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File 139373252717.png - (224.74KB , 500x500 , treeeeee.png )
564860 No. 564860 ID: 658756

Oh oak of knowledge!!!
adviser of the lost,fabricator of heroes,muse of legends!!!
I humbly ask for your guidance ancient one!!!

answer prayer?
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No. 621603 ID: ea0ad9

I'm pretty sure the bright square was the map, but I am curious about the disks.
No. 621656 ID: 733590
File 142197347983.jpg - (80.31KB , 512x512 , hatty.jpg )

-Hat.Is there a way of maneuver this cart?

Hat: The transportation units are in autopilot by default.They use a query system to carry personnel around the facility.
You must be a citizen and have a valid ID to activate them.
If you need more information please refer them to the proper authorities when you turn yourselves in, due process.

No. 621657 ID: 733590
File 142197380171.jpg - (125.58KB , 512x512 , salisbury.jpg )

Sivex inspects the crate with disks...

-Hmmm....This disk proclaims to contain a "Salisbury type Steak" ....and that the chapignons are 100% non generic

Johan: Whoa!*Ack* Y-you can read them?

-Yeah..I think it was Oz.

Johan:Oz?,Well we call them poompicks. "If they aren't broken they aren't rotten",the food on those things are always fresh no matter were you find them.
Sadly you only find them in places like this....Pass me one ,if this place is gonna be my tomb i want a final meal

Hat:This is considered thievery of the facility property

Johan: *Tsss*Shut your trap ugly...

Head north?
No. 621660 ID: 687279

Yep, the car would be a waste of battery since we can't operate it. North it is!
No. 621677 ID: 330ce5

Northwards and onwards!
No. 621678 ID: ea0ad9

Huh. We call those discs "Rations." They were made to be fresh as long as they're sealed so that soldiers would have access to them no matter how long they've been sitting there. Grab a few of them.

Other than that, since we don't have a "Citizen ID card," we can't use the car, so let's just head north.
No. 623778 ID: 733590
File 142325005693.jpg - (118.40KB , 512x512 , bay.jpg )


Sivex takes Rations x2 The party heads north...

-As long it's sealed...for soldiers,Johan are you a soldier?

Johan:eh? well I was a guard...*agh*yeah I was a soldier I guess.

-Are soldiers like guardians?

Johan:Yes ,you could say that.Wait!....that electric torch...is lit!

-Electric torch?

Johan:T-that*ugh*light it wasn't lit before...

-I shall scout the area!

Johan:Hey kid! wait!
No. 623779 ID: 733590
File 142325026758.jpg - (131.34KB , 512x512 , baym2.jpg )

Sivex enters the structure ....

-The sigil of the healers! as the tree predicted

Inside sivex finds a box adorned with a familiar party decoration. A black hand seems to be holding the box...

Johan:Kid you cant run off like that!,this place is dangerous dammit!

-Sorry your legs look nice!

Johan:What?...just don't do that again.

Sivex inspect the box....
No. 623780 ID: 733590
File 142325049056.jpg - (125.49KB , 512x512 , amedkit.jpg )

The box is made of some sort of fabric.Above the box sivex finds a card with his name on it,it reads:"good luck" Inside the box there's a lot of small bags in metallic color,small tubes and very small boxes...

Johan:What is that?

-What we are looking for.It bears the sigil of the healers,the medicals.

Johan:What about the card?.Was this left by your allies?

-I do not know that.

Triple Antibiotic Ointment,Opsite Wound Dressing, Nylon Suture,Compressed Gauze,Povidone-Iodine.... Sivex doesn't recognize any of the contents of the box...
No. 623788 ID: ea0ad9

Ah, the First Aid Kit, as made for Medics. This is, indeed, what we needed. Strange, though, that the lights were suddenly activated, and a card left to suggest somebody knew we were here.
Ah, well, whoever it was surely is a friend.
No. 623790 ID: d958ad

Alright, get the doors closed so nobody can interrupt you, and help patch this guy up!
No. 626860 ID: 2867fb

it is odd, someone knows you, and knows where you are.

also poke hat with branch, i really want to make it be less obstinate.
No. 628842 ID: 733590
File 142620551363.jpg - (124.51KB , 512x512 , doors.jpg )

