Lilac Light Circles
Well, you know, you aren't actually saying you've thrown away your protection and you're already trying, you're just thinking about it, just keeping your mind open. You both agree that the cost is a real issue, and that you still need to pay off your school debt and find a place of your own before you really need to make a hard decision. But it's something he really wants, and you love him, and it would be really nice to do it for him--with him, if you decide it's something you want to pursue.
But the marriage isn't at risk of falling apart. You've been very happy together, and expect to stay happy together. And that mitigates the sting of the loss of freedom; you want to spend the rest of your life to him, so kids wouldn't make you much more tied down than you would already be. You trust Henry to stick with you--he's proven his loyalty and dedication. You're confident that you're both in it for the long haul. It's a big commitment, yeah, but it would be a part of the commitment you've already sworn to share the rest of your lives with each other.
It would probably be good for any prospective kids, too. Henry's loyal and hard-working, and he wants to be a dad; he'd probably be good at it! You know any family with him as part of the foundation is built on solid ground. Raising kids is hard, but you know that you won't be alone in raising them, and that with his support, the kids aren't going to want for attention or any necessity.
You don't need to say out loud to Sophie that the one thing that could cause the marriage to start to unravel is far less likely to be a dealbreaker if a kid's involved. For one, having a baby is about the least manly thing you can do, and you'll be able to play that as a trump card if he ever has doubts. And even if your relationship does start to sour (not that it would), a kid with him would probably make him less likely to walk. His loyalty wouldn't allow it, and his commitment to raising the kids in a stable family would trump a desire to leave.