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File 12453743452.jpg - (12.88KB , 313x393 , hello everyone.jpg )
888 No. 888 ID: bde1b8

Hello, /Quest/! I am Jrinifiblin, or Jim in your human tongue. I will be your protagonist today! I have with me a copper knife here, and I am the hunterbold of the tribe. With my leather armor, nothing can touch me!

...Well, nothing scarier than a rabbit, anyway.
59 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1351 ID: bde1b8
File 124573164730.jpg - (38.12KB , 601x832 , chapter 1.jpg )

>Well... I didn't have this question before, but... How did he die? Did you kill him? Are you going to kill me? You'd might as well tell me cause I can't get away.
"He was dead when we found him. Judging by the head wound, he probably died from the drop. The portals' flight patterns are erratic, but they rarely soar above 5 meters. You and your friend had poor luck."

>How big is this desert? How do folks survive with no food or nothin' around?
"The portals provide for us. Nevermore could be best described as a pirate dimension, stealing creatures and materials from entire other worlds. They kidnap matter from other places, other times, and drop it off here, in this endless desert. There is no going back. The portals are one way. Welcome to Nevermore, Jrinifiblin."
No. 1353 ID: 7eda8b

"Well fuck."
No. 1355 ID: 7eda8b

Wait... DON'T eat the dead? Eating him is the silver lining of the dark, sad cloud of his death.

Perhaps we can trick her into letting only us eat him. Claim it's a religious thing.
No. 1359 ID: 1afd58

Cry pitifully about your ruined life and permanent displacement from everyone and everything you have ever known.
No. 1360 ID: 7eda8b

"My poverty! ;_;"
No. 1374 ID: 04603a

cool story bro
No. 1784 ID: bde1b8
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I'll miss the nose rubs with Jemilin, but there really wasn't much for me back home. I mean, sure, it'll be hard here, but these two ladies look tough. Maybe I will be okay?

"Um, uh, Arlanko... Its, ah. Its okay if we eat him, if we have to..."
"Are you sure? That is very courteous of you, although it is simultaneously a bit unsettling."
"Yeah, its fine."
"Then he shall be tonight's dinner."

I am not nearly brave enough to try and ask for all of him to myself.

We've now arrived back at the wagon. That other lady, Sage, seems to be doing... something... with the dead behemoth.
No. 1785 ID: 1afd58

Ask, cutely, why you are eating your friend when there are apparently several hundred tons of meat right in front of you.
No. 1786 ID: 7eda8b

What the heck is that thing made out of, anyway?
No. 1793 ID: c80cec

You should probably let your knew acquaintances know that kobold meat is poisonous.
No. 2428 ID: bde1b8
File 124680331865.jpg - (15.70KB , 399x543 , poisonous.jpg )

"So, ahh, Arlanko... Why are you eating my friend if there's hundreds of pounds of meat right there?"
"It is imperative that nothing go to waste in a world such as this. When our next meal should present itself is a mystery, and your comrade has been deceased longer and will spoil sooner. In the interest of not suffering food poisoning, he should be consumed first."
"Oh, right! Umm, kobolds are poisonous. You probably shouldn't eat him. I mean, I can, but you can't."

For some reason, that seems to have made her suspicious of me.

I don't really know. I'll go ask Sage!
No. 2429 ID: bde1b8
File 124680422117.jpg - (16.95KB , 502x255 , sage.jpg )

She seems really engrossed in her... whatever she's doing.
"Hey, you're, um, Sage, right?"
"What is that thing made out of?"
>"I'm not quite sure. Its like cutting through stone. Very tough. It could breathe here, so its probably a carbon based life form, making me think it's skin has a molecular compound similar to that of coal or pyrite. I'll probably end up using it to..."
At this point, she looks up at me.
>"...You're not Arlanko. The fuck do YOU want? And what the hell ARE you anyway? Can you do anything special?"

She certainly is strange looking. One of her ears is pointy like an elf's, and the other is squishy like a human's. She's got cuts all over, most of which are all stitched up. She must get cut up a lot. Her eyes are a bright green, and her hair is a dull red.

