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520680 No. 520680 ID: 885ee8

Okay, calm down. Not the end of the world. You just got invited to a party is all. A party in the crazy party part of town. Happens all the time to other people. You made friends at work. How did that even happen? You were so awkward but they just kept talking to you anyway and they invited you to a party. Never mind that you haven't really like, hung out with anyone besides your family and coworkers in years. Talking to people is easy oh god no it's not maybe you won't go after all.

You've definitely lost your composure. You can't even decide what to wear, and you design clothes for a living! Does that make it easier or harder to decide what to wear? They should do a study. You are the first data point. "Harder". Boop. Put that dot on the grid, right there. Actually you guess a dot wouldn't make sense, it's a binary choice. It would be a bar graph. Put that...little sliver down? Yeah.

You're stalling. Pick something to wear. To the party. The crazy party with your new friends. That you're definitely going to.

Oh god.
204 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 529853 ID: d78743

Zombies, because Ash Crow!
No. 529854 ID: a23afd

With fully-hidden shapeshifting, we wouldn't have to worry about scrying as much. It'd still be pretty obvious we're not normal if we go full natural form or otherwise change form to an unnatural shape. It's really super useful if we have to fight in public, though, because it allows us to greatly strengthen our more normal forms, via metal! As a side effect we can transmute meat to gold, or whatever metal we need. Anti-scrying sounds only useful for stealth and fooling our enemies. The necromancy-type thing seems like a good tool for protecting Ivet. If we have to chase after someone, we can leave a guard behind. We could also just generally use it for an effective combat boost and greater flexibility in combat, but only really with the stronger types of creatures. We only have the minotaur for this at the moment, so maybe we should wait on that upgrade. Also we keep running into paladins.

I think improved shapeshifting is our best option right now. It allows us to protect Ivet better in public, which has been our biggest problem. In private we have no issues.
No. 529861 ID: a23afd

Okay, we can't transmute meat to gold apparently but metal-shapeshifting is still really useful for defending Ivet in public, which is our main problem area right now. Also we'll be able to pick a new form with a cool-looking suit of armor, it'll be great.
No. 529865 ID: 014f9c

The Doppelgänger option has sooooooo many uses for misdirection. Who knows how much time people might waste trying to find the 'necromancer' who seems to keep abducting people and reanimating them as sleeper agents.
No. 529890 ID: 1ca426

My vote is for anti-scrying. That's been our biggest fear so far, and the greatest tool our enemies in government have against us. Besides, if we know definitively thAt we can't possibly be being watched, we can sneak around with impunity and get up to hijinx at our leisure. And eat and do science.

I know how sexy the other options are, but I'm sure we can raid a barracks or theives guild or something. And I'd feel more comfortable doing that if we had a built in magical radar deflector.
No. 529898 ID: 933f92

Also metal under the skin, metal bones, metal claws/teeth, being able to make equipment from our body, and so on. SO USEFUL.

(Also coooooool)
No. 529912 ID: ca3f7d

Until further notice I'm going to have to go for the near-perfect shapeshifting. It will allow for much better social interaction and cooperation. Does it allow better imitation of fabrics and other materials as well?

I take it any shapeshifted metal weapons still count as natural attacks since they are actually part of Viktors body?

Try to sneak up on Ivet and loom menacingly above her for fun. Show off any eventual new powers. If Nosa is sobering up then you could try to get back to the party you were at.
No. 529927 ID: 8c97cd

Either Shapeshifting or the anti-scrying. Leaning to wards shapeshifting.

Question: will the improved shapeshifting allow us to temporarily gain the natural powers/abilities of things we take the shape of?
No. 529941 ID: 885ee8

I won't do complete acidproofing, but maybe a power to create a coating of acidic goo that provides some acid resistance and causes acid damage on contact? Or maybe increase the spread of his acid weapon and make it more deadly?
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean you want me to literally give him a PP bar and a list of powers he can manifest? If that's the case, then no, purely because Vik's powers are confusing enough now even when they're at-will. Do you mean you want me to give him something off the psion power list as an at-will ability? Then the answer is "depends on the power". As long as it's thematically appropriate and not way overpowered, it's fine, just like any other suggestion.
No. We will usually be able to mimic abilities that are a byproduct of the creature's physiology, but not supernatural abilities unless we already happen to have one that overlaps.
No. 530002 ID: b8ceae

How about expanding your magic so you can cast whatever Orisons and Cantrips you want?

