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File 143152658594.png - (23.34KB , 1024x768 , 1.png )
640143 No. 640143 ID: 265534

I was... You were... Everything is missing. Just this figure in the wastes. No memory of who this individual is. It's all gone. Before this moment, there was nothing.
8 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 640192 ID: 265534
File 143154765609.png - (21.13KB , 1024x768 , 101.png )

The second drone is shot down without incident, its second shot missing its mark.
No need. Both opponents are in pieces. What are they? Is this a normal occurrence?

No data. No memory.
No. 640193 ID: 02d9ae

Now that the robots are disabled, get into cover behind one of those ruined walls and make sure the coast is clear.
No. 640195 ID: 39d5a4

Wait... what? So lost? Inspect the sun. Inspect the guns. Inspect own hand. Inspect feet. INspect body. Don't stare at everything, but check the energy recharge rate if you know there is such.
No. 640197 ID: 265534
File 143154892920.png - (19.85KB , 1024x768 , 110.png )

No sooner has the last drone fallen to the ground, then four more emerge. How many are there?
No. 640198 ID: 739b70

Toss some rocks to distract the drones.
No. 640203 ID: bd8b82

use the fallen wall for cover.
No. 640244 ID: 265534
File 143156938983.png - (23.79KB , 1024x768 , 111.png )

Diving behind the wall provides some shelter from the barrage of laser fire, which still manages to graze both arms.

The damage is distributed evenly so far, so nothing is failing yet.
No. 640254 ID: 8403a7

They tossed something explosive.
No. 640255 ID: bd8b82

No. 640336 ID: 265534
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Bomb? That would complicate things. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any explosives being used.
Things are getting more intense though. The ruins won't provide effective cover for long.
No. 640339 ID: 2a7417

Use your pistol. It's the only way out.
No. 640364 ID: 5c8258

wow, sounds like you want him to off himself there buddy. take a blind shot from the side they're focusing on to keep them away, then pop out on the opposite side and try to hit one or two.
No. 640388 ID: 265534
File 143163585718.png - (23.72KB , 1024x768 , 1001.png )

A few blind shots draw their fire as they advance and causes them to target, but miss completely.
A drone laser score a hit to the torso.
No. 640391 ID: 2a7417

...Right. That's definitely not what I meant. Of course.

Take off your cloak, toss it away on one side of the wall as a distraction, then lean out the other and hit them while they're distracted.
No. 640393 ID: 265534
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Nothing to be done about it now. you/they/I won't be alive to worry about anything if they aren't dealt with. Rolling from behind the cover gives a clear shot at two of the drones, which are destroyed.
Two left.
No. 640447 ID: a9f180

One shot left in the gun, but two drones left! You have to take one out by either taking advantage of friendly fire, or via melee combat. Unless you can reload?

You're about to be shot, endeavor to not be. Then get into melee combat with one of them. See if you can goad the other drone into shooting the one you're attacking, or maybe cover your target's optics and turn its head to get it to shoot the other. Then off the last one.
No. 640584 ID: 265534
File 143169717803.png - (21.51KB , 1024x768 , 1011.png )

No good. Trading blows with one drone leaves it destroyed at the expense of taking catastrophic damage to the torso.
No. 640585 ID: 265534
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The last drone is still operational. Too fast, too close. No power.
No. 640586 ID: 265534
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No. 640587 ID: 265534
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No. 640590 ID: 2a7417

Dream of electric sheep.
No. 640598 ID: 265534
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No. 640599 ID: 265534
File 143170197646.png - (17.41KB , 845x673 , 10000.png )

"Hello? Is anybody home? If you're brain-dead, I'll melt you down for scrap, so say something now."
No. 640603 ID: 9297f4

Urg, my head. My fucking head.
No. 640605 ID: 2a7417

"I fight for the Users!"
No. 640616 ID: eef211

Did anyone get that drone's license plate number?
No. 640617 ID: 265534
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>"Urgh... My head. My fucking head."

"You're alive? Coherent, too. That's rare. As for you're head... I think that's purely psychosomatic at this point."
No. 640618 ID: 2a7417

I don't suppose you have the rest of me lying around somewhere?
No. 640621 ID: 9297f4

Fucking shit. What happened?
No. 640634 ID: 265534
File 143171307396.png - (14.43KB , 894x768 , 10010.png )

>"What happened?"