Sivex checks the doors in the area... The door from the entrance looks confined between the walls,Sivex wonders how people could close or open the door. The door near the "security" sign has a flashing green light when Sivex gets near it,Johan comments that those are called "live doors" they open when the "eye" flashes and that the people near the "grove" beam fears them. The door with the Medicals symbol is closed,some strange devices can be seen behind the stained glass door...the door looks fragile.
No. 628843 ID: 733590
File 142620564702.jpg - (139.74KB , 512x512 , biomeat.jpg )

Sivex tries his best to treat Johan wounds,sadly he doesn't know exactly how.After several tries he manages understand the use of a package labeled "plastic biomeat" and another called "synthetic skin" . With reluctance Johan allows Sivex to put the strange remedies into his injures. The substances meld into Johan's wound! Johan is not wounded and bleeding anymore!,he is still somewhat weak from the blood loss though. Johan takes the box before Sivex waste the ointments and pills on making a more sigil of the healers on his face and the floor to thank the tree. Johan says he knows someone back on the his "ship" that may know how to use the contents of the box.
No. 628844 ID: 733590
File 142620574166.jpg - (105.94KB , 512x512 , pokes.jpg )

Hat appears concentrated on a terminal. Sivex assaults Hat with multiple pokes! You feel an oath of vengeance from Hat. You now can commune with Hat! Search the current area? Go back to the big hallway and search for an exit? Talk to Hat? Try magical window to check on allies? Other?
No. 628865 ID: bd8b82

[talk with hat]

this is the tree.
state your name, rank, and serial number!
No. 628867 ID: ea0ad9

That assault was unwarrented, Sivex.

Drone, state your designation. Rest assured, Sivex will be properly penalized once he finishes his mission.
No. 629077 ID: 733590
File 142635417337.jpg - (134.17KB , 512x512 , hatnbranch.jpg )


Hat looks happy!

Johan:Look at his...face? I think you broke it sprog.

-Nonsense Hat has been illuminated by tree!

Johan:That stick of yours brings madness.

Hat takes the branch from Sivex!

Hat: Central relay connection.

This unit designation is provisional security drone.

Unit provisional name:Hat

Serial number::78525436 manufactured by Everhart life forms.

Current status of the facility :Main systems in permanent lockdown.Presumed damaged

Major damage to the facility.

Requesting reinforcement or the upgrade of this unit with the purpose of surveying the area.

Hat's speech is emotionless as always but you can feel Hat's great relief from hearing you...

Johan:Madness I tell you.

Search the current area? Go back to the big hallway and search for an exit? Talk to Hat? Try magical window to check on allies? Other?
No. 629084 ID: bd8b82

to hat, reinforcement is unfortunately impossible from here, if you find more drones in storage you may activate them at your discretion. an upgrade does sound like it could work though, return us to sivex, got on the floor and then stand by.

sivex, feed the other tube to the device to open it. and ask johan to stand back. if he questions what is going on tell him you did this before. like we did with tosigo but this give the power to hat.
No. 629118 ID: ea0ad9

We have lost communications with all of the zones, you are our first contact inside of one. It is quite likely the others are in a similar state of disrepair; perhaps by gathering the surviving drones and persons from each location, we can work together at rebuilding, but reinforcements itself is currently out of the question.

For the time being, please escort the rogue, Sivex, away from objects he can potentially damage further, so we may finish our current task with minimal destruction.
No. 629144 ID: f75cf9

Hi Hat! Don't suppose you can tell us what this place was, back in the day?

Anyway whatever it was we're pretty sure all the staff, or citizens, or whatever are gone. Not sure how long it's been but all indications are to a pretty long time.

Upgrading you still sounds good but your original directive may be irrelevant now.
No. 630766 ID: 733590
File 142723100343.jpg - (125.19KB , 512x512 , branchup.jpg )

Hat gives you back to Sivex...

Hat: Understood!

-Johan,stay back.I will perform a ritual of the tree so hat can serve us better!

