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File 172356143637.jpg - (4.41MB , 1964x3089 , Monster queen165.jpg )
1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

167 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1100169 ID: 6c233e

I would second this
No. 1100205 ID: 6a5cc1
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Answer his question.

B) Don't answer his question.

C) Try to change the subject.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100220 ID: 9cf8d5

Well credit where it's due. Worthy goal to have people with destructive personalities be channeled to positive goals. We hope that you realize soon we are not a negative thing to be eliminated. Per your question Abdle is busy during these negotiations. Having co-rulers does mean things can be done in two places at once (zero lies even if it is very misleading - he's busy "changing" and the second sentence is just a fact but not in use). Just as you have a responsibility to your people so do we. So here's our followup. Since the castle was abandoned it would have dilapidated without people to maintain its status. We are doing you a free service and we would be willing to allow the landlord to visit freely so as to assure we are not up to no good. Why do you object to our tenancy and given our need for a place to stay do you have ideas for where we could go where our people would be safe as we would be in the castle?
No. 1100223 ID: 6c233e

A) Abdle is busy with other matters, thats all. And for the record, we were sold the castle under false pretenses. If it hadn't appeared completely abandoned we wouldn't have taken it.
No. 1100235 ID: 2e49be

A. Let him know the location of the decoy. Dont let him know Abdle is here. It will make Bobbie appear she is a woman of her word to everyone here

Here is the game plan, we have to pretend that we want to make ammends with iron Dredge, so try not to be too accusatory or confrontational. The goal is to make Heartbeat and leaf leader think we are the ones trying to make things work while Iron Dredge is being unreasonable and incompetent, and will make them trust us more if conflict inevitably does break out.

That said, say something along the lines of
"ah, so you forgive those who has committed evil acts and give them a second chance to redeem themselves for their actions by allowing them to work with you. That's honorable of you. In that case, you wouldnt be opposed to forgive us for our actions and allow us another chance to redeem ourselves by letting our two kingdoms to work together then?"

This might put him on the spot, if he declines, he shows himself to Leaf Leader and Heartbeat as a liar if hes willing to bring in and trust people who has done terrible deeds enough to get exiled but not us who had similarly done something evil in his eyes, and that he may have ulterior motives
No. 1100329 ID: 27fceb

Tell him, we're not so different you and I.
No. 1100353 ID: 8fff14
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Talk with Heartbeat.

B) Try to talk with Dredge.

C) The thought of hating humans is coming back.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100355 ID: ad0f7c

Have you forgotten we are guests? We are only allowed to stay by the will of the one hosting us. Heartbeat he has respect for you so perhaps he'd be less opposed to proposals from you rather than us?
No. 1100371 ID: 239831

Doing good so far, Bobbie. He gave us ammo to work with with his own lies if we want to show Heartbeat and Leaf Leader that Iron Dredge is untrustworthy to work with.

I think the direction we have to go now is to try and show that Iron Dredge have a more ulterior motive than just get rid of monsters, and there is something one of his followers did that proves that isn't just the case

Tell him "even if I did what you say and let my monster followers die and instead live with the peasants in the town in order to work with you, how can I trust you won't just attack the villagers after, especially when you had your cat theif terrorize them the other day? and might I add they are human villagers, not monsters. Is you refusing to settle our differences really all because you want to rid of my monsters living near the village? Or is that just an excuse and there something else you're purposely not revealing to us all here considering the fact you're harming the human villagers too?
No. 1100374 ID: 27fceb

We got this negotiations in the bag, nobody likes Dredge and how things might play out he is not making it easy for himself to he more likeable.
No. 1100380 ID: 6c233e

If he doesn't want to talk then so be it. Time to continue negotiating with Heartbeat. No doubt dredge will keep interrupting and making a nuisance of himself, but that just makes you look better.
If he tries to berate you anymore just tell him that you won't listen to someone who would ask you to betray your people.
No. 1100403 ID: 01d95d
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) ...............

B) ...............

C) ...............

D) No other suggestions.
No. 1100404 ID: 6c233e

That's only a half truth. We threatened your son, but he went and got himself killed all on his own. Back alley doctors will do that to ya.

We won't apologize for defending ourselves, but it is regrettable how things turned out. He was a true warrior, defiant to the end. IF we can do anything to honor his memory please let us know.

