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File 135925550149.png - (34.26KB , 757x542 , ahsely quest 1.png )
487797 No. 487797 ID: 52b3ea

((Hello! This is the creator of Jillquest. As I do plan on continuing it, I wanted to start this up as well. Now before this starts, I just wanted to put up a trigger warning because there will most likely be some triggering stuff.

Anyway, here we start)

Your currently walking among this meadow
You feel happy.
5 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 487820 ID: 52b3ea
File 135925954358.png - (18.77KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 4.png )

"Hey..hey buddy..come closer" sats the flower.
You assume the flower wants you to come closer, so you kneel down next to it.
No. 487822 ID: 53688c

I see nothing suspicious about this situation at all.

The harmless flower probably wants you to smell it, so lean in really close and just rub your nose in it.
No. 487823 ID: 78c6ea

No. 487825 ID: 2de44c

r u high
No. 487828 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926066838.png - (16.32KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 5.png )

>I see nothing suspicious about this situation at all.
The harmless flower probably wants you to smell it, so lean in really close and just rub your nose in it.

You smile a little, flowers always smell nice, sniffing the cute little fella would be great.

You slowly bring your face closer to the flower, sniffing it.
No. 487832 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926109967.png - (27.13KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 6.png )

More start to surround you.
No. 487833 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926153780.png - (31.85KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 7.png )

And more.
No. 487839 ID: 78c6ea

Dear Ashley. My grandmother lives in New York, over 6000 miles away. I try to call her every Sunday, but she never answers me back. I stand on my roof shouting "Grandma, Grandma!" but I hear nothing. What should I do?
No. 487840 ID: 76b151

Welp, time to run away.
No. 487841 ID: bf54a8

hey they didn't yell dogpile, that means you are allowed out without penalty, jump up and run, they need to catch you and this time do it right.
No. 487842 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926306289.png - (35.81KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 8.png )

There's even more
You can't breath to well
You ask "H-hey, I like the hugs but could you stop now?"
No. 487843 ID: 78c6ea

No. 487844 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926352496.png - (41.98KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 9.png )

They don't stop hugging you
In fact there now hugging your arms down
"Hehe..guys this is really nice and all but could you please let go"
They start hugging tighter.
No. 487845 ID: e3aff6

They are clearly conspiring to steal your brain. You must decapitate them.
No. 487846 ID: 76b151

Well the flowers aren't respecting your personal boundaries. Its now ok to kill them. Pluck them from the dirt and crush them in your hands.
No. 487847 ID: 908c2d

Time to FREAK OUT!

No. 487850 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926417236.png - (44.58KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 10.png )

>Welp, time to run away.
You..you can't! There starting to wrap vines around you, oh god! Oh god fuck this hurts!
No. 487851 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926444717.png - (47.59KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 11.png )

>Time to FREAK OUT!
Oh god oh god fuck! Everything's getting ready dark and there grasping tighter onto you and fuck fuck fuck!
No. 487853 ID: 5d98c3

Well, that was probably one of the fastest losses of and advisee since The Protagonist Dies. Oh well, close up shop. Least it tweren't as bad as what happened to that poor shapeshifter in Bad End Quest...
No. 487855 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926512714.png - (46.07KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 12.png )

You can see them
see every single one of them; and there talking to you.
"Fucking die already" "Nobody wants you here" "Your a fucking mistake nobody ever wanted" "Die "
No. 487858 ID: 5d98c3

Dayum girl, don't listen to that dreck! You got FINE ASS LEGS, and a sweet personality ta boot! Just remember to under no circumstances think of Artax in the Swamps of Despair and you'll be perfectly fine!
No. 487859 ID: 53688c

Look on the bright side. At least they aren't raping you!
No. 487860 ID: 76b151

... I iterate my statement. They aren't respecting you so grab the roots of their hair and pull it out. Pain for pain is my motto.
No. 487861 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926559693.png - (16.38KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 13.png )

No. 487862 ID: 5d98c3

GODDAMMIT I SAID SPECIFICALLY DON'T THINK ABOUT THINGS LIKE THAT, SUGGESTION. What's she gonna think about NOW huh? Now we have to lose ANOTHER person to homicidal empathic rape plants all because YOU couldn't keep quiet!
No. 487865 ID: 5d98c3

Dang. Didn't actually think we'd lose another one to homicidal empathic rape plants after the last three.