If not, then could the zombie power eventually be improved so that we can properly manifest creatures we've eaten? Specifically, with all their memories and personality so they can blend in perfectly?
No. 530018 ID: 1a525d

Throwing my support behind shapeshifting. If we can suddenly looklike some rare esoteric magic user instead of an eldrich monstrosity whenever we change form then both battle and utility shifting are available when we want to keep a relatively low profile but aren't isolated from the public eye. Plus this will let us mimic armor if we take zombie down the line and want to spawn soldiers.
No. 530037 ID: 5a5dd4

voting for tentacle zombie powers.

We can have a pet zombie cow, what's not to love?
No. 530046 ID: 57a559

Oh I guess I just wanted either some good old fashioned telepathy or mind fucking power. To fuck with minds (either to attack an enemy or to arouse Ivet, fuck is a double meaning in that sentence). Maybe like being able to send a radio signal to adjust others emotions... Empath powers, that's right, that's what I wanted. I worded it like that in the original post because, well, I kinda didn't know what I wanted. Like, I wanted something that was like Telepathy, but cooler because we can already IM each other with sending stones. Something that can buff allies and debuff enemies. I just didn't know the name. But since it seemed like that Viktor didn't have a psychic brain I'd have to ask for an upgrade to a psychic brain first so I made a suggestion for that.

But I liked advanced shape-shifting rank 2 or 3 (what are we on) too. So it was ultra confusing.
No. 530061 ID: 01531c

I suggest Hijack.

Victor can forcibly dive his flesh into the body of another living being to also take ownership of the soul that resides within: the powers and knowledge of the victim are completely at Victor's disposal.
If Victor attempts a technique that destroys the victim's form, or the form is otherwise mutilated with an otherwise fatal wound, the victim dies and is immediately absorbed into Victor's mass.

This process works because Victor takes ownership of the soul by sheer proximity (infesting the whole of the flesh, physically/metaphysically), and if the soul loses ANY integrity, Victor cannot hold back the consumption process any more than he already is in order to maintain the Hijack.
No. 530080 ID: 9cb233

That is a legitimately cool suggestion. I feel like it would leave the dude as little more than a flesh puppet though. Probably lethal, probably couldn't access memories or higher functions.

Changing my vote to zombies.
No. 530082 ID: 885ee8
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You channel your newfound power into gaining better control over the flow of your own body. You may now precisely mimic other creatures and change into any form without making your true nature readily apparent, as well as incorporating inanimate mundane materials like stone and metal into your forms.

The hunt is over, and the rush subsides. You fly back to Ivet, mind wandering to other ways to make use of Nosa's unconsciousness. As you get closer, you spy Ivet standing a ways off watching your approach intently.

You swoop down and drop heavily into the dirt, making a big show of spreading your clawed wings. She looks a little annoyed, but she's also blushing furiously and you can hear her heart racing. "You should have listened and gone for the bat first," she says.

"Mhmm," you growl in a deep bass, stalking closer and towering over her.

"We could have been found out, or..." She trails off and leans towards you. "How did it go?"

"The bat was fast. I was faster. The bull was strong. I was stronger. Both of them-" you flex your claws and smile as much as your armor-plated head can manage, "-were just food."

She exhales loudly and touches your jaw. "That is so hot. I can't believe we just did that. And fuck, you're big."

Oh, right. "Well, should I change-"

"No shut up we will make this work. Come here."

You guide her down into the leaves and steal a quick glance Nosa's direction to make sure that she's still- Uh oh. "Someone's coming."


"Looks like a horse."

"No rider?"


"It's probably-"

"We should-"

"I mean it might just be-"


You both look at each other uncertainly.
No. 530085 ID: a23afd

Why don't you just eat it? It's probably the Nymph paladin's. No big deal.
No. 530086 ID: bf54a8

quick shift back to barbarian dude.
No. 530087 ID: e3aff6

Change back to a normal form and investigate. I would not be surprised if they had intelligent horses around here, with all the odd fey types and such.
No. 530088 ID: 735f4f

Damn horses do not know how to read the mood. If having a horse stare at you during sex bothers you then go eat it.

Also paladins tend to have celestial mounts or highly trained war horses. So it might be looking for its master. If so go eat it.

On the off chance its not a horse but some shapeshifting whatever go eat it anyway.

