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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
129 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1096320 ID: 681cb5
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>If she's wearing Forska tech, it's possible she may been in contact with one of their kind in the past.
All of her cybernetics is of Sakkilian make, and she surely was outfitted like this before the expedition even left our galaxy. This Wroknir is just rather dimwitted.
>Wouldn't that also mean that there's no one with sufficient authorization to deactivate her?
Which is why you asked Regina to put a kill switch inside her. If she wakes up and start trouble, you should be able to just shut off all her cybernetics with the press of a button.

Zento: “So anything that’s too advanced becomes Forska tech for you?”
Wroknir Officer: “What? Of course not!” he shuffles his feet awkwardly, “I’ve just heard that they were experts on Cybernetics… and all their tech is supposedly as boxy as this one.”
Zento: “Supposedly?” you raise an eyebrow, “So you haven’t seen any yourself?”
Wroknir Officer: “Of course not! The Forska disappeared before I was born! Before the war!” the gargoyle audibly huffs, “And no, I haven’t seen it in person, only in images.”
Zento: “Well, thank you for the compliment, but I’m sure this isn’t anything as impressive as this Forska technology you’re describing.” You take a deep breath while looking straight into his eyes, “No. She is fully and completely Sakkilian technology. As seeing as we didn’t arrive in this ga- ah, this sector until recently, we cannot even have met this Forska species in the first place.”
Wroknir Officer: “…still, I need to bring her back to the Kingdom.”
Zento: “She is currently undergoing important BIOS updates. If she would be unplugged now, her cybernetics software would be completely bricked. ” giving him a moment to digest your words, you glances over at the cyborg, “Not only would this become a kidnapping turned murder, but her cybernetics would be completely useless.”
Wroknir Officer: “…and if we wait until the update is done?”
Zento: “I will not allow you to execute one of my crew without proper cause.” leaning a bit closer, you state calmly, “If you insist, then she must be delivered to the Queen in this very ships. I’m sure we can negotiate a compensation for the inconvenience, though I’m not sure how you’ll break the news that you failed your actual mission here.”
Wroknir Officer: “…”
Zento: “Not to mention, I’m sure the High Magistrate would be rather cross with you if you took us away.”
Wroknir Officer: “…fine.” he huffs again, “We will leave her.”
Zento: “Thank you.”

The Officer turns away from you and the cyborg, grumbling to himself. Casting a quick glance at the Cyborg herself, you swear she has moved her head to look at you… but surely you just imagined it.
No. 1096321 ID: 681cb5
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As the officer and his soldier start to leave, you can overhear him radioing the other Wroknirs on the ship.

Wroknir Officer: “The is Officer Uron Taq. All units report.”
Wroknir: “This is unit 1.” there’s a noticeable static on the wire as they speak, “We found several Kelshin onboard. None of them had pirate marks.”
Wroknir Officer: “Leave them be. Unit 2?”
Wroknir: “There was a Wroknir working in the hydroponics bays, lord… and a lot of strange plants… and a tree?”
Wroknir Officer: “We’re not here to pick flowers. Unit 3?”
Wroknir: “Nothing to report… well, there is this cute, pink gal here that-”
Wroknir Officer: “No.”
Wroknir: “Aw…”
Wroknir Officer: “We’re leaving. Immediately. Over and out.” he turns to you, “We will meet again, lizard. And I will make sure I report this meeting directly to the Queen her-”

He stops as he spots something in the hanger... before he starts scanning the whole room very thoroughly. Try as you might, you can’t see whatever it was that he saw, but it clearly made him lose his balance. The only things in here are the ships, which he has already seen… hmm, maybe he spotted the Raolme ship?

Wroknir Officer: “…I will make sure to report this to the proper people.” turning away from you, he adds, “We have pirates to hunt.” before leaving.

And with that they are gone, leaving on their ships just as quickly as they got here… huh…
No. 1096322 ID: 681cb5
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Doxy: “Sir, the Wroknir have all powered down their weapons and are leaving combat formations.”
Zento: “Good.”
Doxy: “Oh! And they are leaving the system, sir! In fact, every last ship that was… um… purple is hyper jumping away in different directions.”
Zento: “They are hunting for pirates.”
Doxy: “That leaves us free too… well, whatever we want to do? What are your orders, sir?”

Finally, a moment to relax…
No. 1096327 ID: eb0a9c

Oh ^&*(. He knows Ralome don't have eyes. You are now suspected of either conducting illegal experiments on Ralome or using illegal cyberware that might be potentially Forska.
From now on, make sure your hybrid crew members have special disguises.

That said, make more hybrid crewmembers! You have a larger roster to mix-and-match now!
No. 1096332 ID: 273c18

He saw something. Get someone to examine the hangar carefully to find what he might have spotted. Someone native to this galaxy. Ask the High Magistrate for help if you must. Whatever he thought he saw, or actually did see, it's something you need to account for.

Also where the hell did the former pirates hide, exactly?
No. 1096338 ID: 355e44

Oh right, the conspicuous pink hybrid. Well, at least he didn't arrest or kill the lot of you on the spot. Better not take too long here.

Check in with the magistrate. Don't give everything away, but ask how big of a deal having a hybrid on staff is, and weather you should expect IOD response. We wouldn't want to bring trouble to the colony, but we would like to remain friendly even if it has to be secret.
No. 1096346 ID: c8380b

Go thank your pirate waifu.
No. 1096698 ID: 681cb5
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>He saw something.
But what? What is it too see in the hanger? A ship? Some tool? A crewmember? Wait…
>Oh right, the conspicuous pink hybrid.
…No, he wasn’t looking at Rose. At least, not at first. He was looking directly at Shal, the daughter of Tescia and some unknown Wroknir down on the colony. Does he know she’s a hybrid, or does he simply think she’s got bio-modifications? Hmm… then again, why didn’t he act on it? So many questions…
>That said, make more hybrid crewmembers! You have a larger roster to mix-and-match now!
You’re sure as soon as things calm down and the crew get some time off, there will be a few more hybrids on their way.

