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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
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No. 1093932 ID: 9f8647
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Which sorority sister of Phi Lambda Upsilon will be our protagonist? Fairies are clockwise from upper left:

1. Landi, the Party Animal
2. Ellie, the Nerd
3. Rocio, the Gym Bunny
4. Vivi, the Fencer
No. 1093934 ID: 5ebd37

2) Ellie!
No. 1093935 ID: b77c63

Vivi, the only fairy we havent really gotten aquainted with. Itd be a blank slate for us
No. 1093936 ID: 3a5042

3, Rocio!
No. 1093937 ID: a7a180

Ellie. Time to shake things up for her!
No. 1093938 ID: 4c750c

Ellie pls!
No. 1093944 ID: b55e17

Landi but if we do Ellie I demand many shots of her chest.
No. 1093952 ID: 2f41db

Second for vivi.
No. 1093953 ID: 51ed13

2. Nerds FTW
No. 1093962 ID: 05a3b7

4, Vivi.
No. 1093965 ID: 4b82e6

No. 1093966 ID: 3660f4

I'm gonna go with Vivi, she needs more screen time.
No. 1093978 ID: 536389

My vote's on Vivi
No. 1093979 ID: 681cb5

2 for the nerd
No. 1093980 ID: 77fb08

No. 1093987 ID: 9f8647
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You are Vivi: fencer, criminal justice major, and certified tuff girl™ that keeps her fencing wing-paint on because it’s totally awesome for people to see where it’s legal to poke you if they’re fast enough. But they’re not. Nobody outside the Varsity League is, and not a lot of them are. You’ve got the eighteen-in-a-row victory pips to prove it! Nobody’s taking that streak.

You’re sure there’s no homework due tomorrow, so there’s no harm in spending an evening out. All you’ve gotta do is find Landi, and she’ll figure out the rest.
No. 1093989 ID: 9f8647
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One thing she won’t figure out, however, is why your bestie Rocio is taking a bikini milk bath in the sorority house’s front yard.

“Vivi! I’m so glad you showed up just now!” Rocio exclaims. “You’ve gotta try this. I heard it on grapeVine that milk is the BEST for silky smooth skin and it WORKS!”

She is the exercise major… but no, this is too much. Plus it’d wash off your paint, and you’d have to go through the whole deal with applying concealer and re-painting your wings for your next match in a few days. You shrug your shoulders and drift toward the front door.

“Come on, don’t be like that,” Rocio pouts. “You should let me pamper you once in a while. Why don’t you let the docs patch up those wings? Landi’s sure you’ll polish up great.”

In a real life-and-death hunting real criminals at a real job adventuring, you won’t always have the luxury of flying on perfect wings. It’s smart to practice like this, and lots of fencing fairies do it until they can’t stand the inconvenience, or until they finally take one where it really hurts.

Rocio is giving you those puppy dog eyes.


1. You think she’s trying to be polite about something… what is it? Think, Vivi!

2. You’re kind of feeling judged right now. Do you turn down the Milk Mistress and go find Landi for some non-judgmental fun?

No. 1093990 ID: 07e437

Might wanna warn Rocio the milk is washing away her fairy dust. So embarrassing and awkward.
No. 1093991 ID: a7a180

1. Rocio's wings are outside the bottle, your markings would stay intact during a little milk bath!
No. 1093993 ID: 4c750c

Do this, but magically vanish Rocio’s bikini bottoms first. You’re a fairy with magic and stuff, you could do that probably? Then leave to go find Landi, Vanishing Rocio’s swimwear definitely won’t come back to bite you at all.
No. 1093994 ID: 4c750c

Oh! Didn’t mean to be anonymous there, apologies!
No. 1093995 ID: 07e437

Also, 1.

i think shes trying to tell you... youre dirty. Take a bath, stinky.
No. 1094001 ID: 3a5042


This is almost definitely it.


Y'know what, screw it, why not get into some shenanigans early? We're a new fairy, if we do it right out of the gate we're just establishing that as part of her character.
No. 1094014 ID: 2f41db

1, for sure.

Maybe she has an ulterior motive...
Landi said you'd "scrub up nicely"
Why would they want you all prettied up?
Are... are they setting you up with someone?
No. 1094268 ID: 9f8647
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Is Rocio hinting that you should take a bath? She’s not very subtle about it.

“It’ll wash off my fairy dust and my cool fencing paint,” you say.

“Nah, this stuff won’t do a thing to your awesome glow, and you can hang your wings off the rim of the bottle,” Rocio says. “I’ve been in here for, like, twenty minutes and I’m still as glowy as I was when I hopped in!”

It’s true: Rocio’s topped off on fairy dust, and the only reason you can see her so well is because you’re on her wavelength, so to speak. Fairies and other small magical folk (like Djinn) that know each other really well have the privilege of seeing each other as they really are, with minimal interference from the glow.

“Mhm, let’s test that theory,” you say to Rocio. “So if this really doesn’t wash away your dust, then you won’t mind if I do this?”

You snap your fingers and try that bit of Godmother magic Landi taught you, vanishing a part of Rocio’s outfit into thin air.

“Aaaah!” Rocio yelps. “M-my bottoms! Where’d they go?! Vivi, give them back!”

1. Do you know where they went?

2. Do you help Rocio out?

No. 1094270 ID: c5529d

1. Vivi's wearing them!

also, she still needs to prove the fairy dust didn't wash off her and get it back herself ;P.
No. 1094271 ID: a7a180

No, and yes.
No. 1094273 ID: 5a30c8

1. You know that you can control where the clothing you vanish goes, but you decided to quit learning this magic at around the time that would be taught. It was around when you realized there wasn't as much actual combat utility to this as you'd thought. Rocio's bottoms probably either got dropped somewhere in your inventory, or otherwise just "somewhere".

2. See, you could help her out, but then you would be robbing her of the experience she'd gain through finding her own way out of this situation. After all, why go to college if you don't wanna learn?
No. 1094280 ID: 5ebd37

1) the one combat use for this spell is to transfer armor from an opponent to you. Thus Vivi is wearing them. But if she doesn't practice it often they probably ended up at a random location, like on her head.
No. 1094283 ID: c5529d

I love that idea!
No. 1094294 ID: 2f41db

Fully support this.
No. 1094301 ID: 4c750c

Yeah, I’m for them appearing on Vivi’s head, and Rocio has to get them back herself~
No. 1094304 ID: 9f8647
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You open your mouth to tell Rocio that you don’t know where her bottoms went, but the sodden, dripping sensation of milk running down your hair, cheeks, and neck answers the question for you.

Her bikini bottoms are on your head.


You whip Rocio’s bottoms off your head and drape them around your scabbard.
Truth be told, you didn’t expect to know where Rocio’s bottoms went. You didn’t take space-time classes like Landi, so you don’t have a magical inventory like she does. Without that, any vanishing magic you wanted to use for combat purposes tends to glitch out and put the armor you steal in random places, sometimes on your person, sometimes not. It’s not as useful for combat as you’d have liked, and you just don’t practice it very much.

Space-time magic is hard, actually. It’s shocking that Landi managed to barely pass that space-time class, but you have to admit the girl was very, very motivated to fit that pony keg for the party in what little cleavage she had.