(shouldn't mention this in front of dredge, but archer can corroborate our side of the story.)
No. 1100419 ID: d8e7b9

Wow good thing we avoided credit in his death. So all we have to do is give our official line and...
>Option D
Hah well played DeVoid you glorious bastard, slightly railroad-y but good tension added. Well no suggestions to Bobbie? Fine. Wormworks you know our official line. Would you do the honors?
No. 1100422 ID: 0d05ce

Sounds like the way to go,

But if we can't suggest this for some reason as D dictated, then the druid (wormworks) will have to help her out of this mess.

Wormworks, can you hear us? I think Bobbie is shocked into beinf speechless, so I would like for you to bring the Archer in and have him tell everyone what he witnessed in the exchange. Immediatly tell everyone you actually spoke with a witness (the archer) of what happened, and you can bring him in to speak about what he witnessed. Thanks.
No. 1100430 ID: 0d05ce

This was a good idea too, though him speaking for us about what happened might make the others suspicious since he's pretending to be a druid of heatbeat in no way associated to us, which is why I am going in the direction of asking him to invite the archer un to speak for us as a witness.
No. 1100444 ID: 27fceb

Bobbie you need to focus, snap out of this confusion right now. We need to deny the death of Ramming Rage don't lose the control of this negotiations.
No. 1100447 ID: c5529d

y'know, I was doing some thinking, and I might be misremembering the curse, so correct me if I'm wrong: but what if the reason Iron Dredge thinks there is no curse is because he thinks Ramming Rage was killed by us during battle at our territory, and no curse happened since it was assumed fight that happened at our territory? might be something to keep in mind if true if he is confusing what happened there was a battle, and not a session of mind games like it actually was.

I'll end with some pep talk to Bobbie too, yes, this is a bad situation, but I will say with this path of becoming an overlord, there's going to be plenty of bad situations like this in the future, as well as good. And as far as this bad situation goes, while it is a curveball, it is not the worst situation as far as bad situations go. As one of us spirits said, you didn't take credit for his death earlier, so this situation could have actually gone a lot worse. Believe me, I've helped an extremely unlucky person before, and it was unbelievable the amount of trouble she couldn't get out of was. Compare to that, this is nothing more than a setback that we can easily get out of.

and if you need time to compose yourself, Wormworks, and hopefully maybe Archer even will vouch for you here.
No. 1100451 ID: 1e46c7

Eh, he said he spoke to the villagers so he could have "heard" we denied credit for rage's death while there. Does explain why rage opted for diplomacy though. He feared the curse hitting his people.
No. 1100462 ID: c5529d

good point.
No. 1100522 ID: e12dd1
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Make it 500 coins and he is all yours.

B) He is not for sale!

C) It is up to him to choose that.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100527 ID: c5529d

hmmmm... not voting yet as I want to hear what others say, but I'm thinking this could be a good opportunity for Victorio the archer to play double agent here, pretend he's joining Iron Dredge, and he can get a good idea of what Iron Dredge is planning on the inside. This is all considering he did Bobbie's test with the needle earlier.
No. 1100530 ID: 6c233e

Dredge seems rather unhinged, I wouldn't expect archer to last long. Would probably be executed as an example weather dredge thinks he's sincere or not.

Lets not humor this rambling. Tell Dredge he should be making this offer to Archer, then walk away. Its up to Archer if he follows you or not.
No. 1100566 ID: 27fceb

A) maybe we can sell him and when we beat his boss we get him back for free.
No. 1100722 ID: 0588f8

Well wormworks blew his cover with the second part of what he said. First part may have been excused by saying he spoke with the now named follower of ours. Oh well. We know dredge does kill people who leave so no gambling with his life. "Do you see him as mere property dredge? We see him as a free being. We'll prove it too. He may think his life is worth a getting us a few coins. He'd be wrong. So he is yours for free if you convince him to join your side. Otherwise we have no deal. Let's see if his new life is worth more than you ever offered."
No. 1100781 ID: 3ea4ff
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Deny that allegation.

B) Admit it.

C) Think of a lie.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100783 ID: 94f70b

B) it's a simple precaution, taken not because he is human but because only a day before he loosed an arrow at her face. A precaution he agreed to, fully free to walk away.

(Now would be a great time, if you have a needle and good slight of hand, to pretend to remove the needle from his heart. A show of trust and goodwill, and it was all a bluff anyway so no advantage lost.)

