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File 168877398957.jpg - (1.78MB , 1698x2305 , Monster queen1.jpg )
1067335 No. 1067335 ID: dc13c4

This is a continuation of the Rotten Apple quest but it also is like a reboot to it. A story of two characters who bullshit their way through their confrontations.
249 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1081304 ID: 95fd3c

Gram can probably keep a close eye on him to be sure hes not up to trouble if hes concerned.
No. 1081328 ID: dc13c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Give Gram some space.

B) Go and talk to her with Abdle.

C) Go and talk to her alone.

D) Other suggestions.

In the discussion thread, I posted something if you are interested in a little bit of history-building.

No. 1081343 ID: 5ebd37

A) We can talk to her later, give her some time to think. She and Ratislav should be secretly tasked with keeping an eye on Worm Works, although he'll probably know about it somehow.
For now we must continue this meeting.
No. 1081349 ID: dcefc3

Go and talk to her alone Bobbie, this was a cry for help from her. She is suffering from something that is eathing her from the inside and that should be addressed.
No. 1081354 ID: e69291

Seen this situation enough to know that emotions have to cool off. Once Gram's out of the turmoil of emotions though...
No. 1081480 ID: dc13c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go down the Overlord's Circle path.

B) Go down the diplomacy path.

C) Play both sides.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081487 ID: 5ebd37

A) It would be good to make connections with people in a similar position to us. Negotiation with the neighbors was always going to be an uphill battle, and likely to bear no fruit.
The circle is also more likely to bring us allies against the heroes, who will be after us no matter what we do.
No. 1081506 ID: e51896

B. I kinda love an underdog story, and doing our own thing, starting small and silent, but sneaking our way to the top by manipulating things in some subtle ways through negotiations until we becoming powerful without people realizing it until its too late. becoming strong immediately by having powerful connections kinda seems too loud and confrontational towards all our neighbors this early on.
No. 1081515 ID: 9bf1de

Leaning diplo because as previously stated, soft power gets you more places. Especially since we're the big fish locally but there's always a bigger fish. Still, just can't make an informed decision without knowing what we'd be signing up with. What is this Overlord's Circle? What's it's goal? What's the member benefits? What's the title of overlord do for us?
No. 1081519 ID: 27fceb

Go with the A)
No. 1081521 ID: dc13c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go down the Overlord's Circle path.

B) Go down the diplomacy path.

C) Play both sides.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081530 ID: 410cef

Don't see what benefit it would give. Just seems like we'd be closing diplomatic doors. Still, just ignoring them is impolite. Say we may consider it once we are more established but not now.
No. 1081545 ID: 4c0de2

I still think that we should try to play both sides and then see which one gives a better reward and then switch. So I suggest we repay to the letter with an interest to see her and then see where it goes from there. We need to create connections with others.
No. 1081582 ID: 5ebd37

D) Lets not get too closely tied to anyone just yet, our position of neutrality is currently our strongest defense.
But do reply to the letter, just to keep in contact with an eye to a possible alliance once we are in a stronger position.
No. 1081649 ID: dc13c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) We need the food.

B) We need materials.

C) We need clothing.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081652 ID: 5ebd37

B) Its best not to buy food unless we have a desperate shortage. What would be best for the long term is to get materials that would let us grow our own food, and make our own clothes.
We have the craftsfolk, lets get them what they need.
No. 1081668 ID: 9eceec

Will agree. Give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish. We'll build our own tools if we have to! Just like Howard Hughes. He started a company to build planes. He found out the tools he wanted didn't exist at all. So he shrugged and started a company to build the tools he wanted. Everything is easier with a better tool. Get better farm tools, get more food. Get better war tools aka weaponry/armor get better troops. Handy principle to know for leaders of most types.
No. 1081707 ID: 27fceb

Materials can be used to sell to others so I also vote for it as well.
No. 1081712 ID: 6d4c36

B. Dont forget, we're already planting some apple trees!
No. 1081756 ID: dc13c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Send the goblins to get him.

B) Poison him.

C) He is not worth our concern.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081786 ID: 048288

Let's not jump to conclusions. He didn't go to Humans or heroes. For all we know he's attempting to get them on our side. So keep an eye on him and find out what he's doing.
No. 1081799 ID: 5ebd37

C) The goblins aren't going to be telling any humans or heroes our secrets, and we don't want to sour relations with them. Keep an eye on the barrow, and if the former treasurer ever leaves we can catch him.
No. 1081823 ID: 27fceb

Maybe we should try to pull off the poisoning attempt. I mean those goblins already hate us what is new going to happen if they find out, they are going to hate us more?
No. 1081898 ID: dc13c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Continue listening.