“Is that them?” Rocio asks, squinting through your glow. You instinctively flare your glow to cover up, but reluctantly let down your guard knowing it’s your sorority sister asking. “There they are! Give them back, pretty please!”

“What good would that do you?” you scoff. “C’mon, you came to college to learn, right? Come and get ‘em!”

“No fair!” Rocio huffs. “I’m never gonna get ‘em away from you. You’re too quick! This isn’t fair!”

“Then it’s a good thing your dust isn’t washing off,” I say. “Your glow is fueled by self-confidence, right? Just like Landi’s is by partying and being social, and Ellie’s glow is fueled by focus. I’m sure no one will be able to see your bare butt as long as you believe in yourself…”

“VIVI!” Rocio shrieks as you turn to go inside the sorority house. She goes to climb out of the milk bottle, and she’s apparently not very confident at that moment. For the trained eye, it's an eyeful. She yelps and dunks herself back inside.

“Just beliiii~~~~~~~~eve!”

Satisfied you’ve done your good deed for the day, you head inside. It looks like it’s a full house for a Thursday night. Most of the sorority is prepping for an evening of fun, but Ellie is studying for a pop quiz she’s sure will happen tomorrow. The Djinni in your year are Sage (Earth Djinn), Genice (Ice Djinn), and Ember (Fire Djinn). You can hear Landi crashing through the party supply cabinet and getting yelled at by the sorority president.

Before you settle in after a hard day’s work, you remember what Rocio said. You self-consciously lift an arm and take a quick sniff.

Nah, you’re fine. It’s fine. Fiiiiiine. Mm-hm.

What do you do now?
No. 1094305 ID: ff9948

Maybe dab some of that milk on your pits. That's basically the same as taking a full-on bath.

Afterwards, go watch Landi get shouted at.
No. 1094306 ID: a7a180

Talk to Sage, get some perfume!
No. 1094307 ID: 8c1e56

We were supposed to look for Landi and have a girls night out this evening, remember? Probably help her out so we can get the party started
No. 1094308 ID: b57fea

absolutely nothing can go wrong with this plan
No. 1094309 ID: 5ebd37

Yes dab the milk-sodden bottoms on you. A perfectly normal thing to do.
No. 1094310 ID: ff9948


We are very normal here.
No. 1094311 ID: 77fb08

Keep the panties for blackmail, trading to some frat dude, or giving to Landi for a favor and/or shenanigans. Or to wear on your head during a fencing match, as the ultimate flex/distraction to your opponent.

Help Landi in her "exploration" of the cabinet
No. 1094314 ID: eb0a9c

Make sure you wear a mask and remove anything personal in your dorm room!
No. 1094315 ID: 2f41db

Something about the smell of milk over time...
Nah cant be important either

More important to stash your gear then see what carnage landi is wreaking.

(She is going to smell like an arsehole flavoured yoghurt by nighttime)
No. 1094318 ID: a7a180

You know what else you could do? Plot with Landi to sneak some guests into the party from outside the college. A bit of fairy dust should be able to make them fit, and she's better with magic than you. The magic-y kind of magic, anyway.
No. 1094320 ID: 4c750c

Ellie doesn’t seem like she’s having fun! We should convince her how smart and cool she is, and that she has time for partying. If we let Landi do it, she’ll probably beg and whine and plead and get nowhere. (This is past Landi we’re talking about)
No. 1094326 ID: 9f8647
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Rocio said a milk bath would you good, and she’s the exercise science major. Who are you to argue? You put the borrowed bottoms to good use with a quick once-over on your ‘pits. Thanks, Rocio!

With cleanup done, you step into the sorority house foyer and toss your fencing bag to the floor, then hang up your scabbard on the coat rack. It’ll be right there with Rocio’s bottoms when you come back for it, you’re sure. And if Rocio comes in through the front door as(s) she is, then she’s earned ‘em back.

You briefly consider going upstairs to haul Ellie down to join in the fun. What are the odds of a pop quiz on a Friday? Like zero. Negative zero? That girl needs to learn how to have fun and blow off some steam.

The shouting from the sorority president, Minna, changes your mind. She’s not taking Landi’s side, and that’s no good.

“We’re down to just over half the mixers we just bought!”

“Uh-huh!” Landi nods proudly. “And I brought in half the money in the fundraiser last month. That’s half my work going to a good cause!”

“Landi, just because you brought in the most money in the fundraiser, doesn’t mean you can raid the party cabinet whenever you want!” Minna seethes. “That’s for the sorority, not for you!”

“But I’m in the sorority,” Landi cocks her head to one side. “Plus I’m, like, helping boost our rep out there as the most generous, awesome girl on campus. What’s the problem?”

“What are we going to do when we throw a party at our place?”

“Then I’ll ask for help, and people will help. There’s lots’a nice frat guys who’d love to pitch in!”

“Landi, you are not raiding this cabinet tonight, so help me I will write you up again, and you’ll be in real trouble then!”

Landi? In trouble? Not cool.

What do you do, if anything? Is Minna in the right?
No. 1094327 ID: a7a180

Defend your sorority sister's right to access the sorority drinks!
No. 1094328 ID: b276da

Yes, she is.

But just for a laugh, call the frat boys and use the booze to set the principal's office on fire.
No. 1094331 ID: ff9948

She's almost certainly in the right, but she's also boring. The solution is obvious: Landi would be written up for the repeat offense, whereas you wouldn't be. Just take the booze yourself before you head out tonight.

As for the conversation in front of you, feel free to make a rescue. Rush in and grab Landi, carrying her far away from the comversation without even acknowledging Minna.
No. 1094332 ID: 40ec1a

Lets settle on something. Tell Minna if you and Landi go out to get new mixers to replace the ones Landi used up, there wont be a problem and we'll have drinks for the party and Landi can raid the cabinet tonight!

If Landi complains, tell her that means youll be choosing only mixers that you like and she wont get to choose anything she would like for tonight.

No sorority sister can resist shopping! And theres plenty of shenanigans that can happen at the market
No. 1094338 ID: eb0a9c

Landi is deluded into thinking she owns whatever she takes. You need to stop her before she becomes the next Laurena Bobin
No. 1094345 ID: 44c167

Good idea.
No. 1094347 ID: 4c750c

Agreed, good idea
No. 1094367 ID: 2f41db


Then she can spread the hype about the party to anyone she meets.
Or, you could just invite people you like if she stays too...
No. 1094481 ID: 9f8647
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Landi needs a hot evac, stat. You grab her by the wing and tug her out of Minna’s firing zone.

“C’mere, loser. We’re going shopping,” you command.

“Okay!” Landi says, without a hint of protest. That was easy.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Minna objects, fluttering after you more quickly than you’d expected. She must really be riled up. “Landi’s just going to come back later and raid the cabinet. I’ve had it, you hear me? Had it!”

“Okay. Have this,” you say. “I promise I’ll keep Landi from raiding the supply cabinet tonight, and we’re gonna go grab some mixers to help fill it up again. Sound good?”

“You promise?” Minna halts in her tracks, instantly suspicious. A fairy promise is a Big Deal, and usually comes with loopholes. “Hmm. Where are you going to get the money for shopping?”