(Say, I wonder if sharp fingernails count as a weapon to the curse. Can you just attempt to scratch someone to move your hand through them? Could be useful.)
No. 1100784 ID: 395e7c

Oh you screwed up big dredge. "How misleading of you dredge. First we'd remove it if he decided to leave our service. Second he had the option to object when we did so. Did you object at all? Oh and here's a followup that would be very telling. Would you have allowed rage or dredge to do the exact same thing if they asked?
No. 1100802 ID: c5529d

I think Heartbeat is too exhausted from these arguments that Iron Dredge has been trying to start, especially since Iron Dredge is inconsiderately using his son's death to paint him in a good light, and having an argument over this will probably piss off Heartbeat. Lets try to bring the floor back to Heartbeat by keeping this argument brief and to the point and immediately change the subject back to what Heartbeat was about to say.

Simply say that the archer did attack first, so it's common sense to want to take precautions like that. Can we please get back to what Heartbeat was going to say, he's our host after all.
No. 1100962 ID: 27fceb

Tell Dredge that he was responsible for the death of Ramming Rage. We can use that lie like this: "When he wanted to leave Dredge didn't want for that to happen so he killed him."
No. 1101016 ID: 3ea4ff
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell everyone in this room just how much you hate humanity.

B) Tell everyone in this room just how much you hate humanity.

C) Tell everyone in this room just how much you hate humanity.

D) No other suggestions.
No. 1101017 ID: c5529d

We will really really need to have a sitdown talk with Bobbie and train her to keep her emotions under control once we get freetime.

But for right now, I think the Archer Victorio needs to step up now. we need him to immediately do something to interrupt Bobbie before she blows up on everyone

Victorio, can you hear us? I need you to defend your, and Bobbie's honor before she says something she might regret in her anger. If you've been listening, Dredge has earlier called you a "worthless human" when he tried to buy you off of Bobbie, and his wife has now been calling you "weak" You are none of those,

but where they see weakness, Bobbie saw strength in you, enough to have you join her. I want you to immediately speak out against the insults they said about you, and why you continue to follow Bobbie. And if you can, be assertive, and angered in your response, I need you to be angry in your response so Bobbie doesn't have to and can calm down, at least enough to regain her composure to make rational thoughts. Thanks, man.
No. 1101028 ID: a2cc2c

I didn't know that the pyromancer was the wife of the Dredge, well at least that explains why Ramming didn't beat her up. I like Will-O'-Liquid's suggestion, Worm Works can you back up Victorio when he starts being angry? We need Bobbie to be distracted from her rage.
No. 1101029 ID: 50a6fb

Oof it's bad if Gray is the one talking sense. Hey Vittorio. Should probably get to her questions now. Did you object to the needle? Would you let rage or dredge do the needle thing if they could and asked? Should that fail Bobbie could follow up with "Just because I dislike Humans means nothing. People who cooperate can hate the person they do a job with. Obviously because they get more done. Which means more for both."
No. 1101043 ID: 6c233e

Dredge really do seem obsessed with human superiority. Something along the lines of "just because we aren't treating humans as some divine beings doesn't mean we hate them" would be a good counter.
No. 1101129 ID: 9246cb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Yes!

B) Yes yes.

C) Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!


E) Yes......yes

F) .......no......

G) Yes!?

H) Yes!

I) Yes yes yes!
No. 1101135 ID: c86a5c

...Victorio if you leave you'll have a Grand Marshal at your side... Just have this to say Bobbie. Hypocritical of you to eliminate untame humans (meaning ones you have no command of) for eliminating things they see as untamed. Such excessive hypocrisy is concerning. Won't dig you out of this one. Either you stop with the hypocrisy and dig yourself out of this hole or dig yourself too deep to leave.
No. 1101137 ID: c5529d

Time to do damage control, and really really need to teach Bobbie meditation when we get back (if she survives), it'll do her good.

At least you got it out of your system (hopefully). So for now, for damage control, you'll just have to own up to it.

I think for now, E will have to do, as going with F will just make Bobbie at this point look like a pathetic liar, especially after she poured her heart and soul about wanting to kill humanity. With E, having the Ellipsis between "Yes......yes" at least implies that she doesn't necessarily want it to be the case, and she still wants her faith in humanity to be restored.

Bobbie needs to explain that she doesn't WANT this decision to be the case, but at this moment, she at least TRYING to see the good in humanity. However right now, Heartbeat and the Headsplitters killing all goblins on sight without actually talking it out with their leader like Heartbeat is trying to have her and Iron Dredge do, and Iron Dredge's insistence in wanting to kill all of monsterkind and not making any actual effort to try to talk things out and work out an agreement and instead try to make her out to be the most horrible person in the world is not making it easier for her.

She also needs to make it a point that maybe that's why she hired the archer in the first place, she wants to see that maybe just maybe, he can restore the faith in humanity that she lost one day, as she was human once too.