>Where the hell did the former pirates hide, exactly?
You call up Eki to ask her.
Eki: “Huh? Oh, we were hiding in plain sight, Cap’.” her tone is jovial, though you can hear someone argue in the background, “They were looking for Pirate Captain Ikekeki, not nurse Eki, Kekekeke!”
Zento: “The one Kelshin on board that isn’t a former pirate almost got his head blown off…”you mutter, “Why didn’t they do the same to you?”
Eki: “They were a bit gruff around us, but when they didn’t find any pirate marking on us they left us alone.” the shrimp smacks her mandibles, “After all, not all Kelshin are pirates.”
Zento: “None of you had pirate marks, even though you were pirates?”
Eki: “None of us have actually survived a whole tour of duty… nor been promoted to anything above the lowest rank.” you hear her claw click twice, “Well, except for that really old, one eyed guy. He had a mark on his arm. A bunch of them, in fact.”
Zento: “…so he hid somewhere then?”
Eki: “Um…”
Vex: “-in the goddess name made you blow of your own arm with a plasma rifle!?” you can hear your son, Dr. Vex, yell in the background of the call, “You’re lucky it cauterized the wound, or you’d be dead!”
Old Pirate: “Ha! I’ve lived through far worse, lad.” someone with a really deep voice says, “This is but a flesh wound.”
Vex: “Your whole arm is gone. And a large part of your chest!” it is clear that the lizard doctor isn’t very impressed, “And I think I can see your heart beating through the scorched skin!”
Old Pirate: “Only one of them!”
Vex: “How are you even alive, let alone not knocked out by the pain!?”
Old Pirate: “Bah! Youngster today, can’t even handle a bit of pain.” you can hear him laugh, “Why this is nothing compared to the pain matrixes they used during the war, let me tell you!”
Vex: “…give me strength.”
Eki: “…we hid him, sure, let’s go with that.”
>Thank your pirate waifu.
Eki: “Don’t mention it, Cap’.” she chirps happily, “Though, I’m not sure what a bay fo is?”
Zento: “Did I say that out lo- I mean, forget about it. Good work, Eki.”
Eki: “Thank you, Kekeke!”
No. 1096699 ID: 681cb5
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>Check in with the magistrate.
The Commander calls the colony, and almost immediately a familiar face appears on screen.
Vul: “This is High Magistrate Vul Wrok of the Everlasting Monarchy.” the Gargoyle, this time already clad in full regalia, states in a rather proud voice, “Captain Zento, I’ve been expecting you.”
Zento: “I am sure you have, Vul.” you give her a slight smile, “Our arrival wasn’t exactly subtle, now was it?”
Vul: “I do apologize for the goon legion troubling you.” she gives you a little nod, “They are not under my command. Glad to see that they didn’t cause too much of an inconvenience.”
Zento: “No need to worry, Magistrate.” a small smirk escape your lips, “We had them under control from the start.”
Vul: “Still, this does change things. We cannot aid you any further, and must ask you to leave as soon as possible, never to return to this system.” with a sigh, Vul continues, “We will of course still honor our earlier agreements and properly compensate you for the scanning data as well as any organic material you may have gathered.”
Zento: “I see… and why this sudden change?”
Vul: “Those buffoons might not have known what they were looking for, probably because they are out here on their own initiative and haven’t been briefed properly, but I do.” she gives you a stern look, “They are hunting ‘Kelshin pirates’ who has stolen a huge ship filled with odd technologies. That is to say, your ship. They are hunting you… and I can’t risk getting caught in the crossfire.”
Zento: “…understandable.”
>Ask the High Magistrate what the Wroknir might have seen.
Vul: “I cannot say what he saw.” the gargoyle rubs her snout, “But if they didn’t immediately arrest you, it means it can’t have been too bad. It’s possible he simply saw something that wasn’t there for a moment? Just imagined things?”

>Don't give everything away, but ask how big of a deal having a hybrid on staff is, and weather you should expect IOD response.
Vul: “Hybrids? What do you mean, hybrids? Have you been gene-splicing alien DNA into yourself or some… thing…” she spots something behind you, and as you turn around you can see your current ships pilot, Shal, glancing up from her console, “…wait, who is that?”
Zento: “That would be Shal, the daughter of one of my crewmembers and a person living on your colony.”
Vul: “…”
No. 1096700 ID: 681cb5
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Vul: “Depower your warp drive immediately!” her demure change, her voice suddenly far stricter and unforgiving, “And fly to these coordinates. It’s near to the orbital space station.” The gargoyle pushes a few buttons out of sight before adding, “NOW.”
Doxy: “Um… they just sent some kind of mass relay message, sir.” the commander behind you states, “It went out over the whole star system?”
Vul: “I need you to remove power from as many system as you can, Captain.” she doesn’t even look at you, instead tapping something on a screen behind her, “Weapons, shield, comms, navigation, scans… everything.”
Doxy: “Every last ship in the system just powered up, sir.” the pink lizard shouts, “They are heading this way.”
Vul: “We don’t have time to argue.” Vul Wrok raises her hands, as if to show that she bears no ill-intent, “You have to trust me.”
No. 1096703 ID: 273c18

Ah, since you didn't hide the hybrids and they were spotted, then the IOD will know you can make hybrids, and apparently that's a huge deal. They will be back very soon, I'm guessing. The High Magistrate has some kind of plan to hide you; the only reason to completely power down would be to hide your energy signature. So alright, do it.

Though I'm not sure why the IOD inspectors didn't just capture your ship then and there...
No. 1096704 ID: eb0a9c

The IOD are scared of Hybrids.
But scared does not mean terrified. They're going to nuke your ship from a distance, the same way one would purge a supersoldier carrier or a zombie infested scout.

Do as she says, it might be the only way to stealth this.
No. 1096707 ID: 2a82d3

Will she be OK? It doesn't sound like she'll be OK. Good thing we didn't tell her about about the cryopods. The less she knows about about that, the better.

Oh wait, our surprisingly advanced bio-tech IS what we should've hidden from the population control freaks...

Screw it. Promise her an heir, if we both make it through this.
No. 1096710 ID: 1effd3

Of course the transmission was being tapped.

Kill the power ASAP!
No. 1096719 ID: 355e44

Trust her. If she intended to trick you why would she tip her hand now instead of drawing you in?
No. 1096731 ID: 54a806

No. 1096734 ID: 6007b9

>It’s near to the orbital space station.
Are the coordinates within range of those giant cannons that she controls? Because she might be intending to use them to protect you and that requires you to trust her.