“We’ll figure it out,” you shrug. “Landi, you got any money?”

“Nope!” she says cheerily. “It’ll be an adventure.”

“Don’t do anything to get it that ruins our sorority’s reputation,” Minna warns. “Phi Lambda Upsilon is lots of things, but we’re not thieves! I’ll feel a lot better if you bring one of your sisters along.”

“What, you don’t trust Vivi and me going out together all by ourselves?” Landi asks. “We’re party angels.

“No, you’re devils! Foul spirits hell-bent on drinking all our spirits!”

“That sounds awesome,” you say with a smile. “Landi, let’s go already. Hey, uh, Landi, what kind of party is this, anyway?”

“Bring a chaperone!”

What kind of party is it? This will determine where you go shopping (and what happens the rest of the evening).

1. Tailgate Before Home Game
2. Costume Party
3. ABC Party
4. Casino Night
5. Pool Party
6. Dance Party
7. Toga Party
8. Prince & Princess Party
9. Werewolf Mafia Party
10. [Write-in]

Which sorority sister do you tell Minna you’ll take along as a chaperone? You’ll need to find them first.

A. Rocio, the Gym Bunny
B. Ellie, the Nerd
C. Sage, the Earth Djinn
D. Genice, the Ice Djinn
E. Ember, the Fire Djinn
F. [Write-in from a different year]
No. 1094483 ID: a7a180

No. 1094484 ID: 44c167

7) a regular bacchanal

A) You'll pass by Rocio on the way out, so she might as well be the chaperone. All she has to do is climb out of the milk bottle and join you.
No. 1094486 ID: ff9948

7. Toga parties mean excessive drinking, which is fitting for your current mission.

A. You don't actually want to be chaperoned, so the best choice is a chaperone who will turn you down. You'll totally invite her, but somehow you don't think she'll wanna join you.

Of course, that does mean she'll know where you are for potential shenanigans later tonight, but you don't currently see any issue with that.
No. 1094488 ID: 2f41db


Ellie is smart.
She might have a good idea on booze hunting.
No. 1094496 ID: fd1fef

B. Girl gotta loosen up. Cant be in her room all semester studying, college is about forming connections. Get her involved in this

10. Game night! Poker, truth or dare, never have I, spin the bottle, etc.
No. 1094499 ID: eb0a9c

You're going to
a lesbian sex party!
(And Ember was there)
No. 1094508 ID: 4c750c

I would personally love a Werewolf Mafia Party, though it seems like another option has the most favor right now. As for our chaperone, Ellie can come! We might be able to convince her to have some fun at the party during our trip~
No. 1094509 ID: 4c750c

Getting Rocio involved could be fun, but we want her left to her own devices while bottomless for as long as possible! Maybe tease her on the way out about it though.
No. 1094531 ID: 2f41db

Im still chanting toga to myself but honestly, theyre all good party ideas.
Just feeling the "animal house" vibes.
No. 1094617 ID: 77fb08

Toga party and grab Ellie. She might help with getting money fast to get as many drinks as possible
No. 1094646 ID: 9f8647
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“It’s a toga party!” Landi says, clapping her hands in delight. “No need to dress fancy or anything, and there’s gonna be lots of wine, I’m sure!”

You really want to bring Rocio along, but you’ve already done your good deed for the day in teaching her to rely on her own self-confidence. Now it’s time for Landi to do right by Ellie and get her to be more social. In fact, Landi is already gliding up to the second floor of the sorority house.

“We’re gonna bring Ellie!” you shout back to Minna, who responds with a resigned sigh. You echo her sentiment, as Ellie isn’t known for being willing to leave her precious, precious textbooks.

Sure enough, her door is locked tight when you arrive. Landi is cajoling and coaxing her to come out and have fun, but a worried Ellie is doing whatever the opposite of that is.

“I’m busy!” Ellie opposite-of-cajoles. “I need to study these pre-law books, or my contracts primer professor will call on me tomorrow and I won’t know the answer! Or worse, we’ll have a pop quiz!”

Landi isn’t giving up, and neither are you. What do you and Landi try?

1. Blackmail
2. Bribery
3. Logic
4. Trickery
5. Violence
6. Other
No. 1094648 ID: a7a180

Each other! Abuse your spatial magic until you're on the other side of that door, Ellie's on this side, or some combination of the two.
No. 1094652 ID: 44c167

3) she won't be expecting logic from Landi, get her by suprise.
Knowing the law is useless if she doesn't know the people, so get out there and party.
No. 1094653 ID: ff9948


This seems fun, so I'm supporting it.

Maybe when we warp in, Ellie screams at you because she's only wearing underwear under her blanket, but that just means she's overdressed for the toga party if anything. Tell her to wrap that blanket tight and get moving.
No. 1094654 ID: 4c750c

Hmm, maybe Ellie could one of her textbooks with her? It’ll be a practice exercise where she cites laws as Landi is about to break them! Keeping Landi reigned in on the trip PLUS Ellie having fun at the party later potentially in one go? Nice! Also, she could cite Rocio for public indecency on your way out~ I’m guessing she’s still in that bottle~
No. 1094655 ID: 4c750c

Dangit, accidentally stealthed again! That was me!
No. 1094662 ID: 2f41db

I like it.
All of it.
Combo move.
If teleporting into the room is non viable, fly around and knock on the window.
"Let me in kid, im a fairy"
Then with eyes on her room, switcheroo spatial skill her text book into hand.
Offer to return it if shell listen, offer the challenge of citing laws unto the lawless landi, but if she needs more logic...
Remind her that a fully trained law fairy would never have the luxury of being able to focus on just one thing.
theyd have multiple caseloads splitting their attention every day.
The party would simulate the distractions of a varied workload and the requirements of maintaining civil contact with colleagues of various levels of competency.
You may need to rely on landi to bam up the bamboozle here though.
No. 1094667 ID: eb0a9c

1) "Well, I've got a pop-quiz for you! How corrupt do you think the head of the Criminal Studies department is? Because I've got detailed mana-engraved recordings of the time his daughter 'accidentally' tripped into your smoothie compartments and rubbed herself aaall over them!"
No. 1094670 ID: c5529d

3. Tell her she has like, the highest grades out of everyone in her classes, and ace all her tests and quizes. One little test or quiz she didn't study too much for is not going to fail her, or effect her GPA too much. And even if she didn't study enough for one pop quiz, she's smart enough to figure out half to most of the answers based off of other things she learned from class.
No. 1094693 ID: 77fb08

Logic. Tell her that she needs a break from all the hard studying. The brain is like a muscle, and if you over exert it’s gonna suck real bad. She won’t be doing super well on any pop quiz if her brain decides it’s been too much.
No. 1094845 ID: 9f8647
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“C’mon, it’s us, Ellie,” you say. “Let us in. Don’t be rude.”

“I will, once I’m done studying,” Ellie insists.

Well, you tried asking nicely. Time to pop in and remind her that college is about more than grades.

“Can you use your portals to get us through the door?” you ask Landi.

“Yeah!” Landi nods. “I’m, like, way better at portal stuff than when I got stuck over at Kappa Epsilon Kappa frat house. I don’t want that happening again.”

