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789976 No. 789976 ID: 008b25

((This will be a slow updating quest as i have to use library computers and scanner, thanks for patience and apologize for the quality.))

The moon rises over four women, each a princess of her people and each racked with doubt.

One is chosen by bloody ritual, whether she wishes it or not.

One has the throne within her grasp, but what is she willing to use to get it?

One watches her nation slide into ruin, knowing she could save it but dose it deserve to be saved?

And One finds herself yearning for the company of the living for the first time in six thousand years.

All require your aid, but who will you aid first?
347 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 847785 ID: dfe8fe

Her house. Specifically her bedroom.
No. 849061 ID: 008b25
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>Her Bedroom
Patience, young one. You have all the time in the world to seduce your way in. Actually probably not that long.. how long do people live anyway?..

Hathai guides you along a maze of streets and alleys before arriving at the market district. From the look of it the Corvians simply stuck a ceiling on several streets to turn them into a vast, permanent open market. A practical yet elegant solution to the problems of the living worlds ever changing weather.

As you step in she directs you towards a booth set into the wall, describing it as a "Pawn shop" and advising you to sell the items you wish to here as the Icos manning the desk is a personal friend.

(it also doesn't hurt that as a species with very little need for money, Icos have a reputation for fair and honest business)

The stone man looks over your inventory and makes you a offer
250 for the 25x spiral glass shards
100 for the 10x golem scraps
550 for the 1x orchilium shard
1000 For the Nightmare Webbing

These prices Seem fair to you, but your unsure whether you could find a better offer else where, or even use them for your own purposes at a later date..

You decide to let the urges choose what to sell for you, while you wait for them to make a decision you look around the market, from what you can tell the layout gose a little like this.

The stalls closest to the people walking carry mostly small goods like fruit or trinkets, things you can afford to stop for a second and grab while tossing money to the clerk.

The booths lining the walls are set aside for transactions that take more time, Buying and selling of trades goods, restaurants and tailors, Runesmith shops and other such places.

The doors set between the booths lead upstairs to businesses that prefer not to have their goods shown on the street, brothels, drug sellers, weaponry dealers and other such things you don't want lying about where children could wander in.

You ponder where to go first, and how full your pockets will be when you get there..
No. 849071 ID: 3ce125

Sell the shards and scraps. The rarer materials seem like things we could hang onto and maybe craft something out of.
No. 849078 ID: 91ee5f

No. 849079 ID: 33cbe7

These are all pretty rare, given that they came from an immaterial realm, no? Keep one of the Spiral Shards for appraisal but sell the rest along with the golem scraps. Do golems seem common in this world?
No. 849091 ID: ba506f

ah, he has one of those little shark dog things

anyways sell scrap and shards for now.
No. 849298 ID: 3abd97

>You have all the time in the world to seduce your way in. Actually probably not that long.. how long do people live anyway?..
Less than a century, usually.

Well hopefully you're not going to be needing one of those as you've already found some company.

Sounds good.
No. 849326 ID: 3ae3fd

Well you could spend a lot of time trying to find out indirectly. You could risk not knowing and finding out that you ran out of time. Or you could take the direct approach and just ask how long you have in which to seduce her. That last one sounds simpler and how much harm could it cause?
No. 850049 ID: 008b25
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You hand over the spiral shards and golem scraps and wait as the Icos moves into the back of its store.

> Do golems seem common in this world?
Hmm good question, you dimly remember seeing a few the last time you where in the land of the living, but they where stone and simple looking, the one from the nightmare was all metal and glass.

> take the direct approach and just ask how long you have

You'll try to be subtle about it just in case.

Lil: "So are you a resident or just visiting like me?"

Hathai:"Oh im Lelystadian born and raised, I do travel from time to time but im concentrating on local roles for now"

Okay that wasn't as helpful as you thought, at least you know she wont be skipping town anytime soon.. probably..

The icos returns and hands you a small pile of items, one scrap of paper, two brownish metal pieces and ten small silver pieces. Apparently this is what they use for money here, trees and minerals.

You now have 350 Konner, roughly equivalent to a weeks wage. This is why adventuring is such a lucrative career.
No. 850053 ID: b15da4

You have obtained the all-important social lubricant. You can go anywhere you want now: Starting with the theater.
No. 850304 ID: 3d2d5f

>You now have 350 Konner, roughly equivalent to a weeks wage. This is why adventuring is such a lucrative career.
I dunno. Fighting nasty alien horrors in the realm of nightmares is a pretty chancy way to make a wage, and if you have to take a comparable risk every week to keep your head above water, that's rolling the dice pretty frequently.

Rewards don't seem sufficient for the risk, especially on a regular basis. Especially for mortal adventurers- you had options as a well prepared princess of the dead most people would lack.

Need better paying or less ridiculous missions.
No. 851445 ID: 008b25
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>social lubricant

lil: "Pfft!"