Johan:J-just what is that thing?,Look as long as you don't use that stick on me I'm fine.....cursed beams!
No. 630768 ID: 733590
File 142723109149.jpg - (151.18KB , 512x512 , branchup2.jpg )

Sivex uses the battery on the device! The device opens the battery! You surge with power!
No. 630769 ID: 733590
File 142723127603.jpg - (142.81KB , 512x512 , hatup.jpg )

Sivex points you in the direction of hat.... Hat is infused by your powers! The device makes a strange noise! a flashing warning appears in the little screen of the device! The device begins to burn! In the small burned screen of the device some kind of message can be barely readed: Eve....t...btruct. inco............sur.......partia......grade...s..fety...ssure...incomp...?..re..ailure?...inhib...Everhar...?....interrupt.
No. 630770 ID: 733590
File 142723153085.jpg - (196.73KB , 512x600 , hatup2.jpg )

You have a partly upgraded Hat! Hat is resistant to most forms of physical damage,its made of goo,have bladed legs,have stun lance arms,Hat ears are hat arms and hands! You can commune with Hat trough long distances! Hat assaults sivex with a barrage of pokes!

-Stop!.auch!Stooop!.Im agh! gonna tell Nelis on you!Stop!

Hat:This is a military storage facility ,that's all the data I could obtain....sorry if its not much.

Johan:With who are you talking?!.Sprog did that wand created a Hellion?!This is how are they made?!

-What-auch!Stop! is a Hellion?

Johan:A mutant! or monster or-

-Do Hellions venerate the tree and are nurtured by it?

Johan:What kind of nonsense are you saying? no? I don't know!

-Then no, Hat is not a Hellion.

Hat goes to the "live door" and enters the room...
No. 630772 ID: 733590
File 142723175305.jpg - (150.42KB , 512x512 , hatshieldnarmor.jpg )

Johan:Hey! wait!

-You offended Hat!! you must apologize! or I shall tell Nelis on you!

Johan:...Just...Just you know never mind...maybe I died and I'm in the underworld.Cused be all the ancients artifacts and dammed all what they created...I should count my blessings I guess...that is if I'm still alive.

Hat returns from the room with a battered ballistic shield and a dirty security armor...

Johan hey look I was-

Hat:Please put this security armor and use this ballistic shield,it will help to protect your weak physical being as we escort you out of the facility.If you have problems with your fragile psyche I will provide you with the medicaments contained in your medical kit.

-What did you bring me?

Hat: Nothing. You are banned by the Central Relay from using any objects in the facility.

-You are a vinegar faced poppy face.

Johan:..Thanks....what with all the ancient "wonders"? a cloth armor? didn't they have blacksmiths? and this shield.....No! I should count my blessing... yes count my blessings...

Johan seems skeptic about his new armor and shield yet he still equip them... Search the current area? Go back to the big hallway and search for an exit? Try magical window to check on allies? Other?
No. 630776 ID: 296917

It's been a while. Try using the window to check on the others.
No. 630780 ID: bd8b82

check the window, sivex.

hat, do you know the fastest route to the surface? if so then you should take the lead.
No. 630781 ID: 330ce5

We should really reconnect with the rest of the party and check on their status. After that could someone ask Johan for more information about Hellions and his opinions about them?
No. 630786 ID: f75cf9

Huh, wasn't expecting you to go humanoid bipedal, Hat.

Oh and someone tell Johan that that cloth armor is probably better than his metal stuff, at least against piercing weapons.

Wait, Siv is banned from using stuff? Why? ...Is it because he's a total derp? Or is it like a racial thing?
No. 630813 ID: ea0ad9

>Johan:With who are you talking?!.Sprog did that wand created a Hellion?!This is how are they made?!
Inform Johan that no, she(?) is not a Helion, "The Tree of a Thousand Voices"--What Hat calls "Central Relay"--does not make those. What we create is advanced constructions from more basic forms--Often, people from semi-people or machines.

Drone, with your upgrade, you will need a name fitting a singular unit.
>78525436 manufactured by Everhart life forms.
I'm thinking Heather Seveitaivoo Everhart. Heather being a more standardized name based on Sivex's "Hat" name, Sev-Eit-Aiv-Oo from the first four numbers of your serial number, and Everhart indicating your manufacturer.
>Wait, Siv is banned from using stuff? Why? ...Is it because he's a total derp?
That would be my doing:
>Voice ea0ad9 of Central Relay: For the time being, please escort the rogue, Sivex, away from objects he can potentially damage further [>>629118]
With Sivex's... Natural disposition and curiosity, he'd be more likely to destroy things that would work in his favor, than to use them as they are intended to be used.

