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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1089328 ID: 681cb5
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You are Captain Zento of the Sakkilian inter-galactic colony fleet. Your duty was to escort and ensure the safety of said fleet as it made the first ever inter-galactic hyperjump to the nearest galaxy before colonizing it. But something went wrong… in the middle of the jump all hell broke loose and you were forced to make an emergency launch out from hyperspace with just a handful of other Sakkilian. So now you find yourself with only a half-finished flagship in completely alien territory, far away from any possible rescue or reinforcements.

But the last weeks has been favorable to you, as you not only managed to rescue a pair of aliens, Tozlan and Tizli of the Raolme species, as well as capture and convert a Kelshin pirate called Ikekeki, but you also managed to find a friendly mining colony run by a third new alien species called Wroknir. Their High Magistrate, a lovely woman called Vul Wrok, has promised to help you if you help her with her needs ensuring that you have at least one port to land on that’s friendly. Of course, there have been some problems, as you’ve heard a lot of murmuring about a species called the IOD, who is currently the de-facto ruler of this sector of the galaxy, and they don’t seem to be pleased about any newcomers that might change that fact.

In fact, you have found remnants of a great war that was waged in this sector about 40 years ago, when the IOD first appeared. Nearly all species of these stars united under one banner, but even with all their might they didn’t stand a chance. In the end, those that submitted was enslaved while those that resisted was brought to the edge of extinction. Thus, the IOD rules all with an iron fist, ensuring that no one can properly put up a resistance against them.

So, to iterate… your primary goal is to find and assist the 3 colony ships that were in the fleet, or at least find out what happened to them.
Your secondary goal is to ensure this sector of space is safe for them to colonize, which might mean that you’ll need to deal with the IOD’s in some way…
And your current goal is to ensure that you’re on Vul and her mining colony good side, so you’ll have at least one ally in this harsh galaxy. Currently you’ve successfully scanned the nearby system of Tarkus Gamma for minerals, as she wished, and are returning to her colony. Oh, and you’ve caught a bunch of pirates, have harvested a bunch of material Vul will want to buy and rescued more than a dozen Sakkilian in cryosleep, which were being stored in an old lab from the war.

Hmm… is there something else you’re forgetting about?
No. 1089329 ID: 681cb5
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Tizli: “Hey, why did you stop rubbing?” the voice of the heavily pregnant alien in your embrace drags you out from your thoughts, “My belly demands more rubs!”
Zento: “Oh, my apologies.” you tell her, “I was just lost in thought.”
Tizli: “Then think and rub, silly.” with a smile, she continues, “It’s your fault I’m like this, you know~”

Currently in your arms you have the Raolme Tizli, who just happen to be pregnant with your child. Your fourth child in total actually, as you’ve already have Vex the doctor as well as Dante the security officer, with a third egg on the way with the lovely Shara. After all, you need to increase your numbers somehow…

Now, we should arrive back at Vul’s colony in a few days, so you should take the time to get ready for that…

…you know, for some reason it feels like this trip has taken years, even if it was just a few weeks now since you woke up in this galaxy.
No. 1089332 ID: eb0a9c

Work on the child's backstory. You should make them a specialist type that you don't have.
No. 1089352 ID: 124485

You should talk with Tizli about what kind of childhood your child will have in the pod that speeds up their growth and implants memories into their head.

Currently the pod is programed to only instill a Sakkilian style upbringing and culture, but I'm sure Tizli would also want the child to have some of the Raolme's culture instilled into the child as well. It would certainly help so that the child doesn't feel alienated (heh) from their own mother.
No. 1089359 ID: 5ebd37

Yes, can't hog all the parenting to yourself
No. 1089417 ID: 681cb5
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>You should talk with Tizli about what kind of childhood your child will have in the pod that speeds up their growth and implants memories into their head.
Tizli: “Oh, I was actually going to suggest we skip that part.” with a toothy grin, she whispers, “You know, and raise it normally instead?”
Zento: “Normally?” raising an eyebrow, you give her a small smile, “On the ship?”
Tizli: “For now, yes.” She squirms in your embrace for a moment before continuing, “They are our child, and I want to raise it as a child.” as if on command, you can feel the little scoundrel kick against your hand through her swollen belly, “So we need to make a daycare, so someone can take care of them while we work.”
Zento: “A daycare?” thoughts rushes through your head, everything from who would man it to where you would construct it, or if you even can in the first place, “Here?”
Doxy: “Tara, the union leader has requested something similar, sir.” a very high-pitched voice suddenly says, “As well as possibly open up one of the bio hubs for recreational purposes. You know, as a park?”

Somehow, your second in command and mother of your first child, CDR. Doxy ShortSprocket, has snuck into the bridge without either of you noticing. The rather short but rotund Sakkilian gives you her usual earnest smile as she salutes you.

Doxy: “Captain.” her voice is soft, yet professional, “There are several tasks that might require your attention.”
Zento: “Very well…” you give Tizli another rub on her belly, “You may proceed, Commander.”
Doxy: “Let’s see…” Doxy pokes the data slate in front of her a few times, “Ah, here we go…”

“First of, while we have successfully completed two of Vul Wrok requests, there is still third one we haven’t even started considering. While I’m certain she’ll be content with what we already have, doing a bit extra work will never hurt. As for the request… well, she wanted a few Wroknir miners to employ. Of course, the only Wroknir we have on the ship is Car Zuk the gardener and Shal the pilot, neither which are miners. But I’m sure you can find a way to solve this if you wish, sir.”

“The new recruits, the ones we saved from cryo sleep on that cracked planet, are being thawed out as we speak. While Tara is currently handling the introductions by herself, your presence would not be amiss.”

“Engineering also wanted your attention, as they’ve found something among the cryo pods that is, as they put is, concerning but interesting.”

“Our son Dr. Vex said he wanted to talk to you. Said he found something that might be important with those two old bodies we retrieved form the ship graveyard.”

“Your other son, security chief Dante, wanted a word as well concerning… well, security… and something about stone men?”

“Speaking of security, the Kelshin pirates we captured and are holding are demanding parley. They apparently want to negotiate for their release… and they seem rather desperate about it.”

“On the subject of pirates, Ikekeki the Kelshin wishes to talk to you in private. She said something about having a lead on more of us lizards?”

“Oh, and speaking off… Tozlan wanted to speak with you concerning something similar.”

“Finally, Shara will be laying your egg soon. Though she said you don’t have to be there, she didn’t forbid you from coming either.”

Zento: “…I do hope you aren’t expecting me to do all that before we arrive at the colony?”
Doxy: “Of course not, sir. You’ll just have to choose what you deem most important.”
Tizli: “Or you can just spend the day with little old me, handsome. I require more cuddles!”
No. 1089423 ID: 5ebd37

Well "concerning" trumps everything else. Meet with them first.

>new recruits
Take a minute to pop in and greet them between other meetings, but you can't spare much time.

>Dr. Vex, Chief Dante, Kelshin pirates
They'll have to write a memo and you'll get back to them when you can.

Unless these leads are time sensitive it will just have to wait. We would need to finish with Vul's colony before we could use the info anyway.

>Cuddles, egg
Try to find the time, but duty comes first.
No. 1089428 ID: 273c18

>Vex found something important
Well considering his missteps before, this should be done first. If you don't take him seriously he could relapse.
>Engineering found something concerning
Try that one next
>pirates are desperate to parley
Then them. If it's something time sensitive from their perspective we'd certainly want to know about it.
No. 1089436 ID: 75a5a0

Let’s go with the engineers first, then go to the pirates and see if you can talk with Dex and Dante.
No. 1089466 ID: 5648a5

>pirates desperate for parlay
They just don't want to be arrested or spend time in a space prison belonging to whatever authority we're supposed to deliver them to.

If I remember correctly, we don't exactly have the necessary resources to keep them and our crew fed, so we should just ignore them and drop them off with someone that'll keep them locked up. Then they won't be our problem and won't be draining our resources anymore.
No. 1089485 ID: 26801d

i mostly agree with this but speaking to the pirates should be important
No. 1089493 ID: 8aebb0

I know it’s a turn for the cruel and brutish but maybe we can kill two birds with one stone, and do it multiple times.

The kelshin captive are no mighty Wroknirs but maybe 6 heads of free crab labour can be a decent substitute for whatever it was Vul is wanting the miners for. The crabbies yearn for the mines. Giving their former slaves the jobs of being their drivers would be ironic justice. Dante & vex should be present there as well so we can hear what’s troubling our sons about the stone men as we do that.

The pirate’s desperation is probably just from a dire need for water, if so just have their keepers jail them in the hot tub room we fucked tizli in once they’re done being worked to the bone-erm, exoskeleton on Vul’s work…or whatever use we find for them.

…it’s also for the best to our personal mission to not completely ruin our rapport with the female pirates any more then it already was from capturing them in the first place. if they find out this order to slave them came from the top. Dante can take credit for all of their newfound woes as the bad cop, we can take credit for their watery salvation and work from there to get ourselves into their crabussies.

A lot of these requests could probably get folded into each other if we just meet and greet the different parties in groups. I’m not lazy I swear but it also seems a lot of this could have been done over intercoms as we just tell people to shuffle about. Tell doxy to request Shara film her big laying for posterity.

Cryo thawed pick-ups are in need of meeting and greeting and isn’t that really the whole spirit of our expedition? To seek out new life. We meet them in engineering and hear out the ‘concerning’ thing about the pods.

Give Tizli a good swat on the rump. Maybe suggest she goes nude for the sake of the baby. All those constrictive clothes can’t be doing her anything good atm at this critical time.

((Oh and welcome back, my favourite quest)j
No. 1089554 ID: 2a82d3

Sweet Lizard God, it's back!

>“Oh, I was actually going to suggest we skip that part.” with a toothy grin, she whispers, “You know, and raise it normally instead?”
Note to self: other species will need time to acclimate to vat technology, among your other technologies.

>she wanted a few Wroknir miners to employ
The most straightforward solution for us would have her solve it. Her getting acquainted with one, or both, Wroks would make for an interesting report. With the vats and our mining specialist on staff, raising more miners seems doable.

We would risk exposing our tech to the Vul, though. It's possible we could stall by hiding they've been vat grown, but it's still a risk. Putting aside the societal issues new tech raises, keeping under the radar has been our only safety net from any bigger powers away.

Sleep on it, for now. If First Mate Doxy want to get acquainted with the outside crew on her own time, permission granted.

>new recruits
Good idea to check on that first. There was a going concern about Tara gunning for your seat. Since you don't really know if she's working to benefit the crew or herself, inform her suggestion's on the docket in front of them will be an interesting test. Be a responsible and respectful leader and see how she reacts.

Visiting might ease the sinking feeling your ship might have been the lucky one of your fleet, but curiosity is not priority unless it's at risk to the crew.

>Dr. Vex
They were from the alliance that rebeled against the IOD, right? Any information regarding how they lost would be pertinent, given the rest of the sector backed them up.

Arrange a meeting with Ikekeki and Tozlan, as they both probably have a lot to say. A favor within the pirate fleet wouldn't be bad to have in your pocket, if it's true the IOD are as bad everyone says they. Regardless, it is a fact that they will be threatened by any growing independent power, legit or not. Don't let Tozlan trade your independence so easily. It is your advantage to play, or balance, both sides.

The crab pirates being pirates is still an issue, though. Getting them to quit the evil stuff would be a nice bonus objective, but it's nice to have on the level of "achieving galactic peace between all races" or "forming a harem". Or "achieving a harem between all races". How doable is any of that, really?

It's hard to picture her being a mother. It's much easier to imagine her as polar opposite of Tizli. Just dropping egg, then not thinking much of it, if not immediately (try) going back to work. If your species evolved from matriarchy, she might be the most unapologetically traditional of your crew, even if your society has moved on from rigid gender roles.

Let's visit her and blame the breeding and pregnancy fetish nesting instinct. She either respect you less as a captain, or find comfort in a man who takes care of the egg.
No. 1089583 ID: eb0a9c

>Raise it normally
If it's seriously important to some of the crew to raise children normally, then you can't take that right away. But can we at least take a policy to flash-grow all the fetuses and eggs until they get laid? It'll make things safer and more efficient in the long run, and the 'right to carry a giant weight and risk getting the babies killed' isn't exactly a preferable idea.
This way, we get more breeding done but the parents can decide how they want to indoctrinate their kids.

Okay, start out with the pirates. You can set unfavorable terms early, and then leave them to stew and really get desperate. Just don't ask for the impossible or they might suicide bomb themselves out of mania.
No. 1089600 ID: 94f973

>raise child normally
>a few other crew members also want to do that
I suppose we can do that. We should make sure we build that nursery in the middle of the ship, so that it's protected from any potential attacks around the the sides of the ship.

But seriously, >>1089352 brings up a good point. We should definitely adjust the accelerated growth pods so that the implanted memories given to anyone in there is appropriate for the parents.

Just imagine how alienated the child will feel if they end up having memories of a Sakkilian upbringing and culture, but the child's parents are two Raolme or two Kelshin or two Wroknir. Not being able to connect with their parents might have a negative impact on the child's mind and may hinder their abilities to do certain things.
No. 1089631 ID: 681cb5
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>Sweet Lizard God, it's back!
Wjares had nothing to do with this, mortal.

>The Kelshin captive are no mighty Wroknirs but maybe 6 heads of free crab labor can be a decent substitute for whatever it was Vul is wanting the miners for. The crabbies yearn for the mines.
You’re not going to sell them into slavery, even if it would be an ironic punishment. Slavery is abhorrent, and hopefully Vul thinks the same.

Zento: “I do believe ‘concerning’ trumps everything else” rubbing your chin, you try and figure out what they might be referring too, “I’ll meet with the engineers first. And maybe pop by the new recruits when I’m already there.”
Doxy: “They are waiting for you in the hanger, sir.”
Zento: “As for my sons, have them write me a memo for now and I’ll get back to them.”
Doxy: “Of course, Captain.”
Zento: “Meanwhile, Tozlan and Keki can wait until after we’ve reached the Colony.” you take a deep breath before adding, “Unless it’s time sensitive information, of course.”
Doxy: “Very well, sir.”
Zento: “Do add ‘parleying’ with the pirates to my schedule, though, as it might be important.”
Doxy: “Adding it now, Captain.”

Zento: “Now, for our miner problem…” you look over at her with a wry smile, “The most straightforward solution would for you, Commander, to solve it.” you wiggle your eyebrows, “I am certain our resident Wrok wouldn’t complain, yes?”
Doxy: “Oh… I…err…” she blushes slightly, “I might need some more help with that… I’ll…” averting her gaze, she says, “I’ll need some more volunteers for that.”
Zento: “As for Shara… ask her if she want to film the egg laying.” you rub Tizli’s belly one last time, “For posterity. And for my sake.”
Doxy: “I’ll ask her, sir.”
Tizli: “Really?” the alien in your lap smirks, “Aren’t you just a bit naughty, Capt?”
Zento: “Oh, and I should advice you to walk around naked from now on, Tizli.” lifting her up, you place her down on the floor so that you may get out from your chair, “Those constrictive clothes doesn’t do you justice.”
Tizli: “In your dreams, scumsucker.”
Zento: “Please, we both know we didn’t dream it.”
Tizli: “Ha!” the Raolme starts to slither away, her body contorted so that her belly is where her back should be, giving her the illusion of having a large hump, “You know where to find me, handsome.”

And with that you make your way down to engineering, where you find your daughter Iris as well as her mother Regina working hard on something.

Zento: “Ladies. I believe you wanted to show me something?”
Iris: “Dad!” with a small wave and a big smile, your daughter greets you happily, “It’s over here!”
Regina: “Oh, good thing you could come, dear.” the older lizard tells you, “We are unsure how to proceed.”
Zento: “Oh?” looking up, you see what they’ve found, “…please tell me that’s not an active robot?”
No. 1089632 ID: 681cb5
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>It's hard to picture Shara being a mother. It's much easier to imagine her as polar opposite of Tizli. Just dropping egg, then not thinking much of it, if not immediately (try) going back to work.
Well, she already got two kids, remember? Tescia and Dante. Both of which she has a… let just say, distant relationship with.
>The bodies were from the alliance that rebelled against the IOD, right?
It was the combined armies of all the species in the sector trying to stop the IOD from invading and conquering them. That’s not a rebellion, that an outright galactic war.

Regina: “It’s an cyborg actually.” the engineer walks over to the machine body being displayed in front of you, her average stature barely reaching the metal body’s waist, “We found it in cryo with the others.”
Zento: “Cyborg? There’s someone in there?”
Regina: “Why yes, love. Though, we have no idea who. Or how much of them.” the older lady rubs her head fins, “I didn’t even know we had this kind of heavy weaponry with us.”
Zento: “Clearly over your clearance level, Ensign.” you sigh, “As well as mine it seems. I did not know it either.”
Regina: “Going by the interface, we need a clearance level of at least Admiral to access it.”
Iris: “Or be part of some special clearance group, which we aren’t.”
Zento: “Hmm… and the weaponry? What are we dealing with here?”
Iris: “It’s main canon can easily rip this whole ship in half at full power.” Iris scowls a bit, “So any armor we may have would be like tissue to it.”
Regina: “And it’s armor is heavy enough that none of our weapons would be able to penetrate it.”
Iris: “Unless you manage to get it to stand in front of one of the ships cannons, that is.”
Zento: “So… let me get this straight.” you rub your eyes, “We have a cyborg which we can’t control, let alone disable, which has enough firepower to terminate us all in a blink of an eye.” With a loud sigh, you continue, “Anything else you two want to add?”
Regina: “…we don’t know if it will activate by itself or not.”
Zento: “Great…”
Regina: “So what’s is your orders, Captain?”

The large cyborg looms over you, it’s cold eyes seemingly staring into your soul, as if it can see you even as it’s inactive.
No. 1089643 ID: 19ea25

Certainly a cruel fate. It's still someone inside there that's not just trapped by cryo originally, but now requires a proper pass to live again?

Even if it is a deadly weapon it does deserve respect.
No. 1089644 ID: eb0a9c

The cyborg has some obvious signs of gender, form-shaped in ways that provide maluses in combat, so we can expect (A) whoever they were to have a personality or (B) whoever designed them to be extra-lewd. Anything important behind those breastplates?

For now, keep them in the hangar, but work on a specialized program. IF they go crazy, eject with tethers and use them as a gun until they calm down.
No. 1089645 ID: 2a3927

I think I see what could faintly be considered boobs on the chest. This could possibly be a female cyborg Sakkilian.

The systems may not be active, but whoever is in there might be able to hear you. You could ask the engineers if it's possible to have a conversation with the cyborg? The least you can do is try and explain the situation to the cyborg. The flagship was torn apart in an accident during travel to this galaxy.

Who knows? Perhaps they'll understand that these are unusual circumstances and, if they activate themself, they might obey a few orders from you until you find an admiral or become an admiral.
No. 1089654 ID: 2a82d3

>“Oh… I…err…” she blushes slightly, “I might need some more help with that… I’ll…” averting her gaze, she says, “I’ll need some more volunteers for that.”
Add "Assist Doxy with the Wroknir Integration project" to the list. (It's cute when she's needs encouragement.)

>we need a clearance level of at least Admiral to access it.
I know you've been ambitious about career prospects, but it's pretty early for you to promote yourself. Jokes aside, it's not a bad idea to spoof credentials for access. She'd make a good addition to the crew, if you can get her to cooperate. It'd be a shame not to get to know her better you don't even know her name.

Maybe she'd activate with the right keywords. Openly discuss the ship's your mission and status in front of the cyborg. If that doesn't catch her interest, maybe the ship's development and potential as a colony ship would.

Failing that, you'll have to put her back in storage. Ideally, you have someone to keep an eye on her, or try to reverse engineer what she's got.
No. 1089655 ID: 273c18

Try your credentials. If they don't work, put the cyborg back in cryo. Though I am sure whoever's in there has been fully vetted and is not going to go crazy killer on us, she might not obey commands when there's no Admiral on board which would mean... eh... well okay maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Maybe leaving her out of cryo is fine in case there's an automatic boot sequence. Later when we have more than one ship, you can be officially promoted to Admiral and your credentials should work then, right? Sigh, if only we had this lady with us during the Tuul mission, it would've been much easier. They'd make a fine security officer otherwise, though we might want to double check the safeties on that cannon... is there some kind of hard-wired shutoff that prevents it being used during space travel?

Oh, one thing we can try before the cryo solution... can they interface somehow with it to communicate to whoever's inside? Like, is she conscious right now or do the implants keep her in a coma until fully activated? In the latter case, even then we could see if there's some sort of maintenance program we can use to check for problems before anything is fully activated. Safety first.
No. 1089662 ID: 5ebd37

What's the status on the cyborg's life support, will it's organic parts die outside of cryo if it isn't activated? If yes then ice it for now, otherwise keep analyzing and hopefully find a way to communicate without fully waking it up.
No. 1089673 ID: dd3fe0

So if you want boob armor, you're supposed to do something like the peascod breastplate, except the bulge is at the top not the bottom. Uniboob style. Or maks it not boob armor, like flak armor or most sorts of biped armor, just press the breasts down. Why channel shots into the middle of the chest? Who would design that for something this obviously expensive?
No. 1089687 ID: ca9c55

There is a person under that armor, and their quality of life remains your responsibility (both engineers and captain), within reason. Stop with the 'it' nonsense. Establishing communication is top priority, assuming life support is stable. Are there any signals coming or going? Someone should be talking with her regularly, keeping her up to date on things, making her feel as part of the crew, building a rapport, just in case she's half conscious.
And check for a physical on switch: redundancy is important, and that 'breast' plate suggests someone either had enough empathy to include a workaround, or would be horny enough to joke about 'turning on' a cyborg.

