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File 168642164852.png - (144.28KB , 600x600 , SPH Title.png )
1065540 No. 1065540 ID: b4590d


The Tragedy of SPH-Chan
19 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1065566 ID: f95314

Oh thats easy, to get back to the dragon park, just go up a ways. You'll find something called "questdis" up there. Touch that, and you'll teleport. From there, go downwards, and you'll find it.
No. 1065602 ID: 770e46

HF, there's no time to explain!

RUN to the Purple District, HFD has to PH SPH ASAP.

You're bigger than 9 inches, right?
No. 1065639 ID: 7ff998
File 168651895716.png - (83.50KB , 600x600 , SPH 12.png )

>HF, there's no time to explain!

>RUN to the Purple District, HFD has to PH SPH ASAP.

HF's Dick: "Horny senses tingling! Someone needs our help! Follow me! No time to explain!"

No. 1065640 ID: 7ff998
File 168651895915.png - (94.10KB , 600x600 , SPH 12a.png )

>You're bigger than 9 inches, right?

HF's Dick: "You'd better believe it, bb!"
No. 1065641 ID: 7ff998
File 168651896222.png - (12.08KB , 600x600 , SPH 12b.png )

HF: "Where are we going?"

HF's Dick: "I said there's no time to explain!"

HF: "I feel like there's been more than enough—"
No. 1065642 ID: 7ff998
File 168651896795.png - (106.98KB , 600x600 , SPH 13.png )

HF's Dick: "We're here!"

HF: "The sex shop? I was gonna stop here after work anyway. You seriously couldn't wait?"

HF's Dick: "It's an emergency!"
No. 1065643 ID: 7ff998
File 168651897163.png - (166.65KB , 600x600 , SPH 14.png )

Meanwhile, inside...

>Put a cage on.

SPH-Chan: "So are these the biggest cages you've got?

Violet: "Yeah this is everything we have."

SPH-Chan: "Okay... Uhhh... I guess I'll try that one. Do you have a fitting room?"
No. 1065644 ID: 7ff998
File 168651897446.png - (109.23KB , 600x600 , SPH 15.png )


HF's Dick: "Everyone remain calm!"
No. 1065645 ID: 7ff998
File 168651897626.png - (222.25KB , 600x600 , SPH 16.png )

Violet: "Hey, Horny! I wasn't expecting you for another few hours. Did the park let you off early?"

SPH-Chan: "What the fuck? 'Sex emergency?'"
No. 1065652 ID: e51896

Tell Violet to close shop immediatly, we gotta hold an emergency dick size contest to put everyone in their place! Biggest cock wins prizes and is ruler of this city and gets their own harem. runner ups gets consolation blowjob prizes, smallest cock gets nothing and shamed and laughed outta town!

And we need all the preperation time possible for stuff like finding judges, big food stalls for audience wanting to watch the contest (all serving sausages, bratwursts, hotdogs, and bananas and eggplants for vegetarians) find location to hold it, music, a host (would violet or her mother want to host?)

and of course, participants! SPH-Chan over there can be one! whattaya say, SPH-Chan?
No. 1065654 ID: e51896

(Forgot to say the end goal, basically, we'll need to set up the contest, and then find people with larger dicks than SPH-Chan so she can get last place in the contest)
No. 1065659 ID: 5e3c95

No. 1065693 ID: 77626a

three words to own their heart:
"Ten inches, shrimpy."
No. 1065695 ID: e5709d

This is going to be one of those silly quests where your dicks go hyper trying to outgrow the other.

Sex first contest later.
No. 1066025 ID: 56cd30
File 168695999544.png - (134.52KB , 600x600 , SPH 17.png )

>Tell Violet to close shop immediately, we gotta hold an emergency dick size contest to put everyone in their place! Biggest cock wins prizes and is ruler of this city and gets their own harem. runner ups gets consolation blowjob prizes, smallest cock gets nothing and shamed and laughed outta town!

Horny Futa: Violet! You need to close your store right now because we need a—"
No. 1066026 ID: 56cd30
File 168695999773.png - (133.32KB , 600x600 , SPH 18.png )

Horny Futa: "What do we need again?"

Horny Futa's Dick: "A big dick contest."
No. 1066027 ID: 56cd30
File 168696000012.png - (146.50KB , 600x600 , SPH 19.png )


Horny Futa's Dick: "With prizes."