If you want to get freaky right now just snake out a tentacle and have it eat it while you get it on.
No. 530092 ID: 57a559

Arouse her with your big lizard tongue and say you'll be right back.
Give her the bluest balls a lady could possibly have.
Then eat the horse.
No. 530094 ID: b8ceae

This, except for eating it. FIRST you need to see if it's a druid or something, then find out what it saw and anybody knows.
No. 530098 ID: 9cb233

No. 530099 ID: b5df96

...what if it's not a horse? What if it's a shapeshifter? What if it's a freaky mechanical horse Nosa's father sent looking for her?
No. 530117 ID: a23afd

Wait a minute. We can see the horse, but not a rider. That doesn't mean there is no rider! There could be an undead or construct riding it!

Get an eyeball on the situation before you just straight up try to eat it.
No. 530150 ID: f0357f

OK, time to be sneaky, and slightly mischievous.

Stay in dragon form.
Hunker down, and sneak your head/neck through the trees.
Initiate ChesireCatDragon.exe
No. 530166 ID: 933f92

Fun fact: Paladin mounts are supposed to be sentient.

Let's experiment and see if eating it helps slake our hunger.
No. 530209 ID: 885ee8
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You both sigh. "Can't take any chances, the way today's been going," you say. The horse thing is definitely approaching Nosa. You reluctantly start to shift back into your barbarian form, seamlessly shifting between the features of both as Ivet did when she shapeshifted.

Ivet pouts and throws her shorts at your face playfully. "Grab it and eat it here. I'll be waiting."

You grin and stomp through the bushes, ready to use your improved shapeshifting powers to just snatch it up with a tentacle arm unless you have a really good reason not to. You can see whatever it is lower its head down towards Nosa.
No. 530210 ID: 885ee8
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Pushing the leaves aside you survey your potential prey, you spy a white horse with a horn. Some kind of white light shines out of it, and Nosa suddenly wakes. The bruises on her face fade away. "Ugh, wh...what..."


"Hey, Nosa," you say, loud enough for Ivet to hear. She scrambles for her shorts.

"Hello there pretty lady," the horse creature says in a melodious baritone. "Looks like you ran into a bit of trouble."

Nosa sits up, looks the unicorn over, and beams. "Whaaaaaat," she says, and points to him. "You're a unicorn." She points again and looks at you. "Viktor, look! It's a unicorn!"

"I see that. Ah, how are you feeling?" you ask. You can't tell if she's still drunk and caffeinated or if she is just half-awake and excited.

"And you're such a beautiful, unspoiled woman left all alone in the dirt," the unicorn says, his tone growing more lurid. He steps between you and Nosa, turning away as if he doesn't even notice you. "Say, how about a ride? Would that brighten your day?"

"Would it? Yes!" Nosa exclaims.

You stride forward, a little annoyed. "I'm right here. She's not alone. It would be wise of you to bear that in mind."

Ivet pops up beside you, clothed. She spots the unicorn and looks a little shocked. "Gregor? Is that you? I haven't seen you around since I was, like, 14."

The unicorn points a plastered-on smile at you and Ivet. "Say, can I bum a smoke off one of you?" he asks.

"I didn't miss you either," she answers, stone-faced.

The unicorn shakes his head and turns back to Nosa. "Yeah, climb on, baby."
No. 530213 ID: bf54a8

"where, exactly, is this a ride to?"
No. 530217 ID: a23afd

Sooooo, Nosa is a virgin and unicorns are really hype for virgins. Sexually. I think Nosa would love a ride but tell the unicorn that if he runs off with her we're gonna hunt him down. While Nosa is having fun, take a closer look at her sword!
No. 530222 ID: f93024

tell him to go away or you'll turn him into a black unicorn
No. 530223 ID: a23afd

I'd like to remind everybody that we promised Nosa a good time and riding a unicorn honestly sounds pretty awesome!
No. 530224 ID: 888df6

You're absolutely correct.

So Viktor is going to shapeshift into a unicorn and ride off with both ladies on his back.
No. 530225 ID: af8414

It really does!
His intentions seem, uh, less than pure, sooo we shouldn't leave them to ride off unchaperoned
No. 530226 ID: bf54a8

unless for unicorns 'ride' means 'sex'
No. 530227 ID: af8414

Wait wait idea
We get Ivet to distract Nosa, pull the unicorn off for a "talk"
Once out of range we gobble him up.
Return to the ladies as the unicorn and whisk them both off for a ride
No. 530231 ID: acb7da

Jesus, that's dark.
No. 530235 ID: a23afd

I like it though. Eating the unicorn sounds like a GREAT meal. Only problem is being able to get close enough to him to do it.