Ummmmm... Wake up? Please?
No. 487866 ID: 908c2d

Ashley, if you aren't dead yet, I highly recommend fighting back. Start tearing plants and vines offa you. Use your teeth if you gotta.
No. 487868 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926604002.png - (33.06KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 14.png )

> Look on the bright side. At least they aren't raping you!

They start laughing, a few are in your dress
"No body would ever want to touch you, you sick fat freak" "Die already" "Die" "Die" "Die"
They all start chanting it
Die! Die! Die!
No. 487869 ID: 5d98c3

Now now, Ashley, what did your parents say about listening to peer pressure? If you haven't yet died of the massive internal injuries associated with the total loss of your abdomen, you most certainly can continue NOT dying.

Honestly girl, what you need in this situation is a bit of bloody mindedness in spike. As an evil hallucinatory duplicate of an evil madman once said, "Hatred is like mother's milk [in a situation such as this]." You'll be fine as long as there is anger and when anger fails, you have hope, and there is ALWAYS hope. Always.
No. 487871 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926635794.png - (42.51KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 15.png )

>fly into the air like a bird.
You sprout wings and are now in space
They keep chanting
Die. Die. Die.
No. 487873 ID: 5d98c3

This, is PROGRESS. As everyone knows, YOU CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING IN SPACE! Ergo, you can't hear the chanting can you?

By the way, where's the sun? Without the protective ozone of a planet, those plants will be hit with the power of the sun and burn. While some would consider this a poor plan as you're currently in the same location, the plants will be dead! Net gain! GO HIGHER! AIM FOR THE SUN! BURN THEM! BURN THEM ALL!
No. 487874 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926717610.png - (53.57KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 16.png )

>By the way, where's the sun?
The sun..the sun
it...its so bright...you can feel the flames in your body...
your burning
No. 487875 ID: 5d98c3

Welp. I really couldn't make this much worse if I actively tried. Guess I'd better keep trying to make it better! On the bright side, I'm sure the center of the sun is much too noisy to hear anything. And it'll be a distraction from the severe internal injuries!

Oh, and remember, you have friends you can count on. We're always here for you, and will help you whenever you ask.
No. 487877 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926775016.png - (65.43KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 17.png )

No. 487880 ID: 5d98c3

Hmmmmm... Have you tried thinking happy thoughts? Or visualizing Ibuprofen? I think happy thoughts might help this situation. And analgesics. Would you like a nice cup of willow-bark tea?
No. 487882 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926805729.png - (60.56KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 18.png )

>Wake up?
No. 487883 ID: bf54a8

well yeah, look at you, you are on fire. seems pretty dream to me.
No. 487885 ID: 76b151

You should have died with the plant going through your torso. Instead you flew into space. And started gettting burned from the sun. Definately dreaming.
No. 487887 ID: 52b3ea
File 135926869781.png - (25.28KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 19.png )

>I have one command to make it all better.

Wake Up.

You wake up.
No. 487888 ID: 5d98c3

I ask her to wake up and she continues on her trip down Grievous Bodily Lane, and someone else hops up and asks her and she immediately responds? Now I need some happy thoughts...
No. 487890 ID: 76b151

I think you might need drugs if thats the kinda dreams you are getting. Dreams aren't supposed to hurt after all.

Anyway. Go get a glass of water.
No. 487891 ID: 5d98c3

Dreams can hurt. Sometimes. If they're night terrors. You may have Night Terrors, Demonic Possession, or Unholy Visions Sent From The Nightmare Realms. Consult your doctor and/or priest about any medication you may be taking or ancient aboriginal burial grounds your house may be built on top of.
No. 487988 ID: 52b3ea
File 135930482058.png - (24.79KB , 757x542 , ASHLEY QUEST 20.png )

You decide to stumble out of bed, your shaking
>I think you might need drugs if thats the kinda dreams you are getting.