Hathai: "Whats so funny?"

Lil: "Nothing, just remembering a joke, hey why dont you show me your theater, we don't really do theater where im from, were more of a street artist kind of city so it would be nice to check one out"

Hathai leads you down yet more side streets and across several small parks into a much quieter part of the city, the buldings here are large and important looking but a little worse for ware.

After a while she stops in front of a long building and gestures dramatically.

Hathai: "May i present, The Sphere!"

Lil: "Wow, not gonna lie for a moment there i thought you where lying about.. well everything really"

Hathai: "Of course im lying! im a Actress! its my job to lie darling, even when im telling the truth."

She winks and heads into the building through the front door, pausing to hold it open for you.
No. 851446 ID: ba506f

well let's go in! If nothing else this should be a neat story to tell folks back at home... hell thinking about it I wouldn't be surprised if something like this pops up back home in the next 100 years or so. I mean your home land does collect all the dead so I'm sure you'll probably pick up a few film stars and directors at some point who will probably even add more life to the land of the dead.
No. 851459 ID: 33cbe7

Why do they call it the Sphere and not the Triangle(s)?
No. 853517 ID: 008b25
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((Sorry for the quality drop ive been SO ill this last fortnight.))

> I wouldn't be surprised if something like this pops up back home in the next 100 years or so.

Hey that's a good point actually. a lot of this stuff must be Heckin new if you've never seen it back home.. although you have to admit that you do tend to be way, Waaaaaay behind the times in the land of the dead..

Not sure what these moving pictures are though, you doubt its as simple as people throwing images but you never know with these arty types..

>Why do they call it the Sphere and not the Triangle(s)?

Lil: "A bit pointy for a sphere isn't it?"

Hathai: "Hah, The original sphere was a circular building, but that burnt down about a hundreds years ago. Since then all theatres built here have been named the Sphere in its honour. Its a silly little tradition really, but the past is such a lovely country to visit."

Stepping into the foyer you find it rather more lavish then the outside of the building, with seemingly every surface covered in soft fabrics of calm, warm colours.

Hathai: "We normally don't let people in while were setting up, so this is a uncommon treat"

Everywhere people move quickly and quietly with the looks of those engaged in small but vital tasks, restocking various counters and booths.

Before you a Icos tries to retrieve its broom from a affectionate Skark with little success.
Behind It you see several doors and passage ways, some marked Theatre, others marked Screens and a few with no markings at all.
No. 853524 ID: 91ee5f

>Before you a Icos tries to retrieve its broom from a affectionate Skark with little success.
Maybe you can help the Icos out by petting the Skark so much that it'll want to play with you insead of the Icos' broom?

Also ask Hathai if the Skark is supposed to be in here, since this seems like a "no pets allowed" building?

After you handle the Skark, ask Hathai which one of these doors do we go through to see something that she is in? She said she's an actress, so you'd like to see one of her performances.
No. 853526 ID: 6dec99

See shark, pet shark.
Squee is optional.
No. 853530 ID: 33cbe7

Tell her you want to see the little box the movies live in.
No. 853554 ID: 3ae3fd

She likes the past? You know all about the past! You must have met some properly ancient people now and again, your parents alone... Maybe she knows stories about dragons!
No. 853609 ID: 75d80b

...is your disguise failing? Maybe you should find a mirror.
No. 853655 ID: 3abd97

>"We normally don't let people in while were setting up, so this is a uncommon treat"
She's trying to impress you! Or at least she wants you to think she's doing something a little special for you.

That bodes well, hopefully.

Seems reasonable.
No. 854304 ID: 3ae3fd

Consider caution around the skark. I hear that they like to collect and eat bones. Fresh bones, as I understand it, but there might be a history of very rarely misidentifying a meal? Just check that your skeleton is properly covered before handling the adorable little thing. Honesty is important in a relationship, and even a fling can be all the more intense for it, but this is not the time nor place to surprise Hathai with a bone!
No. 855490 ID: 008b25
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>See shark, pet shark.
>Skark is supposed to be in here

Lil: "Im assuming this little ball of wonderful is a member of the team?"

Hathai: "Of course, little hans here is our lead actor, watch."

Icos: "He Broke My Broom.."

Hathai puts the adorable little thing onto the floor before pointing at it.

Hathai: "Bang!"

The Skark Flumph's to the floor, attempting to play dead but failing due to its sheer manic joy.

Lil: "The greatest actor of our age!"

Hathai: "A God among the stage!"

Icos: "..this is my broom, I brought it from home.."
No. 855494 ID: 008b25
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>...is your disguise failing?

(Magic 7, roll 5)

Looking at your hand you see the colour faintly pulsing, to you its noticeable but faint, other inherently magical beings such as the urges will not doubt be able to see it much more easily, as it stands you think you have two or three hours before normal people start noticing.