Horny Futa: "WITH PRIZES!"

Horny Futa's Dick: "Winner gets to be mayor for a day."

Horny Futa: "Winner gets to be mayor for a day!"

Horny Futa's Dick: "Losers get shamed."

Horny Futa: "Losers get publicly shamed in front of the whole city! We scorn their tiny weewees!"
No. 1066028 ID: 56cd30
File 168696000210.png - (164.53KB , 600x600 , SPH 22.png )


Horny Futa: "Pretty neat huh? She does tricks, too. I taught her to eat peanuts."

Horny Futa's Dick: "Gimme a peanut!"
No. 1066029 ID: 56cd30
File 168696000533.png - (79.09KB , 600x600 , SPH 20.png )

Violet: "So let me get this straight... you want me to close my business, in the middle of a Friday in the middle of Pride Month right before a long weekend when sex toy purchases are at their peak, so that I can organize a city-wide dick measuring contest with prizes and also somehow convince the mayor to let the winner be mayor for a day?"

Horny Futa: "..."
No. 1066030 ID: 56cd30
File 168696000709.png - (85.10KB , 600x600 , SPH 21.png )

Violet: "You're a fuckin' genius, Horny. Flip the sign around. We've got a contest to plan."
No. 1066051 ID: 77626a

hell yeah.

No. 1066086 ID: e51896

Alrighty, first things first is to convince the mayor to hold this contest. It'd be bad if we get start buying food, and rent a location only to find out the mayor disapproves and we waste money. Lets go to the mayor's office!

but first! I think we potentially found our first contestant. try and convince SPH-Chan to join. she's got big ol' clown sized 16 shoes, and you know what they say about people with big feet, she's gotta have a massive dick! Let her know that people that are a minimum of 9 inches erect is eligible to participate (not that you know her dick size, it's more that it'll mean that with 9 inches being the minimum, she'll be put in a contest where she'll be the smallest size compared to the other contestants)
No. 1066310 ID: 435f13
File 168722717872.png - (132.33KB , 675x600 , SPH 23.png )

>Alrighty, first things first is to convince the mayor to hold this contest. It'd be bad if we get start buying food, and rent a location only to find out the mayor disapproves and we waste money. Lets go to the mayor's office!
No. 1066311 ID: 435f13
File 168722718272.png - (106.02KB , 600x600 , SPH 24.png )

No. 1066312 ID: 435f13
File 168722718555.png - (63.79KB , 600x600 , SPH 25.png )

Mayor ???: "God, I hate this fucking city... What a God damned cesspool."
No. 1066313 ID: 435f13
File 168722719047.png - (66.10KB , 600x600 , SPH 26.png )

No. 1066314 ID: 435f13
File 168722719573.png - (63.79KB , 600x600 , SPH 25.png )

Mayor ???: "I wish a contest would come. A stupid, idiotic contest that would plunge this pit into total chaos... Send this whole place back to Hell."
No. 1066315 ID: 435f13
File 168722719946.png - (66.10KB , 600x600 , SPH 26.png )

No. 1066316 ID: 435f13
File 168722720239.png - (72.65KB , 600x600 , SPH 28.png )

Secretary Boobintitties: "Mister mayor? Three strange women and a talking penis just walked in off the street. They're here to speak to you about a contest? They don't have an appointment."
No. 1066317 ID: 435f13
File 168722720596.png - (74.77KB , 600x600 , SPH 29.png )

No. 1066318 ID: 435f13
File 168722720926.png - (72.65KB , 600x600 , SPH 28.png )

Mayor ???: "Send them in."
No. 1066319 ID: 435f13
File 168722721610.png - (200.61KB , 600x600 , SPH 30.png )

Horny Futa: "Thank you for meeting with us on this urgent matter, mister Mayor."
No. 1066320 ID: 435f13
File 168722721820.png - (98.51KB , 600x600 , SPH 31.png )

Mayor ???: "Oh but it's the least I could do..."
No. 1066321 ID: 435f13
File 168722722996.png - (153.93KB , 600x600 , SPH 32.png )

Mayor Turdburglar: "FOR MY ARCH RIVAL!!!"

