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619393 No. 619393 ID: 4a2bf2

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No. 628525 ID: d958ad

Go meet with gramps so you can go back afterwards and have that coffee.
No. 628529 ID: 5db52c

Head to your godfather. The sooner you get to him, the sooner you know what the heck is going on, and the sooner you can get back.

(Dangit, if we're going to ignore the totally not a date for exposition, then you're going to march home and eat your exposition, young man!)
No. 628560 ID: f5baae

The faster we see blathers the sooner we can have our free time. So lets not try to spend free time we don't have yet
No. 628572 ID: b03ddc

I hope you meet an avian vilager
No. 628574 ID: b63aca

Hang a left and go see your Godfather. Yet I see no harm in doing a bit of window shopping. Take a moment to get a lay of the land, and put on a friendly face.
No. 629851 ID: ebd715
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August resists his curiosity with all his might and runs towards Exposition. Shopping can wait, this... probably can't! He'll deal with having fun AFTER we're done with the important stuff. Well done, boy!

He goes straight to the museum, and is somewhat impressed by how it looks from the inside. It's not that big, but it seems to have a nice variety of exhibits!
Fossils, paintings, insects, fish... Such an unique lineup.

On the far back, there seems to be a gift shop and... an observatory? That's interesting. May would probably like this, he thinks.
There is also a counter, right in front of a fancy, ornate clock, ticking softly and filling in the silence. Feels rather peaceful. Though the fact that it seems to be one minute ahead kinda bothers him.
Clocks are nice. I like clocks. August seems to like them too, so over-analyzing it is a win-win situation.

Oh, there's someone on the counter, sleeping.
Is... that uncle Blathers?
No. 629853 ID: 6f7aca

Whelp lets go wake him and bombard him with questions and then try to mooch some shopping money off him
No. 629854 ID: 5db52c

Go behind your uncle, and correct the clock to the correct time.

Then tap him on the shoulder to wake him up. Hey, uncle. You're still human, right?
No. 629856 ID: bd8b82

is it a minute ahead, or are you a minute behind?
No. 629858 ID: 6cb462

Wake blathers, ask how aunt Celeste is doing these days
No. 629880 ID: 296917

Wake him up and ask him why Rover is a cat.
No. 629897 ID: fd56b1

Fix that clock. Gently wake him up, and then give your godfather a hug. He is family after all.
Then get ready for exposition.
No. 630046 ID: b9d767

Brace yourself, he's probably not human if he's living in this animal town. Likely he's just got on his human disguise so you recognize him.
No. 630054 ID: 77a20b

Find out just what the hell is going on here. Wake that ass up!
No. 635137 ID: 1f59fc
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> Is the clock one minute ahead, or are we one minute behind?
August is absolutely sure that...!

......... He compromises, bringing the grandfather clock 30 seconds ahead, and adjusting ours 30 seconds behind.
That should... do it, shouldn't it?


Right. Back to the matter at hand! August then pokes his godfather in the least aggressive way possible. He still jumps like a little scaredy cat anyway, which at this point August wouldn't doubt he actually is one.

:blathers01: "WHO!?"
:august01: "Whoa, calm down, old man! It's just me!"
:blathers02: "...Oh, pardon me! If it isn't little August!"
:august02: "Hey, uncle Blathers. It's been a while. How's Celeste? She should be here too, right?"
:blathers01: "Indeed she is! Don't let her know I told you this, but she fell right asleep moments before morning came. We should let her rest a bit before we greet her!"
:blathers03: "I am not guilt-free, however... As I seem to have slept through out meeting time, as well. But I'm glad you made it here in one piece!"
:august03: "Eh, we already expected you'd miss it, you're almost nocturnal or something. But we were lucky someone gave us directions, too."
No. 635138 ID: 1f59fc
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:blathers01: "Oh, that's right! If you wouldn't mind me asking, where is your sister? Don't tell me something bad happened!"
:august01: "Don't worry... Or maybe do worry. She went on a totally-not-a-date with some guy we met on the train. Rover, said his name was."
:blathers02: "Hoo!!!! I was indeed a bit worried there, but if it's Rover, then she should be fine. A blue tomcat, correct?"
:august02: "So you do know him! I was kinda worried he was making stuff up to get us to trust him, but I guess all's well."
:blathers02: "Oh, Rover is quite the sweet boy! He seems to be really good friends with the mayor, too. It's Rover's boyfriend you should be mindful of; a little prankster, that one. I don't think he'd hurt anyone, but... You know!"
:august01: "...Huh."