Those thighs could absolutely crush someone's head though.
No. 1090356 ID: 681cb5
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>Try your credentials.
[ACCESS DENIED!]… it was worth a try.

Zento: “Would it be possible to converse with the cyborg?” taking a few steps towards it, you continue, “Even if it’s in standby mode, that is.”
Regina: “I cannot say, dear.” the engineer scratch the back of her head, “This model is… ah… not in any of the databases we have access too.”
Zento: “…but is it conscious right now? Or will it sleep until activated?”
Iris: “No idea.” your daughter shrugs, “We don’t know the specs, and there are other cyborg models that do either way.”
Zento: “Do you have any way to check it’s programming and maintenance?” you slowly trace your hand over her stomach, feeling the rubbery texture under your fingers, “And life-support?”
Iris: “They are in perfect working order, dad.” she gives you a quick salute, “As long as they have energy and some organic substance, they’ll be fine.”
Regina: “We should put it back into cold storage, love.” the older lady shakes her head solemnly, “It’s too dangerous to wake up.”
Zento: “No. There is a person under that armor, somewhere. I will not allow anyone of my crew to be imprisoned without consent or justified cause.” standing in front of it, you can’t help but feel small compared to it, as your head barely reaches its chest, “Even if it is a deadly weapon, it deserves respect.”
Regina: “…you’re the captain, little one.” Regina looks over at the cyborg, “Just remember, those hands can easily crush your head like an egg, sir.”
Zento: “Those thighs could absolutely crush my head like a melon.”
Regina: “What was that?”
Zento: “I said, then we need to be sure it doesn’t come to that.” turning your head, you look over at your daughter, “Iris, can you shut down their weaponry? So that they can’t rearm themselves without my authority?”
Iris: “Um… I think so…”
Zento: “Regina. I want a kill switch. Not a fatal one, but one that will freeze her body.”
Regina: “Something to lock them up? I can do that, dear.”
Zento: “Anything important behind those breastplates?”
Iris: “I don’t think so? They are really odd design, though…”
Regina: “That chest is clearly designed for ascetics, not practically.”
Zento: “Indeed? Then whoever is in there see themselves as lady then?” you give her metal chest a quick rap with your hand, “Or whoever built this had an interesting taste in women.”
Regina: “It’s possible?”
Zento: “Then make sure this lady of war we have here is properly taken care off.” you turn around to leave, “Both for our safety, but also for hers. Carry on, ladies.”
Iris: “You got it, dad!”
No. 1090357 ID: 681cb5
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>Add "Assist Doxy with the Wroknir Integration project" to the list.
While it would be interesting to join her endeavors, sadly we do not have a female Wroknir on board.

Leaving the engineers to their tasks, you make your way across the hangar towards where those cryopod inhabitants you rescued are being are being thawed. There you find your clone Tara (long story) working hard at introducing the new recruits to both your current situation, as well to her Union she’s running.

Tara: “Captain.” the green Sakkilian salutes you, a gesture that’s copied by less than half of the people behind her, even less doing it properly, “The new recruits are all been introduced and accounted for, sir.”
Zento: “Good work, Ensign Tara.” you salute her back, “Anything I need to know?”
Tara: “Only about a third of the people we rescued are military personnel, sir, and all Ensign rank at that.” gesturing behind her, she continues, “The rest are civilians, meant to stay in cold storage until the colonies were functional.” She then takes a moment to point at the small insignia on her neck, “Oh, and its Union Representative Tara now, sir.”
Zento: “Of course, Rep. Tara.” you look away in an attempt to hide your eye roll, “As for the civilians?”
Tara: “A very diverse bunch sir.” picking up her data slate, she starts to flip through it, “Some of them wish to join the crew, while others want to return to cold storage until the colony is properly constructed, and some simply want to hitch a ride for the time being. There’s also several that wish to be left on whatever planetary colony we visit next… oh, and one of them requested to be given a ship so they can fly away on their own.”
Zento: “I see…”
Tara: “So what are you orders, sir?”
No. 1090358 ID: 273c18

Anyone who stays on board has to work. I'm sure there are some tasks which we can give them? Cooking duty perhaps? Oh maybe some of the civs have mundane skills like that?
The ones who want to go back to sleep can do so, though they should be informed that we have no current plans on starting a colony; this is effectively hostile territory. We can't even drop them off on alien planets because our presence here has to remain a secret for as long as possible.
The one who wants a ship can be told fuck no, no freebies. If they want a ship they have to work hard enough to earn one.
No. 1090381 ID: 2a82d3

>“Those thighs could absolutely crush my head like a melon.”
Silly captain, you can't make more cyborgs that way. Not that it wouldn't be fun to try.

One last note: Keep in mind the possibility the main fleet might have awakened before you. Maybe the brass was less hush-hush and more "did what they had to do to survive". What that would imply is only speculation at this point.

Considering how limited we are in trained officers at the moment, our next best option is to find the skilled among the civilians. That means building incentives for them to stay "awake" to work here, even if at the risk of becoming more pleasure cruiser than science vessel.

Ideally, we'd build out our ship to be a proper self-sufficient colony. Have the colony come to the civilians, instead. Ikekeki should have experience with living like that. Ask about it when you see her.

There is always sending them to work in the Vul colony, but you don't know how well they can handle or will treat colonists of different species. You can only inspect that for yourself when you'll get there.

On a related matter, she formally has the go ahead to build out a day care, should we have the resources for it. Having a place for children on board is like something you may have read about Spartans once. Parents working harder and defending their home to the death are what come to mind. Doubt that's exactly what she meant by she suggested it, though.
No. 1090399 ID: dd3fe0


Ehhhh, hypothetically, 'seeds' for cybernetics could go 'along with' the egg, and replicate as the fetus grows, and build and mature as the baby and then child grow up, with their augmentations growing in throughout puberty, as it were. That said, the tech base that favored THAT paradigm for reproduction wouldn't tend to make cyborgs that look like this, things would be much more integrated, all the 'mechanical' and 'organic' parts having all grown together according to some plan.
No. 1090410 ID: 5ebd37

We can give a free ride to the next colony, but after that they'll need to pull their weight. As for getting a ship, yes but not for free. They'll have to work for it, but they also get to have it made to their specifications (within reason)
No. 1090489 ID: 681cb5
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>Keep in mind the possibility the main fleet might have awakened before you. Maybe the brass was less hush-hush and more "did what they had to do to survive".
If the rest of the fleet has already awaken, there should be more evidence of them around... it is possible the news simply haven’t spread here yet, but surely we’d heard about them soon if that was the case.
>Silly captain, you can't make more cyborgs that way. Not that it wouldn't be fun to try.
While you have no idea of her specs, it isn’t uncommon for cyborgs to still have functional sexual organs. Of course, they’ll not make cyborgs but normal Sakkilians.

Zento: “First and foremost, you have the go ahead to build a daycare, Tara.” she smiles as she listens to you, “If we have the resources, of course. I put the responsibility in your shoulders to make sure it is done properly.”
Tara: “Yes, sir.”
Zento: “As for these new faces.” taking a few steps forward, you stop right next to Tara looking over the newly thawed lizards, “Ensigns. You are to report to Commander Doxy as soon as possible. She will give you additional orders. Move out.”
Tara: “You heard the man.” Tara gestures towards the main entrance to the hangar, “Move it!”
Zento: “As for the rest of you…” taking a moment to let the soldiers to leave, you continue, “If you wish to return to the Cryo pods, you may do so. But know this, we are currently in unknown, hostile territory without the resources or infrastructure necessary to build a colony, nor do we know if any of the colony ships are still intact, let alone their locations. This means that it’s possible, if you go back to those pods, you will never wake up again.”

There’s a murmur among the civilians, as they discuss this information between themselves. After giving them a minute, you interrupt them.

Zento: “While we won’t force you, we do ask for your aid. Anyone that is willing to work here will be compensated fairly. I am certain Rep. Tara here will make sure of that.” you give her a quick nod, which she quickly returns, “We will allow free passage to the next colony we’re moving towards, but we cannot say for certain what the living standard is there… or if you’re even welcome. If you want to continue travel with us, you’ll have to pull your weight.” Turning a bit, you look over at the Sakkilian next to you, “Tara, can you make sure these civilians are taking care off? As well as those with expertise are put too good use?” you kick a piece of junk next to your feet, “Even a proper janitor would be a positive right now.”
Tara: “Of course sir.” she gives you a salute, “I’ll make sure they’ll get a warm welcome!”
Zento: “Oh, and the one who wanted a ship… No.” scanning the crowd, you try to find whoever made the request, “We will not sacrifice one of our few lines of defense for someone taking a joyride.”

Suddenly, you feel someone grab your arm from behind and try to pull you back towards them, though as soon as they notice you won’t budge an inch, they settle for pulling themselves close to you instead.

Punk: “Hey, cog, no need to grizz about it, git?” a bright pink man suddenly appears at your side, his face full of piercings and his breath contaminated by booze… is he drunk? Has he been drunk since before he got frozen? Is that even possible? “Ah nob a cruise with kick back to mah den, na grizz about it, press it?”
Zento: “Tara?” you raise an eyebrow, but she just shrugs.

It is understandable the people that volunteered for this endeavor isn’t the best and brightest, as who would want to take a one way trip away from everything you know and love? Only those that seek new opportunities, new experiences or a new life would sign up. Or possibly even those trying to escape their old life as well.

Punk: “This trip was a few cycles, yah? So those grizzlers back in the nest surely forgotten about the screws Ah nobbed by now.” he claps your arm, “So a rizzed sprocket like yah wouldn’t break if Ah nobbed a cruise to get back home, eh? Ah’ll return it after Ah get to mah den, yah can press on that.”

…Or they are just dumb.

Punk: “Ah grease yah sprocket for it, cog. Ah’m sure yah boss wouldn’t mind.”

Really, really dumb.
No. 1090490 ID: 365de0

Translation: He thinks he's been frozen long enough for any memory of issues he's caused back home to have been forgotten, and he'll send the ship back after he gets there. Also he's offering to bribe Zento personally, unaware that he's the captain.

I think he'll be way more trouble than he's worth. Try to find him cheap passage at the earliest opportunity. Do not give him his own ship.

I bet our pirate could keep him occupied in the meantime.
No. 1090491 ID: 5ebd37

Ah, he's an idiot then. Tempting to just let him try to warp back to the home galaxy, a journey which the entire colony fleet couldn't manage unscathed, and thus never be your problem again. But we can't just give him a ship. He'll have to earn enough to pay for us making him one or to buy one from a colony.
No. 1090501 ID: 273c18

Throw him in the brig until he sobers up and realizes his situation.
No. 1090508 ID: 2a82d3

Since he's quick to jump on the track for custodian duty, be patient enough to explain to him your mission, what we're all doing here, and what has happened so far. Being descriptive of the hazards will sober him up real quick. You'd think the recruiter would've informed him of the basics.

Is he even on the manifest? Ask him his name. If it doesn't match the one on the capsule, it all but confirms he isn't supposed to be here, yet he still managed to get on board somehow. Even if it's only shear luck, that implies getting rid of him will take a lot from you or cause you even more problems outside the ship. Either way, ejecting him might be a bigger pain in the rear.

It is tempting to outright grant him his request to send him out the airlock, ship depending on good behavior. The pirates would definitely like the cut of his jib. Whether that means as a buddy or a meal, who can say?

Make sure Security has a picture of his face, to keep them on their toes. He's good for readiness, if nothing else.
No. 1090516 ID: 3ac9ce

>Pink Punk Sakkilian
……is it possible that he bribed his way onto this trip? Or was he dukb enough to think this was a smuggler ship, instead of an official military vessel?

You should at least remind him that this was a one way trip. Make sure you emphasize the fact that there's no way to go back to our home galaxy.
No. 1090518 ID: eb0a9c

"Do stuff or go to cryo. That's the offer everyone gets, that's all you're getting."
No. 1090780 ID: 681cb5
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>You'd think the recruiter would've informed him of the basics.
Considering Tara just told everyone a minute ago about the current situation and he still doesn’t get it, it’s rather obvious that whatever the person recruited him said went into one ear and out the other.

>Is he even on the manifest? Ask him his name.
Zento: “Your name and occupation.” You state clearly while staring him down, “Now.”
Silky: “Oh? Yah want mah little reg number, eh?” the pink reptile winks at you, “Maybe if yah grease me some rizzed fuel Ah’ll tell, lovely little cog?” Meeting your gaze, he instantly jumps back a step, “Err… Ah’m SilkPalm. Kin SilkPalm, professional masseur. Other cogs call me Silky, git?”
Tara: “Kin SilkPalm is the ID on the cryo pod he was in, Captain.” Tara informs you, “And he fit the physical description as well.”
Silky: “Eh? Why would Ah fake mah reg number?” there is a slight confusion in his eyes, “Ah joined this machine just like anyone else, you can press that!”
Zento: “Of course you did.”

>Throw him in the brig until he sobers up and realizes his situation.
Silky: “OW OW! HEY! Take a sec to cool down, cog!” Silky complains as you pull his arm behind his back and start forcing him towards the exit, “No need to be in such a high gear, git?”
Zento: “As the Captain of this ship, I’m throwing you in the brig until you’ve sober up, SilkPalm.” you tell him while shoving him further, “Now stop resisting and move!”
Silky: “W-wait, yah’re the lever of this machine!?” after giving you one last try to squirm free, he finally allows you to walk away with him, “Ah’m sorry Ah tried to suck ye sprocket earlier, big cog! Can’t we talk about it?”
Zento: “We will. After you’re in the brig.”
Silky: “Oh come on! Ah’ll behave, yah can press me with that!”
Zento: “Of course you’ll behave.” you smirk, “In the brig.”
Silky: “Darn malfunction…”
No. 1090781 ID: 681cb5
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You make your way to the security office, where you find your son Dante the security chief writing something a data pad. After a quick nod from you he quickly opens one of the cells and let you throw the pink twink into it.

>You should at least remind him that this was a one way trip. Make sure you emphasize the fact that there's no way to go back to our home galaxy.
Zento: “Now that we can talk a bit more calmly…” standing tall with your hands behind your back, you look down at the rather frighten looking Sakkilian, “Do you understand that this operation was a one way trip, SilkPalm?”
Silky: “Oh, sure, sure.” he wave his hand in the air, dismissing what you just said, “But yah cogs can stay here and Ah can just go back, right?” After looking around his cell for a bit, he says, “Just pull me out at the next colony and Ah’ll nob a ship from there, git? Ah’ll be out of your machine, yah can press me on that!”
Zento: “…even if you took our fastest ship, it would take several hundred of thousands of years before you got back to our galaxy.” you sigh, “Not counting on the ship falling apart before you even reaches the edge of this galaxy.”
Silky: “But… err…” he turns around to look at you, hope draining from his emerald eyes, “Can’t Ah just use the same function that got this machine here in the first place, big cog?”
Zento: “Even if we somehow find one of the large colony ships...” leaning in a bit closer, you continue, “Even if it’s Hyper Jump Drive still functions…” Before you continue, you shake your head, “We still lack the infrastructure the make the jump possible. This fleet was launched from a space station the size of a small moon. Do you really think we will find one of those just lying around here!?”
Silky: “But... but… how do Ah get back?”
Zento: “You don’t.” returning to your original stance, you can’t help but to look away, “You can’t. This was a one way trip.”
Silky: “But… mom…?”
Zento: “The jump between galaxies would have taken at least 100 years outside the fleets hyper space.” once again, you sigh, “Even if you somehow got back, your mother would probably be long dead by then.”
Silky: “But…” he grabs the bars of the cell, “Ah don’t… want to be here?”
Zento: “Then read the contract next time before signing.”
Silky: “Oh…”
Zento: “…will you be alright?”
Silky: “Ah… Ah just need some time to… think…”
No. 1090782 ID: 681cb5
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Gold Mandible: “Ah, I see you like filling your brig, planetlubber.” you hear the voice of a Kelshin behind you, “Locking up even your own mates, eh?”
Silky: “What the-” Silkpalm exclaims “Is that a talking crab!?”
Zento: “Indeed I do.” you say, ignoring Silky’s interruption, “I am certain you would do the same, if one of your crew was drunk and disorderly.”
Gold Mandible: “Drunk! Ha! Catch one of us without a bottle of rum if you can! KEKEKEKE!” the pirate captain laughs merrily for a second before getting serious again, “But if they were causing trouble… oh, staying in the brig would be for the lucky ones, mate.”

Turning around and walking up the cell opposite, you find the pirate captain that you captured recently. Even without his regal garb, he’s easy to spot thanks to his cybernetic eye and massive golden claw.

Zento: “Captain Gold Mandible, was it?” you ask, “You requested to parlay?”
Gold Mandible: “Indeed I did, Captain Zento.”
Zento: “Then keep it brief. I have other matters to attend too.”
Gold Mandible: “Then let us sail to the booty immediately, Captain.” he leans his massive golden claw on the bars, “If we arrive at this Wroknir outpost you’re traveling too, they’ll simply boil us alive and drop our carcasses into an old mine without a trail.” his eyes narrow, “I rather not get boiled, especially consider you captured us without cause!”
Zento: “Without cause?” you snap, “You had slaves. That is enough cause.”
Gold Mandible: “Hey! That’s our cultural heritage! Are you trying to destroy our culture!?“
Zento: “And it is our cultural heritage to painfully crucify slavers in the deep desert and let the climate slowly turn them to dust.” your voice is filled with poison and hate, but you can’t help it, “So should we both continue our cultural ways, hmm?”
Gold Mandible: “Alright, we got your point, captain.” the shrimp looks away for a second, “And we’re off course in this parlay.” Putting his other claw up to the bars, he lean in as close as he can, “Let’s get down to the barnacles. I know where there is more of your kind.”
Zento: “I’m listening.”
Gold Mandible: “While I haven’t seen one of you before, I have heard of slaves with your appearance being sold on the Free Ports black market.”
Zento: “And this has what, exactly, to do with you not getting boiled alive?”
Gold Mandible: “If you release me and my crew, I’ll not only tell you where to find the black market, but the password to get inside.” the captain clicks his mandibles, watching you closely for a reaction, “Oh, and I’ll make sure the rest of my pirate friends back home leave you alone. All you have to do is look the other way as we fly off on our ship, captain.”
Zento: “And I should believe you, why?”
Gold Mandible: “A Flashy Freebooter never break their word!” putting his golden claw over his chest while lifting his other one up into the air, he states, “I swear on the pirate code and on pirate lord Gold Claw, that we will honor our agreement!”
Zento: “Hmm…”
Gold Mandible: “So what say you, Captain Zento, do we have a deal to wheel?”

…you can never trust a pirate or a slaver… yet… hmm…

Silky: “Boiled crab does sound rather tasty, though…”
No. 1090784 ID: eb0a9c

"Gold Claw is dead, and thus, so is your word."
No. 1090788 ID: 19ea25

You can never trust a pilot.. Even if you've already trusted Eki... and gave her a suit of power armor... And basically want to give her the good old xenos go.

Anyways. This might be a good lead, and if not we can always deal with more potential issues down the line. I'd say see where this might go.
No. 1090790 ID: 273c18

Aren't these guys con artists? You can potentially come to an arrangement but they're not all getting let go BEFORE you confirm the intel is correct.
No. 1090815 ID: 2a82d3

Trust your instincts on this one. Think about what he gets out of this, as this is prime blackmail material. Even if the rest of the deal is on the up and up, they can still either leverage it against you to do what they want or make harder for you to cozy up to more legitimate authorities.

Deal's not even that great. The location, you can get by interrogating the crew. The password would be a nice bonus, but you're not above mounting rescue operations without it. He's going to have to try harder than that to save his shell.

For one, swearing an oath to, for all you know, an infamously greedy arsehole doesn't mean much. If that oath to Keki's old Lord, a "loser" to many but respectable to a known few, that could be interesting to watch. His reaction could tell you all you need to know.

Here's a counter-offer: Provide leniency to his crew, presumably merely following orders, but be effectively disbanded. The captain is the one you can't afford to spare. You don't get promoted to running a group of greedy arseholes without being really into the greedy part. (Hence sideeye into what he gets out of it.) His (being made) example should be enough to spare the rest. I'm sure any of his crew within earshot would appreciate the gesture. The rest can find either honest work, or maybe find a new banner to rally behind.
No. 1090830 ID: 5ebd37

We already got a pirate on crew, who gave us the location and codes to the black market. And he might tell his friends not to attack us, but that doesn't mean they'll listen. He's got nothing, and we can't reform all the pirates we meet.
No. 1090861 ID: 47ab62

It would make more sense to let him leave after going to the market and confirming his info is good. Wouldn't do to get a false password on false lead and let him laugh about conning you as he flies far far away.

That said, I get the feeling that letting them go would just see them go back to taking slaves and living in a way that hurts everyone. There needs to be a better solution.

Hmm. This might have promise.