>Screw it. Promise her an heir, if we both make it through this.
Don't do that. She already has a son with her.
No. 1097049 ID: 681cb5
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>Are the coordinates within range of those giant cannons that she controls?
The whole system is within range of those giant cannons. Why even have cannons if the enemy simply can take them out from outside their maximum range?
>Kill the power ASAP!
Zento: “Commander Doxy, prepare the ship for complete blackout.” you sit down in your chair, “Shut down anything that isn’t vital and put the engine on low power mode.”
Doxy: “What? Really? Are you sure we can-”
Zento: “Now, Commander.”
Doxy: “Yes sir!”
Zento: “Attention Crew!” pressing a button on your chair, you make sure your voice is relayed all across the ship, “This is your Captain speaking. Proceed with emergency shutdown. All systems need to be offline yesterday!”
Doxy: “Systems are going offline as we speak, sir.”
Zento: “Shal, set a course for these coordinates. Take it slow and make it happen.”
Shal: “You got it, boss.”

While slowly drifting towards the Wroknir space station, the systems of the ships starts going out one by one. First thing you notice is the window screens all going black, with the exception for the main navigational one, followed by the lights… and then the gravity subtly changes. Even the background noise is different, as the engine powers down and the habitat systems shuts down. As the ship slowly dies around you, you drift ever closer to the space station, the massive hangar bay opening up like a maw with jagged teeth, swallowing the front of the Shed Scale. You watch as hundreds of gargoyles are hard at work opening up a way for you, as they seemingly have to rip apart the whole hangar area just to make the snout of your ship fit. Then, with a light thud, you’re hilted inside it all the way to the engines. Even then, half the ship is still outside.

Zento: “Commander, take the crew on shore leave. I am certain the High Magister wants to have a long conversation with me in private.”
Doxy: “Yes sir. At once, sir.”

You were half-expecting meeting a group or two of armed infantry outside the ship, maybe even some heavier mobile armor, but instead all you can find are workers running around trying their best to get the station up to par again. In fact, there is only a small group of lightly armed Wroknir keeping an eye on you from a distance, clearly some kind of peace keeping force and not military. Then you spot a gargoyle waving you down, easy to spot as he’s sticking out as a sore thumb wearing rather posh clothes compared to everyone else’s work overalls. The two of you exchange nods before you silently follow him towards the space elevator.
No. 1097050 ID: 681cb5
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In the center of the colony, on top of the highest spire, in a grand hall you find High Magister Vul Wrok lounging on a throne, looking as she’s deep in thought.

Vul: “Ah, Captain Zento.” she gives a dismissing wave to the gargoyle that brought you here, as well to her two guards, making them leave the room, “Just the man I wanted to see.”
Zento: “High magister.” you visibly move your gaze around the room, “Should I bow or…?”
Vul: “As I said before, call me Vul. And no, no need for those formalities. Never liked this throne anyway.” rubbing her chin, the Wroknir looks you up and down, “You have caused me quite a lot of stress, little Sakkilian, you know that? Though, at least my death won’t be boring…”
Zento: “I take it that our technology that allow hybrid species isn’t very liked by these IOD fellows?”
Vul: “Hybrids? No, it’s not that they are hybrids. Of course, I’m not sure they even know that’s possible. I for one thought it impossible at least.” Vul sits up properly and look you straight in the eyes, “Do you remember how I told you that one of the few things we had to do to stay independent was to accept a package from the IOD?”
Zento: “I do have a vague relocation of it, yes?” you rub your beard, “What did it contain?”
Vul: “Nothing, as far as my scientist and sensors can tell.” the gargoyle lean back into her chair again, “But, after it arrived… barely a few days later, every last person in this colony, be it in the mines or out in space, became sterile.”
Zento: “…and you don’t know how?”
Vul: “Be it from some biological agent or electronic wave, all I know is that every last person here cannot conceive a child no longer.” she clasp her hands, “Until you came.”
Zento: “…and suddenly made a hybrid with one of your people.” you sigh, “I see now why the IOD wouldn’t like our hybrid crew members.”
Vul: “Indeed.” her head leans to the side, “What you have is not some weapon they fear… but something far more dangerous. A cause to fight for.”
Zento: “…but why didn’t the IOD inspectors just capture us there and then?” you walk over to the steps that leads up to the throne and sit down, “Or are they planning on just blowing up the nearby star? Just to be sure?”
Vul: “That would be folly. No, if they wanted you dead they would have open fired already.” leaning on her elbow, she rubs her forehead, “They outrank even me in such matter, so we would be forced to help them gun you down where you stood. No, there has to be some other reason.”
Zento: “Maybe he didn’t actually see what we thought he saw?”
Vul: “Possible. But let us not get mired in unimportant details.” still having her head in one hand, she gives you a strange look, “We have far more important matters to discuss about your hybrids, Zento.”
Zento: “Oh?” you smirk, “What? You want me to promise you an heir?”
Vul: “Ah, I see that you’re familiar with the traditional Wroknir contract signage, good.” her voice doesn’t betray even a hint of sarcasm, “But that is for later. No, what I need is the mere idea of what you can do. With it, we can finally have a way to fight back against the IOD. To unite the old alliance and retake our freedom.”
Zento: “…While I do agree the IOD seems like a problem that need solving, what you suggest seems a bit… let say it’s a difficult goal to achieve with just one ship.”
Vul: “Indeed, but we need to begin somewhere.” Vul stands up from the throne, “I will make sure your ship is repaired and is suitable fitted for your duties to come, Captain. As well as spare the few troops I am able. Then, when the coast is clear, you will leave this colony and find larger allies for this revolution.” The gargoyle takes a step towards you before stopping, “Oh, but of course I cannot do all that for free. No, I have several Wroknir of a higher standard of breeding here who is dutifully waiting for the privilege to sire an heir, something that will most likely take years. Now, if we had an alternative to offer, I’m sure these powerful men and woman would aid us in our plans, no?”
Zento: “…you’re suggesting I rent out my crew?”
Vul: “I am in need of your most fertile men and woman, five of each, so that we may sway the highborn of this colony to our side.” she chuckles, “Yourself excluded, of course, as you have far more important matter to discuss here with me. Do we have a deal, Captain?”
No. 1097055 ID: 355e44