Still, better to be safe then sorry.

>surprise Hathai with a bone!

gehehenow is not the time!

Lil: "So hey yes I need to..uh.. powder my face? where are the bathrooms?"

Hathai: "Hmm? oh yes there just over there"

Lil: "Thanks!" You say as you hurry over

Hathai: "Of course if you want to reapply the disguise you could always use the dressing rooms."

Lil: "uhhhhhh"

Hathai: "See everyone has a smell, usually several different scents layered on top of each other from food, work or basic hygiene. Sometimes the smell is very faint, but its there.

The only people ive ever meet to not smell of anything at all are the dead. And you dear smell of nothing at all. plus you have no ass, that was kind of a giveaway."
No. 855496 ID: 33cbe7

Note to self: wear more perfume.
So, why's an old bag of bones like myself so interesting to you, Hathai?
No. 855521 ID: ba506f

>plus you have no ass, that was kind of a giveaway.
I was wondering why you didn't say anything about that. I figured you were just to amused by my reaction that you failed to notice it.

Also now what?
No. 855526 ID: 91ee5f

"Pff what? Naw! I'm not dead!"

>you dear smell of nothing at all.
"I bathe a lot, so I'm very clean!"

>plus you have no ass, that was kind of a giveaway.
"I've been dieting and watching what I eat!"

When these and other excuses continue to fail, just let her take you to the dressing rooms and then beg her not to tell anyone!
No. 855541 ID: 0a71c4

Ask how often people are going to be able to tell. Will you get in much trouble? Or did you not need a disguise in the first place?
No. 855568 ID: 3ae3fd

Well she is obviously familiar with disguises, so perhaps she could help you to reapply it?
Will you have to revert to your true form? You are naturally rather large, and the bathroom/dressingroom might be a bit cramped.
No. 855617 ID: 3abd97

>And you dear smell of nothing at all. plus you have no ass, that was kind of a giveaway.
No. 855620 ID: 2990c9

"But bones are supposed to smell like milk."
No. 855692 ID: 3ae3fd

If the disguise isn't working right now, then perhaps it is time to try something else. She also seems to have an appreciation for drama.
Take a moment to prepare, drop the glamour, rear up to a grand height, announce your full name, title, station, and glorious deeds, coil half-way around Hathai, take her hand, and tell her that you think she's pretty.
You have a young lady to impress, and you, are, Impressive!
But maybe don't mention your quest unless she asks. It is not a bad quest. Most quests are rather vulgar when viewed from another perspective, but it does just slightly clash with the whole "glorious lord of the dead and vanquisher of nightmares" thing that you would be focusing on with your introduction.
And it would be awkward to travel like that, so get the glamour back on before the "Sphere" opens its doors.
No. 855739 ID: b26cba

Bashful is probably the way to go here.
"Was it really that obvious?, please don't make a big deal out of it, it's my first time among the living and I'm enjoying the experience"
No. 857298 ID: 008b25
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(((Still sick so quality is Butt))


Lil: Ill have you know my ass is glorious and Imperial! im simply spending a year assless for dietary reasons.

Hathai: "Of course, i appologise for my hasty and unfeeling comments"

Icos: "..So were ignoring the broom situation?"

> Will you get in much trouble?

Lil: "Hypothetically speaking, if your slander is true, who will notice and how much trouble will i be in? Also why the interest if you don't mind me asking?"

Hathai: "Well you should be ok for a while, other then the butt situation there isnt much to actually go by. Magical people might spot it but since the only magic people i know of are the icos and they are legendary for not giving a fuck."

"Legally speaking im not sure, at first i thought you where a spy, but after a hour hanging out with you your either the worst spy in history or a tourist looking for the fleshy experience, im banking on the latter since. I think youll be fine as long as no guards see the illusion fade, they may jump to conclusions."

"As for me, well ill try anything once and if all comes to naught watching you bumble around pretending to be alive was sure to be a hoot!"

Lil: "Im both relived and insulted by this news..."
No. 857312 ID: 33cbe7

It's like they say, you don't know how good you have it until it's gone. My advice is to enjoy it while you're still breathing.
Shall we go to the dressing rooms? I want to try on all the costumes.
No. 857344 ID: 3ce125

>ill try anything once
Is that so?
No. 857361 ID: ad51b8

Grab the Icos' broom and use your Body manipulation rune to regrow the part that was bitten off, pet the adorable little land shark, tell the Icos that the little guy likes her(?) and is just trying to play. Then turn towards Hathai like nothing happened and ask if she'd be willing to show you towards the dressing rooms.
No. 857378 ID: 3ae3fd

Wait. An Icos that cares is trouble? And one right there is apparently caring about a broom? Can you Earth-rune at it to fix it? Maybe implant some stone prongs? Or feed the wood into the bristles? Or cuddle the skark?