Suddenly August feels like he should just let May deal with that by herself.

:august03: "By the way, can you explain what the heck is going on? It sounds like you almost expected something bad to have happened to us. Also Rover is a cat or something?"
:blathers03: "Oh-hoo... Of course, of course. I didn't tell you before you came, because you would not have believed me... It's a long story, however. It would be better for your sister to hear it, too."
No. 635141 ID: a9753c

You may want to tell him that you fiddled with the clocks. 30 seconds might end up being the difference between a successful business deal and a fiasco, for both of you.
No. 635146 ID: bd8b82

yes, we are saying rover is a cat. :v
No. 635150 ID: 5db52c

>[His godfather] still jumps like a little scaredy cat anyway, which at this point August wouldn't doubt he actually is one.

>glasses, and those sticking up bits of hair
Dude, he's not a cat. He's an owl.

>It's a long story, however. It would be better for your sister to hear it, too.
Can you please just tell me if I'm secretly an animal person, cause I'd really like to know if that's the case.
No. 635152 ID: 9ddf68

well she's over at the cafe with rover so we could head down there if you're not to busy and pick her up.
No. 635217 ID: 840db8

Agree that accurate clocks are the most important thing to concentrate on first, wouldn't want the bombs to go off either too early or too late. And there are other reasons why accurate time are important that have nothing to do with bombs, too.
No. 635218 ID: 90504c

You might want to ask about what happened to the humans that used to live here. And if that's related to the danger.

Also wait, our clock was at 8:29, and the grandfather clock was at 8:30. So you set our clock backwards 30 seconds, and the grandfather clock forwards 30 seconds? That seems to be a bit off there.
No. 635483 ID: 82d7ac

Daww. That hug is cute.
Anyway, might as well find your sister now. Maybe bring your godfather along. He must know this place.
No. 640748 ID: 1f59fc
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An... Owl? Oh, god. Of course he's an owl. August can't believe that his godfather's been a darn animal this whole time. Celeste probably is one too, isn't she?

:august03: "Can you please just tell me if I'm secretly an animal person, 'cause I'd really like to know if that's the case!"
:blathers02: "Oh! Hoo, you are not, you need not worry about that. You, your father, and both your and May's mothers, you're all as human as they come."
:august01: "Oh, phew. That's good to know. Was getting a bit of an identity crisis there. That does still leave some questions unansered, but we'll get to that, I guess."
:august03: "Also, I think I should warn you, I switched your grandfather clock 30 seconds back. Because it was different from mine and it was ticking me off."
:blathers03: "Did you... make a clock pun, there?"
:august02: "I may have."
:blathers01: "...Well, let me just leave a note for Celeste and we'll head to where your sister is."
No. 640749 ID: 1f59fc
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Gods, this is getting boring. I refuse to listen to this human's puns. You won't be mad if I switch things up a little bit, will you? Be a good sport will ya. The exposition part's coming up soon.


May and her feline friend make their way down the path to the coffee shop. Rover seems to be blabbering about something or other.

:rover01: "...I started by travelling out of town, just for kicks, and when I realized I was already living this life. Riding the train to nowhere, seeing where it took me."
:may01: "Just like that? Left everything behind and started wandering?"
:rover02: "Yep! Just like that! I don't regret it one bit. I met lots of interesting people and found lots of cool places! I must say, I have a soft spot for Eden, though..."
:rover01: "Anyway, here we are! Please, ladies first."
No. 640752 ID: 9ddf68

well alright, but before we go in any recommendations from the menu?
No. 640756 ID: 09b7fb

Thank him for his politeness, perhaps.
No. 640928 ID: 79940c

You didn't mind going to places where you had to hide who you were?

>Please, ladies first.
Oh, thank you. *Enter*
No. 643219 ID: e20ce3
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:may01: "You didn't mind going to places where you had to hide who you were?"
:rover01: "Hmm... Sadly, these kinds of places exist everywhere. There's really no avoiding it, I think, if you want to meet the world like I did. Not everyone agrees, but... I got to meet people I never would have if I'd stuck only to beastmen settlements like Eden."
:rover02: "Humans really are interesting, don't you think?"
:may02: "...I'm sure they are."