Heather, it is worth noting that devices Sivex has been... "Educated" in the use of include: Batteries, bags, and Explosives. The other segments of this Relay may recognize other self-educated items, and any such item should be considered "Safe" for his use. Sivex does know well enough to not withdraw items from a bag without instruction.
No. 630868 ID: 01745f

Yep. In particular ask Johan how we can prevent his allies from assuming we or our friends are Hellions and attacking on sight (more so than they already have).
No. 630876 ID: f75cf9

So it's because he's a total derp then. Cool.

HatHeather, it's probably fine to give Siv armor, if there's any that would actually fit him.

On the other hand I don't know that I'd trust him with explosives. He knows how to use them, but I don't think he's quire figured out when.
No. 630889 ID: bd8b82

ah yeah, if there are any batteries around we can try to fix the car, hopefully with, uh, heather's upgrade she(?) can command the vehicle with a security override. not like the previous owners can miss it.
No. 664865 ID: 0280a9
File 144044877302.jpg - (177.76KB , 512x512 , comunicashiuns.jpg )

Sivex attempts to use the com-Magical window
-The tree says this armor is better than your other armor.
Johan: If it does tell you wand of crazy I will make them family heirlooms and he can name them.
Wasn’t a cut hand in this counter?
Heather: Understood.
Do you need assistance with your communications?

-No! I can make it work.
Heather:If you allow-
-No! Its mine!
Heather: Central Relay have authorized me to give you an armor if you-

-Where is it?

Heather: I will give it to you if you allow me to assist your communications.

-Hmmm……That is acceptable!
No. 664870 ID: 0280a9
File 144044921142.jpg - (114.06KB , 512x512 , cardboarcuiras.jpg )

Heather goes back to the room and brings Sivex an “armor”

Heather: There’s no other weapons or armor in functional condition in the area, no energy probes either.

-I feel protected!

Sivex gives Heather the communication device.

Johan: pffhaha..well now sprog you got yourself something , wanna trade?


Sivex equips the “ +1 shogun mark 2 type cardboard cuirass”!!

-Johan how can my allies difference themselves from hellions?

Johan: If they are like you... well it will be hard, but if they speak I’m sure they won’t harm them.

Heather uses the communication device…
No. 664871 ID: 0280a9
File 144044947569.jpg - (226.52KB , 512x600 , comunicashiuns2.jpg )

????:Im just worried that young lady Nelis be confounded with a fornicatr-


Nelis: There’s nothing wrong with my outfit!!

Tosigo: He is just messing with you Neli im just as skimpy as ya.


????:About that when lady Tosigo is going to get a couple of stays?

Tosigo: You can buy me un as soon as we find the first tailor ya old coot.Sivex hope you haven’t move from where you was kid or im gonna be really mad with you…

Heather: Communications are online.

Johan moves next to the screen.

Johan:Pegin you old fox you are alive!!!

Pegin:Ah Johan!! Bloody good see you alive too!!,well see you from this apparatus.

-Johan!you are interrupting the comunicacation of the tree!!

Figueroa:Pero que mier…

You have made contact with your allies!
No. 664889 ID: 3663d3

to tosigo: a soldier in a gas mask tried to stab sivex with a knife, and called his friends, we had to bail or risk getting stabbed up, so now we are trying to get to the surface again. you should try to do that as well, will make it easier to meet back up.
No. 664891 ID: ea0ad9

>Johan: pffhaha..well now sprog you got yourself something , wanna trade?
Pffhahah indeed, but the armors distributed are exactly what each of you needed, so no trades. Trust me, Johan, "Type Cardboard" is going to be useless for you. Unless you like shooting potatoes, but that's a gun type not an armor type.
> -Johan!you are interrupting the comunicacation of the tree!!
No, no, Sivex, he's a part of our communication now. We're a tree we branch out, right? Connecting our new allies into the conversation is exactly how we're doing that.
No. 664901 ID: 330ce5

Ask how the others are doing then find out where everyone is (save for Figueroa) and reform the group into one unit.
No. 664914 ID: 9297f4

Oh hey, this quest is back.

Ayyy, it's Tosigo and Nelis.

Pegin looks like a conquistador, a solider that invaded other human villages for a rare metal called gold. But, he's probably a nice guy.

Time to regroup, the Tree is low on it's Tosigo love.
No. 670605 ID: 3e0b7b
File 144269553856.jpg - (169.07KB , 512x512 , comunicashiun3.jpg )

Nelis: Sivex are you alright?! .Is his Excellency with you?! is it's excellency unharmed?!