If trashy literature is to be believe then you, as a princess, might be abducted by a dragon at any moment, and thus might need a knight. Actually the deed is far more dire than I first thought! You are a dragon(Well, half-dragon, and undead with whatever that means for inherited traits.. but serpents and dragons are basically the same thing anyway...), and thus might abduct yourself at any moment! (And don't pretend that you aren't that sort of dragon. You were totally considering abducting someone in order to get to the world of the living...)
Hathai has the courage to confront a potential spy, an authoritative grace and bearing, has no doubt experienced many battles(well choreographed ones at that!), and as for shining armour... she has plenty of padding, and anything will shine after some oil and polish... She is just the knight you need on hand in case you abduct yourself and need to be defeated and rescued.
So whatever you set upon doing, try to get her to accompany you, at least for a little longer.

Oh, and your disguise failed while you were thinking about an oiled and polished Hathai. Better hurry to the dressing rooms.
No. 857516 ID: 3abd97

Well so long as I'm not scaring anyone.

Good line.

And I support fixing the broom too.
No. 858554 ID: 008b25
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> ill try anything once
> try anything once
> nothing at all!

That is very important information and your glad you heard it, although you no longer know whether your colour is down to disguises or blushing...

> oiled and polished Hathai...

While that dose sound sexy in theory, you can say from experience that when wet fur is anything but sexy..
No. 858557 ID: 008b25
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((part 1, part 2 too follow after quick redraw))

You head over to the icos and fiddle around with your runes for a bit, discovering that the body manipulation rune in conjunction with the earth rune can have some... interesting effects..

Fortunately you manage to return the broom to a more or less workable state before it can say anything creepy or prophetic and, taking the Skark from his perch, you let the icos go about his business in a slightly less annoyed mood.

Lil: "Well now that I know im not going to be immediately arrested or set on fire I would enjoy a tour of the dressing rooms, I have something of a weakness for costumes"

Hathai: "Oh hoho! Then you are in for a treat my magical friend! follow me!"

She leads you through one of the many semi hidden doors in the lobby and down a long wooden corridor lined with doors, you can faintly hear the sounds of people preparing various scenes, dance moves or speeches behind them and the smell of paint fills the air.

there's also another smell you cant quite place.. a musty, familiar smell..

Before you can place it Hathai stops before a door marked Costumes and prepares to throw it open
No. 858597 ID: 3abd97

>Before you can place it Hathai stops before a door marked Costumes and prepares to throw it open
I get the feeling we're about to open the door on a bunch of naked or partially dressed actors.
No. 859340 ID: 3ae3fd

With a professional actor on hand, perhaps it is time to review your disguise. Sure she would be a wealth of advice on the topic.
No. 859387 ID: 008b25
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With suitable dramatic flourish Hathai throws open the door, nearly flooring a passing Dargennic lady who manages to scoot out of the way with practiced ease, you doubt this is the first dramatically flung door shes had to avoid.

The room before you is impressively large and filled to the brim with costumes and dresses of every conceivable type, from full cotton mascot suits to sparkly pieces of string that offend the decency police simply by existing and everything in between.

Several actors of several species are walking around being fitted into the suits they will need for the day.

Hathai: "Dramatic trumpet music! Behold the trove of treasure we call Wardrobe!"

Lil is so excited her response is audible only to bats.
No. 859394 ID: 2fe26a

Try on that oversized princess gown on the right! Oh, and the skeleton costume next to it! Oh heck, just let Hathai surprise you!
No. 859437 ID: 3ce125

Haha, it's just like home!
No. 859444 ID: ad51b8

wow, it almost looks like you steeped out onto one of the streets back home, just with a bit more light.
No. 859490 ID: 5b93d3

Slowly slide across the floor towards the costumes due to vibrating with excitement at an exceptionally high frequency.
No. 859537 ID: 3abd97

You love me! You really love me!
No. 860915 ID: 008b25
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You proceed to wear the costumes.

All of them.

Eventually your fun comes to a halt as you catch sight of your hand and realize your disguise faded some time ago.

Lil: "Well poop"

Hathai: "Yeah it wore off like half a hour ago, you where having so much fun i didn't want to spoil it. I must say as a Connoisseur of butts i have to say ive never seen one quite like yours, im assuming your from a extinct race?"
No. 860917 ID: 008b25
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Lil: "Kinda wish you'd told me, its hard to retain dignity when your standing naked half way out of a costume horse..."

Several Dead in the small crowd fall to their knees

Dead: "Your majesty!"

Hathai: "You what?"

Lil: "Yeah im kinda a big deal, princess of the land of the dead and such."
No. 860920 ID: 830fb7

Well that’s our cover blown. Now for the enevitable telling of your father that you where here.
No. 860933 ID: ad51b8

huh, kinda surprised their are other undead here? the way Hathai was talking about them earlier made it seem like they're not really well liked in these parts.