Well she would know her people best, so if she thinks it would help then sure. Finding ten volunteers shouldn't be too hard.
No. 1097056 ID: 1effd3

well guess it's up to us to save an entire civilization/species.
No. 1097059 ID: 273c18

>IOD made everyone sterile
Ahh. That's what we detected in the scans, isn't it? Why did it disappear though? We need to do research. Scan people on the station to find people with the same "virus"(probably everyone), and then do various things to them that you'd do if they were hired as crewmembers, testing them again after each one. Did *all* of our alien crewmates get fertility treatments? It's also possible the solution has to do with our food, or sanitation, or... I don't know. At any rate, finding out the exact antidote will make it easier to complete this request.
Might also be neat to do some more in depth research to find out how the sterility works? Like, how does it interfere with the reproductive process exactly?
No. 1097060 ID: eb0a9c

>Mass-genocide through sterilization
Bastards. Not the population control part, the extermination of all cultures outside of the IOD for the crime of merely existing part.
...Wait. Could it be? Could they be trying to exterminate all life other than themselves because they are also biologically doomed?

>5 Sakkilians as breeders
You'll ask around. Many of your colonists wanted back into cold sleep, or to find their prospects elsewhere. You can spare a dozen volunteers.
However, it would be more viable to purchase Wronkir genetic material and start cloning right away. With their engineering crews, you could temporarily increase the yield of your cloning facilities and get everyone's kids in a couple days.
No. 1097065 ID: 8c95eb

>everyone is sterile
It's a form of population control, to make sure that nobody can gain the numbers needed to attempt to overthrow the IOD.

>need breeders
You'd better explain exactly how things work, so that she knows what she wants.

Explain the accelerated pregnancy process that allows birth within one day. And also explain the process of rapidly growing a child into an adult while implanting memories of their entire lives.

And if she wants the children to be rapidly grown into adults, then you'll need to update you capsules to implant memories of her race's culture, so that the children won't be alienated from their own parents by getting only Sakkilian culture implanted into them.
No. 1097067 ID: 273c18

...wait, if we've powered down the ship, do we still have our prisoner contained and the drones cared for? What about the cyborg, how long can she go without a charging station?
No. 1097103 ID: 2a82d3

Accept the deal, on condition that you vet who you will send over. You will need to do a roll call of willing volunteers, and evaluate their fertility, eagerness, and likelihood of romantic attachment. That last one isn't necessarily wrong, but resources are tight enough that you wouldn't want to lose your crew to anything, even this. Of course, discussing logistics can want after the signing. You don't want this contract declared null and void from dissatisfaction during the "signing" ;)

If there's any highborn that prefers a live-in partner, they will need to wait about a week for them. Ostensibly, this is to clear their work schedule and settle their duties. In truth, you'll need time to spin up the cryopods to make Breeders, or replacements for any crew that retires here. You can guarantee they'll be the most fertile among your crew, at least.

Ask about the child-rearing practices for her kind. With one of your own to care of during shore leave, you might as well help with hers while you're at it.

> “Be it from some biological agent or electronic wave, all I know is that every last person here cannot conceive a child no longer.
Hand off a copy of Vex's viral analysis as show of both good faith and interest in her colony's problems. It might prove misleading or outdated, but it's aid nonetheless.

Whatever the means, your species has been proven "naturally" resistant to IOD methods of control. All the more reason none of your kind be in their hands, least they use them to circumvent the means.

>No, there has to be some other reason.
Twice you've made clear how close you are to the High Magister. It'd be quite dim of him if he didn't realize what would happen if he left you to your own devices here.

He did recognize the symbol on Tozlan's ship, though. His motives could be gleaned from whatever fate befalls the house the ship belongs to. Getting ahead of that still seems possible, but that can wait until after business is settled here.

uh oh... Better hope her guards can get prepared for Angry Plant Lady, or she's going to bust in here at the wrong moment.
No. 1097400 ID: 681cb5
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>Hand off a copy of Vex's viral analysis as show of both good faith and interest in her colony's problems.
Vul: “…I will forward this to the medical personal on the colony, though I am unsure how much they will actually be able decipher from it.”
>Explain the accelerated pregnancy process as well as the rapid growth into adults.
Vul: “Ah, I did suspect something like that.”
Zento: “You did?”
Vul: “Indeed. After all, the hybrid I saw was an adult.” she walks down the stairs from her throne, passing you, “So unless your kind aging process is massively accelerated, it was a given that there was something else.”
Zento: “And for our exchange?” as her finely carved ass passes you, you opt to follow her, “Do you wish for some accelerated growth as well?”
Vul: “No.” the gargoyle answers bluntly, “Neither the pregnancy nor the rapid growth afterwards is needed. No need to rush these things.” A though passes her eyes, “Though, I will understand if the females you provide me with wishes for an accelerated pregnancy, so they may return to duty instead of staying here.”
Zento: “Understood.”
>Finding ten volunteers shouldn't be too hard.
Vul: “Oh, you think they will be eager to join in a paid orgy, hmm?” looking over her shoulder, she gives you a sultry look, “Maybe you wish to join yourself?”
Zento: “The thought have crossed my mind, yes.” you say with a smirk, “Of course, discussing logistics can wait until after we’ve signed the contract, no? After all, we don’t want this contract to fall through because of a bad signature, hmm?”
Vul: “Now now, no need to rush, Captain.” you can hear her chuckle as she turns away from you and continue walking, “We have plenty of time for pleasantries later.”

>Ask about the child-rearing practices for her kind.
Vul: “Why, are you considering taking responsibility?” her hips sways a bit extra as she walks in front of you, “After we sign our contract, hmm?”
Zento: “Of course. I wouldn’t even consider abandoning one of my own.”
Vul: “Well, I am sure it isn’t that different from what you’re used to.” she has her back to you as she talks, “We Wroknir do not take mates for life, instead most children are born from contracts, alliances and other unions. Thus, whoever is the most fitting and eager does the childrearing on their own.” She throws a quick glance over her shoulder, “Seeing as this colony is far safer than your ship, if you do give me another child, I will insist them to stay here for the time being.”
Zento: “That would be fair, yes.