How about this: If that captain's info is good, his crewmates will be permitted to either join your ship's crew, or be let off at the next planetary colony you stop at. The captain will remain in the brig until such a time that you determine what would be best to do with him, be it to treat him the same as his crewmates or to turn him over to those that would execute him for his crimes.
No. 1091834 ID: 681cb5
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>You can never trust a pirate… Even if you've already trusted Eki... and gave her a suit of power armor... And basically want to give her the good old xenos go.
So far Eki have behaved herself… and she’s clearly just a young lass who got lost on the way. She just needed somewhere to fit in, a place for her cog to spin in the machine.
>We already got a pirate on crew, who gave us the location and codes to the black market.
Indeed, Eki told us both about the location and the code, though you’ve started to suspect that the code at least might be faulty. This black market is supposed to be secure, so why would a green pilot who’s barely seen any action know how to access it? But back to the matter at hand, Captain Mandible here doesn’t need to know that you already know the location. He’s more useful being ignorant of that fact.
>Think about what he gets out of this, as this is prime blackmail material.
…blackmail? To who? For what? They are pirates, no one is going to believe their word… not to mention, you’re not doing anything illegal.

>"Gold Claw is dead, and thus, so is your word."
Gold Mandible: “What?” the way he looks at you make it clear that he believes you’re extremely dumb, “Pirate Lord Gold Claw is fine. What are you going on about?”
Zento: “I’ve heard the Pirate Lord was lost to the IOD, Captain.”
Gold Mandible: “…you’re talking about Krem, barnacle brain.” he roll his good eye as he goes on, “Besides, the IOD are cunning enough to not make an asset like a Pirate Lord walk the airlock. They will either use him in parlay or…” the Kelshin visible shudders, “Give him a fate far worse than death.”
Zento: “Krem isn’t Gold Claw?” you raise an eyebrow, “There is more than one lord?”
Gold Mandible: “Of course, you stupid land-”stopping himself before further insults leaves his mouth, he sighs and activates something on his cybernetic eye, “Just, watch this.”

The cybernetic eye lights up and starts projecting an image of the stars up in the air above the two of you. If you’re not mistaken, it’s the star cluster that was marked as the Kelshin Free Ports on the galactic map you have. But before you can confirm it, five symbols appear. A golden claw, a red drop of liquid, a purple shield, two blue bubbles and finally some green kelp.

Gold Mandible: “Behold, the five lords of the Kelshin Free Ports!” there is a glee in his voice as he continues to bellow, “Each in control of their own pirate fleet, ready to sail the seven star clusters!” Pointing towards the Golden Clawed symbol, it lights up as he explains, “We have the Flashy Freebooters, the golden fleet of traders and merchants!” followed by the red symbol, “Bloody Buccaneers, who are known to raid far away from the Free port shores!” and the purple one, “The Proud Privateers, who keep order and law in the ports.” Gold Mandible then points towards the blue one, with the bubbles and says, “The Mad Marauders, whose are experts at quickly collecting slaves on the space routes.” and then the last symbol lights up, the one with the green kelp, “And finally, the Cunning Corsairs, who are adapt at finding and collecting anything illegal or exotic. They are the one that runs the black market, by the way.”
Zento: “I see… five lords you say?” not surprising that their way of government would be splintered, “Then, what if I ask you to swear on the name of Pirate Lord Krem? The one that’s been captured?”
Gold Mandible: “I… would rather not…” he sighs loudly, “But fine, if that is what it takes. I swear on the pirate code and on Pirate Lord G- …Pirate Lord Krem, that we will honor our agreement.”
Zento: “…still, wouldn’t it be easier to just get the location and code by interrogating your crew?”
Gold Mandible: “Oh please. Do you think my crew actually knows the real code? They probably think the whole Huffi-Muffi-Guffi is the true code.” he waves his golden claw in front of you, “Not to mention, Captain, you’re clearly too honorable for something as disgusting as torture, no?”
Zento: “Perhaps… but my security officer isn’t.” you look over towards Dante, making sure that the Captain follows your gaze, just as your son make an arc of lighting shoot out from a clearly overcharged stun rod, “So…?”
Gold Mandible: “…I do not buy your bluff, Captain.” his eyes pierces your soul… and he’s right, you will not torture anyone, even a slaver pirate, “Not one bit.”
Zento: “Then how about this. A counter offer.” taking a step back, you make sure to talk loud enough for the whole brig to hear, “I provide lenience to your crew. Any one of your gang will either be allowed to become part of my workforce, or they will be let off at the earliest planetary colony we find.” before turning your attention back towards the pirate captain, “Meanwhile, you will stay here until we can confirm that the code you give us is the correct one.”
Gold Mandible: “KEKEKE!” with the exact same laugh as Eki, Gold Mandible smirks at you, “Do you honestly believe my crew would just abandon me like-”
No. 1091835 ID: 681cb5
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Pink Kelshin: “I wouldn’t mind changing ships.” a pink Kelshin pipes up, “I’m a mechanic, if you need one.”
Brown Kelshin: “And there is none who can face me when it comes to the sabre and boiler!” the brown, clearly battle hardened prisoner behind the captain adds, “I am the warrior you need, Cap’n,”
Silky: “Oh, are sharing our cog functions?” Silkpalm joins the conversation all the sudden, “I’m a masseur, and a well-greased one at that.”
Purple Kelshin: “Wait, we’re like… getting paid?” a very indifferent voice is heard, coming from a purple Kelshin, “Like, I’m a communication tech or whatever…”
Gold Mandible: “Hey, stop it! You’re not selling yourself into slavery for a few creds like some cheap prostitute!”
Zento: “We do not use slaves, Pirate.”

Pink Kelshin: “Well, if you want a prostitute…” the pink one winks at you, “I can suck your dick, big lizard man.”
Brown Kelshin: “…I can plow your bum?”
Silky: “Feel free to plow my bum if that’s what you want, Big Cog~”
Purple Kelshin: “…like… I wouldn’t mind getting double penetrated by you and that other big, black lizard guy or whatever.” the purple crab looks at you with an bored expression, “It’s not like I have anything better to do…”

Giving them all a glare that would kill lesser Sakkilians, Captain Gold Mandibles is clearly furious at his crew.

Gold Mandible: “You’re part of my pirate crew, and that’s final!” he spits out, “Or you won’t get a share of the booty!”
Pink Kelshin: “Our pay sucks! I rather work for the big lizard man. They at least have a nice, big ship.”
Brown Kelshin: “Hey, the code to the black market is Huffi-Muffi-Guffi! Now hire me, you scallywag!”
Purple Kelshin: “You guys are like… I don’t know… kind of hot or whatever?”

Zento: “I see that your crew is very… ah… loyal, Captain.”
Gold Mandible: “Oh shut your mandibles.” after muttering a few curses under his breath, he continues, “My offer still stands. It’s the only thing I can really give you.” The captain sighs, “Let me go and you’ll have both the location and the code for the black market. The real code.” before giving and angry glare at the other Kelshin around, “As for my crew… I don’t care what happens to these backstabbing, scurvy crabs!”
No. 1091837 ID: 273c18

We'll have to give Eki first refusal on the question of any of these shitheads joining the crew. She knows them best, so she'll know how trustworthy any of them are, and we don't want to make her miserable by hiring pirates that she hates.

We should also generally discuss the deal with her. Would she want us to take the pirate captain's deal?
No. 1091840 ID: 19ea25

That was quite fast.. I guess sometimes a legal life is just all one needs, given that their race just got screwed in general going by what Eki has said.

Though get Eki in here. She'll prolly be the best at gauging them.
No. 1091850 ID: 2a82d3

>…blackmail? To who? For what? They are pirates, no one is going to believe their word… not to mention, you’re not doing anything illegal.
"Blackmail" may be too strong a word for it, but folks are not going to trust you with bounty jobs if you get a reputation for being "soft on crime". Then again, failing to deliver on the mission is probably why Gold Mandible's crew (whose mission was "get rich") turned on him.

Speaking of, it sure looks, to everybody, like he's changing allegiances. Why else would he directly swear an oath to another Lord? Especially one who can't enforce it. (Indirect means would refer to the Pirate Lords as a whole, the alliance between the two, or a shared event between the two.) The IOD are probably are the lookout for any remaining loyalists looking to spring their boss out, and they don't seem like the kind to take chances. It sure would be bad they hear about him, but rumors do like to spread. Taking that kind of risk is worth a compliment.

Let's make his release contingent on making that official. You don't want to let a slaver go free, and now you're not going to either way.
No. 1091862 ID: 5ebd37

More and more diverse crew members is good, but its contingent on two factors. Firstly, do we have the manpower to keep them under surveillance until we can trust them? Secondly, will having more Kelshin cause conflict with our current or possible future Raolme crew?
At this point it's probably worth it, but we should decide now if this will be our practice with prisoners going forward.
No. 1093301 ID: 681cb5
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>"Blackmail" may be too strong a word for it, but folks are not going to trust you with bounty jobs if you get a reputation for being "soft on crime".
Getting a reputation for being merciful and just is not something that you would scoff at.
>We should decide now if this will be our practice with prisoners going forward.
While we should try and be consistent, each prisoner must be judged individually. Situations change, after all.

>We'll have to give Eki first refusal on the question of any of these shitheads joining the crew. She knows them best, so she'll know how trustworthy any of them are.
You decide to call Eki on the comms…

Eki: “This is Ikekeki speaking.” the Kelshin voice says through your comm, “Oh, ‘Cap! Of course I have time for you! KEKEKE!”
Tozlan: “Who is it?” you hear someone say in the background, “Is it Zento?”
Eki: “It’s the captain, yes.” Eki returns her attention to the you, “Huh? That was just Tozlan. We’re making some sugar kelp candy. What was that? The pirates? What about them?” You explain the situation to her, “Weren’t they a bunch of Freebooters? They can’t be trusted. At all. Not like a Bloody Buccaneer like myself. KEKEKE! Just throw them out the airlock.”

You try and ask what she would say if she ignored her obvious bias.

Eki: “Well, I mean…” the sound of her scratching her chin with her claw can be heard, “I guess the lower ranked ones are like me, you know?”
Tozlan: “Just toss those scum suckers out of the airlock already, geez.”
Eki: “They’ll probably gladly join our crew if you show off the pool room... and the pay… oh, and the food. Having a constant supply of fresh food is amazing, sir.”
Tozlan: “I still say to toss them.”
Eki: “As for the Captain. Yeah, no, don’t trust him. Just have him tossed out the airlock.” She jumps slightly as she hears your next suggestion, ”Eh? Bringing them to the colony? That’s a bad idea, sir! At best he’ll get a slow, agonizing death by being boiled alive… or he’ll be given over to the IOD and… *shudder*”
Tozlan: “Hey, that sounds like a great idea!”
Eki: “Shut it, eel face.”
Tozlan: “Make me, mandible mouth.”
No. 1093302 ID: 681cb5
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Suddenly, the alarm flares up, bathing the whole ship in a blinking red light as it blares loudly.

Eki: “Huh? Why is everything red all the sudden?” the shrimp looks around the now crimson room, “Is someone stealing our booty?”
Tozlan: “It’s the alarm, you nitwit!” Tozlan hisses, “Gah! I hate loud alarms!”
Eki: “Oh! Finally something exciting! KEKEKE!” dropping what she was doing, Eki quickly scampers towards her closet, “Let’s go, you slime eating planetlubber!”
Tozlan: “Sod off, you scum sucker.”
No. 1093303 ID: 681cb5
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Zento: “Attention Crew, this is Captain Zento!” you bellow out through the ship wide comm system, “Everyone, to your combat stations now! This is not a drill!”

As you run at a full speed towards the bridge, with several of your soldiers behind you, you pass by Commander Doxy holding up her data pad.

Zento: “What is the situation, Commander?”
Doxy: “Something is pulling us out from Hyper Space, sir!” she gasps, “We’re flying right into an ambush!”
Zento: “Do we have any information about the culprit or their motive?”
Doxy: “Um… well, we did get this message just now…” the pink Sakkilian almost trips as she tries to show you what’s on her data pad, “Look.”
No. 1093304 ID: 681cb5
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The screen flickers for a bit before an image of some kind of tree sculpture comes into view. It isn’t until it starts to speak that you realize it’s actually a living alien on the other end.

“Attention unidentified ship, heed this message!” it demands with pride and confidence, “This drone fleet speaks with the voice and authority of the heralds of the gods, the IOD Collective.” Moving its arm slightly, it lifts a polished alien skull into view, and it start to clean it as the tree continues, “You are currently in possession of IOD property. That ship, as well as any others from outside the galaxy, may not be approached for any reason. Nor will any kind of interaction with them be tolerated.” You watch as the creature taps on something out of view, its gaze moving away from the screen for a moment, “In addition, your ship does not respond to standard Collective identification transmissions… and is therefore deemed to be… independent. This is not permissible, only subservience shall be tolerated.” moving its attention back toward the screen, it smiles, “You are commanded to relinquish the ship as soon as you leave hyperspace, and flee by whatever means you have. Cooperation will be rewarded with… ah… one hour head start, before the hunt begin.” before it is replaced by look of disappointment, “Disobedience will be punished.”

And with that the screen flickers off once again.

Zento: “...would it be possible to reply?”
Doxy: “Sorry, sir, but no. Any message we send will arrive after we do.”
Zento: “We can only assume they will begin hostilities immediately. What is the status of their fleet?”
Doxy: “There are five ships, sir. One medium sized one and four small.”
Zento: “And our own?”
Doxy: “One second, sir.”

“We have three cruisers ready for deployment, piloted by Tes, Eki and… um… a Scarlet? Who is- Never mind. The cruisers are small, lightly armored ships designed to attack targets at extreme distances. Of course, seeing as they are pulling us into their ambush, they’ll probably put us in their own optimal range.”
“Then we have a Raolme Defender, piloted by Tozlan, Rosewater and that Raolme slave we rescued. While its range is abysmal, its frontal shielding is far beyond anything we can field, sir.”
“Finally, we do have that Kelshin Pillager we stole; our sole medium classed ship, though we lack a crew to fly it. It needs at least a crew of five that can breathe underwater, sir.”
“Another option is to use the Shed Scale cannons for support fire, but that would leave us open for counter attacks. Remember, this ship is currently not able to withstand any kind of enemy fire.”
“All in all, we’re outnumbered, outgunned and outmaneuvered.”

Doxy: “So status: Not very good, sir. We have ten minutes before we arrive, so we better come up with something quick, sir.”
Zento: “Indeed…”
No. 1093306 ID: c5529d

I guess since the odds are heavily stacked against us, we'll just have to do what they say, and hope we can outrun them when they start hunting us during the headstart.
No. 1093307 ID: 273c18

We are only slightly outgunned. As a last ditch measure we give the pirates their ship back so they can help (they sure won't have any other option against the IOD), though we do tell the lower ranking crewmates that they have open offers to join our crew.

Hmm, I wonder if they really need their captain to fly that thing? We could be their captain instead, remotely?

Anyway, that means we have one medium ship and three small, plus the Defender, PLUS the main ship which we will have a hard time using for support fire... I wonder if we could put the Defender in front of our main ship so we can give support fire without risk? Yes, that seems like our best plan. Use the Defender as a mobile shield, it won't need to attack at all unless something comes close to it at which point our main ship stops firing and focuses on defense so the Defender can handle the bogey.

With that plan, the odds are in our favor.
No. 1093317 ID: eb0a9c

Throw the pirate captain back into their ship (with weapons disabled) and set it to autopilot until they can figure out how to counter-hack. That should be enough of a distraction to fire up the FTL.
No. 1093331 ID: 5ebd37

Getting the pirate crew back in their ship, minus the captain and maybe plus Eki, would have no downsides I can see. Offer them a huge bonus if they help us fight.
Either they do help and give us a medium ship in the fight. Or they flee, and draw one or two enemy ships away. Either way we benefit.
No. 1093334 ID: 2a82d3

>Getting a reputation for being merciful and just is not something that you would scoff at.
Nor should you. I suppose being arbiter of the galaxy isn't the worst career path. Just keep through records in case anyone accuses you of being unfair.

Make scans of the incoming battlefield your top priority. There could be obstacles you can use to block or hide behind, like asteroids or nebulae. Even if they know the field better than us, we can still make an educated guess on where they will move to attack and deploy our units to counter that.

Their commander seems to be under the impression we're just Kelshin pirates that don't understand what we have on our hands, and is underestimating us accordingly. The longer they stick to that impression, the better it can work out for us. Thus, there's a chance they could believe it if we fake compliance for a trap. Have our medium ship, with our Kelshin recruits*, split off while the other four play dead. Even if our bluff is called, the main ship will be more likely to follow the bigger one since it's likely they'd believe we would rig our treasure to detonate when up close. Especially when they believe it's a Freebooter* ditching it out of spite. "If we can't have our treasure, no one will."

*bribed by candy from Eki

> We could be their captain instead, remotely?
By proxy could work. Eki is loyal, and technically has captain experience.
No. 1093343 ID: 27e140

Welp, guess we're inducting the pirates in trial by fire.

Relay the current situation to the pirates. The ship is about to be attacked by an enemy who has left no avenue for peaceful resolution open. Fleeing will only delay what they've deemed inevitable, and if The Shed Scale goes down then so will your prisoners. You need the Kelshin Pillager to stand a chance in the upcoming fight.

Still, even if you were to bring Gold Mandible as well (big risk, with him on the ship with his crew they're very liable to flee), that's still only 4 members of the 5 man crew you need. It isn't good enough.

You're going to need Eki to join in. It's unavoidable if you want to stand a chance here. Check with the other water-breathing slave who isn't already part of the Raolme crew as well, Togo. You need to know if they're capable of joining the crew on the Kelshin ship or not.

If they can, great, that's your five. Get someone else to take Eki's spot on the cruiser and give it your best shot.

If not, then the only option that leaves is to strike a deal with Gold Mandible. Keep your offer simple, with no room for negotiation: If he helps you, and doesn't try to take his ship and flee immediately afterwards (as you'd need to get Ikekeki back onto The Shed Scale first), you'll set him free, and pay him for the information he offered before.
No. 1093344 ID: 273c18

Those slaves we rescued might be able to serve on the pirate ship as well, we should check in on them to see if they have skills which would be useful there.

Instead of using Gold Mandible as a captain, we could promote one of the other low-ranking pirates... I guess we'll have to make a quick judgement on how to distribute our acquired talent.

We really shouldn't put Gold Mandible back on the ship. If the pirates survive the fight then they will almost certainly flee afterwards with him in charge, and we can't allow that. Eki probably has the right of it, we should grant him a merciful death.
No. 1093709 ID: 681cb5
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>I guess since the odds are heavily stacked against us, we'll just have to do what they say.
Giving up the Shed Scale is not an option. Without the capital ship we’re as good as dead, even if it will take some time before we realize it.
>Their commander seems to be under the impression we're just Kelshin pirates that don't understand what we have on our hands, and is underestimating us accordingly.
This is something we can take advantage off. They are expecting close combat ships, while ours are best at extreme ranges. If anything, the fact that they don’t know what our specs or tactics are do put us in a slight advantage here…

>Make scans of the incoming battlefield your top priority.
Doxy: “There are no large planetoids or other debris detected. It looks like they wish to face us on an open battlefield.”
>Welp, guess we're inducting the pirates in trial by fire.
Zento: “We need more manpower. Commander, release the pirates from the brig.” you rub your chin for a moment, “With the exception of the Captain.”
Doxy: “Sir?” the Commander asks, her voice betraying her uncertainty, “Are you sure?”
Zento: “Put Eki as captain in the Pillager and man it with the pirates. Oh, and that Kelshin slave we saved.” Giving her a smile, your try and assure her, “Eki is loyal, so I am sure she will not lead them astray.” though as those words leaves your mouth, you decide to add some extra meat on the stick, “Though be sure to offer them all a huge bonus if they fight… as well as further employment.”
Doxy: “Will do, sir.”

Zento: “As for the Raolme…” pushing a few buttons, you bring up the specs of their ship, “Put their Defender in front of our main ship. That way we can safely provide cover fire without risking the Shed Scale itself.”
Doxy: “Will do, Command.”

Zento: “Everyone, get ready to deploy.” your voice is confident as you command the crew, “We are about to enter a battle zone.”

The hyper jump suddenly ends, leaving you floating in a black void in the middle of nowhere. Before you can even act, you can see that several ships are leaving your hanger, ready for battle. Right as you’re about to address them, you’re suddenly getting a message from an unknown vessel. It’s the Drone Commander… or whatever they are called.

Drone Lord: “Oh, how adorable. You wish to face us in-“ they stop in their gloating and starts typing something, “Wait, what the frost are those ships? They are not available in my database? You clearly aren’t Kelshin…“ Looking directly at you, they ask with a voice chilly enough to make you shiver, “Just who are you, who is about to face the bitter cold of winter?”
Zento: “This is Captain Zento of the Shed Scale.” you tell them, “This ship is not stolen, nor do we intend any hostilities against the IOD.” As you speak, you slowly turn the ship so that its main cannon will face them, “Can we solve this diplomatically, instead of with bloodshed? Is there anything we can do to appease you?”
Drone Lord: “A barter, you say? I do love a good barter…” they rub their shin for several seconds, before bluntly answering, “But no. The gods has spoken.” With a press of a button, you watch as their weapons starts powering up properly, “We will try to take you alive and unspoiled, reptile. Surrender now, or face your-”
No. 1093710 ID: 681cb5
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Eki: “Captain, come in!” Eki’s voice suddenly interrupts the both of you, “Can you hear me?”
Zento: “Eki?” you’re about to yell at her, but you manage to steady yourself, “Stop broadcasting this publicly.”
Eki: “That’s Captain Eki too you, landlubber!”
Drone Lord: “What is this?” the tree creature is just as surprised as you are, “You are Kelshin pirates after all?”
Zento: “Captain Eki…” you sigh, “What is it?”
Eki: “I’ll give you some advice, Cap’.” she raises one claw and adjust her hat, the very same hat that she once gave to you. After tapping it twice with her claw, she cackles, “Never trust a Kelshin Pirate! KEKEKE!”
Zento: “What?”
Eki: “So long, you scurvy crabs! KEKEKEKE!”
Zento: “EKI!?”
Doxy: “Um… sir…” you watch in terror as the Pillager ship makes a 180 and flees the battlefield, leaving you and your small ships alone to face this superior opponent, “She just broke all communications and left formation.”
Drone Lord: “Drone ship 3DD-K4, pursuit that ship and mark it.” the drone lord commands coldly, “Do not engage.”
No. 1093711 ID: 681cb5
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Drone Lord: “*Snort!* Gahahaha!” suddenly they burst out laughing, their voice now filled with warmth and cheerfulness, “OH GODS, it’s summer all over again!” Taking a moment to catch their breath, the living tree smirks, “Did you just lose most of your fleet power by trusting pirates?” try as they might, they can’t stifle their laugh again, “PIRATES!? *Snort* ehehe…”
Zento: “Well… fuck…”
Drone Lord: “Maybe you should reconsider my offer of surrender, hmm?”