Also no, I don't think the undead costume was racist I think they were just trying to make it "kid friendly", the shark dog seemed to love having a bigger sister, and you look really damn good in the Aztec(?) costume and in a suit... and thinking about it might be a fun idea to have your next disguise have a suit if you ever feel like changing it up.
No. 860934 ID: 094652

"Not that big of a deal. What are the odds that daddy will permacroak this century? And then there's the five actual designated heirs above me. One of them's from-"
No. 860936 ID: e17697

And please keep it quiet, I'm trying to be incognito and explore the living lands. It is a quest for nice butts!
No. 860937 ID: 2fe26a

Play it cool, just reapply your disguise and if anyone asks, you were never here. It'd be nice if that worked... but your dad's anger at playing hooky will be totally worth it when you find your special some-butty to bring home!
No. 860968 ID: 3ae3fd

Well the cat is out of the bag(or tail out of the butt) so you may as well give her the formal introduction. Who knows, it might be fun if you are giving it on your own terms... Besides, your title is very exotic, it really ought to impress.

There do seem to be rather a lot of dead people here. Does this place collect them? Or is it normal for there to be so many amongst the living... Perhaps there is a secret smuggling ring, sending and disguising tourists both ways using the "trading places" method of travel. Perhaps there was a hidden gold-mine of gluteus maximum back home, right under your nose. Perhaps you could make some subtle enquiries later? Along with assurances that they aren't in trouble...

Alternatively, they might be agents of your father. You probably don't want to say too much of your quests and plans until you have a better grasp of the situation...
No. 860969 ID: 3ae3fd

>Well poop
Are the dead so short of exclamations that they need to make metabolic references?
>a Connoisseur of butts
Well it is official. Hathai would be the perfect knight to escort this princess upon her noble quest to learn of the fate of her mother, and various other ends... Too bad that she has all this famous actress stuff tying her down.
No. 861002 ID: 3ce125

Okay, time to properly introduce yourself. Daughter of the king of the dead and the last true dragon.
No. 861041 ID: 3abd97

>its hard to retain dignity when your standing naked half way out of a costume horse
Well maybe you should have done less standing around naked, then! Or used a changing room, or some convenient folding screens, etc.

>Dead: "Your majesty!"
Hey loyal deadites I would appreciate it if you could keep this on the DL, thanks a bunch!
No. 861046 ID: 33cbe7

Aren't they not supposed to be here either? Let's just all forget we saw each other, okay?
I don't know how much time passed in the nightmare, but it looks like you have to apply this disguise daily from now on.
Hey Hathai, you know how I said they don't have anything like this in the land of the dead? How would you like to be the one to bring it to them?
No. 862302 ID: 008b25
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> they might be agents of your father

Hmm, good point actually. Your father is basically omnipotent back home but you don't know how far that extends. Its possible he could read their thoughts or something? you'll have to check up on that...

> the five actual designated heirs above me.

You never thought about that, but your mother may have had other children! you may have a brother or sister out there somewhere, hopefully there cool with a big snakey dead sister..

>you look really damn good in the Aztec(?) costume and in a suit

Not sure what the costume is for, its some sort of festival wear but the only festival it would be suitable for is one celebrating Butts and Boobs... Which you are 100 percent in favor of. The suit did look damn good didn't it, you'll have to have your tailor run a few up when you get back, maybe start a fashion trend!
No. 862303 ID: 008b25
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>Aren't they not supposed to be here either?

Lil: "Hey, i thought the dead where not liked here or some thing?"

Hathai: "Ech, its complicated. The ones that stay end up rich what with not having to buy food and stuff, so some people tend to hold that against them. They also tend to stick to the same neighbor hoods, so sometimes it can look like there flooding the area, tends to piss off the sort of people who are looking for reasons to be angry honestly."

You start pulling on some clothes while you talk

Lil: "Huh, interesting. Oh hey before i forget, please don't tell my father im here, im kinda sneaking out for a party here. Also tell him the titan of lust got stabbed by a swirly thing and exploded into like a thousand smoking hot ladies."

Dead: "...What?.."

Lil: "Any way some formal introductions are in order i think. I am Liik'il hat'uts kuxa'an kan baak, Princess of the land of the dead, Child of the concept of death and the last true dragon. Call me lil."

Hathai's ears perk up as she stares at you

Hathai: "Your a child of.. That explains.. Ok, you need to come with me. Theres someone you need to meet. I mean, please come with me your majesty? sorry im not that up too date on protocol or anything like that.."
No. 862317 ID: 3abd97

>sorry im not that up too date on protocol or anything like that.."
Pssssssh you think if I cared about protocol I'd be trying to sneak around incognito. I'm just apparently terrible at it.

>Ok, you need to come with me. Theres someone you need to meet.
Are they as cool as this dressing room?