Also pulling off the acting job to get Nosa to believe it's the same person. Also also cluing in Ivet on what's going on.
No. 530244 ID: b5df96

Wait, Ivet knows this joker. Obviously we need to look to her.
No. 530275 ID: 57a559

So... is 14, 18 in like mushroom years or like... nevermind.
Ugh, is this asshole dangerous? Have you seen him interacting with an adult before? I'm worried what a unicorn might do to an adult, like eat them or something.
He's got a fucking pedo soul patch going on. And handlebars and neck beards are supposed to have the pedo style monopoly, how did he make that beard into something that creepy?

I'm sorry Viktor but this guy just creeps me the fuck out. Worse than any of those stupid flirty men we've eaten.
No. 530429 ID: b8ceae

"Fair warning? She's our friend. Don't even think about screwing with her."
No. 530446 ID: 1a525d

Clearly the best solution is to get Gregor too drunk to drive (travel faster than a stumble) while conspicuously reminding Nosa to retrieve her ridiculously oversized magic sword.
No. 530498 ID: 885ee8
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"Ivet, is this guy...dangerous?"

"I don't...think so. He's just kind of a creep."

"She does seem awfully enthusiastic about the idea."

"Unicorns and elf maidens go together like paladins and your stomach. We did promise her a good time."

"Shouldn't let them out of our sight, though."

"Oh, definitely not."

You both stand there in silence for a moment.

"You're thinking about transforming into a unicorn, aren't you?"

You can't help but smile a little. "Maybe."

Neither of you speaks for a moment. Then Ivet starts to snicker. "Fine. Bit of a mood ruiner. But there's so many kinds of magic horses nobody could possibly know them all. At least try to improvise something a little badass."

You give it your best shot. Ivet smiles. "I guess it'll do." She hops up on your back.

"This wasn't how I was hoping to get your legs around me."

Ivet chuckles. "If he'd waited a little longer I'd have been riding a dragon instead. You know you killed three people, like, 5 minutes ago? Now you're a horse."

"I know. I'm getting mood whiplash."

"Well, let's at least try to have a little fun with this. Gimme my hat real quick."
No. 530499 ID: 885ee8
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"Alright, pony boy. You're not taking my friend anywhere 'cept on a race with us."

"Yessssss," Nosa exclaims, "We're gonna kick your butts, right Gregor?"

"Oh my. I can't very well say no to that, can I?"
No. 530502 ID: 1a30b7

Bugger, did we make sure to grab Nosa's bag and sword? We probably won't be coming back for them tonight (or ever, scene of a crime and all that).
No. 530504 ID: b9d767

Damn, we look awesome. And the hat on Ivet just makes me think "desperado". LET'S DO THIS!
No. 530505 ID: a23afd

Agree on a route ahead of time. Perhaps first to get to the Dip? Is that far enough away at the moment for a decent race? I'd say don't let him get too far ahead of you, but I think we'll have the opposite problem.
No. 530512 ID: e3aff6

I second the yessss. Lets race to somewhere that is not here before anyone else passes by and notices the signs of a fight.
No. 530518 ID: b5df96

Oh man, race time.

And that disguise hat really does come in handy.
No. 530535 ID: 01531c

Victor, Ivet, all I gotta say is...

Victor, as a demon horse you are probably expected to be capable of sprouting wings at opportune cheating moments or blast forward with a trail of DeLorean fire.
No. 530537 ID: 01531c

>I think we'll have the opposite problem.
Unicorns are known for their legendary speed, in particular when running away from filthy non-virgins.

The only faster equines are their cousins, the Pegasi, and the legendary Horse-Lords, who're probably all dead in this desert world.
No. 530622 ID: 60ad76

you do realize unicorns have greater teleport once per day, right? (also magic circle against evil)
No. 530685 ID: 2f4b71
Audio Jenkins_&_Waterfield_-_Dirty_Dollars_(SMAM_ver.mp3 - (4.26MB , Jenkins & Waterfield - Dirty Dollars (SMAM ver.mp3 )

Appropriate soundtrack.
No. 530750 ID: 076e51

I'm guessing Gregor stopped visiting Ivet when she stopped being a good girl. Literally.

