Lilac Light Cake
>See about getting a job in management of a mine, mister bergman?
Getting a job at A mine could be an option, management however is an entirely different matter. And it's "miss", btw :^) she gets that a lot tho
You come from a long line of paupers. Your father was serf and his father was a serf, as was his, why not go back to your family's feudal lord. No.
You could find another castle to be a bergman at? You're sure that there are plenty of space for a job like yours.
You could join a nunnery like your sister? You were too materialistic and tied to your flesh for that. Besides they had rules for EVERYTHING. What to wear, when to wear it, when to sleep, how to sleep, how to pray, what to pray for, etc. Just too much.
You keep weighing your options as you go through the town square.