Don't forget to reapply your disguise before leaving.
No. 862337 ID: ad51b8

sorry im not that up too date on protocol or anything like that.."
just talk to me like you were before, if you haven't guessed by now I'm really not all that big on formalities. Combination of having a pretty laid back father and it getting really freaking old after trying for a few centuries. I mean I can see some people living like that for all their lives but their is no way in hell I can believe that someone can exist with having a stick up their ass till the end of days.

Oh and don't forget to put you disguise back on before you leave... don't want to piss off some bigots if we can avoid them or have every undead drop what they're doing to swarm and bow to you. If you wanted that you'd have stayed back home.
No. 862376 ID: 3ae3fd

Tell Hathai that you would love to follow her, for the view information view.
No. 862413 ID: 33cbe7

Protocol in the land of the dead is anything but 'up to date', Hathai. Just Lil is fine.
Reapply disguise and follow the sound of her hips.
No. 863292 ID: 008b25
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(Magic roll: 6)

You quickly reapply the illusion, however this time you rather half ass it, resulting in you appearing as a pure white Chesen female

Lil: "Hmmm not what i was aiming for"

Hathai: "Eh it'll be fine, were only going next door anyway"

> follow her, for the view.

As you follow Hathai, your struck by the simple wisdom of the beings that guide you, truly they know where to behold beauty. Behold! Beauty Booty. Hah!

She leads you outside and across to a smaller building, much plainer then the Theater but just as old looking.
No. 863294 ID: 008b25
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Hathai: "This is our costume and prop warehouse, we keep em outside in case of fire, plus we get the odd collector turning up looking to buy the occasional piece, so its easier to stick them here.

She pauses and smiles at you

"Not exactly the ritzy glamour i promised, but i think you'll get a kick out of this."

She pushes open the door, revealing a rather murky space filled with boxes and sheets. The strange musty smell you sensed earlier wafts out in full force, what ever is making that oddly familiar scent must be waiting for you in the dark..
No. 863295 ID: 2fe26a

Don't tell me Strife is a patron of the fine arts?!
No. 863318 ID: 3ae3fd

Not to be paranoid, Hathai certainly seems nice but... walking into a dark room with only one access point? Try leaving a hand in the door, ostensibly to steady yourself in a dark place, but if it means that the door can't easily be locked behind you then so much the better...
No. 863326 ID: 3ce125

Tell her you smell something in here.
No. 863332 ID: 094652

Warn her not to betray you; now that the undead know who you are, they've got your trace and are distributing the frequency to all the other local undead like gossiping fishwives. If that trace were to, say, go silent or increase in amplitude from stress, every undead aristocrat in the city will hire a @#$%ing mercenary army just to make sure you're safe.
No. 863343 ID: deec6e


Go on in. Hathai's been nothing but pleasant so far and I doubt we need to curse her sudden and inevitable betrayal so soon. Or possibly at all, depending on what her motives really are.

That said, there's no illusion or magics surrounding or inside this place, is there?
No. 863383 ID: 3abd97

I thought there was someone I'm supposed to meet? Do they hide out with the old props?

"I've suddenly got some kind of vestigial survival instinct telling me that being led alone into a suspicious warehouse immediately after telling someone I'm a princess is a bad idea for some reason."
No. 863384 ID: 33cbe7

Can I get some more hints as to what the surprise is?
No. 863411 ID: 3ae3fd

I like this, it is honest and let's the paranoia out without being explicitly insulting. Does leave Lil open to being talked into walking into a prison, but Hathai has been nothing but decent so far, even if she did augment her body specifically to attract and identify the dead and found ways of binding them eternally to her service. Not that there is a shortage of innocent explanations for her extreme figure and the high density of dead coworkers. And it isn't as though the last pretty lady friend you had was some sort of disguised monster seeking to control mortal minds.
No. 863651 ID: 90124d

Kidnapping Dragon Princesses? That's new. I thought it was always the dragons kidnapping the princesses.
No. 865818 ID: 008b25
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>Don't tell me Strife is a patron of the fine arts?!

Strife: No dears, im currently in the local parliament trying to give people uncomfortable thoughts about livestock, bit of a uphill climb truth be told their all surprisingly well adjusted for politicians. Toodles!

Well thats..good?

>Tell her you smell something in here.

You open your mouth to speak when your struck by the realization of exactly where you've smelt this before, it was back home, specifically the museum that houses your.. egg.. shell.. it cant be?

You quickly bury your growing fluster and make idle conversation as Hathai leads you deeper into the building.

Lil: "If your going to kidnap me i must remind you im half dragon. Wait dose that mean I should be kidnapping you? or myself?"

Hathai: "Ahh the age old problem of who to kidnap, the princess dragon or the dragon princess! Don't worry anyway, if i was trying to snatch you away id be doing it in a much more stylish manor then leading you into a warehouse."