Just make sure the race takes you out of the forest and past some epic views. Let Ivet take control and focus on sensing your surroundings and giving advice. There's no need to bring out any powerful abilities... Yet.

For bonus points try to get some cigarettes during the race so you can taunt Gregor at the finish line.
No. 530919 ID: bdb3f8

>I'm guessing Gregor stopped visiting Ivet when she stopped being a good girl. Literally.

You mean when she became a Woman, right? cause that is how unicorns work.
No. 532228 ID: 885ee8
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Ivet nods. "'Fore we go, Nosa did you get all your stuff?"

"Oh! Hang on, Gregor. I gotta grab by bag."

Nosa dismounts and moves to gather her things. You can tell by the way she's walking that she's still inebriated, though perhaps less than before. Ivet turns to Gregor. "Alright, I say we run over the river at the top of the dip, head left along the river and past the second waterfall, cross at the cliff houses, then down the cliff to the lake below."

"Sounds bracing. As for rules, no wings."

"No teleporting," Ivet retorts.

"No foul play."

"What, from me? I would never."

"Deal, then?"


Nosa, meanwhile, scoops up her bag and walks over to her sword. She seems to freeze in hesitation as she picks it up, but ultimately collects it. She hops back on and holds tight. "Are we ready?"
No. 532229 ID: 885ee8
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You make a few subtle shifts inside your body. Metallic skeleton. More room for muscles in your legs that way. Enough lighter materials in your chest to even out the weight. Pivots in your legs subtly reorganized to make better use of your superior strength.

"Ready," you say.

"Ready," Ivet repeats.

"Ladies, give us a countdown, three two one go," Gregor says.

Winning the race should be easy.


If anything, you should only have to worry about not getting too far ahead, you wouldn't want to lose sight of them.


You crouch down a bit to give your powerful legs some room to spring.


Ivet pulls herself low against you.


Your bear down and fling yourself forward, practically tearing the air apart in front of you. But, despite all your physical rearranging, Gregor is running neck-and-neck with you! You break through the trees and see the first landmark ahead. You know you're supposed to cross the river here and turn left. The river winds, wide and lazy, through a bridge to the right. to the left, it narrows considerably and flows through the roots of a large tree. The wide part is too wide to jump in one go, and the space under the tree is too low to allow you to jump over it there. You'll have to go for the bridge, unless you have a better idea.
No. 532232 ID: a23afd

Use your stickiness to handle the awkward footing of the tree roots, and go OVER them to cross the river.
No. 532234 ID: 76b151

can we use the roots as stepping stones?
No. 532269 ID: 60ad76

you can walk on walls, remember? run on the right side of the tree and wreck the bridge so he can't cross on it.
No. 532271 ID: a23afd

SIR! I believe that would be FOUL PLAY!
No. 532272 ID: bf54a8

also, wreak it with WHAT?

just run up the roots.
No. 532273 ID: bf54a8
File 137587417038.png - (166.16KB , 720x900 , root.png )

added da path
No. 532291 ID: 735f4f

Just because you are stronger does not mean you have ever been a horse before. You have to figure out the best way to run using 4 legs.
No. 532364 ID: b817a5

Can you sing a rousing song as you ride?

Wouldn't it be possible to simply run across the water (under the tree?) if you minimize your own weight and widen your hooves. Kind of like a basilisk. Or you might even be able to use your innate magic to thicken the water.

Ask Ivet what she can do to power you up or alter the terrain. Has she got any spells prepped like Cat's Grace or anything that could speed you up? The rules you set really don't prohibit self-enhancing magic in any way.
No. 532367 ID: bf54a8

wait, what are we doing?! we should just follow him and then right before the goal we pull out all the stops and dash past him. getting a win.
if he goes for under the roots then yeah, go over.
No. 532457 ID: 885ee8
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You cut across and make straight for the tree. To your surprise, Gregor doesn't go for the bridge either! He runs full speed towards the water's edge on the far side of the tree.

"Hey, you got any magic that could help me out?" You ask Ivet as you break left for the root.

Ivet responds first by pressing her hand to your shoulder and speaking some magic words. You suddenly feel a bit more limber and agile, but not particularly faster. "Cat's Grace!" she says. "Summons and stuff. Tell me what you need."