N-no..you get those all the time...its no big deal...
You cough a bit, god you feel awful.
No. 487989 ID: bf54a8

get something to drink
No. 487994 ID: 908c2d

>no big deal
>god you feel awful
Those are mutually exclusive statements.

Believe it or not, not getting enough sleep is actually bad for you. Really bad. So you're not getting enough sleep because of horrific nightmares? Guess why you feel like shit.
No. 487997 ID: 52b3ea
File 135930726638.png - (24.99KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 21.png )

>Go get a glass of water.
N-no..you can barely keep up...you need to go sit down
No. 487999 ID: 52b3ea
File 135930789906.png - (18.50KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 22.png )

You start dragging yourself to where you normally sit.
No. 488005 ID: bf54a8

seriously. get something to drink. and go take a piss. just flush your system.
No. 488007 ID: 52b3ea
File 135930953720.png - (18.08KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 23.png )

>get something to drink
No...really, your fine
Beisdes, you'd have to go outside your room to do that.
No. 488009 ID: bf54a8

so you have never had a drink or eaten anything since you went in the room? it isn't a matter of wanting a drink it's a matter of NEEDING a drink. ignoring needs will kill you.
No. 488022 ID: 908c2d

Bad Ashley! If you want to spend all your time on the computer, you need to at least have the self control to take care of yourself. That's rule 1 of a successful addiction.
No. 488028 ID: 52b3ea
File 135931224312.png - (15.09KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 24.png )

>seriously. get something to drink.
You don't want to get anything to drink, your fucking fine without it.
No. 488030 ID: 6677d0

Dammit girl, you've got to get out! You run the risk of becoming a brown recluse if you stay. Not a recluse, but an actua l giant spider!
No. 488031 ID: 52b3ea
File 135931268269.png - (22.08KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 25.png )

>it isn't a matter of wanting a drink it's a matter of NEEDING a drink. ignoring needs will kill you.

W-well..you know what...
No. 488032 ID: 52b3ea
File 135931294862.png - (21.29KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 26.png )

Your better of dead anyway...
No. 488033 ID: 52b3ea
File 135931320798.png - (23.19KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 27.png )

You log onto your computer
Might as well do something fun while your awake.
No. 488046 ID: 908c2d

>Your better of dead anyway...
You're better off

The sleep deprivation is affecting your speech.

And no, you aren't. There's nothing good about being dead.
No. 488051 ID: 78c6ea

What programs do you have?
No. 488068 ID: fa1344

Play some minesweeper to take your mind off your horrific nightmares of being shredded and scorched to death.
No. 488072 ID: a3f986

Get some fucking water. NOW!!
No. 488111 ID: 52b3ea
File 135932457940.png - (24.10KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 28.png )

>What programs do you have?
Not much, just some generic programs that are old and outdated. You'd use newer ones but your computer can't really handle it.
You click to go on the internet, maybe you can have some fun there
No. 488130 ID: 78c6ea

Try going to tgchan.org
No. 488145 ID: 6677d0

NOT AGAIN, NOT AFTER LAST TIME. Go to www.horribleunforgivable porn.com instead. That should take your mind off things.
No. 488471 ID: 52b3ea
File 135942597880.png - (22.06KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 29.png )

>Play some minesweeper to take your mind off your horrific nightmares of being shredded and scorched to death.

You were trying to forget about that.
You sigh and decide to check your email
No. 488472 ID: 76b151

So why do you think you deserve to die?
No. 488474 ID: 52b3ea
File 135942654478.png - (31.59KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 30.png )

Fuck, you have a shit load of messages from that shitty porn website, god you've never even looked at the dam site and you can tell how dumb it is.
No. 488475 ID: 52b3ea
File 135942684926.png - (21.93KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 31.png )

> Go to www.horribleunforgivable porn.com instead. That should take your mind off things.
No. 488477 ID: 52b3ea
File 135942702389.png - (21.91KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 32.png )

No. 488479 ID: 52b3ea
File 135942719896.png - (31.70KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 33.png )

...It wouldn't hurt to at least look for a few seconds
No. 488484 ID: 76b151

It probably will.
No. 488524 ID: cef479

>Not normalpornfornormalpeople.com

Tread with caution.
No. 488526 ID: 13ac0c

Or that might just stress you more. Besides, your eyes look a bit inflamed to stand staring at a screen for too much longer. Go get a shower, at least get some water on you if not in you.
No. 488546 ID: d1efde

What's the red mark on your arm?