Whatever she's holding in her hand seems to be glowing a light orange color. I don't know what it is, but it cuts through that creature's skin, so it must be really sharp.
No. 2431 ID: 1afd58

Uh, my BOYFRIEND just fell out of the sky a while ago and we are gonna eat him, but I'm just a little GIRL kobold and I am fell through the ribbon thing too so I'm just here to help.
No. 2447 ID: 7eda8b

What, they don't have any magic to preserve some meat? They seem to be loaded with magic!
No. 2460 ID: 5c469d

well, i'm kinda stuck here, so i figured i might as well get to know everyone here, get used to the situation. i can come back later, if you want.
No. 2555 ID: bde1b8
File 124683611294.jpg - (14.84KB , 636x262 , questioning.jpg )

"Uh, my BOYFRIEND just fell out of the sky a while ago and we are gonna eat him, but I'm just a little GIRL kobold and I am fell through the ribbon thing too so I'm just here to help. I'm kinda stuck here, so I figured I might as well get to know everyone here, get used to the situation. I can come back later, if you want."
>"Alright, so you're called a kobold, and you don't want to be dead weight, if I heard all that right. At least, I HOPE you don't want to be any fucking dead weight, or we'll be having you for stir fry. Can you do anything useful at all?"

She seems less angry now, but still not too happy. Well, I did have a job back at camp before I was a soldierbold... what was it, again?
No. 2556 ID: e49ef9

No. 2559 ID: 670155


Camp..setter upper? Shelter maker?
No. 2561 ID: 1afd58

No. 2567 ID: 7eda8b

>Hello, /Quest/! I am Jrinifiblin, or Jim in your human tongue. I will be your protagonist today! I have with me a copper knife here, and I am the hunterbold of the tribe. With my leather armor, nothing can touch me!

No. 2583 ID: 7eda8b

Apart from Hunterbold (which should be extremely useful for tracking skills, survivalism, etc) ... actually, that's the ONLY thing that seems useful in a freaking desert.
No. 2598 ID: bde1b8
File 124684181576.jpg - (69.34KB , 543x802 , professional profession.jpg )

That's my most recent job. I had a few before that. I'm a ripe 4 years old, after all.

>Panel 1: I am a legendary soap maker!
>Panel 3: I'm pretty good with dairy products too.
>Panel 5: And, um, I was a basket weaver...
>Panel 7: Um... uh... I'm also a pretty decent hunter...
>Panel 8: Well that sounds potentially useful!
No. 2607 ID: 1afd58

By the way, we need to find some way to keep our loincloth from flipping up or getting undone, so the crazy woman doesn't see our dong and then freak out and kill us.
No. 2630 ID: bde1b8
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Ah! That sounds like a scream! ...A vaguely familiar, koboldy scream.
No. 2632 ID: c80cec

No. 2642 ID: 7eda8b

>"And what the hell ARE you anyway?"

Say "I'm a nose! With feet!"

Then do a little dance.
No. 3606 ID: 5c7f68

But don't get ahead of everyone else! Suggest we investigate and follow from behind.
No. 3853 ID: 1afd58

>do a little dance
Then ask Sage if she wants to make a little love, and subsequently get down tonight.
No. 4431 ID: bde1b8
File 124711468196.png - (22.59KB , 600x400 , Jemilin.png )

...You people are so strange. Why should I dance? And how do you make love? I never learned how to craft that.

Anyway, look! Its Jemilin! She's here! I hope she's okay.
No. 4434 ID: 670155

Help her up, while quietly explaining the need to pretend you're a girl.
No. 4441 ID: c80cec

Seems like the obvious choice.
No. 4449 ID: 7eda8b

Oh crap! Make sure the boldbrew is okay!

...also Jem.
No. 4454 ID: bde1b8
File 124711653792.png - (46.76KB , 600x400 , pretend.png )

"Jemilin! It's so good to see you." I lower my voice. "Listen, for my own sake, we need to pretend I'm a girl, okay?"
>You mean, like that one time we-
"Yes, just like that, but all the time."

Her eyes light up.
No. 4464 ID: c80cec

Add "Remember, pretend I'm a girl ALL the time, okay?"

