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File 136599215604.jpg - (363.33KB , 1000x1000 , The Starting Point.jpg )
505796 No. 505796 ID: 2b6765

((This is my first time starting one of these quests. Just a quick heads up.))

There's a girl lying on the floor, barely awake. She doesn't know where she is or even who she is. The only thing she knows is that she has a throbbing headache pulsating through her skull.

What's her first move of action?
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No. 506818 ID: d6ef5d

...I'm not sure, actually.
No. 506942 ID: 2b6765
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Violet stays quiet for a second . She didn't really know who she actually was herself. The only thing she knew was that her name might be Violet.

"It's... Vie." She didn't really trust him completely so why should he get her full name? "But... Do you know where we are? I'm... sort of very lost."

The boy just smiles at her, "I don't know either. What I do know is that I'm safe."
No. 506945 ID: d6ef5d

Yeah, that's... not an unusual or worrying thing to say at all.

What's up with his eyes? Is it just me or does he not have any pupils?
No. 506970 ID: f2c20c

Ask him if he's seen the... blood-creature.
No. 506995 ID: 056bcb

Well readying your crowbar ask safe from what
No. 507216 ID: 2b6765
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Violet looks at him with a slight hesitation to ask anything else. She didn't know if she WANTED to know anything else from him. His eyes are closed and she didn't want to ask why they were. Seems like it was none of her business in the first place. She just met the guy.

Violet takes a deep breath and just comes out with it, "Have you seen any monsters... A bloody one in particular?"

"I'm sorry, I can't answer that straight. I'm blind, you see... But, I've been hearing activity around the city a whole lot more, if that helps."

Violet ponders about this for a second and then asks while gripping the crowbar a little tighter, "Well... Then maybe you can help me with this. What do you mean by safe? Safe from what?"

There was silence for a moment before he answered, "This shack keeps me safe from the Summoned. It's enchanted."
No. 507219 ID: 001618

what are the Summoned and how the hell do we get out of this city.
No. 507222 ID: d6ef5d

...what are the summoned? (And hope to yourself you're not one. After all, you have no memory, and no idea how you got here, conceivably you could have been 'summoned' or something).
No. 507236 ID: f2c20c

Ask if you can come in, then.
No. 507258 ID: 2b6765
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Violet looked at him worried on what he meant. She processed all the things he said and asked, "Do you know what the Summoned are?"

There was a long pause before he answered point blank, "No."

"All right..." That pause left an eerie feeling inside of her like she did something wrong with asking. Violet quickly shook it off, "Then... May I come in?"

"No, I think you should leave. This shack only works for me and me alone. If you come in or if I go out, the enchantment is gone. I want to be safe, you need to find your own haven. I think you might have left it."

Violet was very confused.
No. 507260 ID: d6ef5d

...all right. You won't come in if he doesn't want you to.

You don't think you left your haven though. You woke up in a place of fear and blood, not of safety.
No. 507262 ID: f2c20c

Aw crap, I guess that room that was boarded up from the inside was our haven. This sucks.

I guess we can move on... but one last thing, ask if he has anything in there that could help us. Surely items can cross the boundary without breaking the enchantment?
No. 507271 ID: 9ddf68

well our haven wasn't very... well heaven-y. well thanks for nothing, see yea when i see yea all that good stuff, I think we should get out of this city before night fall.
No. 507613 ID: 2b6765
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Violet felt conflicted. She didn't know if that place was haven or not. Inside of that room... Seemed like someone didn't like her very much from the look of it. All of the bad stuff didn't happen until she left the room. All this thinking did was make her head hurt more than it should.

"Hey... Then... If you can, can you toss any items out of the window that could possibly help me... Live in this city for the time being?"

"Yeah... I threw stuff out of here before and nothing happened. I'll give you something to help you," he tossed a small green bag out of the window. "This should be a good inventory for you. Skirts suck at holding things."