Hooves clattering against the wood, you dart up the side of a particularly large root, weave your way up it, and leap across the gap over the waterfall. Ivet whoops. You hear some Fey in the tree cheering excitedly as you land heavily on the root on the opposite side.
No. 532458 ID: 885ee8
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Wasting no time, you dart over the tree to the far shore and slide as you land. You pick up speed along your new trajectory just in time for Gregor to catch up to you on the left, as he simply sprinted across the water's surface like it was solid and kept running. Unfortunately, you're still neck-and-neck. Fortunately, if you hadn't made the leap, you'd be pretty far behind now since you don't think you can run on water.

Racing down the slope, you reach the level of the water again, only for it to drop off in another waterfall. In the cliffs on either side of the ravine you see a number of dwellings with bridges built across the gap. Attracted to the commotion, a group of harpies ahead take flight, cheering and whistling. From all the high perches and areas only accessible by flight, you suspect this must be a harpy village. You know you're supposed to cross again here, but the nearest bridge only looks like it has room for one of you, and the unicorn has the inside advantage.
No. 532460 ID: d78743

..Could Ivet summon something(possibly a flying something) in the middle of the gap you could jump on and use as a stepping stone to jump to the otherside? Because that would be awesome.
No. 532461 ID: a23afd

...I don't suppose Ivet could summon a giant bird that we could then jump off of to cross that gap without using the bridge? That's technically not using wings.
No. 532474 ID: 406926

We're strong as hell and extra nimble thanks to Ivet's spell; leaping is once again our answer here, I think. If we can't clear the gorge directly, then jump only part of it and use the bridge as a step in the middle, aiming to keep our angle as direct as possible toward our destination instead of slowing to turn. Hopefully this will also allow us to pass Gregor, as if he takes the bridge normally we'll be taking a shorter path than he will- and we might startle him a bit if our timing ends with us landing right in front of him as he's crossing.
No. 532477 ID: 5a5dd4

Is the top of the nearest harpy perch attached to anything?

If it's not, could we take out the base and knock it over either with spells or ramming to make our own bridge across the chasm?

Perhaps even run across it while it's still falling to be as awesome as possible?
No. 532481 ID: b8ceae

Instead of TURNING onto the bridge and going across it like a sane person, JUMP over the canyon at an angle and use the bridge as a platform. It won't save you much time on crossing, but it WILL keep your momentum going towards the exit.
No. 532482 ID: 5663f2

Crazy idea-do the straight jump onto the bridge, but right as you land-maximize weight as much as you can without changing size or shape, and break the bridge on impact, then jump off towards your destination. If the Unicorn follows, he'll end up falling with it!
No. 532483 ID: bf54a8


did you forget nosa is riding him? we can't do something that would be horribly dangerous.
No. 532489 ID: 406926

The unicorn can probably jump at least somewhat, we don't want to hurt Nosa, and we agreed to no foul play. Overall, this is not a great idea.
No. 532544 ID: 885ee8
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No. 532545 ID: 885ee8
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No. 532546 ID: 885ee8
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You take the lead to cheers (and a little bit of whining about the destroyed pole). All that's left is the final stretch down to the water.
No. 532547 ID: a23afd

I believe the most direct path here is to behave like a mountain goat and just jump down from rock to rock. Cat's Grace should help there. Don't fall TOO far- Ivet can't handle the shock as well as you can.
No. 532561 ID: f0357f
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>behave like a mountain goat and just jump down from rock to rock
Mountain goats jump from "wall to wall", similar to the acrobatics in prince of persia or overgrowth games.

Victor could take a path like this.
No. 532654 ID: c7a6e3

While I really like this idea I think we might need to shapeshift up a serious shock absorbing saddle for Ivet (maybe with an integrated harness) if we don't want to accidentally throw her on he way down.
No. 532656 ID: 148f10

Pffft. Don't be a pussy Viktor! Just jump down in one majestic leap! Transform mid-air to a huge air-filed pillow or something to cushion it. Aerodynamic pillow though so that you can actually fall quick enough.
No. 532699 ID: 735f4f

Ok for the last part I like the mountain goat idea. Make sure you do not bounce Ivet around to much while you are going down though.