“They liked your butt, at least,” you console her.

“It’s my best feature!” Landi chirps. “It brings all the boys to the yard.”

“That’s Rocio’s job, now,” you say.

“Is she in the yard? Bringing boys?”

“Not if she’s learned her lesson.”

“What’s that mean?” Landi asks, expression blank.

“Nothing important. Just get that portal to the other side of the door open.”

“Okay! Hey, Ellie! Knock, knock, we’re coming in! I hope you’re not in your unnnnnnderwear!”

Landi opens a portal to the other side of Ellie’s door, sticks her hand through and clicks the lock open, then pulls her hand back out, her glow dimming noticeably as she does. It must cost a lot of mana for her to go through that portal.

Ellie is not, in fact, in her underwear. She’s wearing the oversized sweater she always does, and she’s curled up her absurdly huge wings around her in a diaphanous cocoon.

“Hey, how did you…”

“Magic!” Landi says. “Now come on, come on! I’d be so, so happy if you came shopping for mixers with us. And you’d be the belle of the ball at the toga party, you don’t even need to pick an outfit, you can just wear sheets! No one’s gonna judge!”

“That sounds stressful,” Ellie whimpers. “I really just like it when we all play games. Just us, a little small group, a quiet evening… come on, Landi, please don’t make me go.”

“Life is stressful,” you tell Ellie bluntly. “We need someone responsible to come shopping with us so Minna can relax. And hey, you can bring a textbook and sit in the corner,” you offer. “Landi, would that make you happy too?”

“Yeah! Every party needs a wallflower,” Landi says sagely.

“I don’t know…” Ellie sighs. “I really need to study.”

“You said it yourself. It’s a pop quiz,” you roll your eyes. “Wasn’t it you who told me that if I just paid attention in class, I’d pass those? A pop quiz isn’t a real test. It’s meant to make people like me nervous about not paying attention. You’ll be fine, Ellie. You always pay attention in class, and your grades prove it.”

Ellie’s resolve weakens. Landi pumps her arms in celebration and swoops in like a hummingbird. “Yeah! Let’s go!”

1. Do you or Landi sneakily decide to take Ellie on a detour anywhere other than the liquor store? If yes, propose a place.

2. Do you take your fencing gear with you? Landi will make fun of you if you do.

3. Has Rocio succeeded in retrieving her bikini bottoms?

No. 1094847 ID: a7a180

Yes (the fairy mall), yes, and no.
No. 1094850 ID: c5529d

1. You: no. You maybe irresponsible, but your not lazy like landi. Plus you like liqour too much to detour.

Landi on the other hand detours with Ellie without you looking. Landi just goes to the costume store with Ellie to find a very revealing toga for Ellie

2. YES! You must be prepared for a challenge or to challenge.

3. If her finding her bottoms is the only way she will come with us, then yes. Otherwise, nope.
No. 1094855 ID: 3ace5a

1. Yes, but don't lose track of your objective. You just need to go pick some some extra funds to afford enough mixers for tonight's party, as well as to restock the dorm's supplies. You just need to make a pitstop at the mall to get an advance or bonus from your part-time job (or alternatively to steal the various coins people have left just sitting in the fountains for some reason.) You might also pause in the front yard for a bit to try and drag Rocuo into this.

2. Not all of it, since you'd need to remove it for the party anyways, but having your weapon would be nice.

3. Nnnnope. This is taking too long, maybe you can poke some holes in her tub to let the milk start leaking out and motivate her to speed it up? Pressure forms diamonds, right?
No. 1094862 ID: 2f41db

Stay on target.
The destruction of the sobriety of an entire party rests upon your collective wings.

2. Eh. Keep some. You never know. Might be able to challenge some other fae to bring an extra bottle if they lose.
3. Check in. Respond to any questions with "toga party" .
That should explain everything.
" why are you heading out? " toga party.
" what about studying" toga party.
"Can i have my bottoms back?" No underwear in ancient rome, toga party!
It really does explain everything.
Respond to intense questions with a catchy " TO GA" chant.
No. 1094872 ID: a7a180

Actually, better idea than the mall: THE WOODS. Pick up a lost traveler and show them a good time at your party! If they're walking around the woods (and old enough to drink) then they've got nothing better to do anyway.
No. 1094992 ID: 4c750c

I like this one~
No. 1094996 ID: eb0a9c

1) Sex store.
2) Fencing Gear, because today feels like it's going to be packed with violent drama.
3) No.
No. 1095309 ID: 9f8647
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Ellie follows you and Landi downstairs.

“There’s a place that stocks mixers right next to a bunch of other shops,” Landi says. “It’s real close. Let’s go there!”

“Sure, but we’re not going to the mall,” you say firmly. “We can’t get distracted. We’re on a mission, remember?”

“Distractions are part of life. Oooh! Bikini bottoms!”

“Oh dear,” Ellie whimpers.

Sure enough, those red bikini bottoms haven’t disappeared from where you left them atop your fencing gear. Sadly, Rocio hasn’t summoned up the confidence to leave her milk bath. You hoist your two blades (an épée and saber) and grab the bottoms along with them. You won’t bring your full fencing outfit, maybe Landi won’t make fun of you.

“Vivi still won’t go anywhere without her little friends,” Landi whispers to Ellie. “They’re like her teddy bears. Very cute. Very pointy.”

“We’re not going to get into a fight, are we?” Ellie asks nervously.

“No, but what if we need to make shish kebab and we don’t have swords? What then?”

“Hush, you two,” you say, heading out the door of the sorority house with finality. “I didn’t get this many victory pips without being ready for a challenge anytime, anywhere.”

Awaiting you outside is still Rocio, her head barely above the rim of the milk jug. Classes have let out for the day, and there are more fairies and djinni floating along the path in front of her. She’s really missed her opportunity to leave without an audience. That’ll teach her to be decisive in the future, you’re sure.

“Vivi!” Rocio says, spotting her bottoms hanging from your saber. “Thank goodness! Wait, where are you going?”

Quick as a flash, you draw your épée and pierce the milk bottle six times with lightning-fast thrusts. Rocio is on the clock now, her protection draining its milk like grains of sand from an hourglass.

“Yiee!” Rocio tries to plug the holes, but there are too many.

You fly up to a vine hanging a good distance from the bottle and hand her bottoms over the walkway, drawing quite a few curious glances from boys and girls as they flutter by. It’s time for her to show her stuff, one way or another.

“You can do it, Rocio!” you call out loudly. All she has to do is have some self-confidence, and she’ll glow like the golden sun and be able to cover up. “I believe in you!”

Landi and Ellie have followed you out and finally figured out whose bikini bottoms you’d carried with you. Landi has caught on immediately, and is cheering at the top of her lungs.

“WHOO! You go, Rocio!”

Ellie, meanwhile, is flabbergasted. It’s taken the poor shut-in a few more seconds than Landi to figure out what’s going on, but she’s a smart one and doesn’t need it explained to her. Unfortunately, she’s not sticking to the script. “I-I’ll go get a towel!” she says.

That won’t do. You zip over to Ellie and grab ahold of her huge wings. “Nope! No towels. Promise me you won’t get anything from the sorority house to help her, or else I’ll twist!”