It seems he's not heartless after all.
No. 507614 ID: f2c20c

Thank him and ask if there's anything he needs. You could get him stuff!
No. 507615 ID: 9ddf68

well start looking around and see weather or not if you can't find a map or maybe something else useful.
No. 507616 ID: d6ef5d

Thank you!

...wait, if you're blind, how'd you know I was wearing a skirt?
No. 507617 ID: 2fbf20

It could be blindsight.
No. 507618 ID: 67d5dc

So... how does he know you're wearing a skirt?
No. 507619 ID: 2b6765
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"Uhm... If you're blind, how did you know I'm wearing a skirt?"

The guy just kept looking in her direction as if contemplating something. A second passed before he explained, "I could hear something blowing in the wind, so I took a guess. I guess I was right." He smiled a bit.

Violet kept looking at him with suspicion but she didn't bother to keep asking about it. Blind people do have stronger senses if they work hard enough. She also didn't want to make him mad since he could possibly be more of help for her along the way.

"Well... Thank you. Do you need anything since you can't leave that shack?"

The guy just stood there with a thoughtful look for a second.

"There is one thing... Could you find a girl for me? I don't know where she went. Tell her Blue sent for you to look for her."
No. 507620 ID: 9ddf68

this girl got a name, would hate to get the wrong girl by mistake after all.
No. 507623 ID: 2b6765
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"Does she have a name? Anything to try and go by?" Violet's confused of how to find this girl she needs to look for.

"Uhm... She calls herself, Yellow. If that helps."

Violet sighs and thanks him putting the sack over her. She started to travel through the city.

There's a clothing store by her, a grocery store, a building with nothing on it but random broken lights, and more other random buildings she couldn't describe.
No. 507655 ID: d6ef5d

>Blue, yellow
Huh. More color names.

>where go?
Try the grocery store. You're going to need food and supplies. You literally can't remember when you last ate, anyways.
No. 507662 ID: 9ddf68

lets go grocery shopping as I hear they have a five finger discount going on right now, you better get there quick before it's all gone, but just be careful other places in this city are probably just as dangerous or even worse then that one building we escaped from.
No. 508046 ID: 2b6765
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Violet starts to think about it for a second before she evidently went with the smarter choice at hand.

She heads over to the grocery store and walks in. The place looks old and intensely dusty. Some things were broken and the store didn't look like it was open for years, if not ages.

Violet poked her head around the store checking all the food items before putting some in her pack. For a store that's old, there seems to be a whole lot of good food that doesn't match the scenario.

Violet kept walking along the store, finding random things here and there... But, in the midst of all the items and junk, she hears a sound coming from the back room of the employee's only door.
No. 508048 ID: 5aa752

Maybe just leave.
No. 508049 ID: d6ef5d

Huh. What are the expiration dates on stuff? If you check perishable items with short expiration (like milk) you'll get a decent approximation of when this place... stopped. Although that's only half helpful, since we don't know what the date is now.

>noise in the backroom
Investigate, carefully.
No. 508056 ID: 2b6765
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Violet looks over at the door in contemplation. If that bang came from something other than human... All she has is random food from her bag, whatever might be in that room, and a crowbar. If it was an actual human, then maybe that person would be of some help if the person is normal.

Slowly, she went to the door and listened to for a moment for anymore sounds that may come. The sounds kept going but there was a different sound in the mix of the familiar noises that were happening.

Violet slowly cracks open the door to look inside before making herself known by whatever may be inside.

There was a girl tinkering with something and she kept cursing under her breath in the process. Violet thought she was a bit odd, but didn't make any sudden movements yet.
No. 508058 ID: d6ef5d

No. 508060 ID: ad2527

Knock on the door frame to let your presents be know but keep your distance from her. If she ask for your name just tell her what you told blue, it's Vie. Also if she isn't hostile ask if she is yellow.
No. 508138 ID: 9747ef

No. 508180 ID: 2b6765
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Violet lifts her hand and slowly knocks on the door, holding her breath. The girl in front of her jumped a little, clearly startled.