They giggle as your monitors lights up with warnings, displaying the fact that both their weapons and shields are charging at maximum, ready to engage at any moment.

Drone Lord: “You are kind of cute when you’re angry.” the tree creature observes, before stating, “Surrender immediately and I will spare your crew, reptile.” Leaning in slightly, they give you a slight smile, “As for you, I think I will keep you as a personal pet.”
No. 1093713 ID: eb0a9c

All units, aim for the main ship. Our best shot at surviving this is to destroy the controller. Only aim for the drones if you think you can remove them from the fight.
No. 1093714 ID: c8380b

Is it too late to follow after those pirates?
No. 1093715 ID: a3f3c1

Get your some of your sensors on the ship. It completely out of character for eki to flee from a fight. She's up to something...
No. 1093716 ID: 273c18

We didn't have much choice. Nobody else could've manned that ship properly; we simply didn't have enough water-breathers. At best we could've put a mixed crew in there and then we'd risk a mutiny due to racial tensions. Let's hope Eki is planning a sneak attack of some sort. If not... well, then we've at least gotten rid of a traitor.

Let's hope our advantageous ship composition will win the day. Open fire as soon as they come within range.
No. 1093717 ID: 2a82d3

>she raises one claw and adjust her hat, the very same hat that she once gave to you
That's a sign she wants you to trust her. She's either getting reinforcements, or more likely sneak attack the medium ship from behind. It's open space after all, not limited by your screens.

We'll need to stall as long as we can, though. Delay negotiations by claiming to check that she hasn't left any more surprises on our ship. Alternatively, launch a surprise attack to thin their numbers.

Morale is shaken, regardless. Negotiate in open channels to have inspire them.

>“Surrender immediately and I will spare your crew, reptile.” Leaning in slightly, they give you a slight smile, “As for you, I think I will keep you as a personal pet.”
Three problems with that:

1. Your crew will have strong objections to their new accommodations, as "slaves".

2. Your technology is the most advanced in the sector, if not the galaxy. You shouldn't let it fall into the wrong hands. It could be your species' only legacy.

3. You'd rather have her call you "pet" over him.
No. 1093719 ID: 27e140

Yeah, I don't buy it. I don't think Eki is honestly betraying us right now. Not because I cannot envision a world in which she would, but because it wouldn't be to her benefit. This is a no-prisoners situation, and the enemy has made it clear that they want EVERYONE here dead. Fleeing would buy her time, but with our weak defenses it wouldn't be long before she's dragged back into combat. Unless they really are just THAT confident that they can lose the drone ship that's tailing them and get away, I don't buy it.

It's the right move here anyhow. We're outclassed in terms of weaponry, so we need to retake the advantage by reworking this into some form of ambush. What we need now is to buy time for Eki to come back, preferably while sacrificing as few resources as possible.

You're gonna have to take the crew's morale into account though, as it'd be bad to have more of them flee because they think the fight is truly lost, or questioning your judgment and going against orders. Make sure you get the message out to them as quickly as possible, else they're liable to break the deception.

Stall for as long as you can by discussing the terms of surrender. Ask for time to deal with rowdy or mutinous crew members, ask what fate your crew will be met with, request special treatment for certain crew members (probably the pregnant ones), etc. Meanwhile, keep everyone needed for the fight on standby.

This does mean going all in on something you can't confirm: Ikekeki's loyalty. If you're wrong, it'll cost you everything. Realistically though, if you're wrong, the fight is already lost, so it's a gamble worth taking for you.
No. 1093720 ID: 5ebd37

This is sub-optimal, but still a good outcome. We've traded a ship that would have been mothballed for one less enemy to worry about. And it seems likely Eki is planning a sneak attack, after all that's what a dashing pirate captain would do.
Plus now the dronelord thinks we're incompetent and will underestimate us. Keep playing up that angle with desperate pleas while the smaller ships engage.
No. 1093806 ID: 681cb5
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>Now the drone lord thinks we're incompetent and will underestimate us.
…considering what just happen, they might be right though.
>That hat is a sign she wants you to trust her. It seems likely Eki is planning a sneak attack, after all that's what a dashing pirate captain would do.
You’re right. Eki wouldn’t betray you, would she? No, the Kelshin ships are designed for ambushes, so she’s probably setting up a trap right at this moment. You just need to trust her…
>Morale is shaken, regardless.
The Sakkilian will fight to the end… but the same cannot be said for the Raolme crew. You do not know how they handle setbacks like this, though you’re sure they aren’t as hardy as us Sakkilians.

>We'll need to stall as long as we can.
Zento: “I wish to negotiate our surrender.”
Drone Lord: “You are in no position to do so, meatsack. Surrender or die.”
Zento: “I will not allow my crew to become slaves! Release them and I-”
Drone Lord: “They won’t be slaves. They’ll be drones. Mindless drones ready to be used.”
Zento: “…that’s even worse. Can’t we-”
Drone Lord: “I tire of you, Reptile. I have stated my demands.”
Zento: “Surely we can-”
Drone Lord: “No, kill them all.”

All three smaller ships immediately charge forward, shooting out some kind of green energy that quickly ensnares one of the cruisers.

Zento: “All Cruisers, focus target on the smaller ones, free that ship!” one of your screens lights up, showing that the larger ship is charging a powerful beam weapon and aiming it directly at the bridge you’re sitting in, “Tozlan, I need cover. Now.”
Scarlet: “AAH!!” an unfamiliar voice rings out over the comms, as you watch one of the cruisers get pulled away towards the enemy by those strange green beams, “I can’t control my ship!”
Shal: “GOT ONE!” two laz shots hits one of the smaller ships, making it explode.
Tescia: “Central target naturalized. Next target is marked.”
Tozlan: “Defender intercepting Hunter disintegration ray.” the Raolme barely have time to get into position before a purple beam hits it… to seemingly no effect, “98% of damage negated successfully.”
No. 1093807 ID: 681cb5
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Eki: “Surprise!”

Out of nowhere, as if appearing from thin air, the Pillager ship that Eki is piloting is suddenly behind the enemy and bathes it in blue hot plasma.

Drone Lord: “GAH! Where did you come from!?” the tree creatures fail around as their bridge get coated in a green, oscillating light, “All ships! Defend me! Defend your master!” Of course, as they are distracted, you take the opportunity to nail them with your twin Laz cannons.

Scarlet: “I CAN’T MO-“ one of the displays changes color to red, indicating that you just lost someone. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten, Scarlet Woolchest… whoever you were.

Tescia: “Second target naturalized.” as revenge, a second of the smaller ships explodes right as it’s about to turn around to aid its leader, “Moving on to the next.”
Tozlan: “Intercepting!” another beam hits the defender, and just as before they absorbs it, “Shield at 34%, I don’t think we can safely take another hit!”
Shal: “Thanks nerd!” the Wroknir hybrid cheers over the comm, “I owe you one!”

Zento: “Good work everyone. We can-” Suddenly, the whole ship shakes and several alarms starts blaring, “What just happen!?”
Doxy: “We are being attacked, sir!” the smaller Sakkilian informs you, “A small ship just introduced the brig to hard vacuum!”
Zento: “Dammit, we don’t have any point defense there!” flipping a switch, you announce to the rest of the fleet, “Attention! We need protection! A small ship is attacking us from the side!”
Tozlan: “I’m on it, friend.” you can hear Rosewater in the background getting excited, “We’ll hunt that prowler down!”
No. 1093808 ID: 681cb5
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Drone Lord: “NOO!” you can hear their captain scream, “I CAN’T LOOOO-“ before getting cut off.

You’re unsure what’s happening over there, but you think Eki is winning?

Tescia: “Third target naturalized.” Tescian’s voice is completely monotone, even as she lights up one of the ships with hot Laz death, “All smaller ships destroyed.”

Tozlan: “Target fried!” the last of the smaller ships disappears from your sensors, “The Shed Scale is secure, friend.”
No. 1093809 ID: 681cb5
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And with a final hit with your twin cannons, the large ship breaks apart and explodes.

Zento: “All ships, report.”
Tozlan: “Defender pilot Tozlan reporting in!” the Raolme are the first to answer, “Shield completely depleted and some minor damages, but we’re fine otherwise, Captain.”
Tescia: “Tescia here. No damage to report.”
Shal: “I’m fine, I’m fine! Just a few cracks nothing more.” you can hear her tap her stone fingers against the console before asking, “Who did we lose?”
Zento: “Ensign Scarlet Woolchest.”
Shal: “Who?”
Zento: “I am not certain either, but I’ll make sure to honor her memory.” looking over the ship list, you notice one that hasn’t called in yet, “Captain Eki?”

Eki: “YAAARH!! KEKEKE!” her laughter is so loud it makes the speakers vibrate, “We caught her, Captain! We caught the big fish!”
Zento: “You did what?”
Eki: “Their captain, captain!” you can outright hear the crab grin, “We sucked her right out from the bridge! Got her right here with a few of those drone slaves she was using!”
Zento: “That’s fantastic news, Eki.” while trying to get diagnostic on her ship, you ask, “And the Pillager? How bad is it?”
Eki: “Oh, it’s not that bad. We just lost one cannon… and about a third of the interior was just ripped apart into molecules. Though, we’re fine. I’m pretty sure only one of us died. Disintegration, I believe.” you can hear someone arguing on the other side, “No, wait, there she is. She’s just getting crushed under a bunch of steel, but she’ll live. So, what’s your orders, Capt’?”

…well, this went a lot better than expected.
No. 1093826 ID: 273c18

The brig got penetrated. We had prisoners there. I don't care about the pirate captain, but we had a civilian in there! Get a ship on the outside to rescue the civilian if he got spaced, and repair the breach! ...huh, is the hull repairing itself?

Send security to check the brig; if the pirate didn't get spaced then he might have escaped, in which case we need to hunt him down before he can do anything.

Order everyone on the Shed Scale to remain on alert until we have both prisoners accounted for. All our standard ships, scan the general area to check if there's any more small enemy craft we need to deal with. Eki, return to the Shed Scale for repairs and medical attention. Also tell her next time she needs to pull some stunt like that we need a code phrase so everyone knows what she's up to.

Once we're sure the area is secure, we can start salvaging enemy craft. Watch out for traps. Any captured drones should be sent to medical/research to be analyzed to see if we can free them.
No. 1093828 ID: eb0a9c

Loss still hurts, but it was a good deal. We lost a crewmember and some prisoners and took out a whole patrol in exchange.

Have each ship quickly triage the situation. Seal the brig to prevent further casualties, but concentrate on scavenging the dead. If the I.O.D. placed acquisition denial self-destruct systems in their ships, you will only have a limited time before those things explode. You kept their captain alive though, so you can quickly leverage her life for some temporary shutdown procedures.
No. 1093840 ID: 5ebd37

Seal up that brig, maybe the prisoners can be resuscitated if we're quick.

Is there any sign if the enemy sent any signals during the fight? Or if any part of their ships are transmitting now?

>Any captured drones should be sent to medical/research to be analyzed to see if we can free them.
We might be able to use our personality generation tech to give them new lives. A rebirth. Better than being a drone at least.
No. 1093924 ID: 0d1c28

Make sure prisoners are okay, such pointy cuteness should be protected
No. 1093947 ID: 2a82d3

Check for casualties. If a civilian dies on your watch, along with this Scarlet Woolchest (we hardly knew ye), you might need Union Leader Tara to smooth things over, along with this . Doubly so if it turned out they were both from the same ship.

>“Their captain, captain!” you can outright hear the crab grin, “We sucked her right out from the bridge! Got her right here with a few of those drone slaves she was using!”
Excellent. They will be nicely tortured... by our prosperity, culture, and creativity. The arts have always been a classic method towards freeing the mind. If you can't find an artist, musician, or entertainer among the civilians, the colony planner has not done their job.

The captain may be a tough nut to crack, though. Those privileged folks able to find satisfaction in their work will not be easily impressed. No offense to the Kelshin.
No. 1094184 ID: 681cb5
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>If the I.O.D. placed acquisition denial self-destruct systems in their ships, you will only have a limited time before those things explode.
Tozlan: “While my momma said to never approach IOD stuff, these aren’t IOD ships, friend.” your resident reports in, “These scum suckers might IOD battle thralls, but the IOD would never hand over their tech to them, even if it’s their self-destruct devices.” He gives you a tooth filled smile, “Besides, if it was booby trapped it would already explode, right?”

>Is there any sign if the enemy sent any signals during the fight? Or if any part of their ships are transmitting now?
Doxy: “No sir, we didn’t detect any long distance messages.”
Zento: “…then they sent a message before we even arrived.” you rub your chin, “They knew we were coming, so they’ve bound to have reported our presence already.” Leaning forward, you lay the tip of your snout onto your clasped hands, “It’s just a matter of time before someone comes and check why they haven’t given a follow up report yet. As soon as the hull is repaired and all evidence of our presence has been eradicate we leave. We cannot stay here a minute longer.”
Doxy: “Yes sir.”

>The brig got penetrated. We had prisoners there. I don't care about the pirate captain, but we had a civilian in there!
Doxy: “The security station as well all the cells closes to the hull were completely destroyed, as well as half the cells on the other side as well.” she gives you a little smile, “Luckily, our one prisoner, Kin Silkpalm, just happen to be in one of the three cells that survived… and thanks to the force gate still being active he wasn’t introduce to hard vacuum either.” The smile slowly turns into a frown, “While Silkpalm has successfully been rescued, I can’t help but feel we forgot about someone in there? We did let all the pirates out, right?”
Zento: “…Do not worry.” you say as you watch a familiar body slowly drift through space right outside where your window camera is pointing, “Everyone of importance was let out of the brig.”
Doxy: “…you’re probably right.” she perks up again, “Still, while the hull will soon be repaired and fit for a hyper jump, we will lack a brig for some time.”

>Start salvaging enemy craft.
Doxy: “The two cruisers have successfully harvested most of the useful material they found, sir.” Doxy taps her datapad a few times, “But our readings of the craft is a bit... odd?”
Zento: “Odd?” you raise a single eyebrow, “How so?”
Doxy: “It’s mostly organic material, sir.” looking up from the pad, she clarifies, “As in… it wasn’t made out of metal but… well, the best way I can describe it is that the ship was alive.” There’s a beat before she adds, “Before we blasted it, that is.”
Zento: “Hmm, interesting.” Living ships? This is indeed odd… “Still, we can use the organic materials. Gather as much as we can carry.”
Doxy: “Of course, sir.”
No. 1094185 ID: 681cb5
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>Make sure prisoners are okay, such pointy cuteness should be protected.
Zento: “How is the prisoners Eki captured fairing?” you ask, “I do hope that such cuties haven’t been harmed to badly?”
Doxy: “Cute?” Doxy smirks, “Really sir?” Shaking her head, she starts reading from her datapad, “We captured their captain as well as three drones, all of which have gone through a basic medical scan and seem to be healthy, though currently unconscious.”
Zento: “Excellent. Then they will be easily tortured...” the commander gives you a dangerous look, “By our prosperity, culture, and creativity.”
Doxy: “Of course sir.” she rolls her eyes, “Lt. Tozlan has written up a short report about their species, if I may sir?”
Zento: “You may proceed, Commander.”
Doxy: “Their species is called the Ek’tall, and they are living fauna not dissimilar from trees. The one we captured is a young female, no more than 25 years of age, or 30 if you count something Tozlan called… ah… ‘plant period’?” she shrugs, “They are all religious fanatics, their whole species being part of something called ‘The Church of the Five Eyes’, whose most important creed is that all none Ek’tall life in the galaxy needs to be purged.” Doxy looks you in the eyes, “So you can understand that they’ve never been very friendly… but apparently they were among the first species subjugated by the IOD, with them seemingly willingly becoming their battle thralls.”
Zento: “I see. Make sure that medical and research gets a hold on those drones, in case we can still save them.” you lean back into your chair, “As for our fair captured captain, send her to the brig.”
Doxy: “The brig is destroyed, sir.” Doxy bites her lower lip, “We don’t have a place to lock her up, sir.”
Zento: “Oh right…” now that will be a problem. We can’t just have her move around the ships freely, can we? “Then I’ll simply have to figure something else out.”

Looking over the scan Vex made, you can’t help but be fascinated by this strange new form of life. A body made out of what can only be described as wood, with even leaves growing on their body. A sharp beak, horns and four eyes makes them look strange… though the strangest part is their legs, as they are apparently tree roots that they use like spider legs, skittering along as they move.

Doxy: “Oh, and I just got those reports you requested, sir.” she sees your confusion and adds, “The ones from Doctor Vex and Security chief Dante?”
Zento: “Ah, yes, their reports.” you still have no idea what she’s talking about, “Send them to my terminal.”
Doxy: “Here you go sir.”

First you take a look at your sons Dante’s report. It’s barely a sentence long.
“Wroknir are made of stone. Security needs Shockrifles. – Security Chief Dante.”
Your son Vex report on the other hand is 32 pages long, written with small text and filled with diagrams and statistics. How did he even find the time to write this? Leafing through it, the get the gist that it’s about that dead Raolme we found and something about cybernetics? Whatever he actually wanted to say is a complete mystery to you…
No. 1094186 ID: 273c18

>no brig for the captive
Put her in a stasis pod? ...if that will work on her, anyway. An alternative... we could chain her up in one of the dorms, or... does the medical wing have a quarantine zone with forcefields for keeping patients isolated?

Go talk to Vex in person so you can get his report explained. The request for shock rifles is pretty straightforward, how do we get those?
No. 1094188 ID: 8f9bc4

Huh, so the living ship was also an ek’tall? It sure doesn't look like one. Because if it wasn't, then they needed to purge that life form, then just like, float through space themselves. That's how it works, according to their religion, right?
No. 1094189 ID: 273c18

Oh, don't forget to salvage the pirate captain's corpse. If you're squeamish we can leave the organic material but that claw has got to be worth something, and the cloth can be recycled. Hey, I wonder if we can hand in the claw for a bounty? It's proof we killed him. Maybe we can keep his head too if needed.
No. 1094192 ID: a7a180

Just put them in a pot in the hydroponics bay.
No. 1094193 ID: 5ebd37

We have a Kelshin corpse, and pieces of a Kelshin ship. We should leave some scraps to make it look like pirates ambushed the thralls.

Stasis will do for a makeshift brig. Once the hull is patched we'll at least have three cells.

Do you have someone science-minded that you could quietly pass Vex's report to to have summarized?
No. 1094209 ID: 2a82d3

His report was so curt, it makes you wonder. Have there been any incidents with Wroknir on board yet? They've been pretty docile, and obedient, so far. Has he been getting along with them? He doesn't seem very sociable. Being prepared is one thing, being prejudical, on the other hand, might need you to mediate (or help him make friends to be less paranoid). Shock rifles are lower priority at the moment anyway.

He'll be much more busy with security detail over our captive captain. If we can't bring her to the brig, bring the brig to her.

On that note, in case it wasn't apparent we have bigger issues, Silky is free to go.

He's your next stop. If cybernetics is involved, maybe we'll get somewhere with our own cyborg. Not to mention find out what happened to whatever rebellion there was in this galaxy.

Actually, have Dante escort her to the medbay. For one, we need to be sure she couldn't hijack our systems if she's put in a stasis pod. For another, we could actually parley now.

>Drone Lord
Reassure your commander that you're not the kind to open relations without taking precautions. It's just a hunch that they may be more alike to us than we're comfortable with. We'll know for sure when we see they see us cannibalizing their living ship, and how amenable they are to it.

>Living ships
It's a shame we could find a way to capture one for Doctor Vex to study. Are they also conscious? Sentient? Are the drones we see something akin to an immune system, or digestive tract? Is their religion a way to justify their hyperactive base instincts?

>‘The Church of the Five Eyes’, whose most important creed is that all none Ek’tall life in the galaxy needs to be purged.
>they were among the first species subjugated by the IOD, with them seemingly willingly becoming their battle thralls.
Of course they plan to eat the IOD last, if they couldn't eat them right away. It's also in the master's best interest to maintain the Church to keep them in line.