She heads towards a doorway, light and faint musical humming pours out with a feeling of warmth. The smell is coming from just inside..

Hathai: "I simply thought that what with your parentage you two ought to meet"
No. 865819 ID: 008b25
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Hathai: "Hi daddy!"

Hathai's dad: "Oh hello kitten, what do i owe the pleasure?"

Holy shit you think he might be your brother..
No. 865829 ID: 2fe26a

Does that mean you can't hit on Hathai anymore? Drat!
No. 865843 ID: be0b68

the only course of action is to launch into wave of introductions and questions stumbling over each other.
No. 865850 ID: b1b4f3

No. 865881 ID: 074011

Ouch, you have two quests, and they are contradicting one another.
1: You seek the flesh of the living! but this would be super-awkward if you and Hathai are closely related. I don't know how that sort of thing is in the land of the dead, but in the land of the living people tend to be opposed to that. Hathai has soome of the finest flesh you have encountered and maybe you would be happier not knowing...
2: You seek the tale of your mother! If he is your brother then he must know something about her. Old lairs? People she used to know? She may have mentioned a dead daughter? Maybe she sends him regular letters with a return address!

I think that you have to pursue your mother here. There is lots of flesh in the world, but very few leads on your mother. Try not to cry if Hathai reacts badly to your being related, it might be bad for your disguise. Or maybe you should just drop the disguise completely, he might doubt your identity and your horn is very distinctive.
No. 865903 ID: ad51b8

uhhh, should we show him our true form or hold off on that for now?
No. 865905 ID: 3abd97

>Holy shit you think he might be your brother..
So you've been flirting with your maybe-niece. Well, maybe-half-brother, so maybe-half-niece. Are half-nieces things?

Oh well it's not like incest is a problem for the dead.

>Hathai: "Hi daddy!"
"Wow I didn't expect to reach the being introduced to parents stage in less than a day."
No. 868879 ID: 008b25
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>the only course of action is to launch into wave of introducions
> uhhh, should we show him our true form or hold off on that for now?

All caution is thrown to the wind as you lunge forward, embracing your potential relative in your bony grip as your fragile illusion fades like mist

Lil: "EEEEEE Bro! This is awesome!"

Hathai's Dad: "Well she's.. friendly? you do find the strangest women dear."

Hathai: "Well she's somewhat excited, you see she says she's the daughter of the true dragon, since theres only been one true dragon that's had any intrest in making babies I thought it best to introduce you two. After all its not every day you get to reunite sib.lings.. no..Nooooo!"

Hathai falls to her knees dramatically, a cry of thwarted libido echoing through the warehouse

Hathai: "Shes my aunt! I was flirting... with my aunt.. cruel fate.. how you toy with me.."

Hdad: "Stop being so melodramatic."

Hathai: "Melodrama is a underappreciated art form and I will not be held back from furthering its reach!"
No. 868886 ID: 33cbe7

"Well it was pretty cute to watch you try, Hathai. Or should I say, niece."
You have so much to catch up with on your brother! I suppose where he's been and how come you've never heard of him is a good place to start.
No. 868897 ID: 3d2d5f

>"Shes my aunt! I was flirting... with my aunt.. cruel fate.. how you toy with me.."
Why, is that a problem or something?
No. 868992 ID: 094652

Honestly, the 5,000-year age difference would be an exponentially larger problem. And both problems multiplied are still not enough for an undead to care about who they @#$%, so long as they GET to @#$% what with their reproductive organs being naturally neutered.

Besides, isn't Hathai adopted? More to the point, how can a half-dragon remain undetected, even if they seclude themselves in a warehouse? Your magic signatures are faint but unique.
No. 869000 ID: 074011

If Incest is something that you know about, join her in the melodrama. That was your best flirting that has just come to nothing.

If, for some reason, someone who has apparently never been alive doesn't know about incest naturally, and nobody ever taught a princess about taboo living issues, then ask what the issue is.

Also mention the age difference, either to further the melodrama or to enquire after your mother's activities since it is one of the few dates that you can confirm.

Regardless of anything else, Hathai seems to have permanently stopped flirting: Deploy lamentation!
No. 869068 ID: 3abd97

Look you're dead like it matters.

Also you're royalty, it matters even less. Cousins, half-nieces, big deal.
No. 875680 ID: 008b25
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(((Sorry for delay, life stuff, lets get this train wreck rolling!)))

>Why, is that a problem or something? >Incest
>Honestly, the 5,000-year age difference would be an exponentially larger problem.

Weeeelll, its not really whether its a problem for me, im a giant dead snake cat thing im not choosy, its whether its a problem for her. Which it is from the look of it.

>Deploy lamentation!

Don't mind if I do!

Lil: "Curse you fate! Depriving my poor niece of skeleton booty!!"

Lil: "Actually I think your like my Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-neice or something like that, I mean the age difference alone is like 6000 years.."