"H-hello...?" The small voice asks as the girl turned her head over to the door to see if she can see what was beyond.

"Hello... Are you... Safe?" Violet asks as she peeked her head from the door to get a better look.

The girl kept looking at her for a moment and then her expression turned blank and her voice turned cold, "What do you think?"
No. 508181 ID: d6ef5d

Uh, I guess not, sorry.

Are you Yellow then? (Her eyes are. And yours and violet. If the pattern holds...). I'm Vie. I met someone called Blue who was looking for you.
No. 508182 ID: 001618

I think this city sucks and would like to leave if given the chance, but who are you and what are you doing here. As for me I'm Vie and I'm looking for a way to get out of this city.
No. 508184 ID: 2b6765
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"Well... This city sucks and like you, I think you're looking for a way out too. Are you... Yellow, by chance?"

The girl turned and looked at her, pointing a knife right in Violet's direction, "How do you know my name? Are you one of them too? Trying to pretend to be human so you can infect the other cities with your disgusting self to shout more proclamations of false truth?"

Violet shook her explaining, a bit confused on what in the world Yellow was spouting herself, "No... My name's Vie! I met someone named Blue and it seems that he's trying to find you. He just can't leave his shack..."

Yellow kept eying Violet, "Vie... hmph. You have a strange name for a color based city for us. Whatever, I don't give a shit anyway on who you are anyhow. Just... Take me to, Blue... Weird girl."

Yellow placed her hand out toward Violet, lowering her knife to her side. She actually wanted to be lead to Blue and she wanted Violet to lead, like a seeing-eye dog.

Violet couldn't help but feel a bit offended by this.
No. 508185 ID: d6ef5d

Well, it's not hard to guess your name when everyone has eyes the same color!

...and huh. Didn't guess that abbreviating your name might backfire. Oh well. What's done is done.

Yeah, but rude people are better than scary blood monsters. And it might be nice to eventually find out what's going on.

Might as well lead her back to Blue. I mean, if you grabbed some food for later, it's not like you have much else to do.
No. 508186 ID: 001618

not to be rude but do you really expect me to drag a girl who just threatened me with knife by the hand while she still has the knife in her hand? look I'll show you the way but I'm not to comfortable getting near someone who seems a little stab happy. also what do you mean infect other cities, we just woke up an hour or 2 ago and have no idea what is going on other then this city really hates me and i would like to leave it.
No. 508191 ID: 2b6765
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Violet made a face at her, as clearly, she didn't like her one bit or wanted to know anything else probably in the first place. She probably didn't care about anyone else but herself in the long run, it seems.

"...Promise you won't do anything if I take your hand to lead to him?" Violet glanced over at the knife.

"Tell you what, I'll do something better," Yellow tossed the knife to the side of her. A small clang! could be heard as the knife landed on the floor. "See? Now take me, Blue!"

"All right..." Violet grabbed her hand and started to bring Yellow along with her to the exit. "So... What were you saying about something infecting other cities?"

"You don't need to know, anymore. You're not one of them, just be thankful about that much. I took care of the one that I found already." Yellow was being a snob, that much was for sure.

"If you know ANYTHING, please, tell me. I want to figure out how to leave this city and what to expect. Anything at all would be VERY helpful, you know."

Yellow listened closely before she spoke up, "Fine, since you're SO pathetic and starting to beg me, then... Okay. I guess I could tell you something," Yellow took a deep breath and then released before explaining, "I don't know what they are or why they came here. I found one that infected a human... She kept telling me I'm fine, I'm fine... Tch, like I was going to believe such a freak. So, I locked her up and now she has no way of escaping. One down, who knows how many to go. Her body lost some human properties as well... Disgusting."
No. 508193 ID: d6ef5d

Oh I hope she's not crazy and locked some poor girl up somewhere. (Play along for now, though. Don't want her turning on us. We could always double back and check things out later).