-Yes! the Tree is unharmed worry not!Tosigo! I was attacked by the sneaky guard!Also the tree is low on your love!

Tosigo:The what?

-The Sneaky guard force me into a retreat and I had to crawl into the metal caverns bellow were I found Johan who has a face like the Sneaky guard yet is not....I think.


Johan: You must be the Sprog family I guess? We should meet up this is not place for a kid-

-They are not my sisters and that's what the tree was going to say!


Johan:About that wand what is-

Tosigo: That's not yer bussines pal.


Peguin:Ho ho! I agree with the lady here Johan we should concentrate our efforts in getting back all together including our good friend Sneaky guard I say.

-Yes! all except Figueroa because the Tree says so!

Figueroa: You wait one damned moment you piece-

Tosigo: Shut yer trap a little whatsyourface,Sivex who is the person behind you two?

-That's Heather my hat!

Nelis: Your...hat?

-Yes! The great tree of knowledge ugadi-upgridi-make it more better!

Tosigo: Well your hat looks shady even for a Hellion...but if the Boss made it he must have his reasons,I just hope he can find something to cover yer hat...arms?

You feel a pang of resentment from Heather aimed at Tosigo the feeling conjures a word into your synapses it spells: bitch

Nelis:I still don't like this Hellion moniker

Peguin:Believe me young Nelis is for the best at the moment.

-Why you all messing with my hat? My hat knows the way to the upper level .The tree wants us to reunite so you must go down a level.

Johan Easy said than done,we are heading north were the ambush happened something probably is waiting for us there.But the map I saw and the sprog's hellion confirm that there may be a way up there.

Peguin:Hmmm...Maybe I could suggest that you wait there for us perhaps?

Nelis:I agree just Heather looks unharmed in your group at the very least I could fly ahead and see if it any danger or support your group.

Figueroa:Jodance! I still got questions.

-Figue you cant meet with us the tree say so!,Is jodance one of your deities?

Figueroa:Shut up!

Head north now? Wait and guide the other's to your current location? Other?
No. 670619 ID: 3663d3

let's head for the stairs that lead up, but wait near them instead of going up them. the others can meet with us there.

and its not that fugue can't meet with us, he's just unable to because he's really far away.
No. 670692 ID: 0f1c4d

Cautiously head north and guide the other group. That way is dangerous, but it is better for both groups to be heading towards that area than just one so they can meet up sooner.
No. 672718 ID: 2d89d5
File 144323133121.jpg - (153.34KB , 512x512 , centralwarehouse.jpg )

The group agrees to try to guide the other group trough the are so they can meet at any staircase that leads into the upper floor,Figueroa is still online. Sivex's group arrive at the end of the big hallway there's a massive open door...

Johan:This whole place now is lit up.

-What's that?

Johan:Shhh...damn i think it saw us...

Heather communes with you...

Heather: It appears to be some kind of infestation in the central warehouse.

A creature is sitting amongst the debris of the Central warehouse,it looks like is not paying attention to Sivex's group for now... What will Sivex's group do?
No. 672723 ID: 3663d3

what is the scale on that thing? campared to... johan, as in, how many johans put together would it take to be that size?

is it blocking the stairs? if not then we should plan for a pincer maneuver with our two groups attacking the beast from both sides.
No. 672746 ID: 2d89d5
File 144323789245.jpg - (128.76KB , 512x512 , mesure.jpg )


Acording to Sivex's appraisal the creature it is about 1 Johan and and a half of tallness,its sitting in a big slab of concrete,there's no stairs in view.(It's unknown if it carries a flaming sword,crown or potato sack or if it has wings.there's no proof that it doesn't have them though) The other group is not here .Sivex group haven't yet found any staircase to settle a safe place to guide them. Sivex's group can still try to guide them to their current location or try to bypass the creature.... Imput orders...
No. 672843 ID: 0f1c4d

Try to guide the others towards this locations; a huge open space like that is likely to have several openings, and entering the room at the same time would give us more numbers in case the thing attacks.
No. 672844 ID: 3663d3

yea, want to make sure to confuse it with our first move.
No. 672881 ID: 330ce5

See where the other group is and try to direct them here. Also have someone watching the creature at all times so that it doesn't get a jump on us.
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