“Ahh! I promise!”

Good. No fairy will break a promise, especially not Ellie. You let her go, but for some reason she still looks like she wants to help Rocio. Hmm… you realize you’ve worded your promise poorly. Ellie can still cover Rocio up with something outside the house, and she’s fiddling with her sweater. it looks like she’s considering giving it to Rocio.

This is the moment of truth! Do you allow Ellie to cover Rocio up?

1. No! Rocio has to do this herself. If you choose this option, describe how you prevent Ellie from helping, and how effective Landi’s cheering is on Rocio’s self-confidence.

2. Yes, because you suddenly have a better idea. What is that idea?

Bullying Ellie too hard will have consequences.
No. 1095320 ID: c5529d

And you dont need to convince Ellie, you need to convince Rocio and give her confidence to get her bottoms

Tell Rocio that Ellie is considering giving her her sweater, which means shes more couragous than Rocio is to go out underdressed. Shes not going to let Ellie beat her out in confidence, and selfishly let her good friend Ellie go underdressed in her underwear to the mall, is she?
No. 1095325 ID: 4c750c

This is tricky… Here’s a possible method to stop Ellie from helping. Ellie’s plan is to take her sweater off to give to Rocio. If we tie it above her head as she’s trying to take it off, she’ll get stuck~ This arrangement is just till Rocio gets her bottoms back. Once that’s done, we can untie Ellie’s sweater and not worry too much about having flashed Ellie’s underwear to all these passersby. I think Landi’s cheering is just drawing more attention to Rocio, making her even more nervous. No glow for Rocio as she makes her bottomless dash to retrieve her bottoms~
No. 1095326 ID: ab55d7

1. Because what was the point of all this if we aren't going to commit? (Other than seeing Rocio's ass earlier, which was admittedly a fine reward.)

Plant yourself in front of Ellie and explain how her assistance will interfere with the lesson, and how Rocio's self-confidence will be sharpened by having to focus her glow while under pressure. Either she'll do it successfully, and feel better about keeping it in check, or she'll fail and flash something, and it'll give her more motivation to improve moving forward.

Ellie doesn't need to agree with any of this, it just needs to be distracting enough that Rocio has time to make her attempt.

Landi is actually really good at encouraging people, so having her around does a lot to help Rocio. I think having her around actually does help Rocio keep up her glow, and she flies up to get her bottoms off the branch without flashing a thing...

...And then it goes wrong. Maybe Landi says the wrong thing ("And what's it matter if anybody sees your ass? You've got an obnoxiously great ass!"), maybe Rocio catches her top on a branch and loses her composure at the extra exposure. Whatever the case, her glow abandons her.

Welp, failure's a part of life (Not yours, but most people's). Maybe it'll help this lesson stick?
No. 1095327 ID: 2f41db


All the above reasons have merit, but I'dlike to add..

Remind ellie shes going to be flapping her prodigious funbags for all to see!
How scandalous!
Especially for an honour student!

But this is mainly to give you a moment to encourage ellie with the aforementioned fact shes letting a friend strip for her.
Glow hard and cover up that milky kiester!
No. 1095331 ID: 4c750c

Actually this is the best result of Landi’s cheering. I also like their approach for stopping Ellie, but I’d like to maintain that as a last resort, IF Ellie tries to take off her sweater, we tie it.
No. 1095337 ID: 44c167

1, stalling Ellie is best, but I think Rocio will succeed without mishap. How can she not be confident with her friends cheering her on.
No. 1095375 ID: c5529d

personally against tying up Ellie's sweater. She must be proteccted
No. 1096008 ID: 9f8647
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You can’t have Ellie sacrificing her sweater to cover up Rocio. That’s, like, against the whole point of what you’ve been working for this whole time!

“Ellie, stop!” You zip over and grab the bottom of Ellie’s sweater to prevent her from lifting it any higher. “You don’t want that sweater to get caught on your huge wings, do you? Then your boobs’d be out for everyone to see! An honor student’s boobs! Think of your reputation!”

Ellie pauses. “I… I’m wearing a bra!”

“Do you really want to walk around in your underwear?”

“No, but Rocio is-“

“Then let her solve her own problem like a big girl. You know her glow’s powered by self-confidence, so if you really want to help, then cheer for her.”

Ellie hesitates, and that’s all you need. During the whole distraction, Landi is cheering on Rocio. There’s a small crowd forming, maybe five or six fairies and a few djinni interested in the commotion. Tick-tock, the milk bottle is running out!

Ellie finally lets go of her sweater and joins in on Rocio cheering. Ah, heck, you can join in too.

“Go get ‘em, you golden lioness!” Rocio summons up all her courage and flits out of the bottle, glowing so bright you actually have to shield your eyes.

“Nice! Keep it up!” Landi whoops. “No one’s gonna see your butt like this. And even if they did, who cares? You’ve got a great butt and it’d make lots of girls jealous! Speaking from experience here!”

“Butt?” one of the spectators asks.

“Yeah, show the butt!”

“Bubble butt! Bubble butt!”

Aaaaaand there goes Rocio’s glow. Welp. You tried your best, and so did she. Maybe next time.

“LANDIIIIIIII!” Rocio shrieks, grabbing her bottoms and flying as fast as she can into the sorority house, beet-red and glow dim.

Rocio has left the party.

“Aww, she was so close,” Landi sighs. “She works out so hard, I gotta wonder why she’s so shy n’ stuff.”

“She’ll learn to believe in herself sooner or later,” you say. “Between you and me, she’ll see.”

“Never give up!” Landi agrees.

Ellie looks a little guilty for not doing anything but cheering. Landi grabs her by the hand and gives her a tug to get her mind off things, and you follow along. The mall is just a quick flight from here, and it’s plenty of time to get Ellie’s spirits up. Sure enough, by the time you arrive, Landi’s infectious good cheer has perked her up.

“Okay,” you say, “Let’s go grab those mixers. Landi, Ellie, what ones do we need to make Minna chill out? Hey, Landi? Landi! Stay on-mission!”

Landi’s used her silver tongue to drag Ellie away from your primary objective. That’s not what they agreed to! Well, not if you have anything to say about that. You can easily use your trusty swords or rely on your excellent reflexes to grab ahold of their wings and drag them away.

1. Which shop has Landi convinced Ellie to go into?

2. Do you force them back on-mission with just a bit of mild violence?

No. 1096010 ID: a7a180

1. A saucy shop of love potions and other spells to make an honor student blush.
2. Yes. Charge in there like a bull in a potion shop!
No. 1096012 ID: ab55d7


1. Potion shop is fun, I'll support it. Just to toss out another option though: She's stopped at one of those jewelry kiosks where you can get your ears pierced. Probably one that sells magic earrings.

2. Little bit. Aimed solely at Landi of course, as Ellie will go where she does.
No. 1096014 ID: c5529d

1. a mutagen shop. Gotta spark Landi's interest in mutagen that sets up the stage for Serah later. Plus, these can go good with the toga party later. Imagine the pranks

2. You try to convince them to stay on track by saying whatever mutagen is in there would go better with whatever mixtures we're getting
No. 1096018 ID: 355e44

1) Potion shop is good, Landi thought they would spice up the mixers.