>Whatever the means, your species has been proven "naturally" resistant to IOD methods of control.
Vul: “Seeing as it is spreading to other species in your employ, I wouldn’t say it something natural in your biology. It has to be something else.”
Zento: “Still, all the more reason why the IOD cannot capture one of my kind, least they use them to circumvent the means.”
Vul: “…I have a feeling they already have.” she gesture for you to come closer, “After we met the first time, I contacted my first husband back in the Monarchy to see if they had some more information about you. From what he sent back, it looks like the IOD has a lot of data on you already.”

She taps a screen a few times, making a 3D model of a… wait, is that a bad rendition of a colony ship?

Vul: “You recognize this?” she glances over at you, “It’s a very… ah… interesting shape, no? Not to mention massive, even compared to your already huge ship.”
Zento: “It’s one of the colony ships I’m looking for.” you tell her, “It’s built to penetrate into the surface of a planet and become a geothermal powered city.”
Vul: “Whatever it is designed to be, the IOD are looking two of them.” she looks down at the console she’s standing at, “A very specific number, don’t you think?”
Zento: “…and seeing how there was three colony ships, they might have already captured one.”
Vul: “…they are also looking for seven ships as the same class as yours.”
Zento: “…four flagships for each colony ships… but why are they omitting one? Hmm…” you rub your chin, “…this is the first trace I have found of the colony ships, and it is not a good one. It seems we have just as a good of a reason to fight these IOD’s as you have.”
Vul: “Then we are in agreement. We will join forces as of today.”
Zento: “…indeed.”
No. 1097401 ID: 681cb5
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>...wait, if we've powered down the ship, do we still have our prisoner contained and the drones cared for?
We only powered down non-vital systems, not everything. Besides, if that tree lady would wake up, she’s still stuck in what is pretty much a metal cage. Metal doesn’t really need power, does it?
>That's what we detected in the scans, isn't it? Why did it disappear though? We need to do research.
We definitely need more information, and while our own experiments on the crew is a start, we will require some harder to get data as well.
>Did *all* of our alien crewmates get fertility treatments?
Of course not! Twin suns, you’re pretty sure none of them did in the first place!

>Could it be? Could they be trying to exterminate all life other than themselves because they are also biologically doomed?
Vul: “…wait, why would they be biologically doomed?”
Zento: “I am not… sure where I got that from.” you sheepishly rub the back of your head, “And it is more likely a form of population control, now that I think about it. To make sure that nobody can gain the numbers needed to attempt to overthrow the IOD.”
Vul: “Seeing as there are other species that want to commit genocide on everyone that isn’t them, I wouldn’t be surprise the IOD wants to do it as well.” she starts tapping the screen again, “Here, let me show you a map of the sector. Well, it’s more of a flowchart on how all the hyper way connection between zones of influence.”

An image filled with text and lines show up in front of you. You do recognize a surprisingly many of the words, even though you’re unsure what they mean.

Vul: “Wait, let me…”

The gargoyle starts drawing simple figures near most of the names, trying her best to show just what kind of alien each one refers too.

Zento: “This… this is a lot to take in.”
Vul: “What most important is our next move. As you can see, there are a few nearby systems that aren’t under direct IOD control, though we will need to venture towards the core of the galaxy eventually.” She points at the orange mark of Trade Clan Tauzaka, “And I am certain you have members of this Trade clan, no?”
Zento: “…the forbidden zone? If I’m reading this right, we’re on just one arm of the galaxy, while the IOD are blocking the way towards the core and the other arms?”
Vul: “Actually, it’s called the forbidden zone because of the three species that occupy it. Or, it was three, before the Forksa disappeared.” She points at the right edge of the map, “All three of them are lunatics that will attack anything that comes near, making it quite a danger zone. Not that we tried to venture towards the core even then, though never to any success.” Vul takes a moment before continuing with a nostalgic tone in her voice, “The Thanro even tried building a galactic highway into it, but that just ended with the Khrax firing a moon at them.”
Zento: “And the IOD?”
Vul: “We don’t know where they come from. All the sudden, those three species just stopped attacking the nearby systems.” she shakes her head, “Two of them had become slaves, while the third was just gone. And thus, the IOD came.”
Zento: “…hmm, so they are from the Core then? That’s interesting.”
Vul: “Please, ask if you have any questions about the map. Oh, and we might need to start considering just how we are supposed to fight them.”
No. 1097402 ID: 273c18

How to fight them? Well, with territory that big, guerrilla tactics can work pretty well. Striking at their logistics network will weaken them, as well as their communications. If we can find some kind of critical weakness in their ship designs that'd be pretty important.

We can't really fight them at all without a fleet strong enough to win medium engagements reliably. We can currently handle small engagements, but those are just scouts. Any half-decent escort fleet protecting a point of interest or VIP is going to ruin us as we are.

Alright, more information could be needed here-- what forces compromise the bulk of IOD space power? If we can find some way to make a large IOD faction switch sides, then that could turn the tide.
No. 1097403 ID: 355e44

Currently we should be keeping to the free zone and growing our fleet. Once we have ships that aren't being actively looked for we can try to make inroads with the peoples under IOD influence. Spreading our reproductive tech as well as what we learn about the infertility virus would both lessen IOD control as well as build goodwill for us.
Trying to take on the IOD face on seems like suicide, given how harshly they've put down the last rebellion.
No. 1097424 ID: 2a82d3

Long-term? Do what the last rebellion did (finding out how and why they failed goes without saying), and form a new alliance of any world, of any race, within these stars willing to join us in our fight for freedom. The plan is to start making deals with people with influence, intelligence, or resources to both give aid to your cause, and ultimately establish a inter-planetary network to coordinate the rebellion. This is best done under the radar, before any declaration of war. Indeed, it could win us one before it starts.

For now, it's fulfilling the terms of THIS deal. You can sweeten it by assigning your best men and women on it.

After that, your best course of action is actually to Ralome Tauzaka clan territory. Vul can arrange a diplomatic envoy for you to guard. It's risky to venture into low influence territory this early, but I have a hunch there should be a family meeting sooner than later. With their association with you going public soon, you'd better make sure everyone's on the same page. Best case, they're all for it. Worst case, they plan to save face by sending Tizli's and Tozlan's exile, and that's not ideal but it's manageable.

