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101453 No. 101453 ID: b32ea1

Post-nuclear Post-apocolyptic Mayhem.
120 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 101768 ID: b32ea1
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I gently grab it and pull it under the desk with me. I won't struggle to show it I understand its warning me.

A light shines in from the hallway.
No. 101769 ID: b32ea1
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No. 102091 ID: b32ea1
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'Contamination detected-- Disposing of disallowed item--'

God damn! My hat!
No. 102092 ID: 476456

No. 102094 ID: e0aea5

If you think there is any hope of disabling that robot, then you damn well better save your hat.
No. 102101 ID: b32ea1
File 126225141751.png - (43.39KB , 640x480 , 35.png )

Boom! Headshot.

'Sensory systems damaged-- Emergency shutdown--'
No. 102107 ID: 426169

Take your hat and say: "Nobody messes with the hat."
No. 102110 ID: 476456

start fucking around with its circuitry before it reactivates or some shit.
No. 102111 ID: 445c48

Try to get some wires from our new robopal.
No. 102133 ID: 791976

Yeah, get wires, fix panel.
No. 102174 ID: b32ea1
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Good plan, partner. I hit it with the butt of my boomstick till wires start sticking out.
No. 102177 ID: 445c48

There was probably a better way to do that. One quieter and carrier less potential for damage to both robocomponents and gunstock.

Of course, you're in somewhat of a rush. Get the robo inside and close the door.
No. 102180 ID: 445c48

Also, grab wires. Grab so many wires.
No. 102182 ID: b32ea1
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Alright. I lock the robot into the security room.
Back at the panel the wires connect.
No. 102183 ID: b32ea1
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The lights flicker on and hum softly.
In addition I hear the grinding of the air filtration system.
No. 102206 ID: c0f3bf

Punch the air in triumph.
No. 102284 ID: b082e5

Success! Smirk a bit and say "Hey look, I'm an electrician!"

Hey, go back and check out that drawer in the desk in the security room.
No. 102285 ID: 059c31

Careful if they have security systems they will probably be online now.
No. 102288 ID: b32ea1
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Like I said, it's the lightswitch, partner. But perhaps some sensors may detect me easier like this?
I head back to the security room to check out the drawer.
No. 102289 ID: c0f3bf

That both looks and sounds important. You'd better take the disc and check the manual.
No. 102290 ID: f44349

No. 102291 ID: e0499d

robot already proved there's security

I think it's better to keep it off...
or at least set up a signal system for the power to go on and off

(1 chirp= keep wires together. 2 chirps= seperate wires)

this way you can stop alarms as soon as they start
No. 102295 ID: b32ea1
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Sounds good, folks. I read the guide. Not making that much sense to me. Probably would be better put to use when Im actually trying to use the thing.
I pocket the disc.
No. 102296 ID: c0f3bf

Is there a disc slot in that computer you can use? Maybe it'll automatically skip the password part if you put the disc in.
No. 102298 ID: b082e5

Hmm, your buddy seems interested in it. Let them take it for a while.

Go over to the numbered buttons and press one to see what it does.
No. 102300 ID: 8ce2bf

Give your new buddy a massage to strengthen your bond.
Is there anything written on the inside of the front/back cover of the manual? Someone forgetful could have written down their username and password.
No. 102302 ID: b32ea1
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Nope, it's all clean. There's no signs of personal things anywhere, really.
I give the book to the creep. It chitters and begins reading, I guess. I can't really tell.

I hit the switches at random. Suddenly the light in the hallway goes off.
I'm guessing it's lightswitches!
No. 102303 ID: b082e5

Well, restore the light back to where you turned it off, then.

Let's go check out Antenna 1.
No. 102308 ID: b32ea1
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The door to Antenna 1 is locked, but I open it with the skeletonkey.

The systems look online, but I have no idea how it works.
No. 102311 ID: b082e5

Well, that confirms my suspicions. This isn't a fallout shelter. It's a nuclear silo. Don't. Touch. Anything.
No. 102314 ID: 5d5878

Push all the buttons you see! What are the chances it's still armed and dangerous?

...on second thought, do not do that.
No. 102315 ID: 059c31

Yeah, any of these systems could be set to make the world even more explody, and considering there is likely decades of wear and tear on the delivery systems it will likely be in your specific locale.
No. 102317 ID: 791976

Doesn't seem to be much we can do in here, go across to Antenna 2.
No. 102322 ID: b32ea1
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Considering this is the antenna I doubt it controls the actual launchsilos. I'd have to go to the control room ah reckon.

I head over to Antenna 2. Same thing.
No. 102323 ID: c0f3bf

Why don't you ask clicks there if it knows anything about this stuff?
No. 102325 ID: b082e5

Oh, I guess this just detects missiles then, or something.

Go down the other corridor.
No. 102328 ID: b32ea1
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'Hey, clicks, what do you know of this?'
It clicks a few times.

No. 102329 ID: c0f3bf

Other corridor it is then...
No. 102331 ID: b32ea1
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Listen, folks. I dun walk 'round without a goal.
Have look at this map in the security room. Where am I going?
No. 102332 ID: c0f3bf

Head on to the control center
No. 102334 ID: b082e5

Uh... Well, according to that, the way we came in should've led to the rest of the facility. Maybe someone printed it backwards? It's weird that the exit and security room aren't marked anywhere... and no barracks or sleeping quarters. Try heading to 15, the 'Portal'.
No. 102347 ID: 1c48f4

Try engaging in a mutual language learning adventure ending in your best friendship.
No. 102352 ID: 6164e0

Say.... you could use the map and the user manual to appraise if your companion can read.

Point to words, pronounce them, then point to words you haven't said, and see if the bug can say them or something similar.
No. 102360 ID: fb839e

control center, though portal sounds interesting. How valuable is water in your post apocolyptia?
No. 102386 ID: b32ea1
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Ayup. Seems like our entrance 'n the security room arent on the map. Perhaps it just shows the important internal parts, not the connections to the outside.
Makes me wonder 'bout that there 'portal', though.

Water ain't much of a deal in the big cities. They got purifiers runnin'.

Hell, I'll just take this friggin' layout with me.
On to the control room.
No. 102387 ID: b32ea1
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Here we are.
Still looks like nothing I can handle, folks.
But it looks like a nice place to sit down if I wanna have a bit of a chat with bugface-- 'cuse me, 'Clicks' here.
No. 102388 ID: 791976

To the portal!
No. 102389 ID: b32ea1
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>Will Derrick head for the portal or try to talk with Clicks? Tune in next time!
No. 109938 ID: 67c611

Needs continuing.
No. 110051 ID: c0f3bf

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