2) Flurry of blows taps to get them out and back on track.
No. 1096150 ID: 4c750c

1) I like the idea of potion shop.

2) Rocio will *try* to drag Landi out of the store, but I think Landi will convince her that potions can be part of the mixer mission. Potions mixed with alcohol is the route to the *craziest* parties!
No. 1096158 ID: 2f41db

Potion shops because quite a few potions use an alchohol base and with all those ingredients someone would definitely be able to whip up an elixir of major inebriation.
No. 1096202 ID: 9f8647
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Landi’s distracted Ellie with temptations behind Door Number One: a potion shop offering FREE SAMPLES. Well, not on your watch. Ellie’s already inside, but you dart forward and get Landi by the wings, preventing her from going inside. “Stay on target!” you scold.

As expected, Landi can’t squrim her way out of your tight grip. What she can do, however, is much worse.

She moans.

“Oh, yeah!” Landi says, voice full and throaty. “That’s it. Right there, Vivi! Harder!”

“Ew!” You immediately let go. “Landi, don’t make it weird!”

“Freedom! Nyahaha!”

Did you just get outsmarted by Landi? Oh, this one hurts. This one hurts a lot.

Having escaped inside, Landi flits from shelf to shelf, ooh-ing and aah-ing over the shiny vials. Only a few have the FREE SAMPLES, though. She tries to sell you on a few of them, but you’re having none of it. Your fencing matches test for performance-enhancing potions, and you don’t want to risk being disqualified and losing your win streak.

“So don’t use any performance-enhancing ones,” Landi says. “Let Ellie and I get those! You can have the goofy ones.”

You’re still not sold. Plus, the potions cost money. These prices are hardly college-friendly.

Wait, is that Ellie at the counter? Already? You squint and peer over the shelves, spotting Ellie trying (and failing miserably) to be stealthy, folding her wings as small as she can make them as she completes her purchase. You can’t tell through her glow, but you’d bet good money she’s slipping something under her sweater. Or maybe her skirt has pockets. Heck, her wings are so big, maybe she’s figured out a way to hide stuff between the folds?

You’re really, really curious about what Ellie just bought. She really doesn’t want you to know about it. It’s gotta be something super spicy. It has to be! But that would mean violating her privacy… can you really do it?



You jolt in the air, and Landi is holding out a bunch of potions, and pointing to some FREE SAMPLES.

1. What potions has Landi picked out for purchase? You don’t have to listen to her.

2. Choose one potion for a FREE SAMPLE. You can specify which fairy gets it: Ellie, Vivi, or Landi.

3. Do you violate Ellie’s privacy and hunt for her purchase? Bullying her will have consequences, but if you don’t, you’ll never know what she bought…

No. 1096204 ID: a7a180

1. -Familiar Fragrance - Turns fairies into furries temporarily. It promises extra fluffy coats or your money back.
-Fairy Squared - What's the point of selling a shrinking potion to fairies? Maybe it's the clothing malfunctions. The empty potion bottle doubles as a mason jar.
-Will-o-Wings: Gives your wings an ethereal flaming effect! Very cool.
2. Vivi gets a free sample of Fairy Squared because she was promised it's not performance enhancing... How long does the sample last again?
3. Nah. You'll find out when she uses it at the party, probably.
No. 1096215 ID: 97957e

3. No. Leave Ellie alone.
(Will think up potions later)
No. 1096216 ID: 2f41db

1) commune with spirits. Technically a spiritual aid... but like all good party animals on a budget, landi know there are some mildly psychadelic qualities to the potion that can be strengthened with grapefruit juice and a shot of espresso.

2) elixir of greater inebriation. Comes with a breath mint that contains an instant sobriety compound. Imbues imbiber with a nightsworth of instant drunkedness. Intended for use by various rogues who either intend to play convincing drunks or wish to render someone completely plastered in ten seconds and remedy the situations in as short a time (only a ten percent chance of projectile vomiting!)
Landi plans to throw away the mint and sip all night.

3) let her have her secrets.
Besides, more fun to waggle your eyebrows knowingly at her like you do know anyway or pretend its something far more lewd than it probably is.
No. 1096230 ID: 4c750c

Not sure for 1 and 2, but I have an idea for 3 that doesn’t press too hard on precious little Ellie. Clearly hounding her about her secret purchase is too much. What we can do though, is gently tease her, letting her know we saw her buying something and leave it up to her whether she explains herself. We can maybe ask her what she got specifically, but if she gets all blushy or flustered about it, we drop the matter. Easy peasy.

Hopefully Landi doesn’t overhear the conversation, because shewould definitely press Ellie till she reveals the secret.
No. 1096232 ID: af78e3

Dragonbreath potion: gives the drinker a dragon’s head to breathe fire and roaaar!
Sparkler potion - makes fairy dust highly unstable, causing spontaneous combustion with a small chance of wild magic. But it looks sooo pretty! Sparkle on!
No. 1096245 ID: ab55d7

1. ~ Flowery Fragrance ~: Magically alters one's sweat glands to alter the scent of their secretions- This is deodorant, Landi is trying to tell you that you smell bad.

2. ~ Poor Man's Poet ~: Causes the user to naturally speak in rhymes for a short time. They can willingly choose not to do so, but it takes more effort not to rhyme than it does to just let it happen while under this effect. I'm gonna say Landi jumps at the free sample without actually checking what it is.

3. I'm gonna say no. Weird right, respecting someone's privacy for once? Who even are we? I see it less as being nice to Ellie though, so much as just not having a motive to intervene. It's Ellie, so even the most scandalous thing she could be buying isn't gonna be all that interesting. The most you'll likely do is remind her to pay for the potion she stuffed up her sweater while you're checking out.
No. 1096249 ID: c5529d

IMAGINATION NATION: enhances a user's imagination to the point of the user being able to see and hear things that aren't real very vividly, even unconsciously. (really, it's just a strong hallucinogen. But as a potion, it doesn't come with the drawback of destroying the user's brain, and you are still aware of what's going on in the real world a fair bit, you'll just have hallucinations like obviously fake pink elephants running around while you do your every day tasks and get confused what's real and what's not sometimes like a challenger that's not there)

APHRODISIAC: makes the user very very horny until the potion wears off. even sexual activities won't sate the lust.

CORROSIVE BODY: anything light a person’s body touches dissolves such as clothing. does not effect weapons, so don't worry about the fencing equipment. Doesn’t work on walls, floors, windows, or other people. Will make for a good party prank at the toga party once mixed with a drink.

REVERSE SPEAK: Talk in reverse. Nobody can understand what your saying. But this is basically good to use subliminal messages to manipulate people into doing thing you want somehow.

POLKA DOTS: covers your skin in polka dots

HUMAN POTION: become a human.



already voted what I wanted in 3, but to add on, I'll say it'll be a lot more fun as a surprise when we find out later rather than now.
No. 1096920 ID: 9f8647
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“Whee!” Landi whirls in the air, darting erratically. “Free samples! Free boozy samples o’ instant inebriation! And they have mixers in the back!”

“Mixers? Sure. But that instant inebriation? No, thanks,” you sigh. You don’t have Landi’s tolerance.