Establishing yourself among the free zone is sound, but you don't know the Plumi very well and your key to the Free Ports went out the airlock. Diplomacy in the latter seems like it would require bigger guns from us, now if it didn't always (it was probably always).
No. 1097860 ID: 681cb5
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>We can't really fight them at all without a fleet strong enough to win medium engagements reliably.
Vul: “You’ll need several fleets, not just one.”
>Trying to take on the IOD face on seems like suicide, given how harshly they've put down the last rebellion.
Vul: “…rebellion? What rebellion?”
Zento: “Grand Alliance of the United Stars?”
Vul: “…heh. That wasn’t a rebellion.” she gesture towards the map, “They came from beyond the forbidden zone, from outside our part of the galaxy, a completely unknown force. As the Forksa, Khrax and Ek’tall fell to their might, the rest of us united. We might have had our squabbles, our grudges and wars, but in the end this enemy was a threat to us all, thus uniting us under one cause. The Wroknir and Kelshin joined with their massive ship armadas, the Mrrgh and Tuul with their near infinite forces of ground troops, the Korak and Gartag with their intelligence and spy networks, and finally the Xot with their odd technology. Even the Thanro joined us, financing the whole thing. Only the Raolme stayed out of the war, for the most part. We united to create the biggest fighting force this galaxy has ever seen, and what follow what not some paltry rebellion. It was a galaxy wide war, a war for our continued freedom, a war which like we have never seen before. But even as we numbered in the hundreds upon hundreds of billions, with every last secret super weapon and tactic, even with the precursor technology we unearthed, in the end… we lost.” Her body visible tenses for a second, before she sigh and regain her composure, “So no, we cannot fight them directly. We tried that once, when we were at the height of our power, and we failed.”

>What forces compromise the bulk of IOD space power? If we can find some way to make a large IOD faction switch sides, then that could turn the tide.
Vul: “While the Ek’tall and Khrax are their main enforcers, it is the Wroknir Monarchy that keeps the peace in the High and Low influence zones.” she points to the middle of the map, “Not only is our kingdom in the center, but it is by far the largest and most powerful of all the old species in this sector. A majority of their fleets here will be mostly Wroknir ships, unless they are sent out for special missions.”
Zento: “And can we convince them to switch sides?”
Vul: “Sadly, the current Everlasting Queen is completely loyal to the IOD.” there a hint of poison in her voice, “As the monarchy crumbled, she used the IOD to completely wipe out the rest of the royal family, leaving only her, some upstart cousin thrice removed, as the sole heir to the throne.” She makes a sound that can only be described as an ancient curse, “Usurper, that is what she is.”
>Striking at their logistics network will weaken them, as well as their communications.
Vul: “Currently, Trade Clan Kessak are the one overseeing their logistic and communication networks, at least outside the forbidden zone.” you don’t even have to ask, as you convey your question with just one look, “While the other three trade houses remained natural during the war, Trade Clan Kezzak joined the IOD after we lost the Thanro and Mrruul capital worlds. Thus, they get a bit more trust and freedom compared to the rest.”
>Spreading our reproductive tech as well as what we learn about the infertility virus would both lessen IOD control as well as build goodwill for us.
Vul: “That is our most powerful weapon so far. But, do not forget, this will just even the playing field. Last time we lost, even as we were at our best.”

>Currently we should be keeping to the free zone and growing our fleet.
Vul: “I would agree, Captain, though I do have some other ideas as well.”
Zento: “What are your suggestions, Vul?”
Vul: “Let me show you…”

Kelshin Free Ports – The Kelshin were one of the fiercest fighters during the war, and thus their whole home system was burned to the ground. So, while they are a shadow of their former selves, they are still the only one openly hostile against the IOD right now. Even if they can be rather divided and selfish, having been forced to become pirates and all, if you were able to united them they would make an excellent ally. Not to mention, I know you have pirates on your crew… and my spies saw someone bearing Captain colors leaving your ship as you landed.

The Raolme Trade Clan Tauzaka – While the Trade Clans are for the most part loyal to the IOD overlords, as well as being in the influence zone, Trade Clan Tauzaka have always been empathic about the plight of those outside the IODs control. Of course, if you want the Raolme on your side, you’ll need to convince them all to join… if I remember correctly; they have Clan meeting about big decisions like this where each clan gets a vote? Either way, you do have a pair of Raolme from this clan with you, whom are nobles at that.

Aelvan Plumi Republic – I have to admit, I do not know much of the Plumi. They love to gamble, scam and trick people, which their shape shifting powers make them excel at. While they did not partake in the war, they have already felt the oppression of the IOD take hold. Soon, they too will be part of the IOD collective. These slime creatures would be the one thing the IOD hasn’t had experience dealing with… but neither have we, so we don’t know what, exactly, they can bring to the fight.

The Xot Collective – The Xot are... not organic. As their reproduction is far different than any of ours, they are not as threatened by the sterile plague as the rest of us. But that will surely soon change, the IOD will surely find a way to affect them as well. While they do not make great warriors, their technology is… odd, to say the least, and might contain a wild card or two we can use to our advantage.

The Gartag Tusfo Federation – My last suggestion is a bit of an odd one. The Gartag Federation is not the most likely as allies, nor the strongest one… and it is inside the IOD influence. Not to mention that you have no prior connections at all with them either. This makes it the perfect curve ball choice. The IOD will expect you and your ship to remain in the free zone, maybe visit the Raolme if they know about your passengers, but the Gartag? No, they will not be expecting that… and nor will their lapdogs in the royal army. Of course, if we were to be able to access the Federations databanks, it would be a great boon to understanding the IODs motives and methods.

Zento: “We cannot hope to visit them all, do we?”
Vul: “That is correct. Whichever species you choose next will completely change the quest you are on. This is important, so think it over, and make sure you’re ready for what the future of this quest will become. Of course, even if you did have the time to visit them all, expect the others situation to change drastically over time. The IOD will not sit idly by.”