One way around this is to become an honorary Ek'tall somehow. You hope it won't involve doing or wearing anything embarrassing again. (It probably will.)
No. 1094517 ID: 681cb5
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>The request for shock rifles is pretty straightforward, how do we get those?
There are several in the armory. You used them against the pirates, remember? The main problem is that they aren’t completely non-lethal, so using them on our own crew is… less than ideal.
>Have there been any incidents with Wroknir on board yet? They've been pretty docile, and obedient, so far.
Considering we only have one Wroknir onboard, whom is not only timid, easily flustered and rather introverted, he has also spent most of his free time onboard growing flowers in one of the hydroponic bays, you can’t say you’re expecting any incidents at all. Well, Shal is half Wroknir, but even then…

>We have a Kelshin corpse, and pieces of a Kelshin ship. We should leave some scraps to make it look like pirates ambushed the thralls.
Zento: “All ships, this is Captain Zento speaking.” you state loud and clear over the fleet comms, “Change of plans. Leave any remains of the Kelshin ship alone… as well as its old captain.” After a moment of consideration, you add, “Though, do grab his gold claw, it might be worth something. As for anything related to the Shed Scale or us Sakkilian, I want it removed yesterday!”
Tescia: “Affirmative, Sir.” Tescia’s voice answers back, just as professional as always, “Shal, retrieve the claw. I will deal with the wreckage.”
Shal: “Got it, mom!”

>Once the hull is patched we'll at least have three cells.
Doxy: “Three cells without breathable air, heating or water. Not to mention anyone going into the bridge even after it’s properly patched will need to wear protection, sir.”
>Silky is free to go.
Zento: “He should have sobered up by now, don’t you think?”
Doxy: “He was rather shaken when we pulled him out from the brig, sir, but I think he understood the gravity of the situation now.”
>Put her in a stasis pod? ...if that will work on her, anyway.
Doxy: “It would have been risky if they were made out flesh and blood, sir, but a flora based species? Our Cryo pods weren’t designed for their biology.”
>Chain her up in one of the dorms.
Doxy: “…while that might work in the short term, we won’t be able to keep a proper eye on her.” the pink lizard taps her data pad a few times, “We don’t have cameras inside the dorms, after all… or windows for that matter.”
>Just put them in a pot in the hydroponics bay.
Doxy: “…with the food?”
Zento: “The one we’re currently constructing does have a large bio dome in the middle, a greenhouse, correct?” rubbing your chin, you continue, “It’s made of harden glass, something that she won’t be able to break through with her bare hands.”
Doxy: “We’re putting her in a glass room full of dirt?”
Zento: “She’s a plant. I’m sure she’ll love it.” you smirk, “Just make sure she’s watered every day and get plenty of sun. Not to mention it will be easy to keep an eye on her, with all the glass.”
Doxy: “If you say so…”
No. 1094518 ID: 681cb5
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>Huh, so the living ship was also an ek’tall? It sure doesn't look like one. Because if it wasn't, then they needed to purge that life form.
Tozlan was clearly hyperbolic when he said that. No, their belief is probably a bit more complex... probably along the line of all sentient life that they don’t like need to die. Or they make exceptions. Or they are just saving them for last, if they are mad enough.
>Of course they plan to eat the IOD last, if they couldn't eat them right away.
She said something about the IOD being the heralds of the gods… that doesn’t sound like someone they’d purify, does it?

>Do you have someone science-minded that you could quietly pass Vex's report to to have summarized?
The most science-minded around is your son Vex, so that won’t work. Besides, isn’t it easier to just ask Vex himself instead of waiting for someone else to decipher this gibberish? Going down to the med bay, you find not only Doctor Vex, but Tozlan as well… and an Ek’tall you don’t recognize?

Vex: “Dad! What are you doing here?”
Tozlan: “Good evening Captain Zento, my friend.”
Zento: “Son. Tozlan.” your gaze moves to the tree creature between them, “And this is…?”
Vex: “One of those drones we’ve heard about.” the red Sakkilian cheerful says, “The one the Kelshin are so afraid to become.”
Tozlan: “Everyone is afraid to be converted to one of these scumsuckers.” the green eel, on the other hand, shudders, “That’s just common sense.”
Vex: “It’s some kind of cybernetics, and while I’m no expert on the mechanical parts, I do have some knowledge about the biological.” Vex pokes around the back of the Ek’tall’s neck, “I am going to need more time to study it, but from what I’ve learned it seems to be some kind of device inserted directly into the spine of the subject.” After adjusting his glasses, he leans in with his tongue hanging out, concentrating on something, “Probably overrides any signals coming from the brain I’m guessing… which, according to a quick brain scan, seems oddly damaged? Hmm… I need to cut this one open…”
Tozlan: “Hey!” Tozlan shrieks, “While I might despise the Ek’tall, there’s still a conscious, living person under there!”
Zento: “Wait, they did this to one of their own?”
Vex: “From the battle report, a majority of the drones aboard those ships was indeed Ek’tall.” Your son gesture towards a few papers on a nearby desk, “Though they did find traces of several other species, like Kelshin, Wroknir and several we don’t recognize.” he chuckles under his breath before looking at Tozlan, “One of the drone we caught was a Raolme, even.”
Tozlan: “They do this to anyone that cross the IOD…” the alien laments, “Or anyone who can’t be of use to them. May the endless dark take them…”

Zento: “This is concerning…” you tilt your head to the side, “Any advice on what we can do?”
Vex: “As I said, if I get enough data and test subjects, I might understand what happened to them.” Vex pushes his tool into the neck of the poor drone, making it spasm for a second, “Who knows, maybe I can even reverse it?”
Tozlan: “Kick them out the airlock, friend.” the Raolme mutters, “It would be the merciful thing to do.”
Vex: “Didn’t you say they were still alive and conscious?”
Tozlan: “Which is why we should give them a merciful death instead of doing mad science on them!”
Vex: “Oh please, I’m just trying to solve the problem here.”
Tozlan: “By cutting them to pieces!?”
Vex: “At least I’m not just hiding the problem under a sand pile like you want too. There will be more drones and we need to understand what makes them tick, you illiterate nincompoop!”
Tozlan: “What we need is to stop them from making more, not learn how to make more ourselves, you muck drinker!”

Zento: “Silence. Both of you.” you sigh, before firmly stating, “You are adults. Act like it.”
Vex: “Yes dad…”
Tozlan: “Of course, friend… of course.”
Zento: “Now, for these drones, as they are called…”
Tozlan: “We can’t keep them around, as without orders they won’t so much as sleep, eat or even go to the bathroom, Captain.” he scratches the back of his head with his hind leg, “And we probably blew up the control console that was in charge together with the ship.”

As you’re considering your option, the tree creature in front of you slowly starts to move its gaze towards you, its body slightly vibrating as it does so, as if it takes everything it got to do this simple action. As it lock it’s eye with yours, you can see they are full of pain, fear and most of all… desperation.
No. 1094520 ID: 4dbad0

We have many options such as eye based binary questioning directly and we also have the captain captured we have room to explore
No. 1094523 ID: a7a180

Get them IV drips while prioritizing how to get these drones functional again. If that means re-establishing the control signal as a stopgap, then so be it. You can use that for jamming it later.
No. 1094528 ID: 273c18

Okay, we have a line of communication. Tell them if they want to go out the airlock and die, to look at Tozlan. If they want to be experimented on so that we might be able to fix them and others at some point, look at Vex. If they want something else, like less invasive experimentation or just to wait until we have more information from the captured captain, look at the floor.

Also this. We can, in fact, put them on life support and keep them around until a solution is found. We can do non-destructive experimentation as well... and we have the captain to interrogate. She should know something about drone tech, if only how it works in non-scientific terms. She might be more cooperative if we tell her that we will be trying to reverse engineer the drone tech and we WILL use it on her if necessary to get information needed to free the drones.
No. 1094539 ID: 4eddef

New found interest in horticulture (aka Ek'tall biology) aside, this is similar to the military grade cyborg, but they're awake and suffering: establish communication, get consent for research and treatment or euthanasia and research, their name if possible, and acknowledge their personhood in any way possible. How long has it been since they've been held by someone? And give them all some painkillers. We're gonna need a lot more therapists around here. They're sitting there, listening to you argue between killing and torturing them.

The tech that made them isn't going to go away, and we can't prevent more from being made, so staying ignorant isn't an option, especially where fear is involved. That said, Vex needs to not poke and prod them with his stick while they're still conscious.
Even if you want to play executioner, actual euthanasia requires knowledge to prevent needless suffering. More to the point, if they cannot be saved and you can find a kill signal, you can end more suffering faster.

Depending on the brain damage, they may literally lack the will to live, or the ability to function without an equivalent device. Mimicking the signal should be a short range stop gap measure, focus should be on just modifying it to bridge the brain signals. Additionally, the brain damage is probably a shoddy lobotomy, so that needs to be treated.
No. 1094544 ID: 44c167

If we can develop a means to undo the drone process it would be a huge blow to IOD, especially if we then spread that knowledge around. But attempt communication before anything else.
No. 1094557 ID: 2a82d3

Vex should know what's Engineering has been working on. The architectures' are unlikely to be the same (barring a common origin), but gains made over there should boost progress here. Establishing an interface for them to communicate through would better than for them than... this.

Research could help retrofit your stasis pods to accommodate their species. With any luck, they might be able to stimulate the brain to repair itself. They already can grow new ones along with the other body parts, after all.

You could address Prince Tozlan's concerns by ordering Vex's research around this to be confidential, especially if they're outside the scope of alleviating or curing the condition. He should trust you enough to know you don't like to use coercion to run your ship. Not to mention there's been a huge discovery already: Something Tozlan and Ikekeki agree on.

You do have to admit this tech could replace your missing brig. Perhaps a more ethical, if less secure, implementation would let the subject have autonomy if it wasn't powered? Still, there are less drastic methods, doubts around its' efficacy, and would strain your crew/officers trust in you more than its' worth. No good crew would be motivated to work under you, if you resort to such measures.
No. 1094808 ID: 681cb5
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>Attempt communication before anything else.
Zento: “Greetings. I am Captain Zento.” you calmly state as you bend down to his eye level, “Can you blink? Can you look at the Raolme in front of you?”
His eye stay completely focused on you, unmoving…
Zento: “Is there any way at all you can communicate with us?”
A yellowish tint starts to spread around the rim of the eye, as the pupil starts to vibrate slightly.
Zento: “Do you wish to die… or do you wish to be free?” waving a hand in front of it, you add, “Do you even hear me?”
A yellowish, resin like substance starts to leak from his eye, followed by the muscle behind it audibly snapping the eye back to its original position, forcing him to look ahead at nothing. As it does, the implant whirs and sparks, as if it’s overclocking for a second.
Tozlan: “What did you do!?”
Vex: “Nothing! I didn’t even touch him!”
Zento: “I believe it was the implants doing.” you shake your head, “He fought it with all he had… and lost.”

And with that, whatever was behind those eyes is gone… replaced by an emptiness.

Zento: “Vex. Keep them sedated and well nourished.” with a nod, you continue, “We need more information about these cybernetics.”
Vex: “Of course, Captain.”
Zento: “That said, you will not poke and prod them while they are still conscious.” you give your son a stern look, “Not even if it will help the research.”
Tozlan: “Are you really just going to leave them swimming in the great dark, friend!?”
Zento: “This tech isn’t going to go away, Tozlan, nor can we prevent more of it being made.” Putting a hand on the Raolme’s shoulder, you try your best to reassure him, “What we can do is cure our own ignorance of the subject, and move from there.”
Tozlan: “I… I guess you’re right, Captain.”
Zento: “And if we can develop a means to undo the process, it would be a huge blow against the IOD, no?”
Tozlan: “WHAT!?” the eel jumps away from you, his sharp teeth on full display as he hisses, “You’re actually going up against the IOD personally!? Didn’t the fate of the fifth tribe teach you anything!?”
Zento: “They fought in the war and was wiped out?”
Tozlan: “They tried to fight the IOD and felt their wrath.” Tozlan growls, “They were hunted down, every man, woman and child, and their very history was erased from the galaxy. There is nothing left of that family.” he sits down and looks up at you, “The fifth tribe is but a myth today, nothing more.”
Zento: “…you are only making my resolve to confront them stronger.”
Tozlan: “Have you sucked yourself high on the scum, friend!?” swaying back and forth, it’s clear he’s uneasy, “What about your friends and family? Your children!?”
Zento: “They are the reason why I cannot stand by. For their future, I will fight to my very last breath.” you turn to your son, “But you are correct in that we need to be careful with such powerful enemies. Vex, make sure this research is confidential. No one is to know what we are doing.”
Vex: “You got it, dad!”

>You do have to admit this tech could replace your missing brig. Perhaps a more ethical, if less secure, implementation would let the subject have autonomy if it wasn't powered?
Wait, don’t we already have something that works similar too this? Those slave collars we took from the pirates… how do they work?
Zento: “Tozlan, tell me…” he turns his head towards you as you address him, “Those slave collars that the pirates use… are they of Kelshin design?”
Tozlan: “Oh, no, of course not.” shaking his head, the eel sighs, “They’ve been around since before the war. No idea who made them in the first place, though.” Tozlan rubs his head fins for a moment, “Clearly not Kelshin design… or any other species I know of.”
>Vex should know what's Engineering has been working on.
Vex: “Oh, don’t worry, Captain, I know.” the doctor smiles at you, “Though the only thing I can really say about our cybernetic friend is that her organic parts are healthy, as well that she seems to be integrated properly with her machine parts.” Scratching his chin, he adds, “Anything else you’ll have to ask the engineers about.”
No. 1094809 ID: 681cb5
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Zento: “Well then, now that we are done here, I’ll head to bed.” you start to move towards the exist before you realize something, “Oh, and here is your report back. Now that you’ve briefed my in person I won’t need it anymore.”
Vex: “Huh? What?” your son seems confused for a moment, “No, that report wasn’t about the drones. You asked me to write that before we caught them, remember?”
Zento: “Wait, then what was the report about?”
Vex: “Oh, possible nothing, captain.” after quickly rummaging through some papers on his desk, he pulls one out seemingly at random and says, “See, I noticed something odd with all the body scans of the alien crew. A group of cells that kept appearing in all of them. A similarity between all species, in fact.” Vex points towards some kind of image on the paper, as if it would help, “At first I simply wrote it off as something that exists in this galaxy, but when I scanned those old bodies we found… well, it was nowhere to be found.” Pulling out another paper, he shows you a graph of some sort, “So I looked closer and… I might be wrong, but these cells looked… well, artificial.”
Tozlan: “How can you tell that they were created by hand?” Tozlan sounds skeptical, “Are they too complex?”
Vex: “Too simple, actually.” the lizard smirks, “Anything that has evolved naturally will be a mismatch of different mutations, while this… let’s call it a virus, this virus clearly have just one purpose, though I have no idea what it is.” He then sheepishly rubs the back of the head and stutters, “Of course, it’s possible it might just have been a bug in the system, as it has disappeared without a trace now that I scanned the Raolme after the battle.” before shrugging, “So… um… heck if I know?”
Zento: “…keep me updated if anything change, son.” you state matter of factly, “Now, to bed.”
Vex: “Actually, there is one more thing, dad.”
Zento: “…this better be good.”

Vex leads you two to a room in the back of the med-bay, one that’s clearly designed for privacy. Opening the door, you find a sleeping form illuminated by the light from the outside. It’s Tizli, the Raolme pregnant with your child, or apparently formerly pregnant. As you watch her sleep, you spot something moving, something small. A green eye filled with curiosity hesitantly looks up from behind his mother’s embrace, right at you.

It’s your new born son.

Vex: “She gave birth during the middle of the battle, dad.” Vex whispers next to you, “I didn’t want to disturb you while you had more important things to think about.“
Zento: “A wise decision, son.”
Tozlan: “You should have told me sooner…” the eel hisses, “What with me being her brother and all.”
Vex: “I decided not to tell you, simpleton, because you’re an ass.”
Tozlan: “HEY!” Tozlan shouts, making Tizli stir in her sleep, “You’re no pearl in the foam either, you mud eating crab!”
Zento: *Sigh*
No. 1094813 ID: 44c167

Not in front of the baby, you two.

Greet your child Zento
No. 1094815 ID: 273c18

Ah shit. The "virus" disappeared during the battle, at the same time the child was born. We need to scan the kid. Soon. Might want to wait after Tizli wakes up.

Also, scan all the members of the crew again.
No. 1094831 ID: 2a82d3

I get the feeling Tozlan may have a few holes way up in his family tree he really does not to have looked up too closely.

Well, there is good news about those cells. It's likely they aren't from the IOD, or at least can't be weaponized by them. Otherwise, they would've been used against us by now.

If they were being used to observe us, somehow, it would make no sense to remove it. Perhaps the opposite is the case: The cells are some form of identification markers the IOD uses. If they can be removed by radiation from their weaponry, it'd be a pretty ingenious method to out criminals and rebels.

There's also the possibility there could be another force in this galaxy we know little about, but definitely has an interest in us now. There's not much we can do about that, at the moment. Same as if this "virus" could avoid our scans.

Swearing to your kid that he will live free from the IOD couldn't hurt.

Don't be quick to jump to conclusions. The cause could be entirely on stress from being fired at, and Dr. Vex would've checked for the virus. Forgetting to health check a newborn, especially yours, would be a level of gross negligence so severe that it'd call for a court martial.
No. 1094843 ID: eb0a9c

Screaming contest!
Let the baby win, shower him with praise for standing up to three big strong babies.
No. 1094844 ID: dd3fe0


Oh don't start that, things are peaceful!! Peace is important for morale!
No. 1095399 ID: 681cb5
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>Screaming contest!

>Not in front of the baby, you two.
Vex: “Sorry, dad.”
Tozlan: “I just w-”
Zento: “No.”
Tozlan: “But I-”
Zento: “No.”
Tozlan: “…of course, friend.”
Vex: “*Snrk*”
Zento: “You to, Vex.”
Vex: “Aw, come on…”

>Ah shit. The "virus" disappeared during the battle, at the same time the child was born. We need to scan the kid.
It’s most likely a coincidence… and surely Vex has already checked that the baby is healthy, right?
Zento: “Vex…” you whisper, looking over at your son, “Did you scan the baby for this virus as well?”
Vex: “Of course, dad.” he rolls his eyes, “What kind of a doctor would I be if I didn’t?”
Tozlan: “Apparently, one you have to ask if they make sure a newborn is healthy.”
>Also, scan all the members of the crew again.
Vex: “I’ll make sure to give everyone another full medical, when time permits it.”

>Greet your child Zento.
He stares at you with he’s large, green eye, clearly curious about who and what you are. Taking a step forward, he crawls a bit further into the warm embrace of his mother, making her stir in her sleep for a moment. After a bit of silence you stretch out your hand towards him…

…and he grabs you finger, holding it tight. The two of you share moment, seemingly connecting as he holds your finger. As if he understand who you are. As if… he knows you’re his father.

…you spend the night embracing Tizli and your newborn son…
No. 1095400 ID: 681cb5
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>I get the feeling Tozlan may have a few holes way up in his family tree.
There’s definitely history with him and this fifth clan. Though, if it’s personal or not, you cannot tell.
>Well, there is good news about those cells. It's likely they aren't from the IOD, or at least can't be weaponized by them. Otherwise, they would've been used against us by now.
…are we sure they aren’t? We have no idea what they do, after all.
> If they were being used to observe us, somehow, it would make no sense to remove it. Perhaps the opposite is the case: The cells are some form of identification markers the IOD uses. If they can be removed by radiation from their weaponry, it'd be a pretty ingenious method to out criminals and rebels.
While an interesting idea, it seems overly convoluted. No, you have a feeling this virus has a more simple use… you just need to figure out what.

A notification from Doxy wake you up all too early, making you stumble into the bridge still half-asleep with a cup of coffee in hand and a baby on your chest.

Zento: “Commander.” you drowsily mutter, “Anything to report?”
Doxy: “We are about to reach Tarkus Alpha and the Wroknir mining colony, sir.” the commanders voice is perky as ever, “I thought you wanted to be present when we do.”
Zento: “Indeed I do.” you take a sip, “Something is different since last time, I can feel it.”
Doxy: “Well, there is a… um…” taking a moment to find the right words, Doxy continues, “Someone is pulling us through hyperspace. They aren’t trying to get us to leave it this time but more like guide us to a certain spot in the system, sir.” She turns around and looks at you, “What are your orders?”
Zento: “…let them guide us for now.” you yawn in unison with your son, “Just be sure we’re ready to jump if there’s a surprise waiting for us.”
Doxy: “Speaking of surprises, our sensors are telling us there’s a lot more activity in the system than last time, sir.” the pink lizard taps her datapad, “As in… more than double the amount.”
Zento: “Hmm, at least it will be interesting.”
Doxy: “Reaching our destination in 1 minute…”
No. 1095401 ID: 681cb5
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Barely having time to find the captain chair, you arrive at the Tarkus Alpha system, and just as the Commander had said there is a lot more commotion here this time around. Of course, the first thing you notice is the large Wroknir ship and the small fleet surrounding it ready to attack you at a moment notice. Doxy is about to say something, but you just point at the main screen, signaling her to put up whatever message you’re about to receive there.