Um. How could you tell she was infected? What's the signs? What do we need to watch for?
No. 508194 ID: 9ddf68

So what your saying is that someone who is infected is very easy to pick out of a crowd, well that's good to know, and what is your connection with blue anyway?

just talk as you walk as I would like to find somewhere to hold up before night falls.
No. 508200 ID: 5a42fa

I bet she's talking about us.
No. 508206 ID: 78c6ea

Oh no people are being turned into furries!
No. 509690 ID: 2b6765
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Violet kept leading her out of the store while asking her random questions about the ones who has the infection from the Summoned.

Yellow kept glancing at her over and over again as she answered, "They're very easy to point out. They turn into something that's not even human anymore. Hopefully you don't run into any of them, I have a feeling you won't be able to take care of yourself." Yellow smirked, imagining the scene in her head. She wouldn't mind to get another girl out of the way. She just wants to be the only one.

Violet ignored her snarky remark and went onto another question, "What's your connection with, Blue? I mean... How long have you guys known one another and-" before Violet could finish, Yellow jerked her hand away from her's and ran up to the shack where Blue is.

Yellow went up to the window yelling in, "Blue? Blue, it's Yellow. I'm here..." she stayed silent for a moment before speaking up again, "That place didn't have what you wanted. I'm sorry, I tried, Blue." Yellow looked a little a pained as spoke those words.

All there was inside of that little shack was silence and more silence. Nothing came out of that shack and no one came to the window from inside of that shack. Yellow started to get worried and panicked.

"Where... Where is he? Blue? He should be here...!" Yellow looked through the window some more, not daring to go in. "I... I don't think he's here! BLUE!?" Yellow ran off without Violet in a huff.
No. 509692 ID: d6ef5d

>She wouldn't mind to get another girl out of the way. She just wants to be the only one
...how do we know that? Is violet a mind reader now?

Note which direction Yellow ran off in case we decide to go after her later, and peer into Blue's house (don't enter though, remember his wishes). He isn't there? Anything look wrong, or changed?
No. 509697 ID: 2b6765
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((Violet felt like she wanted to get rid of her so she could be the only one around that's at least a female. She already locked one up, it wouldn't be too far off of a feeling.))

Violet looked through the window trying to find anything wrong with the scenery.

From seeing through the window. Violet couldn't really see anything different from the last time. What if he was in trouble inside of the house and the enchantment somehow broken while she and Yellow were gone? She didn't want anything to happen to him, he seems like a nice kid... For the most part.

Violet kept looking around through the window, trying her best not to jump through and look for him inside. It seems to be nothing but a dead-end of Blue's mysterious disappearance.
No. 509700 ID: 9ddf68

look through the window to see if there are any obvise sings of a sturgel or something, if not try and find a spot to hold up for the night and we can come back in the morning to see if everyone is alright, if there does look to be signs of a struggle DON'T go in as we might hurt blue more then help, just look around the shack and see if you can find/see a trail or something that leads our of the shack and maybe follow it to see where it goes.
No. 509712 ID: 2b6765
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Violet kept looking through the window. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to see anything interesting or forcefulness inside of the shack. A sigh escaped her lips, getting a bit worried about him.

Violet gave up with the window and decided to look around the area. Maybe the perimeter would be able to help her find some clues.

As she looked around the shack, she noticed something a little off in the back. There's a door that could go inside of the shack. With a closer inspection... The lock's broken and it seems that someone forced the lock open to get in, from Violet's deductions.
No. 509720 ID: 9ddf68

well is there some kind of trail for you to follow (either heading towards or away from the shack), as I don't want to go in as it might just end up hurting blue more then helping him, maybe if you see yellow again you can tell her about the lock but for all we know the lock was like that already before Blue disappeared. I mean he could just be sleeping or something.
No. 509729 ID: 78c6ea

Open door. Receive furries.
No. 509733 ID: d6ef5d

Open door, but don't enter, yet. See anything?
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