No. 1066322 ID: 435f13
File 168722724896.gif - (70.62KB , 600x600 , hf207.gif )

OH NO! It turns out the Mayor is none other than Horny Futa's cousin and childhood nemesis, the nefarious FARTFACE TURDBURGLAR!
No. 1066323 ID: 435f13
File 168722726354.png - (198.18KB , 600x600 , SPH 33.png )

Violet: *GASP*

SPH-Chan: "Arch Rival? What?"

Horny Futa: "You see, mister Mayor, we need you to approve a city-wide dick measuring contest. The winner would get to be mayor for a day!"
No. 1066324 ID: 435f13
File 168722727157.png - (88.76KB , 600x600 , SPH 35.png )

Fartface Turdburglar: "Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you?"

Horny Futa: "Yes, very much!"

Fartface Turdburglar: "Do you know why I became mayor of this dungheap of a city, Horny? Because I knew, I knew that someday you'd need a favor from the mayor's office. And when that day came, I'd be the one sitting behind this desk when you came crawling in to beg for whatever idiotic idea popped into your tiny brain. You see, my dear cousin, ever since you humiliated me at the Murdermals regional quarter finals fifteen years ago, I've dedicated my every waking moment to getting revenge! And now all my carefully laid plans have come to fruition!"

Horny Futa: "..."

Horny Futa: "It's a dick measuring contest."

Fartface Turdburglar: "Our entire lives have been a dick-measuring contest, Horny. But now I'm the one holding the ruler! Oh... you'll get your precious contest, cousin. But it will be on my terms! You'll have to face my Elite Four! There will be no mercy for your weak, limp, pathetic little pecker."

Horny Futa's Dick: "Hey!"

Fartface Turdburglar: "No... After all these years I'll finally get you. And your little dog, too!"

Violet: "That's me! I'm her little dog! That's me!"

Fartface Turdburglar: "So what do you say, will you face my Elite Four and be made a laughingstock? Or shall you admit defeat now?"
No. 1066325 ID: 435f13
File 168722727666.png - (96.78KB , 600x600 , SPH 34.png )

No. 1066327 ID: 3ed3c3

>Elite Four
Are they hot? They better be hot, Turdface!
No. 1066328 ID: 482524

No. 1066329 ID: f58ae3

"Elite four? Come on, you can do better than four! What about five?"

Gotta get more elite hot people in on this to flirt with!
No. 1066330 ID: 273c18

It's fine. We already know SPH-chan's dick is smaller than yours. You can't lose! All you risk is getting second to last place.
No. 1066340 ID: 38349b

Yes, Perfect, thanks! you hear that SPH-chan! We'll have the town's elites to compete with!

*and then we have a scene showing turdface interviewing for his elite 4, only to try to interview SPH-chan* (or something like that)
No. 1066348 ID: 13740c

Sure, but check the ruler first.
No. 1066353 ID: 77626a

sure but we're using a competition-standard ruler provided by a sponsor as a third party.
No. 1066450 ID: e51896

SPH-Chan: finally ask why you were dragged into this??? youre so confused! AAAAAHHH!

Horny Futa: quietly explain that you and your 10in dick believes that she has a huge dick, and believes that with her competing, there's a chance that one of you can take down the elite four with the cushion that if you both fail, at least one of you would be the fall-futa of being shamed in public for the other (be sure to mention your dick size to her so she knows that our dick is bigger, and she'd be more likely to enter the contest if she knows hers is smaller than us)
No. 1067070 ID: 7a6db2

won't violet's mom blow dwarf every other dick in town? I shudder to think that there'd be BIGGGER dicks than her's
No. 1067214 ID: e9ee7a
File 168868648984.png - (99.78KB , 600x527 , SPH Penultimate.png )

Horny Futa: "Yeah me and the mayor go way back. It's like I always say, 'it pays to have connections!'"

Horny Futa's Dick: "You have literally never said that."

SPH-Chan: "So the entire city is going to be converted into a battlefield for a dick-measuring contest?"

Violet: "Pretty epic right? And the mayor's office will handle all the setup! All you guys haver to do is compete!"

Horny Futa: "From now on, we're living on easy street!"
No. 1067215 ID: e9ee7a
File 168868649222.png - (120.50KB , 600x527 , SPH Final.png )

Truck: "HONK HONK!!!!"
No. 1067216 ID: e9ee7a
File 168868649510.png - (63.71KB , 600x600 , SPH The End.png )

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