Wroknir: “Attention unidentified ship.” an unnatural deep voice calls out, “This is the Everlasting Citadel of Glorious Triumph, the capital ship of the 34th legion of the Everlasting Monarchy Navy.” The screen flickers for a second before showing a fully armored and mean looking Gargoyle, “Identify yourself immediately!”
Zento: “Hmh…” you take a sip of your coffee, “This is Captain Zento of the-”
Wroknir: “What the crack are you!?” it suddenly bellows out, seeming seeing you for the first time, “You some kind of blobface trick!?”
Zento: “We’re Sakkilian’s.” you tell them calmly, “We’re… ah… from outside this sector.”
Wroknir: “You what?” the Wroknir disappear from view for a moment, clearly trying to find some kind of information on you, “But how did you get… Nevermind.” Trying his best to regain his menacing presence, he states, “Know this, outsider, this sector is controlled by the IOD, and IOD law rules here.” he hits his chest doing some kind of strange salute, “We, the Everlasting Monarchy Navy, gracefully serve their will as peace keepers. Do not break the IOD law or you will face the full might of the Queens Glory!”
Zento: “Understood, loud and clear.” you take a moment to scratch your son’s head, making him purr, “We’re not here to cause trouble. We are simply here to trade.”
Wroknir: “…so it may be, we will still report your existence to the IOD, outsider.” Now that might be problematic, “Now, we are hunting a group of Kelshin pirates who has stolen a precursor artifact.”
Zento: “We did-“
Wroknir: “We are not here to ask questions, outsider.” Suddenly, every last weapon in their fleet light up, “Power down your engine immediately and get ready to be boarded. We will search your ship thoroughly for any traces of pirate scum and this artifact.” Pressing a button, he makes all the turrents on his ships slowly move to face you, “Comply or die.”
Zento: “Ah, there it is…” you take another sip, “The interesting part…”
No. 1095406 ID: 273c18

I don't think we can fight *this* one, and if we get boarded then they'll find:
1, a bunch of Kelshin
2, a damaged Kelshin pirate ship
3, a captured IOD captain
4, some captured IOD drones
5, a bunch of unrecognized tech they'll want to claim or possibly even say it's the "artifact" in question.

Won't look very good! I think what we want to do here is run away. If we can't immediately jump out then we can consent to be boarded, and delay the inspections a bit until we can jump. Maybe hide the more objectionable stuff so that they don't raise any alarms until we can jump?

...well, we could negotiate to release the captain in exchange for letting you escape, but I suspect they won't agree to that.
No. 1095407 ID: 44c167

our options;
Fight: Bad, we're not recovered from the last fight yet, and it would bring trouble to our Wroknir friends.
Deceptive Compliance: Bad, even if we didn't have IOD prisoners, IOD property, kelshin pirates, and reproductive tech that must remain secret; I wouldn't trust these arrogant authoritarians not to attack us just because we 'seemed suspicious'.
Flee: Okay, assuming they can't interdict us, it would mean we can't return here for some time so as to not associate the colony with us in the eyes of the IOD.
Bluff: Ideal if possible, but what leverage do we have?

Orient the ship for a jump out-system. Try to start an argument over the com to stall, but we simply have to flee this encounter. Moving further from IOD space would be good until we can get a fleet of our own. And can we a get some kind of scout ship? These ambushes are getting ridiculous.
No. 1095464 ID: eb0a9c

Oh I just thought of something devious.
You have an IOD captain. Make a quick recording that portrays her as being caught in some kind of embarrassing sexual position, and you can pass the ship off as one of the leadership's privileged sexual cruise liners; the kind of situation that gets petty officers causally 'reassigned' (read:arrested) for interrupting.
No. 1095466 ID: 086905

Good thing you have the perfect excuse for this. Your chief doctor has recently informed you that your ship may have contracted a yet unknown virus. Complying with his demand would expose that to his crew, and this "artifact" could be in your possession.

Don't jump just yet. You could pump him for intel, at least. What about "blobface tricks"? Could he describe the nature of this artifact, and why his Queen may be interested in it? Emphasize his Queen, as in possibly not the IOD.

Remember their navy is technically independent from the IOD. Even if they are their enforcers, and are lawful, they might not like being under their thumb. Endearing yourself to them seems doable. It's not like you have any love of the slave trade, either. You might not even need to jump, if you're smooth enough.

Having your first mate flirt with him couldn't hurt, either. Your species' appearance does seem to throw him off his game. It's almost cute :D
No. 1095603 ID: 681cb5
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>Can we a get some kind of scout ship? These ambushes are getting ridiculous.
To be fair, this wasn’t an ambush. We knew we were going into a well-guarded system, we just didn’t know they would be hostile. Though, some kind of scout drone would be a boon, if we should get our hands on it.
>You have an IOD captain. Make a quick recording that portrays her as being caught in some kind of embarrassing sexual position. The kind of situation that gets petty officers causally 'reassigned' (read:arrested) for interrupting.
…no, we have an Ek’tall captain, not an IOD. Tozlan made it clear they are battle thralls serving IOD, not actually IOD themselves. Besides, their ship is way bigger than the captains we captured, so they probably outrank them anyway.

>Orient the ship for a jump out-system.
Zento: “Commander, how long will it take to prepare the ship for another jump?”
Doxy: “A little over a minute, sir… maybe two?”
Wroknir: “What part of immediately don’t you understand?” the Wroknir shouts, “Fire a warning shot!”
You can feel the ship shake before several kinetic impact warnings starts blaring.
Doxy: “They tore through our shield easily, doing major damage to our armor in three spots. Luckily, no integral damage was reported.”
Zento: “…and how long will it take for these weapons to turn us into junk?”
Doxy: “Far less than a minute, sir.”
Zento: “Then power down the engine. We cannot run.”

>Your chief doctor has recently informed you that your ship may have contracted a yet unknown virus.
Wroknir: “We do not care for your disease! We will board you wearing full power armor. They protect us from even the vilest of chemical weapons, let alone a weak disease.”
>What about "blobface tricks"?
Wroknir: “Those freakish Plumi to the south can change shape.” he grunts, “They cannot be trusted.”
Zento: “To the south?” you take a moment to think about the map you have, “You mean the Wirnay? At least, that was what Vul Wrok called them.”
Wroknir: “Wirnay, Plumi, blobs, slimes, does it matter!? They keep changing their names each time they get caught!” the gargoyle is about to say something else, before he visibly double takes, “Did you say Vul Wrok? As in, High Magister Vul Wrok?”
Zento: “The one who rules this colony, yes.” you give him a little smile, “Didn’t I mention that she’s the one who personally requested my presence, hmm?”
Wroknir: “…we will take that into consideration.”

>Could he describe the nature of this artifact, and why his Queen may be interested in it?
Wroknir: “The IOD has demanded that a precursor artifact that was stolen from them by Kelshin pirates is to be returned! We will find it and bring it back!”
Zento: “…you don’t know what it looks like, I take it.”
Wroknir: “…we know how precursor tech looks like… and what Kelshin pirates look like.” He slams the console in front of him, “BAH! Enough chatter! Our boarding party is ready to be deployed! Prepare to be boarded!”

Alright, no time to panic… we can’t fight, we can’t run and we can’t hide… which leaves talking our way out. What will they even find on the ship? We have nothing to hide…
Except for a bunch of Kelshin, all but one former pirates…
And a damaged Kelshin pirate ship…
…some captured IOD drones…
Oh, and a captured Ek’tall captain…
Is there something else you’re forgetting?
Either way, you need a plan… how do you spin this? They are looking for pirates and weird artifacts, not captured IOD battle thralls…

You take a sip of your coffee… its way too early for this kind of crap.
No. 1095604 ID: 273c18

Okay, fine. Let's lie our asses off.
We can explain the pirates and the damaged pirate ship by saying we conquered them. Okay that's actually the truth but we don't have to say WHEN we did it. We can show off the claw from the dead pirate captain to prove we killed him, and say the rest of the slavers died too. The Kelshin in our employ were former slaves or disloyal crewmates that are now no longer pirates? Or do even former pirates get executed by the IOD? We may have to claim they're ALL former slaves, and be sure every Kelshin on the ship has their story straight.
We can explain the drones by saying we took them off of the pirate slavers' ship. The Ek’tall captain will probably try to demand rescue and blame us for her capture so we need to either silence her or hide her. Killing her would still require hiding or disposing of her body.

...did we collect any weird artifacts from the expeditions we went on? Or the Tuul-infested facility? If so then we need to hide those as well. Maybe the pirate ship has smuggling compartments? Or we could shove it in a vent or inside a bulkhead.
No. 1095649 ID: 355e44

Time for operation Throw a Blanket Over It. It's not impossible, what with time shenanigans, that Sakilians are the precursors. Or that our tech will look alien enough for them to look closer than we would like. So we have a very short time to hide or disguise all of our potential contraband.

The Kelshin need to be hidden, there's no way to explain them away that doesn't end in them getting dragged off to a fate worse than death.
The Kelshin ship was captured by us in a fight we stumbled upon where pirates were fighting Ek'tall. We arrived just as the pirates seemed to be loosing, but something something, hidden bomb, phyric victory for the Ek'tall, we could only pick up the pieces.
This also explains how we have drones on the ship. Unless we can hide them, but that's not a priority.
The captured captain is a problem. Could we dose her and rig some bits so she passes as a drone?
Reproductive tech needs to be jurryriged to look like something else, anything else. The IOD cannot find out what we're capable of.

Rig the docking bay doors to open slowly to stall for time. Pass it off as our clearly inferior technology. Present a picture of our ship being just worse than theirs in general, make them see what they expect.
No. 1095654 ID: 273c18

Oh, the heavy combat cyborg might be suspicious...
No. 1095655 ID: 273c18

...if he DOES find something objectionable on the ship I wonder if we can simply bribe him?
No. 1095661 ID: 2a82d3

The Wroknir and the Ek'tall militaries likely to have differences in doctrines or philosophies that they squabble over. That's an angle to exploit. Pass off the spoils from the last battle as self-defense from a crazy fanatic, adding that you were returning from a mission advised by the High Magister.

There's a chance the tree captain wouldn't want to be handled by a "lesser race" anyway, but now would be the time to convince her it's not in her best interest to turn herself in. Perhaps you could give her reason, or bluff at one, to distrust him and play along.

With exotic women, or hope of a galaxy free from tyranny. Only half-joking, it's what we have. Do get a feel if he's amenable to such things before you try, though.
No. 1095886 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1095887 ID: 681cb5
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Wroknir Grunt: “Look what I found! A pirate crab!”
Zento: “That’s our janitor.”
Wroknir Officer: “You hired a Kelshin?”
Zento: “Actually, we saved him from a bunch of pirates.”
Wroknir Officer: “Hmm, yes, he does have the telltale signs of a slave collar… and no pirate markings either.” the officer gesture to the rest of his men, “Alright, he’s clean.”
Wroknir Grunt: “Can I shoot him anyway.”
Wroknir Officer: “We don’t shoot civilian, stone for brains.”
Wroknir Grunt: “Aw…”

Zento: “We also have a few drones we took from the pirate ship as well.” you tell them, “if you wish to take them back?”
Wroknir Officer: “Drones? No, we don’t deal with those freaks.” he avert his gaze, “Just let them die… it’s better that way.”
Zento: “And down there are our hydraulics bays, if you wish too-”
Wroknir Officer: “We are here for one thing and one thing only, lizard.” the gargoyle interrupts you, “And that is to find that artifact.” He turns to his soldiers, “Troops, spread out in four teams and use your scanners across the ship. If you find anything giving off strange readings report it immediately.”
Wroknir Grunt: “Sir, yes sir!” the Wroknir lifts a fist up in the air before scampering off, “For the everlasting queen! HUZZAH!”
Wroknir Officer: “The rest of you, with me. We’re going to the hanger.”
No. 1095888 ID: 681cb5
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Wroknir Grunt: “Look sir! A pirate ship!”
Zento: “The very same pirate ship we saved those slaves and drones from.” you nod towards the way we came in from, “I still have the gold claw the pirate captain had, if you wish to see it.”
Wroknir Officer: “We should check it out, in case it was someone known. Where did you fight them?” his visor scans across the debris in the room, “Why are you repairing it?”
Zento: “We are in dire need of extra ships… and besides, we need to know our enemy if we are to fight them, no?” the officer looks at you in confusion as you smile, “And we met them just outside the system, when we were on our way back from a mission. A mission given to us by the High Magister herself, mind you.”
Wroknir Officer: “Hmm… very well. Let’s keep moving men.”
Wroknir Grunt: “Can we blow the pirate ship up?”
Wroknir Officer: “No.”
Wroknir Grunt: “Aw…”
No. 1095889 ID: 681cb5
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Wroknir Grunt: “Sir! This thing gives off strange readings!” one of the grunts yells, holding up a datapad towards our cyborg resident, “Is it the precursor artifact?”
Wroknir Officer: “Of course not. That thing is clearly not a few hundred thousand years old, now is it?” he lean his head to the side, “But it is old… and strange… where did you get this?”
Zento: “She’s one of ours.” you nod towards the cyborg, “We made her back in our home systems.”
Wroknir Officer: “This thing is clearly older than anything else around here.” the officer looks around, before focusing his gaze on the cyborg, “It looks like old Forska tech.”
Zento: “Who are the Forska?”
Wroknir Officer: “BAH! Just some weaklings the IOD took care off.” he clenches his fist, “But their tech was advanced, and the Queen wants anything we can find that’s left of them.” The gargoyle turns towards his men, “Soldiers, take it to the ship.”
Zento: “Hey! You can’t just take her!” you snarl, “There’s a Sakkilian in there! She’s a cyborg!”
Wroknir Officer: “Cyborg? Really?” he takes a moment before continuing, “The only one with this kind of Cyborg tech around here was the Forska. Meaning this is the Queens property!”
Zento: “And what will the High Magister think?”
Wroknir Officer: “Bah! Who cares?” the officer chuckles, “The Everlasting Queen is the highest authority there is! Now, step aside, worm!”
Zento: “…”

While they didn’t find our prisoner, this is still bad. You’re not going to abandon one of your people like this!

>It's not impossible, what with time shenanigans, that Sakilians are the precursors.
The jump between galaxies would only take about 100 years, and with it going wrong we might add another hundred or two. In comparison, these precursors where around hundreds of thousands of years ago, making it very unlikely it was Sakkilians.
>...if he DOES find something objectionable on the ship I wonder if we can simply bribe him?
Well, that’s an idea… but with what?
>With exotic women, or hope of a galaxy free from tyranny.
Seeing as he’s loyal to this “Everlasting Queen”, a galaxy free from Tyranny doesn’t seem like a thing he would want. He’s a monarchist, after all. As for exotic ladies… you have no idea.

Either way, you need to do something if you want to keep the cyborg, be it trying to bribe him or something else. Time is of the essence.
No. 1095890 ID: c8380b

Our cyborg crewmember is currently undergoing a BIOS update. If it's interrupted, it will brick her completely. Not only would this become a kidnapping-turned-murder, they'd render her cybernetics useless.

Also, the anti-espionage systems will activate if they try to examine her without administrator credentials. Would their Queen appreciate having cyborg death squads sent to contain a security breach?
No. 1095891 ID: 273c18

What if he took the gun arm, but not the cyborg? The gun's mostly useless to us anyway.
...actually, the cyborg is useless to him as well. She can't be turned on, show him how there's no longer anyone with sufficient authorization to activate her. Hmm, won't he be able to recognize from the language on the terminal that it's not Forska tech?
No. 1095893 ID: 355e44

Thank him for the compliment, but you're sure this isn't anything as impressive as what he's describing, as its an experimental unit made only a few years ago. Tell him you had heard a rumor that the design was based on some alien tech discovered somewhere, maybe that was of Forska origin.

In any case, she is not in a stable condition to be unhooked right now. If he insists she must be delivered to the queen it will have to be on this ship. We would be willing to negotiate compensation for this inconvenience, but we will not allow him to execute one of our crew without proper cause.
No. 1095894 ID: 094562

"So anything thats too advanced becomes forska for you? eitherway removing her will just destroy the cybernetics and kill her"
No. 1095897 ID: bc8363

>there's no longer anyone with sufficient authorization to activate her.
Wouldn't that also mean that there's no one with sufficient authorization to deactivate her?

Because we could imply that if they try tampering with her in any way, she'll go into murder mode and kill everyone on the ship, including us, and we can't stop her because we don't have the authorization to tell her to stop.
No. 1095899 ID: 2a82d3

"Think this through, Officer. I would think your Queen would want her in a state to give answers. There are questions I'd like to ask her myself, frankly."

If she's wearing Forska tech, it's possible she may been in contact with one of their kind in the past. Reading between the lines, it looks like he's very invested in following this lead.

You want in. You don't want her to leave the ship, and he doesn't have the discretion to deviate from his current mission or any mission not assigned by the IOD. If he leaves a team with you, you can do the Queen's work for him. They'll be treated well. If he could, he could even assign himself.
No. 1096320 ID: 681cb5
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>If she's wearing Forska tech, it's possible she may been in contact with one of their kind in the past.
All of her cybernetics is of Sakkilian make, and she surely was outfitted like this before the expedition even left our galaxy. This Wroknir is just rather dimwitted.
>Wouldn't that also mean that there's no one with sufficient authorization to deactivate her?
Which is why you asked Regina to put a kill switch inside her. If she wakes up and start trouble, you should be able to just shut off all her cybernetics with the press of a button.

Zento: “So anything that’s too advanced becomes Forska tech for you?”
Wroknir Officer: “What? Of course not!” he shuffles his feet awkwardly, “I’ve just heard that they were experts on Cybernetics… and all their tech is supposedly as boxy as this one.”
Zento: “Supposedly?” you raise an eyebrow, “So you haven’t seen any yourself?”
Wroknir Officer: “Of course not! The Forska disappeared before I was born! Before the war!” the gargoyle audibly huffs, “And no, I haven’t seen it in person, only in images.”
Zento: “Well, thank you for the compliment, but I’m sure this isn’t anything as impressive as this Forska technology you’re describing.” You take a deep breath while looking straight into his eyes, “No. She is fully and completely Sakkilian technology. As seeing as we didn’t arrive in this ga- ah, this sector until recently, we cannot even have met this Forska species in the first place.”
Wroknir Officer: “…still, I need to bring her back to the Kingdom.”
Zento: “She is currently undergoing important BIOS updates. If she would be unplugged now, her cybernetics software would be completely bricked. ” giving him a moment to digest your words, you glances over at the cyborg, “Not only would this become a kidnapping turned murder, but her cybernetics would be completely useless.”
Wroknir Officer: “…and if we wait until the update is done?”
Zento: “I will not allow you to execute one of my crew without proper cause.” leaning a bit closer, you state calmly, “If you insist, then she must be delivered to the Queen in this very ships. I’m sure we can negotiate a compensation for the inconvenience, though I’m not sure how you’ll break the news that you failed your actual mission here.”
Wroknir Officer: “…”
Zento: “Not to mention, I’m sure the High Magistrate would be rather cross with you if you took us away.”
Wroknir Officer: “…fine.” he huffs again, “We will leave her.”
Zento: “Thank you.”

The Officer turns away from you and the cyborg, grumbling to himself. Casting a quick glance at the Cyborg herself, you swear she has moved her head to look at you… but surely you just imagined it.
No. 1096321 ID: 681cb5
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As the officer and his soldier start to leave, you can overhear him radioing the other Wroknirs on the ship.

Wroknir Officer: “The is Officer Uron Taq. All units report.”
Wroknir: “This is unit 1.” there’s a noticeable static on the wire as they speak, “We found several Kelshin onboard. None of them had pirate marks.”
Wroknir Officer: “Leave them be. Unit 2?”
Wroknir: “There was a Wroknir working in the hydroponics bays, lord… and a lot of strange plants… and a tree?”
Wroknir Officer: “We’re not here to pick flowers. Unit 3?”
Wroknir: “Nothing to report… well, there is this cute, pink gal here that-”
Wroknir Officer: “No.”
Wroknir: “Aw…”
Wroknir Officer: “We’re leaving. Immediately. Over and out.” he turns to you, “We will meet again, lizard. And I will make sure I report this meeting directly to the Queen her-”

He stops as he spots something in the hanger... before he starts scanning the whole room very thoroughly. Try as you might, you can’t see whatever it was that he saw, but it clearly made him lose his balance. The only things in here are the ships, which he has already seen… hmm, maybe he spotted the Raolme ship?

Wroknir Officer: “…I will make sure to report this to the proper people.” turning away from you, he adds, “We have pirates to hunt.” before leaving.

And with that they are gone, leaving on their ships just as quickly as they got here… huh…
No. 1096322 ID: 681cb5
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Doxy: “Sir, the Wroknir have all powered down their weapons and are leaving combat formations.”
Zento: “Good.”
Doxy: “Oh! And they are leaving the system, sir! In fact, every last ship that was… um… purple is hyper jumping away in different directions.”
Zento: “They are hunting for pirates.”
Doxy: “That leaves us free too… well, whatever we want to do? What are your orders, sir?”

Finally, a moment to relax…
No. 1096327 ID: eb0a9c

Oh ^&*(. He knows Ralome don't have eyes. You are now suspected of either conducting illegal experiments on Ralome or using illegal cyberware that might be potentially Forska.
From now on, make sure your hybrid crew members have special disguises.

That said, make more hybrid crewmembers! You have a larger roster to mix-and-match now!
No. 1096332 ID: 273c18

He saw something. Get someone to examine the hangar carefully to find what he might have spotted. Someone native to this galaxy. Ask the High Magistrate for help if you must. Whatever he thought he saw, or actually did see, it's something you need to account for.

Also where the hell did the former pirates hide, exactly?
No. 1096338 ID: 355e44

Oh right, the conspicuous pink hybrid. Well, at least he didn't arrest or kill the lot of you on the spot. Better not take too long here.

Check in with the magistrate. Don't give everything away, but ask how big of a deal having a hybrid on staff is, and weather you should expect IOD response. We wouldn't want to bring trouble to the colony, but we would like to remain friendly even if it has to be secret.
No. 1096346 ID: c8380b

Go thank your pirate waifu.
No. 1096698 ID: 681cb5
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>He saw something.
But what? What is it too see in the hanger? A ship? Some tool? A crewmember? Wait…
>Oh right, the conspicuous pink hybrid.
…No, he wasn’t looking at Rose. At least, not at first. He was looking directly at Shal, the daughter of Tescia and some unknown Wroknir down on the colony. Does he know she’s a hybrid, or does he simply think she’s got bio-modifications? Hmm… then again, why didn’t he act on it? So many questions…
>That said, make more hybrid crewmembers! You have a larger roster to mix-and-match now!
You’re sure as soon as things calm down and the crew get some time off, there will be a few more hybrids on their way.