B) Stop listening.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1081926 ID: becbff

Delegate. Let Ratislav do his spy thing, figure out what they've got up their sleeves. Everybody else, get ready and have Gram's second in command know. Let them know we'd like Gram to be informed as well as soon as she's ready and if that is now, go.
No. 1081939 ID: 5ebd37

A) This might be our only opportunity to observe Dredge before we confront him. Learn as much as we can about his personality.
No. 1081951 ID: 27fceb

Just continue gathering information, we need to know what is coming our way. We should as well talk with Gram, maybe she cooled off a little bit, but information first moral support second.
No. 1082014 ID: dc13c4
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It is up to you how you want to form the speech for this setback.
No. 1082017 ID: 875fab

He's made clear his intentions. He would have us flee, hide and cower until he finds us and kills us. Giving him what he wants would be a mistake. He is not invincible at all. He has his weaknesses. His troops may be leery to fight simply for his petty unwillingness to let this place go. He'd likely kill his own should desertion be a response. He is aggressive to a fault so tactical traps will be easier to pull off. He has limited manpower so every loss matters. From now on we must do all we can to weaken what he has. Strengthen what we have. Sweat saves blood. We will train and drill. We will build and deploy traps. We will add fortifications. We will harass and harry his forces and supplies. We will make his every step pain and if he arrives he will find hell waiting. Every second counts. With our labors we will send a clear message. Leave us be or die.
No. 1082018 ID: e593a2

Give a moment of silence for our little spy, and let Ratijlav know his spy will not be forgotten for its bravery and that we will not forget what this jerk did to that mouse. We will compensate any close relatives they had.
No. 1082028 ID: 4c0de2

This one is our first casualty but it doesn't mean it will be our last. We need to know how to continue after our failures and learn from them.
No. 1082086 ID: 5ebd37

He's killed one of our own, it's personal now. Let him come, fighting for his foolish pride. He clings to his past but we fight for our future, and we will leave him in the dust.
No. 1082108 ID: dc13c4
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No need for my hints, I want to hear how you feel about my questions.
No. 1082112 ID: 5ebd37

I think we've given sound advice (except for right at the end) I look forward to helping our queen again soon.
More candidly, I'm satisfied that we've been a positive influence, and guided Bobbie to success.
No. 1082122 ID: 27fceb

So you exist and your name tag describes you as the passage of time, so are you concept or god? As for your questions, I do feel we made a change in this world and didn't make any major mistakes, so far so good. But I am worried that the world was going easy on us and that the next battles will be harder.
No. 1082181 ID: fc6979

Existential questions huh? How delightful, so helpful with the mysteries that are life as well as purpose. Per your questions we have affected it but only on a small scale. Will that have a greater effect on things? Who knows. Prescience is not an ability we have. Should we fall will history record us as it did with the Human who aided non-humans? Will a future being decide to follow in those footsteps? Will they succeed where others failed? Or will historians see us as a footnote? Of course it'd be preferred that we succeed but who knows.
No. 1082201 ID: e51896

you look familiar... I think I've seen you from another world from another time. Did you follow me here? If you were looking for me, I'm not going back there, I'm more content here, but give my previous partners my regards if you meet them.

Yeah, I think we influenced stuff here, and affected stuff in this world, though probably not as huge. We're starting small as we work our way up.
No. 1082221 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1082254 ID: 5ebd37

I, for one, would not mind staying as a little phantom, whispering in the ear of royalty.
No. 1082255 ID: e51896

I prefer to stay the same, I'd rather not bring attention to myself
No. 1082256 ID: f5b16e

Strategy is all that matters regardless of the form it takes. Will leave this to others.
No. 1082264 ID: 27fceb

At this point, I like the little ghost flames so I vote to stay as them.
No. 1082267 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1082273 ID: 7df2b9

Well indirectly so... it could be a separate category perhaps? He did die outside of combat with us. Sorta like collateral damage? Like if a place with a large population is invaded civilians will die even if not intended.
No. 1082274 ID: 4c0de2

Yeah, we did kill him. Without our manipulation, he wouldn't do that out of desperation.
No. 1082275 ID: bd954c

We put him in the situation, but he choose to let some stranger dig around in his guts all on his own.
No. 1082277 ID: 4c0de2

If we are going to implay that we killed him might as well admit that we were the one who did it.
No. 1082280 ID: 256cef

I say we played a small part in his death, but it wasnt solely and mainly our doing. A lot of it was also other factors like his decisions and the action of the person who killed him. Prob 10-25% of it was our doing
No. 1082324 ID: dc13c4
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In the discussion thread, there is something prepared for this special occasion.

No. 1082767 ID: dc13c4

Continuation of the story

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