"If you don't know what happened, I really couldn't say."

>"I don't suppose you have the rest of me lying around somewhere?"

"You are the biggest fragment of anything for several hundred meters in any direction from the area I was sweeping for scrap. I think you have been involved in some kind of violent altercation at some point."
No. 640638 ID: 2a7417

So, what's your purpose in salvaging me and waking me up? Or rather, now that you know I'm functioning, what happens next?
No. 640655 ID: bd8b82

yes i was fighting those tentacle drone things. i guess they got me.
No. 640657 ID: 265534
File 143172177867.png - (13.89KB , 894x768 , 10011.png )

>"So, what's your purpose in salvaging me and waking me up? Or rather, now that you know I'm functioning, what happens next?"

"I generally don't expect a response, but I check out of common courtesy. Checking to see if someone is still using their brain before throwing it in an industrial shredder. As for what to do with you, I guess finding something to put you in would be the most practical, unless you'd rather I just unplug you and throw you on the scrap pile. That would be more cost effective for me."
No. 640659 ID: 2a7417

I'd be grateful for any chassis you could find for me, thanks.
So, ah, what's your designation?
No. 640660 ID: 79940c

I'd prefer not to have my brain shredded, if that's at all possible.

If it's a simple matter of cost, I'll see what I can do about repaying you once I'm mobile.
No. 640692 ID: 265534
File 143172932627.png - (1.66KB , 442x337 , 10100.png )

>"I'd be grateful for any chassis you could find for me, thanks. So, ah, what's your designation?"

"Fine, fine... You can just call me Bolt, I suppose? I'll just assume your talking funny from being full of sand for who knows how long."

>"If it's a simple matter of cost, I'll see what I can do about repaying you once I'm mobile."

"We'll see. Just hold on while I plug this in."
No. 640693 ID: 265534
File 143173006142.png - (34.51KB , 768x1024 , 10101.png )

"There we go. It's in terrible shape, the materials are cheap, the right eye is blown out and I'm fairly certain those legs don't match the rest, but it's better than being a decorative paperweight, right?
I don't know if it's your style, but it's all I've got laying around that's close to being in one piece. Besides, it's got a good aesthetic, seems nice to look at for some reason."
No. 640694 ID: e2a92b

"I'll take that as a complement. Is there anyplace nearby that does repairs?"
No. 640696 ID: bd8b82

so what can i do to say thanks for finding me and getting me mobile again?
No. 640699 ID: 9ddf68

cheap means easy to repair right?
No. 640703 ID: 79940c

Well, we're mobile, and not dead. It's a marked improvement.

...we need an eye-patch.

Would I be correct to assume this is a scrap salvage operation?
No. 640736 ID: 6e1eb1

I think it might be a good idea to try to find a way to fund further improvements to this body. It is absolutely not acceptable for long-term use.
No. 640948 ID: 265534
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>I think it might be a good idea to try to find a way to fund further improvements to this body. It is absolutely not acceptable for long-term use.

It isn't the best.

>"so what can i do to say thanks for finding me and getting me mobile again and is there anyplace around here that does repairs?"

"Well, let's see here I think I can figure something out. You help with sorting and scavenging, sort materials, haul in salvage and the like and we take what you contribute, minus expenses, minus upkeep, minus a bit for profit and you can use that to pay for repairs next time I haul a load in for processing. You'll need currency for repairs anyway and you'll be helping me recoup the cost of fixing you up."

This body isn't going to make any long treks on foot and money is a necessity.

>"Just try not to break anything while you're working. There's probably nothing decent to fix it with around here, uh... What was your name? You didn't have any identifying marks, except that 06."
No. 640949 ID: bd8b82

No. 640951 ID: 39d5a4

My name is CAMERON 1106
No. 640952 ID: defceb

Seconding this one.

Also request some form of clothing to protect against environmental damage.
No. 640954 ID: 9297f4


Also a map of the general area may help.
No. 640956 ID: e2a92b

Hmmph. All right. What's my first task?
And the name's 0zix.
No. 640959 ID: 79940c

Dori. Our name was Dori. (Before we got blown up and forgot our mission. Or that we thought alphabetical approximations of numerical designations were cliche).

...am I tiny, or are you huge? I'm not used to this body's sense of scale.

Improvise eyepatch to cover damaged optics.
No. 640985 ID: 5d4fc9

your name was D-041(Dori)

try to remember
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