>Where the hell did the former pirates hide, exactly?
You call up Eki to ask her.
Eki: “Huh? Oh, we were hiding in plain sight, Cap’.” her tone is jovial, though you can hear someone argue in the background, “They were looking for Pirate Captain Ikekeki, not nurse Eki, Kekekeke!”
Zento: “The one Kelshin on board that isn’t a former pirate almost got his head blown off…”you mutter, “Why didn’t they do the same to you?”
Eki: “They were a bit gruff around us, but when they didn’t find any pirate marking on us they left us alone.” the shrimp smacks her mandibles, “After all, not all Kelshin are pirates.”
Zento: “None of you had pirate marks, even though you were pirates?”
Eki: “None of us have actually survived a whole tour of duty… nor been promoted to anything above the lowest rank.” you hear her claw click twice, “Well, except for that really old, one eyed guy. He had a mark on his arm. A bunch of them, in fact.”
Zento: “…so he hid somewhere then?”
Eki: “Um…”
Vex: “-in the goddess name made you blow of your own arm with a plasma rifle!?” you can hear your son, Dr. Vex, yell in the background of the call, “You’re lucky it cauterized the wound, or you’d be dead!”
Old Pirate: “Ha! I’ve lived through far worse, lad.” someone with a really deep voice says, “This is but a flesh wound.”
Vex: “Your whole arm is gone. And a large part of your chest!” it is clear that the lizard doctor isn’t very impressed, “And I think I can see your heart beating through the scorched skin!”
Old Pirate: “Only one of them!”
Vex: “How are you even alive, let alone not knocked out by the pain!?”
Old Pirate: “Bah! Youngster today, can’t even handle a bit of pain.” you can hear him laugh, “Why this is nothing compared to the pain matrixes they used during the war, let me tell you!”
Vex: “…give me strength.”
Eki: “…we hid him, sure, let’s go with that.”
>Thank your pirate waifu.
Eki: “Don’t mention it, Cap’.” she chirps happily, “Though, I’m not sure what a bay fo is?”
Zento: “Did I say that out lo- I mean, forget about it. Good work, Eki.”
Eki: “Thank you, Kekeke!”
No. 1096699 ID: 681cb5
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>Check in with the magistrate.
The Commander calls the colony, and almost immediately a familiar face appears on screen.
Vul: “This is High Magistrate Vul Wrok of the Everlasting Monarchy.” the Gargoyle, this time already clad in full regalia, states in a rather proud voice, “Captain Zento, I’ve been expecting you.”
Zento: “I am sure you have, Vul.” you give her a slight smile, “Our arrival wasn’t exactly subtle, now was it?”
Vul: “I do apologize for the goon legion troubling you.” she gives you a little nod, “They are not under my command. Glad to see that they didn’t cause too much of an inconvenience.”
Zento: “No need to worry, Magistrate.” a small smirk escape your lips, “We had them under control from the start.”
Vul: “Still, this does change things. We cannot aid you any further, and must ask you to leave as soon as possible, never to return to this system.” with a sigh, Vul continues, “We will of course still honor our earlier agreements and properly compensate you for the scanning data as well as any organic material you may have gathered.”
Zento: “I see… and why this sudden change?”
Vul: “Those buffoons might not have known what they were looking for, probably because they are out here on their own initiative and haven’t been briefed properly, but I do.” she gives you a stern look, “They are hunting ‘Kelshin pirates’ who has stolen a huge ship filled with odd technologies. That is to say, your ship. They are hunting you… and I can’t risk getting caught in the crossfire.”
Zento: “…understandable.”
>Ask the High Magistrate what the Wroknir might have seen.
Vul: “I cannot say what he saw.” the gargoyle rubs her snout, “But if they didn’t immediately arrest you, it means it can’t have been too bad. It’s possible he simply saw something that wasn’t there for a moment? Just imagined things?”

>Don't give everything away, but ask how big of a deal having a hybrid on staff is, and weather you should expect IOD response.
Vul: “Hybrids? What do you mean, hybrids? Have you been gene-splicing alien DNA into yourself or some… thing…” she spots something behind you, and as you turn around you can see your current ships pilot, Shal, glancing up from her console, “…wait, who is that?”
Zento: “That would be Shal, the daughter of one of my crewmembers and a person living on your colony.”
Vul: “…”
No. 1096700 ID: 681cb5
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Vul: “Depower your warp drive immediately!” her demure change, her voice suddenly far stricter and unforgiving, “And fly to these coordinates. It’s near to the orbital space station.” The gargoyle pushes a few buttons out of sight before adding, “NOW.”
Doxy: “Um… they just sent some kind of mass relay message, sir.” the commander behind you states, “It went out over the whole star system?”
Vul: “I need you to remove power from as many system as you can, Captain.” she doesn’t even look at you, instead tapping something on a screen behind her, “Weapons, shield, comms, navigation, scans… everything.”
Doxy: “Every last ship in the system just powered up, sir.” the pink lizard shouts, “They are heading this way.”
Vul: “We don’t have time to argue.” Vul Wrok raises her hands, as if to show that she bears no ill-intent, “You have to trust me.”
No. 1096703 ID: 273c18

Ah, since you didn't hide the hybrids and they were spotted, then the IOD will know you can make hybrids, and apparently that's a huge deal. They will be back very soon, I'm guessing. The High Magistrate has some kind of plan to hide you; the only reason to completely power down would be to hide your energy signature. So alright, do it.

Though I'm not sure why the IOD inspectors didn't just capture your ship then and there...
No. 1096704 ID: eb0a9c

The IOD are scared of Hybrids.
But scared does not mean terrified. They're going to nuke your ship from a distance, the same way one would purge a supersoldier carrier or a zombie infested scout.

Do as she says, it might be the only way to stealth this.
No. 1096707 ID: 2a82d3

Will she be OK? It doesn't sound like she'll be OK. Good thing we didn't tell her about about the cryopods. The less she knows about about that, the better.

Oh wait, our surprisingly advanced bio-tech IS what we should've hidden from the population control freaks...

Screw it. Promise her an heir, if we both make it through this.
No. 1096710 ID: 1effd3

Of course the transmission was being tapped.

Kill the power ASAP!
No. 1096719 ID: 355e44

Trust her. If she intended to trick you why would she tip her hand now instead of drawing you in?
No. 1096731 ID: 54a806

No. 1096734 ID: 6007b9

>It’s near to the orbital space station.
Are the coordinates within range of those giant cannons that she controls? Because she might be intending to use them to protect you and that requires you to trust her.

>Screw it. Promise her an heir, if we both make it through this.
Don't do that. She already has a son with her.
No. 1097049 ID: 681cb5
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>Are the coordinates within range of those giant cannons that she controls?
The whole system is within range of those giant cannons. Why even have cannons if the enemy simply can take them out from outside their maximum range?
>Kill the power ASAP!
Zento: “Commander Doxy, prepare the ship for complete blackout.” you sit down in your chair, “Shut down anything that isn’t vital and put the engine on low power mode.”
Doxy: “What? Really? Are you sure we can-”
Zento: “Now, Commander.”
Doxy: “Yes sir!”
Zento: “Attention Crew!” pressing a button on your chair, you make sure your voice is relayed all across the ship, “This is your Captain speaking. Proceed with emergency shutdown. All systems need to be offline yesterday!”
Doxy: “Systems are going offline as we speak, sir.”
Zento: “Shal, set a course for these coordinates. Take it slow and make it happen.”
Shal: “You got it, boss.”

While slowly drifting towards the Wroknir space station, the systems of the ships starts going out one by one. First thing you notice is the window screens all going black, with the exception for the main navigational one, followed by the lights… and then the gravity subtly changes. Even the background noise is different, as the engine powers down and the habitat systems shuts down. As the ship slowly dies around you, you drift ever closer to the space station, the massive hangar bay opening up like a maw with jagged teeth, swallowing the front of the Shed Scale. You watch as hundreds of gargoyles are hard at work opening up a way for you, as they seemingly have to rip apart the whole hangar area just to make the snout of your ship fit. Then, with a light thud, you’re hilted inside it all the way to the engines. Even then, half the ship is still outside.

Zento: “Commander, take the crew on shore leave. I am certain the High Magister wants to have a long conversation with me in private.”
Doxy: “Yes sir. At once, sir.”

You were half-expecting meeting a group or two of armed infantry outside the ship, maybe even some heavier mobile armor, but instead all you can find are workers running around trying their best to get the station up to par again. In fact, there is only a small group of lightly armed Wroknir keeping an eye on you from a distance, clearly some kind of peace keeping force and not military. Then you spot a gargoyle waving you down, easy to spot as he’s sticking out as a sore thumb wearing rather posh clothes compared to everyone else’s work overalls. The two of you exchange nods before you silently follow him towards the space elevator.
No. 1097050 ID: 681cb5
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In the center of the colony, on top of the highest spire, in a grand hall you find High Magister Vul Wrok lounging on a throne, looking as she’s deep in thought.

Vul: “Ah, Captain Zento.” she gives a dismissing wave to the gargoyle that brought you here, as well to her two guards, making them leave the room, “Just the man I wanted to see.”
Zento: “High magister.” you visibly move your gaze around the room, “Should I bow or…?”
Vul: “As I said before, call me Vul. And no, no need for those formalities. Never liked this throne anyway.” rubbing her chin, the Wroknir looks you up and down, “You have caused me quite a lot of stress, little Sakkilian, you know that? Though, at least my death won’t be boring…”
Zento: “I take it that our technology that allow hybrid species isn’t very liked by these IOD fellows?”
Vul: “Hybrids? No, it’s not that they are hybrids. Of course, I’m not sure they even know that’s possible. I for one thought it impossible at least.” Vul sits up properly and look you straight in the eyes, “Do you remember how I told you that one of the few things we had to do to stay independent was to accept a package from the IOD?”
Zento: “I do have a vague relocation of it, yes?” you rub your beard, “What did it contain?”
Vul: “Nothing, as far as my scientist and sensors can tell.” the gargoyle lean back into her chair again, “But, after it arrived… barely a few days later, every last person in this colony, be it in the mines or out in space, became sterile.”
Zento: “…and you don’t know how?”
Vul: “Be it from some biological agent or electronic wave, all I know is that every last person here cannot conceive a child no longer.” she clasp her hands, “Until you came.”
Zento: “…and suddenly made a hybrid with one of your people.” you sigh, “I see now why the IOD wouldn’t like our hybrid crew members.”
Vul: “Indeed.” her head leans to the side, “What you have is not some weapon they fear… but something far more dangerous. A cause to fight for.”
Zento: “…but why didn’t the IOD inspectors just capture us there and then?” you walk over to the steps that leads up to the throne and sit down, “Or are they planning on just blowing up the nearby star? Just to be sure?”
Vul: “That would be folly. No, if they wanted you dead they would have open fired already.” leaning on her elbow, she rubs her forehead, “They outrank even me in such matter, so we would be forced to help them gun you down where you stood. No, there has to be some other reason.”
Zento: “Maybe he didn’t actually see what we thought he saw?”
Vul: “Possible. But let us not get mired in unimportant details.” still having her head in one hand, she gives you a strange look, “We have far more important matters to discuss about your hybrids, Zento.”
Zento: “Oh?” you smirk, “What? You want me to promise you an heir?”
Vul: “Ah, I see that you’re familiar with the traditional Wroknir contract signage, good.” her voice doesn’t betray even a hint of sarcasm, “But that is for later. No, what I need is the mere idea of what you can do. With it, we can finally have a way to fight back against the IOD. To unite the old alliance and retake our freedom.”
Zento: “…While I do agree the IOD seems like a problem that need solving, what you suggest seems a bit… let say it’s a difficult goal to achieve with just one ship.”
Vul: “Indeed, but we need to begin somewhere.” Vul stands up from the throne, “I will make sure your ship is repaired and is suitable fitted for your duties to come, Captain. As well as spare the few troops I am able. Then, when the coast is clear, you will leave this colony and find larger allies for this revolution.” The gargoyle takes a step towards you before stopping, “Oh, but of course I cannot do all that for free. No, I have several Wroknir of a higher standard of breeding here who is dutifully waiting for the privilege to sire an heir, something that will most likely take years. Now, if we had an alternative to offer, I’m sure these powerful men and woman would aid us in our plans, no?”
Zento: “…you’re suggesting I rent out my crew?”
Vul: “I am in need of your most fertile men and woman, five of each, so that we may sway the highborn of this colony to our side.” she chuckles, “Yourself excluded, of course, as you have far more important matter to discuss here with me. Do we have a deal, Captain?”
No. 1097055 ID: 355e44

Well she would know her people best, so if she thinks it would help then sure. Finding ten volunteers shouldn't be too hard.
No. 1097056 ID: 1effd3

well guess it's up to us to save an entire civilization/species.
No. 1097059 ID: 273c18

>IOD made everyone sterile
Ahh. That's what we detected in the scans, isn't it? Why did it disappear though? We need to do research. Scan people on the station to find people with the same "virus"(probably everyone), and then do various things to them that you'd do if they were hired as crewmembers, testing them again after each one. Did *all* of our alien crewmates get fertility treatments? It's also possible the solution has to do with our food, or sanitation, or... I don't know. At any rate, finding out the exact antidote will make it easier to complete this request.
Might also be neat to do some more in depth research to find out how the sterility works? Like, how does it interfere with the reproductive process exactly?
No. 1097060 ID: eb0a9c

>Mass-genocide through sterilization
Bastards. Not the population control part, the extermination of all cultures outside of the IOD for the crime of merely existing part.
...Wait. Could it be? Could they be trying to exterminate all life other than themselves because they are also biologically doomed?

>5 Sakkilians as breeders
You'll ask around. Many of your colonists wanted back into cold sleep, or to find their prospects elsewhere. You can spare a dozen volunteers.
However, it would be more viable to purchase Wronkir genetic material and start cloning right away. With their engineering crews, you could temporarily increase the yield of your cloning facilities and get everyone's kids in a couple days.
No. 1097065 ID: 8c95eb

>everyone is sterile
It's a form of population control, to make sure that nobody can gain the numbers needed to attempt to overthrow the IOD.

>need breeders
You'd better explain exactly how things work, so that she knows what she wants.

Explain the accelerated pregnancy process that allows birth within one day. And also explain the process of rapidly growing a child into an adult while implanting memories of their entire lives.

And if she wants the children to be rapidly grown into adults, then you'll need to update you capsules to implant memories of her race's culture, so that the children won't be alienated from their own parents by getting only Sakkilian culture implanted into them.
No. 1097067 ID: 273c18

...wait, if we've powered down the ship, do we still have our prisoner contained and the drones cared for? What about the cyborg, how long can she go without a charging station?
No. 1097103 ID: 2a82d3

Accept the deal, on condition that you vet who you will send over. You will need to do a roll call of willing volunteers, and evaluate their fertility, eagerness, and likelihood of romantic attachment. That last one isn't necessarily wrong, but resources are tight enough that you wouldn't want to lose your crew to anything, even this. Of course, discussing logistics can want after the signing. You don't want this contract declared null and void from dissatisfaction during the "signing" ;)

If there's any highborn that prefers a live-in partner, they will need to wait about a week for them. Ostensibly, this is to clear their work schedule and settle their duties. In truth, you'll need time to spin up the cryopods to make Breeders, or replacements for any crew that retires here. You can guarantee they'll be the most fertile among your crew, at least.

Ask about the child-rearing practices for her kind. With one of your own to care of during shore leave, you might as well help with hers while you're at it.

> “Be it from some biological agent or electronic wave, all I know is that every last person here cannot conceive a child no longer.
Hand off a copy of Vex's viral analysis as show of both good faith and interest in her colony's problems. It might prove misleading or outdated, but it's aid nonetheless.

Whatever the means, your species has been proven "naturally" resistant to IOD methods of control. All the more reason none of your kind be in their hands, least they use them to circumvent the means.

>No, there has to be some other reason.
Twice you've made clear how close you are to the High Magister. It'd be quite dim of him if he didn't realize what would happen if he left you to your own devices here.

He did recognize the symbol on Tozlan's ship, though. His motives could be gleaned from whatever fate befalls the house the ship belongs to. Getting ahead of that still seems possible, but that can wait until after business is settled here.

uh oh... Better hope her guards can get prepared for Angry Plant Lady, or she's going to bust in here at the wrong moment.
No. 1097400 ID: 681cb5
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>Hand off a copy of Vex's viral analysis as show of both good faith and interest in her colony's problems.
Vul: “…I will forward this to the medical personal on the colony, though I am unsure how much they will actually be able decipher from it.”
>Explain the accelerated pregnancy process as well as the rapid growth into adults.
Vul: “Ah, I did suspect something like that.”
Zento: “You did?”
Vul: “Indeed. After all, the hybrid I saw was an adult.” she walks down the stairs from her throne, passing you, “So unless your kind aging process is massively accelerated, it was a given that there was something else.”
Zento: “And for our exchange?” as her finely carved ass passes you, you opt to follow her, “Do you wish for some accelerated growth as well?”
Vul: “No.” the gargoyle answers bluntly, “Neither the pregnancy nor the rapid growth afterwards is needed. No need to rush these things.” A though passes her eyes, “Though, I will understand if the females you provide me with wishes for an accelerated pregnancy, so they may return to duty instead of staying here.”
Zento: “Understood.”
>Finding ten volunteers shouldn't be too hard.
Vul: “Oh, you think they will be eager to join in a paid orgy, hmm?” looking over her shoulder, she gives you a sultry look, “Maybe you wish to join yourself?”
Zento: “The thought have crossed my mind, yes.” you say with a smirk, “Of course, discussing logistics can wait until after we’ve signed the contract, no? After all, we don’t want this contract to fall through because of a bad signature, hmm?”
Vul: “Now now, no need to rush, Captain.” you can hear her chuckle as she turns away from you and continue walking, “We have plenty of time for pleasantries later.”

>Ask about the child-rearing practices for her kind.
Vul: “Why, are you considering taking responsibility?” her hips sways a bit extra as she walks in front of you, “After we sign our contract, hmm?”
Zento: “Of course. I wouldn’t even consider abandoning one of my own.”
Vul: “Well, I am sure it isn’t that different from what you’re used to.” she has her back to you as she talks, “We Wroknir do not take mates for life, instead most children are born from contracts, alliances and other unions. Thus, whoever is the most fitting and eager does the childrearing on their own.” She throws a quick glance over her shoulder, “Seeing as this colony is far safer than your ship, if you do give me another child, I will insist them to stay here for the time being.”
Zento: “That would be fair, yes.

>Whatever the means, your species has been proven "naturally" resistant to IOD methods of control.
Vul: “Seeing as it is spreading to other species in your employ, I wouldn’t say it something natural in your biology. It has to be something else.”
Zento: “Still, all the more reason why the IOD cannot capture one of my kind, least they use them to circumvent the means.”
Vul: “…I have a feeling they already have.” she gesture for you to come closer, “After we met the first time, I contacted my first husband back in the Monarchy to see if they had some more information about you. From what he sent back, it looks like the IOD has a lot of data on you already.”

She taps a screen a few times, making a 3D model of a… wait, is that a bad rendition of a colony ship?

Vul: “You recognize this?” she glances over at you, “It’s a very… ah… interesting shape, no? Not to mention massive, even compared to your already huge ship.”
Zento: “It’s one of the colony ships I’m looking for.” you tell her, “It’s built to penetrate into the surface of a planet and become a geothermal powered city.”
Vul: “Whatever it is designed to be, the IOD are looking two of them.” she looks down at the console she’s standing at, “A very specific number, don’t you think?”
Zento: “…and seeing how there was three colony ships, they might have already captured one.”
Vul: “…they are also looking for seven ships as the same class as yours.”
Zento: “…four flagships for each colony ships… but why are they omitting one? Hmm…” you rub your chin, “…this is the first trace I have found of the colony ships, and it is not a good one. It seems we have just as a good of a reason to fight these IOD’s as you have.”
Vul: “Then we are in agreement. We will join forces as of today.”
Zento: “…indeed.”
No. 1097401 ID: 681cb5
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>...wait, if we've powered down the ship, do we still have our prisoner contained and the drones cared for?
We only powered down non-vital systems, not everything. Besides, if that tree lady would wake up, she’s still stuck in what is pretty much a metal cage. Metal doesn’t really need power, does it?
>That's what we detected in the scans, isn't it? Why did it disappear though? We need to do research.
We definitely need more information, and while our own experiments on the crew is a start, we will require some harder to get data as well.
>Did *all* of our alien crewmates get fertility treatments?
Of course not! Twin suns, you’re pretty sure none of them did in the first place!

>Could it be? Could they be trying to exterminate all life other than themselves because they are also biologically doomed?
Vul: “…wait, why would they be biologically doomed?”
Zento: “I am not… sure where I got that from.” you sheepishly rub the back of your head, “And it is more likely a form of population control, now that I think about it. To make sure that nobody can gain the numbers needed to attempt to overthrow the IOD.”
Vul: “Seeing as there are other species that want to commit genocide on everyone that isn’t them, I wouldn’t be surprise the IOD wants to do it as well.” she starts tapping the screen again, “Here, let me show you a map of the sector. Well, it’s more of a flowchart on how all the hyper way connection between zones of influence.”