>For now, it's fulfilling the terms of THIS deal. You can sweeten it by assigning your best men and women on it.
Vul: “If you wish to take a moment to consider something far less impactful, then be my guest. We are not in any hurry.” she chuckles, “Just remember, 5 boys and 5 girls. If we can make hybrids then the species won’t matter.”
No. 1097861 ID: a7a180

You should probably start with the Raolme and later gather more Kelshin allies. Whether tech or tricksters would be more powerful after that, it's hard to say... but Raolme first.
No. 1097862 ID: 1effd3

Money is power, with sufficient funds, we could hire the Kelshin to perform more daring raids on IOD facilities
No. 1097863 ID: 1effd3

Aka Raolme
No. 1097865 ID: 279529

Let's get us some robooty.
No. 1097885 ID: 355e44

What's a bigger gamble than taking on the powers that be? The Plumi, with their shapeshifting and not yet being controled, are in a great position to be a wrench in the works. I have a feeling sowing disension in the IOD itself will be our best shot at victory.
No. 1097891 ID: 2a82d3

>Kelshin Free Ports
>my spies saw someone bearing Captain colors leaving your ship as you landed
There was that old man in that sickbay. If that was him, did he like what he saw? What was he doing on the other ship? Talk to Ike about it later.
>The Raolme Trade Clan Tauzaka
What are the procedures for founding a new clan, do you think? That seems like an obvious use case for reproductive tech. So obvious, it'd be strange if neither noble sibling hadn't thought of it yet.
It IS tempting to reuse the symbol of their lost clan in this way, whatever trouble it may invite...
>Aelvan Plumi Republic
>Soon, they too will be part of the IOD collective.
Yes, you'd be surprised if they're not divided over it. You'd expect them to join the side that would give them the most laughs, in the end.
>These slime creatures would be the one thing the IOD hasn’t had experience dealing with… but neither have we, so we don’t know what, exactly, they can bring to the fight.
Given their mischievous nature, relatively lack of casualties in the war and ability to blend in to the local populace, it's unlikely you won't find at least one Plumi around in every colony. Who's to say they haven't been observing events throughout this sector, if not causing trouble under their noses already? That captain of that fleet seemed concerned enough to interrogate us about it.
>The Xot Collective
You seen the process of droning with your own eyes. If there's a method to scale it up planet-wide, the collective would be the most vulnerable to it.
>The Gartag Tusfo Federation
A heist like that, if that what she's implying, would require a Very Particular Set of Skills. Skills acquired over a very long career, or at least from a few species mentioned here. Do you know anyone like that, High Minister?

Let's go to the Ralome first. Trading favors for votes sounds like a good time. Technically, we already have three.

>“Just remember, 5 boys and 5 girls. If we can make hybrids then the species won’t matter.”
Then, let's go over some crew you can recommend and we can pick out the best ones. Veto if you or her raise concerns.

Dr. Vex really is the boy to thank for the research to make this possible. He would've been called in anyway just to supervise and ensure "egg production" goes smoothly, with extensive documentation (and pictures), but he could be permitted him to pick a subject to work with personally. Finding new partners would be good for him, frankly.
Commander Doxy is a reliable second-in-command, and has expressed interest in Wroknir before. Pair her with the most charming prince they have.
Officer Dante has been mulling over some concerns with cohabitation with your kind. Perhaps a willing partner can help work them out.
Shal, the first Wroknir hybrid, would benefit greatly from gaining first-hand experience of Wroknir culture.
Our top engineer Regina has strong maternal instincts. Pair her with the cutest prince they have.
Our miner Zell and his daughter Tescia would make for good candidates. She has a proven record, and he has Mining experience.
...Actually, he'd be looking for his daughter's sire to take responsibility. That might net us another crewmember, however unlikely any aristocrat would engage in the kind of lowbrow activities Tes was involved in. There's also the risk of having his assigned baby mamma to be related to her baby daddy, and you know how awkward (and hilarious) that can be, but what are the odds of that?
How familiar are Tizli or Tozlan with Wroknir trade practices? Would either be interested in bolstering relations between planets?
We have Kelshin, and they'd definitely complain if they were left out. We could just go with whoever Ikekeki recommends, if not herself, but nobles tend to be wary around those with pirate history. What does that narrow it down to? The janitor?
You'll find a troublemaker who goes by "Silky" among the first volunteers. If he's found acceptable, you ask not to be held liable for his behavior on the job.
Union Rep. Tara is focused on our internal affairs, but maybe an egg to her name would help her to focus on what a Nursery would need.

Any empty slots could be filled in by civilians, through lottery.
No. 1097894 ID: 273c18

Hmm, the Everlasting Queen is loyal, but what happens if she dies? If there are no more clear heirs, will that IOD faction devolve into infighting? Assassinating her might be on our list of plans.
Do we know anything about the Khrax that we can use to get them on our side, or at least remove their support from the IOD?
Wait a minute, something's not right. What ships did the IOD use to conquer the Khrax and Ek'tall? All we've heard about the IOD are how the conquered forces of this galaxy are now serving them and apparently form the bulk of the occupying force. But what force did the IOD use to accomplish that, and do any of them remain? Like, at this point, have the original IOD forces moved on, and left the conquered races to oppress eachother mostly unsupervised?
Also, how badly did the united galaxy lose against the IOD? Would things have turned out differently if the Khrax and Ek'tall hadn't been involved? Did the Forksa influence the war at all or did they just leave after the IOD handed them their asses?

>who to visit?
Pirates are right out. We can't trust them, or at least not their senior officers, and we are opposed to their slave trade.
Raolme would be relatively easy to get help from but ultimately what do we gain? Funds, sure, but that can't win a war on its own, and the IOD is strong so they can just TAKE money from the Raolmes. Raolmes are explicitly not good at fighting. They'd be a good second choice, if we have the time, since money is a good force multiplier.
The Plumi I think are going to be the cornerstone of our strategy. What we want to do is have them start infiltrating various IOD factions and manipulate events so that they start fighting eachother. Plumi can take the place of diplomats or high ranking military officers and then coordinate to cause highly visible war-sparking events, or just attempt them independently. The main problem is convincing them to do this without them fucking us over for lols. ...oh, they're also going to be our best bet for assassinating the queen.
Xot are a gamble (but considering how benevolent Kaktus generally is as a quest author it's bound to pay off).
Choosing the Gartag will buy us time and give us information, is what I'm hearing. Not bad I guess.

