Glitter Wish
My days vary. Some days I work at the bakery and others I work at the bookstore. On the days that I work at the bakery I start at dawn making bread and any special orders we have, once they are done and packaged I run them to our customers who can’t pick them up. There is a mother, her name is Madhava, she has three kids and her husband is a farmer. They get three loaves of bread weekly. Then there is an old man, Alastair, who is unable to walk long distances anymore and I visit him every other day. He actually trades books and gets bread. Then my last delivery is to the mayor’s mom, Agafya, who gets bread every other day and was my main caretaker when I was younger. By the time my delivery’s are done it is noon. I head back to the bakery to clean the dishes and serve any customers who come in until we close, at around three. On the days that I work at the bookstore I come in around ten and start by collecting the books for delivery, usually only to Agafya and Alastair. Then I go back to the bookstore and sell books to people visiting. And I take in shipments for the store, My boss, Verlin, is in charge of putting them away. I get off around five usually with a stack of books to read. Most nights I forget to eat and so I usually don’t make dinner.