“ ’Kay. Imma get this sparkler potion and commune with spirits.”

“Spirits?” you shrug. “What do dead fairies know about partying?”

“A LOT,” Landi says, juggling her potions. “It puts voices in your head. Some have great ideas! Some are really dumb but that’s okay.”

“Are you sure that isn’t your own internal monologue?”

“Ha, ha, u so funny. Oh! Vivi! You’re gonna love these potions!” Landi holds up two obviously scent-related potions: Flowery Fragrance and Familiar Fragrance.

“Landi, you know I can’t take potions or mutagens,” you say. “I’m forbidden from performance-enhancing-“

“Yeah, yeah, but this isn’t an upgrade for fencing. And we SAVE money with these- we don’t gotta buy perfume for a hot date! C’mon, be my sorority scent sister? Perfume please?”

“Whatever,” you sigh. “If it’ll save money, and make you happy, fine.”

“YAY! Oh, look! A human potion. It’s real expensive, but c’mon! Imagine being big and huge!”

“Human potion? Nah. Humans are just big, dull fairies without anything that makes us special. Sure, they’re big, strong and smart, but even armored opponents have weak points. One quick slice of the ol’ jugular and they better hope they’re near a healer, or else they’re out for good.”

“But they have cleavage,” Landi says sagely. “The universal fairy carrying slot.”

“Landi, are you trying to convince me to buy this so you can squish yourself between a pair of huge human boobs?”

“I promise to share!”

You swipe the human potion and put it back on the rack to Landi’s dismay. Too expensive. Not worth it. Nope. Landi and your funds are already gonna be drained as it is, paying for the mixers and whatever Landi’s blowing her stipend and your tournament winnings on. You don’t want to enable Landi any more than you already are.

Ellie joins you from the front of the store. You decide to let Ellie keep her secrets- for now. You give her a knowing smirk, and she adjusts her glasses nervously.

“What’s up?” Landi asks, catching on to your subtle tease.

“Nothing!” Ellie’s glasses fidgeting increases.

Landi’s eyebrows bounce up and down. She’ll surely get to the bottom of this sooner or later- all you have to do is wait. You go and grab the mixers, since Landi’s forgotten all about her mission. Of course. You do it quickly, so she doesn’t get out of your sight for longer than a few moments. Thankfully, her inebriation is keeping her from darting off, for now.

Landi’s invetory now has:

- Mixers
- Commune With Spirits
- Sparkler Potion
- Flowery Fragrance
- Familiar Fragrance

Mission Accomplished! You grab Landi by the wrist and guide her back to campus. You’re ready to blow off some steam and party at last.

However, as you leave the mall, something in a shop window catches your eye. Something that makes your steely dedication to the mission waver. You try to resist, but it’s just so tempting.

1. What is it?

2. You have to resist. You're so disciplined, and... and... you have an image to maintain! Can you resist?
No. 1096932 ID: 812e4b

A new sports bra with a dotted line across the sternum that says 'Cut Here.'
Give in! Your sparkle will hide your hubris anyway.
No. 1096933 ID: 83e5f0

There is a crowd of people in a resturant of some sort that you never seen before, like it is packed. You also smell something so unfamiliar, yet so heavenly, it feels like you're being mind controlled to go in. You look through the window to find the source of the smell and you see something you couldnt believe: its some kind of large flat bread, with some kind of tomato sauce, cheese, and various meats.
You think you overheard somebody calling this new invention a... PIZZA!

You just gotta eat it! You must! fuck how unhealthy it is! Just one slice couldnt hurt! If anything, you have the excuse that it will be for everyone at the party.
No. 1096952 ID: ab55d7


I like sports bra, but instead of just a graphic, what if it has a built-in pocket? A bit of practicality for the small-titted fairies who have never known the convenience of carrying things between their bosom. While you aren't flat per se, you've never been so blessed as to know that joy.

You have never needed a garment so much in your life.
No. 1096965 ID: 2f41db

A pocket!
Just big enough for a blade oil kit or even an emergency duel markings paintset and associated target pennants.

You just gotta check it out.
Something that cool isnt going to be around for long.
No. 1097000 ID: 4c750c

Even better, what if it has two pockets? One on each cup! That’s double the carrying capacity of the cleavage of your average fairy! Two pockets is about one Ellie booba storage volume unit, according to most experts.
No. 1097431 ID: 9f8647
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You try to tell yourself it’s just a sports bra. One that fits your wing layout. You have enough of those already.

But it has pockets.

You remember those flashes of envy every time Landi uses her inventory spell.

It’s a practical sports bra.

It’d be a terrible decision to not buy it.

Landi floats in front of you, smile wide.

“You want that sports bra, don’t you, Vivi?”

“Yeeeeeeeeees,” you say, drawing out the word like a sigh.

“Okay!” Landi giggles. “Imma grab some anklets and stuff for me and you and Ellie! You’re gonna love it almost as much as you love that bra.”

Neither you nor Landi have the budget to buy “and stuff,” but you don’t have a leg to stand on here. You’ll just have to eat packaged noodles for a while as your penance for splurging. So with a heavy heart and lighter wallet, you allow Landi to jump into the fitting rooms and drag Ellie along too. The telltale blue sparkles of her inventory magic activating sprinkle under the curtain.

“What are you doing? Yieeep! Landi! LANDI! My sweater! My skirt! Landi! LANDI!”

“Toga time! Yehehehe!”

“YIEE!” Ellie cries from behind the drapes.

“Hey, Vivi! Check us out!” Landi drags a very nervous Ellie by the arm out of the fitting stall.

“H-Hey!” Ellie frets. “Landi, your bra is out!”

“It’s just a bra,” Landi giggles. “Lots ‘a old style togas had one tit out! I’m classy.

“Landi, I’m not so sure about this, can you p-please just give me back my clothes?”

“No need!” Landi says. “You’re gonna be joining us at the toga party, this is just saving a step.”

“W-what?! Landi, what if there’s super strong punch? What if I get too drunk? I don’t really think this toga is that sturdy! What if it catches on something? I’m an honor student!”

Ellie is clearly freaking out a bit, but Landi is having the time of her life. She’s so close to getting Ellie to come party with her.

“Vivi can be your bodyguard,” Landi suggests. “Your knight in shining armor! She’s got the sword and everything. Right, Vivi?”

Wait a minute. Did Landi just rope you into babysitting duty? If you do that, you’re not getting lucky at all. Well, not unless Ellie joins in, and there’s zero chance of that.

Do you allow yourself to be roped into guarding Ellie’s dignity? You will have MUCH LESS FUN, and if anything embarrassing happens to Ellie tonight, it will be YOUR FAULT.
No. 1097432 ID: c5529d

You don't have to worry about babysitting Ellie, just think logically: tell Ellie if she doesn't drink alcohol, she can't get drunk! just drink non-alcoholic beverages, simple!

plus, doesn't it take like, a whole lot for a fairy to be drunk? Ellie will be fine on her own as long as she is responsible, and she is like, the most responsible fairy you know.
No. 1097433 ID: c5529d

also, if Ellie is worried about how she's dress, simply say that everyone is dressed in a toga. you know the expression: "when in Rome" or at least whatever this world's equivalent of Rome is
No. 1097435 ID: 1e6eb2

No fun AND all the blame if something goes wrong? Pass.

