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758147 No. 758147 ID: c745e1

DON'T mess this up.
40 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 758591 ID: 3abd97

>skeletons in the closet? is that some kind of expression?
Yes, it is an expression. Happened to be literal in this case. Someone has a sense of humor.

>that's korea's flag. so, chances are high this place is in korea, south korea specifically, which is a small favor.
In case that doesn't mean anything to you, that's an icon or symbol representing a country. A large group of people living in a certain geographic area, who cooperate (to a certain extent) abide by a common set of laws and share a common culture (or few).

>trapped in the room
Technically, you don't know you're trapped. We haven't checked if the door is actually locked yet. That should probably be the next thing we check.

After that, peek through the bars on the door, and the hole in the wall.

Maybe check under the bed too.
No. 759290 ID: c745e1
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>We haven't checked if the door is actually locked yet
it doesn't have a handle on this side. I try pushing and pulling it to no avail.

>preen your antennae.
I rub my antennae with my fingers. at first it hurts, just like before, but after a few moments, it actually starts to feel... really good. I keep massaging my antennae for a few seconds and realize I'm starting to get hot... physically.
No. 759291 ID: c745e1
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I start to smell something burning and quickly check my hands. they're smoking.

what the hell? the flesh on my palms is burnt bad, but it doesn't hurt at all... after a few seconds, the heat subsides.

>Maybe check under the bed too.
I take a quick look under the bed. nothing.

>that's korea's flag. so, chances are high this place is in korea, south korea specifically
that name sounds very familiar. I'm not sure if I know where I am, but this is as good a clue as any.

>can you rip out the pole the clothes were hanging on? if not then take femur
the closet is solid metal, and the pole is welded into it. I try to pry it out but I can't if I can find a way to remove it, it seems like it would be quite usable as a club. the femur is very brittle, however. I take it anyway. hopefully an explosion of bone on the top of someone's head will discourage them if I have to defend myself for whatever reason.
No. 759292 ID: c745e1
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looking through the door, it's very dark outside my room. it looks like a hallway, lined with identical barred doors. the ceiling is about 12 feet tall, and lined with fluorescent lights. most of them are broken, but in the distance I can make out the glow of working lights. no one is in the hallway, at least I can't see anyone.
No. 759293 ID: c745e1
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I slide the blanket through the bars and over the shattered glass. it looks thick enough to protect me from any cuts. I reach through the bars as far as my arm can go, and finger around. it's pretty difficult, as I have to stand on my tip toes and crane my shoulder around to get through. the door is very thick, a couple of inches of steel and concrete separate me and the room outside.
No. 759295 ID: c745e1
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I grasp around blindly, but I can't reach the handle on the outside of the door. I manage to grab onto something though. a clipboard. I yank it off its hook and continue to feel around.
No. 759296 ID: c745e1
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No. 759297 ID: c745e1
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I pull my hand back through and scream as whatever it is on the other side yanks the blanket through the bars. I wait to see if anything peeks in. nothing. I hear shuffling and the things skitters off, down the hallway.

after catching my breath, I take a look at the clipboard.
No. 759298 ID: c745e1
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I don't know what all of this means, but it seems like it may be referring to me. I decide to take a look in the hole in the wall.
No. 759299 ID: c745e1
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I can see the other room. it is identical to mine.
No. 759300 ID: c745e1
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huh. there is a young girl sitting in there, looks like she's unaware of me.
No. 759301 ID: 47160d

Say hi and hope she isn't a monster?
No. 759302 ID: 9f3729

who dis sucka mang?
No. 759303 ID: ba506f

so your name seems to be Yun-Seo. Well that's one thing we've figured out.

As for your neighbor... call out I guess.
No. 759306 ID: 2dee8e

say hello. be ready to back way if they are crazy and try to grab you through the hole.

also wrap antenna around bar and try to make them heat up. they will only naturally become as hot as they can handle and if that is hot enough to melt metal then it's safe.
No. 759307 ID: 2a7417

Hmm... maybe if you rub the bars the same way, you'll create enough heat to melt them. They seemed worried about you getting out, and where there's a worry there's a way.
No. 759308 ID: 3d2d5f

>getting hot and bothered is literal
Well. Hopefully it's just your ears, or you could end up hurting someone.

Hey, you have a name. And the ability to damage your cell, if that's right.

Is she shaking?

Try talking to her, although I'm not sure that will work if she didn't react to your scream a minute ago.
No. 759350 ID: 66014d

Act excited and try to get her to give you tools through the hole so you can unlock your cell. Also, ask her what species of ears she has.
No. 760056 ID: c745e1
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she's trembling terribly. looking at her, she looks prepubescent. her hair is a deep crimson red, and two furry ears sprout from her head.

she keeps looking around, like she's trying to find an escape route.
No. 760057 ID: ba506f

tell her you just woke up and can't remember anything. Ask her who she is and if she has any idea where we are... and that if she's ok. she was kinda shaking like a leaf.
No. 760058 ID: 398fe1

Well I mean it's a pretty good name for a moth so I believe her.