An image filled with text and lines show up in front of you. You do recognize a surprisingly many of the words, even though you’re unsure what they mean.

Vul: “Wait, let me…”

The gargoyle starts drawing simple figures near most of the names, trying her best to show just what kind of alien each one refers too.

Zento: “This… this is a lot to take in.”
Vul: “What most important is our next move. As you can see, there are a few nearby systems that aren’t under direct IOD control, though we will need to venture towards the core of the galaxy eventually.” She points at the orange mark of Trade Clan Tauzaka, “And I am certain you have members of this Trade clan, no?”
Zento: “…the forbidden zone? If I’m reading this right, we’re on just one arm of the galaxy, while the IOD are blocking the way towards the core and the other arms?”
Vul: “Actually, it’s called the forbidden zone because of the three species that occupy it. Or, it was three, before the Forksa disappeared.” She points at the right edge of the map, “All three of them are lunatics that will attack anything that comes near, making it quite a danger zone. Not that we tried to venture towards the core even then, though never to any success.” Vul takes a moment before continuing with a nostalgic tone in her voice, “The Thanro even tried building a galactic highway into it, but that just ended with the Khrax firing a moon at them.”
Zento: “And the IOD?”
Vul: “We don’t know where they come from. All the sudden, those three species just stopped attacking the nearby systems.” she shakes her head, “Two of them had become slaves, while the third was just gone. And thus, the IOD came.”
Zento: “…hmm, so they are from the Core then? That’s interesting.”
Vul: “Please, ask if you have any questions about the map. Oh, and we might need to start considering just how we are supposed to fight them.”
No. 1097402 ID: 273c18

How to fight them? Well, with territory that big, guerrilla tactics can work pretty well. Striking at their logistics network will weaken them, as well as their communications. If we can find some kind of critical weakness in their ship designs that'd be pretty important.

We can't really fight them at all without a fleet strong enough to win medium engagements reliably. We can currently handle small engagements, but those are just scouts. Any half-decent escort fleet protecting a point of interest or VIP is going to ruin us as we are.

Alright, more information could be needed here-- what forces compromise the bulk of IOD space power? If we can find some way to make a large IOD faction switch sides, then that could turn the tide.
No. 1097403 ID: 355e44

Currently we should be keeping to the free zone and growing our fleet. Once we have ships that aren't being actively looked for we can try to make inroads with the peoples under IOD influence. Spreading our reproductive tech as well as what we learn about the infertility virus would both lessen IOD control as well as build goodwill for us.
Trying to take on the IOD face on seems like suicide, given how harshly they've put down the last rebellion.
No. 1097424 ID: 2a82d3

Long-term? Do what the last rebellion did (finding out how and why they failed goes without saying), and form a new alliance of any world, of any race, within these stars willing to join us in our fight for freedom. The plan is to start making deals with people with influence, intelligence, or resources to both give aid to your cause, and ultimately establish a inter-planetary network to coordinate the rebellion. This is best done under the radar, before any declaration of war. Indeed, it could win us one before it starts.

For now, it's fulfilling the terms of THIS deal. You can sweeten it by assigning your best men and women on it.

After that, your best course of action is actually to Ralome Tauzaka clan territory. Vul can arrange a diplomatic envoy for you to guard. It's risky to venture into low influence territory this early, but I have a hunch there should be a family meeting sooner than later. With their association with you going public soon, you'd better make sure everyone's on the same page. Best case, they're all for it. Worst case, they plan to save face by sending Tizli's and Tozlan's exile, and that's not ideal but it's manageable.

Establishing yourself among the free zone is sound, but you don't know the Plumi very well and your key to the Free Ports went out the airlock. Diplomacy in the latter seems like it would require bigger guns from us, now if it didn't always (it was probably always).
No. 1097860 ID: 681cb5
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>We can't really fight them at all without a fleet strong enough to win medium engagements reliably.
Vul: “You’ll need several fleets, not just one.”
>Trying to take on the IOD face on seems like suicide, given how harshly they've put down the last rebellion.
Vul: “…rebellion? What rebellion?”
Zento: “Grand Alliance of the United Stars?”
Vul: “…heh. That wasn’t a rebellion.” she gesture towards the map, “They came from beyond the forbidden zone, from outside our part of the galaxy, a completely unknown force. As the Forksa, Khrax and Ek’tall fell to their might, the rest of us united. We might have had our squabbles, our grudges and wars, but in the end this enemy was a threat to us all, thus uniting us under one cause. The Wroknir and Kelshin joined with their massive ship armadas, the Mrrgh and Tuul with their near infinite forces of ground troops, the Korak and Gartag with their intelligence and spy networks, and finally the Xot with their odd technology. Even the Thanro joined us, financing the whole thing. Only the Raolme stayed out of the war, for the most part. We united to create the biggest fighting force this galaxy has ever seen, and what follow what not some paltry rebellion. It was a galaxy wide war, a war for our continued freedom, a war which like we have never seen before. But even as we numbered in the hundreds upon hundreds of billions, with every last secret super weapon and tactic, even with the precursor technology we unearthed, in the end… we lost.” Her body visible tenses for a second, before she sigh and regain her composure, “So no, we cannot fight them directly. We tried that once, when we were at the height of our power, and we failed.”

>What forces compromise the bulk of IOD space power? If we can find some way to make a large IOD faction switch sides, then that could turn the tide.
Vul: “While the Ek’tall and Khrax are their main enforcers, it is the Wroknir Monarchy that keeps the peace in the High and Low influence zones.” she points to the middle of the map, “Not only is our kingdom in the center, but it is by far the largest and most powerful of all the old species in this sector. A majority of their fleets here will be mostly Wroknir ships, unless they are sent out for special missions.”
Zento: “And can we convince them to switch sides?”
Vul: “Sadly, the current Everlasting Queen is completely loyal to the IOD.” there a hint of poison in her voice, “As the monarchy crumbled, she used the IOD to completely wipe out the rest of the royal family, leaving only her, some upstart cousin thrice removed, as the sole heir to the throne.” She makes a sound that can only be described as an ancient curse, “Usurper, that is what she is.”
>Striking at their logistics network will weaken them, as well as their communications.
Vul: “Currently, Trade Clan Kessak are the one overseeing their logistic and communication networks, at least outside the forbidden zone.” you don’t even have to ask, as you convey your question with just one look, “While the other three trade houses remained natural during the war, Trade Clan Kezzak joined the IOD after we lost the Thanro and Mrruul capital worlds. Thus, they get a bit more trust and freedom compared to the rest.”
>Spreading our reproductive tech as well as what we learn about the infertility virus would both lessen IOD control as well as build goodwill for us.
Vul: “That is our most powerful weapon so far. But, do not forget, this will just even the playing field. Last time we lost, even as we were at our best.”

>Currently we should be keeping to the free zone and growing our fleet.
Vul: “I would agree, Captain, though I do have some other ideas as well.”
Zento: “What are your suggestions, Vul?”
Vul: “Let me show you…”

Kelshin Free Ports – The Kelshin were one of the fiercest fighters during the war, and thus their whole home system was burned to the ground. So, while they are a shadow of their former selves, they are still the only one openly hostile against the IOD right now. Even if they can be rather divided and selfish, having been forced to become pirates and all, if you were able to united them they would make an excellent ally. Not to mention, I know you have pirates on your crew… and my spies saw someone bearing Captain colors leaving your ship as you landed.

The Raolme Trade Clan Tauzaka – While the Trade Clans are for the most part loyal to the IOD overlords, as well as being in the influence zone, Trade Clan Tauzaka have always been empathic about the plight of those outside the IODs control. Of course, if you want the Raolme on your side, you’ll need to convince them all to join… if I remember correctly; they have Clan meeting about big decisions like this where each clan gets a vote? Either way, you do have a pair of Raolme from this clan with you, whom are nobles at that.

Aelvan Plumi Republic – I have to admit, I do not know much of the Plumi. They love to gamble, scam and trick people, which their shape shifting powers make them excel at. While they did not partake in the war, they have already felt the oppression of the IOD take hold. Soon, they too will be part of the IOD collective. These slime creatures would be the one thing the IOD hasn’t had experience dealing with… but neither have we, so we don’t know what, exactly, they can bring to the fight.

The Xot Collective – The Xot are... not organic. As their reproduction is far different than any of ours, they are not as threatened by the sterile plague as the rest of us. But that will surely soon change, the IOD will surely find a way to affect them as well. While they do not make great warriors, their technology is… odd, to say the least, and might contain a wild card or two we can use to our advantage.

The Gartag Tusfo Federation – My last suggestion is a bit of an odd one. The Gartag Federation is not the most likely as allies, nor the strongest one… and it is inside the IOD influence. Not to mention that you have no prior connections at all with them either. This makes it the perfect curve ball choice. The IOD will expect you and your ship to remain in the free zone, maybe visit the Raolme if they know about your passengers, but the Gartag? No, they will not be expecting that… and nor will their lapdogs in the royal army. Of course, if we were to be able to access the Federations databanks, it would be a great boon to understanding the IODs motives and methods.

Zento: “We cannot hope to visit them all, do we?”
Vul: “That is correct. Whichever species you choose next will completely change the quest you are on. This is important, so think it over, and make sure you’re ready for what the future of this quest will become. Of course, even if you did have the time to visit them all, expect the others situation to change drastically over time. The IOD will not sit idly by.”

>For now, it's fulfilling the terms of THIS deal. You can sweeten it by assigning your best men and women on it.
Vul: “If you wish to take a moment to consider something far less impactful, then be my guest. We are not in any hurry.” she chuckles, “Just remember, 5 boys and 5 girls. If we can make hybrids then the species won’t matter.”
No. 1097861 ID: a7a180

You should probably start with the Raolme and later gather more Kelshin allies. Whether tech or tricksters would be more powerful after that, it's hard to say... but Raolme first.
No. 1097862 ID: 1effd3

Money is power, with sufficient funds, we could hire the Kelshin to perform more daring raids on IOD facilities
No. 1097863 ID: 1effd3

Aka Raolme
No. 1097865 ID: 279529

Let's get us some robooty.
No. 1097885 ID: 355e44

What's a bigger gamble than taking on the powers that be? The Plumi, with their shapeshifting and not yet being controled, are in a great position to be a wrench in the works. I have a feeling sowing disension in the IOD itself will be our best shot at victory.
No. 1097891 ID: 2a82d3

>Kelshin Free Ports
>my spies saw someone bearing Captain colors leaving your ship as you landed
There was that old man in that sickbay. If that was him, did he like what he saw? What was he doing on the other ship? Talk to Ike about it later.
>The Raolme Trade Clan Tauzaka
What are the procedures for founding a new clan, do you think? That seems like an obvious use case for reproductive tech. So obvious, it'd be strange if neither noble sibling hadn't thought of it yet.
It IS tempting to reuse the symbol of their lost clan in this way, whatever trouble it may invite...
>Aelvan Plumi Republic
>Soon, they too will be part of the IOD collective.
Yes, you'd be surprised if they're not divided over it. You'd expect them to join the side that would give them the most laughs, in the end.
>These slime creatures would be the one thing the IOD hasn’t had experience dealing with… but neither have we, so we don’t know what, exactly, they can bring to the fight.
Given their mischievous nature, relatively lack of casualties in the war and ability to blend in to the local populace, it's unlikely you won't find at least one Plumi around in every colony. Who's to say they haven't been observing events throughout this sector, if not causing trouble under their noses already? That captain of that fleet seemed concerned enough to interrogate us about it.
>The Xot Collective
You seen the process of droning with your own eyes. If there's a method to scale it up planet-wide, the collective would be the most vulnerable to it.
>The Gartag Tusfo Federation
A heist like that, if that what she's implying, would require a Very Particular Set of Skills. Skills acquired over a very long career, or at least from a few species mentioned here. Do you know anyone like that, High Minister?

Let's go to the Ralome first. Trading favors for votes sounds like a good time. Technically, we already have three.

>“Just remember, 5 boys and 5 girls. If we can make hybrids then the species won’t matter.”
Then, let's go over some crew you can recommend and we can pick out the best ones. Veto if you or her raise concerns.

Dr. Vex really is the boy to thank for the research to make this possible. He would've been called in anyway just to supervise and ensure "egg production" goes smoothly, with extensive documentation (and pictures), but he could be permitted him to pick a subject to work with personally. Finding new partners would be good for him, frankly.
Commander Doxy is a reliable second-in-command, and has expressed interest in Wroknir before. Pair her with the most charming prince they have.
Officer Dante has been mulling over some concerns with cohabitation with your kind. Perhaps a willing partner can help work them out.
Shal, the first Wroknir hybrid, would benefit greatly from gaining first-hand experience of Wroknir culture.
Our top engineer Regina has strong maternal instincts. Pair her with the cutest prince they have.
Our miner Zell and his daughter Tescia would make for good candidates. She has a proven record, and he has Mining experience.
...Actually, he'd be looking for his daughter's sire to take responsibility. That might net us another crewmember, however unlikely any aristocrat would engage in the kind of lowbrow activities Tes was involved in. There's also the risk of having his assigned baby mamma to be related to her baby daddy, and you know how awkward (and hilarious) that can be, but what are the odds of that?
How familiar are Tizli or Tozlan with Wroknir trade practices? Would either be interested in bolstering relations between planets?
We have Kelshin, and they'd definitely complain if they were left out. We could just go with whoever Ikekeki recommends, if not herself, but nobles tend to be wary around those with pirate history. What does that narrow it down to? The janitor?
You'll find a troublemaker who goes by "Silky" among the first volunteers. If he's found acceptable, you ask not to be held liable for his behavior on the job.
Union Rep. Tara is focused on our internal affairs, but maybe an egg to her name would help her to focus on what a Nursery would need.

Any empty slots could be filled in by civilians, through lottery.
No. 1097894 ID: 273c18

Hmm, the Everlasting Queen is loyal, but what happens if she dies? If there are no more clear heirs, will that IOD faction devolve into infighting? Assassinating her might be on our list of plans.
Do we know anything about the Khrax that we can use to get them on our side, or at least remove their support from the IOD?
Wait a minute, something's not right. What ships did the IOD use to conquer the Khrax and Ek'tall? All we've heard about the IOD are how the conquered forces of this galaxy are now serving them and apparently form the bulk of the occupying force. But what force did the IOD use to accomplish that, and do any of them remain? Like, at this point, have the original IOD forces moved on, and left the conquered races to oppress eachother mostly unsupervised?
Also, how badly did the united galaxy lose against the IOD? Would things have turned out differently if the Khrax and Ek'tall hadn't been involved? Did the Forksa influence the war at all or did they just leave after the IOD handed them their asses?

>who to visit?
Pirates are right out. We can't trust them, or at least not their senior officers, and we are opposed to their slave trade.
Raolme would be relatively easy to get help from but ultimately what do we gain? Funds, sure, but that can't win a war on its own, and the IOD is strong so they can just TAKE money from the Raolmes. Raolmes are explicitly not good at fighting. They'd be a good second choice, if we have the time, since money is a good force multiplier.
The Plumi I think are going to be the cornerstone of our strategy. What we want to do is have them start infiltrating various IOD factions and manipulate events so that they start fighting eachother. Plumi can take the place of diplomats or high ranking military officers and then coordinate to cause highly visible war-sparking events, or just attempt them independently. The main problem is convincing them to do this without them fucking us over for lols. ...oh, they're also going to be our best bet for assassinating the queen.
Xot are a gamble (but considering how benevolent Kaktus generally is as a quest author it's bound to pay off).
Choosing the Gartag will buy us time and give us information, is what I'm hearing. Not bad I guess.

I'll support visiting the Plumi.
Why were the Korak left off of the list?
No. 1098545 ID: 681cb5
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>Money is power.
Vul: “Ah, the Raolme.” Vul taps the map, bringing up a picture of a very fat, very big Raolme with way to many limbs gorging themselves on who knows what, “Your best bet is the Trade Queen of Clan Tauzaka. She has always been… let us say, a bit loose in their alliance with the IOD.”
Zento: “And I do have a few of their members on my crew already.”
Vul: “Though be warned, they are still allies to the IOD.” she looks over at you, “Even if they won’t just shoot you on sight. They are more subtle than that.”
Zento: “So what should I expect?”
Vul: “A lot of deals, politics and backstabbing.” the gargoyle snorts, “Oh so much backstabbing, believe me.”
Zento: “I see…”

>What are the procedures for founding a new clan, do you think?
Vul: “While I cannot say for certain, whatever it is will be overly complicated, full of ancient rituals and a lot of voting from the heads of the other clans.”
Zento: “So it’s possible?”
Vul: “As I said, I do not know.” she shakes her head, “As far as I know there has only ever been four clans. Even before they left their home world.”
Zento: “And the fifth clan?”
Vul: “…the what now? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a fifth clan, no?”
Zento: “…really?”

>Why were the Korak left off of the list?
Vul: “You cannot reach the Korak without traveling through someone else’s territory from where we are now, Captain.”
>Hmm, the Everlasting Queen is loyal, but what happens if she dies?
Vul: “Why, then whoever think they are the rightful heir will try and take the throne.” Shaking her head, she continue, “There are several parties that wish to control the throne… including a rebel force that want to put, what they claim to be, the real heir of the old king on it, so that they can lead us to victory over the IOD.”
Zento: “Interesting…”
Vul: “Oh?” she raises and eyebrow, “Got plans, do we?”
>How badly did the united galaxy lose against the IOD? Would things have turned out differently if the Khrax and Ek'tall hadn't been involved?
Vul: “Hard to say.” the gargoyle rubs her chin, “The Ek’tall and Khrax were their main fighting force, but even if they outnumbered the IOD main fleet 10 to 1, the IOD’s superior technology made them just as dangerous.” With a sigh, she muses, “I have heard stories about how there was times where victory seemed possible, yet here we are.”
>Did the Forksa influence the war at all or did they just leave after the IOD handed them their asses?
Vul: “Leave? As far as I know, the Forska where completely wiped out by IOD.” Vul taps her finger against the console, “Of course, we only have Ek’tall ramblings and Khrax screeching to go on, but I’ve never heard anyone seeing a Forska, let alone talk to one.”
No. 1098546 ID: 681cb5
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>Dr. Vex, Officer Dante, Zell, Tozlan, Silky.
>Commander Doxy, Shal, Regina, Tescia, Rep. Tara.
Vul: “Ah, five men and five women.” the map console powers down after four quick taps over its keyboard, “It did not take long for you to make that list, Zento.”
Zento: “They are people I trust to do the job, Vul.” you shrug, “Well, most of them. Silky is a civilian, but I think he will excel at a task like this.”
Vul: “Indeed?” she chuckle, “Then it is settled. Now, then let us discuss the proper creation of our alliance.”

She takes a step towards you, close enough for your snouts to nearly touch, and puts a hand on your chest.

Vul: “To ensure both parties are willing to do anything for this alliance of ours…” she looks up at you, meeting your gaze, “We shall conceive something that both of us wish to fight for.”
Zento: “Ah…” a slight smile crosses your lips, “I think I understand this Wroknir tradition now.”
Vul: “Than you understand that this child is not conceived out of love or lust, but to unite two parties.” the gargoyle leans in slightly closer, “Not that lust is completely absent. Do you wish to join in an alliance, Captain Zento?”
Zento: “Of course.”
Vul: “Then we simply need to decide a time and place.” Vul leans her head slightly to the side, “A proper dinner tonight, perhaps? With fine music and even finer drink and food, before we retire to the Magistrate private chamber, hmm?”
Zento: “That does sound lovely.”
Vul: “Or shall we join in on tonight’s orgy instead?” a huff of warm air ruffles through your scaled beard, “The one between your ten volunteers and my subjects?”
Zento: “Why, that does sound interesting as well.”
Vul: “Or…”

Her hand starts to slowly move downward, dragging her sharp, hard finger across your chest…

Vul: “Are you so inpatient that you want to just bend me over the map terminal and rail me right now?” her unblinking gaze never leaves yours, “It’s up to you, Captain.”
No. 1098547 ID: c8380b

Can we have a fancy dinner while watching the orgy?
No. 1098549 ID: 273c18

If the IOD's technological advantage was the reason why they won, then we just have to make sure everyone's caught up. We'll need to investigate how large the tech gap is now and how quickly we could solve that issue. I wonder how fast people could update their ships if we spread around some better blueprints?

Tell her that is tempting, but you are not impatient. This is something you can take the time to do properly.

I also want to tell her the truth about the fifth clan, and how that means the IOD had some reason to not wipe the Forska from history... but that might spoil the mood a bit.
No. 1098550 ID: 273c18

Well, I guess we don't know if the fifth clan was real or not. We'd have to ask someone who was alive before or during the war.
No. 1098551 ID: eb0a9c

Challenge her to a duel right now. Your military training versus her nourished rocky hide. Winner tops the loser.
No. 1098558 ID: 355e44

It won't do for the leadership to appear above their people. Take part in the orgy, its good for morale.
No. 1098559 ID: 4c92cd

Get with her fancy style, not the orgy.
No. 1098563 ID: 26801d

... serious question, is there any reason we can't pick all three options?
No. 1098566 ID: a7a180

Right here, right now, as an example to the crew.
No. 1098567 ID: 2a82d3

Let's make it our mission to ensure love isn't completely absent here either. That takes time, and a quick review of whatever trashy romantic fiction you can scrape of your ship databases. The latter you can discuss with her at dinner, or view with her in her chambers.

The Wroknir method of forming alliance is a fine one. Consider the merits of adopting the tradition for yourself. Embrace your inner xenophile!

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