If she's worried about getting too drunk, then she should drink in moderation or not at all. If she doesn't think her toga is sturdy enough, then she should get a sturdier one! And if it gets caught on something, THEN DETACH IT FROM WHATEVER IT'S CAUGHT ON!

This isn't Fairy Kindergarten, it's Fairy College. If she can't handle keeping her clothes on and not drinking herself stupid, then she needs to start learning fast.
No. 1097437 ID: c5529d

If Ellie still complains after all those points, mention she can also wear something underneath the toga too, it's no big deal really.

IF we have to watch Ellie, tell Landi she has to help you. there's no way she's getting away from this.
No. 1097438 ID: 9f8647

Sometimes, sisterhood means sacrifice. Protecc the Ellie! Make sure she doesn't have a bad time, that way she'll be better off for future parties.

You can be a bodyguard, Vivi. You've trained so hard!
No. 1097439 ID: a7a180

Parry that. What a great idea, Landi! Thanks for volunteering yourself!
(Really, it's Ellie who'll be babysitting her - and both will be better off for it.)
No. 1097445 ID: 71143c


No. 1097446 ID: 809e5e

Protect that fairy!
No. 1097458 ID: 355e44

Protect that nerd
No. 1097468 ID: 4c750c

Maybe for just a moment, Vivi might see this as an opportunity for body guard practice, but I also think that Vivi really wants to have fun at this party. There’s an easy way to resolve this conflict of interests! Bodyguard services come at a price. Ellie must reveal her mysterious purchase in order to receive body guard services. If Ellie is brave, and reveals her (probably embarrassing) secret, you’ll have enough respect for her to be at least kind of ok with making sure she enjoys the party safely. If Ellie is a COWARD and keeps quiet, you shall refuse her your services and make merry some other way while Ellie gets into lewd shenanigans. (Which you’ll probably have to save her from anyways. I guess the main difference is you won’t be actively preventing any incidents. You’ll still have to assist should anything *actually* happen.)
No. 1097472 ID: 2f41db

To guard the life and dignity of another is the most honourable calling a warrior can recieve.

Protect her.
It'll be a kind of fun in its own right.

Say, you know what else?
You could adjust your costume a bit.
Light Armour.
All styled to look toga era.
Go full praetorian guard for your noble lady.
No. 1097490 ID: c5529d

I just realized: if we protect Ellie, we might get a chance to see what potion she bought that she is too embarressed to have us know about

Changing vote to protecting her.
No. 1097494 ID: c5529d

And if we find out what potion Ellie bought, we are not telling Landi cause she made us do busy work babysitting during a party
No. 1097535 ID: 9f8647
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“Huh?” you reply to Landi’s volunteering of your knightly services. “Hey, it’s a party. What could go wrong? And if something does go wrong, it’s an easy fix. Just don’t drink too much and keep your toga tight. This isn’t Fairy Kindergarten, it’s Fairy College.”

Ellie looks at you, crestfallen.

“You mean… you won’t be looking out for me?”


Oh, come on. Words aren’t supposed to cut this deep.

“Of course I’ll be looking out for you,” you say with a sigh. “Just…”

“Just be sure to have lots of fun, Ellie!” Landi pipes in, and it’s a sentiment you can agree with. You nod.

“I’ll be your bodyguard, Ellie,” you nod. “Landi and I will make sure you have a great time.”

“Yay!” Landi cheers. “Vivi the guard-lady! So fierce! I know a guy who’ll be all over you right on the floor if you like that kinda thing, hehe. Hey, you wanna let me try something with your hair?”

“Nah,” you say. You’re perfectly confident how you are. Why change it? Just put on a toga and your sword n’ scabbard and go from there.

“Yeah, but look, look!” Landi holds up a mirror. “What if you let me draw attention to your best features?”

You look into the mirror, up and down your “features.”

What does Vivi look like under her glow? Suggest two features. Her body type is Athletic.

Features can be anything, but you can only suggest two! Examples are:

- Height relative to regular fairies
- Hairstyle (subject to change by Landi if you agree)
- Hair length
- Hair color
- Tattoos (you can describe multiple tattoos as a single feature)
- Eyebrows & facial demeanor (does she have RBF? Is she fierce, or have puppy eyes?)
- Exceptions to her Athletic body type
- Dueling scars she hasn’t chosen to heal via magic
- The sky’s the limit!

Skin tone will be determined by Donut to fit the hair and glow colors.

No. 1097536 ID: 355e44

Fierce, hawk-like features; nose like a beak and intense eyes.
No. 1097537 ID: 9d12b8

1. wavy braided half up half down hair
2. eyepatch
No. 1097538 ID: a7a180

-Looong hair!
-Basketball player height! (but for fairies)
No. 1097539 ID: 1e6eb2

Alright, two options, let's make 'em count:

Height - Vivi is considerably tall. To put it in scale: Her height, when compared to the average fairy woman, is about what Serah's height is when compared to the average human woman. She is a giant

Eyebrows & Facial Demeanor - Intense. Her neutral expression is almost a glare, but it radiates less anger and more of a sense of deep focus. You can tell by looking that she's ready for anything, and would be difficult to catch by surprise. As for her eyebrows, make 'em thicker than just a curved or angular line. Hers are thick enough that you gotta draw a shape and fill it in with color.
No. 1097543 ID: 4e32eb

- Hair color
dark green with some light green streaks or patches, or vice versa

- Tattoos (you can describe multiple tattoos as a single feature) has some names of the people who beat her in fencing cause she wants to remember and honor them cause not many people can beat her. She sees those names of winners as battle scars too.
No. 1097560 ID: 2f41db

Her ears are a little longer than average and quite expressive.
Even a little mobile, tilting up and down and moving in ways that sync with her mood.
She is self conscious about them, and regrettably her ears redden too when she blushes, rare as that is.
Primarily, the biggest annoyance is that shes started to worry that they are a tell in duels and as such she has taken to wearing a binding head band to tie them down during matches.

She has the brightest, most infectiously joyous of smiles and while it is as rare a sight as it is singularly charming, when something brings out that smile she melts hearts.
Much to her chagrin, it is adorable.
A badass blade dancing fae shouldnt make people want to squee at her cuteness.
No. 1097587 ID: d1fcc8

I think Vivi has bigger hips than she’d prefer. Where the rest of her body is toned, and firm, her tush is soft and squishy. She’s come to terms with the fact that it makes her sexy. She only dislikes the size of her rear due to it increasing her size as a target, in an area she’d rather not be struck.

Also, Vivi’s hair is purple. Well, it’s NATURALLY purple. She dyes it green to match her glow for duels, but if it’s been a while since her last fight official fight, you start to see some purple at the roots. She usually uses this as a timer. As soon as she can see the purple, she knows it’s time to get it over with and issue a challenge herself before she starts to get rusty.
No. 1097588 ID: d1fcc8

This doesn’t count as a suggestion, just wanted to point out, if she ends up having pubic hair, she wouldn’t see a point in dying it. Just a detail considering the type of quest this is.

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