I'll support visiting the Plumi.
Why were the Korak left off of the list?
No. 1098545 ID: 681cb5
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>Money is power.
Vul: “Ah, the Raolme.” Vul taps the map, bringing up a picture of a very fat, very big Raolme with way to many limbs gorging themselves on who knows what, “Your best bet is the Trade Queen of Clan Tauzaka. She has always been… let us say, a bit loose in their alliance with the IOD.”
Zento: “And I do have a few of their members on my crew already.”
Vul: “Though be warned, they are still allies to the IOD.” she looks over at you, “Even if they won’t just shoot you on sight. They are more subtle than that.”
Zento: “So what should I expect?”
Vul: “A lot of deals, politics and backstabbing.” the gargoyle snorts, “Oh so much backstabbing, believe me.”
Zento: “I see…”

>What are the procedures for founding a new clan, do you think?
Vul: “While I cannot say for certain, whatever it is will be overly complicated, full of ancient rituals and a lot of voting from the heads of the other clans.”
Zento: “So it’s possible?”
Vul: “As I said, I do not know.” she shakes her head, “As far as I know there has only ever been four clans. Even before they left their home world.”
Zento: “And the fifth clan?”
Vul: “…the what now? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a fifth clan, no?”
Zento: “…really?”

>Why were the Korak left off of the list?
Vul: “You cannot reach the Korak without traveling through someone else’s territory from where we are now, Captain.”
>Hmm, the Everlasting Queen is loyal, but what happens if she dies?
Vul: “Why, then whoever think they are the rightful heir will try and take the throne.” Shaking her head, she continue, “There are several parties that wish to control the throne… including a rebel force that want to put, what they claim to be, the real heir of the old king on it, so that they can lead us to victory over the IOD.”
Zento: “Interesting…”
Vul: “Oh?” she raises and eyebrow, “Got plans, do we?”
>How badly did the united galaxy lose against the IOD? Would things have turned out differently if the Khrax and Ek'tall hadn't been involved?
Vul: “Hard to say.” the gargoyle rubs her chin, “The Ek’tall and Khrax were their main fighting force, but even if they outnumbered the IOD main fleet 10 to 1, the IOD’s superior technology made them just as dangerous.” With a sigh, she muses, “I have heard stories about how there was times where victory seemed possible, yet here we are.”
>Did the Forksa influence the war at all or did they just leave after the IOD handed them their asses?
Vul: “Leave? As far as I know, the Forska where completely wiped out by IOD.” Vul taps her finger against the console, “Of course, we only have Ek’tall ramblings and Khrax screeching to go on, but I’ve never heard anyone seeing a Forska, let alone talk to one.”
No. 1098546 ID: 681cb5
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>Dr. Vex, Officer Dante, Zell, Tozlan, Silky.
>Commander Doxy, Shal, Regina, Tescia, Rep. Tara.
Vul: “Ah, five men and five women.” the map console powers down after four quick taps over its keyboard, “It did not take long for you to make that list, Zento.”
Zento: “They are people I trust to do the job, Vul.” you shrug, “Well, most of them. Silky is a civilian, but I think he will excel at a task like this.”
Vul: “Indeed?” she chuckle, “Then it is settled. Now, then let us discuss the proper creation of our alliance.”

She takes a step towards you, close enough for your snouts to nearly touch, and puts a hand on your chest.

Vul: “To ensure both parties are willing to do anything for this alliance of ours…” she looks up at you, meeting your gaze, “We shall conceive something that both of us wish to fight for.”
Zento: “Ah…” a slight smile crosses your lips, “I think I understand this Wroknir tradition now.”
Vul: “Than you understand that this child is not conceived out of love or lust, but to unite two parties.” the gargoyle leans in slightly closer, “Not that lust is completely absent. Do you wish to join in an alliance, Captain Zento?”
Zento: “Of course.”
Vul: “Then we simply need to decide a time and place.” Vul leans her head slightly to the side, “A proper dinner tonight, perhaps? With fine music and even finer drink and food, before we retire to the Magistrate private chamber, hmm?”
Zento: “That does sound lovely.”
Vul: “Or shall we join in on tonight’s orgy instead?” a huff of warm air ruffles through your scaled beard, “The one between your ten volunteers and my subjects?”
Zento: “Why, that does sound interesting as well.”
Vul: “Or…”

Her hand starts to slowly move downward, dragging her sharp, hard finger across your chest…

Vul: “Are you so inpatient that you want to just bend me over the map terminal and rail me right now?” her unblinking gaze never leaves yours, “It’s up to you, Captain.”
No. 1098547 ID: c8380b

Can we have a fancy dinner while watching the orgy?
No. 1098549 ID: 273c18

If the IOD's technological advantage was the reason why they won, then we just have to make sure everyone's caught up. We'll need to investigate how large the tech gap is now and how quickly we could solve that issue. I wonder how fast people could update their ships if we spread around some better blueprints?

Tell her that is tempting, but you are not impatient. This is something you can take the time to do properly.

I also want to tell her the truth about the fifth clan, and how that means the IOD had some reason to not wipe the Forska from history... but that might spoil the mood a bit.
No. 1098550 ID: 273c18

Well, I guess we don't know if the fifth clan was real or not. We'd have to ask someone who was alive before or during the war.
No. 1098551 ID: eb0a9c

Challenge her to a duel right now. Your military training versus her nourished rocky hide. Winner tops the loser.
No. 1098558 ID: 355e44

It won't do for the leadership to appear above their people. Take part in the orgy, its good for morale.
No. 1098559 ID: 4c92cd

Get with her fancy style, not the orgy.
No. 1098563 ID: 26801d

... serious question, is there any reason we can't pick all three options?
No. 1098566 ID: a7a180

Right here, right now, as an example to the crew.
No. 1098567 ID: 2a82d3

Let's make it our mission to ensure love isn't completely absent here either. That takes time, and a quick review of whatever trashy romantic fiction you can scrape of your ship databases. The latter you can discuss with her at dinner, or view with her in her chambers.

The Wroknir method of forming alliance is a fine one. Consider the merits of adopting the tradition for yourself. Embrace your inner xenophile!
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