leads to death "in a vicious cycle" then why should Bobbie take it at all.

Why do you continue the cycle Worm Works? If it is really inevitable then it doesn't need your assistance. Just what has you feeling so trapped that you dream yourself behind bars, the people you know twisted to subservient forms.
How about you sit in a real cell for a bit while Bobbie and Abdle deal with the headsplitters, and think about what you really want.
No. 1095178 ID: 54780f

Well you're off the council for sure. Giving you such sensitive access without accountability is not how we do things. We'll maintain unofficial ties but what we get is now filed under "trust but verify" because we will not be led down a path you choose. Our path is ours to choose. Seriously you sound like a genie who grants wishes in a way we never intended and would hate. For now you are no liability but if that changes we *will* sever ties. What blood you spill will not be on us. With that out of the way we are still meeting with the headsplitters. We hold too many cards, so much leverage that it'd be wasteful to miss the meeting.
No. 1095179 ID: 27fceb

B and A
No. 1095180 ID: c5529d

I won't deny that this path will lead to bloodshed as we take this overlord path. and from a previous adventure I failed in before becoming a lesser demon, there was another that I guided, and because we were too nice, we were walked all over, and enemies took advantage of us during times when we tried to show mercy and hurt us instead.

However, on the other hand, there is a pretty big downside to causing bloodshed. It created more enemies for us to deal with until we had nobody on our side and eventually the person I guided hated me and it eventually lead to arguments within our group instead of progress, so I just left them to their own devices to start anew here, taking whatever experience I gained.

I know we'll have to do some things we won't be proud of for the greater good as we chose this overlord path. I think the main issue I have isn't the willpower, but Wormworks making big decisions for us on his own without consulting us first, or letting us know what he is doing.

For instance, what if he went off and did a plan of his own without telling us, and we did a different plan of our own while he is gone that he didn't expect us to take, and the two conflicts with each other and causes one of, or both of our plans to fail?

That's why right now, I have to say I am not sure if I can fully trust him right now.
As for the meeting, I think that is still everyone's plan right now.
No. 1095188 ID: c5529d

(answer from me is B & A btw)
No. 1095191 ID: 4c2e24
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Stay a little bit longer.

B) Wake up.
No. 1095192 ID: c5529d

Unless Worm Works is willing to say what he did with Mandy, yeah, B, I believe we overstayed our welcome, but at least we all got our points across here and everyone has something to think about. Yeah, it's best if Worm Works works away from the castle for now until further notice. Time to wake before BobBerry becomes Rotten like Abdle.
No. 1095199 ID: 27fceb

Wakey wakey eggs and bakey
No. 1095201 ID: b3a41d

Perhaps you misunderstand my meaning. Pretty sure you're a loyalist which is why distancing ourselves for now is the best move. While you do what you feel is best we'll have plausible deniability so I'd welcome "unofficial" help of yours. Even if you do spill blood to do so. Just be sure the trail never leads to us. Fair warning though, we'll have to at least act like enemies if you get to be a menace. Still, should you get the stars to align in our favor we can have our resources dedicated to arresting you fairly minimal. Get what I'm saying? Once you're done we could engineer a redeeming scenario for a pardon of your crimes. Or have your identity changed. Whatever you prefer Wormworks.Why yes I can be ruthlessly pragmatic with my strategies. What gave it up? >:)
No. 1095227 ID: 44c167

Wake up

If you let this one walk away it will be as bad as if you kept him in privy council. There is no telling what he will do to undermine our alliances or rile up our enemies, all to the nebulous goal of making Bobbie a strong overlord. He said himself that he already considers her death an inevitability, a worthy sacrifice for "changing the world". Screw this wannabe kingmaker, he should have become an overlord himself if its so great.

I would recommend we reinter him in the dungeon, only this time with his ability to speak removed. Can't have him sweet talking the guards again. This way he can still go forward with his master plan, he'll just have to actually get our approval first.
No. 1095263 ID: 86b1b1
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) It answered some questions.

B) It was a strange experience.

C) It is an addictive experience.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1095269 ID: 35419c

Wasn't quite as useful as hoped but still useful. Out of curiosity what is the consequences for doing more than one per evening?
No. 1095272 ID: 44c167

Not really any more than we could have got out of him awake. And it introduces more variables when we have more than enough problems. I would be leery of returning anytime soon.
No. 1095283 ID: c5529d

Didn't get all the info we needed from wormworks, but it was insightful nonetheless, and, well, we had no way of locating him other than this method, so overall, I'd say the experience was helpful. Thanks for that.

my question to Jestercitioneralist, Worm Works implied he too has made dealing with the dream god too. If you don't mind me asking, I'd like to know how long ago that was please.
No. 1095293 ID: 27fceb

Was not impressed with that journey, we don't really have a reason to use it ever again.
No. 1095350 ID: e25c20
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go with the plan that Gray Opportunity suggested.