Tell her you seem to have amnesia. Ask where you are, and who she is.
No. 760064 ID: 71d443

Damn, those wings must've been MAJESTIC.

Uhh, what else did I tell you? It's not a test, because I'm not grading you and I don't remember the answers.
No. 760068 ID: c745e1
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No. 760069 ID: c745e1
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as she talks, her voice begins to crack, and tears start to roll down her cheek.
No. 760070 ID: c745e1
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No. 760071 ID: c745e1
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No. 760072 ID: 71d443

If you explain how I did that, I promise to only use it on the bad people. And maybe the bars of this cell. By the by, do you know what caused this hole?
No. 760077 ID: ba506f

oh shit, of fucking shit, oh god damn...

H-how d-d-did I do th...that? Oh my god I'm so sorry w-why did I do that?
No. 760082 ID: a107fd

Are you from France, or is that just the only clothing you could find?
No. 760086 ID: 3abd97

...I'm sorry. I don't remember why I did that. There must be something wrong with me if I'm hurting people and forgetting things.

I won't hurt you again, okay? I don't want to be a bad person.
No. 760088 ID: 571238

oh wow.
let me look at your eye, can you open it?
..that entire injury looks really bad. can you close your mouth properly? how long ago was this? is it getting infected? that's actually really dangerous.
No. 760227 ID: ba506f

i think she is closing her mouth we just burned off her lips... along with half her face.
No. 760234 ID: 7d8168

Hey, uh... obviously she's afraid of Luna, and we don't remember anything about being Luna, so maybe it's for the best if we just... stop being Luna. Let's pick up a different name.

There's... some implication we might have been Yun-seo, but we don't really remember being her either.

...so maybe... Seol-a?
No. 760260 ID: e95cec

MOTHRA No, not really.

But yeah, something like
No. 760264 ID: ba506f

kinda amazed nobody has made a "moth to the flame" joke yet
No. 760266 ID: 71d443

No way man, Luna is best princess.
No. 760288 ID: 71d443

Why would an Irish flag (or a Korean one) imply anything about the present location or anything other than the clothing itself's origin?
No. 760435 ID: 8111b6

mention the clipboard you managed to grab. mention the name as well.
No. 766239 ID: c745e1
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No. 766240 ID: c745e1
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No. 766241 ID: c745e1
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No. 766242 ID: c745e1
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No. 766243 ID: c745e1
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she moves slowly and deliberately, she doesn't trust me, which I suppose I deserve. what was I like before I woke up, how could I be so cruel to do that to a little girl? I look at the burn. it's bad. her lips on the side of her face are gone and the gums have been scortched. her teeth are showing and it causes her breath to sigh raggedly as she exhales. I can see a little bit of her jaw and cheek bones peeking through the singed flesh. her eyeball is destroyed, and the eyelid has been fused shut. it looks like a lot of scar tissue. this wound is old. at least the wound won't get infected, though I can't imagine that hole in her mouth is very healthy.
No. 766244 ID: c745e1
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No. 766246 ID: c745e1
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I'm still not sure how, but it seems that I can make things... hotter? I'm not sure, but maybe if I try, I can get my door open.

should I keep talking with Kayla, or try to open my door, and how should I?
No. 766247 ID: 398fe1

Ask her if she can do anything weird. Is this place like a containment zone for people with abnormal abilities?

You probably shouldn't talk much further with her. Go check out the panel on that door. Melting the screws/bolts on it should be easier than melting the entire locking mechanism.
No. 766248 ID: ba506f

ask if she remembers anything from the doctor visit or if the last thing she recalls is just going to the doctor. If last thing she did remember was just going to the doctor ask if her parents we're acting weird at all.

...Ask what you were like when you first got here... and ask if their was anyone else in this room with you or before you. I mean we did find an actual skeleton in our freaking closet.
No. 766251 ID: 3d2d5f

...how many times have we done this. How many times have I woken up and not remembered and done something unforgivable and forgotten again.

Is this place like, a prison? A mental hospital? Am I supposed to be here? Or did they make me this way, experiment on us. Should we be trying to get out?

If she asks why you're asking her all this stuff, reply that it's pretty obvious you can't trust your own judgement.
No. 766271 ID: 5fbc54

a wound like that not getting infected is a medical miracle. hell, a wound like that closing completely and not bleeding forever is incredible. something weird is going on.
in any case i bet it still hurts like a motherfucker. tell her it's ok to not trust you, but you'll honestly try to not hurt her. ask her to tell you if you start acting weird/scary.
No. 766277 ID: b15da4

You're going to escape leave your cell. Ask if she would like you to open her door too.
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