We'll also need to point out that if we can't work out a deal with Heartbeat because of her hatred with humanity, she has to at least try to have Heartbeat cut ties with Iron Dredge, cause having both of them work together against Bobbie is not going to go well. She needs to remind Heartbeat that although she's racist against humans, and if he can't work out some kind of deal with her because of it, she is not exactly sure how anyone can work with Iron Dredge as well, especially after he has shown that he has been untrustworthy, doing things like not telling Heartbeat about his son's passing until now when it's most convenient, and instead wanting him to send more people into his army, and having his minions doing horrible things to the village near the castle Bobbie resides in.
No. 1101148 ID: 27fceb

Well Bobbie use this experience to reflect on your actions, your opponent got exactly what he wanted from you. He got inside your head and pushed you, do not let that happen again.
No. 1101149 ID: 6c233e

What is your main goal Bobbie? Isn't it to protect your people? That's the only course that will get you out of this conversation looking like anything less than a genocidal maniac.

Worm Works, get that hand off your face. If you hadn't messed with Abdle we wouldn't be in this situation.
No. 1101153 ID: 64b993

Agreed, please don't face palm, Wormworks. This will make things worse if they catch your actions and call you out and accuse you of working with us. We will help Bobbie out of this mess, don't worry. Iron Dredge made much more big mistakes in this meeting after all. This was only our first one all things considered

>If you hadn't messed with Abdle we wouldn't be in this situation.

Let's not play the blame game for now, directing anger on someone else instead of focusing on the problem is counterintuitive. Let's focus on the situation at hand. We can talk about the errors everyone made here after everything is done here, and how to proceed in the future
No. 1101279 ID: 9246cb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Agree with the Druid.

B) Disagree with the Druid.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1101282 ID: c5529d

golden opportunity you say, Wormworks?

Hmm... golden opportunity... Golden Abdle... Gray Opportunity... is Wormworks hinting at handing over the golden apple to Heartbeat to borrow as a show of "gratitude"?

Gray Opportunity can manipulate people that holds Abdle, we seen that happen to Nasty when she held him. Honestly I've been considering that idea for a while, but was too unsure, but it feels like the vibe is now that's the direction Wormworks wants us to take.

We have to not make it too obvious that Gray Opportunity will be manipulating Heartbeat though, like having Gray Opportunity make Heartbeat too agreeable with us, or downright reject Iron Dredge automatically, or else Iron Dredge might get suspicious of everything and the apple.

Gray opportunity can have Heartbeat return Abdle to us a little later after the meeting, and if that don't work, Wormworks can get him back for us, considering he's an undercover mole within the Headsplitters as a druid.

A (might actually be C): Show sign of gratitude by handing over the golden apple to Heartbeat as a gift to show appreciation for a second chance.

I mean, we did tell Nasty earlier it was going to be a gift for Heartbeat anyways
No. 1101291 ID: 0e53e8

>>1101282 ...Well. Have been looking for a way to do this. Only one person here desires a fight which of course is dredge. Gray can you subtly -emphasis on subtle - point out this? Get a feel for how far he'd be willing to go to stop this? We are in his camp surrounded by his people. Just nudge him towards the obvious way to stop this. Just avoid going too fast because he may see what is going on if you do.
No. 1101301 ID: 6c233e

This is a cockamamie scheme that puts Abdle at incredible risk.

Better to play dumb. Yes, a golden opportunity for a generous... trade deal!
No. 1101350 ID: 27fceb

Maybe we can be a little bit subtle with our approach. Go for a handshake with Heartbeat and with your other hand put the golden apple in his pocket.
No. 1101399 ID: 9246cb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Do it.

B) Don't do it.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1101402 ID: 6f8677

Patience. For now. We suddenly bring up rage and her accusation of mind influence will have credence. So far dredge has dug his own grave and we've hardly had to provide the shovel. Subtlety is key here. Just make Bobbie's words look better and dredge's worse. He IS a self-admitted liar while Bobbie has spoke truth even when it was negative to do so. Just wait for dredge to screw up with his blustering and that's when to make a move on his mind.
No. 1101413 ID: a2cc2c

We better not push our luck, we are in his mind that will give us a solid hint in which direction to push but not make it too obvious. For now, we wait and see what our opponent will do.
No. 1101471 ID: 6c233e

Just knowing what he's thinking is enough. Assure him he doesn't need to pick a side, we simply don't want to fight. Let Dredge be the pushy one demanding action, just like he sent Rage into unnecessary conflict to then die.
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