Then bring her back meet your new friends.
No. 4471 ID: 7eda8b

Okay, now rescue the bold brew. Make sure it's okay.
No. 4494 ID: bde1b8
File 124711855160.png - (38.13KB , 600x400 , bold brew.png )

The bold brew spilled a little, but seems to be okay.

Sage has arrived. "Well well, I see you were followed in. Sucks for your friend."
>Hi! I'm Jemilin! Its nice to meet you, You are sooo pretty, I love your hair, your ear kinda scares me though, are you a half elf or something I've never seen a half elf before it makes sense they'd have half the pointy ears that and -

Jemilin likes to talk.
No. 4499 ID: 7eda8b

Return to the group. See how the carving up of the big monster is going.
No. 4521 ID: bde1b8
File 124712002486.png - (57.84KB , 600x400 , choke.png )

Since Sage was doing the carving, and she is right here, I think its not going at all.

Sage looks unhappy with Jemilin. "WHY DO YOU TALK SO MUCH?"
No. 4524 ID: c80cec

Run over while yelling at sage to stop chocking Jemilin. Push her if you have too.
No. 4526 ID: 7eda8b

Run up to Sage and yell "Stop! Please! Don't kill her! Just let her go and we'll leave you alone and not come back!"

Let's try to find shelter in that dwelling we saw earlier. We shouldn't try to travel with these people if we can help it. Sage seems to be an overly aggressive psycho who is incapable of being civil, or even nonviolent, while Arlanko appears to be some kind of meat automata who either doesn't realize or doesn't care that she's traveling with such a loony.
No. 4534 ID: bde1b8
File 124712159433.png - (38.44KB , 600x400 , tackle.png )

"Stop! Please! Don't kill her!"
No. 4535 ID: bde1b8
File 124712165975.png - (38.53KB , 600x400 , Plead.png )

"Just leave her alone and we'll leave you alone and never come back!"

After a moment, Sage drops Jemilin. "Deal. I didn't want weaklings like you anyway."
No. 4537 ID: 7eda8b

Take a moment to make sure Jem is okay.

"Let us have our friend's body. You don't need it. You've already got more meat than you can carry."

Give Jem some time to recover, then carry this stuff (if they'll let you keep it) to the house you saw.
No. 4601 ID: 1afd58

Jemilin! That girl is scary, don't worry about her though.

So we are in some desert that goes forever and has no food and water. Welcome!
No. 4636 ID: bde1b8
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Jemilin looks like she is mostly unhurt, but she'll need a minute to catch her breath. I'm just glad Sage didn't want to kill her or anything - that would have been bad.

"Let us have our friend's body. You don't need it. You've already got more meat than you can carry."
>"...Hnnn. Fine, sure. You can take him."

Sage grudgingly accepts my plea for food. It seems she can't deny the logic of the argument, but she is clearly not happy with it anyway.
No. 4637 ID: 7eda8b

Sheesh. It can't harm her in any way. She's just unhappy to help someone even if it costs her nothing. It's not like we're thrilled about having to eat the rotting corpse of the guy we were sent to rescue.

Okay. Approach Arlanko, and say "I'm sorry. Your companion is too random and violent. If we travel with her she's going to kill us eventually. We'd rather take our chances alone."

Take the corpse and the brew and any other equipment you can lay claim to and head to the dwelling, unless these two are going to claim it.
No. 23043 ID: 9a71e2

Wait for them to finish with the thing, then scavenge what you can from it. Keep the body in a cool, dry place.
No. 23173 ID: 6164e0

Remember, you are kobolds.

Sure, you might not be that good at combat or several other fields most take for granted, but you can scavenge the shit out of anything.

Surviving here may seem hard, but remember that the place is essentially designed to be a paradise of scrounging. You can do it!
No. 27693 ID: 4b96a7


Go on a gathering spree, we need resources to stay alive.
No. 56679 ID: c0f3bf

Do not try and talk to her again until you prove your worth in one way or another. After you do, maybe then you can get her to defrost.

I recommend either scavenging, diplomacy, or morale boosting, but be VERY CAREFUL, especially with those last two.
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