So make sure to absorb the impact as best you can when you make each landing so Ivet does not smack her head on your back and get thrown off.
No. 532720 ID: 1a30b7

Or Ivet could summon something soft for us to land on? I'm pretty sure she can't magic up a series if vines bridging the peaks we currently plan to hop down across, but she can probably make a giant mushroom grow at the bottom or something. Right?
No. 532728 ID: ecc586

Just take it easy. Don't go overboard. You're doing this to let Nosa have fun after all. Give them a good chance to win.
No. 532859 ID: ae7d08

Just run straight down the wall beside the path.
No. 532940 ID: 01531c

Victor must extend the flesh on his back to wrap around Ivet's frame like a very thick rubber suit.

That will absorb the shock and hold her in place so her neck cannot break from whiplash.
No. 533134 ID: 885ee8
File 137611207989.png - (131.75KB , 720x900 , 43.png )

"Hold on tight," you call out as you leap clear off the cliff. You twist in the air to kick off the side of another boulder farther below, taking it a little slower than you might otherwise out of concern for Ivet's well-being. Still, barring any unforeseen developments, you're confident in your lead.
No. 533135 ID: 885ee8
File 137611213303.png - (123.81KB , 720x900 , 44.png )

Gregor whinnies loudly. There is a flash of bright light in every color from beside you as a rainbow bridge arcs down from the top of the cliff all the way into the water. Gregor gallops forward, hooves striking the rainbow like a solid object, making sparks where they connect. He starts to gain on you, and you think he might beat you to the water!

"I'm gonna dismount!" Ivet says. She casts a spell from your back, and suddenly a roaring wind kicks up from behind you, pushing you forward. Ivet leaps off your back into the wind and is blasted ahead! You're struck by a sudden panic. Now without a rider to protect, you leap mightily over the furthest rocks straight for the water, ready to morph wings and snatch Ivet out of the air if she seems to be in danger. You're relieved to note that not only has she flown in an arc that gets her clear of the rocks, she also started shapeshifting into some ferocious sea beast in midair. Only after this realization does it dawn on you that you've flung yourself irrevocably into the water at high speed without preparing yourself for the impact.
No. 533136 ID: 885ee8
File 137611216242.png - (146.26KB , 720x900 , 45.png )

You pull your legs out straight in a dive and smash through the water's surface, spinning and flailing at the odd buoyancy of your shifted form. Straightening out your unusual density, you kick upwards and breach the surface at about the same time as Gregor and Nosa, the former of whom apparently chose not to treat the water as a solid so he'd have more cushioning for his final leap.

Nosa sputters and coughs. Then she smiles. "WOO!" she yells. Ivet pops out of the water with Nosa's handbag in her jaws and nudges her to the shore where she can stand.

You look up and see half a dozen harpies drifting down from overhead, as well as some selkies swimming towards you from further out in the lake. "So, who won?" you ask Gregor.

Gregor doesn't look at you. His eyes are locked on Nosa, who stand up on the shore and squeezes her hair out, her polka dotted dress clinging tightly to her skin. "Who cares?" he asks.
No. 533141 ID: 735f4f

I think he has a point. We certainly showed Nosa a good time. Lets stay in this form for a bit while we have the audience.

Still want to keep a eye on Nosa but she is a adult so don't go overboard chaperoning her.
No. 533183 ID: 60ad76

adult or not, she's way drunk and friends protect drunk friends. she can't make informed decisions like this at all and she'll regret going with gregor.
No. 533186 ID: 939000

I am prety sure nobody is gonna be going anywhere, mate. Long as Gregor is content to keep his distance and just watch, I dont see any point in starting shit. Hell, dude might even make a good drinking buddy later on if he manages not to fuck up and do something dumb like try to get it on with our drunk friend there.
No. 533189 ID: a23afd

Oh c'mon, did he suggest this route just to get Nosa drenched? Still, that was pretty exhilarating all around. Also Ivet looks adorable as a shark.

Ask the selkies who won.
No. 533214 ID: bf54a8

give the birds a payment for that perch you broke.
No. 533254 ID: bdb3f8

Ivet suggested the route, mate.

So apparently Gregor is kind of a creep that Ivet used to know. I wonder how long till she tells us to eat him too. That's what she's done with all the others.
No. 533259 ID: bf54a8

when nosa isn't around anymore.
No. 533290 ID: 557349

Chat a bit with Nosa and Gregor. Tell Gregor he's pretty damn fast. If the terrain wasn't slightly in your favour you'd probably have lost. Ask Nosa if she wants to keep messing around or go home.

If possible then stay in the water, transform into a sea beast yourself and play sharksies with Ivet and the selkies. Drink Nosas tequila.
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