B) Don't listen to Gray Opportunity.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1095351 ID: c5529d

Maybe in another dream. for now, we've been sleeping for too long. time to wake.
No. 1095353 ID: 44c167

I don't think this gray thing knows what its talking about. got to wake up anyway. no time to waste on more gods.
No. 1095359 ID: 27fceb

Maybe fishing for more gods can be useful but that will make the jaster hate me even more and what I said previously about the dream dive didn't help me.
No. 1095360 ID: 9ce7d3

Goodwill is a resource too and we've expended enough. Especially since the entity was kind or pragmatic enough to stop its associate. Demands of that type may push them to question if association with us is a net negative.
No. 1095382 ID: e25c20
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I understand your problem but still leave my room.

B) Stop being weird and leave my room.

C) From now on you will sleep in a locked cell!

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1095384 ID: 876f25

Since the security concern is valid I vote to let this go. Just this once. Just remember that we have people who may attempt to kill you for doing this. (Side note, because she likes lashes instead of lashes she gets sensory deprivation if we can pull it off.)
No. 1095395 ID: 44c167

A) maybe read a book or something
No. 1095397 ID: 27fceb

Go directly to jail
Do not pass go
Do not collect $200
No. 1095398 ID: 0d7491

Oh and seal off that window. Huge security issue if any of our enemies can scale walls or just fly up.
No. 1095423 ID: c5529d

D. Tell her since shes here and cant sleep, she can seal up the windows in your room. Doubles as punishment for her.

We can also talk to her until you burn out and sleep for the night. See what issues shes having
No. 1095520 ID: e25c20
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) He still keeps the memory of you in his mind.

B) He only sees you as his servant.

C) You can do so much better than him.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1095536 ID: 44c167

Gramleza, I'll level with you. I wouldn't trust a word out of that guy's mouth.
Feel free to mess around with him, but please don't get too close. I worry you'll just get hurt.
No. 1095570 ID: 27fceb

If you truly want to impress him find a maid dress.
No. 1095574 ID: f4ad60

>>1095570 This because lol.

But in all seriousness, yeah, A and B. She did ask us to be honest with her.
No. 1095595 ID: 822bb2

...Just a strategist so... What do you expect here? Strategic plans to conquer his heart and mind? Fair warning though - he's got money so he has options. Whoever he chooses. So is he really worth that sort of competition to have?
No. 1095668 ID: e25c20
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I am not sure about him.

B) He is devoted to us.

C) I can't trust him.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1095672 ID: 355e44

Archer seems alright. If you cultivate his infatuation he could be very loyal, but it would probably be easier to let him down gently now. You still haven't bothered to learn his name so I don't see a real relationship forming anytime soon.

At least he isn't sneaking around like everyone else here.
No. 1095676 ID: 7bab9b

Strategic senses detect an emotional minefield. Steering well clear of this one.
No. 1095682 ID: c5529d

I trust him, he's devoted. Though I think he needs to prove himself if he wants Bobbie's admiration. I'll root for him though, but I won't suggest Bobbie to fall in love with him, that's up to her to decide.
No. 1095697 ID: 27fceb

He can be a useful pawn, maybe he can be more useful if he thiks that you love him.
No. 1095701 ID: e25c20
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This chapter will be separated in two parts and this is the end of the first one. The final decision is how you want the next chapter to start. With all the new information that you got do you still want to?

A) Go to the meeting.

B) Ignore it.
No. 1095705 ID: c5529d

going to meeting
No. 1095706 ID: c5529d

Also, I wish the Archer luck to try hard to impress Bobbie and win her heart
No. 1095712 ID: 355e44

go to the meeting
No. 1095725 ID: 27fceb

Go to the meeting and I wish Vance the best of luck in impressing Bobbie and winning her heart.
No. 1095737 ID: c51648

Got no problem going to the meeting itself. However it does have to be asked. How do we do that with the cat having eyes everywhere? She could ambush us once we leave. Do we get the headsplitters to head to the castle instead? Does bug me that Dredge will know what's going on but no way around that one.
No. 1095740 ID: e25c20

Tomorrow the new part of the quest will start until then you can answer some questions here.

No. 1095771 ID: e25c20

The continuation of the story

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