That would just give her more nightmares.
No. 488626 ID: 52b3ea
File 135949825968.png - (31.69KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 34.png )

No. 488631 ID: 52b3ea
File 135949911715.png - (22.77KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 35.png )

>Tread with caution.
Whatever, it can't be that ba-
No. 488634 ID: 52b3ea
File 135949955828.png - (23.69KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 36.png )

>It probably will.
No. 488635 ID: 5d98c3

Don't worry, I have the perfect solution. All you need to do is read an Elder Scroll without preparation! That'll burn out the images you looked at to distract yourself from trauma.
No. 488636 ID: 52b3ea
File 135950094303.png - (22.23KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 37.png )

No. 488637 ID: bf54a8

rush to the bathroom and dryheave into the toilet.
No. 488638 ID: 52b3ea
File 135950120334.png - (23.65KB , 757x542 , ashley quest 39.png )

No. 488640 ID: 2accaa

No. 488650 ID: b6edd6

You could always close the browser window.
No. 488652 ID: 908c2d

You're lucky that's all there is.

Close the window! ctrl+f4
No. 488659 ID: 68bbc5

That's a typo, it's actually f5, not f4.
No. 488685 ID: 9ddf68

well it is a porn site what did you expect
...also you may want to run a virus scan on your computer.
No. 488736 ID: 5d98c3

Well you can't think about anything else now can you? Come on, let's go on an adventure to go find the river called Lethe. It's said to cause total amnesia~!
No. 489388 ID: 52b3ea
File 135976569468.png - (26.62KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 40.png )

>What's the red mark on your arm?
No. 489389 ID: 52b3ea
File 135976611560.png - (16.11KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 41.png )

oh, some of that shit got on you
No. 489404 ID: 52b3ea
File 135976754261.png - (19.85KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 42.png )

you can just wipe that shit off

(Im sorry I can't draw hands to save my life)
No. 489410 ID: 5d98c3

Well, while you're thinking of dicks and various bodily fluids, why not take a scenic trip to Lethe? I've heard it's LOVELY at this time of year. Don't bother packing any water bottles, I'm sure you won't feel thirsty when you get there...
No. 489427 ID: 52b3ea
File 135976968272.png - (23.61KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 43.png )

>Well, while you're thinking of dicks and various bodily fluids

dicks?? why the fuck would you be thinking bout dicks??
No. 489429 ID: 52b3ea
File 135977023348.png - (26.17KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 44.png )

dicks are fucking gross!!!!
No. 489432 ID: 908c2d

>oh, some of that shit got on you
What shit?

>dicks?? why the fuck would you be thinking bout dicks??
Presumably because your screen is full of them? In any event, you're now think about thinking about dicks, so you've lost the battle.
No. 489435 ID: 52b3ea
File 135977192662.png - (23.05KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 45.png )

>What shit?
this crappy ass halloween makeup you have to use
youd get all the cool shit but you cant right now
No. 489437 ID: 91c1b3

Did your computer/clothes just change?
No. 489440 ID: 908c2d

Why do you have to use Halloween makeup? (let alone the crappy-ass variety). Why wear it to bed, for that matter?
No. 489441 ID: 0006f5

forget scanning for viruses, what program is there for finding errors in space/time ?
No. 489447 ID: 52b3ea
File 135977355929.png - (25.14KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 46.png )

>Did your computer/clothes just change?
what???? no! you've been wearing this shit sense like, 6 am
and you've always had this piece of crap computer
No. 489448 ID: 52b3ea
File 135977379001.png - (23.91KB , 755x541 , ashley quest 47.png )

speakin of your computer, it looks like M's messaging you
No. 489454 ID: 91c1b3

See what she wants. What time is it now?
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