May then nods her head in appreciation, muttering a "thank you" as she passes by Rover, and walks into the coffee shop.

:may02: "Sooo, is there anything on the menu that you recommend?"
:rover01: "My favorite's just plain old black coffee. That's what Brewster likes making the most! His place has really good brownies too, specially fresh from the oven, so you're in luck!"
No. 643220 ID: e20ce3
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:may02: "I'll be sure to order some of that, then! I usually drink coffee with lots of sugar, though. Hope he won't be offended."
:rover02: "Haha, I'm sure he'll understand! You could get something weaker, though. Like cappuccino."

The atmosphere here feels nice, May thinks. There's a radio playing soothing music, the lights aren't too bright or too dark, it looks kinda different from the "industrialized" coffee shops back in the city.

There's three people plus the barista (that looks like he might be a really, really large bird) here... Looks like a cat, a dog and... maybe a ram...?

:vesta03: "Oh please sit still for a minute, baaaffo!"

:rover01: "Ah!! That's Blanca! Heeeey, Blanca!"
No. 643221 ID: e20ce3
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:blancadraw3: "There you are."
No. 643223 ID: 9ddf68

... hold up your hands defensively and slowly steep away from rover. Remember to avoid eye contact and not to make any sudden moves. I think you may have just walked into a lovers spat. The best thing you can do right now is not to get involved.
No. 643229 ID: e114bc

Haha, Vesta drew an angry face. Relax.
No. 643247 ID: 78a595

Wait to see what happens, and till you're introduced. No need to jump to conclusions, or be rude.
No. 643285 ID: bd8b82

is here lower eyelid smudged?
No. 643286 ID: 225f37

Yeah, seems like she turned around before her.. face was... finished. Huh.
No. 646724 ID: f0e552

I really hope the end result is that we get to draw something on Biancas face, dress-up-the character tgchan style.
No. 648284 ID: 2a8dd1
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May thought there wasn't much else about this town that could surprise her, bit... Yeah, she's extremely surprised. She just kinda freezes up, and waits to see what Rover's gonna do.

:rover02: "...Pffft, what is that!?"
:blancadraw3: "What? Is something wrong with my face?"

Wrong is kind of an understatement! What IS your face!?

:vesta02: "Hehe, I thought this would be a nice, welcoming face for Rover!"
:rover02: "It's amazing, Ves... Oh yeah, sorry! May! This is Blanca. He's the friend I came to meet up with."
:may01: "He... hello. I'm May. I just moved here with my brother."
:blancadraw3: "I see... Nice to meet you! I don't know what kinda face I'm making right now, but don't let it be the one you remember me by."

May definitely thinks it'll be hard to shake that first impression off, though.
No. 648285 ID: 2a8dd1
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:vesta02: "Oh, me, me! Introduce me too!"

...Why don't you do it yourself...?

:rover01: "Okay! May, this is Vesta! She lives here in Eden, and helps Brewster out in the coffee shop."

The large bird man on the other side of the counter, who May assumes is Brewster, just nods in response. Not the most talkative type, huh? The dog person sat at the counter doesn't seem to be too chatty, either.

:vesta02: "I make the pastries and cakes and stuff! All of the munchies!"

May thinks Vesta is probably the fluffiest human being she's ever met. Er, animal. Or, what did Rover call them? "Beastmen"? Whatever the name is. She's the fluffiest of them. She has the most hair May's ever seen on a person's head at once.
From up close, her eyes are kinda glassy and scary, though...

:may02: "I'm looking forward to tasting some of your 'munchies', then!"
No. 648286 ID: 2a8dd1
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Blanca cleans up... his face. It kinda looks like a whiteboard, but awkwardly skin-colored. Is that a mask? Or does Blanca... not... have a face?
May wonders if she should question it. Would it be rude? Or weird? Is this a normal thing here??
While she's thinking about it, Rover nudges her towards the table his friend's sat at; he himself sits next to Blanca, where Vesta had been just a minute ago. When May sits across from them, Vesta hands them a large sheet.

:vesta02: "So, here's the menu! Today's featured fruit for the cakes and tarts is peach, but we have strawberry shortcake as well. Take your time, baaaffo!"