Hathai: "Your not helping!"

A few minuets later your sitting around the table of a small kitchenette in the back, Hathai is making tea for the both of you while you chat with her father.

Lil: "So, tell me about yourself? are we related like what I think? I kinda assumed cause of the last true dragon thing.."

Apinya: "Well first off my name is Apinya, nice to meet you miss?"

Lil: "Liik'il hat'uts kuxa'an kan baak. Call me Lil for short"

Apinya: "..yes well, the term Last true dragon is something of a misnomer, each true dragon is so different from the others they are the first and last of their kind, even their children are changed beyond recognition from their parents, a true dragon of fire mates with a dragon of rock and births dragons of flesh, mathematics and pencil lines."

Lil: "that sounds confusing"

Apinya: "It is indeed, plus it makes the race strangely stagnant, cant move forward when the past is always changing. that's what our mother has been trying to change, breeding with mortals to mix a little of our stability with the chaos of the true dragons, least that's what she told me."

Lil: "You've met her? is she here?"

Apinya: "Oh yes, she's in the parliament building I think, but she stopped coming here many years ago, she tried her best to be a mother to me, but staying in one place is just not in her nature and eventually she left, leaping into the sky like a star."

Lil: "Did she ever talk about me at all?"

Apinya: "She did mention other children, nothing specific i'm afraid"

Lil: "oh..right.."

>how can a half-dragon remain undetected

Lil: "oh yes, how have you managed to remain here undetected? surely youd attract attention what with the whole magicky business?

Apinya smiles as he sips his tea, Hathai sitting down next him as she offers you a cup.

Apinya: "I've had some small trouble occasionally, but one painter is hardly worth the attention when there are whole nations to hate and fear, a sad fact of mortal life is that small miracles get lost in the grey normality."

Hathai: "That and everyone thinks he's just a product of a Dargenic with the old Feline Fever!"

She laughs at this, her father giving her a sideways glance over his tea.

Apinya: "The people here have odd views on such interbreeding, but not unkind ones."

You lean back on your tail ( a chair was offered but your body is a carpenters nightmare) and ponder the conversation so far, your strangley happy and sad at once to hear that your mother most likely did want to stay and see you hatched, but her wanderlust won out in the end... least your assuming that's what happened.
No. 875687 ID: 4ba5d9

So what would be the next step of this half mortal true dragon race mother was planing? Hathai don't seem to inherent any visible traits. Was she planing to for her children to breed with their half siblings? Did she ever pushed Apinya toward one of his sisters?
Is Lil part of this plan? As daughter of the god of death, having already been born undead, the most unbelievable part of her origin is the half we are familiar with. How would she produce a race? Was that what Nightmare meat by failure?
No. 875689 ID: 5f3f48

>its whether its a problem for her. Which it is from the look of it.
First there was the dream illusion and sorta betrayal, now there's upset over barely incest. You're missing two for two! Who'd have thought it was this hard to get a girl.

Clearly this is a sign you should sleep with someone before getting to know her, this is where the problems keep coming up.
No. 875703 ID: b1b4f3

She's here? Wait, didn't Nightmare tell you she was somewhere else? Maybe she's on vacation...? Anyway it almost seems like you wasted that question on Nightmare.
Also that's weird why did your mother breed with your father if she was trying to introduce stability via breeding with mortals? Your father isn't exactly mortal.
...is this a different Dragon? What do you know about your mother? What was she the Dragon of? Compare info with Apinya.
No. 875711 ID: 074011

Death is rather static, it ought to result in about as much stability as you can get... and Lil promptly had a fascination with flesh and ran away from home... so failure... or maybe he was just a fling?

But, like, he has an actual location for her? Can we visit her right now? Apinya could introduce us! And surely she would want to meet a grandchild...
No. 875725 ID: ad51b8

ask about some of those other siblings he mentioned. I mean we are just kinda wondering around aimlessly so if we could learn where your siblings are it might make a fun road trip to try and see as many as we can. It will make a fun little side quest in your quest for booty.

As for now ask him about himself, like how old is he, and what is his life like. Give him some stories about how the lands of the undead are.
No. 875728 ID: 094652

I can't think of any entity more "stable" than the dead... but even the dead rot. Your were-dragon form seemed more of a representation of decay than your regular form.

In theory, a Dragon of Perpetual Decay would be a balance between the growth of life and the diminishing of death, but such things fall into pure speculation at this point.

But on to more pressing matters! What's the half-Dargenic / undead dating pool like?
No. 875799 ID: 074011

Oh, I fogrot about were-dragon! It looks awesome, it would be sure to impress Hathai... What are we supposed to do with ourselves if we aren't trying to impress Hathai...

On the topic of being related, it is interesting to note that third-generation dragons aren't horned. Does Hathai have any tells that might let us identify others?
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