Huh, this seems pretty good for a small coffee shop in the middle of nowhere.
...Wait a second. May just realized something.
What the heck is this currency supposed to be...?

>>646724 Yeah, that's what I was planning on doing - maybe not on the next update, but soon. There is going to be an actual dress up segment at some point too...
No. 648287 ID: e114bc

But... Blanca is wearing a dress? And has long hair? Do people give him haircuts and oufits to wear, along with whatever face they decide to draw on him?

Ask if they accept dollars here.
No. 648295 ID: ab7529

>Wrong is kind of an understatement! What IS your face!?
>Is that a mask? Or does Blanca... not... have a face?
I just noticed Blanca doesn't have any whites in his eyes. Is the whole face drawn on? A blank face would kind of be appropriate for the name.

>May wonders if she should question it. Would it be rude? Or weird?
Dunno. It might be a little rude, but you're a kid. People give you a lot of leeway when it comes to asking about things you've never seen. ("I've never met someone who had to draw on their face, before!").

>May thinks Vesta is probably the fluffiest human being she's ever met. Er, animal. Or, what did Rover call them? "Beastmen"? Whatever the name is.
Just say person. It's non-specific, and is less likely to get you in trouble or cause a verbal slip up.

>What the heck is this currency supposed to be...?
That is something you can ask after.

Oh, I didn't realize the currency was different here. What does BI stand for? What's the exchange rate to dollars?
No. 648321 ID: 164c83

BI clearly stands for Business Intelligence, an entirely fictional thing. Maybe you can just pretend to have some since it's all pretend anyway?
No. 648801 ID: 57d76a

Are you sure it's not Bl?
No. 660302 ID: 32e22e
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May briefly thinks about it, but she doesn't really have any reason to believe Blanca isn't a he. She'll admit that the whole getup is weird; if only his chest wasn't so flat she'd immediately be fooled into thinking he was a she. Maybe that's the point...?
Anyway, back to the matter at hand-

:may01: "Excuse me, um... I don't really know what this currency is. Do you not take dollars?"
:vesta01: "Take what, now?"
:rover01: "Oh, right! You came from the city, didn't you? So you wouldn't know. We use a currency called Bells!"
:may03: "...What? That's a silly name."
:rover02: "Your face is silly! You should stop by the post office with your brother later, I'm sure they'll do the exchange for you. I think the rate is 100 bells for a dollar, now?"
No. 660303 ID: 32e22e
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A bell rings softly signaling the door being opened. May gets a bit excited, but turns out it's someone leaving, not entering.
Vesta figures they won't be ordering this exact second and turns away for a moment to wave goodbye to a customer.

:may03: "Aw man, I wanted a snack now though!"
:blanca01: "Don't worry, I'll cover you. It's not like it's your fault."
:may01: "Oh... thank you, but I'm not sure if I could--"
:blanca01: "Nope, I already decided!"
:rover01: "You should take it. It's not often that Blanca offers to do you a favor without pranking you in return!"
:may01: "O-Oh. That's... I guess it's okay then. By the way, what's up with the... uh..."
No. 660304 ID: 32e22e
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:blanca01: "The face?"
:may01: "Y-Yeah. I hope it's not rude of me, but I've never really seen something like that..."
:blanca01: "Hmm! Well, not everyone can manage a perfect disguise like you or Rover."
:may01: "Rover has the cat ears, though? Wouldn't call that perfect."
:blanca01: "Oh, believe me, he'd look just like any other human if he wanted to. Not me, though. But it's fun to let people draw, so I don't exactly mind."

Well, optimism is all about seeing the bright side in a bad situation. Sounds weird, but he seems content enough?
No. 660306 ID: 1cebc8
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Try this?
No. 660313 ID: defceb

Draw a cute face for her.
No. 660322 ID: ab7529

>Hmm! Well, not everyone can manage a perfect disguise like you or Rover.
Oh, didn't think of that. If the weirdness is part of an imperfect human disguise, you sound judgmental or stuck up asking after it with your perfect 'disguise'. Whups.

Gotta check that hoity toity disguise privilege.

On the plus side though, I guess that means there's precedent for leaving disguises in place even when you don't have to.

Can't really keep discussing disguises though, or it will come back to yours.

>what do
Can I... >>660313
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